I think Maggie Gallagher has it almost right here:
But when the guy who has taken more hits than any other for standing up for life and marriage fights his way with nobody’s help from nowhere to, well, Tuesday night — you have to cheer.
The left, which thought it had buried Santorum years ago, is going to go after him with a hatred unlike anyone else has yet generated in this race. They hate him with that special ire reserved for his virtues, not his vices.
They will go after him not just to defeat him, but to smear his good name, to associate it with their own muck, to take a decent and honorable man and try literally to make his name mean mud.
They will not succeed.
Let me promise you one thing: The American people are not going to reject a man as a candidate for president because he believes a man should protect his children, born and unborn, commit to sex only in the context of a lifelong, loving marriage to a woman, and devote himself to being a good dad.
Most young people may not agree with Santorum’s traditional Catholic views on sex and marriage. Wistfully, they may not believe the life he lives is possible for them. But they will admire him for it — and many will long for it for themselves.
I am not anti-Romney. But after Tuesday night’s victory, count me as pro-Rick.
The only thing missing from Maggie’s analysis, I think, is that the left hates him most not because of his virtues, but because we are afraid that a Santorum/Obama election would result in a Santorum landslide. It may make me unpopular to say it, but deep down we all know that Rick’s integrity and charisma, his warm, bubbly and slick personality, and his uncanny ability to stick to what he believes in despite the stench of all those smears, make him a much greater threat than Romney could ever be.
I fear that soon there will be Santorum all over the place, and I don’t know if Obama will be able to compete.
It was not wise to speak of smearing in conjunction with santorum.
Also too: landslide and santorum takes us down a very slippery slope.
Here ends our deep rhetorical thought for the day.
Xecky Gilchrist
The American people are not going to reject a man as a candidate for president because he believes a man should protect his children, born and unborn, commit to sex only in the context of a lifelong, loving marriage to a woman, and devote himself to being a good dad.
They may, however, reject one who wants to pass laws to force everyone to do his twisted versions of all these.
John O
Santorum could easily come from behind.
Rick? Who is Rick Santorum? Is he related to Rih Savonarola, the ex ehnahor running for rehihen? Rih, the guy who thinks all, and only, blahs are on the welfare?
Edit: never mind, I meant something else. Don’t ask me what it was.
Villago Delenda Est
Br’er Rabbit, please don’t throw me in the…um…Santorum…
I’d be willing to stake a good few Ameros that one fine day Rick Santorum will be found, pants around ankles, jerking off frantically in the bushes outside a gay couple’s bedroom.
She’s right, his purity is why he could succeed where chunky santorum (Huckabee) failed last time.
John O
Ditto. He doth protest way to mucheth.
Yes, yes, Fear the Rick!
Has K-Lo weighed in [heh] yet? She’s Magg’s fleshy matching bookend in Greater Wingnuttia.
I don’t think it’s hatred as much as the realization that he’s a complete hypocrite about everything.
Well, we evil liberals did force him to have sex with his dog.
Oh damn, I let the cat.. dog… beast… out of the closet.. bag again.
CT Voter
Yes. Yes! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {Slams hand on table}
Can it work, Sarah Proud and Tall? Can it?
Benjamin Franklin
@John O:
Santorum could easily come from behind.
Not to mention he’s mostly just pathetic and I can enjoy hatin’ on Sarah(tm) whole bunches mo, but don’t tell Maggie.
One wonders, surely this means, given that Santorum said: “Any type of sexual activity has absolutely no place in the military.”
… That if (heaven forbid) he were to become Commander in Chief he would have to stop wucking his five.
Commander-in-Chief Frothy-Mix would suspend civil intercourse for the duration of hostilities.
Mark S.
Yeah, the kids really admire Rick:
Rick Santorum jeered after comparing gay marriage to polygamy
I’m just dyin’ here.
Thanks Sarah!
This Maggie woman is clearly trolling.
Even for a conservative full of Santorum, there’s no way she did not write this seriously.
Cause if she did, I think we’d need to redefine “stupid”.
“Chunky Santorum.” Heh. Heh heh.
@Mark S.: Rachel just had two very nice folks on who were there. They said it was the way he treated people than his position.
Villago Delenda Est
Rih Santorum’s military experience no doubt informs this particular opinion.
I think she’s up shit creek without a paddle myself.
grandpa john
Hate? remove that word from the dictionary and how would any wing nut idiot ever be able to converse? maybe they should look up the word ridicule to understand the difference in what we democrats are doing in relation to Rick.
Maggie Gallagher:
Am I not American?
The left only has to repeatedly mention Santorum’s charity fraud and association with Abramoff. Also his plan to end social security.
@JGabriel: This is not America.
