(Pat Oliphant via GoComics.com)
The Guardian‘s invaluable Richard Adams will be live-blogging the Iowa caucuses. Kick-off at 8pm EST, “a winner possibly being named around 10pm or 11pm” — from the undisclosed off-site location, presumably.
Apart from ongoing demonstrations that 140-character deliminations are inadequate for responsible social interaction, what else is on the agenda?
Reader Interactions
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Mark S.
Again I would point out that a lot of people manage it just fine. “Twitter made me do it” is a stupid argument.
ABL accuses Balloon-Juice of being a racist blog:
BD of MN
heading to a local bar to play some trivia with the wife. Perhaps after I come back I’ll delve into the 1500 comments today about said twitter-ocalypse, but I doubt it…
Interesting story of why Iowa is first.
Canuckistani Tom
Just finished dinner, made meself a fridge omelet.
Chuck Butcher
What Twitter can’t acoomplish I’d bet over 1,000 comments combined can’t manage either – not that I’m going to look to find out. NOT EVEN
Can we summon forth a Wingnut choir to chant about snow, snowing and Al Gore be rong and stuff? Because We Need Some Fracking Snow!http://www.water.ca.gov/news/newsreleases/2012/010312snowsurvey.pdf
Benjamin Franklin
Crucifixion would be humane by comparison……..
Fed Up In Brooklyn
Ugh, when does ABL climb down off the cross? Enough already.
I adore you with all my heart. To what address do we ship your prize internets?
I’ll be watching Brady Hoke trounce the Hokies on the ole’ gridiron.
Not really paying attention to Iowa at all, because I’m certain that some racist, homophobic, corporatist fuckwad who isn’t qualified to be class president at Liberty U will win.
Hey front pagers, is there a way you can all set up some kind of betting pool if Mittens is the Rep nominee where we all can bet what date Newt calling Willard a liar shows up in a campaign add for the general election. I bet Obama’s people came when they saw they now had footage of Newt calling him a liar.
Linda Featheringill
The daughter unit has traveled to greater Philadelphia to meet some guy she met on the net. Who knows what will happen?
They are both middle aged -ish and so I suppose that they can take care of themselves.
I and the animals stayed in Ohio, trying to keep warm.
The Balloon Juicers are celebrating the departure of “the self-hating negress.”
Well, I wasn’t celebrating it before, but if she insists…
Nice thread title, Charlotte
She stayed so long for the same reasons she’ll be back: to pimp her website(s) and troll from the front page.
I plan to do some nuanced farting in order to clarify my earlier aggressive farting.
I like Twitter, but then I don’t use it for interaction much, I use it mainly as a quick news feed. I follow the GuardianUK and BBC cause I like getting instant news updates from the UK, and I can therefore click on the news stories I enjoy. Their reporters are so much more intelligent and pithy than the crew we have over here. I also follow Mother Nature Net for green living tips and cute animal stories and of course I follow the political blogs/sites (including this one) cause I am a sucker for politics. I am not sure I understand the having conversations with one another on there. I tend just to read and re-tweet something if I really think people should know about it.
Chuck Butcher
There are over 1300 comments I’m avoiding if you’d care to.
@Linda Featheringill: I know a couple of women who did that and they are happily married. It could turn out fine.
Linda Featheringill
Oh, how nice. I guess I should just hunker down and work on my optimism. :-)
@PeakVT: She gets called that in the comments here, it’s allowed, and she’s the one whose departure we should be celebrating? Awesome.
It doesn’t really have anything to do with a 140 character limit.
For example, you once wrote a lengthy front page post baselessly ripping the shit out of another front pager for no reason. It wasn’t exactly a model of “responsible social interaction” even though it exceeded 140 characters.
Tonal Crow
Actually, I’m celebrating the departure of one of my nominees for the esteemed status of “Most Likely to Claim Victimization While Lobbing Bombs”. Other leading nominees are John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Mittens, and (of course) Sarah Palin.
@TooManyJens: The only thread in which that phrase appears in a google search is this one.
