Sitting in Lincoln Tunnel traffic. Pretty much be here all nite.
Depends on whether the electricity is on.
I’m in one of the areas in Southern California kicked in the teeth by the recent windstorm. Some roof damage, no electricity for two days.
Gin & Tonic
I’ll probably drink and get into an argument on the Internet.
Couple beers with friends at a quality beer joint, then home to make dinner for the wife.
Anyone seen “Horrible Bosses”? Stupid and funny or stupid and not funny?
@Gin & Tonic: About your stupid haircut or your Windows machine or your ugly cat?
/too early?
Gin & Tonic
Yeah, at least I’m not a loser like you with that damn dog.
Preparing for the deluge of visitors we’re expecting tomorrow.
( this, for anyone in the Chicago area who wants to see a bunch of scientists (a) making fools of themselves and (b) showing off their work. Plus, we’ll make ice cream using liquid nitrogen)
Gin & Tonic
Helps to be able to find the damned Reply button.
Last day of classes so I’m catching up on grading. Ugh.
On the north side we’re handing over rectangles of paper and receiving delicious alcoholic beverages.
It’s magic.
@FlipYrWhig: One more week to go here. And you can tell I have grading and am fading as I’d rather type into this box.
Catching up on blog reading, cause I had a busy day at work and couldn’t surf the net. Then try to go to bed early cause I’ve been working for 3 weeks with no off days and I will be working another week before I’m off so I need to get sleep where I can.
Gin & Tonic
I find at least moderately interesting that dozens of people on here had vehemently-expressed opinions on college athletics, the tendency of the academy to cover for its own, the omerta culture, etc. in light of the Sandusky/Penn State affair, but nobody on the front page, nor any commenters I’ve seen (although I don’t read every comment or every thread) have thought it relevant to comment on the Florida A&M marching band hazing death. Many of the same influences come into play, and a young man is dead. The band director was fired, justifiably or not, and the university and the band seem to be closing ranks around this. Is it because we’re mostly white people here? I’m curious.
I would love to someone to ask Newt Gingrich about his time touring inner-city schools with Rev Al and Secretary Duncan and ask him if he thinks those children who he met and talked are the “poor kids who don’t have a work ethic” he’s talking about?
Rev Al’s on his show today showed the video of Gingrich, Duncan and Rev Al at these schools. Sharpton was very upset as can be imagined. Because as he said, he and Newt talked to those “poor kids” and every last one of them had WORKING parents and every last one of them wanted to grow up and work and be something. How does he know that, because they asked them (them = him, Newt and Duncan).
Comrade Mary
I plan to get 8 hours of sleep a night starting this weekend. OK, maybe 7 if I have deadlines. But not less than 6. That’s for damn sure. At least 5 hours of sleep each night.
Wow. McMegan must know that DougJ is trying to go Galt right now:
When I catch myself thinking along these lines, I try to stop and ask a simple question: “If everyone else is such an idiot, how come I’m not rich?”
If there ever was a time for a good ROTFLMAO, I think this might be it.
I was off work today (and tomorrow, too!), so I got an early start on a long weekend. Puttered around a bit and ended up watching a slew of pre-Code Hollywood movies on TCM: Expensive Women, Beauty and the Boss, Under Eighteen, like that. Marian Marsh was hot (seen here with über-horndog Warren William). I wish teddies and camisoles would make a comeback.
ETA: Maybe they have and I’m just out of the loop. Depressing thought.
General Stuck
just finished going to the store and walking the pooch in a raging blizzard. We are getting pounded, as occasionally the snow clouds are so low, we at 6000 ft plus elevation are actually inside the snow clouds.
Charlie is in 7th heaven though, and three pics to prove it.
When I catch myself thinking along these lines, I try to stop and ask a simple question: “If everyone else is such an idiot, how come I’m not rich?”
@slag: Poor McMegan. I’ll modify some ageless wisdom for her: If you look around the room and you can’t figure out who the innumerate retard is, chances are it’s you.
@BGinCHI: Thanks. It’s the forth or fifth year we’ve done it, so you’d think that we’d be organized and so forth.
The US Republican race is dominated by ignorance, lies and scandals. The current crop of candidates have shown such a basic lack of knowledge that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein. The Grand Old Party is ruining the entire country’s reputation.
@dmsilev: Unfortunately sometimes those things are a benefliction. You want to do them, you’re excited about seeing people and putting on some fun activities, but then the work is just killer.
Kind of like holidays with the family.
@BGinCHI: Lot of work, tis true. Somehow I ended up being put in charge of organizing the lab tours this year, and it’s been like herding cats to get everyone lined up and pointed more or less in the same direction. Not to mention the last-minute crises. Actual conversation from an hour or two ago: “The demo we want to do apparently emits toxic gases. Can we move into a room with a fume hood?”
About to head out to post-season volleyball match at the university of illinois. Skipping the first match at 4:30 because UI plays at 7 and I’m certain my puppy can’t wait for 6 hours. Hoping he can make it 4 hours in the crate. Here’s Tucker in his Balloon Juice photo debut.
@The Moar You Know: Had she cleaned more toilets as a child, she would know why.
Laying low and recovering from bronchitis. Bleh. I’m hoping I feel like reading tomorrow; I’ve got Tony Horwitz’ new book, Midnight Rising about John Brown and the Harper’s Ferry raid on the bedside table.
I’m sitting at Boston’s Pizza, hoping like hell that Channel 617 on the DirecTV lineup will come on at 7:00 to show the Gopher women’s hockey game. I feel dirty hoping that the Fighting Sociopaths TV channel will come in, but it’s the only hope for watching the game. Last week and this week were the first two series this year I haven’t been able to attend, and it’s driving me kind of nuts.
I have a bleg. I do volunteer tutoring on Thursday nights. I’d like to be teaching math, but the vast majority of my time is spent helping Somali immigrants learn to write in English. I have one regular who is in an ESL class whose idiot instructor assigned preparing a presentation on genetic engineering. The poor guy’s vocabulary isn’t anywhere close to being ready to handle a technical subject like that,
He almost needs me to explain every paragraph in his source material to him. This is frustrating for both of us and I feel kind of helpless. There simply isn’t any way for me to be able to do that for everything. Does anyone have any ideas for how to help someone write a paper on a technical subject in a language where they haven’t yet entirely mastered basic vocabulary?
General Stuck
I don’t know why the Flickr on black won’t load, at least from my location. But if you scroll older or newer, everything works fine.
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m tired from staying up till after midnight playing Federation Commander last night. If you know what that is, your level of geekery is pretty damn high.
@J. Michael Neal: Email McMegan or Sully, as they’re both experts in writing on stuff they don’t understand.
Just scanned about 700 pictures from my childhood. One of the fun side effects of your parents divorcing when you are 40. I scanned them 4 or 5 to a page, so now I have a ton of cropping to do.
