Because let’s face it, both of these are little more than entertainment.
*** Update ***
I love it. Cain hasn’t spoken yet, but this sure looks like they snookered everyone and Cain is going to keep on keeping on. DougJ must be ecstatic.
Villago Delenda Est
Meh, this weekend’s college football that matters, here on the Left Coast, happened last night at Autzen.
Be prepared to have your eyes assaulted at the Rose Bowl, the Fashion Nightmares are in!
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Wisconsin-Michigan State is tonight. That is the game that matters.
are bearcats like cougars?
General Stuck
One curtain comes down at the circus, and another will go up in its place. relax, stay tuned, and have some magic brownies.
Cain is going to announce his premature withdrawal from….
Unfortunately he did not stay in the race long enough for his his supporters to realize how screwed they would be under his regressive tax package.
So.Miss just scored again. 14-0 I so wanted to see Houston in a major bowl because I hate the BCS.
@General Stuck:
Between Cain and Sandusky, we got ourselves a double negative. I did not…
Joseph Nobles
Also, they found a 2007 interview with Gingrich saying he would be hesitant to change anything about Freddie Mac. This was after he’d received all the cash over 8 years to not lobby for them. Plus, he thinks life begins at successful implantation, not conception. Toast walking.
@General Stuck:
now yer talkin sense.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus:
What it does is provide us the team whose uniforms you can actually look at without ocular hemorrhaging in the Rose Bowl.
Doesn’t sound like he’s dropping out.
I’m rooting for Herm to stay in it. I just don’t have confidence in the rest of the field to provide the quality of entertainment that America so desperately needs.
forked tongue
Hmm, all these speakers preceding Cain are all talking as if he’s still the next preznit. Given the bumbling nature of his campaign, I guess it’s still possible he’s going to come out and say he’s withdrawing, that would be a stitch.
Where’s Herm? All these folks are babbling and one GA person discovered that people want more coupons. He didn’t tell them that a Cain presidency would encourage more coupon clipping cuz your taxes would go up under his plan though.
forked tongue
Now this is one weird lady.
@forked tongue: I feel blessed.
oh shit…
The Dangerman
Spartans over Badgers.
Cowboys over Sooners.
Mrs. Cain over Herman.
The newspaper is estimating that around 300 people showed up. Really, 300 people at a rally at his campaign headquarters.
Herm the mathematician.
Well, Mr. Cain sure doesn’t lack for self-esteem. To think that people are actually, breathlessly waiting for his pronouncement. Will he stay or will he go?? Oooh. Who the fuck cares?
Wow. She’s holding his hand as they get off the bus.
@RalfW: Like every good politician’s wife. She stands behind her cheating man.
OK now it feels past tense.
I was proud of the guy who had the courage to say that he loved America at a Republican rally in GA.
One look at what the saps have posted on the “encouragement” page of his web site last night, and I figured there’s at least a decent chance he is still in. Depends on how much cash he’s been able to rake in this week. If the dollars are down, he is out. It sounds like he is bowing out from the way this speech is opening. Wife is on stage with him right now, smiling and waving; doesn’t look like she has that pained look that other political wives have when they are doing the Tammy Wynette bit.
The 2012 campaign just gets better and better.
I gather there’s BBQ at Cain HQ.
Nothing like feeding your audience at a big book signing. Though usually it’s cookies and coffee.
Amir Khalid
Top story on TPM right now is that the right-wing commentariat is sniffing cautiously at Jon Huntsman. He does look sane, is not demonstrably ignorant of policy or stupid, has no known history of harassing women, has none of Romney’s smarmy gitness, and his poll numbers have apparently been ooching up ever so slightly. I suppose this means all the non-Romneys are going to get a turn in the spotlight.
The only reason I’m watching is because I’m putting off doing my yard work.
Go Michigan
Go Oklahoma State
Geaux LSU
Go Magic Brownies
(and not in that order)
ETA: @JPL I too am putting off yardwork. A beautiful 76 degrees where I’m at.
“Message is more powerful than money.”
Nine, nine, what?
