Today show just had a segment on the football game last night. Did they talk about Brady…no… What I heard was that tebowmania is here to stay yadda, yadda, yadda.
Technical point. I think they’re fluffier once they get torn to shreds first. It’s important to get the ordering of events correct.
Oh thank GOD it wasn’t just me. I literally just got the paper and saw that story. I wanted to gag on my coffee.
Jesus. After all of those front-page profiles of the Tea Party, too. Remember those? How many have we seen on “who is Occupy Wall Street” and “who are the 99%?” Not a one that I can think of.
@scav: Not sure about the heat setting on the dryer though. Tumbril drying, of course, is a must.
That’s actually good if you’re a Pats fan. We want Brady pissed off that the idiot media is distracted with a shiny object – it motivates him. Rather like the way it must piss off the OWS folks to see this “oh poor poor set upon billionaires” crap – hopefully they’re plotting their next Occupy.
During the Republican debates very little time is spent on education. Of course Perry wants to do away with the department of education so that might be one reason. The NYTimes did have a good article about Romney’s view on education though. It’s the Bain approach. link
By promoting the new chain of for profit colleges that graduate very few, the Republicans can show that government student loans, don’t work. It’s a win, win situation for them.
Someone help me out here, the photo accompanying this story shows the guy who owns Talon Air. That company is ringing a bell with me, but can’t remember why. Something to do with Sarah Palin, I think. Maybe that’s who showed up on her FEC filings or something.
How many have we seen on “who is Occupy Wall Street” and “who are the 99%?”
Perhaps you missed this:
‘Sara Ackerman’s beef with NYU started over an assignment that involved going down to Zuccotti Park and writing an ethnography on the Occupy Wall Street protestors. Sara says she refused to go down because of ethical disagreements and concerns about “the criminals, drug addicts, mentally ill people” that were there.’
I saw that story. Not exactly the nuanced profile in the paper of record that I was looking for. That’s okay, better that the country thinks Occupy Wall Street is a bunch of dirty hippies, druggies and homeless people.
Among the Wealthiest One Percent, Many Variations
– i’m sorry, i couldn’t make it past that headline – by now, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where that’s going
@JPL: not a big sports fan, so i still refuse to find out who Tim Tebow is beyond what i already know which is all i need to know
i suppose i should better inform myself, he’s going to president someday, y’know
@kerFuFFler: isn’t that funny – because what i hear from regular NY’ers is that they have to walk by drug-addicts & homeless people everyday on their way to work or whatever and they’re pretty used to/unfazed by it
personally, even as a southern hick, i think i’d feel more at home there than here in Redstateland – especially considering that a lot of homeless people are really just mentally ill folks who can’t afford treatment, i have oceans of sympathy for those folks
And the NYT keeps trying to put lipstick on this pig to win us over. See, this pig is wearing pink lipstick, as opposed to the previous pig who was wearing red lipstick. These guys are Sulzbergers friends. They’re your average Joes, just like us.
Well, there’s your douchebags, your Mr. Moneybags, your scumbags, your plutocrats … yes, lots of variations!
The first line of the Boston Globe write-up of the game: In a beating of – dare we say – biblical proportions…
Jesus fucking Christ on a piece of toast. The goddam whining and persecution complex of these 1%ers is stunning and disgusting. Fuck them. I fucking work well over 50 hours a week and have an excellent educational background and I have never made over $40k. Every day I see single mothers who work 2 or 3 jobs, go to college, and run a fucking household and care for children with incomes below $20k. No goddam nannies or planes or million or even half million dollar homes to make it easier or more pleasant. These fuckers are clueless and, at this point, I’m thinking tumbrel rides are too good for them. I want drawing and quartering and their beating hearts fed to them in the middle of Rockefeller Plaza.
And that email by the entitled, spoiled brat is just icing on the goddam cake. She is the essence of the College Republican mindset. I hope she ends up broke and homeless, living on the streets and selling her thin and attractive ass for pennies and bottles of Thunderbird.
Fuck, I hate these people.
From the article, a quote from a medical doctor:
But when [OWS] slogan was explained as a complaint against the wealthy’s growing share of income, she shook her head. “I spent four years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, three years as a resident and three years as a fellow,” she said. “You have to look at the people who are complaining.”
