Dittes-moi pourquoi la vie est belle.
Open thread
by DougJ| 86 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Readership Capture
by DougJ| 86 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Readership Capture
Dittes-moi pourquoi la vie est belle.
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Theres a lot of that going around.
All this useless beauty. There is no why, except, maybe, to make us procreate.
Someone with the keys to B-J needs to steal this tweet from Dave Weigel for a rotating tagline and/or category:
This dead horse ain’t gonna beat itself
(via Brad DeLong)
I saw Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol over the Christmas weekend. I am far from a Tom Cruise fan, in fact, I think ole dude’s coo coo for cocoa puffs, but I’m a sucker for mindless action plus it got better reviews than Sherlock Holmes (93% vs 53% on RottenTomatoes.com). Plus I was taking my nephew, my cousin and my sister and Sherlock Holmes just ain’t their type of thing…so MI:Ghost Protocol was it.
Well far be it from me to complement Tom Cruise but the movie was IMHO the best Mission Impossible of the franchise. Thanks in part to the direction (Brad Bird of Pixar fame!!!) and yes Tom Cruise’s utter crazy fearlessness, if what I’ve read is true, Cruise did NOT have a stunt double for the “scaling the tallest skyscraper in the world” scene. If you’ve seen the movie u know what I’m talking about, if you have not, I’ll just say that I was watching the movie and that scene took my breath away and I wasn’t even the one on the side of the damn building!
All this to say that I def recommend seeing MI:Ghost Protocol. It actually made me want to re-evaluate my aversion to Cruise…well not really I still think ole boy is crazy and don’t get me started on the whole Scientology thing.
Tom Cruise is out of his fucking mind!!!! No Stunt Double
I fed a Dawg tonight. That was about the most productive thing I’ve done today.
Dites-moi pourquoi la vie est gaie?
Sag mir dass Leben gut ist?
EDIT: Sag mir dass Leben schön ist?
EDIT II: Sag mir warum diesen Lenen schön ist.
So is batshit crazy bachmann’s campaign is dead or alive ?
Est-çe que parce que vous m’aimez?
Comrade Mary
This song. (Yes, I posted it earlier.) Give it a minute to creep up on you. Background.
Now the entire South Pacific soundtrack is my earworm. Thanks, DougJ!!
Omnes Omnibus
I am going to the Packer game on Sunday. One of Christmas presents was a Woodson jersey – my first player jersey. These are good things.
Megan, $1500 food processor McArdle is lecturing us rubes on thrift. So that’s awesome.
here ya go, maybe this will help…
@amk: her campaign has indeed entered Schroedinger’s Cat mode….
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: YES! I love this song. Even if it is Belgian.
@Omnes Omnibus: here’s some more perkiness for you OO:
@Comrade Mary:
You’re right, it does creep on you. But one of the cats left when I played it and the other one gave me a dirty look and moved away. Maybe they understand the lyrics better than I do.
Oh Tish, that’s French!
@OO: Enjoy Lambeau Field good sir. I have a confession for you when I get home. It involves Aaron. That’s my tease. :)
Comrade Mary
Oh, if we’re all doing Prozzak: Sucks to be You
Omnes Omnibus
@piratedan: It isn’t Plastic Bertrand – dude was brill.
Comrade Mary
@merrinc: Maybe your cats understand Tanglish and took it personally?
belle? belle? Because my ears are still ringing from a hyper hard likker specialty eggnog binge, for the sake of the holidays.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: One is intrigued. One shall inquire later.
I think Romney’s general election campaign (at least he thinks the primaries are a foregone conclusion) is damned strange. Does it not strike at least one sane person in his campaign that having Romney attack anyone as an out-of-touch elitist just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Shouldn’t this line of attack reveal for all to see that Romney is probably not that much smarter than Perry or Bachmann?
I don’t know.
But it brings a question to my mind. The recently proposed, and absolutely necessary, ‘We do not buy used underwear’ rotating header does not seem to be in use yet.
Why not?
I guess it might have to wait until the Holidays are over, but still, seems like a good time for it.
What’s BJ’ers bet on how much money obama is going pull in for his campaign ? I see one billion dollars being bandied about as if it’s chump change.
From McMegan:
“We had our first “jobless recovery” under Clinton, and now we’ve got two more under our belt”
Uh, Megan, unemployment in 2001 was something like 2%. We essentially had negative unemployment at the end of the Clinton administration. And I made a nice hollandaise for the Eggs Benedict on Christmas morning with a saucepan, metal mixing bowl and a whisk.
@hildebrand: Republicans are all about the projection. Always have been. Therefore it makes perfect sense for the clueless elitist to attack Obama as suffering from that particular affliction.
