(Jack Ohman via GoComics.com)
At this point, I guess Newt the Destroyer and across-the-field injuries is the most entertainment we can hope for. Fox News is responsible for this one, two full hours live (well, life-like) from the South Carolina vacation spot, starting at 9pm. Not gonna try livestreaming from Darth Ailes’ site, which keeps crashing my desktop, but fortunately Richard Adams and his fellows at the Guardian will be liveblogging:
… There’s two vital questions at stake in tonight’s Republican presidential debate in South Carolina – well, three if you count “Another debate?” as a question. The first is: Can Mitt Romney be stopped from winning the GOP presidential nomination? And the second is: Which one of the remaining losers on stage tonight is going to stop him?
One hates to (as the British say) micturate on your french fries, but the answer to the first is “no” and to the second is “duh”.
Should Romney win the South Carolina primary next Saturday – and the latest polling suggests he will – then that effectively ends the GOP contest. The only way that story line is going to change is if Romney doesn’t win the South Carolina primary, and probably the only way that will happen is if he is figuratively disemboweled by his debate rivals, namely Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Rick Perry.
That’s why tonight’s debate – and the following debate on Thursday, also in South Carolina – are so important for the shrinking “anyone but Romney” segment of the Republican party….
9.43pm: Asked why he hasn’t released his tax records, Mitt Romney basically says “I’ll do that when I’m the nominee”
…. and after the Board has signed the contract spelling out the details of Willard’s golden parachute, should he fail to achieve Leadership in his new postion…
Old Dan and Little Ann – January 16, 2012 | 10:19 pm
The Hope of the World needs MORE GUNS! – Shorter Willard
Brett Smiley at NYMag‘s Daily Intel:
Responding to a question about gun rights in Fox News’ Republican debate, Mitt Romney feigned an interest in hunting. It was an uncomfortable moment. Romney said that he’s not a great hunter but he’s happy to go when he’s invited. Are you out there, Mr. Cheney?
Richard Adams, again:
Oh, Fox News has a Twitter gadget showing if viewers liked or disliked candidate’s answers. Looks like everyone thinks Mitt Romney is an evasive charlatan. This probably makes him a more attractive candidate.
The not-Romneys need to coalesce Voltron-like into one super-candidate — NewtSantPaulry
ugh!!! 2.FREAKIN’.HOURS!!!!!!
I’ma be watching Golden Globes Fashion Police w/Joan Rivers and trying to fight this damn cold I’ve got.
Mitt the Ripper
I can’t wait to carve up Medicare
Time for some dirty tricks.
I’m looking for Newt to end every question, on every subject, with ‘Romney delanda est’.
vs, RomneyBot3000!
battlebots! yay!
Mike in NC
Tonight’s question to these clowns should be: “Are you in favor of or are you opposed to having a national holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.?”
The dog whistles would be amazing, and the crowd would go into a frenzy.
Because when I think of an exemplar of Christianity, I inevitably think ‘Donald Trump’.
Cat Lady
Please please please South Carolina, vote your values and go with Rick Perry, and Florida – please go with Ron Paul. Keep left blogistan entertained for a few more weeks. kthx.
Who’s using a good free dynamic dns service? LAst time I used one was some years ago with homeip.net, but they seem to have gone all pay. Any others that anybody trusts?
Cat Lady
Angelina Jolie’s dress FTW.
@Mike in NC: Didn’t Ron Paul vote against establishing MLK Day?
it’s Fox news, so I expect some fluffing of Santorum, but mostly slobbering Mittens boots and going all in on Newt and his “liberal-agenda” ads.
WereBear (itouch)
I’m fine with Romney getting the nom.
He has such a touch with the public. And everyone gets goosebumps when he recites America the Beautiful. And unlike McCain, I’m sure he knows how many houses he has.
Out of all the possible candidates, Romney has the absolute worst track record at actually being elected to anything. So go go gadget Republican!
I’m looking forward to the evening gown portion of this debate.