This just annoyed me. She apparently thinks people in the 99% are there because they haven’t worked as hard as her.
Who could have predicted that John McCain would be on a Sunday morning bobblehead show to fluff Mittens.
The Times is going to find that their target market of the 1% is not really enough to keep their newspapers afloat. My relatives and I cancelled our subscriptions a few years ago, because of trash articles like this one.
Paper of record? Hasn’t been accurate or complete for years, maybe even a couple decades. Their coverage of OWS is more of the same.
Republicans are indeed in growing trouble as more voters begin to realize how much the party’s policies — dismantling regulations, slashing taxes for the rich, weakening unions — have contributed to inequality and the yawning distance between the middle class and the top end.
The more President Obama talks about narrowing that gap, the more his popularity ratings have risen while those of Congress plummet.
Sure, there are examples of people in the 1% who need a clue-by-four, but it’s not about the people – it’s about the policies that create the disparities.
Making the argument about the idle, entitled rich is making a losing argument – part of the American Dream is working hard and making it big, just like many of the people in the article seem to have.
@Elizabelle: Sounds like the residency hazing program worked well on her. Of course, she also completely missed that OWS isn’t really complaining about people like her. The movement didn’t call itself Occupy Medical School, after all.
I say bring on a European-style universal health system, and let doctors work for a European-style wage. Surely she went in to medicine to—you know—cure and help people?
I know. For what it’s worth, most of my friends have done pretty much the same amount of work (four years of undergrad, five-plus years of grad school, five years trying to get tenure). We make a good living, if nowhere near the 1%. But we don’t justify it by saying, “Oh, we worked so hard, and today we help people…” Millions of people work hard and help people without getting rich.
There has also been a bootlicking series on Romney. I suspect the god of “balance” is being invoked here.
There are also an awful lot of very rich people who read the Times. All of those jewelry and mink coat ads have been in that paper for many years, and there is reason why.
@Daulnay: I have always made this argument about why the newspapers are dying. I, too, stopped buying the newspaper when they became more centrist and right wing. Luckily I had the internet to turn to. But if it hadn’t changed, I would have gladly continued to buy the paper. They are the reason for their own demise. The internet just quickened it.
@RSA: and she think she is the one percent…ass. docs all over are not having as good as they used because of the policies dervied by the true one percenters who never suffer. not unlike chris rock’s analysis of rich versus wealth.
I saw that story. Not exactly the nuanced profile in the paper of record that I was looking for.
WTF?! First, that story is not from the Times, it’s from an NYU blog. And, second, it’s not even about OWS, it’s about some nitwit student’s refusal to go do an assignment on OWS. I fail to see how this is an instance of OWS getting bad press, from the Times or anyone else. Not saying OWS hasn’t received bad press, but as an example this is a nonstarter.
@Steeplejack: Duh, I was joking and agreeing that the 99% and OWS have gotten poor coverage.
OT, for anyone who is kinda feeling sort-of-positive towards Noot:
Not sure why all you DFHs are complaining about the Jahb Creators. If some of you schmoes would create some jobs, instead of (A) complaining, and (B) mooching, you, too, could live in Kings Point.
Well, is he “bad”, or just evil? Although I guess the two are not mutually exclusive.
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
What pisses me off is how this line of fluffery actually seems to work. “OH, look how diverse and hard working those 1%ers are! See how hard they work and how much ALL of them earn that money, why you so jelly you stupid fucking lazy commies?!”
The fact that this actually wins people over just…guhhhhhh…enough people at least to make it seem like an impossible fight.
Benjamin Franklin
A lot of the one percent have the ‘Noblesse Oblige’ gene and deserve some credit for that. They are not the enemy. Although the cartoon impressions are fun, they don’t accomplish more than plain entertainment.
Here’s the kind of thing that pisses me off….. Golden Sacks.
If there was ever a news story that crystalized the moral dementia of modern Wall Street in one little vignette, this is it.
Newspapers in Colorado today are reporting that the elegant Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado, will be closed to the public from today through Monday at noon.
Why? Because a local squire has apparently decided to rent out all 94 rooms of the hotel for three-plus days for his daughter’s Bat Mitzvah.
