Been a shitty couple of days (except for that big win last night), so I think we all need a mid-day bit of kitty porn:
I’ve never met another cat who makes relaxing look so natural. He wasn’t born to hunt and prey, he was born to laze.
This post is in: Cat Blogging, Open Threads
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Wow, here I am about to tear out all of my hair at work, decide to read BJ over lunch and there is TUNCH.
All better now.
He looks so peaceful and sweet. Our big cat goes boneless when she’s relaxing. You can pick her up (maybe) and sling her over your shoulder like a big flannel blanket.
Congrats on the WVU win, John.
Jeffraham Prestonian
Is he sitting on an orange tabby?
Big kitteh iz BIG.
Tunch!!!! thanks John. that totally makes my day.
schrodinger's cat
Aww, so sweet! I want to squeeze him and snorgle him! Thanks John. He looks so squishable. Is he a lap kitteh?
I can see the Woolly Mammoth on the couch. Is the orange thing Tunch’s tail peeking out from underneath?
schrodinger's cat
@Jeffraham Prestonian: You had an orange tabby but I eated her.
Powder blue blankets is no way to get laid (with a girl).
So none of the blogs (that I’ve seen anyway) are talking about this yet:
Any possibility of a thread on this later today? I’m kind of interested in what people think about it.
The love-nest of a true Man-Man is composed entirely of unwashed Terrible Towels. This is known, khaleesi.
schrodinger's cat
Fat bottomed kittehs make the world go round. I should know since I has one, she is orange tabbeh with Tunchesque dimensions.
Mary G
Tunch does have the right idea; I was just wishing I could take a nap.
Good ammo for Democrats in the national election Romney Care Bent the Cost Curve on David Frum’s blog.
Isn’t it about time to start posting pictures of the trolls and let the pets into the comment threads?
Did you dye his tail, you jerk ?
schrodinger's cat
@Dork: What is wrong with blue do you want them to be pink, instead?
I see the cat’s gravity is so strong that it has attracted a pillow to his hindside.
Samara Morgan
Be honest Cole….Tunch is just Behemoth with a bleach job.
Another instantiation of Bulgakov’s Cat.
Yay. Tunch!
(Later we will want Lily and Rosie.)
Oh, thanks. He looks so cushy and cuddly. I want one just like him.
I think that cat could rape a Jack Russell on live TV and half the posters here would defend it.
@Punchy: Heh.
Chyron HR
If you look at the photo long enough, he’ll slowly fade away until all that remains is his badonkadonk.
thnx for Tunchpic.
Cole really needs to explain how he takes these shots.
I assume he has to buy time on the wide angle Hubble camera.
What nebula is Tunch emerging from in this one?
Looks like the Tunch has created some hot spots of star formation near his event horizon. Or, is that gravitational lensing?
Mary G
We haven’t seen Rosie in a long time. Is she still refusing to come out from under the bed? Also, pictures of Lily are needed. She’s come so far from the little shivery doggie with her tail between her legs.
Jeffraham Prestonian
@Punchy — I see what you did, there.
Half? Only half?
schrodinger's cat
@jl: I is in your space-time messing up your gravities.
Thanks Cole. I felt my blood pressure drop. :)
John Cole
@Dork: That is the guest bedroom. Otherwise known as Tunch’s room.
Samara Morgan
@Punchy: i have owned jack russells and you are out of your mind.
Quaker in a Basement
ESPN Sportsnation poll: Do you consider West Virgina a top-tier football program?
schrodinger's cat
@John Cole: Isn’t that redundant, I thought it was Tunch’s house.
Cris (without an H)
I want a picture of the kitten sleeping on JMN’s arm.
@Quaker in a Basement: What a stupid poll. Who cares what a bunch of random internet poll-clickers “consider” when the scoreboard says 70-33? Let’s submit that same poll question to this group of experts.
Never met another kitty so lazy? Cole! You haven’t met Shiro, Tunch’s long lost brother who lives on a farm in Japan.
Here’s one of his classic videos:
and there are many more.
Another reason to hate people.
milbank on mittens today
The grin he wore when he boarded remained throughout the flight — even when he entered and exited the lavatory.
@Emerald: Yes, looks like there are many more. This one is odd. I had decided that the cats were all some kind of doll, but watched to the end.
If those are real cats, Tunch has competition for fat and lazy (er, I meant Rubenesque and relaxed)
Unexpected breast exam PSAs: Joan of Arc edition (totally SFW).
schrodinger's cat
@R-Jud: How is your new kitten? Any new pics?
gogol's wife
@schrodinger’s cat:
Mine is a tuxedo male (looking at me balefully right now and demanding snorgles). I wuv Tunch.
