Just got done reading the book chat, and it seems like that went very well. Thanks to DougJ and Corey for making that a real success.
I think it would be fun if we could do the same thing at some point with some fiction. One of my favorite things of late has been reading Jon Rogers discuss why he did what he did with episodes of Leverage. I think this sort of interaction with readers/fans is something that really adds value to the entire experience. I’m hoping when my buddy Wiley Cash has his book done, he can participate in chats.
Speaking of Jon Rogers, is it any surprise to anyone that 27% of the population identifies as Republican? The crazification factor may be the greatest theory of the last 50 years. Rock on, Tyrone.
Corner Stone
Fuck you AngryTrollJ!
patrick the pedantic literalist
Is Tyrone a real person or a fictional one? My guess is fictional, but I have never decided for sure.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
For fiction, my vote would be the new Stephen King book: 11/22/63
That book rocked!
@patrick the pedantic literalist: Rogers claims he’s real, so I won’t quibble….
Warren Terra
It’s not this blog, but either to scratch that itch or as a worthy model for something you might attempt here, you might check out The Big Idea, a series of commentable guest posts hosted by blogger and Sci-Fi author John Scalzi in which authors explain how they came to write their forthcoming book and entertain questions from interested readers.
It’s more of a promo thing than organized around books that are already available and can therefore be read and discussed, but it’s the best example of a author-interaction series I know of offhand (with the enormous caveat that I don’t go looking for such, and don’t read writing blogs).
Suffern ACE
O.k. Cat question. Cat had decided after six happy months to relieve itself outside the box. Only when I am home. After attention time. On the rug tonight, on the sofa last night. She likes to be brushed. She likes the toys. She does not appear to be sick or anxious. is this one of those things like leaving a dead mouse that I’m supposed to be happy about or is she happy outside but hiding a complaint?
Brian S
We do a couple of book clubs like that over at The Rumpus (where I’m poetry editor). You subscribe and get books before they’re officially released, talk about them in discussion groups all month long, and then at the end of the month get to chat with the author. They’re fairly successful–the poetry one, which I help direct, has nearly a hundred members alone, which is pretty impressive given that it’s poetry, and that we choose some fairly experimental stuff from time to time. And some of the stuff we’ve chosen has been on the year-end best-of lists.
Also just finished reading the book thread and thought it was great. I downloaded the book last night and am only through page 63 on the Kobo, but am really enjoying it and look forward to the next chat.
Fiction idea is wonderful too. Also.
@Suffern ACE:
Since she’s doing it in places that she knows for sure you will find it, she’s sending you a message, and the message is usually, “I don’t feel good.”
Weird as it sounds, have you done anything different when it comes to her litter, like move the litterbox or switch to a new brand of litter? Even something like that could set her off. If not, time for a visit to the vet.
Dee Loralei
I suggested months ago if we ever did fiction we should do The Hobbit, since the movie is coming out late this year, and many of us haven’t read it in years.
….I believe Tyrone is a real human being. But his 27% was brilliant! And still my second most quoted quote. The first being Rogers schpiel about Orcs and Ayn Rand.
Nice. Have you ever considered teaching for a living?
@Suffern ACE: By process of elimination, I’d say your cat may be pissed at you for some reason.
Is there some routine, or something about your living space you have changed recently? Seriously, some cats freak the hell out over change, in my experience. Even if it’s not something you’d think would directly affect them – hell – changing your laundry detergent may set some off, cuz your sheets smell “funny” now!
There are also some other, non-psychological =) things that could be going on: Especially if it’s urine – is the cat fixed/spayed? (I think it’s rarer, but I believe female cats have been known to “spray” as well).
The cat may have a urinary tract infection – common – not necessarily casually observable in every circumstance.
The best thing you can do, assuming you can afford it is to take your cat to a vet for a checkup. Particularly, with urinary tract things, cats have sucky parts, in that respect. Always with the problems… meh… and they can turn bad pretty quickly.
Rita R.
Too too funny! According to a Daily Beast story, apparently Santorum’s Italian immigrant grandfather with the big hands who dug Ricky’s freedom after fleeing Fascism was a dyed-in-the-wool communist.