@Cat Lady: loved the top, hated the bottom.
but wtf was up with Buffy the vampire slayer’s watercooler travesty of a dress?
Starting with Dr King quote, fucking hilarious.
@Baud: Newt Gingrich in a fetching strapless number from Vera Wang…
(apologies to anyone trying to eat dinner)
Cat Lady
Seriously ugly – it looked like at the last minute she decided to go to the event, looked around and said hey, I can tie dye these sheets and wrap them around me! Sort of like Carol Burnett with curtains.
@dmsilev: Hey Wang!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
TRMS reporting that there the Protestant god-bothers from this weekend’s summit to pick an anti-Romney for Jeebus are accusing the Catholic god-botherers of going all Borgia on their vote, to rig it for Santorum over Newtie
If I were the GOP, I would have kept the Romney in it’s original packaging. I hear it’s worth more that way.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: Did Ron Paul show up in a meat dress? Rick Santorum in the Swan get-up from Bjork?
David Koch
@Cat Lady: Angelina is a Obot.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: don’t try to ruin Bjork for me =)
The Pale Scot
What ’till fox finds this.
“Unraveling the Obama/Mars Connection”
“In this seven-hour presentation, they will explore the deep politics of President Barack Obama’s background, including his involvement in the CIA’s Mars visitation program of the 1980’s”
Republcans are bad.
Against my better judgement, I decided to fire up the live stream and watch the atrocities. Someone somewhere in the Intertubes has taken pity on me and has stopped said stream from loading (just an endlessly spinning ‘processing’ symbol). Anyone get the stream to work?
The only question Perry should ever be asked is “what federal agencies would you eliminate?”
Brian R.
Perry going for the income tax returns. BRING IT.
Gust Avrakotos
Bahaha. I really don’t like Chris Matthews much these days but he just invented a term that I love and think will stick.
Or maybe he heard someone else say it and was just repeating.
“The Flagalanante Class”. Referring to Firebaggers and white men in the 50’s and 60’s with pony tails who say they will stay home in Nov because they never got a public option.
Ha! Good one. It was during the Sully segement who was very good btw. in making a case for an Obama 2nd term.
Fox News debate in South Carolina on MLK day. What could go wrong?
Cat Lady
@David Koch:
Hot, talented, and smart. Sigh.
Brian R.
Mitt pisses away his 30 seconds demanding more than 30 seconds.
@dmsilev: traffic
@The Pale Scot: That’s like the crank email I got over the weekend decrying general relativity and the conspiracy to prop it up. Sample:
“Einstein gravitation is afflicted by truly fundamental inconsistencies published in refereed journals which have been accumulating during the past century, but which have remained completely ignored by organized academic, financial and ethnic interests on Einstein”
“Serious science solely advances via publications in “serious refereed journals” (thus excluding arXiv, Wikipedia, YouTube & Co). Therefore, recipient of public financial support in gravitation who completely ignore, without even quoting, the structural inconsistencies of their work published in refereed journals following documentation of their awareness, violate various Federal Laws on counts that should be identified by True Americans to rather than by myself.”
@Raven: Ah, so many other people are sacrificing themselves to preserve my sanity. Hordes of nameless people, I salute thee!
Ron Paul thinks Ron Paul is funny.
@Baud: Actually, not bad.
@dmsilev: Oh. Is that where BoB gets his material?
Let the PAC dancin begin. . .
Santorum is feeling the spirit of the Lord.
freelancer (iPhone)
Romney is so awful. I can’t wait for the general election debates.
“Africans Americans” Ricky S
David Koch
Only Ron Paul has the courage to negotiate a heroin free trade treaty.
Romney is doing his best Colbert impersonation in talking about SuperPACs.
@dmsilev: Wow, “recipient of public financial support in gravitation” — how can I get that gig?
freelancer (iPhone)
I did a search for “fox” on Justin.tv and found a live stream.
Richard Adams usually has very good insights, but I think he is wrong here. The only way the Romneytronic can be stopped is if his rivals literally
disembowel himtake out his circuit boards onlive TV.Old Dan and Little Ann
@Raven: That was a good one. Fucking idiots, the lot of ’em.
