I have to admit that I’ve gotten sucked into the whole Tebowmania thing.
What are you up to?
by DougJ| 72 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Sports
I have to admit that I’ve gotten sucked into the whole Tebowmania thing.
What are you up to?
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“Wait, you’ve only been helping us in the 4th quarter?”
Hahaha. So true.
Hunter Gathers
I thought that sketch was pretty weak. Then again, I find SNL in general to be pretty weak these days.
Against New England, he looked terrible; fumbling multiple times and his team getting beat badly.
Well, they were right about Him not being around the next week.
I’m equally fascinated by the hate and the devotion on each side. And I’m genuinely curious to see if he can make it in the NFL since he is the prototype for the college quarterback (Cam Newton was basically Tebow 2.0 in college). And with the spread option becoming all the rage, there’s likely going to be more guys like him.
As far as what he’s done, he’s looked like the typical rookie quarterback. His numbers through 12 games compare pretty nicely to Elway, Aikman, and S Young at similar points of their careers. The league isn’t kind to young quarterbacks (Marino, Montana, Big Ben, and Brady are basically twice a generation quarterbacks), even Manning and Brees looked less than stellar in their first full year as starters.
Should be fun, however it plays out.
The thing that’s particularly stupid about the notion that prayer can lead to football victory is that, chances are, the players on the other team likely to be as a whole just as religious. It reduces Jesus into Santa Claus figure, doling out lumps of coal to those who evidently didn’t pray hard enough that week.
From what I gather, despite his overt religious displays, Tebow claims that he doesn’t actually do that, but certainly other folks are doing it. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen locker room footage of coach led prayer before college games in particular.
So I see Hulu has this button that says “Is this ad relevant to you?”
I wonder what would happen to their business model if everyone just clicked NO, no matter what the ad was for.
@Richard: It makes more sense when you realize that Jesus always bets on the spread.
@different-church-lady: that’s pretty much what I do all the time.
Nothing More To It
The big-j did tell Tebow and the Broncos he was going to be busy for the next couple of weeks…
Suffern ACE
They’d put up ads for toilet paper and threaten to tell your friends if you clicked “Irrelevant to me.”
@different-church-lady: wait, Jesus bets the spread? I thought John 3:16 says, “and He said ‘lo, go forth and bet the under only marks bet the over’ and so the sportsbooks adjusted their lines.”
@KG: You have to be a Dawg fan to really get it.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
a significant portion of the hate and devotion begins with Tebow’s association with Focus on the Family.(with a pocket full of shells)
here is a guy who has compared his praise jesus schtick to a spouse telling their spouse i love you.
which could, if you really wanted to take a scalpel to it, could make all sorts of fun. my opinion is that tebow wishes he were a nun.
@KG: That would explain all the signs at stadiums.
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal: Another is that he’s a fucking Gator.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
a distinction without a difference to most people.
the lundequisting of him by verne and other grown men speaking of him as the dalai honkey himself; either moved you with its near tearful sincerity, or was an unctuous and cloyingl inappropriate display of man-boy love.
I had been slightly aware of this “Tebow” who was an overtly religious quarterback but until now I didn’t know that he was white. I guess that explains a lot of his fan base.
On no. I’m screwed on that whole Mormanism thingy being true.
It certainly sucks as a Broncos fan. You can’t have your gameplan be “we’ll make it up in the last 5 minutes”. He is stressful as all hell to watch play, since he makes poor decisions and poorer throws. And we saw the limits of Jesus power against a real quarterback (Brady). Not to mention his six ‘miracle’ wins screwed us out of drafting a true pocket passer in a once a decade QB draft. Also, off the field, he went in front of the nation during the Super Bowl to tell women they were going to hell for making choices for their own bodies, in so many words. Fuck his sanctimonious ass.
Everybody hates the Gators and their fans. They make it so easy.
J.W. Hamner
I’m making gougères for the first time using a Dorie Greenspan recipe while my girlfriend is off teaching… kind of an interesting experience since I don’t have an experience with pâte à choux.
When people ask me why I hate on Tebow so much, I tell them I can answer in two words: (1) Matthew (2) Six.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
You would think that folks who call themselves Christians would pay a little more attention to what the boss has to say about it….
Jon O.