So little Ricky’s grandpa was a Communist and Romney’s polygamist grandfather fled to Mexico. Wonder when all the GOP radio loudmouths and slimy poundits who’ve been spouting “Kenyan Muslim soshulist for years about Obama, often dragging the grandfather he never knew and father he met twice into it, will start talking about the family trees of their leading GOP presidential candidate and his Iowa co-finisher.
27%? Coincidence? I think not.
@Suffern ACE: Ok. Dog answer. I made my pug, jenny, get off the sofa with some harsh words. Payback ? Mess on my bed in the first floor in my absence. The bitch owns the sofa now.
Dunno if any of you read John Michael Greer, but he has an interesting post up this week that reminds me of discussions we often have here:
His posts are always fascinating and have broad philosophical and historical perspective on matters. (I found the title of his blog weird at first, but you get over it quick.)
Mike in NC
The last time I voted for a Republican was about 20+ years ago when I lived in Rhode Island and they had an incredibly corrupt Democrat fossil filling a US House seat.
The challenger was (1) a Republican, (2) a lawyer, and (3) a US Naval Academy graduate. Normally I’d have thought that three strikes against him, but I voted for the jerk anyway. I believe he was kicked out after one term.
@Suffern ACE: One thing that’s nearly universally true about cats though – is they abhor soiling things. If they have an acceptable litter space, they’ll use it until they can’t stand to. If they are outdoor, they still tend to keep a special space they use for a time.
Bottom line is, if they are not using it, 99.9% of the time it’s not because they don’t want to. In the kitteh’s little world, something is seriously wrong.
Let’s talk about how Corner Stone won this blog for forever.
Oh wait, that’s not fiction.
In other fiction
@Warren Terra: I’ll check that out, sounds neat. I’m close to finishing a science fiction novel myself.
I just watched “When Mitt Romney Came to Town,” the 30-minute video put together by the Gingrich SuperPac and it is DEVASTATING! Kaybee Toys – gone. DDi – gone. The Washing machine manufacturer in Florida – gone. The paper plant in Indiana – gone. Together with the jobs and livelihoods of thousands and thousands of people while Romney and Bain made hundreds of millions. It is the best hit job video I have ever seen.
It is strange to say this, but kudos to the Gingrich Superpac. If enough people actually see this, Romney could be toast.
So… Steven Colbert is going announce he’s running for President tomorrow?
ETA: No, I ain’t fucking kidding.
Tell DougJ to stop changing his fucking name.
Hill Dweller
@kdaug: Seems that way. His first segment tonight was hilarious.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!. I hate that “I don’t feel well” crap, and it seems like everybody says it.
@patroclus: Saw it too. Particularly nice touches were the boy forlornly watching the tv as they announced KB Toys was being destroyed by the Bad Man, and the clips of Mitt speaking French. French! Oh noes! Echoes of when Republicans said John Kerry looked French.
Roger Moore
What’s wrong with saying “I feel well” to say that you’re healthy or “I don’t feel well” to say the opposite? Wellness is a state of being, so saying that you feel well is a fine way of expressing your state of wellness. It might be better to say “I am well” or “I am unwell” rather than “I feel well/unwell”, but it seems like a perfectly valid expression.
I want to know which one of you is Barry Eisler, the author of Fault Line? One of the characters in the book is very political and reads blogs all the time. Other characters in the book are named: Josh Marshall (her first boyfriend) John Cole (her second boyfriend and Jane Hamsher (the receptionist). Coincidence? I don’t think so. (Have we already talked about this book or at least how odd it is that real bloggers (their names anyway) are all in the book?
I think the best parts of the hit video were when they showed Romney himself making all those “corporations are people” and “when corporations make money, it goes to people” comments. Yeah, millions go to him, but thousands and thousands of jobs and way of life are just destroyed.
I sorrta knew all this, but now I have actual corporate names (Kaybee, DDi, Ampad) to google and find more about. It’s just devastating.
@Suzan: Yup…John had a post on it a few years back…
I’m watching it now. I’m surprised it’s keeping my attention, and you’re right, it’s well done. I can’t believe I’m saying that about an ad from “the professor”…
General Stuck
After watching that Bain Capital destructo of Mitt Romney, I bet the dude is chewing off his own tongue for pissing in Newt’s wheaties, the meanest most vindictive sumbitch in politics.