I don’t get it. When ABL started here she was all CAPSLOCK FTW and annoying hyperbole and long winded rants that made my teeth hurt. She’s here for months and she’s finally mellowed out and gotten into her grove, and I’m genuinely enjoying some of her work…
And then you assholes scare her off. God damnit, people. You did the same shit to EDK and whatisface the gay Canadian Republican guy. Maybe they didn’t always say shit we all agreed with, but I’d think a few of the BJ veterans would be used to that shit given John Cole himself used to put out vicious Kerry-slander just to piss off the liberals back in ’04. He came around. We came around. Everyone kumbayahed. And we got a bunch of adorable Tunch pictures for our trouble.
Now someone can’t rub two syllables together about Greenwald without inciting a fucking riot. This is why we can’t have nice things people.
@MikeJ: Google missed it, then.
Ctrl-F for “Biff Mitchell”
@Linda Featheringill: My boyfriend and I met online and we’ve been together 6 years. :-) Optimism!
Anyone know anything about Missoula, Montana? I applied with the VA and have been passed on to the certifying official. I think that means I’m in the group of possible hires.
Amir Khalid
Harsh words, but (from my neither-white-nor-black foreigner’s point of view) not altogether unjustified. There were, and are, commenters here who have made a point of directing more venom toward ABL than any other front-pager has faced in the time I’ve been lurking/commenting here. Attacking her personally. Showing up in comment threads under her posts solely to demand that she quit posting here.
Not that I’m saying she’s perfect; but I liked her posts more often than not, and she certainly didn’t deserve most of that venom. In fact I’m a little surprised she stuck it out as long as she did. She would have been well justified to leave much earlier. I’m a little disappointed in the Juicers who showed her so much unprovoked hostility.
Arm The Homeless
Thanks for the new trolls, John.
I have had a chance to pie over 10 new sock-puppets and twat-waffles.
Spectre has so far flown under my radar, but thanks for piping up shitstain. Now tell me about your fascination with pie.
This is silly and arbitrary. You can’t deliver a history lesson or an explanation of quantum physics in 140 characters, and I wouldn’t use it for hashing out issues with the spouse, but you can convey a surprising amount of information in 140 characters if you’re willing to rewrite and condense as needed, get rid of filler words, and use shorter synonyms, contractions and abbreviations to buy space.
Or, in under 140 characters: “140 chars isn’t enough to teach physics, but if you condense, use shorter words and get rid of filler, you can say more than you think.”
Cris (without an H)
Yesterday we made Scotch Eggs (which we always do around New Years, since the oil we used to fry the jelly donuts is still there), and we filmed a little how-to video, so I’m having fun learning iMovie and editing the footage together.
@TooManyJens: You’re right, google seems to have missed it. Pretty repulsive.
@Zifnab: I agree. This is for the most part a great commenting community. What is with the crap directed at ABL? (EDKain was one thing, some of the stuff he posted dumb, I usually agree with ABL, and yet, she gets piles of crap piled on her.)
It is one thing to have substantive disagreements, but it seems like most of that is not what is happening. I wish there were a way to combat it besides feeding the trolls all day in the comments.
Benjamin Franklin
Imagine what pepperspraying cop http://peppersprayingcop.tumblr.com/
Could do with this……………..
Enough of the twitter fights. Isn’t it time to eviscerate David Brooks again?
Roger Moore
You can say a lot in 140 characters, if you put some thought into it. If you tweet first and think second, not so much.
@Cassidy: I mean… not for the whole time.
@Fed Up In Brooklyn:
How does someone climb down from a cross they’ve nailed themselves to? They might need a little help, if they’re willing to accept it.
gogol's wife
@Amir Khalid:
You express my feelings perfectly. The gleeful venom being spewed against her today is really distressing.
@Spectre: Obviously, she’s completely wrong about BJers hating the negress. I mean, you’re not posting these twitters, she is. Because it’s all about her.
@Amir Khalid: I always thought the only thing worse than an ABL post were the idiot trolls that would inevitably show up. Nobody deserved the abuse she got.
Roger Moore
It’s a University town, so it’s probably about as liberal as you’re going to find in the state. And it’s certainly in a beautiful area, so it’ll be great if you like hiking, skiing, or any other mountain-type activity.
Chuck Butcher
I have to admit that I have a bit of a problem with the shock of the lady interviewer that Newt called Mitt a liar. Shock.
The really good part is that Newt and Mittens and … figure money is speech and “corporate” money is even better and more speechy.
