Been watching boxing on HBO. Some of you apparently watched the debate. Let me summarize your reactions:
Was I close?
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Been watching boxing on HBO. Some of you apparently watched the debate. Let me summarize your reactions:
Was I close?
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It’s hard to tell with the link not working…
I blame Obama.
Halperin gives Romney as a solid B+.
Gin & Tonic
@Veritas: Halperin? Really? That’s what you’ve got?
@Gin & Tonic:
Romney is still inevitable.
@Veritas: Did he omit the ullshi that goes in the middle of that?
Omnes Omnibus
@Veritas: W’evs.
Joseph Nobles
A non-working link to another world.
Yep, that sums up the debate quite nicely.
POLITICO’s take: Knives out for Newt.
Mitt, please: have some dignity.
@Veritas: You willing to bet $10K on that?
Yeah I trust Halperin’s instinct on that. He’s the guy who thought McCain’s campaign stunt in ’08 was a winner. D-bag.
Newt just opened a double digit lead in IA after tonight. Believe it.
I think he means this.
Closer to this.
Say buh-bye.
“Here is my offer. Nothing. I offer you nothing.” — Michael Corleone, THE GODFATHER, PART II
pseudonymous in nc
I’d bet $10k on Amir Khan right now, if I had $10k, and I could get odds better than 1/5 on.
The Dangerman
Another villager polishes Mitts knob.
The kneecapping of Gingrich will have to be breathtaking to overcome this “B+ Augustus” moment.
@Veritas: You go directly from quoting Halperin to quoting Politico. You really know how to pick your sources.
Mitt looked OK until the shuffle step he had to do to dodge the Individual Mandate issue. He looked weasely. After that he was playing catch-up.
@The Dangerman:
“B+ Augustus”? What are you babbling about?
Inevitable to get his ass kicked by Obama.
No President can win reelection with 16%+ real unemployment.
I thought he was off his game from the get-go. Bachmann didn’t do him any favors with her #NewtRomney digs. The “bet” with Perry was just the peak of a mountain of fail.
@AxelFoley: Hark, I hear a distant yet distinctive “ding-ding-ding”.
Is popcorn suitable for an implosion, or should I go with something more formal?
@Veritas: willard, is that you ? Quit trolling, you 10 K loser.
Yes. First to scale Mount Fail, and he planted his flag for all to see.
There was nothing new here. But WOW imagine if Newt is the nonimee? He only wants to make more money. Will we have be a fake president?
New bumper-sticker
Romney 2012. Misleading from behind.
What a fucking clueless loser.
@Gin & Tonic:
Yep, Halperin is all we got left — Bachmann took all the Haloperidol.
(Goody! I can transcribe from the debate thread & correct meself.)
Mittens blew it. Gingrich got some blows in and didn’t blow-up.
That, and looking at recent polling [GOS Alert!], it’s not looking good for Willard. Of all the states polled the only one in which he has a lead is New Hampshire.
If Perry’s numbers collapse, as is possible, Newt could jump into the lead there, as well.Newt even has a lead in Michigan, albeit within the MOE, and Romney won there in 2008.GOP establishment and their shills [coughHalperincough] are going to go into 24/7 anti-Gingrich freak-out mode over the next couple of weeks. They have to get Romney out of the mid-20s he’s been polling since 2009, if not it’s looking doubtful he has any hope of getting the nomination.
patrick the pedantic literalist
Perry didn’t seem terrible tonight. He had reasonable (in the necessary crazy right-wing kind of way) talking points tonight. I wonder if he had seemed this non-totallystupid from the first debate how well he would be doing now.
Faux News
Veritas, were you the douchebag who called himself “Veritas” that used to troll the blog “Fucked Company” back in the late 90’s? Funny how you two losers have the same user name, and are Right Wing Trolls.
I know what’s creepy about Santorum (the candidate). If you’ve seen 30 Rock he reminds you of ultra creepy Devon Banks.
FDR called to arrange your history lesson.
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: Just because it was prescribed doesn’t mean she took it.
Dr. Squid
The reaction if you made it a drinking game…
Mark Halperin in anagram form:
Raper Ham Link.
@RossInDetroit: Thank you. I was trying to remember who santorum reminded me of.
patrick the pedantic literalist
All of the candidates accused Obama of raiding the social security fund for his payroll tax cut. Obama’s original tax cut was the “Making Work Pay” income tax cut for low earners. The republicans suggested the payroll tax cut instead, and are now using it as a talking point pretty much as planned. Is this an effective Republican talking point?
Hill Dweller
Newt’s staff on Romney’s bet:’I wonder if he had the cash in his pocket?’
@patrick the pedantic literalist: Not to mention that the trust fund was made whole from general fund money. So not true, but probably still effective as a talking point.