Herm knows who cares, who can’t stop thing of him, who won’t leave him alone, and sings:
“I look at all the husbandless women
I look at all the husbandless women
All the husbandless women
Where do they all belong?
Where do they all come from?
Husbandless woman, picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
No one was saved”
The Dangerman
Oops; forgot that one. I’d love to see Georgia win, just to fuck with the inevitable LSU/Bama game…
…but, other than the Bama game, LSU has looked unstoppable.
He does seem to be talking in past tense. It’s not really a fighting speech so far.
Maybe he was afraid to go on Trump’s Ion TeeVee show and hear “you’re fired!”?
licensed to kill time
Cain: “We need a dumbass like me for President, not some hoity-toity Harvard dude. I am one of you, the sheeple.”
He’s gonna double down.
Ah here go… the “I don’t want distractions” rationale.
Why did they make Mrs. Cain move?
we all make mistakes
@Amir Khalid:
I have that story open in another tab in my browser. I don’t buy it – it seems to me like sometimes Josh Marshall and David Kurtz just like to push this stuff because it’s interesting to talk about. The story features Erick Erickson’s recent posts as proof that Huntsman is getting another look from the ‘bagger, but below, a TPM commenter on the story points out that Erickson also recently posted that he will never ever vote for Huntsman.
I do not think Huntsman has a chance in hell at winning states in the central Midwest and South. Conservatives in those states just won’t buy him, IMO. He could make a run at some of the Northeastern states and near Western states like UT, CO, etc…but the Southern wing of the Confederate Party wants a Southerner, or at least someone that culturally identifies as with them, IMO, and that ain’t Huntsman, no way.
Ah now the family mention.
“False and unproved allegations.”
So some of the women may be lying, but at least some are telling the truth but the press hasn’t found the proof yet.
ETA: turning the idiot (box) off now.
So much endless speculation about a dead man walking. dude will never be President, or even the nominee. I guess staying in probably helps Willard, but really who cares what Herman Cain does?
“I want the job, don’t I?”
/America’s head forced toward crotch
“The libruls are being mean to my family!!!! Wahhhh!!! Jebus loves me and forgives me everything and my wife is cool with it, so SHUT UP!!! I’m outta here!!!”
@The Dangerman:
Well, truth be told, I’d like to see Oklahoma St. beat OU like a drum just to maybe fuck with the seemingly inevitable LSU/Bama thing.
Plan B – the morning after pill for preznit! Suspension!
forked tongue
OK, he’s gone. He was a treasure, and will be missed. This is the kind of moment the phrase “So long, you crazy bastard” was coined for.
Wasn’t this guy making money giving speeches?
forked tongue
Hah, I just heard some guy off camera say “I’m still votin’ for ya.”
But look out bitchez, ’cause I can come back and any time! I am the Phoenix!
Yeah…the money ran out and he is not spending personal dollars on this. Personal cash is for mistresses only.
Suspending rather than ending. Same thing, different word. Bye Herm, you will be missed, if only for the entertainment value. Gonna run over to Red State and see how many Cain supporters are slashing their wrists right now. Heh.
They want me to go away but I got to keep selling them books!
@Donut: Well, I’d give it two months to see if Europe really does implode and turn the US econ into mush, or whether instead the recent unemployment #s develop into a positive trend that gives Obama some wind at his back.
The overlords may shove Huntsman up front if it’s looking really good for Obama.
Why get punished for 10 or 11 months with the clown-car of fail if you can just loose “gracefully” while restoring the appearance of sanity for your brand?
lol chikinburd
The best football case is the one in which (1) Georgia beats LSU, (2) OSU wins Mayhem, and (3) the BCS still puts conference-non-champions LSU and Alabama into the national championship game, so that’s what I’m rooting for. The whole enterprise deserves an axe to the head.
Weird that they had all that buildup for a withdrawal speech.
Love love love that he picked up McCain’s awesome suspend thing. OMG it was a dud the first time around so let’s reuse it.
This is the most awesome crazy nonsensical thing, this rally.
Oh no, he’s “launching” something.
You could be right – I just don’t know that the overlords can control the hoi polloi at this point. I think the ‘Baggers have overrun the party. I guess we’ll see.