It is also important to remember that speech does cost money in campaigns, and it has since… well forever as far as I can tell. Franklin owned a printing press, friends with money printed Paine… I don’t know that there is a way to get money out of the process or even remotely to disqualify voluntary associations from spending it. It might be possible to force full disclosure of organization and donors and even force the top 100 or so to be disclosed in the ads themselves.
It is a bit tougher to make the “lack of anonymity chills speech” argument in the coordinated big money realm than it is to make the argument that prohibition violates the 1st.
@TooManyJens: What’s awesome is when a professional outrage blogger in desperate need of clicks smears a whole site with multiple front pagers based on a few comments by people who are probably not even regulars.
Nobody made her leave, nobody made her write a GBCW post, and nobody made her read the comments on a post that was very obviously going to draw out the most trollish readers.
Linda Featheringill
Chicken wings!
To return to another BJ bete noir, can someone please tell me whether they think Sully is handing out a Malkin or an Yglasias for this backasswards dumbfuckery that he cites as his Quote For the Day?
Or maybe he is just sticking his finger in the wind and will weigh in on WTF he has in mind here after taking the pulse of his ever-dwindling readership…
Linda Featheringill
Not to worry.
We [daughter and I] decided that the worst scenario would be that he turns out to be vampire. So now I just think of him as a vampire.
Poor guy. He’s probably a decent human for all that.
So if someone were to put up a sports open thread or a tunch open thread, would the discussion lead to the other 5000 posts about the incident?
Enquiring minds want to know…………….
BTW did anyone get their calendar yet?
No shit. When we here at the Las Vegas Ski & Snowboard place have the best snowpack in the West. . . . something is very, very wrong.
Cris (without an H)
@Cassidy: I live about 120 miles north of Missoula. It’s a great town; I consider it the cultural center of Western Montana, for whatever that’s worth. They have a fantastic public radio station, a university with a big-fish-in-a-small-pond FCS football team that the town loves, a lively little downtown, and a populace with a strong sense of community.
On the flip side, there are a lot of people on government assistance who are out on the streets, and the local paper mill which used to pollute the valley while providing jobs is no longer providing very many jobs.
If you move there, we can get together and argue about appropriate police procedures in person.
Chuck Butcher
As a Harley tourist I enjoyed the hell out of the area. Pretty good pavement, most drivers seem to have a clue about ‘scooters’ and a lot of places to go day-tripping or more. It is, in itself, pretty much just a city though it isn’t a big city.
What I thought was most effective was not the vitriol or raw contempt, but the point by point demolition of his positions.
You think people would learn…
Hell, yes.
What, is Sully turning himself into Instaputz? Did he give that gibberish a “Heh, indoozle”? I’m not leaving the boat to look.
“Liberal imperialism”? What’s that, invading Dean & Deluca?
@Chuck Butcher: Well, its not really money so much as access. Politicians need access to voter eyeballs and eardrums. Money is one way to get that access, but if you are friendly with the local media or you have a large network (like a church or rotary club or an internet group) to tap, that works, too.
Romney’s millions are going to flood the airwaves with ads. Paul has his army of door-to-door libertarian storm troopers. Santorum and Bachmann have the Evangelicals. And Gingrich accesses his extensive network of ex-wives.
I don’t think there is anything that will ever adequately offer equal access to poorer or less-networked candidates. I do think the voters themselves need more opportunities to access candidates. That’s why I generally support public funding of campaigns and public debates and the like. Increasing the public’s access to candidates gives them the opportunity to learn about said candidates and make more informed decisions. Once a certain threshold of information has been reached, additional money-purchased access doesn’t really matter. Just ask California Governor Jerry Brown, who got outspent around $3-to-$1 by his Republican rival and still won by around 10 points. Or Romney, stubbornly stuck at 25% support.
Really, it’s all about letting candidates and voters meet easily and often. That dilutes a lot of the influence money buys.
It is cold here tonight, going to get down into the mid teens overnight. So of course, my RWNJ local radio host is saying “so is it cold enough for all you global warming people?” What a fucking idiot that man is.
@Chuck Butcher:
Quite a few other countries seem to manage. Of course, most countries aren’t stuck with a basic law written for an agricultural society with fairly minimal technology.
@Litlebritdifrnt: If you ever see him in person, kick him in the junk and blame global warming. One more kick for good measure as he’s curled up tightly, protecting the dangly bits, and you can say El Nino.
