Atlanta’s Fox Force 5 has an exclusive interview with a very credible woman who says she had a 13-year consensual affair with Herman Cain, and Herman manages to lie and deny without calling her a harlot. On its face, this seems like progress for Herman. The day is young, however, so we’ll see if he and his campaign can hold to this high standard for more than a few hours.
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What I’d like to know is how they fit all those candidates into one itty-bitty little car.
13th Generation
Just read through the comments after that article.
Republicans simply occupy a different reality.
Thought that was “Fox Farce 5” for a minute.
Aw, this act is getting old I want new entertainment! When is the MittMonster gonna unravel Noot?
Seems like Herman Cain thought running for Prez was a great way to promote his book, let him dabble in politics as he’s been doing, and continue the great tradition of tokenism that is the lot of minorities in the Republican Party (and I include women, too.)
Guess he missed the part where all those skeletons start beating on the closet door.
Cat Lady
I think he also thought it was going to be a great way to meet women, what with all the traveling and hotels. Oops.
@Cat Lady: LOL! Judging from his past behavior… maybe so :)
The only reason they have a farm team that’s not ready for the majors is that they never had contenders in the first place. They rigged the stats and doctored the playbacks to conceal the stark fact that they have nothing but FAIL to offer. Now that the act has worn very thin, they don’t have a new one.
I’m very encouraged by the usual suspects around me being alternately angry and despairing. I’m fine with low Republican enthusiasm. Let’s see what happens when you clowns stay home.
From original taped interview with local Atlanta station WAGA:
Quote as it appears in CNN story:
Cain jumped on CNN before WAGA ran its story, and I have to laugh at what is purportedly his wife’s comments:
Mrs. Cain probably don’t miss him at home.
He probably would have been OK if he just hadn’t been running with so many other clowns. If he was just another geek in the freak show the money would have rolled in & he would have gotten a slot on FAUX News and everyone not harassed by the guy would have been happy. But be became the lead geek in the show for a week or two and as such got the extra attention he really didn’t want.
@Schlemizel: Very true. This isn’t the first time he’s run. Just the first time anyone took him seriously.
Which is, itself, Onion-worthy.
Good for her.
Cain smeared all those women who came out, and political media sat there and nodded and babbled on about the “larger context”. Looks like he’s a huge liar and someone finally nailed him on his lies. That’s the larger context, not workplace harassment or this affair.
Herman Cain will happily and eagerly trash anyone he has ever met to cover his own ass. He’s a coward.
The Tea Party sure can pick ’em. Worst judges of character ever. I know conservative lobbyists are shoving these candidates down their throats, but do Tea Party members, rank and file, use any independent discretion or judgment? Everyone they back has huge, glaring ethical and character issues.
Cat Lady
Buddy Roemer was on Mornin’ Ho this a.m. being asked serious questions about OWS (which he supports) and being denied participation in the debates and wanting to be on the Americans Elect ballot in all 50 states, so watch for the Roementum once Cain drops out this week.
Cain is in the I did not have sex with that woman position. Good luck with that. He can’t prove a negative.
Perfect. This train wreck isn’t his deal, it’s hers.
She’s not “behind” you, Herman. You’re hiding behind her.
OT: AMR, American Airlines’ parent company, just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, “in an effort to reduce labor costs and shed its heavy debt load”, per NY Times.
That might free up some employees to support OWS protests.
They can turn out in nifty uniforms too, some of them.
Oh yeah.
Mrs. Cain: you’ve got a book in you too. I just feel it.
God told him to run for President. Now that it’s not going well, God dropped out and his wife is calling the shots.
The TPers simply don’t care. Whoever shrieks The Narrative the loudest wins. Fact doesn’t enter into it. And our overlords need good liars, so it all works out.
@Cat Lady: I’m glad someone from “that side” is supporting OWS, but a one issue candidate, and a horrible issue, and electing a President with no party?
Yeah. Sounds like a winner!
So, this means that Herman Cain loves his country more than Newt Gingrich does? Or does it only count if you marry your mistress after the fact?
You folks act as if you’ve never voted for a presidential or primary candidate who’s first turn on the national stage was dogged by rumours and accusations of workplace sexual harassment, infidelity, and a years long secret affair.
Like that’s *never* happened to any recent Dem candidate before.
You folks would *never* get behind someone like that right, who outright lies and deceives the press about these sorts of things. Because you’d realize that if the candidate ever got into the White House, before you know it, he’d be trying to have sex with the interns or something and we’d have a media shitstorm. That’d be workplace sexual harassment and we couldn’t have that in the highest office in the land, could we.
Nor would you vote for his wife once that person retires?
I mean, what kind of person would you be, right?????
Just as a reminder, Mrs. Cain often votes in the democratic primary.
Cain threw that statement out in order to withdraw gracefully
at some point. If the other 994 come out, he might worry about getting a Fox news gig. The AJC article comments are hilarious in their defense of the Cain. My gosh attacking Cain is out and out racist. Now the zealot are worried about racism. haha
Tribalism on the part of Tea Party? You’ve got mean-spirited “Christians” who don’t remember the Golden Rule or most of Christ’s actual teachings (way inconvenient), coupled with libertarians and other people who don’t believe in a complex society and our interconnectedness.
So much of the Tea Party is selfishness and sticking it to other people.
They claim to be all about accountability. Meh.
It’s not even “facts” though, because Cain doesn’t know anything about government or, um, current events, which they like.
It’s that the Tea Party candidates are consistently complete weasels and cowardly douchebags. I know they don’t care if their candidates know anything about governing or issues, so it isn’t that.
They pick bad people. Over and over again.
