As NYMag‘s Daily Intel reminds us:
Using out-of-context quotes in attack ads is quintessential campaigning. Mitt Romney recently said that practice was “fair game.”
The Conventional Wisdomeers may harrumph about “taking advantage of an old man’s senile dementia”, but I believe John McCain just hates Willard Romney so much that he can’t even shape his mouth around That Name.
Watch for the Very Serious Pundits to seize upon this joke as exactly equivalent to the weird “Don’t vote for Huntsman, adopter of non-white children and probable Manchurian Candidate” YouTube. Both sides!
Granpa style: EHH?!
Meghan McCain is smarter than David Axlerod, if you think about it.
Heh. How cool would it be if Johnny McCranky’s campaign incompetence was the deciding factor in two consecutive elections?
Southern Beale
Also: BOTH SIDES DO IT! Yada yada….
Southern Beale
Corporations behaving badly: now states are paying to train workers in the exact skills companies need, skills that they often can’t use anwhere else. And they STILL dodge their taxes and whine about how the government is SO UNFAIR!
Assholes. I’m so over this shit.
As seen in innernetz
The man who lost to Obama is endorsing the man who will lose to Obama.
Southern Beale
Aaaand once again John McCain is an old cranky guy yelling at the sky. He is on my TeeVee every Sunday morning because WHY?
I just went to visit Steve Bennen at the Washington Monthly and Google Chrome told me not to. Said there was evidence of a site that distributes malware and the site may have been hacked. What’s up with that?
You read it first, here on Balloon Juice, that I am officially sick and tired of whiny-assed liberals who are rude and exclusive to those very people who are basically on their side; I mean the fucking martyr types and local sudden celebrities.
Where the fuck were they in 2004 when they let my anti-war candidate get taken down – all because of a manufactured, overblown sound byte – because no one could find one fucking nefarious thing in his past. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU THEN, YOU BUNCH OF ANTI-WAR WHINERS??
And now, after years of exile from the general human populace, when I had to put my concerns and greivancse underground because I feared for my ability to make a living, they want to be RUDE and EXCLUSIVE because you support Obama and not some 3rd party candidate.
Fuck ’em. They can suck my scarred left boob.
Grrr. Can we all agree that mozilla people have outlived their usefulness? 9.01 is buggier than batshit.
Try this: open your favorite app for watching the in memory size of running programs. Then download a largish file, say a tarball of a client’s entire web site + data store. Then watch firefox’s memory tick upward every second the download continues. If you’re lucky, the download will finish before you run out of memory. If not, firefox go byebye, and you have to start gigabyte+ download again.
Happily, if you manage to complete a download, the memory footprint seems to drop back down to something close to what it was before you began.
Perhaps that’s what happened to McCain. Firefox ate all his memory.
@magurakurin: I am in FireFox with the web of trust (WOT) addon installed. Benen’s site is rated safe.
i guess the point being that they assume that because your hair is not on fire NOW, that it never has been – my hair was on fire for years and it singed my brain and i was emotionally beaten into submission by my own people – now their FANS, who were frightened, silent little titmice back in the day, are lining up to suck their hero-dicks.
is it obvious that i take it personally? why yes, yes i do
end of rant/
is it obvious that i take it personally? why yes, yes i do
end of rant/
@magurakurin: The site may have been hacked. It’s been happening a lot lately; though I’d expect an organization that is a major newspaper to have an administrator who will fix it any minute now. As so often, this assumption may be wrong.
It happened to me twice last October, and I had to pony up for a service I am very pleased with. But it effectively doubled my server costs, too.
It opened for me. I tried firefox 9 and went back to 8.
Google Alerts does the alert on good sites. Try another browser.
This has happened to people with other sites.
thanks to all for the replies. I didn’t go forward, but I will check it again tomorrow. Chrome throws up a big red screen and it is pretty scary. Thanks again.
@magurakurin: I tried google chrome and found that it leaves a lotsa crap behind. At least, FF, warts and all, cleans up after itself.
Washington Monthly itself hasn’t been hacked, but I think one of their network ad servers has been. wamo.info is serving obfuscated javascript, which is always a red flag.
If you’ve got noscript installed and blocking javascript by default, visiting washington monthly should be safe. If you don’t have it, what the fuck is wrong with you? Go get it now.
Hillary Rettig
Can someone explain in 100 words or less, and for people who don’t know anything about football, why yesterday’s football game so upset Cole?
@Hillary Rettig: 3 words – fucked up priorities.
@Hillary Rettig: Because his team lost in the post season and won’t go to the Superbowl?
Amir Khalid
I haven’t seen much coverage in the US media of this — the term is “senior moment”, n’est-ce pas? — by John McCain. Is that to spare the lovely old fellow from embarrassment?
@Hillary Rettig: Not only did his team lose, it lost badly… constantly coming close to the edge of getting it together and then collapsing again.
To put the cherry on the sundae, this elevated the opposing quarterback, already overexposed for the kind of Xantian public spectacle Jesus scolded the Pharisees for, back into the mainstream for another go at ubiquitousness.
@Amir Khalid: It’s just another example of “liberal media bias.” If Obama had done it, the other side of the world would be hearing it whether they followed politics or not :)
Steve Benen tweeted that the site is having trouble with Chrome. They are working on it.
That ad didn’t really come from the Obama campaign, did it?
grandpa john
@WereBear: As opposed to worshiping a quarterback known for his off season sport of getting barely legal co-eds drunk so they can engage in “consenual” rape, the drunken part being necessary in order for it to be consensual. Personally I would rather my daughter to be consorting with a so called “Jesus freak” than with a juvenile acting prima donna who does his thinking with the wrong head.
grandpa john
@WaterGirl: not yet anyway but there is hope.
@grandpa john: So how can they add the “I’m Barack Obama and I approved this message” line at the end? Between that and the bumper sticker, it sure appears to be from the campaign.
If it really was issued by them, it’s a bad idea. Making a mockery of ol’ John for his senior moments is in bad taste, IMHO.
Read the link. NYMag created this to show a fake example of an ad that would be “fair game” by Mitt Romney’s own standards for taking quotes out of context.