Subvert the Dominant Paradigm… these guys actually got about 30 seconds on the local tv news last night, but the clip’s not online. Jeremy C. Fox, at Boston.com:
Around 20 members of Occupy Boston returned to Dewey Square Park for a holiday-themed protest today, the first day the park reopened to the public following the eviction of protesters by police Dec. 10.
Arriving at noon, protesters and protest chaplains — a group of clergy and lay people who have brought a spiritual framework to the Occupy movement — donned biblical garb and held up signs with messages such as “There is still no room at the inn” and “Peace on Earth, goodwill to the 99%.”…
The Rev. Stephanie Spellers, 40, a priest at the Crossing at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, led the group in singing “O Come All Ye Faithful” in the public market. Spellers said she became a protest chaplain because many of her parishioners are young adults and people supportive of the movement.
She, too, pointed to the similarities between Christ and protesters in the Occupy movement.
“The point is just to remind people as they celebrate the Christmas season that you can’t celebrate Christmas without acknowledging that Jesus was poor, homeless, disenfranchised and willing to give his life for the many,” she said. “Can we be that generous?”
If all faithful followers of the true national religion of American Consumerism(tm) are granted just this brief annual window to consider the less fortunate, kudos to the Occupiers for making the most of it.
Another Christmas present from the Obama Administration:
DOJ blocks South Carolina’s voter ID law
Benjamin Franklin
Occupy Festivus !
The self-generating subdivisions of the OWS movement appear to be smarter than the ACORN crowd, and those rented subdivisions of the OWS movement who complain in exchange for cigarettes. You can determine these things by looking at signage and symbols.
As an example, the two individuals pictured above do appear to have envisioned their own sign, purchased cardboard and pens with personal funds, and traced it out themselves. The costumes also too appear to be original, showing signs of creativity.
In this manner, there is some degree of cross-pollination between certain segments of the OWS movement and the TEA Party.
Roger Moore
They’re also working on occupying New Years.
Warren Terra
It’s not perfect, but it’s got a helluva catchy refrain that could practically be a motto for this site: Dear Republicans, Fnck You (via).
@Roger Moore:
They should have entered a float at the Rose Parade. They would have many volunteers to build it.
Benjamin Franklin
Quite a bit going on, actually.
@BO_Bill: There you go, trying to retroactively make the Tea party legit by tying it to OWS.
@BO_Bill: One of your moron buddies was just on tweety and, wow, he is SOOOOO mad! Fucking jackasses.
@BO_Bill: The signs are spelled correctly. Nothing in common with the teabaggers.
So when does OTM, Occupy Traditional Media, start?:
Warren Terra
Um, BO, you might want to look again. Even leaving aside all of your hobbyhorse and absurd claims (ACORN? “complain in exchange for cigarettes”?), it can clearly be seen in the photograph that contrary to your claims they haven’t “purchased cardboard”. Like most people who aren’t utter morons or working with expense money from a Kochsucking astroturf outfit, they realize that if you want cardboard for a sign you cut it from a box. Which is what they did, as you can see demonstrated by the crease in the cardboard next to the protester’s right hand.
As to how you’d determine they bought the pens with personal funds, I’d rather not speculate.
O/T (to the extent that’s possible in an open thread): If anyone lives in the Buffalo area and would like to adopt a very nice grown cat who is unhappy in the new city where her people moved, please email me offline and I’ll tell you more and send a photo.
SiubhanDuinne (at) gmail (dot) com.
Look at that, OWS has actually managed to put Christ back into Christmas.
Roger Moore
One does not just enter a float in the Rose Parade. There’s a whole application process, and my intuition tells me that the blue bloods at the Tournament of Roses would not have looked favorably on their application. And that’s if they had applied in time for the 2012 parade, which they couldn’t have because the whole thing gets planned far enough in advance that the Occupy movement didn’t exist yet when the application would have been due. Well, at least the Occupy people should be more interesting that the usual band of crazies who follow the parade every year.
Warren Terra
I tried to parse this indigestible glop of word salad but recognized the racist and antisemitic tropes floating in it and have wisely if belatedly turned away.
I hope your family has a lovely holiday, Bill, but you personally are invited to go play in traffic.
ETA comment apparently made moot and somewhat incomprehensible by a deletion of BO’s comments. I approve of banning this floater, but would have preferred disemvowelling and an explicit statement he was getting booted to a quiet disappearance.
@BO_Bill: Interesting theory. However, you speak as one who has done several hits of acid too many. Nothing wrong with that of course.
@BO_Bill: Heh heh, so the Jooz are behind OWS.
Very “interesting.”
Uh oh, must have upset a sponsor.
@Roger Moore:
One does not simply walk into Pasadena.
ETA: three replies in a row to BOB while I was typing that. Y’all are nuts.
Cat Lady
OWS has been an enormous success, especially here in Boston. The occupiers and the authorities ended up figuring out the eviction without the violence, and I suspect that the overwhelming number of college kids who reside here kept the authorities mindful of the optics – they don’t want to incite them, and to incite lawsuits from all those parents. The organizers are spending the winter cooking up their springtime strategy, so watch this space.