I’m also trying to get over my cousin’s “Christmas” wishes. She didn’t just say “Merry Christmas” which I have no trouble with. Instead she made sure to denounce saying “Happy Holidays” and then wished me “Merry CHRISTmas.” I mean, you just went out of your way to exclude me from your seasonal greeting, so why bother speaking the words at me?
@The Moar You Know: Seriously. Someone should probably let her know: You know you’re an idiot when you think that being rich means you can’t be an idiot.
Spouse’s company Christmas & whatever party, where I shall channel my inner honey badger because I just don’t care. Not that there’s anything annoying about finance people.
@eemom: Well, we all know how SCOTUS is going to vote on everything…
How’s that for a start?
Anyone who knows anything ’bout contemporary R&B will understand why I’m dedicating this song to Herman Cain in anticipation of his “announcement” tomorrow.
I imagine it playing as he walked into the house to “reassess his campaign” with his wife!
BTW, it’s the chorus that’s the killer!
I think ya better call Tyrone
(Call Him)
And Tell him come on,
Help you get your Shit (Come On, Come on)
You need to Call Tyrone
(Call Him)
And tell him I said come on
yeah, wasn’t that teh shiznit? Nothing like having the hideous suckdom of the US media, and the fact that the republitards have made us the laughingstock of the civilized world, again, rubbed in our faces at the same time.
Any news about the newest member of the community? Loneoak’s wife was in labor last night.
I mean, you just went out of your way to exclude me from your seasonal greeting, so why bother speaking the words at me?
Concede the point and then every week make sure you wish her a happy THORsday and SATURNday.
Victory through superior volume.
And tell her that you left her CHRISTmas gift with Jesus, so she’ll get it as soon as he returns.
Gin & Tonic
@taylormattd: Friend of mine, mid-career, gave up his job and refi’d his house to go to law school. This was maybe 10 years ago. I saw him recently and asked him if he’d do it over, and he was absolute and unhesitating in saying “no.”
@jeffreyw: Thread needs Tunch, Lily and Rosie… Cole, are you reading the thread… it needs Tunch, Lily and Rosie.
the problem — for me at least — is that at my advanced age and in this shithole of an economy, it is an IRREPARABLE mistake. I will be billing hours until I die.
Genetics for Dummies. Amazon Kindle Store. 10.00. You can download Kindle for PC from Amazon for free.
It’s a thought.
@Martin: I don’t even get into it with those types anymore. The only aggressively Christian people in my life are there because of family ties and that’s about it. I can bite my tongue once a year. They’re never going to budge.
I’m hanging around home feeling like a zombie from a nasty cold. May go see Marc Maron in a bit if I (and the Ms., who gave me the cold) feel un-zombie enough.
Concede the point and then every week make sure you wish her a happy THORsday and SATURNday.
Fer reals. Things I’d be tempted to say (but probably wouldn’t because I’m not that combative): “Just because you guys moved your holiday to December to try to steal other religions’ followers doesn’t mean the ones you didn’t steal have to go along.”
@General Stuck: When I clicked on “Close”, I got the regular photo page.
@lamh35: Did they call it “Breaking News!”? Because that’s about as un-breaking un-news as anything ever to appear in a newscast.
Benjamin Franklin
No one knows what the bottom of this looks like.
The ricochet effect when the pipeline of goods dries up, and short-term credit lines cease, will leave many without essentials, even if currency is still valid, which it probably won’t be.
“France isn’t doing well. Unemployment, which has been rising since May, breached 9%. Wages haven’t kept up with inflation, and purchasing power has dropped. Industrial orders plummeted. Layoffs have been announced. Yields are rising. Banks are teetering. Sarkozy had tried to reform the French welfare and tax system. Result: rising income disparity, tax loopholes for the rich, diminished pension benefits for the middle class, reduced subsidies for the poor, etc., and now ugly unemployment trends.”
I’m also trying to get over my cousin’s “Christmas” wishes. She didn’t just say “Merry Christmas” which I have no trouble with. Instead she made sure to denounce saying “Happy Holidays” and then wished me “Merry CHRISTmas.”
Ask her if she plans on desecrating the proper Christian spirit of the occasion by sacrilegiously putting up an evergreen tree as an idol in her house, a tree which symbolizes and celebrates the victory of pagan nature spirits over the winter solstice.
And don’t even get me started on the whole holly and mistletoe thing. Fucking Druidic religion, how does it work?
Instead she made sure to denounce saying “Happy Holidays” and then wished me “Merry CHRISTmas.”
Yeah, I’ve gotten that a few times, too.
Funny how saying “Merry Christmas” became the equivalent to a (seasonal) “Fuck You!” to some. Very Christ-like. I suppose it’s because there’s a war on, doncha know.
I’m leaving work now, and later this evening I’ll take a couple hits of my favorite Blue Dream/Sour Diesel blend and ride the light rail to the new, cool concert venue/pub in downtown Phoenix (Crescent Ballroom), where they spin Motown and Stax records till around 1:30AM or so on Friday nights. It only got up to around 60F today, so I’ll be wearing my parka.
There is no such thing as one-hit weed, but there’s definitely 2-3 hit weed. Shit’s better today than it ever was.
So I sleep like a baby on most weekends (the work week is quite another matter).
Tomorrow and Sunday there’s the Tempe Arts Festival on Mill Ave., which I’ll go to like always (and buy a trinket or two) even though it’s too damn cold this year.
It’s a hoax, people. It has to be. For the sake of my sanity, if nothing else. C’mon.
South of I-10
Grilling burgers and playing with our new pound puppy. Our elder dog Hannah passed away a couple of weeks ago. We found a beautiful year old Brittany Spaniel mix at the pound and brought him home. I miss our old girl a lot, but this boy is so sweet and tender hearted.
I have a cold. So husband is bringing pizza home and I’m basically going to spend the evening bundled up on the sofa.
Really hope this is my first and last cold of the year. This sucks.
Who needs one of these? I’ve got a refrigerator full of them, and I don’t like drinking alone.
Watching someone trying to complete Mile High on Veteran in CoD4. For over two and a half hours.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Are you me? ‘cuz that was my plan. Well, not so much plan as the likely way the evening will go. My plan is it to … aw, fuck it. I might as well call it my plan.
@Southern Beale: That would be awesome, but I still think it’s a self-promotion/book tour that underestimated the stupidity of the Republican base. Cain’s ignoramus act for the rubes was supposed to result in him getting Santorum levels of support and no scrutiny, leading to a Palin-like gig afterward.
Either that, or he’s just an incredibly egotistical idiot.
Suffern ACE
@Gex: Nothing says “buy me a gift” like well wishes mixed with invectives.
Pretty much all my friends and all but 2 cousins are secular. We’re going to a solstice dinner next door with all the local friends.
Xmas is OK, if you can stay out of town. I went in today and got a new TV, left the cables on the counter, have to go back on Saturday. darn.
