Any odds on Willard Romney offering Herman Cain a VP slot in return for his endorsement? I thought, going back to May, that Cain was angling for the “Mr. Palin 2012” role all along. Heavy media fluffing got a lot of GOP primary voters prematurely overexcited, but now that Cain has “suspended” his grab for the top ticket, I doubt he’s too proud to accept second best and I’m sure Romney’s not above making the offer. Mitt doesn’t need Cain to raise money for him, but he certainly could use some help in the “connecting with actual humans” part, and Cain seems to please those voters least susceptible to the Romneybot’s advances. Of course it will grind Mitt’s gears to be forced into faking bonhomie with someone who represents everything Romney isn’t, but then, if Mitt had an interest in retaining any last shreds of dignity he’d never have gotten on the 2012 primary train…
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bob h
I’m guessing the moral stench surrounding Cain now will keep him off Mitt’s team.
David Koch
Cain is finished as a political entity.
After once leading in Iowa, he fell to 4% in this week’s tracking poll.
The freaks who make up the right wing base just will not accept interracial relationships.
Joseph Nobles
Plus I doubt that any man with multiple partners would be allowed in Romney’s campaign.
Yer proposing a Mormon/Negro ticket? For the GOP nommy? I want some of whatever yer smoking…
The Ancient Randonneur
I’m waiting for Mittens to announce that he’s been “born again”. Soon after his campaign will begin airing ads that shows him being dunked in a river, speaking in tongues, and kneeling reverentially before a statue of Reagan with tears streaming down his cheeks.
@Joseph Nobles:
I saw what you did there.
An interesting development–Nevada has made an illegal foreclosure a felony. Can’t wait to hear the howls.
First cases coming up–http://econintersect.com/b2evolution/blog1.php/2011/11/19/nevada-files-first-foreclosure-process-felony-indictments
If Mitt wins the primary my bet is on T-Paw for VP. Newt is a wild card – I have no guess who he would want for his VP.
Thor Heyerdahl
Sko Hayes
Someone over at Free Republic was down on their knees begging Sarah to get in.
Poor Teabaggers- Newt is the epitome of everything they say they hate- one “sacred” marriage after another traded in for a newer model, he’s the professional politician, who’s made himself rich by lobbying for Freddie Mac and the insurance industry.
If they pick Newt, they’ve sold out to the Republicans and the Tea Party is powerless.
It’s kind of fun to watch, from the other side.
@capt: Bland, but T-Paw is well vetted and won’t upstage him and won’t scare swing voters.
Frank Bruni’s covering a question that I asked yesterday: How would the GOP run Professor Intellectual Historian Ideas Man Newt against Obama when they’ve been calling the President an egghead for 4 years?
Frank’s answer: Newt will pander. Sounds about right.
@Thor Heyerdahl: Wow – You nailed it! lol
@Thor Heyerdahl: The Noot/Noot ticket is really the only combination that’s acceptable to The Great One.
The ticket will be Newt/Callista! VP and First Lady all rolled into one. Could get awkward though if Newt decides to divorce her mid-term.
@cmorenc: If it’s any woman besides his wife, we’ll have a good look at the current/future replacement for Callista.
Newtie can’t keep his hands off the ladies, but unlike the Herminator, at least he eventually marries the ones he with whom he screws around on his then-current wife.
@Soonergrunt: Seriously, are you suggesting that being legally tied to either of these is a step up in the world? A right thing in itself? Let alone a thing that magically erases the same physical behavior. It’s a piece of paper and a different legal standing when you squabble over over money at some later date, no more.
Amir Khalid
Away from the topic of US presidential politics, a Brazilian football legend has passed away: Midfielder Socrates Brasileiro Sampaio de Sousa Vieira de Oliveira, 57 (known as Dr Socrates because he was also a qualified physician) died Sunday in Sao Paulo of septic shock from an intestinal infection. 63 caps for Brazil including a spell as captain, 25 goals, but unfortunately no World Cups.
I marvel at how extreme the standards of people on the planet are.
I think we should never assume some rights are guaranteed in society. It seems there’s someone on the planet, who thinks all the social progress of the 20th century was a bad idea.
Why on earth would Mitt Romney take on Herman Cain’s baggage?
Wonder how the weekend in Atlanta went and if Cain will still have both testicles intact come Monday’s big announcement.
oops, I’ve certainly been out of the loop this weekend, just saw he bowed out!
@scav: No, I’m suggesting that Newt Gingrich can’t keep his dick in his pants, and that he wants to fuck any woman he comes across who is not his wife at that moment, particularly when he’s doing something that makes him feel powerful. I suppose one could further that hypothesis with the observation that the Presidency of the United States is still the most powerful position in the world, and therefore given his past behavior, Newt Gingrich as President would want to shtup every woman on the White House grounds.