The hotel’s general manager, Tony DiLucia, would say only that the party was being thrown by a “nice family,” but newspapers are now reporting that the Daddy of the lucky little gal is one Jeffrey Verschleiser, currently an executive with Goldman, Sachs.
“I spent four years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, three years as a resident and three years as a fellow,” she said.”
Why does she think that is more noble or worthy than working at a low-wage job and struggling to make ends meet?
Here’s the important point
The top 1 percent of earners in a given year receives just under a fifth of the country’s pretax income, about double their share 30 years ago.
Aside from the charitable giving and the private planes gassed up and the 26/9 work ethic — aside from all the reeking self-serving horseshit of it — HOW MUCH WILL BE ENOUGH? Their share of the wealth doubled in 30 years. They get one of every five dollars. Do they want two of every five? Why not three?
The problem is that massive shift of wealth away from the many and towards the few. The problem is that said massive shift was not an accident.
And you’ll notice that the very next thing this writer says is:
They pay just over a fourth of all federal taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center. In 2007, they accounted for about 30 percent of philanthropic giving
Obviously, they pay more than their share, and also too give more than their share, right? Right? No.
Don’t know if it was regional or national, but Focus on the Family(tm) bought ad time on last night’s TeBowl. I hope they’re demanding their money back after Jebuz forsake Timmy, and that the network said, “Hell no, we already cashed the check.”
@hitchhiker: How much will be enough? All of it. Winner take all. The only thing left to figure out is how to take it with them when they die. The Egyptian kings tried to take it with them and as we can see in the museums it didn’t work.
The 1%, they work so hard! (26/9 whatever the f*** that could possibly mean.) They deserve the right, every time the GDP grows, to take all of it for themselves!
“I spent four years in undergraduate school, four years in medical school, three years as a resident and three years as a fellow,” she said. “You have to look at the people who are complaining.”
And unless she was on a full-ride scholly all the way through, I’m guessing her education was heavily financed by publicly subsidized student loans.
Her residency was also funded by large federal contributions to GME programs.
But I’m sure she thinks of herself as a “self-made success” who no one helped along the way.
Gust Avrakotos
What a horrible piece of completely not “Truth Vigilantism”
My god, that was such calculated horse shit. Every left wing point they made had to be countered with a right wing counter point presented as if both are fact.
I need to take a shower now. Not just to get the stink of this article I just read off me but since all liberals who support OWS need to take a bath….apparently…….sigh.
This would not have happened if Obama had used the bully pulpit.
@harlana: I want to sit next to you when things all come a tumblin’ down.
pseudonymous in nc
It’s been said before that the New York Times treats the rich and/or population of Manhattan as people, and everybody else as odd animals. You could see that in the piece they ran on the exotic jungle folk of South Carolina this week.
They do feel awfully obliged to lick the asses that feed them.
The goddam whining and persecution complex of these 1%ers is stunning and disgusting. Fuck them. I fucking work well over 50 hours a week and have an excellent educational background and I have never made over $40k.
As Charlie Pierce said, the robber barons of a century ago built libraries and endowed colleges when they were crushing unions and putting together cartels. This bunch just fucking whiners. That’s the irony of the whole Randian bullshit ethos: these supposedly self-sufficient capitalist heroes get their fee-fees hurt when people aren’t bowing down to kiss their rings. They’re really just wannabe feudal lords.
Ah yes, all of those people working long hours at lower wage jobs to keep their family fed clearly aren’t putting in the 26/9 that would entitle them to fabulous wealth and giant tax breaks.
Michael Duke, CEO of Walmart, makes approximately $16,000 an hour. He must be working 29/12 to deserve to make more than the yearly pay of many Walmart employees in a single hour.
And it’s an absurd generalization and simplification regardless of who believes it.
Maybe if every major blog had a daily section where the NYT was soundly mocked… They might pull their heads out of their asses for long enough to realize that their heads are in there in the first place….
nah. that would require a little work on their part. And a level of self-awareness they clearly lack.
Maybe public beatings of the editors. Maybe that’s the ticket. *shrug*
And it’s an absurd generalization and simplification regardless of who believes it
Oh, I’m aware, but when we’re all brought up brainwashed into believing hard work gets you places, that’s what we see.
Instead, we should be handing our kids dildos and teaching them how to give good blowjobs since that’s pretty much how you get anywhere in our society.