I very much doubt that the American people are going to accept the notion that only a token thousand happily married men should get their sexy time on. But I could be wrong. Let’s see what all the young, single, divorced or gay people think.
Omnes Omnibus
@SoINeedAName48: I believe it was Patton who said, “A soldier who won’t fuck, won’t fight.”
Mark S.
Maggie reminds me so much of my 6th grade Catholic school teacher it scares me. A middle-aged Catholic woman completely obsessed about teens having sex.
This is just stupid.
Roger Moore
@Xecky Gilchrist:
This. I don’t mind the way Rick Santorum has chosen to live according to his beliefs, even though I don’t share them. I just want him to let me live my live according to my beliefs, even though he doesn’t share them. And if he doesn’t want to let me live my life, I don’t want to put him in a position where he has the power to enforce his views on me.
Linda Featheringill
Sarah, you are so bad!
BTW, did you send a copy of this post to Miss Maggie?
Sarah Proud and Tall
No really. If Santorum gets the nomination, I think he has the general election in the bag. It terrifies me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah Proud and Tall: That’s just mean.
Southern Beale
Ummm … this is a joke, right? We hate Santorum because he’s a hypocrite and a crackpot, and he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell against Obama. I hope he does win, but he won’t because he’s that fringey.
God is both loving and vengeful. He is too much the latter to let Santorum be the GOP nominee. Because the merriment of a Santorum run for the Presidency would be too much fun.
As a history teacher, I can only imagine asking students 50 years from now to research the 2012 Presidential election. Santorum … ?
One of my colleagues used to get bothered by Grover Cleveland’s problems with the illegitimate daughter (“Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?”).
Santorum? Entirely different classroom complication.
God is not that merciful, is He?
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Just remember, clayton is aware of all internet traditions.
Just waiting for the Santorum runoff election.
She already recognizes that he has an electability problem. That’s why she’s “Pro-Rick” instead of “Pro-Santorum”.
I reckon the American people have had it up here with santorum, but what do I know?
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Me too. I even said so the night of the Iowa Caucus:
I just don’t think Obama can beat Santorum. Santorum is just too manly, and American, and ruggedly good-looking in that sweater vest of his. If the GOP figures that out, we, the Democrats, are DOOMED.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Sarah Proud and Tall: As a Pennsylvanian, not a chance in hell that Santorum wins in the general. Bob Casey, who’s basically a “name’s the same” candidate (father) beat him. And if Obama wins PA, he wins the general. Just like last time.
I really need to get my hands on whatever it is Maggie had.
@MacKenna: This. John McCain hates only Obama more than he hates Mitt, but he is now pounding on Santorum for being an earmarks king.
Sarah Proud and Tall
Doooooooooooooooooomed, I tell you.
UGH. Good heavens, woman, have you no mercy on my poor beleaguered brain, already overflowing with republican grotesquery?
Sarah Proud and Tall
Also, euwwww.
Hmm.. I personally don’t feel any desire to come into contact with Slithering Santorum. But YMMV.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Slithering or not, I want no part of it.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
what about those of us who believe that a man is only as faithful as his options? i wonder what ms galagher thinks of slick rick as a piece of man meat? would she, theoretically at least close the deal?
i mean they derided clinton for sticking his dick in a government clerk, but at least he was trying.
i know many people don’t like the idea of someone else having more fun than they are, so they look at sex like driving on the interstate, anyone going faster is a maniac, and anyone going slower is a menace.
i understand the role of propriety in all this, you are supposed to applaud the girl or boy that holds out for marriage or someone special. you are supposed to admire the family man or woman, but i think this is more a public facade for most people and a way to be correct, or appropriate, right wing style.
i think many men and a lot of women, look at a dude like santorum, and either wonder why he can’t get it anywhere else, or what is wrong that he doesn’t want to. i mean he was once pretty powerful, i am sure he had options, loathsome as this awareness is.
you have to wonder if santorum is too slick to get caught, or if there is something missing, privately, when no one else is looking, its ok maggie, i know you wonder too.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s just stupid.
If they wanted it they’d be doing it already. They don’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@clayton: Which part? That is, do you dislike the joke or are you missing it?
Sarah Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
Clayton doesn’t like me much.
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
Clayton strikes me as a poor commenter’s Santorum. Desperately uptight, horribly virtuous and overdue for a major meltdown.
Bruce S
“Wistfully, they may not believe the life he lives is possible for them. But they will admire him for it—and many will long for it for themselves.”
Yeah, the idea that Rick would carry that rapist’s baby, while they themselves couldn’t handle it will make young women respect the shit out of this punk.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah Proud and Tall: His loss. Have drink, dear; I’m on brandy and sodas right now.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ
I wouldn’t bang Maggie Gallagher with Ann Coulter’s dick.