@Comrade Mary: i liked that one, but this was the one that introduced me to them:
@Omnes Omnibus: no argument, was just attempting to be cute…starting to slowly come out of my emotional marathon
The prophet Nostradumbass
I’ve never seen South Pacific, and so have escaped this particular torture (pleasure?).
Right now, my current earworm is Stereolab’s Jenny Ondioline (Official Video 4:15 Single Version) (18 Minute Album Version)
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: I though it was the singular “I do not buy used underwear.”
@hildebrand: Everyone’s been saying that he was the guy who could beat Obama- but the more I see of him the more I think he’s just as big of a loser and poor campaigner as the rest of the fools.
Yet another bachmann backstabber.
Karma is such a vengeful bitch.
@hildebrand: Romney railed against “Eastern Elites” at the 2008 Republican National Convention. None of the mooks noticed then.
Romney’s not dumb. The GOP base, on the other hand, is stupid as shit.
@Omnes Omnibus: Go Pack Go! Have a great time for us, OK? We didn’t make it to a game this year. Mr m bought my brother a share of stock for Christmas and I thought he might cry.
@merrinc: You need a rockin’ dawg. (Also, Rockin’ Dog with bonus cute puppy.)
AACK!! No fair! I’m still at work dammit!!
Comrade Mary
@JGabriel: Oh, LIKE! All hail the inheritors and transformers of the Velvets drone!
Here’s something atmospheric I found recently. Also.
A poignant story of a hangman.
Omnes Omnibus
@martha: A few years ago, I gave my brother a framed and autographed Bart Starr photo and he did cry. For the price of the framing and matting, he damn well better have too.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, potaytoe, potahtah, I, we, BJ, Tunch, whatever. I think it is important to get the don’t buy used underwear message out there right now.
boss bitch
Google Translate says you spelled “Dittes” incorrectly.
Comrade Mary
Oh, and you all know now what a porcupine sounds like, right? Can you guess what a baby cheetah sounds like? No, guess!
Here you go!
Omnes Omnibus
@Comrade Mary: Me like.
@jl: If you feel that the message is more important than being canonical, then fine.
(Throat-rattling sound) “Hock, ptooey!”
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: Someone said that to me in Bruges. I always wondered what she meant.
Note to self: get YouTube vids of bald eagles calling. No it sounds nothing like it does in movies. But it’s still purty nifty.
@Omnes Omnibus: We are leaving the framing to him…my brother worshipped Bart Starr.
@honus: BLS says that unemployment rate was around 5.3 to 5.4 late 1990, early 91. Went to 7.6 in 1992 after recovery began for a year, then back to 5.3 end of 1996. Down to 4 in early 2000.
That is a lot better than the recent recession.
1990 recession looks much milder with more rapid recovery than last two in terms of employment population ratio. 1990 was a blip from 63 to 61.5 then back up, with much shorter recovery time than last two. Technically speaking no recovery time for 2001 and 2007, since 1994 to 1997 employment population ratios have never been reached since 2001.
So, what was McMegan’s point? Democrats did it too? Wrong.
Realizing that Romney will continue to kvetch about Obama being an out-of-touch elitist, who in the media would have to call him on his rank foolishness before it would actually enter the national discourse?
boss bitch
newtie seems to be on an appointment spree for his imaginary cabinet.
bolton, tundra twit …
of course, he has a rich picking from the goopers fail list.
@Omnes Omnibus: Those decisions are above my pay grade. I defer to whatever the manic loons, uh, I mean, Very Serious front pagers of BJ decree.
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: McMegan has no point. It is central to her being.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ha! Now you know.
@Omnes Omnibus: Any chance you opened the conversation with “bon jour?”
Omnes Omnibus
Omnes Omnibus
@magurakurin: Nah, I cut straight to “HI, DO YOU SPEAK AMERICAN?” Saves time.
@Comrade Mary:
Oh, that is so cute! Looks like it should be painted on black velvet!!
@amk: This will be interesting, after Newt pre appoints some crazy grifter to head a department that will be abolished. Bit scandal probably. I will read about the immense implications for campaign tactics (at least for the morning) in P * l * t * c *.
As long as I am asking foolish questions – here is another: Will there be a third party candidate that actually sways the outcome of the presidential election this time around? I suppose we need to talk about what percentage it would take to sway the election.
@Comrade Mary: Very cute. Thanks.
In honor of Newt’s cute pet campaign, I offer in return,
naked mole rat babies
Which is kind of unfair to cute naked mole rat babies, which are cuter than Newt.
