(Pat Oliphant via GoComics.com)
Even the “horserace” reporters are bored. Walter Shapiro at TNR on “the least exciting New Hampshire primary ever“:
Rochester, N.H.—Having emerged unbloodied Sunday morning from the weekend’s debate double-header, Mitt Romney barreled down Route 101 at more than 80 miles an hour towards a noon rally at the Rochester Opera House. (I can verify the speedometer reading since the Romney campaign bus zoomed past me in a 65-mile-an-hour zone and I tailed it until it turned off the highway). The front-runner’s haste was understandable, since Romney wants this primary inscribed in the record books before his double-digit lead vanishes…
Romney’s stump speech includes a patriotic reading of stanzas from “America, the Beautiful,” ostensibly to prove that no one (certainly not that Europe-emulating president named Obama) can match his star-spangled patriotism. Listening to Romney, though, I was mostly inspired to recall the great Senate filibusters of yore, when exhausted legislators would read aloud fragments of poetry and pot-liquor recipes to run out the clock.
The sad thing—for those of us who love the spirited competition and hairpin turns of traditional New Hampshire primaries—is that Romney almost certainly will get away with his evasiveness. As a reporter chronicling his ninth New Hampshire primary (dating back to the days when George Bush boasted that he was “up for the Eighties”), I can recall no contested race in either party this devoid of energy. It feels like the primary is being conducted underwater, with every movement slow and exaggerated…
Apart from inattentively waiting for the statistically meaningless results of said lackluster ‘contest’, what’s on the agenda tonight?
I wonder whether there would be an audience for a horror movie called The Creature From The Santorum Lagoon…?
And yes, I am killing time until the results from Innsmouth, Arkham and Shoggoth’s Hump come in.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
“Romney brand Mayonnaise” not sure, how about “Romney brand decaffeinated White Bread”?
Hill Dweller
And yet, whichever buffoon emerges with the nomination has a coin-flip’s chance of being President.
This must be how some Romans felt…
Tonight, as with most nights, I plan on studiously avoiding all news on the TV. Keep me informed BJ!
Which will be deep in a failing city sewer system, through the dripping depths of which our heros must journey.
The Moar You Know
It’s so adorable how there are two sets of laws in this country – one for the rich and one for everyone else.
@The Moar You Know:
It all depends on what you look like, I guess. Casually dressed young men are apparently a threat to Romney’s right to assembly, or something like that. (His followup to that first post.)
ETA: In all fairness I have to note that the young man was in possession of a backpack and is a resident of Massachusetts so anyone would be afraid of what he might do once the speeches started. This kind of decisive action is what we need to see from a Commander in Chief.
I guess the movie Run, Romney, Run can’t be far away.
Nonetheless, my money’s on the Kenyan when it comes to the long-distance event.
The Dangerman
Too bad their store no longer stocks Bachmann Miracle Whip.
Hell, Old Gingrich is aged 14 years and damn near 180 proof. I wouldn’t throw that away. Could come in handy.
Edit: Oh, they had the Gingrich Baloney. Never mind, that stuff will kill you even when its fresh made.
gogol's wife
Same here. After watching an old movie (“My Favorite Year”–is it any good?), I will tune in here to find out what happened in a way that won’t offend my sensibilities.
Just a minute ago, Bob Schieffer is being interviewed about the campaign by the local CBS news in VT, their early 5:30pm show. She is saying about the media, and he stated that the media does not bring out the crowds, the candidates bring out the crowds.
I frightened the dog with my thundering bark of lolwut. I told the tv that advertisers were really getting ripped off, then. He has always been such a smug faced hypocrite. He should just go home, if tv doesn’t do anything.
Mark S.
Last member of a 65,000 year old tribe dies. I remember reading about the Sentinelese and being amazed that there are still indigenous people with little or no contact with the outside world. I sometimes envy them.
Amir Khalid
My only hope, being the spiteful vicious little git that I am, is that the New Hampshire result throws the Republican presidential race into more confusion, that this confusion keeps on growing all the way to a fractious national convention at which a desperate party turns its lonely eyes to …
@gogol’s wife: My Favorite Year is excellent. Of course I’m a fan of both Mel Brooks and Sid Caesar.
@jl: Sounds good for stripping away any semblance of decency.
Comrade Dread
All primaries should be replaced with a Thunderdome style cage match where only one emerges alive and victorious, the proud bearer of his tribe’s bloody standard.