@Redshift: Well, feel free to submit a grant proposal to NSF…
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Watched Michelle Obama on iCarly earlier with the kids. You could tell she had a lot of fun with it. She participated in “Is Gibby wearing a hat or criticizing a hampster?”
Lines: “I’m not supposed to mention the robot?” To her secret service men: “Would someone get this girl a sandwich!”
Say what you will about him, it was sort of fun seeing Santorum use courtroom questioning techniques on Romney. As in a courtroom, the more Romney tried to squirm, the worse he looked.
@freelancer (iPhone): It looks like the Gods have frowned on me; the Fox stream has come alive. It’s a commercial break right now, but here it goes…
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Aww shit, I forgot! Oh well, only missed the east coast feed, west coast feed starts in an hour.
David Koch
Only Ron Paul has the courage to legalize child pornography.
Ewwww. Did you hear the guttural rebel yell from the audience when Perry said South Carolina “is at war with this federal government?”
@Raven: AGAIN!
I doubt that would work. I suspect the sexbot lovers at Powerline and/or Instapundit* would support a Romneybot with nearly equal to sexbot fervor as a step on the path to their dreams.
(*I can never remember if it’s Assrocket, Glenn Reynolds, or both who are the big robot fetishists.)
Ouch, ole Juan Williams is gonna get at least a sub-category on Memorandum tomorrow for asking about voter ID laws on MLK Day. My guess is Hot Air, the Other McCain and/or Instapundit. Bonus to Perry for somehow switching his answer to blast Obama on religion.
freelancer (iPhone)
Shorter Rick Perry: let’s all walk to Ft. Sumpter and throw rocks at it some more!
Crowd: Whoo! War on the Union!
ETA: Fuck the South.
Santorum: Unemployed people should attend Romney rallies and beg for money.
@DCLaw1: And governor snake charmer was ecstatic!
@Raven: Just in time for the sesquicentennial!
@freelancer (iPhone): Let er rip, I’m already down here so I won’t have to travel to kick their seditious asses again.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Raven: At least SC is consistent. What’s old is new again, and it’s still too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.
It was by far the loudest, most lustful cheer so far in the debate. Disgusting.
I’m pretty sure that’s Glenn “Instahack” Reynolds.
Holy crap. There are more dog-whistles in this debate than a canine training center.
Old Dan and Little Ann
The only decent end to Newt would be choking to death on food stamps.
Romney: American needs to stop regulating and taxing Europe.
Tim F.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Heart attack while engaged in a threesome with present wife and mistress?
Newt: “We’ll only pay to keep you from being homeless only if you can afford to take a typing class, ya lazy bums!”
@Bnut: A three bagger!
On MLK Day.
What a tacky guy. Perry should have worn a jacket with the Confederate flag silk-screened on its back.
Paul quoting that sissy Ike.
Ron Paul, just off-handedly, said that unemployment insurance should be privatized.
Ayn Rand would be proud.
@Raven: My appetite just went poof.
Yep! Since 1861. Hence the Confederate flag still flyin’.
@Baud: LOL.
I don’t remember the deal right now but he did vote against the establishment of MLK Day. He has a dodge though that he voted for some precursor deal so he tells people now that he voted for it when he didn’t.
@Yutsano: xin loi
Q: Romney, will you release your tax returns?
A: Umm, ahh, err, “I’ll keep that open”.
Ron Paul, pining for No Taxes. I bet Somalia would vote for him. If they had elections.
“We’re showing a lot of exposure”. Mitten
Linda Featheringill
The furious screams from the audience in response to the endless parade of racial dog whistles are making this a very interesting beer hall, er, debate.
Juan: “Gov. Romney, your father was born in Mexico, you still have family there…”
W to the FUCK, South Carolina?!
@Raven: Your Mandarin makes you seem elitist.
Old Dan and Little Ann
Tax Form questions cause Willard to stutter and use passive language.