True, and that’s often justified in people’s everyday experience. So-and-so in my workplace might work harder or longer hours than I do and pull down a higher income. But according to the article,
The average income of the 1 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center, is $1.5 million
Assuming that’s household income, that’s about 30 times the median. The average 1%er isn’t working 30 times as hard as a 50%er.
Scale messes up people’s judgment. For example, Romney is getting some press for having given an unemployed woman $50 or $60 during a campaign stop. A 50%er, doing the same thing, relative to their net worth, would have handed her two pennies. I mean, charity is great and all, but some perspective helps.
@RSA: I seem to recall that there’s a bible passage about that very thing.
So-and-so in my workplace might work harder or longer hours than I do and pull down a higher income.
not sure that’s true either. The head of my company shows up for work 3 days a week and is in the Hamptons Friday-Sunday. His excuse “Well I worked hard for many years to earn the right to do this now”
Well, speaking just for myself, my only positive feeling about Neut is about the blood he’s drawing from Mittens. Because he is an awful, awful person.
Assuming that’s household income, that’s about 30 times the median. The average 1%er isn’t working 30 times as hard as a 50%er.
Nobody’s saying they’re working 30 times as hard, just that they’re 30 times as productive.
Can a typical 50-percenter point to even one LBO they’ve completed? Or even one factory closing or off-shoring they’ve accomplished? I thought not.
I take it that none of the girl’s friends will be there, right? Just his cronies at work? Lame. I would think that this was the girl’s day and not the parents. (and also, isn’t it Bar Mitzvah for boys not girls?)
The media is so clueless about the whole disgust with the rich. It’s not the rich that people hate, it’s the people that are getting rich at the expense of everyone else. Because of where I grew up I know at least a couple of dozen one percenters. And yes, they are a diverse group. Some come from wealth, others started in the middle class and acquired it. Some are scumbags that deserve the animus directed towards the top, others are salt of the earth. But it’s not about people being rich, it’s about what they did to get rich, and what they continue to do to make sure they stay rich.
Two examples of friends/relatives. One became enormously wealthy at the Board of Trade in Chicago. But did it by playing by the rules. Not just abiding by the letter of the law, but by the spirit of the law if you will. He didn’t spend all his time trying to screw people for an extra buck and doesn’t spend his time trying to avoid paying his taxes or influencing politicians to give him even bigger advantages.
The other got wealthy in real estate and currency trading. He worked very hard, but approached every deal with an attitude that he would try to screw everyone he could on every deal if given the chance. He never worries about doing things the right way and he and all his associates take the attitude that, who cares if I’m doing something that is technically illegal, I have better lawyers than you so sue me. He also spends an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid paying taxes or hiding assets. Those are the people that are the one percent. It’s not about being rich. It’s how you got rich, and whether or not you do things to keep / increase that condition.
The stupid thing is that the NYT would get more readers if they reported about the 99% – not just OWS, but ordinary Janes and Joes. Many people like to read about people like themselves. They could start with the office cleaners. It would be cheaper as well.
I knew if it was a 1-line post there would be more to the article than that.
I think what the NYT is trying to get at is something like Chris Hedges “Death Of The Liberal Class”. Many of the 1% as they showed in the figure are financiers and managers. But many are just the kind of professionals that you need to populate the liberal class who happen to be making a lot of money, and that may have something to do with the $380,000 income cutoff. The presence of some liberal views and the fact that these people are living in liberal enclaves where their income means “comfortable” support this idea.
What really pisses me off about these guys who say they work 26/9 is what they call work.
They spend a few hours reading emails and they’ve been working all morning. Having been masochistic enough to read a few Forbes articles about the rich this is something that they often say to try to make these guys seem busier than they really are.
The asshole flies somewhere on his super comfortable private jet getting plastered and he was working all day long.
Lavish dinners with some other asshole where he eats the best food and drinks the best wine all while writing it off as a business expense is hard work.
and also, isn’t it Bar Mitzvah for boys not girls?
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls?
Except for 1-percenters?
OK, so it doesn’t rhyme.
What really pisses me off about these guys who say they work 26/9 is what they call work.
Reminds me of Tigerhork, he of the “look at how fucking hard I’m working, you fucking liberals” vids. Except he’s talking about gen’ing PowerPoint presentations and so forth. Guy was a dick from the word go, and proud of being one.
