Nick Lowe says that this is the first original song he wrote.
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Nick Lowe says that this is the first original song he wrote.
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Note to self. Never play YouTube videos featuring eagle screams next to your cat.
Nick Lowe was also the master behind Elvis Costello’s early sound as his primary record producer at the time.
Unfortunately, being a product of early-80’s MTV, I can’t think of Nick Lowe without hearing “Cruel to be Kind” in my head.
And now I’ll be hearing it in my head all morning (which is a good thing).
“Oh, I can’t take another, heartache.”
Where is the Dec 30th for Samoa and Tokelau ?
Not sure if this clip is from the same interview I listened to a while back (and I can’t watch the vid right now), but what he said then was that he felt that WSFAPL&U was the first original song that he’d written. He’d written lots of songs before this one but he felt that his older songs were just copies of other music that he liked.
Breaking poll out of Iowa. The results, you ask? Pretty much the usual. Romney in the lead, with other candidates splintered.
Looks like Romney will have this baby wrapped up by South Carolina. Then, the real fight begins. Pretty scary for you guys, huh?
@Veritas: heh willard, don’t look sideways. The old & senile nutter is about to stick it to ya.
A Ron Paul victory is the second best thing for Mitt Romney besides winning outright.
@mk3872: Listen to the song ‘Crackin’ Up’ a couple of times. “I don’t think it’s funny no more” will be your new earworm.
Is it just me, or is this the worst idea floated in a Kaplan Daily op-ed in this century?
Veri K. Tas, will you please go now?
@Veritas: Typical willard. Flip-flop within just one fucking post.
To shift slightly (from Nick Lowe to Dave Edmunds) after Iowa I want to see a post about how the Republicans are crawling from the wreckage of their clown car.
@burnspbesq: Or back to Nick Lowe again, I want to see a post about how time wounds all heels.
@burnspbesq: bat shit bachmann and santorum out by coming wednesday. Tune into the morning show at pox.
The most amazing piece of false equivalence I’ve seen in a long time.
(warning: Hufflepuff link.)
“Not Romney” is the preferred choice of 70 percent or more of likely Republican primary. Eventually the field will whittle itself down to two, and when it does, Willard will be toast. The fact that you choose to not understand this says a lot about you, and none of it is flattering.
“bat shit bachmann and santorum out by coming wednesday. ”
And so begins the task.
Oh, dear. Brain pain on a previously unimaginable scale.
@burnspbesq: And huntsman after NH. He has already said that he is taking the ball and going home if NH’ians kick him out of the top 3. The sense of entitlement of this guy….
@burnspbesq: Let the unification around the not-Willard begin.
Only good point about that article: that guy is not a lawyer. Otherwise one would have to wonder how he survived law school. Anywhere.
Bill in Section 147
@burnspbesq: But then isn’t it just in to another car?
master c
So where are the strong? Who are the trusted?
That resonates with me every time.
I just saw Nick open for Wilco-just a man and his guitar. He did a version of “Allison” that had me wiping tears from my eyes. I had to ask the girl sitting next to me to get off her smartphone. [Facebooking] She musta been there only to see Wilco.
“Otherwise one would have to wonder how he survived law school. Anywhere.”
Before you go too far down that road, recall that Orly Taitz is a member of the State Bar of California (until the disciplinary apparatus gets done with her).
Bill in Section 147
@burnspbesq: Why weren’t they writing about this during Bush v. Gore? I mean the “Peoples Veto” came before that decision and they overruled that one.
Although I am often not happy with the courts (I am a liberal and they are far from it) but I’ll suffer and bow to the genius of our forefathers.
@burnspbesq: Only scratching the itch. I’m leaving it lie there.
Seems like a crazy legal day in general. Was it like this last weekday of the year last annum?
No One of Consequence
I was just wondering this morning, if anyone specifically on this thread, actually, just one person specifically on this thread, if they have ever considered the concept of Karma. And perhaps in their considerations, have crossed the thought that even if not Completely, Verifiably True in the Classical Sense, that perhaps Karma maintains some Truth and Substance in a more Metaphysical Sense, and in that more Metaphysical Sense, that it resembles more Physics than Meta, and that perhaps, just perhaps, they might be establishing a considerable amount of Potential Energy on the wrong side of the Cosmic Balance? That eventually, as their observations may have lead them to discover or believe that Nature abhors a vacuum and ever seeks a balance?
That surely if one flings enough poo, the Scales will right and one should end up wearing a rather stinky ensemble?
Or is it just me?
– NOoC
Mark B.
@No One of Consequence: I don’t believe that Karma is real, but if one acts in bad faith on a regular basis, it tends to get noticed, and that has consequences.
The last business day of the year is always a bit, umm, unpredictable.
If it’s impacting you, it’s because lawyers are getting ready to send out bills and they want that “telephone call with IRS” entry there so that the client will see that they are Doing Something.
The IRS functions that I normally deal with have been empty since mid-December because of use-or-lose leave, and I’ve made sure my clients know that nothing can be made to happen until the end of next week at the earliest. But I’m sure I’ll get calls today about year-end journal entries that need to get made before the books close, and similar stuff.
It might…if I was working today. As they practically begged me to take today off and I had the leave anyway…yay ebil gubmint work!
@burnspbesq: Iraq war was much worse idea — because they could get that. Changing the constitution not really possible. 3/4 of state legislatures?
Benjamin Franklin
Krugman declare Keynesian Econ ‘vindicated’.
Yutsano is a Wazzu guy. They lost. I thought I saw that U-Dub beat Team Obama.
U-Dub and Wazzu are about as much alike as Boston College and Boston University.
Not sure if this is widely known yet (I saw it in the WaPost local section) but the Virginia Republican Party is going to require every Republican voter in the March 6 primary to sign a loyalty oath. The voter must pledge to vote for the Republican nominee in November before they can vote.
The Soviet Union still lives…
In Soviet Virginia, TV watches you.
@burnspbesq: I work at the other end of the process with IRS, and it gets slow too. While I’m almost never in work status now, I know people who are, and a lot of times it’s sitting around at their desks reading their IRMs, Christmas parties and the like. While I don’t think my unit has as many use-or-lose people as yours, there’s still plenty of annual leave anyway, and with two four-day weeks, why not take a vacation?
Suffern ACE
@Trakker: Geez, between that and the Indiana anthem stuff, I’m beginning to wonder if the Republican Party might be filled with McCarthyite control freak types.
@Trakker: Doesn’t matter. You could say the pledge, and then say when asked, that you changed your mind later. I doubt that pledge really helps. You could lie about your intent, knowing that unless someone could prove you broke your promise in the General election, nothing would happen anyway.
So not ready to let go of Christmas, so typing this while listening to jazz Christmas carols. You know, there’s a guilty pleasure to enjoying things out of season, as if you can enjoy them without the pressure that conformity brings.
ty mistermix for finding that bit of interview….
as for a descriptive for what I think of the GOP, maybe this Lowe staple is the most apt
Nick Lowe says that this is the first original song he wrote.
I read that, and then went to listen to the linked interview, and what Lowe was syaing was a bit different than what I at first thought–this was far from the first song he wrote, but it was the first nonderivative song he wrote.
Yeah, but it’s always “…into a brand new car.” Rockpile’s Seconds of Pleasure was the engine of countless jumpin’ houseparties back in the day.