Amir Khalid
And soon m_c will be along to defend this tribalistic absurdity as entirely proper and completely Islamic. The non-Muslim Juicers who disagree with her, she will denounce as crotch-sniffers (or maybe steering-wheel sniffers); me — well, we all know what she’ll call me.
I can’t see the Republicans going with a novelty VP candidate again unless Mitt’s getting murdered in the polls and needs a hail mary by convention time (which, with the economy, seems unlikely). Expect a boring, traditional choice: TPaw, Bob McDonnel, Jon Thune. Rubio strikes me as the riskiest option Mittens would ever consider given his cowardace. Beyond that, I get the impression that most of the party establishment that Mitt represents feels burned by the Palin fiasco.
Women should be able to drive, and it’s a tragedy that Saudi Arabia doesn’t let them.
But the claim that it could lead to premarital sex is separate. Seriously, who’s more likely to fool around, a woman who can travel on her own or one who has to have a male relative chaperon?
Again, I’m pro driving and pro fooling around but the fact that the Saudis are patriarchal, controlling jerks doesn’t invalidate their point.
Not hating on Cindy or anything, but this is so much better..
@Soonergrunt: No argument with any of that bien sûr, I was just confused by the wedding bells being hauled in as a distinguishing characteristic between the two. I see the same behavior in stereo (and oddly enough, near perfectly solarised) running about the White House Lawns with their tongues out.
Mitt would likely look for a running mate that shores up his weakness among evangelicals and among the conservative base. Cain actually would be a decent choice if he weren’t so tainted at this point. Maybe Haley Barbour?
Herman Cain’s political career is done, finito, fork-ready, kaput. His passing will be mourned only by late-night comedians.
He’s embarrassed his patrons, the brothers Koch, so that brimming revenue stream will now evaporate. At this point, I wouldn’t imagine Roger Ailes at Fox Noise will be returning his calls. Cain can do nothing for them any longer.
I expect he’ll soon be joining Michael Steele to establish some wingut political affairs minstrel show, available for parties and as the opening act for low-wattage fundraisers on the rubber chicken circuit.
Of course with their respective musical talents, a future career in cruise line entertainment might well be lucrative.
Charles Johnson found an awesome quote:
@handsmile: Everything I need to know about the state of the current Republican party–Several women come forward with substantiated claims of sexual harrassment, and it didn’t hurt his campaign. He has no clue about foreign policy or military issues, including being unaware that China has had nuclear weapons since 1964. That didn’t hurt his campaign.
The revelation that he carried on a consensual sexual affair with a white woman sank him quicker than a torpedo.
@Amir Khalid: The hilarious part of that is that in that society, she would’ve been beaten severely for her behavior on this site and the real world behavior implied by that. For you, I should think it’s every bit as tiring as it is for anybody lectured by the recently converted.
@Soonergrunt: (#31)
Sir, surely you don’t mean to suggest that fear of miscegenation, or to put it less politely, racism, remains the hallmark of the 21st century GOP? How can you be so shrill!?
Evidently, there is one act in which they hate the sinner as much as the sin.
Thor Heyerdahl
@gene108: Can’t let the commoners have pre-marital sex like the plutocrats do…
Very soon he’ll ipo ABET, the Authentic Black Entertainment Network, which will feature a Saturday afternoon dance show – Soul Cain.
Whoever gets the GOP nod, expect Rubio as the VP pick.
Their fear of Hispanics is conditional, but the hatred of blacks within their base is non-negotiable. Cain was wrong – they WERE just pretending to like him.
Thor Heyerdahl
How soon till the freepers say that “it’s a black thing”…somehow Obama made an agreement with Cain to have Mr. 9-9-9 act like an Uncle Tom to give Obama’s re-election a bit more heft.
I know it’s batshit, but so are they.
Benjamin Franklin
Here’s the problema; simply stated. no evasiveness. just an honest declaration.
“But one conversation stuck with me, wherein a German analyst, stressing how deeply unpopular the bailouts are with their electorate, told me in so many words: “we know what we must do; but we have to do it secretly.” Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg put it this way: “We all know what to do, but we don’t know how to get RE-ELECTED once we have done it.””
They spend 3/4 of their time looking for cash to fund their next campaign.
It’s time for publicly funded campaigns.
Kudos to President Obama for making a wise move when he appointed Jon Huntsman ambassador to China. Obama scored points at the time for reaching across the political divide, but he also made Huntsman unacceptable in the eyes of those on the right-wing of the republican party. The old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer applies here. Team Obama effectively extinguished the candidacy of a potential rival.
Benjamin Franklin
Yup. It’s his one-only victory in the “Team of Rivals’ theorem
Benjamin Franklin
” That didn’t hurt his campaign.”