@South of I-10: Sorry bout your dog and congrats on your pupster.
In so far CHRISTmas is concerned, I think I’d feel entitled to say “No Thank You, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of any of YOUR holiday.”
Omnes Omnibus
@taylormattd: I liked law school. I like the law as an academic subject. The business side of practicing law is what doesn’t appeal to me. If it were researching, writing, and arguing points of law, I would love it. Dickhead tactics by opposing counsel, stupid clients, and the almighty billable hour are what suck.
My boss brought this to my attention today. Apparently it was performed at Merlefest one year when he was there. I admit I LOL.
I’ve said many times, (not here) that Gingrich, and Cain are using the Palin model of ‘shuck and jive’. They punk the system to reap financial rewards, (book sales, speaking engagementsz). That’s not to say they are not willing to serve as Presidunce, it’s just the final pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Either way, it’s a Win/Win.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: Better than sitting somewhere waiting for a teevee to come on or whatever it is you are doing. But could you guys let me do it in order. I haven’t gotten to the drinking yet. At least, not seriously.
ETA: If my downstairs neighbor starts blasting Gloria Gaynor for a third night in a row, there will be consequences. I get it; she’s going through a divorce. So what, that’s no excuse for her musical choices.
Or maybe I’d ask for the gift receipt with her wishes so I could exchange them for something I’d enjoy (or that fit).
Didja notice that next week various Occupy groups across the country are targeting foreclosed but empty houses in an attempt to make them available to homeless families?
The business side of practicing law is what doesn’t appeal to me….Dickhead tactics by opposing counsel, stupid clients, and the almighty billable hour are what suck.
Careful with this kind of thinking. If you don’t get rich, you may well be an idiot.
@Martin: I got an email from a Board member after notifying the Board that I was bringing holiday cards, generic “wishing joys of the season” some with penguins in santa hats some with kittehs with peppermint striped ribbon (which I donated), imprinted with the nonprofit’s name (comped by printer) for the Board to sign. The idea is to send these to sponsors, donors and key volunteers, along with strategic partners in the community that may not give money. The email:
I want to say first that I have a personal struggle with calling cards “holiday” but I appreciate the sensitivity to other than Christian faiths. I fully embrace calling a card a Hannukah card for example.
It is difficult to send something from [nonprofit] while both appreciating the spirit of the season and not diluting anyone’s belief. Perhaps when I talk to you I can explain further.
The good news is that he won’t be at the meeting to whine in person. Sigh.
Not to depress all the lawyers on the board even more but some sort of lawyers journal reported recently that 100 jobs were created “in the legal field” in September 2011 (that includes lawyers and paralegals, legal assistants) while 46,000 students graduated law school this year.
We have a new ADA at our DAs office here in my town in NC, her salary is being paid by Notra Dame for 6 months, so that Notra Dame can brag about their hiring percentages. In other words they are lying. So what is new. This really is the worst time in the world to consider the legal profession as a career. The market is saturated, with practicing lawyers scrambling for the available business. The price for handling a traffic ticket around here has gone from a standard $250.00 to many of the “sausage factory” type firms charging $50.00.
PS) I am not a lawyer, I am a paralegal, just wanted to point that out.
Cat Lady
When Herm Cain drops out, what’s a Cain supporter to do? What mental gyrations does it take to blame the execrable Cain, and everyone but themselves for being a credulous cretin? These poor stupid saps are almost sympathetic, but what the fuck is wrong with them in the first place? I need to know, because my brother LIKES Newt, and he’s not a horrible person. How do I get him to see that Newt is Cain writ large?
It’s not just France. We are playing a game of 8-ball on the felt of the World Financial Billiard Table. The US is not the cue-ball. And the slop-shot is
Omnes Omnibus
@Litlebritdifrnt: I am weaseling my way into an ebil gubmint job. I hope, I hope, I hope….
@Omnes Omnibus: All of this is true, though I confess that I actually adore trial work (whereas “litigation” sucks). I almost miss it.
I got a call today inviting me to interview for a common pleas court administrator position I applied for in the early summer. It’s scheduled for noon December 15.
Of course not. I’m just schooling you with my ironclad logic and unassailable knowledge of facts. Or…I would be if I were rich. But since I’m not, who knows what I’m doing?
OK, so it would be better to insult a rabid Christian by sending them a Hannukah card in error, or by sending a similarly serious Jew a Christmas card, instead of navigating middle ground by wishing them a joyous holiday season.
Might as well not even bother to acknowledge the season at all and avoid the the entire issue.
We need more fucking lions around here. The food supply is plentiful…
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: I have a rock that repels lions. Would you like to buy it?
@Villago Delenda Est: The weird thing is this guy was at the Board meeting when it was suggested and agreed to by the entire fucking Board that we should do this. He wants to call them year end thank you cards, but he was too much of weenie to say so in front of the rest of the board when I passed around the exemplars at the last meeting…
Funny thing is, as the only non Christian of the bunch (I’m ED, not on the Board) when I suggested Twelfth Night as a date for our party, they all looked blank. I tried “feast of the epiphany” and the blank stares continued. So I said how about January 6, also known as the last day of Christmas as in the 12 days of Christmas and they all said cool.
Gophers/NoDaks, that is. Looks like I’m coming back here tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, 2-1 Minnesota. Sarah Erickson scored 22 seconds into the game and Sarah Davis at 4:19. They’ve come out flying, and North Dakota looks dangerous on the rush but nowhere else.
Purely anecdotal, I know, but I’ve read numerous places on the intertubes that atheists seem to know more about Christianity than regular church goers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Not the same rock, but I have, in my inventory, a couple of tiger repelling rocks and one bear repellent pebble. I am in Wisconsin, so I expect a good market for the bear pebble. You had better act fast.
Check out these adorable Icelandic Sheepdog puppies. In about two weeks, I’ll be picking up the the little girl to the left of the boy who is yawning. Me and the wife are super excited.
It doesn’t seem so similar to me, it’s fucked up, but reports of hazing aren’t the same as walking in on a 10 year-old being raped. The consequences were terrible but until I hear more, I don’t think it’s a similar case.
Has anybody heard about this story? It’s a pretty weird thing when a black kid hangs a confederate flag in his dorm room. I sure don’t get it. I’d sooner burn the damned thing than look at it, and I’m a white guy.
Aside from that, I was wondering whether anybody knows anything about Yahoo’s commenting policies, either. I wrote 2 comments, and both got yanked. This on a thread where quasi racist bullshit was all over the place. I’m really beginning to wonder whether the people who owna nd run Yahoo are nazis or KKK members or something. Does anybody know anything about this?
I don’t have time to read the whole thread, but I’m another pre-Code freak. Watching TCM in the middle of the day is my idea of heaven. I think Mnemosyne shares this taste.