It’s a little repetitive and could be edited, and I would prefer more specific details about the actual financial machinations, but the emotional impact is powerful and it builds and builds and builds. But as I said, it gives us actual names of actual companies and actual former workers that can easily lead to more investigative reporting. If someone like Glenn Greenwald really wanted to do some good journalism, I would highly recommend ferreting out a LOT more detail on Kaybee, DDi and Ampad.
Yeah, they subtly hit some GOP buttons — French, Latin American investors, etc. — but overall keep it on a low flame.
Nah, Greenwald doesn’t care. All the usual suspects who should be looking into it won’t – they’re not journalists.
Maybe Pro Publica? Or Mother Jones? Or Dennis G.?
@Roger Moore:
There’s really nothing wrong with it, but “I don’t feel good.” is unambiguous, while “I don’t feel well.” could in fact be describing your sense of touch. When referring to health, “feel” is acceptable as a linking verb. What drives me crazy is the notion many have that “I don’t feel good.” is incorrect. I’ve had people correct me for saying that.
The brilliance of anonymity on the internet is… well, the anonymity.
Let he/she/it reside in peace.
@Roger Moore:
Also, too. I think some people choose “well” over “good” for the same reason they they choose “between you and I”.
Yeah, it’s unfortunate that all of the good leftish journalists seem far more interested in lambasting Obama and Obama supporters rather than doing good investigative journalism anymore.
In my view, the proper journalistic response would be – wow, let’s find out more about these companies, let’s put together a timeline of wage cuts, firings, quality downgrades and plant closures, with interviews from public officials in the towns that were hit together with the former execs and management people. I just watched it and I want to know much much more. But Gingrich himself seems to be backing off and I don’t know if this will have legs unless more ferreting out of information is done.
Personally, I’d like to know ALL of the financial machinations – Bernie Madoff style.
@dogwood: Well that whole “you and me” versus “you and I” has created epic wars in my office.
@barath: Sounds like something for The Nation, who funded Jeremy Scahill and other fact-intensive investigative writers. I am not at all a Greenwald fan, but to be fair to him, that’s not his beat.
You know, you could imagine zerohedge doing the investigation. They’re kind of nutty politically (and are die hard Ron Paul supporters, though they have a soft spot for Alan Grayson too) but hate Romney and have the muckraking skills and financial know-how. The question is how to get them to do it before the primaries are over.
Definitely…that’s who I was trying to remember but couldn’t pull it up – he’d be great for such a project.
Roger Moore
I think “I feel unwell” is a better version, since it’s unambiguous and clearly correct.
Jerzy Russian
There have been a lot of cool (as in groovy) planet discoveries announced today, including two more “Tatooine” planets with double suns called Kepler 34 and Kepler 35. There could be millions of planets in the Milky Way with double suns. I think things like this are very cool. The climates on these planets would be very chaotic since the stellar orbits are elliptical and the distance between the planets and each star changes, and it is fun (for me at least) to imagine what life must me like on a planet like Kepler 34 or 35 (or Tatooine for that matter).
Well, it really needs to be done from a bunch of angles. I’d like to see the financial angle, like what Frontline did with Madoff. But the human impact would be far more emotional and non-finance experts could do hundreds of interviews with the affected former workers (kind of like Erin Brockovich). And the political angle would be interesting too. And the economic impact angle on each of the communities too. I’d also like to see the union angle, and the past management angle. I’d also like to see an historical angle. If I were the editor of the NYT or WaPo or Rolling Stone or the Nation or anybody, I’d assign a whole team of different types of reporters to it.
Sadly, I expect very little of that. One look at the blowback on Andrew Sullivan already there justifying all this convinces me that very little further reporting seems likely to be done.
FF went kaboom for me there. Dammit. Good news is old friend coming into town Saturday!
Hill Dweller
There has been some thorough debunking(WaPo and WSJ) of Romney’s claim that he created 100,000 jobs. Benen has also been hammering Romney for that nonsense.
Both Ezra Klein and Kessler have also rightly pointed out Romney is trying to pretend Bain’s goal was creating jobs. Obviously, it was solely about making money. If that meant firing a bunch of people, so be it.
Klein’s quote rings true to me: “Romney invited the electorate to judge his economic chops by judging his success at something he wasn’t trying to do and that isn’t relevant to the policies he would pass as president. The more energy he invests in this narrative, the larger his eventual losses will be.”