Oh shit.. grifters gotta grift.
Too late for this but Tomasky thinks Cain was in it for real, not for the media exposure. He thinks Cain felt the Presidency was his destiny. Make your own decisions about that, but it’s a good read.
Amir Khalid
If you care about the entertainment value provided by the Republican primary contest, you should care if Herman Cain stays in. The more clowns you got running around, the funnier the act, no?
The Dangerman
What’s he erecting?
@The Dangerman: Maybe something to solve his staff problems. :)
Cheap Jim
@xian: I think they’re more like Hispano-Suizas.
A quote from Pokemon! It just does not get better.
licensed to kill time
Look at that gigantic fork stickin’ out of Cain. He’s done!
It was nice of him to drag his wife on stage so she could share in the humiliation.
“Move the shining city on the hill back to the top of the hilltop!” The man has a gift.
And then he cribs a bunch of Obama’s campaign themes from 2008? Fukkin weird.
Back to the speaking circuit, Hermie.
@Amir Khalid: He was too nice to gays when governor of Utah. And he worked for Obama. That plus his Mormonism won’t sell with the base.
Amir Khalid
What means “suspend” campaign? Is Herm in or out? If he does “reanimate” his campaign later, after the primaries and caucuses have started, will they still let him play?
General Stuck
WoW. What a game. Ky Wildcats nip NC by a point.
licensed to kill time
Hahahaha…..remember when ol’ McGrumpy ‘suspended’ his campaign to fix the financial meltdown? Maybe Cain has a similar plan!
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: McCain suspended his campaign in 2008 and look what it did for him.
@Amir Khalid:
Chris Hayes is on MSNBC pointing out that the suspension angle lets him continue collecting donations for active campaign purposes. Still all about the $$$
The Dangerman
@General Stuck:
Roy Boy should be ashamed; most of his frontline should be in the NBA this year but came back (I’ll assume because of the lockout). I figured they had an outside shot at running the table…
…and now they’ve lost 2.
@Omnes Omnibus: The grifter has learned his trade well.
@Donut: Why would anyone, at this point, give to his campaign? What would it get them?
He will be mist
When McCain “suspended” his campaign, it just meant that he was flying back to Washington to have some meetings where he sat there holding his pud; his campaign (such as it was) continued as before. Cain is dropping out but hasn’t the courage to admit it. Facing reality was never a strong point with these guys.
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: Why would anyone, at any point, give to his campaign?
All you can do is give that woodchuck a tuna melt …
@Omnes Omnibus: Because he would pay them back for their support when he becomes president.
@Omnes Omnibus:
….maybe because they think it will piss off/threaten libruls? Check out his web site. Some of the comments are a scream, meaning simultaneously funny and terrifying.
Please, please, please let Georgia win today. i want to see the BCS implode.
Omnes Omnibus
@cathyx: He was never going to be president.
Makes as much sense as anything else.
Cain still wants to be President, but the campaign thing wasn’t working out well. He’s using this hiatus to consider his options, is all. Looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.
@RossInDetroit: I have no idea how you typed that accurately, what with suppressing the giggles and all. :)
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
At that point, it was after the convention and McCain was already the nominee. He wanted Obama to suspend his campaign as well (and agree to call off their first debate) to address the crisis, but Obama pointed out that a President has to be able to handle more than one thing at a time. So the McCain campaign couldn’t actually suspend too much.
Right now, Herman Cain is still one of eight candidates. None of whom has really managed to break free of the peloton — at any rate in the polling. So his situation is different. Does suspending his campaign now leave him with nya realistic option to reanimate it later?
@lol chikinburd:
I don’t understand the resistance to the inevitable LSU/Alabama championship game. They are clearly the two best teams in college football, they should play for all the marbles.
Even if LSU loses today, you are looking at a team, whose only loss, will have been to the #14 team in the country. But, also has wins (when they played them) against #2 (Alabama), #3 (twice-Arkansas and Oregon) , #16 (West Virginia), #17 (Florida), #20 (Auburn) and #25 (Miss. St).
What other team, beside Alabama, has a resume that impressive? Oklahoma State lost to Iowa State for Pete’s sake.
