We’ll just consider this an open thread, but the picture accompanying this post makes me realize what a sub-par blogger I am when compared to sheer genius.
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by John Cole| 71 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, wine blogging
We’ll just consider this an open thread, but the picture accompanying this post makes me realize what a sub-par blogger I am when compared to sheer genius.
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a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Don’t be too hard on yourself, John. TBogg is just top shelf.
The Dangerman
Related to “we’re not worthy”, there is something fundamentally creepy about the Romney Sons (and, of course, the Romney Dad). They didn’t say a word, but they scream privilege.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
He is in fact the TeBowGG of political satire.
Don’t go all Salieri on us. I don’t even want to think what costume you would need to dress up in to frighten Tbogg onto his deathbed.
@Veritas: Do you really like Romney better than Huntsman?
I don’t get why Romney is doing better than Hunsman. At least Huntsman passes the Turing Test.
But then, I don’t get Republicans.
Say what you will about Ron Paul, it is kind of f-ed up that he can’t get any respect in the media despite making pretty strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire.
And the energy in his campaign room during his speech is so much more intense and genuine than the weird, corporate-conference-social-mixer, paid-dancers-jerking-around-on-the-dance-floor-with-party-favors scene of Romney’s victory speech.
The Dangerman
No reason for them to be ashamed of getting wealth the old fashioned way (having a Loaded Daddy), but don’t ask me to respect them for it.
On the other hand, John, how many blogs make it to their TENTH ANNIVERSARY? it’s just a few days from now, yes? I’m expecting at least the amount of fanfare that greeted Sully’s First Decade of Blogging a year or two back. Don’t disappoint us now.
@The Dangerman:
having a Loaded Daddy
If I were Mitt Romney’s daddy, I’d probably get loaded too.
Silly @JGabriel. Chex_mix wants someone he could conceivably talk with as equals.
As I said downstairs, in 2008 Romney got 33% of the vote. In 2012 he got 35%. In four straight years of camping out in the state and meeting every single voter and spending bazillions he could only increase his vote by 2%. Really?
Judas Escargot
Ron Paul, declaring how ‘dangerous’ he is.
The man with gold bars in his investment portfolio… so called Libertarian, lecturing us about how we essentially need to be forced to hitch all of our values to gold, at gunpoint.
Do not. Trust this man. Nor the son.
General Stuck
I’m up to here listening to Ron Paul and his genial manner describing near evil policies. Even his isolationist views that can be approved of with a set of blinders, is off the charts when considering the scorched earth left in the wake of bringing every single troop home tomorrow. Mr. Draconian.
I’m not going to vote for someone who worked for Obambi. He should have refused like Judd Gregg did.
I hope that’s not a little girl doing the drinking. It kind of looks like one. That would be gross.
Could it be that the voters of New Hampshire gave Mittroid the win this time around in the hope that, after he loses in November, he’ll never pester them again? It must be hell on earth not to be able to visit your favorite diner without the risk of some grinning alien creature attempting to conversate colloquially with you about shooting varmints.
Mark S.
Just got home, looking at the results. What does this mean?
Does anyone know what the penalty was?
Also, too, didn’t someone say last week that delegates from Iowa aren’t actually tied to the result of the caucus? So have we really only decided like 12 delegates so far?
I think I have a pet rock in a drawer somewhere. Would that be suitable?
Ron Paul, Huntsman, Gingrich and Santorum’s numbers seperately if combined behind one “non-Mittens” candidate would have really give Romney a run for his money.
Plus I heard on MSNBC, that Romney and Paul campaigns essentially have an “understanding”. By staying in the race, Paul pulls at least 1/4 of the vote away from the other non-Mitt candidates coupled with the divided proportions of the other non-Mitts and Romney still wins with only 30-35% of any of the votes.
So Paul attacks everyone from the right and yet if you’ve noticed Paul hasn’t attacked Mittens directly or much in advertising. Ron Paul who as Lawrence O said correctly, WILL NOT win the nom and will more than likely not be allowed to speak at the convention (can you imagine what Paul would say. The GOP are stupid, but not that stupid) is the spoiler in this primary and Romney gets to take full advantage of it. Between Paul and his superpacs and this media environment’s pathological refusal to at least give the illusion of correcting or calling out right lies about Obama record, Romney can pretty much coast to the nomination at this point.