@Omnes Omnibus: All of it. It’s a stupid statement. It’s doesn’t rise to the level of a joke. It’s a stupid post. It’s pointless.
perhaps you forgot, I’m the SP&T “stalker” as you lovely people named me.
sorry I haven’t been up on the job of late.
I will try to do better, so you won’t waste your time with me.
Omnes Omnibus
@clayton: Okay, missing the joke it is then.
Sarah Proud and Tall
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, it doesn’t worry me. Just letting you know so you didn’t expend any undue effort responding.
I’d join you in a drink, but Im heading off to sleep. I have a busy day exploring monasteries ahead of me tomorrow.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sarah Proud and Tall: Okies. Sleep well.
Sorry, didn’t know your daddy either.
Chuck Butcher
Pretty soon even CNN won’t be able to ignore what Santorum did do as Senator. Then it will be… oops. Back to MultipleMitt.
@Chuck Butcher:
MultipleMitt, the Mormon LoveGlove.
@Sarah Proud and Tall: That’s an understatement. I find you . . . old. Porn/erotica even with famous people has been done to death. I don’t know why John finds you amusing. Perhaps you prance around the office?
Anne Laurie
“Hypocrisy is the tribute vice pays to virtue.”
Me, I hope Santorum’s worst vice is obsessively hunting for “evidence” of other people doing vile, dispicable, immoral, ungodly things — preferably in HD. It’s a hobby he & Ms. Gallager could share, and thereby double the warm glow of their own righteousness…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Wow. Even considering the source, that’s a gob-stopper. I was young once, and before that I was Catholic, and I can honestly say that if there is one emotion that the extremely creepy Rick Santorum does not inspire in me, it’s admiration, much less jealousy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: Ack!
@Omnes Omnibus: So you are new to the internets? There are places with pictures and such with just what this person writes (poorly) about.
It’s called video porn. It can even be political. You should try it some time, you know, if SPT is your thing.
Taking liberties with Maggie Gallagher (ew?):
“Let me promise you one thing: The American people are not going to reject a man as a candidate for president because he believes a man should protect his children, born and unborn. Especially his unborn, whom he will sleep in a bed with, pass around to his young children introducing the fetus as their brother, dressing the dead child in Sunday best to bring to Mass, commit to joyless sex only in the context of a lifelong, marriage to a subservient, emotionally half-dead woman, and devote himself to being a good dad, especially to his dead son, who he takes out of the crypt occasionally for the sort of strong male role-modelling certain communities reject out of sloth and amorality.”
I’m sorry, I just cannot get past the Gothic ghastliness of that story, it is just incredibly mental, and far worse than his Google problem, to me. It’s batshit, and Maggie’s quite wrong if she thinks that sort of behavior isn’t deeply disquieting and grotesque to most people.
Omnes Omnibus
@clayton: Cheers.
@Sarah Proud and Tall:
I do believe young clayton is jealous. He’s definitely seeking your attention as an older woman of the world, and he clearly spends far too much time imagining you prancing about the office. Clearly a case of Twue Wuv. Or at any rate Twue Wust, which is the same thing at his age.
I wonder whether he would show you his literary porn if you asked him nicely?
Omnes Omnibus
Note to self: Don’t ask him nicely.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nicely as in one hand wrapped around his throat, the other holding a very sharp knife against his minimal testicular endowment. Unless you think he’d find that too deliciously exciting for words and pop his champagne cork early?
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: One would rather not speculate.
Obsessing over a 93 year old fictional woman from Spokane. I think Rule #34 jut died a little.
93? Damn, that is hot. I think I need to develop me a little obsession in that area.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: A little? Dude.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Good lord.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, we’ve clearly moved beyond MILF to GMILF if not GGMILF. I may not have clayton’s vast archive of internet erotica and tasteful tales – but I know what I like.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: So do I. And fictional 93 y/o women from Spokane get my admiration and respect but no more. Eva Green or Emmanuelle Beart, however…
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bah! I spit on your Hayekian modesty. Life is to be lived and when Sarah awakes I intend to seize her round the waist, tango her out of her socks and then retire to a sunlit island for an interval of prodigious carnality. Of course, if you and Eva Green and Emmanuelle Beart would like seats on my private jet, that can be arranged.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Excellent. Do Yuts and his collection of Jarheads get to come too?
@Omnes Omnibus:
He can bring his Jarheads, his saucepans, his glass cases full of butterflies. The more the merrier. I feel an urge to twirl my moustache and swish my rapier through the air. It quite takes me back to my 150th birthday, when Marilyn Monroe and Madame Pompadour awoke me at dawn with a dish of oysters and a total lack of shame.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Aha, Baron von Munchausen, I presume?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Only by proxy.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Well played.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, I am no clayton, but I try and live up to some internet traditions. You are clearly no slouch yourself, Count Cagliostro.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Andre-Louis Moreau. I am not Italian.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Curses, the Illuminati have deceived me again!