You can’t argue that Alabama shouldn’t be there. Their only loss was a 3 point, overtime loss, to the #1 team in the country.
If you argue that those two teams shouldn’t play each for the championship, you are arguing FOR something, even more arbitrary than the BCS.
You are saying that, the two best teams in the country should play for the championship, unless some arbitrary situation arises, where we don’t “like” the matchup, of the two best teams…
Why not just let ESPN decide which matchup is the best for ratings, regardless of ranking, and let that be the championship game?
@Omnes Omnibus: You and I know that but his supporters think otherwise.
People still donated tons of money to HRC after it was clear that she was not going to win the nomination. People continued to donate to her AFTER the nomination to help pay off her outstanding campaign debt.
Why? That is an unanswerable question
It’s like “suspending” an orgasm. Eventually, Cain’s campaign will end up spurted into a sock.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid:
I would normally say, “Oh, good god, no!”, but, with the clown show, I really don’t have any idea.
@cathyx: So why would they stop giving now? I really do not understand the thought processes that GOP primary voters use.
So that “I Am America” song playing as Cain walked out on stage suddenly takes on a double meaning. I mean, here are some of the lyrics.
The “look down your nose” line played just as Cain stepped down off his bus, and the “your own hypocrisy” was just as Cain was waving to the crowd with his wife.
And “stuff your pockets”? Isn’t that what Cain’s Plan B is all about? Chris Hayes mentioned the website Cain mentioned has a prominent “Donate” button.
@Amir Khalid:
perfect phrasing.
@vheidi: Congressman Hyde, of Hyde amendment fame, claimed that an affair he had at age 46 was a youthful indiscretion.
@RareSanity: Be hard to argue against the Tide and LSU even under those circumstances. What matchup would draw better?
Rome Again
Meh, I gotta wade through Football posts to find the Cain grains? Cain’s suspension isn’t worthy of an exclusive thread, but posts about canine anal inspections do? Whatsupwiththat?
The Dangerman
Who have they played outside the SEC? Oh, yeah, Georgia Southern.
A few hours after a plane crash (they should have rescheduled).
At home.
Edit: I don’t support the BCS; I support a Top 8, most of which will be conference championships in the first round, leaving the Top 4 for New Years Day games, with a plus 1 a week later. Alabama would probably get a Top 8 slot as a wildcard. 2 SEC teams in the NC game in this system is a disgrace.
Rome Again
It was the ultimate finish to the political theater operation. :)
So, it’s come down to Newt or Mitt.
But Obambi remains very vulnerable. Very, very weak and vulnerable. No President wins reelection with unemployment this high and an economy this weak with an approval rating stuck at 43%.
Amir Khalid
@Rome Again:
It’s first things first at Balloon Juice, don’tcha know?
@The Dangerman: Yea dickhead, Penn State on the road meant nothing.
@Raven: I’m fine with the match-up, and probably in a playoff system we would likely wind up with the same game. but damn, If Georgia wins today, and Oklahoma State beats Oklahoma, heads are going to explode.
@huckster: Go Dawgs!
David Koch
I hope you liberals are happy.
You hounded out a great leader just because he was black.
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
If there’s a Huntsman boom it’s not for the not-Romney spot. It’s for the Romney spot. IOW if the not-Romneys break for Newt or whoever, the not-not-Romneys might want to break for a better Romney than Romney rather than getting sucked into the slipstream of not-Romney du jour.
Somehow I sense that if Herman had had access to Newt’s credit line at Tiffany’s we may have avoided this long national nightmare.
Never mind. Comedy writers gotta eat.
The Dangerman
It meant something; it just didn’t mean as much as scheduling those mighty powers Kent State, North Texas, and Georgia Southern.
Alabama had their shot; they lost. Cry me a river.
Amir Khalid:
It looks like there’s a minor legal difference between ending and suspending, from TPM:
So, if the campaign still has financial problems, Cain can generate donations by acting like he’ll get in the race again, then “changing his mind” once he’s raised enough to pay off the debt. And maybe take a little vacation somewhere.
licensed to kill time
Ever notice that Veritas spelled backwards is Satire V?