Benjamin Franklin
“It’s a pretty weird thing when a black kid hangs a confederate flag in his dorm room”
my brother LIKES Newt, and he’s not a horrible person
Does not compute…
Omnes Omnibus
@Benjamin Franklin: I don’t trust a doctor who won’t follow his own advice.
Gin & Tonic
@DougJ: It’s similar in that everybody involved is under a code of silence; it’s similar in that the line between “esprit de corps” and countenancing horrible abuse seems not to be definable; it’s similar in that us “outsiders” can’t (and shouldn’t be able to, according to some) understand what goes on if we’re not on the football team/in the marching band. The mindset that drives someone to keep his mouth shut while a 10 year-old boy is raped is not dissimilar to the mindset that keeps everyone’s mouth shut while someone is beaten to death on a bus.
“I don’t trust a doctor who won’t follow his own advice.”
On the West Coast. Must-catch-up….
Anne Laurie
@Gex: Wish her “Happy Saturnalia!” and then “remind” her that the Jesus Christ figure in her religious tradition would’ve been born in April or May, not December — “His” followers just co-opted the Roman festival to get the benefits without having to do all the hard work. Much like so many of “His” modern American followers…
I know, right? I want to tell him the “Newt is what a smart person sounds like if you’re stupid” thing, but that’s kind of a dick move, knowing that he likes Newt, and he’s not a bad person. I’m stumped.
If my downstairs neighbor starts blasting Gloria Gaynor for a third night in a row, there will be consequences. I get it; she’s going through a divorce. So what, that’s no excuse for her musical choices.
Maybe you should offer her a mix disc of your further suggestions?
Or even recommendations for high-quality headphones that will help her mood-uplift project…
To arrest one foreign car-making executive under Alabama’s new tough immigration laws may be regarded as a misfortune; to arrest a second looks like carelessness.
I love that the Brits can so casually and nonchalantly paraphrase Wilde and not even point to it. Brill!
I need to know, because my brother LIKES Newt, and he’s not a horrible person. How do I get him to see that Newt is Cain writ large?
When I don’t want to have that argument with people I otherwise like, I go with “I like Matt Damon (George Clooney, Angelina Jolie), but I don’t want him to be President either.”
Not that I’d actually mind seeing Clooney in the Oval Office, but it ain’t gonna happen and it opens the escape hatch that there are plenty reasons why not every “well-intentioned” celebrity with “big ideas” deserves to be taken seriously as a presidential contender.
Funny thing is, as the only non Christian of the bunch (I’m ED, not on the Board) when I suggested Twelfth Night as a date for our party, they all looked blank. I tried “feast of the epiphany” and the blank stares continued. So I said how about January 6, also known as the last day of Christmas as in the 12 days of Christmas and they all said cool.
Also a popular holiday, as the Feast of the Three Kings, among some Hispanic communities. Watch out for accusations of pro-Latino bias :)!
(During my first few years out of parochial school among the Midwestern Christians, I was appalled how many people believed the “twelve days” meant a countdown to the 25th of December. Even the newbie SCAdians who thought they understood medieval history!)
And again, I say (this time with emphasis): FYWP
Gin & Tonic
@Cat Lady: I came of political age with Richard Nixon, and even though I loathed him, on some level I could understand why people supported him. But Newt? As far as I’m concerned, if you support Newt you are either a) a fucking moron or b) an amoral reptile like him. There is no c).
What am I doing tonight? Crabbily and quietly muttering about Christmas shopping. Darn partner went and bought for himself what I had ordered for him for Christmas. Now, I will need to send it back and think of something new. #%$%$#@.
Anne Laurie
@Stooleo: MAD jealous, I am. Pics & stories, as they occur?
@SiubhanDuinne: what are you planning for tomorrow night Pinky?
Just got home, it’s a Friday Nite, having a beer and looking at that ribeye like it was my first girlfriend. (With frites and sweet corn on the cob, of course.) Blew off a nite in LA to just recoup…”You kids go play, this old man just wants to sit.”
I’ll transition to vino once the steak is on the plate. That’s what I’m doing 2nite.
MacArthur-funded #HASTAC2011 conference at Umich – best and brightest of the humanities digiterati – Oh, wow, indeed!
I was waiting for Mnemosyne to show up. Glad to know you’re in the club.
They started off with some lesser William Powell this morning, Rendezvous and Star of Midnight, and then descended into full Warner Bros. raunch mode. Debauched aristocrats, corrupt executives, sugar daddies, working girls (both kinds) all over the place, and workplace harassment like you wouldn’t believe. Mama likes!
Later I caught Skyscraper Souls, and I am a little embarrassed to admit that I just finished watching Knute Rockne, All American (not pre-Code!), complete with a young Ronald Reagan as the Gipper. I wanted to see just the (admittedly great) scene where Gipp first joins the football team, but I got sucked in by the fact that George O’Brien bears a disturbing resemblance to Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men. Did not see that coming.
Depending on how big a fan you are, you may be interested in the three sets of Forbidden Hollywood DVDs and the Pre-Code Hollywood Collection, all of which are on deep discount at Amazon right now (most under $20). Lots of really racy stuff there.
Had me first taste of the new WoW heroic instances. Also first time healing in forever (usually tank). We only wiped a half dozen times, and that was the easy instance. /sigh
Shower, beer, sausage, beer… I forget after that.
Simple soup supper.
Thread needs moar puppeh.
Sitting in Lincoln Tunnel traffic. Pretty much be here all nite.
Depends on whether the electricity is on.
I’m in one of the areas in Southern California kicked in the teeth by the recent windstorm. Some roof damage, no electricity for two days.
Gin & Tonic
I’ll probably drink and get into an argument on the Internet.
Couple beers with friends at a quality beer joint, then home to make dinner for the wife.
Anyone seen “Horrible Bosses”? Stupid and funny or stupid and not funny?
@Gin & Tonic: About your stupid haircut or your Windows machine or your ugly cat?
/too early?
Gin & Tonic
Yeah, at least I’m not a loser like you with that damn dog.
Preparing for the deluge of visitors we’re expecting tomorrow.
( this, for anyone in the Chicago area who wants to see a bunch of scientists (a) making fools of themselves and (b) showing off their work. Plus, we’ll make ice cream using liquid nitrogen)
Gin & Tonic
Helps to be able to find the damned Reply button.
Last day of classes so I’m catching up on grading. Ugh.
@dmsilev: Good luck with Dorkfest.
On the north side we’re handing over rectangles of paper and receiving delicious alcoholic beverages.
It’s magic.
@FlipYrWhig: One more week to go here. And you can tell I have grading and am fading as I’d rather type into this box.
Catching up on blog reading, cause I had a busy day at work and couldn’t surf the net. Then try to go to bed early cause I’ve been working for 3 weeks with no off days and I will be working another week before I’m off so I need to get sleep where I can.