But he does love him some legal immigrants.
@DCLaw1: Keep on putschin, yea yea. . .
Ron Paul:
After the holiday passed, he voted to move the celebration from the 15th to the 3rd Monday in January. Hardly the same as voting for it.
David Koch
Only Ron Paul has the courage to legalize the sale of human organs.
John O
I’m watching the film version of Armageddon instead.
@dmsilev: Follow-up: the video clip that will be made from this will be well worth watching. Such a simple question, and he spent the better part of a minute literally hemming and hawing and avoiding giving a straight answer. I mean, I could see the gears grinding and stripping inside his head.
There’s *something* in those returns.
Vietnamese, I think.
We are Vietnamese if you pleeze
We are Vietnamese if you don’t pleeze
I’m playing that drinking game where I take a big swig of wine every time Newt says “Frankly, . . . ”
I’m already pretty looped.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: vâng
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I can’t find anything on a quick google about a compromise, but IIRC a lot of ‘wingers wanted MLK Day to paired with a Robert E Lee Day.
Sweet motherfucking Tebow, somebody really ought to punch Santorum in his lying face.
Thinking about the thread from earlier today that was questioning whether immigrants will find a place in the GOP, I just read* this bit:
I’d say, at least in the short term, the answer remains a jeering and booing sound.
*Reading various liveblogs. Can’t stand to watch the shit-show.
David Koch
Only Ron Paul has the courage to legalize dog fighting.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: @Raven: Just let me have my Huntsman joke, it’s all I have.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@freelancer: Jesus, from what I’m reading here, maybe they can stir up enough hate to knock Mittens off nest week..
In this primary, not overall. I despise him, so it will be fun if he has to sweat it out some more, the Nixony fuck.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Some of them got what they wanted:
“The combined Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King holiday is a state holiday in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia and Mississippi on the third Monday of January.”
And the crowd doesn’t disappoint.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Hmm, lookin Japanese to me. I only spent an hour on the air strip at Tachikawa.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Paul’s being a classic politician about this.
He voted yes on a procedural vote that included something that moved the MLK bill along. Every other time the holiday came up for a vote, he was a no. One presumes his research team found one incidence where he voted yes (because of the other stuff in the bill, I’m thinking) so on a technicality of dickish proportions, he “voted for” MLK Day.
Can you say that in the voice of an internally distressed elephant?
The racist motherfuckers should be naped.
Hai, sou desu, Raben-san.
Have you noticed the way the audience is booing Juan Williams, no matter what he asks? Where did all that hate come from? (Well, apart from the whole “Juan” thing.) (And former NPR, of course.)
Gingrich is going to help poor people? I knew those flying pigs were there for a reason.
Massive cheers to Newt’s response that he cannot understand how his comments about food stamps might offend black people. Which, interestingly, was in response to a question from the panel’s only black questioner.
And now boos to Williams’ follow-up question on the same topic, and laughter when Newt condescendingly says, “First of all, Juan…”
The food stamps dog whistling in Juan Williams’ face could easily give Newt a 5-10 point boost in South Carolina. They went to commercial debate with the crowd practically rushing the stage to lift Newt up for his Angry White Man rants.
I love the way Newt speaks truth to the liberal media that is Fox News.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Did Williams just say “yes sir” to that fat, racist asshole?
Caddell, Schoen and Rollins. Three not very wise monkeys.
@DCLaw1: And then wagged that chubby finger at him.
@DCLaw1: I wonder whether Williams regrets selling his soul to Rupert.
Honestly, I was so horrified by what the various lunatics were saying that I think my heart stopped for a second. I hope Williams had enough residual dignity not to say it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Nice. If I ever decide to take over the Lemony Snicket franchise, it’s gonna be as “Nixony Fucket.”
Newt: Are there no workhouses?
My Great-Great Grandfather fought under Sherman. I feel a deep hatred for Johnny Reb that just sits in my genes right now, and am just disgusted watching this.
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Sad elephant is sad.