I try hard not to be angry about the Tebow fascination. The ostentatious praying is irritating, but y’know, whatever. What bugs me is the idea of Tebow, and the way the sports media talks about him. Sort of like how with W, “you know where he stands”, and Newt Gingrich is a “leading intellectual light.” Tebow “just knows how to win games” and “is destined for greatness.” Both announcers in the Broncos-Patriots game started talking about this at the 2-minute warning of the 4th – when the Broncos were down by 18. No joke, they were putting him up against Aaron Rodgers (and – jeez, I’m saying this as a Chicagoan – that guy is probably one for the ages.)
Like the anchors on CNN, sports media apparently prefer a good story to a true one.
It came up tangentially in another thread, but I am enjoying how the anticipation of the new Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, is giving rise to speculation that director Chris Nolan may be doing a little political allegory. The Guardian has fun noting some Occupy Gotham vibes.
And not surprisingly, Reason and The Wall Street Journal are wetting their pants over the idea that librul Hollywood may be pushing those evil librul values.
ETA: No truth to the rumor about a Tebow cameo in the film, apparently.
Keith G
I so love to snicker at peeps who play the “Tebow and Christians are persecuted” card.
Then we have a chat about how idiotic that notion is.
Villago Delenda Est
These people are not Christians. They are Mammon worshipers.
Benjamin Franklin
Craig Murray on the Olympic security (militarized Poliforce).
“I have been against the hosting of the Olympics since the inception. It seemed a vainglorious waste of money, to enable politicians to wave the patriotic flag, even before they gave away all our money to the bankers. Now it is just crazy.
It is also scarey. It has been announced that 13,000 military personnel will be policing the event together with 8,000 private contractors and 12,000 police. There will be battleships on the Thames. Euronews has just quoted a British official as defending this as being in line with what was done in Beijing. But Beijing is not in a democracy. It also claims that London in 2012 will be the “safest place in the world”.
That is “safe” in the same way that Jean Charles De Menezes was safe with all those armed police around.”
just for fun (in case any haven’t seen)
@Villago Delenda Est:
I dunno, VDE. I agree that they don’t follow the instructions laid down by Christ himself, but that’s true of the great majority of Christians so far as I can tell. If we exclude from the definition of “Christians,” “Those who don’t do what Christ said to do,” I think we will find that “True Christians” are the smallest of fringe minority religions. Then what do we call the majority?
From what I can see, “Christian” is virtually synonymous with “Mammon worshipper,” and if you start off assuming that they’re one and the same, you won’t be often wrong.
pseudonymous in nc
If you make a decent assumption that Tebow is going to be running for Congress in a decade’s time, then now is the chance to make sure that he doesn’t follow rich useless shitbag Heath Shuler.
Villago Delenda Est
The followers of the “prosperity gospel” are about money first, and spirituality second.
I have no problem labeling every last one of them Mammon worshipers.
Lotsa fun in the comments from delusional Bronco fans here:
One of them, quite seriously, blames Tebow’s loss to the Patriots on his being distracted by bad weather in the Philippines and its effect on mission work there.
Tebow is a decent quarterback who happens to play with a team that has an easy schedule. The love given to him by some announcers reminds me of coaches who handed out participation trophies at the end of the season. His stats are not that good against decent teams.
Gosh, who would do that?
In that case, Yutsano must be laughing his ass off.
@J.W. Hamner:
I love to eat pâtes à choux, but I have never succeeded in its making. It’s one of those things I’ve intended to spend a Saturday making over and over and over until I get it right. I understand the concept, have read books and articles, just never had it turn out right.
Gnocchi, too.
@Benjamin Franklin: Jeez, it’s not like anyone was ever killed at an Olympiad.
Maybe all this footballin’ is the real distraction from his calling, no?
Chuck Butcher
Well, the Santa Claus God thing is pretty childish whether it’s football player or a politician or…
The children he worked with don’t have foreskins to keep them dry any more.
There will be battleships on the Thames.
I strongly suspect there will not be battleships on the Thames. (1) There are no battleships in the British navy, or pretty much any other navy, nowdays, and (2) 16-inch guns are not particularly useful for crowd control.
Benjamin Franklin
Yup. A multiplicity of opportunity for the Martial Law proponents.
J.W. Hamner
We are half way through the baking process and while rotating racks I saw that they did puff up… however I believe the problem for n00bs like me is that they tend to collapse. We shall see… they certainly smell good, so even if they are sad little deflated puffs I hope they taste good.
Is this a trick question?
Have y’all seen this article with all the banksters crying into their Crystal and beluga caviar? It’s just amazing that the MOUs are so clueless:
Pass me my knittin’ and call me Madame DeFarge, that boy’s got his head up his ass.
@J.W. Hamner: Pate a choux sounds much more difficult that it is. It generally is a pretty well behaved substance.