True. But he is black, so he had that going for him.
Jerzy Russian
This is too stupid to happen, so normally I would put the odds at 0%. However lately the Republicans seem to be in a strange world like the last level in Donky Kong Country where the directional buttons on the controller have the opposite effect that they normally have (e.g. the button on the right would make Jr. to left, which takes a while to get used to). Stupid is rewarded instead of punished, and sanity is some kind of mental disease. Thus the odds are much higher than zero.
Jerzy Russian
Well in my case driving did lead to premarital sex.
But seriously, Saudi Arabia is one fucked up place. In a just world, they would be shunned and no one would trade with them or do anything to enrich them.
@maya: (#34)
A tip o’ the trilby, for that! Such a tragic loss: all the comic gold never to be spun from the straw of that grifter.
Of course, it’s bitter laughter that American polity has become so debased that such a charlatan was treated with respect and attention.
Benjamin Franklin
This isn’t news. But, how many harbingers need we kick to the curb?
h/t Corrente
Benjamin Franklin
Axlerod in on MTP this am.
Axel-rod…..is that what you call a double-positive
@Benjamin Franklin: (#39)
I would submit that installing David Petraeus at the CIA is an even greater vindication of the theorem.
In a presidential contest with Petraeus, I fear that Obama would not even get the District of Columbia’s three electoral votes.
(And to be clear, I think such an outcome would be catastrophic.)
@Soonergrunt: @handsmile:
Yes, the GOP establishment and voters are racists; the steadily escalating craziness since Election Day 2008 leaves no doubt in any honest person’s mind how racist the GOP is.
However, I actually don’t agree that Cain was doing fine until his mistress introduced herself and was revealed to be, gasp, white. I think having a mistress, any mistress, step forward with verifiable claims was more like the last straw: even if she could be stigmatized as a gold-digger, that doesn’t mean she wasn’t also Cain’s sugar.
I also think Cain’s burn-and-crash on the Libya question was another factor in his abrupt fall in opinion polls. It is possible to be too stupid and uninformed even for GOP voters: the same irretrievable fumbling took out Bachmann and Perry, after all.
So much for Cain. Sic transit gloria mundi and all that.
Now, about Newt: I think the Staypuft Marshmallow Man is in it to win it, and I think he can pull it off. He’s what passes for an Elder Statesman in GOP circles and, unlike Mitt, he has a well-established history of having all the right hatreds, not to mention all the Right’s hatreds. More than anyone else in the clown car, he embodies the schoolyard bully that is the GOP’s beau ideal. I have no idea if he started out thinking he had a real shot – his vanity makes all delusions possible – but there’s no mistaking that he does have a real shot at the nomination now.
Achieving it would fulfill every nasty little dream he ever had, ever since he dismissed his first wife with the immortal words: “She’s not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a President. And besides, she has cancer.”
Nah, he is too damaged. But that fat fuck from Arkansas would make the ideal running mate. Baptist minister washes away the cult smell, loved by the baggers. The only question is would he give up the easy Murdoch money for a warm pitcher of piss?
Actually, following on the post about Wallace not being a racist, I don’t think a lot of Republicans are “racist” either. They would go after any Dem President with any meat ax the could find. The race meat ax is just so easy.
But, like Wallace, it really does not matter what is in your heart but what you do with it. So, while they may not be racist themselves their behavior is and their results are to increase racism. That does change how we should approach them on the issue – calling them racists actually allows them to defend themselves from a charge they believe to be untrue.
I’ll give ya odds. ZERO, 0, zip, zilch, nada!
You are turning out to be quite the Wrong on Everything Cole typing monkey.
Now run along and write another “the black helicopters are coordinating to shut down OWS” article. Maybe you can team up with Naomi Wolf.
Comrade Mary
Maybe: “perceived to be white.” When I first saw Ms. White on tv, I wasn’t sure of her ancestry or how she identified herself, but I thought there was a pretty good chance that she was a light-skinned black woman. I thought most people would see her the same way, but I didn’t go looking for information one way or another.
Just now, after reading your comment, I ran a search and found this tv report where the reporters carefully note (around 4:16) that Ms. White identifies herself as a black woman.
I feel dirty now.
Crappyduum, you seem to be unhappy here in a rage inducing, while totally incoherent and nonspecific way.
Perhaps you would be happier not reading BJ, it certainly seems it would be good for your hypertension if you took a break for a millennium or two. I think, with a tiny bit of effort on our parts, we can bridge the great rift your absence would create.
Benjamin Franklin
I have a link for you. They don’t require anything from you than what you post here…..ABO ! is their calling card. Just sayin…
@Benjamin Franklin: Here’s a link for you my little groupie.
@Schlemizel: Noted and promply ignored. Thanks for the advice my little groupie.