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m rooting for Newton to go full fuckin’ nuclear on Romney’s ass. I can’t even stand Newt, but my gawd somebody needs to take Romney down a peg. Shit, I guess I’m gonna have to wait til the debates with POTUS cause this media ain’t planning on calling Romney out for any of his damn lies. Romney WILL be the nominee, but damn I hope Newt leaves him battered and bruised!
ETA: John Harwood on MSNBC said sources said that Ron Paul is going to SC tomorrow and that they plan to increase their ad buy with attack ads against Gingrich and Santorum. I’m telling Ron Paul’s campaign is working for Mittens. If Mittens picks Rand Paul as VP, then we will know what going on.
That must make me a doubly sub-par commenter, ’cause this is my favorite blog.
@dmsilev: So long as it’s not a Turing-diplomé, should be perfect. No actual rocks were harmed in the typing of this comment.
South Carolina should be fun. You can tell Gingrich still lies awake at night, bitterly clutching the cracked, glass pendant of his momentary popularity among GOP primary voters, whispering dark curses at the smirking image of Romney in his mind.
@Judas Escargot:
He’s ‘dangerous’ alright. Look at his evil spawn and tell me he hasn’t already done lasting damage to the nation. Also, too.
Ah. So you put party above country. Okay. I guess that’s pretty much par for the GOP, anyway.
For somebody truly dickless, you sure are a dick.
You know, besides all the obvious bigotries amongst the Juicerati, one that I think John Cole should pay attention to this in 2012 is anti-Mormonism.
I submit to you a The Mormon Worker, who should be considered as a voice from the Mormon perspective.
The Dangerman
I kinda like the idea of playing with people’s names; given the “latentcy” of the Republican Party, I think we should call your guy “Rim-me”. Whaddya think?
General Stuck
I actually want Romney to win the nom. The GOP will have a candidate 75 percent of them hate. He will be running solely on being reasonable and a stone wingnut at once. He loses the reasonable part that is square in Obama’s wheelhouse, and no one will believe the tea tard rhetoric, especially tea tards.
The argument that he can compete with the swing voter may have some truth to it, but if he can’t energize the GOP conservative base to work for him with their feets and hands, getting the indie vote becomes moot.
Wants A Dog and Man On Dog fiercely battling it out for fourth place, with only 74 votes separating them as we close in on the 50% mark. This could be a close one, folks!
Tbogg made his bones with this send up
From Rat-fuckers to Dog-fuckers: A Short History of the GOP 1990-2012.
@Mark S.: The penalty is for allocating delegates prior to March 6, the date the party set. Iowa avoided it because their delegates won’t get allocated until (I think) June because they have all those interim steps. The early primary states — SC, FL and NH — all got penalized.
Sorry, not prior to March — prior to Feb 1.
Oh here comes a sad Huntsman “victory” speech.
Comparing bloggers is like comparing cats. There are so many kinds, with so many different personalities. Cats (bloggers) that may look alike or be of similar breeding will act completely differently. Meanwhile, bloggers (cats?) that are completely distinct and unique will display similar habits and traits.
Comparing yourself to TBogg is unfair to you both – he has his way, you have yours. Without your “way” you’d just be some … copy cat?
I, on the other hand, wish I was the guy in the Franzia box. I suspect he had quite a night.
A. You are as fucking retard.
B. I would happily bet the rent that Obama could brutally destroy you in any conceivable type of competition, including physical. So if you were wondering, the oh so clever “Obambi” thing isn’t working. Just makes you sound like a petulant 13 year old with unwarranted self-esteem.
Man, us mere humans just are not worthy.
@The Dangerman:
Given his willingness to say whatever he thinks voters want to hear right that second, how about “Might Rim-me?” Cuz you know he might if it could get him elected.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Hmmm, dunno. I think a Republican can still be both, even in these modern times.
that’s awesome. First time I’ve seen it.
Dude’s brilliant. Except for signing on to that cesspool…..and STAYING there. That, I will NEVER comprehend.
Meh. It’s dumb, but my favorite nickname for Bush was President Fuckwit, so I can’t get too worked up over it.
Edited To Add: And, to be honest, I typically left off the “President” part. Unsurprisingly, people usually knew who I was talking about anyway.
Brian R.