@GregB: Hi, lamer prank.
@Veritas: Hm.
Know what the unemployment rate was in 1809? How about 1913?
Oh – that’s right – we didn’t measure unemployment until 1948. So we’re actually talking about the most recent 11 of the 44 Presidents.
Look, feel free to pronounce from on high your iron-clad rules of political feasibility from a 25% sampling range. Fine.
Then show me the last black president.
Brave new world.
Richard Adam of Guardian
when Mitt Romney takes the gloves off it’s usually to reveal yet another pair of gloves underneath.
what a fucking wimp.
The surest way to know what the GOP is up to is to look at what they’re accusing you of. That’s how they tip their hand. They say Obama raided Social Security. Therefore they all intend to raid Social Security.
patrick the pedantic literalist
Of course they’re lying, but after watching them successfully lie about Medicare in 2010 I’m just wondering if it is an effective lie.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: A butter fist inside a velvet glove?
Halperin gave Gingrich an A-. You are an idiot.
If this debate does not shore up Jewish support for President Obama, then I don’t think they care about Israel. Also, Israelis better pray that one of these wingnuts does not win the US presidency. Israel is helped by the fact that President Obama is not hated in the world. The way we support Israel, whether right or wrong is so off putting to most of the world’s population, but having an American President who’s not loathed by the world benefits Israel.
Listening to these hateful people makes me ill. Even though President Obama is on my shitlist — for not vetoing or opposing strongly the Defense Appropriations Act, 2012, which includes a section that allows the Military to detain anyone suspected of terrorism indefinitely, including US citizens; he would be a better choice than any of the Republican candidate, by leaps and bounds.
wasabi gasp
I enjoyed the bit where Bachmann slapped Cain’s ass and announced her mine-mine-mine plan.
The Dangerman
@Faux News:
I loved that site; the Moderator was Pud, right? Fucking hilarious.
@Omnes Omnibus: More like a limp dick inside a velvet glove.
Mack Lyons
@wasabi gasp: “WIN WIN WIN”? Warms my heart to see the GOP aren’t too above themselves to engage in shameless thievery.
boss bitch
the average voter knows 8.6% not the “real unemployment”.
@Anya: Obama already said he’d veto it, dumbfuck.
@wasabi gasp: Well it is nice that Bachmann is into recycling.
The Dangerman
@patrick the pedantic literalist:
I thought Perry was terrible regarding the Drone question; first, he called it a Predator, which is wrong in the same way a Cessna isn’t a 747. Then, he said that he would have either blown it up or tried to retrieve it, either of which (assuming it was already in Iran) would have started a shooting war. If it crashed inside of Afghanistan, you can sure as shit know we tried to find it.
Also, FWIW, the Iranian display looked all kinds of fake. Not current on my radar evading coatings, but there’s a reason that the Stealth fighter and Stealth bomber look the way they do….
Hunter Gathers
Mitten’s 10k bit was just fucking golden. He’s going to get the holy living shit kicked out of him with that bit. He gets my vote – for Upper Class Twit Of The Year.
boss bitch
Diane Sawyer – oh mah gah. Has she always talked like that?
Well, Mitt did Newt a big favor with the $10K gaffe. Rarely is more than one moment from a debate remembered. What else happened at the debate where Perry couldn’t name three Departments he’d shutter? See?
Newt was in trouble with the Palestinian issue but Mitt’s Richie Rich showoff moment will eclipse that.
Hill Dweller
Willard’s spox to TPM on bet: “a good moment for Mitt Romney”
Omnes Omnibus
@Hunter Gathers: It is simultaneously bullying, clueless, and tacky. The GOP primary voters should eat it up.
Omnes Omnibus
Completely OT: Robyn is wearing interesting pants on SNL.
@boss bitch: she was stoned. had to be for this mindless clusterfuck.
Mit annoyed me with teh way he kept yammering on about America being a ‘merit based’ society. What merits, and for who? He seems to think that if we do away with enough regulations and cut taxes enough, then everything will be merit based again. That just comes off as a three martini country club dining room rant.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: A fair point.
pseudonymous in nc
Well, that’s why I don’t bet. Kudos to Peterson, who fought like a champion, but the referee was atrocious.
Do we care? Isn’t that the whole Occupy movement’s point? Dianne and George did not even address that.
I watched about an hour of the debate (somehow) but gave up and popped in the final episode of Twin Peaks. Not sure which left me more disconnected from reality.
@Faux News: And the same writing style as the FC Veritas, as I recall. I remember a few spats with that whiny little prick… when Mittens was governor here, as a matter of fact.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
@The Dangerman:
I think when Perry declared that Arizona had sovereignty, it was an underrated gaffe that would sink a Democrat if one claimed it about oh, say, Vermont.
