Just as a sidebar, I loathe these ratfcking undercover-Rethuglicans with the heat of a thousand trashfires:
… Ken Vogel, Politico‘s dogged money and politics reporter… dragged the Americans Elect leadership into a fascinating defense of their 501c4 status and decision not to disclose donors.
“The folks running Americans Elect, they don’t know who the donors are,” said Sragow, defending the secrecy. Another AE leader contradicted this a little bit. “I’ve participated in some of the meetings where people won’t sign because of fear of retribution,” he said. “We can have complete disclosure and fail, or we can succeed.”
But hang on: What sort of retribution were we talking about? “My father, Peter Ackerman,” offered the group’s COO Elliot Ackerman. “He’s been mischaracterized in the press frequently.”
Sragow wasn’t about to let this suggestion fly — this idea that working with AE wasn’t dangerous. “Don’t suggest that there is no retribution,” he said. “Nobody who’s spent 10 minutes in politics could think that.” He’d been vilified for participating in the group. He’d been attacked and insulted. “Fortunately, in this country, we don’t use molotov cocktails literally,” he said. “We use them figuratively.”
Well, this didn’t jibe either. Occasionaly, AE leaders have suggested that their donors will come out on their own. When would that happen?
“We’ll elect a president,” said Sragow, “and people will be very proud.”
Oooooh, “mischaracterized in the press frequently“, even “vilified for participating” — the ghost of Dr. King weeps for your exquisite suffering. Sack up, you sad little Fortunate Son. You couldn’t “elect a president” to your kid’s middle-school class, assuming you could scrounge up the guts to connect your Very Serious High-Minded Campaign to an actual meatspace candidate, and that the little perisher isn’t home-schooled in the first place.
In the spirit of Centrist Comity, I suggest you ram your metaphorical molotov cocktails up whichever of your metaphorical orifices an explosion might dislodge enough metaphorical pap that you could at least fake having the courage of your carefully-undisclosed convictions.
Are you guys getting paid by the post today? Damn.
ETA: Not that I’m complaining. I have no life.
Xecky Gilchrist
Yeesh. These people need to watch Romney 2008’s example of how you can’t just buy the presidency.
If Romney manages it this year, I’ll take that back.
Rick Massimo
“We’re Americans Elect! We’re coming to take down the system! Um, as long as we can be guaranteed that the system won’t be mean to us!”
That’s the principle on which this great country was founded. Or as it says in the Declaration of Independence, “we pledge to each other our lives – um, no; how about our fortunes? Nah – our cocktail-party invitations? HELL NO!”
William A
Any time one of these organizations refuse to identify their donors, the response should be “It’s blood money”.
If they are afraid to identify the source then there must be something shameful they are hiding.
Yes – and please remember to mention what these guys are and what they are trying to do when speaking about politics to your friends and neighbors. No repeats of ’99 please
some guy
hedge-fund funded organization Americans Elect.
hedge-fund funded organization Americans Elect.
hedge-fund funded organization Americans Elect.
repeat as necessary.
j low
Hunter Gathers
Well, there’s this black guy who was installed in the White House due to a fraudulent election that once referred to the people who finance Americans Elect as ‘fat cats’, so that makes their permanent sense of constant butthurt legitimate. Don’t you know how hard the super-rich have it these days? Women still won’t drop to their knees to worship these titans of industry, capitol gains are still taxed, they still see minorities in the street that aren’t being shoved into the back of patrol cars and, worst of all, the moochers and the takers think that our Galtian Overlords should pay higher taxes than they already do! The gall of the moochers and looters. It’s not the fault of the rich that they were smart enough to have rich parents, worked hard enough to get legacy scholarships to Ivy League schools and were business savvy enough work in an industry that rewards failure. The moochers and the takers and the looters are just jealous. Perhaps in the future, people will be smart enough to be sired by the rich, which would be a lot easier if the poors and all the non-white looters just went and died already.
The current and the previous two Democratic administrations were/are the very definition of centrists. WTF?
BTW – I signed up with the boys – took their shitty little (well huge actually almost endless) survey & plan on nominating BHO when the opportunity arises. I’d suggest we get as many people as we can to do the same – it won’t change the outcome (they will decide who to pick & the votes will magically appear) but it will screw with their minds if BHO get several thousand votes.
Phil Perspective
@rlrr: That’s the whole point Krugman has been making on his blog re: Little Tommy Friedman’s stupidity. Friedman can’t admit that what he wants is staring him in the face. And that, while some good has been done, not enough has been to done to solve our problems.
House GOP caves:
@some guy: The Wall Street-backed Americans Elect. Most people think that a hedge fund is some charitable landscaping organization.
@WeeBey: For how long? I’m not going to believe Boner can actually get enough votes from his own caucus until the bill is actually passed.
I want to know, when the fuck did our super-rich become so insecure that they all demand that we LOVE them? It’s not enough that they have all of the money and the power, now we have to fucking LOVE them, too?
Jesus fuck, I’m sorry Mommy never loved you enough, but get some fucking therapy and stop insisting that the 99% love you enough to fill the hole in your soul.
These guys won’t be happy until news of the death of a Koch brother leads to the same kind of public demonstrations of grief that they had in North Korea.
Tone In DC
I can visualize a certain Kenyan usurper catching Orange Julius blundering in. And nailing Boehner with a nasty uppercut.
Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
Rafer Janders
“Nobody who’s spent 10 minutes in politics could think that.” He’d been vilified for participating in the group. He’d been attacked and insulted. “Fortunately, in this country, we don’t use molotov cocktails literally,” he said. “We use them figuratively.”