I discovered today that you tube has Sweet Pie on it. He was part of my wasted youth, getting high and listening to this song. Predates the Dead Kennedys in subject matter. Warning NSFW.
More cute animals, and a public service message.
If you see a newt in danger, especially in the middle of a road, please help it move along. This helpful video clip shows you how.
I don’t care about all the mean things I hear people saying, newts are cute, and are a valuable part of our woodland and meadow ecology.
Comrade Mary
@jl: Those are the most adorable things I’ve ever seen that could also be mistaken for Mr. Hankey with tiny clawed limbs and massive incisors.
A blast from the past: The Pygmy Shrew.
@Comrade Mary: That’s very pretty (Manic Expressive (Enter)). Thank you.
And while we’re talking about VU, let’s link some actual Velvet Underground:
Sunday Morning
Heroin (Love that skronky violin solo)
Comrade Mary
@JGabriel: This thread is making me very happy. Playing Velvets while I tidy up before bed.
Sick of Newt? Please allow me to introduce you to the “new Knut”:
Who cares about winning the Iowa caucus, when you can conquer the Internet.
@Comrade Mary:
Then we here at Chez Gabriel are satisfied. We live to serve.
@Omnes Omnibus: lol. In all seriousness, I’ve been to Bruges. Fuckin’ chocolate is awesome. Nice place, it is.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@magurakurin: I’ve never been there, but have visited both Antwerp and Brussels. Really liked both of them. The Grand Place in Bruseels is fantastic.
working. No time off. Fuck this shit.
oh, excusez-moi. Fuckez cette merde.
So. We are coming up on New Years. Many of us will be spending time with family and friends. And booze. And, so a modest proposal.
Some of you have noted that some of your more conservative friends and neighbors get all angry and frothy when the talk turns to politics.
I would be curious to know what their actual objections are to Obama and his policies, and what it is they would like to see implemented. Don’t particularly care whether they like Mitts or Ron Paul or Bachmann and her crazy eyes.
Just curious as to what they want, and why.
As an aside, I note that my close family, even young nieces and nephews tend to be liberal. And even though some in the extended family are conservative, very, very , very few would vote for a Republican for national elective office. Not sure about state and local elections, but probably not.
The rockin’ golden retriever was just what I needed to take the edge of a very shitty day. Many thanks.
I think you’re looking for “nique”.
@The prophet Nostradumbass: Bruges is worth a visit if one has the chance. The whole town is like the main square in Brussels. But unlike in Brussels the folks in Flanders were none to fond of France or the French language nor the Germans either. I had long talk with the owner of the place we we’re staying at about how the Louvre is filled with stolen art and how much art the French, Germans and British have stolen from Flanders over the years. Interesting place Belgium, but they definitely have some issues over there. And on the stolen art, the hotel owner had a pretty valid point…
Janet Strange
@Brachiator: Often it’s stuff that I’ve never even thought of. One of my students who was a medic in Iraq hates Obama and once I asked him why. He said because Obama doesn’t support or respect the troops. As evidence of this he explained that the new body armor that has been issued by Obama is not as good as the body armor they had when Bush was president. It’s better for medics because it’s easier to open and get off but on the other hand doesn’t have as much protection on the side.
Which proves, he said, that Obama does not support our military. Therefore he despises Obama.
The president decides what body armor the military buys? I had no idea!
I wandered off at this point unwilling to find out if he thought that Obama had picked inferior body armor because he was incompetent at body armor picking or if his troop hatred caused him to choose body armor that makes it more likely to get troops killed. I didn’t think I could handle the answer.
Or it’s vague. My sister says the her husband, who was a very successful small businessman told her that his business would have failed if he hadn’t retired before Obama was elected. I asked why, and she said, well, Obamacare, and all those new rules and taxes. You know.
Well, I don’t know actually but I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to get anything more specific out of her.
I know yours was a serious question and I too, would like to know some coherent set of policies or actions they disagree with and what they’d like to do instead, etc. but I just get answers that are all over the place.
It’s the stuff we talk about here all the time. From Glen Beck et al. to the tribalism of human nature, the hatred comes first and is emotional. The “reasons” are rationalizations that come after and so aren’t actually very helpful in understanding the hate.
Pretty bird. As promised.
Jerzy Russian
@lamh35: I don’t normally watch movies until they are free to check out from the library, but I may have to reconsider in this case. I don’t know why Cruise thinks he is Spider Man, but that clip was amazing.
polyorchnid octopunch
Parce que la vie bat de l’alternative.
polyorchnid octopunch
@Yutsano: Who? Dr. Dawg?
Kay Shawn
You’ve got to be carefully taught.
Lovely books on order and due to arrive early next week.