It’s like the old rule-of-thumb for sex in high school (back in Teh Day): the guys talking about doing it the most were doing it the least. Well, with a partner, that is.
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Today show just had a segment on the football game last night. Did they talk about Brady…no… What I heard was that tebowmania is here to stay yadda, yadda, yadda.
Technical point. I think they’re fluffier once they get torn to shreds first. It’s important to get the ordering of events correct.
Southern Beale
Oh thank GOD it wasn’t just me. I literally just got the paper and saw that story. I wanted to gag on my coffee.
Jesus. After all of those front-page profiles of the Tea Party, too. Remember those? How many have we seen on “who is Occupy Wall Street” and “who are the 99%?” Not a one that I can think of.
@scav: Not sure about the heat setting on the dryer though. Tumbril drying, of course, is a must.
Cat Lady
That’s actually good if you’re a Pats fan. We want Brady pissed off that the idiot media is distracted with a shiny object – it motivates him. Rather like the way it must piss off the OWS folks to see this “oh poor poor set upon billionaires” crap – hopefully they’re plotting their next Occupy.
During the Republican debates very little time is spent on education. Of course Perry wants to do away with the department of education so that might be one reason. The NYTimes did have a good article about Romney’s view on education though. It’s the Bain approach. link
By promoting the new chain of for profit colleges that graduate very few, the Republicans can show that government student loans, don’t work. It’s a win, win situation for them.
Southern Beale
Someone help me out here, the photo accompanying this story shows the guy who owns Talon Air. That company is ringing a bell with me, but can’t remember why. Something to do with Sarah Palin, I think. Maybe that’s who showed up on her FEC filings or something.
Ring any bells with anyone else?
Michael Bersin
Doesn’t everybody?
@Southern Beale:
Perhaps you missed this:
‘Sara Ackerman’s beef with NYU started over an assignment that involved going down to Zuccotti Park and writing an ethnography on the Occupy Wall Street protestors. Sara says she refused to go down because of ethical disagreements and concerns about “the criminals, drug addicts, mentally ill people” that were there.’
How’s that for a profile piece?
Read more: NYU Student Weaves Elaborate Email-Drama, Beefs With Administration Over OWS And Student Ethics · NYU Local
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Southern Beale
I saw that story. Not exactly the nuanced profile in the paper of record that I was looking for. That’s okay, better that the country thinks Occupy Wall Street is a bunch of dirty hippies, druggies and homeless people.
– i’m sorry, i couldn’t make it past that headline – by now, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where that’s going
@JPL: not a big sports fan, so i still refuse to find out who Tim Tebow is beyond what i already know which is all i need to know
i suppose i should better inform myself, he’s going to president someday, y’know
@kerFuFFler: isn’t that funny – because what i hear from regular NY’ers is that they have to walk by drug-addicts & homeless people everyday on their way to work or whatever and they’re pretty used to/unfazed by it
personally, even as a southern hick, i think i’d feel more at home there than here in Redstateland – especially considering that a lot of homeless people are really just mentally ill folks who can’t afford treatment, i have oceans of sympathy for those folks
And the NYT keeps trying to put lipstick on this pig to win us over. See, this pig is wearing pink lipstick, as opposed to the previous pig who was wearing red lipstick. These guys are Sulzbergers friends. They’re your average Joes, just like us.
Southern Beale
Well, there’s your douchebags, your Mr. Moneybags, your scumbags, your plutocrats … yes, lots of variations!
The first line of the Boston Globe write-up of the game: In a beating of – dare we say – biblical proportions…
Jesus fucking Christ on a piece of toast. The goddam whining and persecution complex of these 1%ers is stunning and disgusting. Fuck them. I fucking work well over 50 hours a week and have an excellent educational background and I have never made over $40k. Every day I see single mothers who work 2 or 3 jobs, go to college, and run a fucking household and care for children with incomes below $20k. No goddam nannies or planes or million or even half million dollar homes to make it easier or more pleasant. These fuckers are clueless and, at this point, I’m thinking tumbrel rides are too good for them. I want drawing and quartering and their beating hearts fed to them in the middle of Rockefeller Plaza.