Keep checking that reality, dude. One day it might dawn on you.
Omnes Omnibus
Downstairs neighbor is blasting Gloria Gaynor again. Time to shower and run errands.
I think people want to see either Alabama or LSU play Oklahoma State.
@The Dangerman:
They beat the hell outta Penn State, before all of the controversy.
Not only that, without leaving the SEC, they had to play Arkansas, Florida, Auburn and LSU.
I guess Oklahoma State’s victories against Tulsa and Louisiana-LaFayette, are somehow more impressive?
Tragic circumstances aside, they didn’t.
Again, this an argument for a game based on arbitrary standards.
It was still by only 3 points to the #1 team.
That it was at home, doesn’t magically make it a 6 point loss, to an unranked team.
Totally agree with this. Good take.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I Will Survive?
The comic possibilities…
@The Dangerman:
So did Oklahoma State, and every other team with one loss…what’s your point?
Alabama lost to #1, OSU lost to an unranked team.
Tweet from timothypmurphy:
Cain goes out with dignity, quotes Pokemon, chides media for pointing out it’s a quote from Pokemon.
Tweet from daveweigel:
Cain will dedicate his life to finding the REAL sexual harasser.
It’s too bad we won’t have Cain to kick around any more. It’s a great loss for comedians.
Well, they did beat 4 top 25 teams, as opposed to “Bama’s 2 wins, and 7 of the SEC’s teams were fairly wretched.
The Dangerman
How special.
Is Auburn Top 25 this year? No. They are 7-5 (actually, they should be 6-6, but Utah State gave it away at the end).
Is Florida Top 25 this year. No. They are 6-6.
Arkansas and LSU are quality teams; they are 1-1 against them.
Again, Alabama played LSU and lost; if they had won, I bet they would be arguing vociferously against a rematch with LSU.
Omnes Omnibus
@RossInDetroit: Yes, divorcee with anger issues. Lovely neighbor.
@The Dangerman: Don’t you just hate those people arguing in their own interests?
Writer Kleinpeter for the Times Picayune tweeted @#LSU:
JimKleinpeter Jim Kleinpeter
Will ESPN give the rest of the coaches from 1-loss teams equal time after allowing Nick Saban to plead his case? #lsu
3 hours ago
Since everyone knows the current BCS system sucks dead bears, I figure the mess some upsets would generate would have a high entertainment value. Yeah, it’s muckraking, but unlike OWS beatdowns with batons and pepper spray or Rep. Presidential candidate debates to determine political power, in the end it’s only a tempest in a teapot–harmless pandemonium.
So, that’s why some shakeup would be fun.
@passerby: And, as such GO DAWGS!
@passerby: And yea, the BCS system cost me big bucks. The meaninglessness of the Ga-LSU game killed my ticket scalp!
The Dangerman
They can argue all they want, but why should Alabama get the nod over, say, Oregon? Hey, they lost to LSU too (and barely lost to USC, a team that’s on probation, so I could argue that doesn’t count)….
…oh, yeah, they are special because they are SEC and we all know how special they are. Fuck that shit. I recall vividly how apoplectic the SEC was when there was talk of an Ohio State and Michigan rematch. Funny how they forget how that event when it’s in their interests.
@The Dangerman: And you can whine a bitch all YOU want and LSU and Bama are going to play for the BCS Championship whether my Dawgs win or not.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Omnes Omnibus: I’d keep my head down, were I you in that situation. And wear headphones, of course.
@The Dangerman:
Is Texas A&M in the Top 25 this year? No, they are 6-6.
Oklahoma State has 2 quality wins. One against Texas who is currently ranked #25 with a record of 7-4, and Kansas State, which is currently ranked #11 and is 9-2.
So you’re seriously arguing that Alabama’s schedule, was so ridiculously easier than Oklahoma State? You’re saying they should play in the championship, after losing to an unranked team, and 2 quality wins against a 7-4 Texas, and a 9-2 Kansas State?
Alabama’s only loss, is to the undefeated, #1 ranked team in the country. They’re strength of schedule, is comparable to Oklahoma State’s. But, they didn’t lose to an unranked team.