Gin & Tonic
I find at least moderately interesting that dozens of people on here had vehemently-expressed opinions on college athletics, the tendency of the academy to cover for its own, the omerta culture, etc. in light of the Sandusky/Penn State affair, but nobody on the front page, nor any commenters I’ve seen (although I don’t read every comment or every thread) have thought it relevant to comment on the Florida A&M marching band hazing death. Many of the same influences come into play, and a young man is dead. The band director was fired, justifiably or not, and the university and the band seem to be closing ranks around this. Is it because we’re mostly white people here? I’m curious.
I would love to someone to ask Newt Gingrich about his time touring inner-city schools with Rev Al and Secretary Duncan and ask him if he thinks those children who he met and talked are the “poor kids who don’t have a work ethic” he’s talking about?
Rev Al’s on his show today showed the video of Gingrich, Duncan and Rev Al at these schools. Sharpton was very upset as can be imagined. Because as he said, he and Newt talked to those “poor kids” and every last one of them had WORKING parents and every last one of them wanted to grow up and work and be something. How does he know that, because they asked them (them = him, Newt and Duncan).
Comrade Mary
I plan to get 8 hours of sleep a night starting this weekend. OK, maybe 7 if I have deadlines. But not less than 6. That’s for damn sure. At least 5 hours of sleep each night.
Wow. McMegan must know that DougJ is trying to go Galt right now:
If there ever was a time for a good ROTFLMAO, I think this might be it.
I was off work today (and tomorrow, too!), so I got an early start on a long weekend. Puttered around a bit and ended up watching a slew of pre-Code Hollywood movies on TCM: Expensive Women, Beauty and the Boss, Under Eighteen, like that. Marian Marsh was hot (seen here with über-horndog Warren William). I wish teddies and camisoles would make a comeback.
ETA: Maybe they have and I’m just out of the loop. Depressing thought.
General Stuck
just finished going to the store and walking the pooch in a raging blizzard. We are getting pounded, as occasionally the snow clouds are so low, we at 6000 ft plus elevation are actually inside the snow clouds.
Charlie is in 7th heaven though, and three pics to prove it.
Nope. Needs kitteh.
@General Stuck: Yay! Moar Charlie!
The Moar You Know
@slag: Poor McMegan. I’ll modify some ageless wisdom for her: If you look around the room and you can’t figure out who the innumerate retard is, chances are it’s you.
@BGinCHI: Thanks. It’s the forth or fifth year we’ve done it, so you’d think that we’d be organized and so forth.
You’d be wrong.
@khead: Can’t argue against moar kitteh.
Skyrim. :)
Giving thanks for Der Spiegel:,1518,800850,00.html
@dmsilev: Unfortunately sometimes those things are a benefliction. You want to do them, you’re excited about seeing people and putting on some fun activities, but then the work is just killer.
Kind of like holidays with the family.
@BGinCHI: Lot of work, tis true. Somehow I ended up being put in charge of organizing the lab tours this year, and it’s been like herding cats to get everyone lined up and pointed more or less in the same direction. Not to mention the last-minute crises. Actual conversation from an hour or two ago: “The demo we want to do apparently emits toxic gases. Can we move into a room with a fume hood?”
About to head out to post-season volleyball match at the university of illinois. Skipping the first match at 4:30 because UI plays at 7 and I’m certain my puppy can’t wait for 6 hours. Hoping he can make it 4 hours in the crate. Here’s Tucker in his Balloon Juice photo debut.
@The Moar You Know: Had she cleaned more toilets as a child, she would know why.
Tom Hilton
Getting takeout burritos, having a martini, and collapsing at the end of a brutal week that followed an exhausting weekend.
@dmsilev: Or combine with Joe Walsh (R-Crazy Fucking Suburbs) visit.
“Yeah Joe, go ahead and take your mask off.”
/not to be confused with the guy whose Maserati does 185
Cat Lady
@Gin & Tonic:
Was there Teh Sex? No? Carry on.
Laying low and recovering from bronchitis. Bleh. I’m hoping I feel like reading tomorrow; I’ve got Tony Horwitz’ new book, Midnight Rising about John Brown and the Harper’s Ferry raid on the bedside table.
J. Michael Neal
I’m sitting at Boston’s Pizza, hoping like hell that Channel 617 on the DirecTV lineup will come on at 7:00 to show the Gopher women’s hockey game. I feel dirty hoping that the Fighting Sociopaths TV channel will come in, but it’s the only hope for watching the game. Last week and this week were the first two series this year I haven’t been able to attend, and it’s driving me kind of nuts.
I have a bleg. I do volunteer tutoring on Thursday nights. I’d like to be teaching math, but the vast majority of my time is spent helping Somali immigrants learn to write in English. I have one regular who is in an ESL class whose idiot instructor assigned preparing a presentation on genetic engineering. The poor guy’s vocabulary isn’t anywhere close to being ready to handle a technical subject like that,
He almost needs me to explain every paragraph in his source material to him. This is frustrating for both of us and I feel kind of helpless. There simply isn’t any way for me to be able to do that for everything. Does anyone have any ideas for how to help someone write a paper on a technical subject in a language where they haven’t yet entirely mastered basic vocabulary?
General Stuck
I don’t know why the Flickr on black won’t load, at least from my location. But if you scroll older or newer, everything works fine.
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m tired from staying up till after midnight playing Federation Commander last night. If you know what that is, your level of geekery is pretty damn high.
@J. Michael Neal: Email McMegan or Sully, as they’re both experts in writing on stuff they don’t understand.
Just scanned about 700 pictures from my childhood. One of the fun side effects of your parents divorcing when you are 40. I scanned them 4 or 5 to a page, so now I have a ton of cropping to do.
I’m also trying to get over my cousin’s “Christmas” wishes. She didn’t just say “Merry Christmas” which I have no trouble with. Instead she made sure to denounce saying “Happy Holidays” and then wished me “Merry CHRISTmas.” I mean, you just went out of your way to exclude me from your seasonal greeting, so why bother speaking the words at me?
nothing like unexpected consequences……
tonight, picking up step brother pickup from the airport to allow him to say goodbye to his dad this weekend.
Still some time left in the working day here.
@General Stuck: The first one loaded but not the next two. Charlie is so cute.
Nice-looking pooch.
Jerzy Russian
We are heading down to Balboa Park for December Nights. I might have to wear my light jacket.
@The Moar You Know: Seriously. Someone should probably let her know: You know you’re an idiot when you think that being rich means you can’t be an idiot.
You can scroll to them from the first picture. That’s what I had to do. Click “newer.”
General Stuck
Awwe! Tucker is a sweetie pie.
I am obsessing over my fucked up work situation and cursing the idiocy that ever prompted me to go to law school.
Please, someone start a nice flame war so I can relax and unwind.
Beer and Dragon Soul!
Dr. Squid
Herman time.
@eemom: Law school was perhaps the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. For reals.