This has been my experience, too. The wingnuts in my world are seemingly desperate and pissed off by the clown car that is their presidential nomination slate. It’s been pretty much “a pox on all their houses” sort of thing with them. I have to hold myself tight to stop myself from laughing and dancing a jig when they talk about it.
Wasn’t “Fox Force Five” the name of Uma Thurman’s character’s failed TV pilot in Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction”?
Suffern ACE
@Cat Lady: So much for Buddy’s early appeal…the earnest man against money in poltics.
Right, but if you don’t have any respect for government, and you don’t have any respect for candidates who actually know something about government or process, one would think you’re relying on character. Gut. “Govern from the heart”.
They’re absolutely horrible at seeing or detecting or discerning these qualities, or the lack of them. They suck at it.
@kay: I would say, also, that bad people pick them. Any halfway competent grifter looking at the Tea Party sees a large number of people who are in need of a brand-new best friend.
This is what happens when you live in the Land of Denial. You lose your ability to discern actual Reality, even when it is hitting you on the head with a Clown Hammer.
@Swellsman: Yes, Pulp Fiction has been on one of the movie channels lately so I just made that up and stuck it in there. I don’t know what they call themselves.
WereBear said it better.
Don’t give him too much credit too soon. Remember, a woman is only a harlot when she DOESN’T sleep with you.
Because they themselves ARE bad people. It’s as simple as that.
Ever since Nixon (after the 1964 election made it clear that they couldn’t win by running on the issues), they’ve been winning elections by appealing to the lowest human sentiments around – racism, sexism, hatred of the poor, hatred for people who don’t share their churches or their sexual preferences, etc etc etc.
When you spend forty years straight appealing to the worst in human nature, you end up with a political base made up of the worst human beings the country has to offer. That’s all there is to it.
Absolutely. That’s the flip side. Once qualifications or experience or genuine interest in government or issues don’t matter, all they’re left with in their pool of candidates is people who are in this for something else.
It’s funny here locally, because we didn’t have a Tea Party appear and run for local office or any of that national-pundit-promoted bullshit.
Instead, all of our elected Republicans decided they were in the Tea Party. Same people. Republican to Tea Party. Easiest revolution ever! Just change hats.
But they don’t talk about it anymore, which I find amusing. For whatever reason, they don’t think “Tea Party” benefits them politically.
I have a great song slash life recommendation for Mrs. Cain.
Herman Cain has argued that there is no semen stained dress therefore there was no affair.
Wow, what a way to put it down.
It is tragically true.
Watching the NH tea-bagger House contingent flipping out over the Mooselim, Kenyan socialist was like watching 8 year olds getting told they are going to bed without dessert.
Childish creeps drowning in their own bitter tears of frustration.
You don’t think there is a difference between Bill Clinton and Herman Cain? Herman Cain doesn’t apparently even know where Libya is located. I long for the days of a world when Bill Clinton was President. Budget surpluses and no dumb wars that we couldn’t pay for.
Villago Delenda Est
Our Hermie just keeps digging deeper and deeper. The book tour is out of control…but, fortunately for him, the teatards are endlessly gullible.
Yes and no Democrat has ever suggested impeaching a Republican over a consensual affair. And in Noots case, while having one of his own.
Nor do the Democrats present themselves as the “Party Of Family Values” and arbiter of all morality.
licensed to kill time
Nice Pulp Fiction ref, mistermix…made me :::smile:::
Also, maybe I’m a bad person but when I heard this yesterday I started laughing like a loon. I think this guy considers himself a playah, like so many other powerful/politician guys.
eta: Dem Bones
Fucking family values. Literally. Great going, cain and missus (got to wonder who fills that role, it certainly ain’t the official mrs. cain).
Wake the fuck up, Mrs Cain. You’re a friggin’ dem after all.
El Cid
I don’t have any quotes, but in his years of radio commentatatoriness Herman Cain was not complimentary to Bill Clinton with regard to the privacy of individuals with respect to sexual affairs outside marriage.
Villago Delenda Est
@El Cid:
Color me shocked, shocked that this might be so.
What an asswipe Cain is. His fanbase, too.
stay tuned next fall for “The Real Housewives of Herman Cain”
What a weird statement to make. It’s not even a denial. My guess is Mrs Cain already knew about the affair, and decided to stand by her man anyway.
That she votes in the dem primary makes sense. Of course she’ll tell him to keep running. “You go ahead, honey. Do as much harm as you can”
patrick II
After seeing some of the ladies who resisted Cain’s sexual advances come forward, I have been waiting for the one(s) who said “yes” to step up.
Now I guess that running for president is not as much fun for Cain as he thought it was going to be.
He ran across the shooting range for a lark and someone actually fires some real bullets.
Why would you call her “very credible?” Do some due dilligence on her and then tell me if you think this is someone who is credible. I suspect you haven’t done your dd on this woman, otherwise there’s no way you’d call her “very credible.” But then, facts aren’t really that important here on Buffoon-Juice – it’s more about pushing an agenda than facts.
I do find this little fantasy land echo chamber quite entertaining though. Sometimes it’s fun to see how ignorant, offensive, and gullable people are, and there’s plenty of that here at the Buffoon-Juice Fantasy Land Echo Chamber!!
Mouse Tolliver
Yes. And she was the deadliest woman in the world with a knife. Did you hear the one about the baby tomato?
Still think Cain could win the nomination? That’s what you said isn’t it? Was funny then and still funny.
He was NEVER a serious contender (way before the scandals) but you are too blind to see that. I think it’s mostly about book sales with him. Not that much different from the whole Trump nonsense.
Wish people would ignore this crap and not give these people the free publicity they are looking for.