The general election should be follow the same format, but we add a pissed off cougar too. The winner is declared president for the next four years. Even if it’s the cougar. Especially if it’s the cougar.
@PeakVT: And the Huntsman is not improving with age, whatever is in that bottle. If it turns to vinegar we will know it used to be green wine.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Amir Khalid: … Jeb Bush?
I think tonight I will just play Star Wars the Old Republic and not watch ANY TV whatsoever. I’ll be happier in the morning for sure.
General Stuck
The GOP primary is like Jonestown, where all the faithful have gathered to choose what flavor Kool Aid.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@gogol’s wife: Thanks for the head’s up. I recall “My Favorite Year” as being a real hoot. I’ve gotta go set the DVR to record.
Linda Featheringill
Have you seen the Dogs Against Romney site?
@Comrade Dread:
Must … not .. make … PUMA … joke.
@The Moar You Know@6: Did he have a dog on top of the car? http://www.dogsagainstromney.com/official-dogs-against-romney-store-is.html
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Amir Khalid:
Zombie Nixon?
Zombie Reagan?
George HW Bush? (can still serve another term!)
… Alan Keyes?
Work and then 20 min interval set. bleh
Linda Featheringill
@Amir Khalid:
Dear spiteful vicious little git,
How are you and Mrs. Git doing?
Baby eats, baby poops, baby eats, baby poops, baby eats, baby poops.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice: JEB! is in the GOP freezer, but I bet once they take it out and thaw it, nobody would like it.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Innsmouth and Arkham are down on Cape Ann in Mass, sez I. All we had was the Miskatonic Geological Archive out on Goat Island (no connection to either Binx or Isak). And as an undeclared voter, I did my best to help the Republican party choose…
Linda Featheringill
They say that great minds . . . .
[cute website]
@Mark S.: Comments have been closed. Perhaps it’s because most of them were people screeching that they didn’t believe the language was 65,000 years old and no one could make them throw away their Bible.
That’s really terrible. And scary. What the hell is going on?
John Yoo makes a Very Serious Argument that President Obama’s appointment of Cordray is a disturbing overreach of executive power. Yes, that John Yoo.
h/t Teh Sadlies.
Linda Featheringill
Hey, that sounds good! I didn’t notice crying, throwing up, or the inability to go to sleep unless parent holds the child in a position that Kama Sutra experts would envy.
@BGinCHI: What more do you want? It’s his first week!
Amir Khalid
@Linda Featheringill:
I’m fine, thank you. Alas, there is no Mrs Git.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason:
Keep the guesses coming, y’all!
Yoo Who?
Sorry, as you were.
@WereBear: It’s expected of Daily Mail readers.
Quaker in a Basement
The reporters are bored? They should find something else to do.
Are there no burgers that need to be flipped? No shoppers to be greeted?
@BGinCHI: He’s got the essentials down perfectly so quickly? Clever Lad!
@Amir Khalid:
Tsar Ivan the Terrible… or whatever other name The Free-market Historian Formerly Known As Gingrich is calling himself these days.
@BGinCHI: Don’t they point that out in all of the baby books your wife gave you but you didn’t read?
Mark S.
I didn’t notice the comments. That’s a treasure trove of stupid.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@gogol’s wife: Wow. Followed by “Dr. Strangelove” and “Network”. A good night at the movies.
Thread needs moar kittehs.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
@gogol’s wife:
Fantastic movie. Peter O’Toole should have won an Oscar for his performance.
Hacks like Shapiro at TNR are typical: if it’s not a horse race, it’s boring. I’ve talked about this with one WH reporter over the years and his/her comments typify the bubble they live/report in: they are convinced only horse race style reporting generates readership. Yeah, we’ve seen how well that’s worked for em over the last dozen years.
@The Moar You Know: Too bad old Governor Meldrim Thompson isn’t still around, he used to block the highways with his limo and a couple of state patrol cars and keep everybody at 55mph, especially those headed home to Massachusetts!
@Mark S.:
I thought the suggestion that the Theory of Gravity should be replaced by Intelligent Falling deserved applause.
@jeffreyw: Aw! Lovely kitties. May they get homes soon!
My little foster is getting all grown up. His neck is as big as his head.
Here’s Tristan at 16 months
Two friends with cancer diagnoses in one day. One brain with a chance one pancreatic with not much.
Other than his ‘I fire poor people’ moment, below please find my favorite Mittism:
“I’ve always been a rodent and rabbit hunter. Small varmints, if you will.”