I give up. Sack time. Cheers.
My reaction is that I want some of what Diane Sawyer was smoking.
Omnes Omnibus
@patroclus: Aren’t you at all concerned about the paraquat?
@MikeJ: When the final shameful vote took place, he did not come out with a statement stating that he’ll veto it. This leads me to believe that it’s highly unlikely that he’ll veto it. In any case, we should do everything we can to encourage him to stick to his promise. One way to do that is by supporting Amnesty International’s petition.
@MikeJ: Let’s hope he does.
@Anya: When compared to the palestinians-are-invented nutjobs out there, obama is an angel. You should thank your stars if he gets in in 2012. Otherwise you’re truly fucked and all this concern for ‘indefinite military detention’ is meaningless since that would be the policy. So get out of your whine bubble that obama isn’t doing everything you want.
Pretend I am dumb. Do we care? Looks to me that Newt is gonna get it. If he does I am outta here.
@amk: I have no idea why people are losing their shit over something that won’t even pass the most basic tests of Constitutional muster. This is Marbury vs Madison territory here.
just sharing a link
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
I respectfully disagree. There is a subtextual point that Willard was making, aside from the fact he would have won the bet. He is saying to the evangelicals, hey, I’m a Mormon, but I am not a fanatic about it. I mean only you folks with the snakes in your churches really actually believe your religion, and live according to it.
Evangelicals prefer a fundie, but if they can’t get a fundie, they want a person from an “other” religion to at least not be very devout about it, that is a vanity they reserve exclusively for themselves, because theirs is the only true ONE. It stands to reason, that only they could actually believe, and actually be, what they claim to be. amirite.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: It is interesting to watch the various ids running riot. In addition, one of these people, quite possibly Newt, will be running against Obama and these things are a fucking mother lode of quotes to mine.
Great Orange Satinists embrace Ron Paul:
I’m not making this up.
It’s like they’re breeding sharks over there just so they can jump them.
He’s probably said it many times before in exactly that context.
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal:
Possibly, but are fundiegelicals even aware that Mormonism prohibits gambling? In my experience, knowing what’s going on with other people’s faiths isn’t their forte. (They have enough trouble understanding their own).
@piratedan: Thanks. It was a great read from jim.
@different-church-lady: It was bound to happen anytime.
@Omnes Omnibus:
And you are gonna do what? I have options do you? Oh and thank you for using the F word. You are an NY’r aren’t you?
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: Huh?
So I hear Romney lit himself on fire and then tried to piss himself out.
Put a jewel-encrusted fork in Romney. He’s done.
@Omnes Omnibus: Are you going so far into Wisconsin subtle that I can’t grok the offensiveness there?
@Omnes Omnibus: I am on your side; I agree with with everything you say: the question is: when it all falls apart; what do we do?
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I have no idea if I was being attacked. You are witnessing honest bafflement. She asked a question and I offered an answer.
Also too, I am again oddly fascinated by Robyn’s pants on SNL.
Newt’r Romney!
Davis X. Machina
@patrick the pedantic literalist:
Yes, it is effective but not with Republicans. What do they care if SS goes away?
It plays enormously well with Democrats, if you define ‘plays enormously well’ as ‘provides yet another opportunity — than which nothing is more desired — to form a circular firing squad”.
Omnes Omnibus
@Helen: When all what falls apart? The world? The GOP? The breakfast souffle?
@amk: First of all, I already acknowledged in my comment that President Obama is way better than any of his opponents. Second, it’s not a matter of “obama isn’t doing everything you want,” but a matter of moral and constitutional imperatives. I am a huge supporter of the President but this issue distresses me to no end. We cannot turn the US into a place where the Military arrests and detains US citizens indefinitely. It’s not unrealistic to expect the President to come out strongly against something that makes into law water-boarding and other “advanced interrogation techniques” that are currently outlawed, in addition to indefinite detention of suspects by the Military.
That’s a good piece, even if almost “tl;dr”.
patrick the pedantic literalist
@The Dangerman:
You are right. I was expecting worse based on what I had seen before and grading on the curve.
@Omnes Omnibus: Maybe the only winning move is not to play.
Also: did Frothy Mix even answer a question? No one is talking about him anywhere.
@Omnes Omnibus: LOL. when the TRUTH is no longer the truth. Yeah -I AM OUTTA HERE
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: I have only seen clips, so I have no idea. I wasn’t silly or drunk enough to watch it.
@Yutsano: Are you that certain the SCOTUS will see it you’re way with its current make up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anya: Hasn’t Obama indicated that he will veto the bill?
Get the alphabet out of politics!
@Omnes Omnibus:
Unfortunately not really mine. Should have referenced Kyrie O’Connor.