Mike G
But sadly, not everyone can be a multi-millionaire lobbyist untroubled by his own hypocrisy and Pecksniffian sanctimonious sleaziness.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike G: You just aren’t trying hard enough.
@Mike G:
I think you meant Peckersniffian.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Hmmph. I’d say, get a room, you two, but only if you leave a key under the mat for the rest of us.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason: Not my type, as mentioned above.
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
Why, sir, I do declare, you bring a blush to my cheeks and a shimmy to my hips. As Lindsey Graham said to the Pope during our last spice-orgy.
The amount of corruption in this PA charter school run by the head of a local church, redirecting tax dollars to subsidize the church, is just shocking. Even more shocking is the fact that after the local school board de-certified the charter school for it’s illegal practices, a Republican-controlled board working under the state Education secretary over-ruled the local board and reinstituted the Christian scam/charter school.
Auditor General Jack Wagner, the good guy in this story, is a Democrat and has been gunning all year toward Tom Corbett’s corrupt practices in PA.
Maggie says his name means mud, but actually it means “frothy mix…”
@Omnes Omnibus:
Sigh. It never fails. Every time I get invited anywhere I ALWAYS GOTTA COOK! What’s a guy gotta do to get a dinner reservation around here?
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: LOL!
Honestly, a private jet, your own Jarheads, two porn stars, an international man of mystery, a blogging star and a sunlit island – and you complain about a few little tasks in the kitchen? Quite frankly, as Newt Gingrich said to Mona Lisa, I expected greater appreciation and a more enthusiastic smile.
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: French actresses are not porn stars. The nudity is necessary for the part. + no fake boobs.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Look, I can’t keep negotiating with Yutsano. Fine, she’s a “French actress” the nudity is “artistic” and we can all eat fricking sandwiches. Happy now?!
This is either a supper slick post whose slickness I’m too stupid to get, or the most unbelievably stupid fvcking post I’ve ever read and the poster a moron beyond belief; and I’m quite confident it’s the later. Secret admiration of oppressive garbage like santorum…shesh! What an idiot
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: I like sandwiches if they don’t have mayo. I hate mayo.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Except for French porn actresses. Point is taken however. And most French actresses would be aghast at the implication there.
A few. But much less common. The French appreciate natural beauty more than we do.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I knew I liked you. :)
Omnes Omnibus
Well, duh. Also too, do you have any names or links?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Even Cinco de Mayo?
Omnes Omnibus
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Yes.
Judge from Bulgaria awards the Public Pratfall de Pluege a 9.7. Judge from Bulgaria is furthermore concerned, aka highly amused by Pluege’s mention of supper vis-á-vis this post, one that s/he describes as potentially a slick one. Choose your words, let alone your typos my dear. The imagery of having to eat one’s words in this particular slippery environment does not promote digestion. (Yutsano with an undetermined number of French Porn stars and/or BJ-posters, the kitchen, pointedly no mention of aprons and a sunlit tropical island are an entirely different venue.)
Aprons are for wusses. If you’re not ready to get dirty going into the kitchen don’t go into the kitchen.
@Omnes Omnibus:
This raises an interesting question. Why do you hate mayo? Why does anyone hate mayo?
I mean think about it a moment. Mayo is the essence of bland. How then does it inspire such intense, irrational passions? E.g., otherwise reasonable people like you who would reject an otherwise qualified sandwich on the ground that it had mayo. And still more extreme, that bizarrely substantial percentage of the population to whom the very utterance of the word “mayo” launches an unstoppable tirade about how the mixture of egg yolks and vinegar is an abomination and scourge unto the name of all that is sacred.
Nobody acts like that about mustard.
@eemom: Mayo is only bland if you buy store bought. I guarantee you would want a spoon to chow down on this week’s lemon caper tarragon mayo or my special fave of chipotle spice. You forgot the passion of those who discovered that whatever comes in a jar is not really mayo.
Usually I read this blog before I go to the pr0n.
If we can not type socialism, we should not be able to type santorum.
I know the point has been made, but it bears repeating: the American people may not reject a man for that, but they may very well reject him for being an asshole of biblical proportions. Let the Santorum flinging begin!
@b-psycho: I audibly snorted when I read that line.
At least she hasn’t yet asserted that young people “admire” and “long for” the life of a fat, bitter, purse-lipped rightist scold with an out-of-wedlock kid and a Hindu husband she has to keep in the basement.