The Unabridged Guide To The Mitt-isms Of The English Language
I am so sorry to hear it, Raven. How old are your friends?
the story behind the Santorum fetus story
“‘The doctors said they were talking about a matter of hours or a day or two before risking sepsis and both of them might die,” Santorum said. “Obviously, if it was a choice of whether both Karen and the child are going to die or just the child is going to die, I mean it’s a pretty easy call.”
If the physician came to me and said if we don’t deliver your baby in one hour you will be dead, yeah, I would have to do it,” she said. “But for me, it was at the very end. I would never make a decision like that until all other means had been thoroughly exhausted.’
In other words, if she hadn’t gone into labor on her own, they would have eventually decided to have an abortion.”
@Comrade Dread: shouldn’t the animal change every four years… this cycle, pissed off cougar, next cycle pissed off black bear, then maybe an angry gorilla, hungry lion… you know, for the sake of diversity
@Raven: Sorry to hear that. Hope you can be a good friend to them.
Here’s Cat Buddies, the Beginning:
Reverend Jim watches over Tristan, 4 weeks
and here they are now
RJ & Tristan share a chair. Barely.
More cats are more fun!
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Mid 60’s. One just retired from higher ed, she has the chance, the other a biology prof and former navy pilot.
@KG: When do we get the ‘rat jumping off a sinking ship’ year?
Ummm. I believe the story about the last member of a 65,00o year old tribe is from 2010.
I always check the date line on these stories.
@General Stuck: Excellent comment. But very sad.
Money quote from a piece on contraception in the Guardian. Who’d a thunk that Imams are more enlighted that the Talibaptists over here.
Roger Moore
Thread needs moar seal.
@jl: We’re gonna do our best. I have two friends who have had brain tumors and both did well. Lots of trips to Duke.
wow, just scratch the surface, and . . .
Well, I hope they both fight through it. They’ll be in my thoughts.
@Cassidy: Work? What did I miss?
@BGinCHI: It’s the cycle of life. Very repetitive in the early stages!
@Raven: very sorry to hear this
@Raven: Ack! So sad. Sorry about that.
@gogol’s wife: “My Favorite Year” is great, you’ll enjoy it. And I’ll second comrade scott’s agenda of rage comment that Peter O’Toole should have won an Oscar.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Thanks, I know they will. They both have wonderful spouses and kids. Of course they one daughter that is a gay female moved to Australia to be with her partner since the partner couldn’t stay here.
General Stuck
Don’t we all. The difference is, babies are more honest about it, not blowing smoke up the world’s ass in between.
@WaterGirl: Nothing. I’m working in a clerk position. Hopefully it’s temporary as I wait for a Federal Law Enforcement position.
@Raven: Sorry Raven. I just lost a friend a few months ago to pancreatic cancer. Brutal.
@jeffreyw: Is the calico a female (most are)? Just wondering about the mustache/love patch action going on there.
@jeffreyw: precious
@jeffreyw: He flew Navy recon planes out of Nha Trang so I don’t think it’s AO but who knows.
So sorry to hear that. Getting older has some real downsides. As my husband says at times like this, “There better be an afterlife and it better be good, or I’m gonna be really pissed off.”
Courage. And hugs.
@BGinCHI: At least you know it works!
Didn’t get to say it the other day, but you have a beautiful son. Congratulations.
@Raven: so important to have that family support
@Svensker: Mantle said “If I knew I was gonna live this long I would have taken better care of myself>”
@General Stuck:
That reminds me of a quote from The X-Files when Dr. Bambi is describing the lives of cockroaches.
Roger Moore
Beats the alternative.
gogol's wife
I’m really sorry.
General Stuck
Tough news. Life is so very fragile, though we spend our days telling ourselves it’s not, and then the shit rains down all at once.
gogol's wife
Thank you and all the others who have let me know I won’t be wasting my evening!
@WereBear: What a doll he is on his camouflage rug! Why is that dogs and cats seem to gravitate toward the rug or blanket that most resembles them?
Edit: Tristan is kind of a chair hog? The reverend ends up kind of scrunched in the corner. We will have to speak to young Tristan about that. Respect for his elders and all.
Very sorry to hear that. We lost a close friend last year to cancer, an elegant and beautiful woman of 50, who may be the classiest and most generous person I’ve ever known.
I really hate cancer.