And that email by the entitled, spoiled brat is just icing on the goddam cake. She is the essence of the College Republican mindset. I hope she ends up broke and homeless, living on the streets and selling her thin and attractive ass for pennies and bottles of Thunderbird.
Fuck, I hate these people.
From the article, a quote from a medical doctor:
This just annoyed me. She apparently thinks people in the 99% are there because they haven’t worked as hard as her.
But they work 26/9.
I know, because someone from the 1% told me.
And the NY Times printed it.
So it has be true.
@Southern Beale:
Fascinating re Talon Air. Wonder if that will pan out.
I say bring on a European-style universal health system, and let doctors work for a European-style wage.
Surely she went in to medicine to — you know — cure and help people?
@Southern Beale: Talon Air means nothing to me, but it did remind me of Talon News.
Cat Lady
Who could have predicted that John McCain would be on a Sunday morning bobblehead show to fluff Mittens.
The Times is going to find that their target market of the 1% is not really enough to keep their newspapers afloat. My relatives and I cancelled our subscriptions a few years ago, because of trash articles like this one.
Paper of record? Hasn’t been accurate or complete for years, maybe even a couple decades. Their coverage of OWS is more of the same.
And in today’s editorial, this:
Sure, there are examples of people in the 1% who need a clue-by-four, but it’s not about the people – it’s about the policies that create the disparities.
Making the argument about the idle, entitled rich is making a losing argument – part of the American Dream is working hard and making it big, just like many of the people in the article seem to have.
@Elizabelle: Sounds like the
residencyhazing program worked well on her. Of course, she also completely missed that OWS isn’t really complaining about people like her. The movement didn’t call itself Occupy Medical School, after all.RSA
I know. For what it’s worth, most of my friends have done pretty much the same amount of work (four years of undergrad, five-plus years of grad school, five years trying to get tenure). We make a good living, if nowhere near the 1%. But we don’t justify it by saying, “Oh, we worked so hard, and today we help people…” Millions of people work hard and help people without getting rich.
There has also been a bootlicking series on Romney. I suspect the god of “balance” is being invoked here.
There are also an awful lot of very rich people who read the Times. All of those jewelry and mink coat ads have been in that paper for many years, and there is reason why.
@Daulnay: I have always made this argument about why the newspapers are dying. I, too, stopped buying the newspaper when they became more centrist and right wing. Luckily I had the internet to turn to. But if it hadn’t changed, I would have gladly continued to buy the paper. They are the reason for their own demise. The internet just quickened it.
@RSA: and she think she is the one percent…ass. docs all over are not having as good as they used because of the policies dervied by the true one percenters who never suffer. not unlike chris rock’s analysis of rich versus wealth.
@kerFuFFler, @Southern Beale:
WTF?! First, that story is not from the Times, it’s from an NYU blog. And, second, it’s not even about OWS, it’s about some nitwit student’s refusal to go do an assignment on OWS. I fail to see how this is an instance of OWS getting bad press, from the Times or anyone else. Not saying OWS hasn’t received bad press, but as an example this is a nonstarter.
@Steeplejack: Duh, I was joking and agreeing that the 99% and OWS have gotten poor coverage.
OT, for anyone who is kinda feeling sort-of-positive towards Noot:
Just remember, he’s a bad person.
Not sure why all you DFHs are complaining about the Jahb Creators. If some of you schmoes would create some jobs, instead of (A) complaining, and (B) mooching, you, too, could live in Kings Point.
And your kids could go to Great Neck North High School, perhaps the most upstanding high school on that side of Great Neck. (
So quit whinging, you slackers!
Well, is he “bad”, or just evil? Although I guess the two are not mutually exclusive.
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
What pisses me off is how this line of fluffery actually seems to work. “OH, look how diverse and hard working those 1%ers are! See how hard they work and how much ALL of them earn that money, why you so jelly you stupid fucking lazy commies?!”
The fact that this actually wins people over just…guhhhhhh…enough people at least to make it seem like an impossible fight.
Benjamin Franklin
A lot of the one percent have the ‘Noblesse Oblige’ gene and deserve some credit for that. They are not the enemy. Although the cartoon impressions are fun, they don’t accomplish more than plain entertainment.
At least the NYT is calling them the 1%.
