Jewish Steel says this about Newt’s principled pro-child labor stance:
This is exactly the music the base wants to hear. All killer, no filler.
And none of that shit off the new album.
Let’s face it, gang, contemporary popular culture has grown far too complex and abstract. Miami cops who once cruised South Beach in convertibles now perform complex forensic tests, rockers who once sang of listening to that fine fine music now produce concept albums based on the work of German expressionist writer Frank Wedekind, and the simple eloquence of “life ain’t nothing but bitches and money” has descended into the incomprehensible morass of “a milli, a milli, a milli”.
And so it is with the Republican primary. Strapping young bucks and This Year’s Hitlers were easy to understand, but now it’s all fiat currency, silver dimes you can buy gas with, and sharks with frickin’ lasers patrolling the Rio Grande.
Newt brings it back to basics. Lazy ghetto kids who should be picking cotton or making Nikes, and learning the important life lessons those activities teach, are just cashing big gubmint checks and wallowing in ignorance. That hits the cadillac-driving welfare queen meme, while at the same time allowing Reasonoids to wank about lemonade stands. George Will can talk about delivering papers and how Nancy Pelosi would make that illegal (if his Perry-employed wife lets him).
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think maybe Newt can flip the track and bring the old school back, at least for the next few months.
I smell Bell Curve making a come back.
Heh. Did you just read my post of an hour ago?
When all others have forgotten to pick up the simple Reagan mantle, Newt is just straight bringin it. Older white voters and a neo-con foreign policy. Straight outta the 80s.
If Newt wins, look for Springsteen to do a re-make of Born in the USA.
Cat Lady
Great. Generational, racial AND class warfare. Bring.It.On. At least we’ll know what the next election is about.
Love your Lauryn Hill song references. Also a fantastic post. Well done, DougJ.
Just got robocalled by Newt. I stayed on the line to cost the time of the message. Then I insulted the associate.
Good times.
@eric: You have exactly the right sensory organ for any work from Charles Murray.
Samara Morgan
occupydenver music video.
i heart the flobots.
we gon occupy the booth.
move over strapping young bucks eating t-bone steaks. Al Sharpton had a clip tonight of Newt saying food stamps are being used to purchase vacations to Hawaii.
TG Chicago
Man, this post was written in code. Fortunately, I have the key, but I’m chuckling trying to imagine somebody coming to librul blog world for the first time and seeing this as their first introduction.
Not a criticism, mind you. I dug it!
Fuck soccer moms. Get off my lawn depends wearers are the 2012 dynamic to capture.
Spaghetti Lee
I think it would be fitting if Newt got the nom. Nominating a newbie like Bachmann or Cain would allow them keep lying that they’re not just a bunch of spiteful old assholes stuck in the past, and that they actually have some interest in governing 21st century America. Instead, they’re apparently choosing to unearth the buried corpse of Newt Gingrich, kept alive and sentient only by spite, to remind everyone just how awful Republicans can be. It’s a fitting end to this clown show.
@TG Chicago:
I consider that a feature, not a bug.
Serious question: how many tense, uptight, unhealthy old people who are keen to vote for Newt for President will croak before the election in Nov 2012?
Then, how many peppy youngsters who want to vote for Obama will turn 18 in time to vote for him?
Villago Delenda Est
I still insist that the FSM doesn’t love us enough for Newt to be the nominee.
Oh, please, toss us into that briar patch!
Alternate title: “When you were slaves, you sung like birds”
Two months ago I was wondering why the GOP didn’t have a deep bench any more. I had no idea Noot was still riding the pine and waiting for his chance to play.
well, it’ll be interesting…
Unless they can walk, I don’t see how that works. No hay agua.
Omnes Omnibus
If they don’t play the stuff off the new album, when are we supposed to get another damn beer?
The Dangerman
The Powers That Be on the Republican side want Romney; there will be a Gingrich takedown and it’ll have to be breathtaking if the polls are accurate.
I hate to say it but this is one of the greatest political blog posts I’ve ever read. Its one hundred percent on the (fiat) money.