@BGinCHI: We can shut down the rest of the tubes. Winner by KO.
ETA: No seriously. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed that.
@Cat Lady:
Yep, this is America you know. Sex is terrible, killing or mutilating people is hardly worth mentioning.
@Steeplejack: Thanks…snow dog.
Spouse’s company Christmas & whatever party, where I shall channel my inner honey badger because I just don’t care. Not that there’s anything annoying about finance people.
@eemom: Well, we all know how SCOTUS is going to vote on everything…
How’s that for a start?
Anyone who knows anything ’bout contemporary R&B will understand why I’m dedicating this song to Herman Cain in anticipation of his “announcement” tomorrow.
I imagine it playing as he walked into the house to “reassess his campaign” with his wife!
BTW, it’s the chorus that’s the killer!
Erykah Badu – Tyrone
@General Stuck:
He really does look happy, dunt he? Little dog, big personality. :)
yeah, wasn’t that teh shiznit? Nothing like having the hideous suckdom of the US media, and the fact that the republitards have made us the laughingstock of the civilized world, again, rubbed in our faces at the same time.
Any news about the newest member of the community? Loneoak’s wife was in labor last night.
Concede the point and then every week make sure you wish her a happy THORsday and SATURNday.
Victory through superior volume.
And tell her that you left her CHRISTmas gift with Jesus, so she’ll get it as soon as he returns.
Gin & Tonic
@taylormattd: Friend of mine, mid-career, gave up his job and refi’d his house to go to law school. This was maybe 10 years ago. I saw him recently and asked him if he’d do it over, and he was absolute and unhesitating in saying “no.”
@jeffreyw: Thread needs Tunch, Lily and Rosie… Cole, are you reading the thread… it needs Tunch, Lily and Rosie.
the problem — for me at least — is that at my advanced age and in this shithole of an economy, it is an IRREPARABLE mistake. I will be billing hours until I die.
Linda Featheringill
@J. Michael Neal: #36
Genetics for Dummies. Amazon Kindle Store. 10.00. You can download Kindle for PC from Amazon for free.
It’s a thought.
@Martin: I don’t even get into it with those types anymore. The only aggressively Christian people in my life are there because of family ties and that’s about it. I can bite my tongue once a year. They’re never going to budge.
But I like how you think.
I’m hanging around home feeling like a zombie from a nasty cold. May go see Marc Maron in a bit if I (and the Ms., who gave me the cold) feel un-zombie enough.
I love that song. Hadn’t heard it in a while.
Love it.
I’ve taken to abstaining from alcohol weeknights, and only having it on Friday and Saturday night. So cheers to you all.
well NBC News reporting what seem obvious: Herman Cain “Likely” to Withdraw from Pres Race.
uh…no shit sherlock!
Fer reals. Things I’d be tempted to say (but probably wouldn’t because I’m not that combative): “Just because you guys moved your holiday to December to try to steal other religions’ followers doesn’t mean the ones you didn’t steal have to go along.”
@General Stuck: When I clicked on “Close”, I got the regular photo page.
That puppeh is cute.
@lamh35: Did they call it “Breaking News!”? Because that’s about as un-breaking un-news as anything ever to appear in a newscast.
Benjamin Franklin
No one knows what the bottom of this looks like.
The ricochet effect when the pipeline of goods dries up, and short-term credit lines cease, will leave many without essentials, even if currency is still valid, which it probably won’t be.–-coup-de-grace-for-the-euro.html
“France isn’t doing well. Unemployment, which has been rising since May, breached 9%. Wages haven’t kept up with inflation, and purchasing power has dropped. Industrial orders plummeted. Layoffs have been announced. Yields are rising. Banks are teetering. Sarkozy had tried to reform the French welfare and tax system. Result: rising income disparity, tax loopholes for the rich, diminished pension benefits for the middle class, reduced subsidies for the poor, etc., and now ugly unemployment trends.”
Ask her if she plans on desecrating the proper Christian spirit of the occasion by sacrilegiously putting up an evergreen tree as an idol in her house, a tree which symbolizes and celebrates the victory of pagan nature spirits over the winter solstice.
And don’t even get me started on the whole holly and mistletoe thing. Fucking Druidic religion, how does it work?
Benjamin Franklin
Sorry to crap on teh TGIF thread, btw.
DFH no.6
Yeah, I’ve gotten that a few times, too.
Funny how saying “Merry Christmas” became the equivalent to a (seasonal) “Fuck You!” to some. Very Christ-like. I suppose it’s because there’s a war on, doncha know.
I’m leaving work now, and later this evening I’ll take a couple hits of my favorite Blue Dream/Sour Diesel blend and ride the light rail to the new, cool concert venue/pub in downtown Phoenix (Crescent Ballroom), where they spin Motown and Stax records till around 1:30AM or so on Friday nights. It only got up to around 60F today, so I’ll be wearing my parka.
There is no such thing as one-hit weed, but there’s definitely 2-3 hit weed. Shit’s better today than it ever was.
So I sleep like a baby on most weekends (the work week is quite another matter).
Tomorrow and Sunday there’s the Tempe Arts Festival on Mill Ave., which I’ll go to like always (and buy a trinket or two) even though it’s too damn cold this year.
Southern Beale
Herman Cain’t.
It’s a hoax, people. It has to be. For the sake of my sanity, if nothing else. C’mon.
Southern Beale
Herman Cain’t.
It’s a hoax, people. It has to be. For the sake of my sanity, if nothing else. C’mon.
South of I-10
Grilling burgers and playing with our new pound puppy. Our elder dog Hannah passed away a couple of weeks ago. We found a beautiful year old Brittany Spaniel mix at the pound and brought him home. I miss our old girl a lot, but this boy is so sweet and tender hearted.
Southern Beale
I have a cold. So husband is bringing pizza home and I’m basically going to spend the evening bundled up on the sofa.
Really hope this is my first and last cold of the year. This sucks.
Who needs one of these? I’ve got a refrigerator full of them, and I don’t like drinking alone.
Watching someone trying to complete Mile High on Veteran in CoD4. For over two and a half hours.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: Are you me? ‘cuz that was my plan. Well, not so much plan as the likely way the evening will go. My plan is it to … aw, fuck it. I might as well call it my plan.
@Redshift: yeah, they called it Breaking News.
I just had to laugh.
@South of I-10: Yay! Brittany!
@Southern Beale: That would be awesome, but I still think it’s a self-promotion/book tour that underestimated the stupidity of the Republican base. Cain’s ignoramus act for the rubes was supposed to result in him getting Santorum levels of support and no scrutiny, leading to a Palin-like gig afterward.
Either that, or he’s just an incredibly egotistical idiot.
Suffern ACE
@Gex: Nothing says “buy me a gift” like well wishes mixed with invectives.
J. Michael Neal
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s not much of a plan. Loser.