Country First, right?
Just watched a great TED talk. The perfect antidote to primary season.
The Dangerman
Going in the right direction, but I’m thinking that using Willard, um, opens up all sorts of possibilities.
BREAKING! With 56% of the vote in, Man On Dog takes a 15 vote lead over Wants A Dog in the race for fourth place:
@eemom: I think he knows Jane in R/L. Before she went batshit crazy, she asked him to come onboard. Throughout everything, he has always written only favorable things about her, in those exceptionally rare instances when he even mentions her at all. Whatever friendship is there must be based on something pretty solid, and if he’s okay with it, so be it.
I remember the “old” site, and days of TRex, Emptywheel, and Donita Sparks. **sigh** It was so … good. TBogg’s the only stop now, the mange has taken them all.
@JGabriel: I was partial to Homer Simpson’s “Commander Cuckoo-Bananas”.
If you were a guitar player, you wouldn’t compare yourself to Jimi Hendrix, would you? TBogg is one of a kind.
Brian R.
And here’s Rick Santorum, invoking the image of his grandfather (an immigrant coal miner who unquestionably was a union man) and his father (a VA psychiatrist who said the GI Bill was the greatest gift he ever received) to justify his anti-government, pro-business philosophy. What a fucking tool.
You’re right, although calling Bush “Fuckwit” addresses an actual shortcoming, and I’m guessing you didn’t think you were convincing any true believers. “Obambi” is just silly, and is inconsistent with all the “ZOMG CHICAGO THUG!!11!! SKARY BLACK MAN!!111!!”
Scamp Dog
@srv: Wow. That is seriously cool. I reserve the right to think that Mormon theology has its silly parts, but the people on that blog (based on the two posts I read) have their hearts in the right place.
ETA: I read more posts, and it got cooler!
Omnes Omnibus
@Litlebritdifrnt: He didn’t break 40%? Ha!
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: Why must you demean rocks in that way?
@The Dangerman:
Yes. Yes it does. Carry on!
@General Stuck: General, I have missed you! And Seconded, also too!
How did Nate Silver’s predictions turn out in New Hampshire? Was he close?
Omnes Omnibus
@kuvasz: TBogg made his bones on Salon’s TableTalk. Fucker was funny and that is hard to do on clay tablets.
candidate silver NH
Romney 38.5% 38.1
Paul 18.6% 23.5
Huntsman 17.0% 16.7
Santorum 12.3% 9.7
Gingrich 11.5% 9.8
Perry 1.2% 0.7
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Pretty damn good, except Paul got some of the santorum.
Hill Dweller
I can’t believe I’m saying it, but Sharpton has been the best panelist on MSNBC tonight. He is the only one to note the potential problems Romney will face for using that ‘politics of envy’ talking point. The Obama campaign is going to hammer him for that from now until November.
As an aside, Tom Brokaw is awful.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
willard is “raw money” to me.
@Omnes Omnibus: Still only 75% in, room enough to correct the errors or blow the good ones out of the water. Not likely there will be a huge swing though.
I still remember people saying he’d never get any election right again once he became a NYT whore.
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal:
That makes me see him awkwardly wearing a backwards cap, trying to squint and scowl, as he poses for the cover of his first rap record.
ETA: I don’t think Willard truly respects hip-hop.
Fluke bucket
Thank you MikeJ. I appreciate that. I have been dying to know but I am not in a position to do my own homework.
Omnes Omnibus
I just had to give that its props.
I will forever associate TBogg with “Bill Kristol Is Invited to Eat A Bag Of Salted Dicks.” Makes me laugh to this very day.
@Hill Dweller: Agreed on both points. My non political hubby once voted for Sharpton in a Democratic primary. Can’t remember when exactly that was.
Joey Maloney
@kuvasz: Thank you so much for reminding me of that post. The first time I read it I laughed until my nose bled.
pseudonymous in nc
I get the feeling that Willard really can’t take jokes at his expense. ‘Brittle’ is the word. We might see that in Lesser Carolina or further on in the primary, but I hope that Team Obama is prepped to rattle Willard’s cage.
@srv: Whoa, talk about different. No prosperity gospel there. I hadn’t even imagined such a view from them. How did you come across the site?
Paul in KY
@srv: Damn. Is Glenn Greenwald a mormon?