@Omnes Omnibus: This assumes you forgot your cheese-shaped double-beer helmet at home, no?
Omnes Omnibus
@BGinCHI: They don’t let those into some shows. I’ve been patted down for weapons and/or recording devices at various venues. God only know what they would do with headgear like that at, for example, a Rancid show.
Villago Delenda Est
The ever brilliant Charles Pierce, talking about OvenMitt’s ever changing approach to global climate change:
Please do go here to read more!
Truly…a post for the ages. I know its late in the year…but this has to be a contender for post of the year.
@Omnes Omnibus: That doesn’t make me less of a fan of Rancid’s unreleased “Cheesehead in the Mosh Pit” record.
Omnes Omnibus
@TG Chicago: Should I be worried that I got it all on first read? Maybe I need to get out more.
Interesting thing about food stamps: yes, I can use my EBT card to buy t-bone steaks and lobster and snow crab legs, etc. I can stop into a mini-mart and buy a soda. I can’t buy toilet paper, shampoo, tooth paste, etc. Makes no sense to me. And no hot, prepared foods like fried chicken, etc.
See, even Noonan agrees it’s about the bases meta:
He could start calling Obama the N-word at the next debate and the 27% would have an orgasm.
General Stuck
LOL. The Snark, it lives!!
Judge Crater
Great post! But, Newt is going to sing the same old song that has gotten the GOP this far into the 21st century. Call it the Southern Strategy or the politics of resentment or the Tea Party or whatever, but it’s the same thing: it’s that somebody (blacks, hispanics, poor people, the non-“wealth creators”) are getting something for nothing.
And the agent of that outrage is big government. Government is interfering with the omniscient and omnipotent calculus of capitalism and the “free market.”
It’s the same song that Limbaugh and the right-wing propaganda machine have been pumping out for years.
Newt knows it so well he can sing it in his sleep.
Lauryn Hill is a good choice although Ahmad would have worked too.
Either you have had a few too many drinks or hits on the bong or at least you finally got on the right track at the very end by saying “Maybe I’m wrong….”
gogol's wife
Yes, a beautifully written post, and I don’t even understand half of it (this is not snark, it really is beautiful).
Live Newt Girls! All Newt, all the time! Would a Newt by any other name smell as sweet?
It’s starting to look like newt-juice up in here. Just sayin.
Bill Murray
@Omnes Omnibus: And when I die and go to pure pop heaven
The angels will gather around
And ask me for my whole life story
And ask for that fabulous sound
But I know they’re gonna stop me
As I start going through every line
And say please not the whole damn album
Nobody has that much time
Please . . .
Just the hit single
You gotta love that number one
El Cid
@Jenny: I do like it when Sharpton gets holy outraged against the right targets. It was a great thing to watch.
Hunter Gathers
You have to feel sorry for The Mittens at this point. He’s begged and pleaded with his crush for 5 years now, buying her chocolates, flowers, promising the moon and the stars but never getting anything more than a peck on the cheek. Now comes along a fat turd with a mess of ex-girlfriends, a shitty attitude and a vicious streak a mile long, and Mitten’s crush is stolen away from him when the Newtster whispers ‘Come on, baby. Let’s go make fun of the poor kids getting on the bus after school and then let’s make out in the back of my Trans-Am. I got some cheap beer and my parents are out of town. Drop the zero and get with the hero.’ And while the girl of his dreams walks away with the human equivalent of a case of herpes, poor Mittens is stuck holding her book bag, hoping she’ll come to her senses and be the one he gets to remove his magic underwear for.
@Hunter Gathers: Xin Loi mofo!
Omnes Omnibus
@Hunter Gathers: That’s fuckin’ beautiful, man. Deadly accurate, not quite the pure genius of the main post, but what could be, amirite?
A drop the mic post. Snatched me off lurker blvd.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: What did you do wrong now?
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@TG Chicago: Oh, FSM, you’re right. I understood every word, I’m doomed.
Have you caught yourself saying “Also, too” to a civilian yet?