Abraham Lincoln and TR must be rotating at warp speed in their graves after hearing what this vile rabble of cowardly hate-peddlers have to offer.
Michelle Bachmann’s former campaign manager says that Newt Gingrich is winning the debate. Well, I guess that settles that.
“Maybe, oh, I dunno, around April sometime?”
Here we go – questions about foreign policy. These South Carolina Republicans will show their Principled love of smaller government and spending cuts by lustily cheering for war and against Ron Paul’s non-interventionism.
Baier seems to be accusing Ron Paul of wanting to save the life of Bin Laden from Obama’s assassins.
Reading Richard Adams of the Guardian liveblogging + BJ comments = feeling like there is intelligent life out there somewhere.
But the SETI signals are very weak.
Ron Paul: They got Osama after the statute of limitations expired.
I’d say that this food stamp president business means that Gingrich has lost my vote, but that does imply that he ever had an opportunity to have it.
They’re not racist. They just care about the constitution.
Get a room, you two.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m coming around to the theory that he doesn’t want to release his 2010 return, but that he spent most of 2011 having his money managed in such a way that his 2011 return won’t look quite so bad.
Appears the audience is booing Juan Williams. I guess he might want to whine to NPR about this or something.
ETA: Perils of reading liveblogs and being away for 90 seconds…
@RalfW: heh
@dmsilev: I agree.
It’s the Newt show tonight. Romney is not getting a lot of time — probably because he sucks.
Should I gain respect for Jon Huntsman? Perhaps, he simply could not be a part of this affair any longer?
Juan is very practiced in obsequiousness.
He always addresses Bill-O the clown with a deferential “Mr. O’Reilly”.
Can’t say that I’ve ever heard Bill-O address Juan as “Mr. Williams”.
So he has no problem with executing someone without a trail but it has to be within the SoL?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dmsilev: My first reaction was that releasing one year’s return wouldn’t be enough, but I guess it would be enough to deflect the question in today’s media environment
@DCLaw1: That chilled me, it truly did.
Man, Newt is playing this rowdy, tribal horde like a fiddle.
Ron Paul’s schtick isn’t playing in S.C.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Raven: Don’t be shy stickinred, go on and tell us what you really think. With which I agree, fwiw.
Boy oh boy. The biggest cheers are definitely for anyone who says anything about killing anybody.
@SiubhanDuinne: Room for 1 more….
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You don’t suppose he has cleaned up his 2011 books & will release ONLY this years after he has filed it?
And you know the media will be too polite to ask him if he pulls this stunt
Of course not. Juan Williams and the Fox News audience need to be constantly reminded of Juan’s Juanness.
wasabi gasp
Like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth.
Perry just called Obama “our President.” He’s officially done.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
People like him have 2 sets of books anyway….no he needs a lot of time to spread the hush money…or worse.
@dmsilev: For some reason, this reminds me of the kind of selective deafness old people develop, where they can’t understand what you’re saying if you shout at them, slowly, moving your lips carefully, but if you’re three rooms away and whisper something about them sotto voce they’re all over it.
Selective tax returns.
On the bright side, we’ve now all learned that Islamic terrorists are secretly running the Turkish government!
On a related note, we’ve also learned that it would be helpful if all candidates took a nice basic geography lesson before speaking in these debates.
@Bnut: I know you’re okay with cougars dude, but you might wanna watch yourself here. :)
@Schlemizel: I’m honestly starting to wonder if he hasn’t filed. Maybe it’s just my profession, but if I got this much mush-mouth answer on the phone I’d go right to that conclusion. And 99 times out of a hundred I’ll be right.
shorter Rick Perry
@Yutsano: You’re like the good advice uncle I never had lol.
I don’t know if he new consciously how awful tonight would look for non-27% Americans, but I do wonder how he would have had to behave tonight if he’d stayed in. It sounds like the racist, yahooing, rebel idiots are fully whipped up tonight.
Not Jon’s cup of decaf tea, I’d think.
Rita R.
The hatred and racism of this debate audience is appalling, egged on by that lying pack of moral cowards onstage.