Paul in KY
@John Cole: Tunch can make a king sized bed look like a futon from Ikea kid’s section.
gogol's wife
God, I do not want to know any more than that.
Cris (without an H)
@Baud: The sad part is, $450 billion in cuts to the Pentagon doesn’t mean we freed up $450 billion to spread out over other federal agencies. But I’m really pleased to see that somebody is willing to look at the elephant in the room when it comes to budget cuts, even if it’s going to be used against him later.
(also, too: the military isn’t getting a cut, they’re just getting a smaller raise.)
“he was born to laze” And he’s certainly got the figure for it!
The Moar You Know
@Punchy: I would be impressed. Cats are terminally lazy.
I have seen a rabbit try to mount a very unwilling three-legged cat on multiple occasions, however. Never laughed so hard in my life.
Paul in KY
@jl: Maybe they drugged the cat?
@schrodinger’s cat: She’s huge and she’s grown into a clone of the other cat. If I have recent pictures, I can’t tell– they look that much alike. Doesn’t help that Mr Jud bought them matching collars.
We need to spay her soon, so we’ve got to figure out which is which fairly quickly.
John, a totally OT, silly request – could you add Charles Pierce/Esquire Politics Blog to the Blog Roll? Since BJ first stop every morning, and the eloquent Mr. Pierce is always my second, it would save me – oh – two seconds worth of pointing and clicking.
oh, and thanks for the Tunch porn. (Typed while I have 14 pounds of Fat Archie lying across my forearms – his favorite way of demanding attention while I am doing useless (to him) things like reading BJ. )
I love that kitty. I AM that kitty.
I am guessing that Tunch’s favorite movies are A Lazin’ In The Sun and Guess Who’s Coming To Be Dinner.
Buy a frickin calendar.
@Paul in KY: The cat that got up at the end doesn’t look drugged. Just looked like it decided to execute one of its two or maybe three daily macro scale motion related activities.
schrodinger's cat
@Svensker: I am a big fan too. There was a photo of Shiro with a cabbage leaf on his head and dark sunglasses, he looked like Tunch in a witness protection program.
Nice photo of Tunch. I currently am working on my dissertation proposal with a pup at each foot. The lil one (3 months old) we found under the car has been with us since Christmas.
Personally, I’m more partial to doggy p0rn.
I am just in a total snit here at work. This young admissions counselor who is in charge of adults and transfers has set up orientation today for those students. She set up 2 sessions (3pm and 5:30pm). She blocked my calendar from 2pm on, which would have led to my sitting and twiddling my thumbs for an hour during the second busiest time of year for me, and never gave me an agenda so I’d know the program actually started at 3. And then I found out that only one student is coming to the 3pm session and it’s a veteran to whom I’ve already talked about eight times in the last week. And there are only four more coming at 5:30.
A whole fucking afternoon wasted on five students, none of whom are actually here yet.
@geg6: Hang tough, it’s good work you do.
That it’s a very good thing, is what I think.
Any cuts we can make to defense are always good things.
Gust Avrakotos
Add cats to the long list of things Cole has no clue what he is talking about.
Where can I send your internets, sir?
Ah, thanks. And I usually love it. But this particular person really gets under my skin. I’ve been doing this job almost as long as she has been alive and she continually tries to tell me how I should be doing my job. Thankfully, her hubby just got the assistant coaching position for women’s basketball at Clarion University here in PA, which is about a 2 hour drive (he used to be our assistant AD). I don’t expect her to be here much longer.
I would give anything to just have one day where I could be as relaxed as my cats look.
Roger Moore
I think that cat is too lazy to do the deed, so it’s a moot point. And I think some of the posters here would be willing to defend any cat who hurt a JRT, so I’m not sure if it says anything about Tunch in particular.
This is the funniest thing I’ve read in days, Christians For A Moral America via DKos:
“Homosexuals sodomizing each other around the corner” is the new “Communists under the bed”.
Shit, I have a doggie could give lessons in lazy.
@Paul in KY: Nope. Shiro is not drugged.
This guy in Japan has been posting vids of Shiro and his three other cats for years now. He balances various items on their heads–usually vegetables from the farm. The cats just take it until they move and the veggie falls off, or they just get up and walk away.
Shiro is the star, and he does shakes the items off his head eventually. He’s just one mellow kitteh.
And looks exactly like Tunch. (They are Turkish Van cats, I think.)
Culture of Truth
Good cat.
Speaking of lazing vs killing, it does seem that cats have evolved to be taken care of by their human servants.
I have to add that seeing that picture again I discern the cat-fascinated-by-tail look. And the only thing that keeps him from attacking it is that he is too comfortable. One of my cats is endlessly mystified by his tail, I find it hilarious that every day he seems to discover it anew.