General Stuck
I remember that episode, though vaguely
well, it may seem “devoid of energy” to some, but i for one find watching these fuckbags tear each other apart most entertaining
Roger Moore
Maybe they actually are searching out natural camouflage. That would certainly make sense for an ambush predator like a cat.
Let’s see, FOX was appalled, and I mean APPALLED!, that Romney was being taken out of context. It was so unfair. CNN is trying really hard to give Huntsman a mustache ride. They really need that horserace;it’s like they’re junkies.
oh, FUCK T-PAW just now, what a DOUCHEBAG he was to Rachel!
pencil-necked dickhead twat-wad
he should be thankful somebody even wants to talk to his loser-ass and he’s insulting the whole MSNBC panel for being gracious enough to put his pathetic little prick-ass on the teevee and ask him some questions like what he thinks matters worth a shit
@Raven: So sorry, Raven. To get that diagnosis and be told that there is no hope… how do you wrap your head around that? So sorry.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
@Roger Moore: This does not explain my dark grey cat, who likes the cream-colored bedspread best. It would make more sense if he’s marking his territory with shed hair.
On the other hand, this is the same animal who thinks I am the Goddess of Love and Food inside the house but a terrifying predator when he encounters me outdoors, so maybe “cat” and “makes sense” do not belong in the same sentence.
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
I’ve got two like that, can’t get enough of me the Benevolent Goddess of Cat Treats indoors but when they happen upon me when I am out in the garden they look at me as if I am the Devil Incarnate and scarper in the opposite direction. Perhaps it is the light.
awesome, i was waiting for Ed to start kicking his whiny little butt
@Cassidy: I caught a few minutes of Lawrence O’Donnell last night that was actually pretty amusing. He was wrapping up with a couple of political analysts who were saying “If Romney wins South Carolina, it’s…” and he interrupted with “Don’t say ‘it’s over!’ It can’t be over!” and generally mocking the horse race junkies.
life can be beautiful, but it is also filled with pain and suffering, there has to be something better, a place where there is no suffering
Huntsman Isn’t the Anti-Romney; He’s the More Authentic Romney
by Al Giordano
WereBear (itouch)
@Raven: I’m so sorry. I would feel remiss if I didn’t link to this article:
I was facing a biopsy where if it was cancer, there wasn’t a lot of hope from conventional treatments. I was fortunate that it didn’t come to that; but if it had, that is what I was going to do.
WereBear (itouch)
@pat: Well, yeah. But I don’t think those commenters have gotten any brighter in the interim.
Baby eats, baby poops, baby burps, baby sleeps.
I’m starting to sense a pattern.
I bet McCain’s wife has the same kind of experience.
Amid Romney and Paul people, black fraternities muster a loud show of support for Obama
Wrong. This NH primary is extremely exciting. Just ask Howard Fineman. According to him, if the “moderate Republican” wins the Republican primary in a moderate/left-leaning state it’s obviously BAAAADDD NEWS for Obama.
There is, it’s called a grave. I don’t know that it’s better though.
Now replying to myself, so sad, but there’s a cheery update. Bob Schieffer tells local VT CBS at 5:30 that the fuss is not due to the media, it’s only the candidates that make the excitement. No Bob, you’re not stirring any pots.
Then at 6:30 one of the big stories of the night is “Look how much media is in NH, look at this warehouse of folding tables where the busy media toil, etc.” A local says they are there for a long time and then suddenly they are gone on Wednesday, whoosh. Of course they had this piece prepared in advance, but still it was nice that they essentially called Bob Schieffer a liar.
General Stuck
Looks like rumors of OFA death were exaggerated. Go figure
@BGinCHI: Gosh, babies change so fast! I mean, it seems like just a few minutes ago that all he did was eat and poop.
@JGabriel: I hope you can muster a bit more of cheer in whatever threads we have about NH tonight. We are counting on you!
@WaterGirl: Don’t forget occasionally sleeping!
What would we do without Krugman.
Ha Ha Ha
POTUS sings “Born this way”
Related: http://drezner.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/01/10/governments_are_not_corporatons
Omnes Omnibus
@Raven: I am so sorry.
@gogol’s wife: Wonderful movie. I shall be watching. Thanks for the tip.
@WaterGirl: I think he’s cheerful enough to point out this world is what is is (a mixed bag of great bits and messy bits — see also eat poop eat poop eat poop . . . . ) and probably not so bad as the alternative. I’ll even go so far as to rather content with my imperfect president and not pine over the necessary existence of a perfect one.