Are you going to explain why? Or, just throw a non-sensical statement against the wall and see if it sticks?
While you’re at it, explain why LSU isn’t arguing the same. Why would that argument only benefit Alabama?
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): That’s why I am going out the door to run errands right now.
Meh, Cain is so 2000 and late, I’m all about Newt.
The Dangerman
Ding! Argument should be over.
If SOS between OSU and Alabama is equal, I’m taking OSU.
If OSU loses to Oklahoma, I’d choose Oregon over Alabama. At least they are conference champions (it’s fairly easy for Bama not to lose this week given they, um, don’t play).
More than one Very Serious Persons on CNN right now talking about the stupidity of austerity and locking yourself into deficit reduction with Europe teetering on the economic brink.
And just heard another say we have an unemployment crisis.
Too bad no one watches CNN much, let alone on a Saturday.
@The Dangerman: I didn’t think the SEC was all that special when I moved here from Champaign 27 years ago either.
Hill Dweller
@The Dangerman: UNC was overrated to start the season. Their starting post players are soft as pillows, with limited post skills. Their starting shooting guard can’t shoot. Marshall is a great floor general and passer, but he can’t guard a street lamp. Stop/slow their transition offense and they’re very beatable.
Anyone watching the Houston-Southern Miss game? It’s a freakin’ barn-burner.
@The Dangerman: Losing to unranked ISU gives the same SOS as losing to #! LSU? You funny.
@The Dangerman:
You know what, you place a lot of importance on things, that don’t happen on the field, when it benefits your argument of course.
Oregon shouldn’t play because they have 2 losses, period. Oklahoma State, is the only team, that can even remotely argue for a spot in the game.
And they STILL have to beat Oklahoma tonight, which is no given.
Alabama/LSU is going to happen. Not just because the BCS is crap, which it is, but because they are the 2 best teams.
That fact that your only rebuttal is Oklahoma State’s tragedy (which it was) for it’s loss, and Oregon’s SECOND loss, “that shouldn’t really count, because USC is on probation, even though the game was still played”, is just further proof of that fact.
Who in the fuck scheduled my Illini to play Gonzaga right now 45 minutes before the Dawgs???
@The Dangerman:
Are you trolling, or just stupid?
If SOS is equal, than the fact that OSU lost to an UNRANKED TEAM makes the conversation over. Losing to #1 and losing to unranked, are not equal.
And why the hell do you keep bringing up Oregon?
THEY HAVE TWO FUCKING LOSSES! They are not even in the conversation.
The Dangerman
Hey, no fair, that’s not how SOS is calculated.
Why not Stanford? They’ve only lost once (I’ll ignore it was a blowout at home) and to a top Team, too.
…that have already played.
Edit: I note you skipped over the Ohio State and Michigan situation.
@The Dangerman: Gotta watch sports now, you girls behave.
And one other thing @The Dangerman…
If LSU wins this afternoon, assuming OSU beats OU, it will still be a conversation of Alabama’s one loss to a ranked team, and OSU’s one loss to an unranked team.
If LSU loses this afternoon, assuming OSU beats OU, it will be a conversation about three one loss teams. Two of those teams (Alabama and LSU), will have one loss, to ranked teams. One team (OSU) will have one loss to an unranked team.
It doesn’t matter what happens in the SEC championship, OSU will not and should not, play for the national championship. They lost to an unranked team.
The Dangerman
What happened to Stanford? They didn’t win the conference, either, same as Bama.
I still note you didn’t touch on the Buckeye/Wolverine game.
I gotta go, too, so I declare victory.
Bearcats win, I smell a Hokie-Eer Orange Bowl.
@The Dangerman:
Why are you ignoring it being a blowout at home?
It seemed to be pretty important to you that Alabama lost at home.
Stanford lost to #7, Alabama lost to #1. What aren’t you getting about this?
I missed the part where a requirement of the championship game was that the teams hadn’t already played that year. Oh…I know why, because no such requirement exists…
I didn’t mention it because the two best teams still ended up playing the championship game.