Benjamin Franklin
Here’s the kind of thing that pisses me off….. Golden Sacks.
Read more:
Triassic Sands
Why does she think that is more noble or worthy than working at a low-wage job and struggling to make ends meet?
Here’s the important point
Aside from the charitable giving and the private planes gassed up and the 26/9 work ethic — aside from all the reeking self-serving horseshit of it — HOW MUCH WILL BE ENOUGH? Their share of the wealth doubled in 30 years. They get one of every five dollars. Do they want two of every five? Why not three?
The problem is that massive shift of wealth away from the many and towards the few. The problem is that said massive shift was not an accident.
And you’ll notice that the very next thing this writer says is:
Obviously, they pay more than their share, and also too give more than their share, right? Right? No.
Linda Featheringill
@HelpThe99ers: #24
Linda Featheringill
Yes, they are. Why knit when you can publish a column?
Don’t know if it was regional or national, but Focus on the Family(tm) bought ad time on last night’s TeBowl. I hope they’re demanding their money back after Jebuz forsake Timmy, and that the network said, “Hell no, we already cashed the check.”
@hitchhiker: How much will be enough? All of it. Winner take all. The only thing left to figure out is how to take it with them when they die. The Egyptian kings tried to take it with them and as we can see in the museums it didn’t work.
Aardvark Cheeselog
The 1%, they work so hard! (26/9 whatever the f*** that could possibly mean.) They deserve the right, every time the GDP grows, to take all of it for themselves!
And unless she was on a full-ride scholly all the way through, I’m guessing her education was heavily financed by publicly subsidized student loans.
Her residency was also funded by large federal contributions to GME programs.
But I’m sure she thinks of herself as a “self-made success” who no one helped along the way.
Gust Avrakotos
What a horrible piece of completely not “Truth Vigilantism”
My god, that was such calculated horse shit. Every left wing point they made had to be countered with a right wing counter point presented as if both are fact.
I need to take a shower now. Not just to get the stink of this article I just read off me but since all liberals who support OWS need to take a bath….apparently…….sigh.
This would not have happened if Obama had used the bully pulpit.
@harlana: I want to sit next to you when things all come a tumblin’ down.
pseudonymous in nc
It’s been said before that the New York Times treats the rich and/or population of Manhattan as people, and everybody else as odd animals. You could see that in the piece they ran on the exotic jungle folk of South Carolina this week.
They do feel awfully obliged to lick the asses that feed them.
pseudonymous in nc
As Charlie Pierce said, the robber barons of a century ago built libraries and endowed colleges when they were crushing unions and putting together cartels. This bunch just fucking whiners. That’s the irony of the whole Randian bullshit ethos: these supposedly self-sufficient capitalist heroes get their fee-fees hurt when people aren’t bowing down to kiss their rings. They’re really just wannabe feudal lords.
Ah yes, all of those people working long hours at lower wage jobs to keep their family fed clearly aren’t putting in the 26/9 that would entitle them to fabulous wealth and giant tax breaks.
Michael Duke, CEO of Walmart, makes approximately $16,000 an hour. He must be working 29/12 to deserve to make more than the yearly pay of many Walmart employees in a single hour.
uh, this is a common belief, even among the 99%.
The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik
And it’s an absurd generalization and simplification regardless of who believes it.
Maybe if every major blog had a daily section where the NYT was soundly mocked… They might pull their heads out of their asses for long enough to realize that their heads are in there in the first place….
nah. that would require a little work on their part. And a level of self-awareness they clearly lack.
Maybe public beatings of the editors. Maybe that’s the ticket. *shrug*
James E. Powell
It is no accident that this belief is so widespread and deeply entrenched. Relentless propaganda works.
@OzoneR: LOL!
@The Snarxist Formerly Known As Kryptik:
Oh, I’m aware, but when we’re all brought up brainwashed into believing hard work gets you places, that’s what we see.
Instead, we should be handing our kids dildos and teaching them how to give good blowjobs since that’s pretty much how you get anywhere in our society.
True, and that’s often justified in people’s everyday experience. So-and-so in my workplace might work harder or longer hours than I do and pull down a higher income. But according to the article,
Assuming that’s household income, that’s about 30 times the median. The average 1%er isn’t working 30 times as hard as a 50%er.