Pretty much all my friends and all but 2 cousins are secular. We’re going to a solstice dinner next door with all the local friends.
Xmas is OK, if you can stay out of town. I went in today and got a new TV, left the cables on the counter, have to go back on Saturday. darn.
@South of I-10: Sorry bout your dog and congrats on your pupster.
In so far CHRISTmas is concerned, I think I’d feel entitled to say “No Thank You, I wouldn’t want to deprive you of any of YOUR holiday.”
Omnes Omnibus
@taylormattd: I liked law school. I like the law as an academic subject. The business side of practicing law is what doesn’t appeal to me. If it were researching, writing, and arguing points of law, I would love it. Dickhead tactics by opposing counsel, stupid clients, and the almighty billable hour are what suck.
My boss brought this to my attention today. Apparently it was performed at Merlefest one year when he was there. I admit I LOL.
Benjamin Franklin
I’ve said many times, (not here) that Gingrich, and Cain are using the Palin model of ‘shuck and jive’. They punk the system to reap financial rewards, (book sales, speaking engagementsz). That’s not to say they are not willing to serve as Presidunce, it’s just the final pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Either way, it’s a Win/Win.
Omnes Omnibus
@J. Michael Neal: Better than sitting somewhere waiting for a teevee to come on or whatever it is you are doing. But could you guys let me do it in order. I haven’t gotten to the drinking yet. At least, not seriously.
ETA: If my downstairs neighbor starts blasting Gloria Gaynor for a third night in a row, there will be consequences. I get it; she’s going through a divorce. So what, that’s no excuse for her musical choices.
Or maybe I’d ask for the gift receipt with her wishes so I could exchange them for something I’d enjoy (or that fit).
Linda Featheringill
Didja notice that next week various Occupy groups across the country are targeting foreclosed but empty houses in an attempt to make them available to homeless families?
Linda Featheringill
@Omnes Omnibus:
You will survive. :-)
Same thing we’ve been doing every night recently: sitting around our recently-installed Jotul 8 wood stove. Best money I’ve ever spent.
Villago Delenda Est
@Benjamin Franklin:
Sure we do. Paris. Summer of 1791. Lots of tumbrel traffic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Linda Featheringill: Aren’t there other songs she could play?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Careful with this kind of thinking. If you don’t get rich, you may well be an idiot.
Omnes Omnibus
The obvious.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Martin: I got an email from a Board member after notifying the Board that I was bringing holiday cards, generic “wishing joys of the season” some with penguins in santa hats some with kittehs with peppermint striped ribbon (which I donated), imprinted with the nonprofit’s name (comped by printer) for the Board to sign. The idea is to send these to sponsors, donors and key volunteers, along with strategic partners in the community that may not give money. The email:
The good news is that he won’t be at the meeting to whine in person. Sigh.
Omnes Omnibus
@slag: You are mcmeganing me? That’s cold.
@General Stuck:
:: sighs with pleasure ::
Charlie is my darlin’.
Not to depress all the lawyers on the board even more but some sort of lawyers journal reported recently that 100 jobs were created “in the legal field” in September 2011 (that includes lawyers and paralegals, legal assistants) while 46,000 students graduated law school this year.
We have a new ADA at our DAs office here in my town in NC, her salary is being paid by Notra Dame for 6 months, so that Notra Dame can brag about their hiring percentages. In other words they are lying. So what is new. This really is the worst time in the world to consider the legal profession as a career. The market is saturated, with practicing lawyers scrambling for the available business. The price for handling a traffic ticket around here has gone from a standard $250.00 to many of the “sausage factory” type firms charging $50.00.
PS) I am not a lawyer, I am a paralegal, just wanted to point that out.
Cat Lady
When Herm Cain drops out, what’s a Cain supporter to do? What mental gyrations does it take to blame the execrable Cain, and everyone but themselves for being a credulous cretin? These poor stupid saps are almost sympathetic, but what the fuck is wrong with them in the first place? I need to know, because my brother LIKES Newt, and he’s not a horrible person. How do I get him to see that Newt is Cain writ large?
Benjamin Franklin
@Villago Delenda Est:
It’s not just France. We are playing a game of 8-ball on the felt of the World Financial Billiard Table. The US is not the cue-ball. And the slop-shot is
Omnes Omnibus
@Litlebritdifrnt: I am weaseling my way into an ebil gubmint job. I hope, I hope, I hope….
Omnes Omnibus
@Benjamin Franklin: Think 220 years ago.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: All of this is true, though I confess that I actually adore trial work (whereas “litigation” sucks). I almost miss it.
I got a call today inviting me to interview for a common pleas court administrator position I applied for in the early summer. It’s scheduled for noon December 15.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): So just send out Hannakuh cards and see what happens.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Of course not. I’m just schooling you with my ironclad logic and unassailable knowledge of facts. Or…I would be if I were rich. But since I’m not, who knows what I’m doing?
@Omnes Omnibus: good luck
Omnes Omnibus
@arguingwithsignposts: Thanks, it is where I am working on contract now, so hopefully I have an in.
Villago Delenda Est
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
OK, so it would be better to insult a rabid Christian by sending them a Hannukah card in error, or by sending a similarly serious Jew a Christmas card, instead of navigating middle ground by wishing them a joyous holiday season.
Might as well not even bother to acknowledge the season at all and avoid the the entire issue.
We need more fucking lions around here. The food supply is plentiful…
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: I have a rock that repels lions. Would you like to buy it?
@General Stuck:
:: sighs with pleasure ::
Charlie is my darlin’.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Villago Delenda Est: The weird thing is this guy was at the Board meeting when it was suggested and agreed to by the entire fucking Board that we should do this. He wants to call them year end thank you cards, but he was too much of weenie to say so in front of the rest of the board when I passed around the exemplars at the last meeting…
Funny thing is, as the only non Christian of the bunch (I’m ED, not on the Board) when I suggested Twelfth Night as a date for our party, they all looked blank. I tried “feast of the epiphany” and the blank stares continued. So I said how about January 6, also known as the last day of Christmas as in the 12 days of Christmas and they all said cool.
J. Michael Neal
It. Is. On.
Gophers/NoDaks, that is. Looks like I’m coming back here tomorrow.
Oh, yeah, 2-1 Minnesota. Sarah Erickson scored 22 seconds into the game and Sarah Davis at 4:19. They’ve come out flying, and North Dakota looks dangerous on the rush but nowhere else.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
Only if it also repels tigers. And bears.
Villago Delenda Est
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Purely anecdotal, I know, but I’ve read numerous places on the intertubes that atheists seem to know more about Christianity than regular church goers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Not the same rock, but I have, in my inventory, a couple of tiger repelling rocks and one bear repellent pebble. I am in Wisconsin, so I expect a good market for the bear pebble. You had better act fast.