Old Dan and Little Ann
The Hope of the World needs MORE GUNS!
– Shorter Willard
Or an economics lesson. Or a military history lesson. Or a civics lesson. Or a “how to be a good human 101” lesson.
@freelancer: My great-grandfather fought in the Civil War and the Spanish-American War, and lied about his age. Both times.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
The guy who called the lawn company to make sure they didn’t send any illegals to cut his lawn? I can’t imagine all the t’s aren’t crossed. I wonder how the family trusts are set up. You don’t want to be running on eliminating the inheritance tax when each of your obnoxious, preppy sons has a multi-million dollar trust fund, and I’m sure the grandchildren are endowed better than some small colleges.
Q to Perry: How would you help the housing market?
A: Cut the capital gains tax!
I swear, these people make Pavlov’s dogs look like paragons of free will.
@dmsilev: This is all true. Still, I would have thought that somebody might have taken the opportunity to tell Perry that Turkey and Syria are not, in fact, run by the same government. You can even see this on Google Maps!
Andrew is incoherent in his Ron Paul crush, but he has some good moments. I’m glad I didn’t actually see this moment:
And of course tomorrows MSM coverage will be horse-race and a few soft punches that landed. Not a peep about the deeply embedded racism, the verging on out-of-control violence seething in a slice of the GOP electorate.
@dmsilev: Heh.
Newt just said “As an historian”. Drink!
Since SC celebrated the sesquicentennial of Fort Sumter, in 3 years, can the rest of us celebrate the 150th anniversary of Sherman’s visit to Columbia?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Bnut: Rick Perry to his wife tonight: “what’s a nistorian, anyway?
Whenever I watch one of these GOP “debate” things I end up with a Dead Milkmen song stuck in my head.
Inexplicable. I know.
New debate thread #2 up at the top!
@163 that’s an interesting thought: is this happening because of the redneck region or because either Huntsman & Bachmann are not there? What would she be screaming?
Have they forgotten Romney is an opponent or is it the just the plan to all 5 unite against 65% of America’s “other”?
@Cacti: Dennis G. just put up another debate thread. Looking at the graphic he chose, he was clearly thinking along the same lines as you.
wasabi gasp
Up to three free hosts that need to be manually updated every 30 days, else they expire.
Newt wants to create a Department of Lazy Moochers to deal with the poors so that one bureaucrat can tell them to go fuck themselves instead of having 235 bureaucrats do so.
Santorum seconds.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You know the lawyers and accountants make house calls.
Roger Moore
FTFY. Republicans are always happy to have blacks around, as long as they know their place.
Mike in NC
@Rita R.:
Remember the finale of “Carrie”? That would be too cool.
I just realized (made the connection, anyhow), the moderator of this debate is the same Faux News person who made Mittens almost cry in a one-on-one interview a few weeks ago, yes? Brett Bayer or Bauer?
Vote Gingrich 2012 and get Civil War 2013.
These fucking idiots trying to interpret Twitter is like Congress writing SOPA. They have no clue WTF they are doing. Just look at the “expert” panel Fox has. Three old white dudes who probably think Twitter is what women do in their panties when you roll up in your sweet new car and ask them to the Sadie Hawkins Dance.
@Bnut: Oh yeah, I’m not even waiting for the “frankly” at this point.
SD +quiteafew
I hate it when my *stream freezes on the image of Santorum looking like a constipated groundhog.
*Internet stream. So far, my urine has been free of the image of the Blessed Rick.
Anne Laurie
@MildlyAmusedRainbowPerson: Well, that explains the scenery-chewing — they all need the fiber, for their bowels.
Romney used to talk to the people running his Super PAC. Hmmm….
David Koch
Only Ron Paul has the courage to legalize Bum fighting.
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yes, you’re right: in Virginia it’s Lee-Jackson-King Day.
Being an evasive charlatan will be central to Romney’s message in the general. “Sure, Mitt talks like a crazed wingnut, but he doesn’t really mean it–it’s safe to vote for him.”