Benjamin Franklin
Big difference between ‘Occupy’ and Tea Party is that the latter organized their fiscal poutology AFTER the election of the first black Prez. They didn’t seem interested in protesting while Bush was in power. I think that gives OWS a little more credibility.
Speaking of the CofAC, I finally got around to watching Objectified about a week ago, and I think it’s been making me cranky ever since. The film itself felt ridiculously dated, and almost everyone in it struck me as utterly fatuous. The only heroes of the movie–to my mind–were Rob Walker (who I’d never heard of before), most of the people from IDEO, and some German dude who I later found out was Dieter Rams (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBF1rOxWsxg&feature=related). What a tragedy that those whose job it is to be on the leading edge are so absurdly…provincial (for lack of a better word). And the fact that so many people just eat their shit up makes it even harder to know hope.
Shorter me, I guess: “bah” and “humbug”.
@Roger Moore:
Thanks for pointing that out, but
there’s the unofficial way to enter a parade:
Looks like a BO_Bill comment has been deleted. I read one about Red October, which seemed incomprehensible gibberish to me (but then, a lot of things on this blog go right over my poor little naive head).
From the responses of those who think they could decipher it, it must have been a doozy.
Benjamin Franklin
It was phalluscious…
@Benjamin Franklin: Oh noes, not Latin again.
BTW, thanks for tip to that Wiki article.
If they had taught useful stuff like that in HS Latin, I might have stuck with the subject instead of
rushing out the classroom in panic, after careful deliberation, deciding on Spanish and German instead.Edit: actually, in eeevile multicultural CA, a little Spanish was required, at least at my commie HS in Central Valley. So that was not actually a choice. But now I am very glad I was forced to learn some.
There was a really interesting segment on MJ this morning where they had a Catholic Priest, a Rabbi, and an Imam on to discuss the holiday season. It was interesting that both the Catholic Priest and the Rabbi both said that their job was to fight against the muslim hatred that is bubbling up in this country. They basically said that they believed that the Imam would fight as hard for their religions were the shoe on the other foot. The final part of the discussion was asking each of them what they hoped for the New Year. To a man they all said that they hoped that the Country would move towards helping the disadvantaged and poor, and that is exactly what “their God” (and they all acknowledged that they all worshipped the same God) would want. As I said it was really interesting.
Benjamin Franklin
Sorry. It was an impulse. Right after I hit ‘submit’ I looked for the ‘repent’ button.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Nice there was a segment like that. MJ means Morning Joe? If so, was Joe able to keep his cool all they way through? Or did he drop the Kayfabe required for segments like that on networks other than Fox News?
Villago Delenda Est
Tea Party: racist, Mammon worshiping scum.
Roger Moore
Security at the Tournament of Roses is a little bit tighter than that, especially after 9/11.
Mike in NC
“A priest, a rabbi, and an imam walk into a bar…”
Somebody please provide the punchline.
@Litlebritdifrnt: That is very cool. As with many other areas of our society, it has been my experience that most of the religious figures who deal with regular people have views that are far more positive and helpful than the ones that generally manage to get on TV or get quoted in the newspapers.
If conservatives were really concerned about what’s harming religion, instead of accusing the media of being anti-Christian or conducting a War on Christmas, they’d be asking them “why do you keep giving a forum to our idiots who drive people away from religion?”
@Roger Moore:
A job for Triumph?:
Actually Joe was very respectful and if I recall quoted Matthew by stating that Jesus told his followers to “feed the hungry, give homes to the homeless, and clothe the naked” to which all of the holy men agreed.
S. cerevisiae
I was so hoping that was this Triumph.
@Roger Moore:
I hear the Russians are planning to clone a Mammon.
Thread needs more puppies.
“The one with take me home eyes.”
I sympathize with the sign, but the truly Christian way, I think, is to wish for good for 100%. As the somewhat radical pastor at the rich Presbyterian church we used to go to in rich NJ put on the sign on the front lawn, during the height of Iraq War hysteria: — “God Bless the Whole World: No Exceptions”. I liked that guy.
Southern Beale
This has probably already been posted but I thought this was wonderful:
Shit, my dad’s out of CC now.
@BO_Bill: Not a fan of ows. But a “cross-pollination between certain segments of the OWS movement and the TEA Party” ???
FU for trying to legitimize an illiterate, racist, mob of traitors.
One of my co-workers made this montage of footage from several Occupy protests, including New York, Oakland, San Francisco, Sacramento and Davis, and set it to “Uprising” by Muse. It can’t publically visible on YouTube because of copyright issues with the song, so I promised him I’d post it on an open thread on the political blogs I follow.
Dave Lucas
In the comments on my blog, a reader asks “You think of Occupy Albany as tho it were a TV series?” Check out my response!
Occupy Albany is opening its winter home with a grand Christmas dinner!