Narrator: Most of the strange tales concern Dinsdale [Piranha], but what about Doug [Piranha]? One man who
met him was Luigi Vercotti.
Vercotti: I had been running a successful escort agency — high class, no really, high class girls — we didn’t have any of *that* — that was right out….So a week later they called again and told me the cheque had bounced and said…I had to see…Doug. Well, I was terrified. Everyone was terrified of Doug. I’ve seen grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Doug. Even Dinsdale was frightened of Doug. He used…sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and…satire. He was vicious.
It’s American Select. And we don’t know who the American is that does the selecting.
Spaghetti Lee
Well, I’m up for public demonstrations of a different sort.
Mike Goetz
You know, the 2012 Presidential Election could feature Obama (Dem), Romney (Rep), Gary Johnson (Lib), Donald Trump (Ind), and Roemer/Bloomberg/Huntsman/Bayh (Am. El.)
The word “shitshow” comes to mind.
This is good news for Barack Obama.
That’s it then. I guess all the PUMAs can stand down.
This was all predicted by Frances Fukuyama in his essay “The End of Parody” or maybe it was “The End of Sanity” or perhaps I’m misremembering the whole thing and it was titled “As the Sun Sets on Civilization: The Return of Alchemy and the Dark Ages.”
Will that involve muzzle loaders?
Excellent rant, AL!
Villago Delenda Est
From the TPM article:
(my bold)
OK, this should be interesting. Will the vile scum that are the teatards torpedo the orange dipshit’s attempt to save face? You have to remember, they’re the ones who forced the downgrade of the US debt rating for no other reason than pure spite.
The Moar You Know
I don’t need to know who’s funding them to know that they exist to subvert American democracy, and that their goal is to act directly against my best interests.
Btw, IIRC Ackerman Sr. threw $5.5 million at his son’s toy.
Anyone who thinks that these people actual make money by being smart rather than nepotism, corruption or sheer luck should wonder why someone would invest that kind of money in such an obvious failure.
Rick Massimo
Pure spite? How dare you accuse them of spite? They were sticking to the dearly held constitutional of That F*cking N!%%@r Is Not the Boss of Us.
That’s totally different.
Bush is backing Romney. Heh.
@Mnemosyne: Yes! Did JP Morgan care whether anyone loved him? Big ones, he had.
These twerps? Contemptible.
@MikeJ: Just the powder rams. Anne said so herself.
@dollared: In all fairness, JP Morgan built his empire on the eve of the Socialist Revolution that was the FDR administration. Conservatives reined uncontested for much of the 19th century, but had the rug yanked out from under them in the 20th. They’ve learned a bit since then about the value of populism.
@dollared: In all fairness, JP Morgan built his empire on the eve of the Soci alist Revolution that was the FDR administration. Conservatives reined uncontested for much of the 19th century, but had the rug yanked out from under them in the 20th. They’ve learned a bit since then about the value of populism.
Anne Laurie
Those guys had the minimal guts required to call themselves Democrats and take the consequences. The “centrists” flogging American Select are throwing around their daddies’ looted money to get some variety of Republican elected, but they’re too craven and dishonest to admit that, possibly even to themselves. That kind of craven should be in a museum somewhere, not contaminating the electoral groundwater.
@Zifnab: Morgan built his fortune in the latter half of the nineteenth century, starting with shady contractor arms deals in the civil war. He butted heads with Teddy Roosevelt and died around 1910.
So, maybe you confused FDR with TR?
I don’t think Morgan had the rug pulled out from him by anyone. There was supposed to be famous exchange after the 1907 panic when Morgan sent a message to Roosevelt saying that he would send his man to see one of TR’s men and they would work a deal out, and supposedly TR told Morgan to go to hell, more or less, that the government would fix the financial system as it saw fit.
But in the end I think TR OKd some immunity deals to allow some mergers and finanical fix ups to end the crisis. Morgan outlasted TR and had a role in the creation of the Federal Reserve, though the formalities were after Morgan’s death I think.
I think Morgan is the inspiration of our current Wall Street Great Mean of Genius who envisioned that they would be running the world through decades of prosperity due to their very hard work and very great smarts. But instead they are despised welfare kings, shoveling money into politics in order to buy enough pols to keep bankruptcy at bay.
A sad tale of emulation gone wrong.
And, I am sure the US voting population will be inspired by the courage of these wealthy arrogant bigshots, with lots of secret money. Such profiles in courage always inspire all the enthusiastic political support that money
can’tcan buy.Jon O.
Best part about this post: The Americans Elect advertisement immediately below it. Go on, give it a click or five! Jamie Dimon would love your support.
And from both sides! Don’t *ever* forget that both sides do it!
Bruce S
I’m hoping for a Paul 3rd party run just to fuck up these stealth assholes who’ll use any tactic to tilt the election against the President.
Also, Weigel – hardly a tribune of knee-jerk liberalism – had a good piece countering the PolitifFact lie:
What the hell is a real Centrist?
I always thought that my views were Centrist: somewhere in the middle, believing in fiscal responsibility where we don’t fund things without paying for them, especially tax cuts, wars, tax breaks for rich people and where religion and state are separate and how everyone should be treated equally under the law. I guess that makes me socially liberal?
If what I’m describing isn’t Centrist then what is?
@PeakVT: Why not just cut to the chase and call it “Wall Street Elects.”
@Karen: These days, that pretty much makes you a communist. Welcome, Comrade!