“Don’t look at those 1%ers that you can’t see anyway, look at those highly visible 20%ers lounging around your local ghetto’s corner. They’re the real problem with America.” Yup! Vintage Reagan. I can just envision those ‘Democrats for Newt’ phalanxes gelling into formation throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania even as I write this.
Hunter Gathers
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s why DougJ gets paid the big bucks.
@Omnes Omnibus: The Xin Loi was for mitt.
Tell it all brother. Tell it all.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@srv: B-but, how can you have wetbacks if the Rio Grande no hay agua?
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason: Put em on the plane over Los Gatos Canyon.
El Cid
Today in unexpected political outcomes of a lot of recent mass political rebellions:
Miley Cyrus’ music video urging young people to engage in protests (“Liberty Walk”) to stand up for what’s right.
I didn’t make that up. H/T GOS.
A drop the mic post. Snatched me off lurker street.
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: Got it. I hadn’t seen any blatant screw ups on your part, so confusion reigned.
@Hunter Gathers: Fucker sold out. I remember when he used be cool.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Hunter Gathers: Ouch. Too true, too true. Everything comes back to high school don’t it?
Dee Loralei
Wow, Cain’s Last Mistress, Ginger White is gonna be on Lawrence O’D in a few.
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s cuz you’re not here!
Mike in NC
From Media Matters:
Can we look forward to somebody in the media asking the Swollen Amphibian why he blamed Bill Clinton and liberals when a woman in SC drowned her two kids in 1994?
@aimai: Yes. Yes, it is.
All we need is Bill Murray to do Ghostbusters III, Cthulu to arise, and–wait; then what the hell was the last administration? A warm up game?
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: Fair ’nuff.
kd bart
I see good times ahead for the coal mining industry.
The woman who claims to have had an affair with Cain is on with O’Donnell at the top of the hour.
If you are short popcorn futures, now might be a good time to close that position.
Well, someone has to pick all these crops that aren’t being harvested because we’ve scared all the immigrant labor away. American adults have amply indicated that they can’t or won’t do that work. Newt’s just solving a problem.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: I can’t bear to watch. I also went long on popcorn a while ago. I’m golden.
Are we really contemplating Newt F*cking Gingrich as the next GOP nominee for President?
Every cartoonist in the country (and half the joke-writers) are on their knees right now, praying for this to be true.
Newt? Really?
Obama truly must be the Zen master of politics.
El Cid
And via Der Spiegel,
I thought that in Europe they knew how to be mature, educated, and civil. How did they get such horrible rudes polluting the public airthink?
H/T GOS, also too.
General Stuck
Newt is the only one who knows where the wingnut fountain of eternal puppy blood is located. The directions are tattooed on the inside of his eyeballs. That is all you need to know.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: And here I thought it was my absence. Hmmpf.
Omnes Omnibus
@General Stuck: I won’t ask why they need the puppy blood. I hate horror movies.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s either that or a replay of Euroleague basketball. Real Madrid against Emporio Armani isn’t exactly making me swoon.
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Quoi?
@burnspbesq: Have considered DIY dentistry? It would be less painful and certainly more informative.
@Hunter Gathers:
Except that political success is the only arena in Mitt’s privileged life where things haven’t worked out exactly the way they were supposed to.
He’s the political equivalent of the Winklevoss brothers.
Love the idea of Republican ‘roots’ music,
or the return to an ideal of ‘Classical Simplicity’, i.e., pure and easily recognized viciousness.
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
Not yet, but I did hear my 11-year-old niece declare “Fail!” on her brother. LOLspeak lives outside the intertubes, so why not B-Jspeak?
Yup, well done, Doug. You may actually be getting the hang of this blogging thing. ;)
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: I have caught myself typing this word at work: speshalist.
The Wi-Fi at this hotel
blows moose-cockis woefully inadequate.See, Ruth Marcus is right. It’s not painful to be civil.
Judas Escargot
You’re so punk, Doug.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Admit it. That hurt.
Lauryn Hill? What? huh? Who? Mention Gingrich, and my thoughts go straight to Cypress Hill. Insane in the ManBrain!
::knock knock:: Land shark!!