Scale messes up people’s judgment. For example, Romney is getting some press for having given an unemployed woman $50 or $60 during a campaign stop. A 50%er, doing the same thing, relative to their net worth, would have handed her two pennies. I mean, charity is great and all, but some perspective helps.
@RSA: I seem to recall that there’s a bible passage about that very thing.
“Tithing” is all about percentage of income ;)
not sure that’s true either. The head of my company shows up for work 3 days a week and is in the Hamptons Friday-Sunday. His excuse “Well I worked hard for many years to earn the right to do this now”
Well, speaking just for myself, my only positive feeling about Neut is about the blood he’s drawing from Mittens. Because he is an awful, awful person.
Nobody’s saying they’re working 30 times as hard, just that they’re 30 times as productive.
Can a typical 50-percenter point to even one LBO they’ve completed? Or even one factory closing or off-shoring they’ve accomplished? I thought not.
Bunch of whiners, I tells ya.
Are they? Or are their workers?
Obviously, they are. If their workers were 30 times as productive, they (workers) would be in the 1 percent, too. Also.
QED, ipso facto, and LSMFT.
Good one! I’m starting to feel enlightenment… Or maybe something else…
@Benjamin Franklin:
I take it that none of the girl’s friends will be there, right? Just his cronies at work? Lame. I would think that this was the girl’s day and not the parents. (and also, isn’t it Bar Mitzvah for boys not girls?)
The media is so clueless about the whole disgust with the rich. It’s not the rich that people hate, it’s the people that are getting rich at the expense of everyone else. Because of where I grew up I know at least a couple of dozen one percenters. And yes, they are a diverse group. Some come from wealth, others started in the middle class and acquired it. Some are scumbags that deserve the animus directed towards the top, others are salt of the earth. But it’s not about people being rich, it’s about what they did to get rich, and what they continue to do to make sure they stay rich.
Two examples of friends/relatives. One became enormously wealthy at the Board of Trade in Chicago. But did it by playing by the rules. Not just abiding by the letter of the law, but by the spirit of the law if you will. He didn’t spend all his time trying to screw people for an extra buck and doesn’t spend his time trying to avoid paying his taxes or influencing politicians to give him even bigger advantages.
The other got wealthy in real estate and currency trading. He worked very hard, but approached every deal with an attitude that he would try to screw everyone he could on every deal if given the chance. He never worries about doing things the right way and he and all his associates take the attitude that, who cares if I’m doing something that is technically illegal, I have better lawyers than you so sue me. He also spends an inordinate amount of time trying to avoid paying taxes or hiding assets. Those are the people that are the one percent. It’s not about being rich. It’s how you got rich, and whether or not you do things to keep / increase that condition.
Down and Out of Sài Gòn
The stupid thing is that the NYT would get more readers if they reported about the 99% – not just OWS, but ordinary Janes and Joes. Many people like to read about people like themselves. They could start with the office cleaners. It would be cheaper as well.
I knew if it was a 1-line post there would be more to the article than that.
I think what the NYT is trying to get at is something like Chris Hedges “Death Of The Liberal Class”. Many of the 1% as they showed in the figure are financiers and managers. But many are just the kind of professionals that you need to populate the liberal class who happen to be making a lot of money, and that may have something to do with the $380,000 income cutoff. The presence of some liberal views and the fact that these people are living in liberal enclaves where their income means “comfortable” support this idea.
What really pisses me off about these guys who say they work 26/9 is what they call work.
They spend a few hours reading emails and they’ve been working all morning. Having been masochistic enough to read a few Forbes articles about the rich this is something that they often say to try to make these guys seem busier than they really are.
The asshole flies somewhere on his super comfortable private jet getting plastered and he was working all day long.
Lavish dinners with some other asshole where he eats the best food and drinks the best wine all while writing it off as a business expense is hard work.
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls?
Except for 1-percenters?
OK, so it doesn’t rhyme.
Reminds me of Tigerhork, he of the “look at how fucking hard I’m working, you fucking liberals” vids. Except he’s talking about gen’ing PowerPoint presentations and so forth. Guy was a dick from the word go, and proud of being one.
It’s like the old rule-of-thumb for sex in high school (back in Teh Day): the guys talking about doing it the most were doing it the least. Well, with a partner, that is.