@Anya: His ‘veto’ point was more nuanced than that of ‘indefinite military arrests’. It was more about separation of powers which the rethugs were trying to usurp for themselves.
I am sure obama has the ‘moral and constitutional’ clarity on this matter and to paint him otherwise is a fool’s errand.
Omnes Omnibus
@SRW1: LOL nonetheless.
I swear that if the weirdness in this thread does not abate, I am just going to go indulge my new obsession.
@Omnes Omnibus:
There’s a term I hadn’t thought of in decades. Thanks for sparking up some old synapses.
Omnes Omnibus
@kdaug: One does one’s best. One also appreciates being appreciated.
One gets some appreciation, then.
Omnes Omnibus
@kdaug: Woohoo!
Read more:
you will know who this is
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: George Will?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Somebody we will likely never see on “This Week.”
But should.
Hill Dweller
@Elizabelle: But…but…Halperin…B+…Polit…ico…
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: My dad?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Elizabelle: When Ruth Marcus is on a roll, get out of the way.
$10K says it is not Dad Omnibus
Ah well. I did not watch a moment of the debate.
Rudolph was in fine form, though. (The little reindeer, not 2008’s presumed inevitable nominee.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: If it turns out that Chuckie Pierce is my father won’t you feel silly?
Also too, Rudolph was never my fav. Charlie Brown and the Grinch – I am good.
@Omnes Omnibus:
The white house has said on multiple occassions that it will veto the bill if it has the indefinite detentions part attached. I don’t know what Anya, Thom Hartmann, [blog, blog commentator, pundit, etc] want Obama to say. Maybe he needs to parade around in balloon pants with a curly moustache and declare it truly, deeply, completely categorically dead. And then we can ease on down the yellow brick road to the next freakout.
Omnes Omnibus
@ruemara: No, we need to freak out because a legislative body did something asinine. Things like that never happen.
@Omnes Omnibus: Congress is full of rational normal sane human beings incapable of error. Why would you think they need any review or oversight over their perfect actions?
(yeah, that’s pretty hilarious to me too)
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Fuck it. I am going to bed very soon. There is nothing more to be said. Hopefully, tomorrow Lana will discover that she loves me and all will be right with the world.
Wait, so you’re freaking out because the president has said several times that he will veto the bill, but he didn’t say it strongly enough (whatever that means) so therefore you think he’s signalling that he’ll actually sign it?
I think you may need to step away from the blogs for a while if you’re convinced that the president saying publicly that he’s going to veto something secretly means he’s going to sign it.
ETA: Given the margin that the bill passed the Senate by, I would be a whole lot more freaked out about the Senate overriding the president’s veto if I were you. That seems a whole lot more likely, though I guess it would be harder to blame Obama for the whole fiasco that way.
@Mnemosyne: Remember: Obama not saying he’s going to ban our guns is just proof he’s going to ban all handgun sales.
I think this thread needs the puppeh I swiped from jeffreyw’s Flickr feed. That tiny paw wrapped around the rawhide just slays me.
But for now, I need sleep. I have to re-open my craft fair sweatshop tomorrow, plus start cooking for Tuesday’s potluck.
boss bitch
LOL..are you kidding? Congress got in the way of closing Gitmo but who do they blame?
If Obama vetoes the bill they will say he didn’t really want to do it and had to be ‘dragged kicking and screaming’ into not signing it. Somehow Occupy Wall Street will be credited with this of course. Now, if Congress overrides the veto GG will convince them that this is what Obama wanted all along. It will spread throughout the liberal blogosphere and into the mouths of the professional left with a cable/radio show and the CW among the left will be that Obama lied about the veto just like he lied about closing Gitmo.
@Yutsano: How profound.
@Mnemosyne: Show me the multiple times when the President said that this was unconstitutional. This is why I am worried:
Also, I have not had a lot of chances lately to read blogs, so my impressionable mind is very safe, for now. But thanks for your concern.
@Omnes Omnibus: He has said so repeatedly.
Halperin gives Romney a solid BJ.
dance around in your bones
Satire V is so lame-o.
“There’s no crying in baseball!”
Faux News
@The Dangerman: @The Dangerman:
Great memory! Yes Pud was the moderator. It was my favorite site. My coworkers could always hear me laughing and would ask what was so funny. Ah the late 90’s and the dot com boon. The Veritas of FC was one of the biggest assholes I have ever encountered online. Looks like he reincarnated to the BJ Veritas troll.
Faux News
Thanks Flying Toaster. That is exactly why I thought of FC. I had plenty of nasty back and forth with that sociopath asshole Veritas, and “Uncle Meat”. I still even remember Cheopys who would mop the floor with Veritas every.single.time. Ah the good days of the internet LOL