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@El Cid: She’s done a couple of things that are either:
1. Rebellion against her parents.
2. Her dad is more liberal than I would have though.
These are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
::knock knock:: Candygram!!
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh, Bob, you’re such a kidder.
::opens door::
Roy G.
“Gingrich – Primary mission, Advocate of civilization, Definer of civilization, Teacher of the rules of civilization, Leader of the civilizing forces.”
Newt Gingrich on Newt Gingrich.
@Omnes Omnibus:
FYWPWARPF (obvs not you, OO)
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I am lost. It is clear that I am not aware of all internet traditions.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Not even a little. Except for my hands going into spasm when I tried to type “Ruth Marcus” and “right” in the same sentence. Had to hold a stylus between my teeth to finish that.
WordPress is about to get, umm, pleasured. With a farm implement.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Aha. The switch flips.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Some of your your best writing is your out-loud pondering of subjects, especially the interwoven crazy ones. Pundits just don’t get it and their ‘work’ shows it. You say more about where we are as a country with your musings than the pundits do with whatever it is they generate.
DougJ: B-J Resident ‘Ponderit’
Ponder it home baby!
Hunter Gathers
Joe Manchin, Bernie Sanders, and Jon Tester can go fuck themselves.
Spaghetti Lee
What about “Ruth Marcus should be thrown into that lava pit over there, right away”?
Omnes Omnibus
My fucking psycho downstairs neighbor is playing Gloria Gaynor at high volume for the second night in a row. I am not amused.
kd bart
You’ll survive
Senate votes 99-1 to lock y’all up:
@Hunter Gathers: Ha! I love it. You can be frickin’ Bernie Sanders, and it doesn’t matter, cast one vote a progressive doesn’t like and it’s like “fuck him, he’s dead to me.”
Bonus points if the reason you voted that way is because you think Social Security is the highest priority. What a tool, huh?
OMG Grody to the Max!
We’re not going to have the 80s hair again are we? My hair will get fried with all that hair spray!
Gag me with a spoon!
I can hear the Newster’s newest pitch now:
Pretty girls shouldn’t be wasted. They can make money for their education and service the country! As for the ugly girls? They can make up for their disgusting outsides by giving the sacrifice of their insides.
And the boys? If it’s good enough for Sierra Leone it’s good enough for our country, darn it!
Can I hear an Amen! Oh that Newtie, such a beastie. Barf me out!
Odie Hugh Manatee
You truly need to go to RedState and read the comments in the latest NewtFest FP post. It’s nothing but deep despair and extreme joy, depending on if you are sane or insane. The GOP knows that every one of their presidential candidates is a total train wreck in one form or another. The crazies are overjoyed that The Reptile is in first place and the sane are despairing that their party has stooped so low as to even consider him as a presidential candidate.
That their alternative to The Reptile is second place Multiple Choice Mitt Romney only adds to their despair.
Yum. :)
Omnes Omnibus
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Newts are amphibians.
I hope to FSM, May His Noodly Appendage Touch You, that we do take the political conversation back a couple decades. We can then be reminded of how, for thirty years, the Republicans keep saying that if we just reduce marginal tax rates on the wealthiest Americans (excuse me, “job creators”), tax revenues will increase, and how, in thirty years, tax revenues have NEVER increased when marginal tax rates were decreased.
Of course someone will have to stand up and say that, and keep repeating it fifty time a day, every day, until the general election, if that little nugget of truth is going to sink in.
@Spaghetti Lee:
She should be condemned to spend eternity with David Brooks, listening to him read the complete collection of his “works.”
@SiubhanDuinne: Actually, we have the technology to make them fly.
El Cid
Food Stamps with Obama VS Paychecks with Gingrich!
Please let this happen.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s the Reptile.
Someone at RedState called him a reptile and you know that it’s not wise to argue with crazy people, right?
Think the Repubs are starting to work up brokered convention Mitch Daniels/Jeb Bush fantasies.
Will say a white – no doubt really white – knight, brokered convention winner would be the best PR move they could make. Huge publicity. Fresh start. Shorter time frame to fool the public into thinking they’re not racist/environment destroying/women hating monsters who cheat on their wives and want first-graders to clean toilets.