This was proved by Michigan getting thrashed in the Rose Bowl by USC, and Florida beating Ohio State like a rented mule.
And this would be different than current system how?
Really, if everyone from the NAIA Division 2 to the rest of the NCAA Division can manage with a fairly uncontroversial 16 team tournament, why (other than the barrels, bags, dump trucks and cargo planes full of money involved) can’t these “major programs” handle it? The whole bowl system is little more than a Special Olympics spectacle for the alumni anyway. Who else wants to see 6-6 teams battling it out in Bluebonnet bowl in mid December?
There was one legitimate champion in NCAA Division I last year and that was Eastern Washington. All the rest was just punditry.
SO glad that Ky won over UNC!!! Love it!!! So glad that Cain went down, what a clown. Really, all of the Rs are gifts to the Ds! I think Newt would be more entertaining than Mitt :)
A friend and I are double-teaming a couple of Tea-nuts on Facebook over poverty, welfare and Social Security. They’ve run through all their Fox talking points and are down to throwing poo.
I love Saturday.
GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol chikinburd
They aren’t “clearly” anything, except to those with confirmation bias. That’s the whole point. The BCS was invented in the first place because such questions were never self-evident to everyone.
More later after I get our tree.
Newly-minted MBA
Let’s say UGA rolls LSU and OSU beats OU handily. Who should play in championship game?
Newly-minted MBA
Sorry just realized you were discussing thi above
J. Michael Neal
Are the Georgia receivers always this inept? Letting the ball hit you on the numbers on your back because you forget to look for the ball on one play and then letting one bounce off your hands on the next seems particularly lacking.
Ever had that really sick feeling in the pit of your gut?
@J. Michael Neal: Yea asshole, that’s how we won the last 10 in a row.
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: A simple, “No,” would have sufficed. An explanation as to why Georgia’s receivers aren’t this bad would have been a bonus. Regardless, every time I’ve looked up during this game, one of them is letting the ball bounce off of him for an incompletion. They ought to be ahead by about 17 points now.
“Total Domination by Mark Richt and the Georgia Bulldogs in the 1st quarter”.
@J. Michael Neal: Listen, this isn’t just some casual viewing for me so if you don’t ask dumb ass questions like that I wont snap. And it’s 10-0 with the best team in the nation having run 7 plays in the quarter.
No one saw the clip huh?
Not one motherfucking first down in the first half! Go Dawgs!!!!!
The Dangerman
I knew LSU’s D was good, but Georgia’s D is amazing, too; total of a dozen yards for LSU in the half? That’s embarrassing.
Going on head to heads, maybe Boise should play in the NC (never happen, I know).
@The Dangerman: Obviously we are a different team than that first game. The South Carolina game was a total fluke.
dead existentialist
@Raven: What’s the score? In the third quarter . . . .
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: Fine and dandy, but you guys are going to really regret dropping all of those passes. Bitch all you want, but your receivers were terrible early on, and it’s going to cost you the game.
dead existentialist
Oh my! There’s a honey badger loose in teh Georgia Dome. Run away! Run away!
@J. Michael Neal:
Yup. At least two TD’s just flat out dropped.
Big Mo is rolling the other way now.
@J. Michael Neal: You know, if someone as smart as you hadn’t told me I would have never know that.
@khead: At least? There was another one you and the genius saw?
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: Please make up your mind and attack me either for being wrong about your receivers (see comment #155) or for being so obviously correct about them that it didn’t need pointing out (see comment #167). If you insist on doing both, then you are not only a dick, but also a moron.
@The Dangerman:
And end the SEC uber alles rally cry? I think not.
@J. Michael Neal: You asked a stupid rhetorical question about the receivers. Murray can’t very well be the highest rated QB in the conference if “his receivers always this inept” now can he? Obviously two balls were dropped, even a jackass like you could see that.
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: Well, at least you have moved from Denial to Anger. I’m waiting to see what you do for Bargaining.
@J. Michael Neal: Bargain this motherfucker. I was never in denial, we would have had to have played a near perfect game to beat LSU and we haven’t. Anger, with what, you? Shit.