Dangly bits….I love Christopher Moore.
First and foremost, cautious congrats and fingers crossed for you. Secondest, Montana, a large and lovely place (the western bit) is for the hearty. I had a job opportunity in Bozeman and when feeling out the family on the possibility, showed my bride the average annual temperature delta–a gaudy three-digit number. She said, “Nyet.”
But damn, it’s beautiful.
@Amir Khalid:
@gogol’s wife:
well said
Roger Moore
Nope, he just quoted it without comment. That’s his style.
Is the Torygraph trying to break into the US market just like the Guardian, or should they just not repost US right-wing screeds like that without copy editing? Because the way “liberal” is use in that quote is not how it is used at all in the UK.
@Cassidy: Got an old flame who went up there. ICU PRN. If some elk knocks you down, she’ll patch you back up right.
Jay in Oregon
Liberal imperialism is what you get when you take the real world and arbitrarily assign all of the blame for bad shit that happens it in to liberals and liberal policies.
I believe Jonah Goldberg wrote the definitive work on the phenomenon…
@Roger Moore:
Got it. “Our” Andy: International Man of Mystery.
Perry: “This is a 50 state campaign.”
That’s why he’s heading to South Carolina tomorrow and skipping New Hampshire.
Villago Delenda Est
That’s an utterly idiotic quote for the day.
The sort of thing I’d expect that a pathetic twit like Sullivan would find to be “quote for the day” worthy. Might as well be a Sarah Palin quote, it’s so gloriously word salad with bassackwards dressing.
Anne Laurie @ Top:
What do you mean “140-character deliminations are inadequate for responsible social interaction” you libtard moonbat O-bot gay commie nun-ra …
[You have reached 140 characters. Please make your message shorter.]
The Other Chuck
Troll filter updated, available at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/52548846/bj-tbg.user.js
No more buttons on the bottom — adding and removing trolls is done entirely with “block” and “unblock” links that appear when you mouse over a comment. The “blockquote” thing is gone too since it wasn’t related.
It’s so nice to able to comment today without being part of a twitter shitstorm.
An approach that worked so well for Rudy, why not borrow it!
AA+ Bonds
Unmissable Pilkington article on libertarians, liberals and Ron Paul:
Of Idiocy and Anomie
@Calouste: Am I the only one that thinks its ironic that the two nations most likely to secede are in the top three to decide the Presidential primary?
Either way, Perry was never going to get any love in New Hampshire. Texas libertarians hate his guts. He’ll do better in South Carolina, where he can carve Niggerhead into whatever he wants without complaint.
Here’s an idea worth discussing: the first primary state should be the state with the highest participation in the previous general election. Reward democracy.
Benjamin Franklin
Iraq, Assghanistan, Uz Beki-Beki-Stan…….Iran.
Hill Dweller
If this has been covered, apologies, but the Obama admin has said they have the legal authority to recess appoint Richard Cordray(probably tomorrow when the President is in Ohio), regardless of the Republicans attempts to block it.
It worked very well for Rudy. Well, if you assume that Rudy’s goal was to slush $50 million in donations from the rubes to his consultant buddies rather than actually win.
If Sullivan is at all supportive of that piece of lying text I really can’t see any daylight between him and someone like, say, Cheney.
Sex Ed hasn’t helped deal with teen pregnancy and STD issues? Welfare hasn’t eased the pain of poverty?
On what planet is that idiot writer?
That is pretty fucking sorry.
Villago Delenda Est
@AA+ Bonds: Yup, that’s pretty much it.
Libertarianism isn’t fact based. It’s faith based.
The Other Chuck
“Bridgez. I burnz dem.”
Notably she’s not on the “Contact” masthead anymore.
Villago Delenda Est
@Hill Dweller:
Who has time to cover actual political shit when the great Twitter War is ongoing?
Corner Stone
@The Other Chuck: She milked Cole for eeerrrrything he was worth.
Who will take over the BJ position of “person who grew up in a house with a tenured university professor and copy editor…. but still lectures people on not knowing what it is like to be black and poor“?
BTW – sorry – but I missed the first 1500 comments…. and the Va Tech game isn’t on yet.
Corner Stone
@Hill Dweller:
Good luck. Let’s see it.
@The Other Chuck: ABL took herself off the masthead, said so at her own site.