Would give them much more to boost than 12 months of Willard. No way Mitt gonna make it through a year of interviews without snapping.
Omnes Omnibus
@Odie Hugh Manatee: A fair point. Notice that I am not arguing with you.
@kd bart: Started laughing hysterically and had to explain myself to hubby…thread winner!
What’s Sully think about Newt’s IQ?
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nope, no argument there. Just an observation! :)
On the manic depression at RedState, one member posted that they won’t vote if Newt or Romney are nominated. The response from one of the head honchos there?
Shorter Streiff: “Once we decide who gets to drive the clown car into the brick wall, everyone gets in the car with him or else!”
Did you see that Grover Norquest met with a group of Republican CongressCritters today and told them that failure to vote for an extension of the Payroll Tax reductions for the middle class wasn’t a tax increase?
The hypocrisy…it stings.
Fuck. I liked OWS before they went commercial.
@kd bart:
Heh. Chuckle.
@Citizen_X: Think Miley has a drum circle on that album?
Ever since Perry turned out to be somewhere between shower fungus and Appalachian banjo players on the IQ scale, I’ve always felt that Newt had a chance to be the NotRomney. He’s a fat, pasty, retirement aged white guy with anger issue, privilege and a charge account at Tiffany.
He’s the walking embodiment of the modern GOP.
For the record, I clearly recall hearing Bernie Sanders discuss, on Thom Hartmann’s radio show, his opposition to the payroll tax cut way way back when it was first proposed. As mentioned above, the stance he took is that it starves the Social Security trust, and he thinks there are far better ways to put more dollars into the pockets of working families. I would have liked to see the cut confine, too, but mainly for selfish reasons. We here in the Donut household are getting by on one income only and the tax cut was pretty nice for us. Still, I don’t totally disagree with the logic behind the vote Sanders took today.
They’re way ahead of you.
Si que hay, hasta Elephant Butte. (No, that’s not a code word for the GOP, it’s an actual location in New Mexico at which El Rio Bravo del Norte is dammed. Now, that puts your border checkpoint within the 47th state, but WTH, let’s have fun with this.)
If I get amphibious sharks that can shoot lasers on my commute…I will vote Republican.
Otherwise, ¡no pasa el lagarton!
Lizzy L
Noot! Noot! Noot! *waves foam finger* We’re number one!
I give it six weeks before the clown car deflates, or blows up, or self-destructs in some other blissfully entertaining way.
And if I’m wrong, and Noot is actually, truly, very truly the Republican choice for President — oh my. As Barney Frank said, I did not think I had lived a good enough life.
Just re-listened to Doo Wop, and I feel compelled to point out that I think she opens that song by saying “Remember back on the boulie when cats used to harmonize…” I think it’s “boulie,” as in short for boulevard, not back in the day. Seen a bunch of lyrics sites that say “back in the boogie,” but that doesn’t make any sense. I think it’s an abbreviation of boulevard — remembering some dope cats who sang back on the boulevard in harmony.
Great song either way, and great post.
This evening my neighbor, a blue collar wingnut bellwether, was really ragging on old Herm though he’s been a huge supporter until a few days ago. So Cain is finished.
He’s still a tad sceptical about Gingrich’s tawdry personal life. But he was digging in and defending his call to repeal child labor laws. They’re no longer necessary because parents these days would never send their kids out to work, and besides, he remembers when he was a kid how all that paperwork he needed for his job was so onerous. Also, too, labor unions are no longer necessary.
Child labor laws. There’s nothing the Republican base won’t accept the very moment their candidate first proposes it…especially if they think lefties will hate it.
Yeah, I realized it was “on the boogie” a little after I wrote it. One of my favorite recent songs in any case!
@DougJ: Well, then. Ahmad would have been the choice.
AA+ Bonds
Nice title, nice piece, Doug
Alex S.
The nomination of Newt would be a great justice. The illegitimate spawn of Nixon and Reagan that finally drives this version of the GOP into the ground. He is the one most to blame for the political dysfunction of the day, because of the government shutdown and the Clinton impeachment. Let them reap what they sowed.