That’s Okay; I Don’t Like You, Either
Hey, maybe we can rally with a walk on running back!
Great, horse collar.
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: Okay, let me try this. You went off the rails with this:
That wasn’t a rhetorical question. It was hyperbolic, sure, but not rhetorical. The ridiculous arrogance of SEC fans that Yutsano commented on is embodied by your assumption that I knew that Murray was the highest rated QB in the country. Sorry, but I don’t hang on college football like you do, and even less the SEC. I didn’t know that, because I’m more of a casual fan.
Because you assume that you, and the things you follow closely, are so important that we all must follow them, you made an incorrect assumption. When I asked if your receivers are always this bad, that was an actual question. I don’t know, because I don’t watch your fucking league very much. I’m willing to bet that you don’t know shit about the WCHA, and I don’t consider it a character flaw that you don’t.
Had you simply responded to my first post without being an asshole and maybe considering the possibility that I didn’t know the answer to the question, this would have gone a lot differently.
@J. Michael Neal: Why would I care how it goes? It’s a stupid fucking blog. It’s giving me something to do while me team gets it ass kicked.
eta I’m sure you are a swell person. None of this means shit.
@Yutsano: And you, you stay out of this! :)
The Dangerman
No! I’m outnumbered by SEC boosters here; you STAY!
I was rooting for Georgia, but I turned it off at the start of the 4th; since UG hadn’t scored since I turned it on (I started watching just prior to the phantom touchdown), maybe it was bad Karma for me to watch.
@The Dangerman: Hell, there’s nobody here! J Michael doesn’t like me and everyone else has gone to the moon.
OK, Go Hokies!!!
J. Michael Neal
@The Dangerman: The funny thing is that. to the extent that I actually care, I’m on Raven’s side that the two best teams are LSU and Alabama, in my very amateur opinion. They should meet in the title game. However, I’ll care more about the Rose Bowl than about the national championship, so discount my opinion as necessary.
Anyway, the game I *really* care about tonight starts in nine minutes. My prediction: Minnesota 4, North Dakota 2, and Amanda Kessel has a goal and two assists.
@J. Michael Neal: And, by the way, I don’t know much about the WCHA because in all my years in Champaign-Urbana Illini Hockey was only a club sport.
J. Michael Neal
@Raven: I make it particularly tricky by posting about the Women’s WCHA.
ETA: And the Illini are still at the club level. However, starting in 2013, there is going to be a Big 10 conference in hockey, at least on the men’s side. The men’s WCHA will cease to exist as we know it.
@J. Michael Neal: Rut ro! The women’s rugby team at Georgia are The Mother Ruggers!
@J. Michael Neal: Man, I hadn’t thought about that in years, it looks like they still play in the Ice Arena that was there when I left in 84. The games in the 70’s were wild events.
Clemson is getting off! Crap.
Zut alors! Raven. LSU wins. Number one!
ETA: So, join me now in rooting for OSU to beat OU like a drum in order to cast Saban’s Bama into question mark voting.
Let’s go for Pandemonium.
J. Michael Neal
The refs are really letting them play tonight. In a Minnesota/North Dakota game, even the women, that could be . . . interesting.
We look good. North Dakota is playing better than last night, but our transition defense is really sharp, and that’s important against the Sux. We’ve missed about three very good chances.
@passerby: The problem is that Gundy said Bama should go instead of the Pokes!
Nah. That’s just coach speak. Think about it. They want it, but they shy from being cocky, but every press conference, they gotta pretend some kinda “aw shucks not us” kinda BS.
If a HC doesn’t think his men can do it, then why bother to show up. OSU is kickin’ ass right now…but then so was Georgia at this point in the SEC game. Don’t you think Richt tried and planned for defeat? He was a gracious coach. LSU has astounding depth. OSU does not have that winning feeling(neither does GSU) however the potential is what is entertaining. I’d like to see a fruit basket turnover (eg Bama out) just because…
Coaches are winners. Always.
ok st 44, ou 3…
Ruh ro…
Oklahoma State 44, OU Sooners 10.
Did Ok St make a case to be in the BCS Natty?
[Sorry about that SoonerGrunt]