Check out these adorable Icelandic Sheepdog puppies. In about two weeks, I’ll be picking up the the little girl to the left of the boy who is yawning. Me and the wife are super excited.
@Gin & Tonic:
It doesn’t seem so similar to me, it’s fucked up, but reports of hazing aren’t the same as walking in on a 10 year-old being raped. The consequences were terrible but until I hear more, I don’t think it’s a similar case.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Has anybody heard about this story? It’s a pretty weird thing when a black kid hangs a confederate flag in his dorm room. I sure don’t get it. I’d sooner burn the damned thing than look at it, and I’m a white guy.
Aside from that, I was wondering whether anybody knows anything about Yahoo’s commenting policies, either. I wrote 2 comments, and both got yanked. This on a thread where quasi racist bullshit was all over the place. I’m really beginning to wonder whether the people who owna nd run Yahoo are nazis or KKK members or something. Does anybody know anything about this?
Benjamin Franklin
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s a bit glib for a serious subject. If you aren’t doing so, already;
as your Dr., I suggest you begin drinking heavily.
Then tomorrow, obtain sufficient food and water stores for a three-to six month duration,
BTW; I’m sober
gogol's wife
I don’t have time to read the whole thread, but I’m another pre-Code freak. Watching TCM in the middle of the day is my idea of heaven. I think Mnemosyne shares this taste.
Benjamin Franklin
“It’s a pretty weird thing when a black kid hangs a confederate flag in his dorm room”
CAIN !!!!
And, I’m still sober….
Gin & Tonic
@Cat Lady:
Does not compute…
Omnes Omnibus
@Benjamin Franklin: I don’t trust a doctor who won’t follow his own advice.
Gin & Tonic
@DougJ: It’s similar in that everybody involved is under a code of silence; it’s similar in that the line between “esprit de corps” and countenancing horrible abuse seems not to be definable; it’s similar in that us “outsiders” can’t (and shouldn’t be able to, according to some) understand what goes on if we’re not on the football team/in the marching band. The mindset that drives someone to keep his mouth shut while a 10 year-old boy is raped is not dissimilar to the mindset that keeps everyone’s mouth shut while someone is beaten to death on a bus.
Benjamin Franklin
@Omnes Omnibus:
“I don’t trust a doctor who won’t follow his own advice.”
On the West Coast. Must-catch-up….
Anne Laurie
@Gex: Wish her “Happy Saturnalia!” and then “remind” her that the Jesus Christ figure in her religious tradition would’ve been born in April or May, not December — “His” followers just co-opted the Roman festival to get the benefits without having to do all the hard work. Much like so many of “His” modern American followers…
Oh, golly, too much cuteness in one place. Many pics when you take possession, please.
J. Michael Neal
Wow. That was one of the two best periods the Gophers have played this year, along with the second in the Saturday game in Madison.
Cat Lady
@Gin & Tonic:
I know, right? I want to tell him the “Newt is what a smart person sounds like if you’re stupid” thing, but that’s kind of a dick move, knowing that he likes Newt, and he’s not a bad person. I’m stumped.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus:
Maybe you should offer her a mix disc of your further suggestions?
Or even recommendations for high-quality headphones that will help her mood-uplift project…
I love that the Brits can so casually and nonchalantly paraphrase Wilde and not even point to it. Brill!
@Stooleo: Such a cutie pie!
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: I rather think not. As my father said when he saw her in my building, “You don’t want anything to to with that one.”
Anne Laurie
@Cat Lady:
When I don’t want to have that argument with people I otherwise like, I go with “I like Matt Damon (George Clooney, Angelina Jolie), but I don’t want him to be President either.”
Not that I’d actually mind seeing Clooney in the Oval Office, but it ain’t gonna happen and it opens the escape hatch that there are plenty reasons why not every “well-intentioned” celebrity with “big ideas” deserves to be taken seriously as a presidential contender.
Brain! That you.
Brain! That you?
I have never seen anything so cute.
Anne Laurie
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Also a popular holiday, as the Feast of the Three Kings, among some Hispanic communities. Watch out for accusations of pro-Latino bias :)!
(During my first few years out of parochial school among the Midwestern Christians, I was appalled how many people believed the “twelve days” meant a countdown to the 25th of December. Even the newbie SCAdians who thought they understood medieval history!)
And again, I say (this time with emphasis): FYWP
Gin & Tonic
@Cat Lady: I came of political age with Richard Nixon, and even though I loathed him, on some level I could understand why people supported him. But Newt? As far as I’m concerned, if you support Newt you are either a) a fucking moron or b) an amoral reptile like him. There is no c).
@Cat Lady:
Not to be sizeist or anything . . . .
Suffern ACE
What am I doing tonight? Crabbily and quietly muttering about Christmas shopping. Darn partner went and bought for himself what I had ordered for him for Christmas. Now, I will need to send it back and think of something new. #%$%$#@.
Anne Laurie
@Stooleo: MAD jealous, I am. Pics & stories, as they occur?
@SiubhanDuinne: what are you planning for tomorrow night Pinky?
J. Michael Neal
4-0 after two. The Gophs are just throttling the life out of North Dakota.
Checking out the Occupy Supply Store. Think I need some socks.
Just got home, it’s a Friday Nite, having a beer and looking at that ribeye like it was my first girlfriend. (With frites and sweet corn on the cob, of course.) Blew off a nite in LA to just recoup…”You kids go play, this old man just wants to sit.”
I’ll transition to vino once the steak is on the plate. That’s what I’m doing 2nite.
MacArthur-funded #HASTAC2011 conference at Umich – best and brightest of the humanities digiterati – Oh, wow, indeed!
@gogol’s wife:
I was waiting for Mnemosyne to show up. Glad to know you’re in the club.
They started off with some lesser William Powell this morning, Rendezvous and Star of Midnight, and then descended into full Warner Bros. raunch mode. Debauched aristocrats, corrupt executives, sugar daddies, working girls (both kinds) all over the place, and workplace harassment like you wouldn’t believe. Mama likes!
Later I caught Skyscraper Souls, and I am a little embarrassed to admit that I just finished watching Knute Rockne, All American (not pre-Code!), complete with a young Ronald Reagan as the Gipper. I wanted to see just the (admittedly great) scene where Gipp first joins the football team, but I got sucked in by the fact that George O’Brien bears a disturbing resemblance to Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men. Did not see that coming.
Depending on how big a fan you are, you may be interested in the three sets of Forbidden Hollywood DVDs and the Pre-Code Hollywood Collection, all of which are on deep discount at Amazon right now (most under $20). Lots of really racy stuff there.
Had me first taste of the new WoW heroic instances. Also first time healing in forever (usually tank). We only wiped a half dozen times, and that was the easy instance. /sigh
@Stooleo: OMG. ME. WANT!!
Comrade Luke
Anyone hear Adam Carolla’s bit on OWS? Is it true that the top 1% pay 50% of the taxes in California?