Hill Dweller
@patroclus: What happened to Andrew Sullivan?
@General Stuck:
Mitt Romney is an arrogant man, but he is not a confident politician or campaigner. He lost his patience and got scared. Newt’s an easy target and no one likes him, so Mitt pounced. What he doesn’t understand is that he is also an easy target and no one likes him either. Hell, Newt’s at least somewhat interesting. Mitt’s running this campaign the way he ran Bain – pick your victim, spend some money, destroy your victim, get rich.
@Hill Dweller:
Nothing that I know of other than he’s falling in love with Ron Paul. But he’s been publishing e-mail after e-mail from readers who are justifying firing people and closing manufacturing companies as just a natural part of business and that we should be mature enough to understand it. Which is precisely the attitude I expect from the MSM. Hence, my pessimism regarding much further reporting on the Bain/Romney issue.
General Stuck
I’m betting he’ll crack wide open like a coconut in a general election. He will find out money won’t buy him voter love when voters realize he doesn’t give a shit about them, and is unable to fake it like what you say “not a confident politician’/ A cold fish on the barrel head is all he is.
I think all the Obots, and Hillarybots from 08 should take a good look at what the Republicans are doing right now, and have the good sense and grace to admit what a bunch of fools we were. “Barack told Hillary she was ‘likable enough’- that’s the dirtiest low-down attack I’ve ever seen.” “That 3am ad is out of line. She’s a monster.” If Hillary and Barack were republicans, she would have produce a 30 min ad on Obama’s secret ties to Muslim terrorists with expert witnesses on birth certificate analysis. He could have hired Geraldo to open Vince Foster’s tomb on live tv.
Andrew Sullivan has a lot of readers but little influence.
@dogwood: I don’t recall any Obama supporters saying the 3am commercial was out of line. Everyone I talked to found it hilarious. It also gave me the opportunity to discover who recognized the origin of “the calls are coming from inside the house!”
@General Stuck:
This. 1000 times THIS!
Precisely why I’ve considered romney the GE loser – as soon as I knew he’d be declared the GOPNOM winner.
Case closed. Seriously.
I’d be more worried if newt won the NOM though frankly. He’s not quite as politically tone-deaf as Mitt, but in Newt’s case, he’s far TOO memorable to beat Obama.
Indeed, Obama said 57 states – Ha Ha Ha. Hillary said she was under sniper fire in Tuzla – Ha Ha Ha. Obama can’t bowl – giggles. Hillary was for Goldwater in ’64 – laughter. Dems are pretty tame compared to the knife-fighting Republicans.
@General Stuck: Also too. If Paul Ryan would have won the NOM, I’d have been worried.
If the Koch brothers knew what they were doing, they’d have offered him $150mil in cash to run – $150 mil – under the table – in small, unmarked, non sequential bills.
And yes, our media, and our electorate is fucked up enough to go for a guy like that. Especially with the amount of fuck-you money behind him (thanks CU! SCOTUS fucks!)
But not Newt. And not Romney. The media could burn their lips off fluffing these two, AND they could have all the cash we “lost” in iraq at their disposal, and they’d still lose.
So I sleep well this cycle.
Substitute what ever you want. The examples themselves weren’t the point,
Hill Dweller
@dogwood: There is no doubt the parties are held to a different standard in the press.
Democrats could never get away with the nihilism Republicans have engaged in since Obama was sworn in. They’ve crippled the confirmation process and slowed the legislative process to a crawl with the filibuster. In the fourth year of Obama’s term, there are still a significant number of vacancies in both the executive and judicial branches.
It’s crazy and unprecedented, but there is nary a peep from the press.
@patroclus: While I agree in general, I’ve always perceived Hillary as a woman that believes in any means to justify an end. Politically, very astute, gifted, and yes – ruthless.
IIRC, at tuckers little online crap rag (daily caller?) some yahoo FP’er suggested that hillary’s campaign originally dropped the birther bomb. Lets just say if it were nearly any other democrat, I would have dismissed the accusation out of hand. With hillary not so much.
I’m also not necessarily opposed to scorched earth politics. So that isn’t a value judgement in and of itself, except to say that I’d think twice before I’d trust her with the oval office.
@Hill Dweller: Personally, I think Rove and friends were already decided on this strategy during the dubya years.