Did soonergrunt unass this motherfucker?
gogol's wife
@Corner Stone:
And when you see it, you’ll make up some reason why it isn’t really a good thing.
By percentage or sheer numbers?
@pete: Balloon Juice is still on hers.
It had best be by percentage, because I do not want to continue living in California during an Iowa/New Hampshire-style campaign. (Shudder)
Villago Delenda Est
She also updated her “Bridge Too Far” post of much much earlier today and said she took herself off the BJ contact list.
Roger Moore
@AA+ Bonds:
Fortunately, they only appeal to a small subset of people. They have an absolutely dismal record of winning elections or getting those supposedly deeply appealing policy ideas implemented in practice. That’s probably because once they get away from those one or two appealing ideas, which they generally have to do in a real campaign, they reveal themselves for the crazies they are.
@Villago Delenda Est:
As I said on today’s earlier threat about Ron Paul, Paul’s disqualification for the office of
dog catcherPresident doesn’t start and stop with him being opposed to several civil rights acts, it starts and stops with Paul self-identifying as libertarian. The label says there’s shit in the can, no need to get out an opener to confirm.BBA
@PeakVT: Why not have all states’ primaries on the same day, like the general elections? An insane, radical idea, I know.
A Humble Lurker
Yeah, she should have known someone was going to be a racist prick and call her a name. I mean, she’s black! She’s been black her whole life! She should expect that and be used to it by now.
Didn’t you enjoy Meg Whitman’s campaign for governor? ;)
@JGabriel: I’d say rate, since if it was done by sheer numbers California would always go first. Some data on 2008 turnout can be found here.
@BBA: Small, meaningless states with niche crazy crowds would stay small, meaningless states with niche crazy crowds.
AA+ Bonds
@Roger Moore:
I think Pilkington has a very good point which is that libertarians do indeed have an emotional draw for many in the Anglo-American sphere: they draw upon a false dichotomy between intrusive Big Government and barbaric social Darwinism.
And in part, liberals are responsible for this, by failing to find new ways to improve crucial institutions: “defend or abandon” is not how any sort of Left politics survives, and it opens up the option of “abandon”, i.e., palingenetic pursuit of the libertarian fantasy state.
Pilkington points out that MMT, among other innovations on the left, offers a way for the left to build strong, new institutions that slice right through the paper-thin pretense of libertarianism.
The Left is in competition with Ron Paul (and ultimately any Republican who is capable of bullshit) among the fickle weirdos who want to buck the system. These people are, sad to say, an important voting bloc in our fucked up system.
But they can get behind innovation that nevertheless protects civilization. And let’s face it, the embittered weirdos of America have always been what made it move, for good or for ill. Let’s try good and not ill.
Villago Delenda Est
The vermin of the Village might go on strike if we tried that.
[Deleted after reading farther in thread.]
Corner Stone
@gogol’s wife: Moran.
@Steeplejack: I already did that search and then Jen set me straight. It was in the original fight thread.
I am shocked that ABL would accuse anyone that didn’t agree with her of racism. That never happened here before!
@Cassidy: I partly grew up there (5 years) and I still go back to see the family. But I will admit as a teenager, the place sucked. As an adult, it is beautiful but folks still get up and go to the bed with the sun.
@wobblybits: Not that any of that information will do anything to address the question about Missoula :-)
Okay, I caught that.
However, I don’t recall ever seeing a single previous comment from “Biff Mitchell.”
. . . Uh, on second thought, I’m sitting this one out.
There were two very good reasons not to read an ABL post
her post and the horrid comments.
Yes, she often was over the top with the rhetoric, faux outrage and name calling. I am reminded of the old MASH dialog “Frank, you invite this abuse it would be impolite not to accept it.” Except that some really ugly commentors showed up saying some really unforgivable things.
Hopefully they both will go away now. Now you made me break my promise not to mention either party involved it that pointless pissing contest.
TG Chicago
@different-church-lady: Seconded. Without particularly trying, Anne gets to the point better than any other front pager has.
@A Humble Lurker: And what I expect is that somebody not smear an entire site just because of a few bigoted comments – by unknown, unregistered people who many not even be bigoted but just love pushing people’s buttons – in a thread that was obviously going to attract them.
It’s not like she hasn’t generated threads full of stupid comments before, you know. I purposely stopped reading her posts for that reason months ago.