Benjamin Franklin
Britain as ‘canary in coalmine’.
[checks URL on link]
[double checks URL on link]
Nope — it’s not The Onion.
@rea: There’s a cruiser on the south side of the river, between London and Tower bridges. HMS Belfast, IIRC. Decommissioned, of course.
And then there’s this story about the daughter of a Russian billionaire apparently spending $88 million for a New York apartment.
But it’s OK. She’s only going to live there part time.
Benjamin Franklin
Sorry I left off the link to murray…
WSJ, via New York Magazine: A number of hedge-fundies had inside info that the public option was going to be jettisoned — and provided by the very conservadems that “needed to be persuaded” that a public option wasn’t creeping soshulism.
@Villago Delenda Est:
A few years ago, for the first time ever, I went to a local megachurch to see a Christmas concert with a friend of mine. We’re both atheists, but as it turned out, she liked the music and also happened to be a friend of the conductor.
Anyway, before the concert, we hung around the church’s bookshop. They had hundreds of copies of the pastor’s book, which, as far as I could tell, was a tome describing how one could get rich quick via Jesus. Flipping through it, it mostly seemed more appropriate for a 2:00 AM infomercial than a church, except for the parts emphasizing how important tithing was, the message being, if you hand over your hard earned cash to me, Jesus will help you in the stock market.
OH curses Hall of Fame sportswriter Conlin accused of child sex abuse I don’t know if I should be more angry at families or sports.
I’m off for alcohol in a vain hope to squeeze in and finish a solid bout of generic misanthropy so I can work up to the traditional holly-bedecked variant more appropriate to the season. stomp stomp stomp grump grump grump
Quoting from your link:
I’m an atheist, but I wish there was a hell just so Joe Lieberman could burn in it.
@different-church-lady: Inorite?!
I like the little details the reporter worked in, like the egg white omelet. Dude deserves a Pulitzer.
J.W. Hamner
OK, gougères were a success. They weren’t that hard to make either, though incorporating the eggs by hand (no mixer for me) was a little arm tiring.
@EvolutionaryDesign: Eh, Tebow could be doing you a favor there. Look at the 1999 draft. Five quarterbacks were taken in the first round, including three with the first three picks. One of them had a pretty good career (Donovan McNabb), another showed some promise but had a disappointing career (Daunte Culpepper) and three more were basically busts (Tim Couch, Akili Smith and Shaun King).
For that matter, future Hall of Famer Tom Brady was drafted in the sixth round.
@Raven: Noles! Yessssss!
@Benjamin Franklin:
The Metropolitan Police has 30,000 officers. Can’t say those numbers quoted looked that big considering the scale of the event. There were 16,000 officers deployed during the height of the riots earlier this year.
And as mentioned earlier, battleships. Bhwaarrr.
Some attend only to what falls in line with today’s goals. If you pick and choose you can have football, wealth, celebrity and overt displays of faith. And it’s all Biblical!
Not picking on Tebow, just generally.
Tbow sucks pretty hard. Should have kept Orton while we looked for a replacement if we really felt the need instead of going with the shiny new moron whose idea of game preparation is prayer. We might get to the playoffs this year, but even Jake Plummer pulled that off a few times. What a damn waste.
Scott P.
@Benjamin Franklin:
There are no active service battleships in any navy on the planet.
Bill Murray
@hamletta: of course his taxes are more than a medieval lord would have taken from a serf. Medieval serfs didn’t have very much money
Suffern ACE
@rea: Perhaps they’ll be sinking any 2 man sculls that don’t meet FISA standards.
Dudes on Saturday afternoon ESPN Sportscenter discussed for about 7 minutes the charge that the network spends too much time on the Tebow “story.” Their argument: ESPN doesn’t. Then, going into the break, the tease for the next segment was: We’ll talk about Tim Tebow, coming up next.
Comrade Mary
@J.W. Hamner: Oh God, those look AWESOME! Any pointers to a recipe?
Paul in KY
@Raven: Hear, hear. We received 4 sactimonious beatdowns from St. Timmeh.
Fuck the fucking Gators.
Paul in KY
@elmo: Modern Protestant ‘Christians’ can better be termed ‘Paulists’, as they follow more the writings/thoughts of St. Paul, than they do those of Jesus.
Paul in KY
@pseudonymous in nc: The shitbag who votes nominally as a ‘Democrat’? Because I don’t think St. Timmeh is going to run as a Democrat.
Paul in KY
@rea: Maybe if you load them with grapeshot.