I think they really didn’t figure on the supposed “permanent” majority, despite what they told the already toothless press.
I think they actually figured on having down cycles, because nobody would put up with their shit for more than 8 years at a time and they knew it. (At least until they finally figure out how to cage enough votes to steal every election). They aren’t in it to govern, they’re in it to loot.
In the down cycles, they’d continue tanking shit and obstructing, knowing people would vote for the other party in a down economy. Paving the way for them to loot for another 4 or 8 years. Until it all just fucking burns. At that point, the wealthy will have flown off with the entire American GDP, and there’s simply nothing left to steal.
It’s atrocious, I know. And I basically used to chalk most of Dubyas 8 years up to gross incompetence, cronyism and standard corruption – but since then, the pieces have sort of fell in to place, that have lead me to believe the entire thing was more or less architected.
Maybe I’m just paranoid.
The famous citigroup plutonomy report from 2006 might be some evidence that it’s not just paranoia. (Not the mere existence of the report but more its content.)
Though I think you might be giving a bit more credit to Rove than he deserves…not sure he’s really all that good at thinking long term. Otherwise the Bush admin would have foreseen and avoided a number of own-goals.
@barath: That’s the crap that has me scratching my head too.
But in the end, I don’t think it mattered if they failed on any (or even all) individual objectives, as long as the overarching ones got finished. They have engineered a system whereby it is VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE to hold them to account for any failings. Nothing sticks to them – there’s nobody left to complain – at least nobody that “matters”. That’s the intrinsic (fucked up) beauty of the whole thing. I think we’re getting a glimpse of the endgame about now. CU kinda cinched that for me.
adding: OWS probably kinda was unexpected. and worrisome for these assholes. Oh well. sorted now.
@General Stuck:
I said this yesterday in another thread, but it bears repeating, Romney is the only presidential candidate I’ve seen who is without even of whiff of an interesting or compelling personal narrative. The whole “Who is Barack Obama?” could certainly be called fear mongering, and racist. But fundamentally it’s just an attempt to counter an opponent who has a compelling story to tell about himself and the country. Mitt has no story to tell. The only thing that is interesting about him is his LDS family heritage and he can’t talk about that. The only thing he could bring up that shows he might actually care about the little guy is Romneycare and he can’t talk about that either.
@gaz: Adding it’s more than just rove. And it’s not strictly partisan. It’s more about how much wealth someone controls. That’s what dictates the line of scrimmage, and the players, for the most part.
@Jerzy Russian:
Since we are on the subject of fiction, I would mention here Aldiss’ Helliconia series. It does not just go into the environmental processes afoot when a double star system creates a several-thousand year cycle of climatic shifts from ice age to desert planet and back again, but demonstrates the sort of political systems that grow and decline with changing environments. A nice exercise in marxist world-building with carnivorous goat-people and real ghosts thrown in for good measure.
I did not know that there was any doubt or debate about it. In terms of timing it did not come up until just the moment in the nomination campaign where it might do her some good. Also, look at her husband’s flunkies and the creeps associated with her campaign – Penn, the various vile mudcats, snake-heads, mooses, and so on – would they hesitate to generate such crap?
I am so glad to see her boxed in at State, where she can do some good, just like she did as a Senator when she focused on doing a real job instead of building her ambitions.
I know I’m supposed to hate Obama’s use of drones, but apparently combined with neighboring forces the ruling (and al Qaeda affiliated) group in Somalia is very near defeat. May still all go to shit even if they are defeated, but it’s hard to imagine that the people there could be much worse off.
@Martin: You’re also supposed to be upset that he got bin Laden without the loss of a single service member, and that he made Plan B OTC, and that he extended unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of people, and that he passed the biggest economic stimulus in US history, and that he passed sweeping health care reform that has eluded every president since FDR, and that he created more private sector jobs in his first term than Bush did in eight years, and that he ended DADT.
Obama is such a prick.
We’re supposed to hate a lot of things, Martin, but the things we are morally required to hate don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re interconnected. Making choices in those situations are difficult but necessary. But there will always be some knucklehead out there who will berate you for whichever decision you make and accuse you of moral cowardice. They are either pricks or people who have no tragic sense of history.
Upset? Oh, if only that were the case. You’re supposed to be outraged, incensed, burning with blind hatred at the evil that man has brought upon this beleaguered nation.