Well, he would know about disturbing overreach, wouldn’t he?
Benjamin Franklin
First Pakistan drone strike in 2 month…..
@ Raven:
Thoughts, prayers, and best wishes to you and yours.
Duke Med is about as good as it gets for this kind of stuff. Your friends are in good hands.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Yoo is on a very short list of people on whose graves I am looking forward to pissing. Just saying.
@WaterGirl: I had a notion to get Mrs J to sew a kitty bed made out of fake fur with the blotches of white and black and orange in the same pattern as Bitsy. I Googled “calico pattern fabric” – oops.
@Phylllis: I’m sure she is. The odds are what, millions to one or so that it’s a female?
@Omnes Omnibus: Why wait?
@WaterGirl: Ha! Just call me “Mr. Sunshine”.
Cat Lady
I had that same day four weeks ago – close friend with multiple myeloma, close friend’s father with pancreatic cancer. Both are grim.
I was watching c span the other morning, Greta was doing radio row, and they had the John Madden of Ireland on, I tried to access their video archives, and cannot find it, but he said the Irish read more papers than most folks, and really laid into the republican candidates, ruthlessly. He said if America sneezed, the entire continent over there gets a big cold. (My words paraphrasing). He was so funny, and totally dissed the entire republican field. I tried to find it, and it was a live feed, I bet it has been scrubbed. He has been known as the live announcer for the weekends for rugby, and very colorful. Enjoyed it.
@jeffreyw: I think that’s a splendid idea! Why the oops? I googled your phrase in quotes (with some trepidation, in case it was going to bring up some disgusting thing) but didn’t find anything unexpected. Why the oops?
@JGabriel: Mr. Sunshine, Sir!
@Comrade Colette Collaboratrice:
Ronald Reagan’s rotting corpse
@lamh35: What good are those food stamp earning young bucks!? Oh, right, raising an army of organized campaign workers for the President. Whoops.
Goes to show: Republicans buy their shit, Democrats work for theirs. Anyone who thinks the SuperPAC air campaign can displace Democratic boots on the ground is fooling themselves. It’s not so much that the Dems have an inherent advantage this year, but Obama’s team is really, really fucking good and seems to know how to leverage individuals in a way that the GOP, frankly, seems to think is impossible. I don’t think the GOP is going to know what hit them come November.
Scamp Dog
@Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason, @rlrr: Today I saw a pickup truck with a bumper sticker reading “Zombie Reagan 12”. I wasn’t sure what that was all about until I read the one next to it, which was “Voted for Obama? Thanks, Assh0le”, with the 0 in the vulgarity done up as the Obama campaign’s O logo.
Yet another example of liberal snark (Zombie Reagan!) being indistinguishable from actual conservative thought. FSM help us all…
Chuck Butcher
In a little while I’ll be going to practice for pool league. Knocking little balls around on the table should keep me distracted from NH Primary with no difficulty. My partner who is the best shooter on the team has been badly off the last two meets. I need to up my game and he needs to get back on track. If I’m decent we’re almost unbeatable when he’s at his ordinary game.
@Scamp Dog: It’s scary, isn’t it? Along the same lines as all the Tea Party banners – they’re not ironic.
As Marvell says, “The grave’s a fine and private place / But none I think do there embrace”
@JGabriel: Exactly, with the resulting eat poop eat poop eat poop eat poop by-products thereof.
@scav: Had to go check BabyinCHI’s actual diet, my shorthand of it can be shockingly misunderstood. No worries, Dad’s sentence seems to imply it’s not a closed loop.
Catch some Ohio State – Illinois basketball in about a half hour. The NH nonsense can wait until tomorrow.
Darnell From LA
I just watched Willard’s victory speech in New Hampshire and I have one observation to share — Even though I am white, I still can’t help but look at Willard and his family and think: “goddamn, those are the whitest people I have ever seen.”
There’s just something about Willard and clan that is indicative of a stick lodged so firmly and deeply in the anus that any person who successfully removed it would be crowned the King of England.
And I just don’t see Willard being able to connect with hispanics, let alone anyone else who isn’t rich and white. (There’s a video floating around of when Willard actually met some real life black people on the campaign trail, and rose to the occasion by randomly asking “who let the dogs out?” – Seriously)
Jim C.
“I’m getting that thrill up my leg”
Andrew Sullivan, talking about Ron Paul