Roger Moore
Looks like the Republicans are unlikely to be very happy with the “highest turnout goes first” approach, since the lowest turnout states seem to trend Republican. I guess that’s what you get when your party’s approach to winning is to suppress turnout. The only way the Republicans can look decent is to go by their “Voting Age Population” version, which penalizes states that have large ineligible (largely immigrant) populations.
The problem is not so much what you can put into 140 characters as what your recipient can get out of same.
Late to the thread but on the outside chance you’re still here…
Missoula is quite a nice town and not just “for Montana.” Weather is relatively mild, not like eastern MT and the country around it is beautiful. There is a bit of an in-town traffic problem but it is easy to escape unlike say cities in CA. I’m about 100 miles North and get down there about once every 2 months. Good luck on the job prospect.
@Steeplejack: If the person had never commented here before, wouldn’t their post go into moderation? And in that case, wouldn’t somebody have had to let it out of moderation? I find that possibility worse, frankly.
Khalid and others: I also notice that every thread ultimately turns into a bunch of men metaphorically striking ABL over and over again. It seems they’re enjoying their power.
The only thing I can figure is that this place is full of double-agents secretly working to support ABL.
They can’t really be such asses.
Ella in New Mexio
Well I just cleaned up the puke off my coffee table after listening to Michelle Bachmann spout out a whole lotta “Jesus Will be Lord Over the US If You Elect Me!!!!!!!! ” desperation.
Judas H. Priest–now it’s Santorum claiming Obama wants everyone to pump out babies out of wedlock. These idiots pretty much run on an imaginary agenda in which Barack Obama is responsible for pretty much EVERYTHING BAD in the world. He did it, all of it, in just three short years!!!!
All these last minute speeches are gonna allow me to lose that 10lbs I gained over the Holidays in less than 24 hours.
Roger Moore
If it had been just “a few bigoted comments”, maybe you’d have a point. But as you admit, most of her posts got taken over by a bunch of trolls who loved to insult and belittle her rather than seriously take on her arguments. That she chose an especially hateful response as her example shouldn’t undermine the basic point that there was a band of trolls who never let real discussions build around her posts, and that the high barrier for bans around here- something that I generally support- let them get away with it. If you want to blame that on her rather than the trolls, well, I think that shows you missed the whole point.
AA+ Bonds
I live in anticipation of everyone fuckin forgetting Blog Wars on BJ
@wrb: Of course they can. I knew the moment the original kerfuffle started that we would have the Glennbots descending en masse. And that would allow the “I don’t hate ABL but I can’t pass one of her posts by without crapping on it” brigade to let the freak fly.
Omnes Omnibus
I think I shall watch a movie and not participate in any aspect of the current fight. This is a boat that I have no intention of leaving. The mangoes don’t even look inviting.
Roger Moore
@AA+ Bonds:
The only way we’ll forget this round of Blog Wars is when the next round of blog wars starts. We have always been at war with Eastblogistan!
Thank you, everyone, for the Monatan responses. Just got the email today, so not sure if I’ll get an interview. it’s at one of the Vet Centers, which I really like. It’s also a GS-9 starting which is a good way to sell it home to the wife.
@Roger Moore:
Bullshit. ABL got no worse than she gave, but, like a true bully, she couldn’t handle the getting. It wasn’t as if people started picking on her for no reason. She started fights. That combined with lazy, amateurish, just plain shitty blogging, and an INCREDIBLY thin skin made sure there were always plenty of combatants.
It’s not like it hurt the discussion, there was none. You either agreed with her or you were a racist.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Raven: You made me chuckle; thanks.
Now that’s just cruel! :-P
Chuck Butcher
1500 fucking comments don’t do the job for some of you? WTF? Cripes, go read all that shit and post a comment if you really think there is something left unsaid after all that. I sure the hell am not going to do either and I suppose I’ll just abandon this one as well.
Va. Tech got robbed by the replay official in OT. Too much of a high to come crashing down from for team to mentally recover that quickly.
Replay shouldn’t decide the outcome of games, when there isn’t conclusive proof of a specific fault.
Romney’s boy talks about how cheap his father is. I figured that out when I heard the story of strapping the family dog on the roof of their car on the way to a Canadian vacation. A wealthy man like Romney could surely have afforded to rent a Winnepego for the journey and the dog’s accommodation.