Obama, DNC raise 68 mil in Q4.
Mitt’s Joint from the Jim the Realtor.
The Hostess bankruptcy filing might have come at just the right time to take a good, hard look at private equity firms’ maneuverings and serial draining of American firms.
A reader comment from the NYTimes article (in which management blames unions, pensions and healthcare costs for its not being able to survive):
Interesting point about Brazil and its regulatory protections, if true. Not fair to call Brazil a banana republic, though. Are they becoming a sawgrass and clean energy republic now?
was wondering when those numbers would be out, thanks
@Valdivia: Messina – DNC had generated 1.3 million donors, with 583,000 people giving during the most recent quarter. More than 98 percent were for donations of $250 or less and the average donation was $55.
People vs corporations aka mittens’ “people”.
Samara Morgan
i said i wouldnt comment on the book discussion thread because im not interested in reading the book, and i shan’t. But both John’s crazification factor and the defense of hierarchical orders have a biological basis. The scientific terms are Social Dominance Order and Right Wing Authority Tendency. There is a strong correlation (approaching 1) between conservatism and dogmatic xianity, and between republican registration and non-hispanic caucasion ethnicity.
@Suffern ACE: They never look sick if they can help it. First step is always to see if something is up, medically. And is this cat altered? Six months down the road is when these things happen if we don’t spay or neuter a kitten.
If we’re clear on that, then disruptions, as noted by other commenters, might be going on. Cats “mark” things to make them “theirs.” The more secure they are, the less they do this.
My number one article on this subject, sadly, is this one:
Dear Pammy, Is it true about Cats and Shoes?
@amk: Totally disgusting pug question. How can I get the girl to stop eating (eeeeewww) cat litter? In the past she’s done it once or twice & then got over it but now she seems obsessed. Since she’s the same size as the cats anything like a barrier that will keep her out of the litter box will keep the cats out too.
Robert Sneddon
@MikeJ: You forgot the New START treaty although that was built on a long slow diplomatic effort beginning, it can be argued, in the Clinton era. It wasn’t going anywhere though when Obama came to office and he got it negotiated, signed and shepherded through Congress for ratification with little fuss. SoS Clinton was also involved, to give credit where credit is due.
@gelfling545: Pugs can’t jump.
In nature, dogs will scavenge, and the protein-rich poo of cats is difficult to resist. Add in the food-loving tendencies of the typical pug, and training is even more difficult.
Just read this:
Thirty years from now, government is gone. A few monopolies are controlled by an indolent Ownership that simply indulges its whims through paramilitaries. The biggest paramilitary of all is in DC, which is kept as the center of military strength.
Under the rule of corporations and ownership, society is winding down – GM crops overwhelm the natural order and when combined with the economic imbalance, leads to mass starvation.
Samara Morgan
@Yevgraf: Count Zero
@gelfling545: Only thing I could think of is physical separation of cat litter at a higher level ? Cats can jump while pugs not much.
@Elizabelle: Thanks for posting this. We had a discussion of the case yesterday. Glad to get more info. So sad for those workers.
Rita R.
Great comment explaining how the pillaging of companies that Romney is so proud of doing works.
Also from the comments on that article:
“The real question is, has Ripplewood Holdings, LLC, been doing a “Romney” on Hostess, or investing it it?”
Using the Mittster’s name as a noun (or verb: “Romneying”) this way to stand for a private equity firm looting a company, MUST be spread far and wide. Say it to your friends. Post it on your Facebook page. Twitter it to your favorite Villager!
@Yevgraf: I don’t give us 30 years. Climate change is going to accelerate everything. In 30 years, the US may well look like Bagdad, a desert complete with Eric Prince’s boys.
BTW, I’m going to be referring another co-worker of mine to your site, because — being the brave woman that she is — she just adopted her very first cat, a 10-year-old senior kitty who recently lost her owner. Both kitty and new owner are doing well so far, but she has questions since she’s only ever had dogs before.
If I had read that from a *reliable* source I wouldn’t have any doubt.
But I read it from Tucker and his merry band of morons. What the hell kind of idiot would I be if I didn’t DOUBT everything I read from those clowns?
I always assumed that Tyrone was this writer who worked with Rogers on Cosby: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0277466/