If there is one thing more calming than white people assisting struggling animals, it is white people over feeding them.
28 Percent
via Pierce: NH Republicans introduce bill which would… well, let me just give you the in-their-own-words version:
Pierce’s response is of the this-is-why-we-love-Pierce variety. The original article offers some of the quotes lawmakers might like to choose from when meeting this charming requirement:
No widow shall be compelled to marry, so long as she wishes to remain without a husband.”
“We shall straightway return the son of Llewelin and all the Welsh hostages. . . . We shall act towards Alexander King of the Scots regarding the restoration of his sisters.”
“If anyone who has borrowed a sum of money from Jews dies before the debt has been repaid, his heir shall pay no interest on the debt for so long as he remains under age.”
Apparently on that last one a Sir Richard Cordray was put in charge of enforcement. La plus ca change!
In need of a laugh today?
Get thee to this link:
Paul in KY
@Emerald: Cool. Was just surmising, based on the video where 5 cans of catfood go on his head.
Once they reach a certain age, relaxing is what they all do best. I’ve noticed that they all have a certain instinct for locating warmth, whether it be natural or artificial. Example: three successive cats in my household have made it plain that the device commonly known as a ‘halogen desk lamp’ is in truth a personal cat sunlamp, and all right thinking humans had just better accept this and get with the program. As in, make room under the lamp or space will be cleared of pens, pencils, coffee cups….
schrodinger's cat
Tunch: Built for comfort, not for speed.
Work is amazingly slow. Burnsie needs to call me and harass me.
@geg6: awesome.
@amk: watching people enter and exit the lavatory is stalking behaviour, and just gross – just sayin’
@wobblybits: Shouldn’t you be writing? :)
@Paul in KY: Pretty much what I thought when I first saw that vid.
Since then I have been fascinated by Shiro.
But is it art?
Boo-coo salt, garlic, and ginger and Kung pao that puppy.
B-J–sort of Digby…or unfogged…. for frat boys, tho’ with a few more sapphic touches (Miss Parsons aka big mama D. one of the most discreet dykes online).
@DanielX: Actually, there’s a good reason they do that:
Why do cats lie in the sun?
Also, too, TUNCHIE! He’s so happy.
Hilarious. He could avoid the whole thing by changing his name to Scrotorum.
Canuckistani Tom
gogol's wife
I would like to see James Wolcott added. He has Balloon Juice on his blogroll.
Hey, Robert Wright is blogging at The Atlantic!
He could even try scrotating different names for different days of the week….
Corner Stone
What happened Cole?
@Corner Stone: All the bullshit infighting.
Corner Stone
I thought all the BCS games have been pretty good so far.
@Corner Stone:
“shitty couple of days”
I think Cole defaults to that unless something unusual happens.
@Corner Stone: yea. it’s great when the dawgs fold like a lawn chair. At least the Hokies went for the damn endzone!
Ben H.
That’s not “relaxing”. That’s “inertia”. Or maybe “perfect peace”. That fat, lazy bastard doing nothing and enjoying it is so inspiring to me!
I can’t see any major reductions in our defense budget in the near future given how many obligations we have to soldiers who were seriously injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. But I would always rather have defense money go towards better healthcare and benefits for personnel than towards moar better weapons.
if you think they are going to spend anything more than pocket change on medical and comp for these guys you dont understand the defense budget.
@Mnemosyne: Well, of course there are NOT major reductions. The cuts described are relative to a rapidly (far higher than inflation) increasing expected budget for each succeeding year.
Awww, KITTY!
Corner Stone
Now that you mention it…
@01010101: Can somebody translate this gibberish to English?
I bought two. They arrived today. Love.
Oh Lordy, can I ever identify with that! More than you know.
Jeffraham Prestonian
@Gravenstone: No.
@WereBear: And all these years I’ve thought they were just following their natural tendency to slug-like behavior. NOW I find out it’s evolutionary adaptation.
That’s a cat? I thought it was a sandbag.
Paul in KY
@DanielX: I think they can see into the infrared a little & thus get a visual indicator of heat.
Paul in KY
@gogol’s wife: I would second adding Mr. Wolcott to the Blog Roll.
One of the best writers out there, IMO.
Tunch appears to be of the same breed as the one we took into our home after he’d spent a month in the vacant lot next door. Friendly, floppy, cute as hell, and aptly named:
The Tim Channel
That’s what my wife used to think about our cute little dog Bandit (her little sleeping buddy). One day she’s out walking him and he spots a bird in a bush just within striking distance of his leash. My wife’s opinion of his gentle demeanor was destroyed by the National Geographic moment that occurred at the end of that dog leash.