Laura Ingraham today on her radio show:
Rick Perry should drop out of this race. . . . And I like Rick Perry, I thought he was pretty cool in the last debate, except for that little problem with calling Turkey an Islamic terrorist regime. I mean, God bless him but he’s not put in the time to kind of know anything about foreign policy and you can’t be president if you don’t know anything about foreign policy.
The “Romney Book”, page 9:
Romney has no foreign policy experience.
Page 66:
Romney’s foreigh affairs resume is extremely thin, leading to credibility problems.
Romney “Lacks Any Background In The Military or Foreign Policy.” Though Romney has devoted considerable time during the campaign to national security – including a major speech on Thursday in New York City on the threat of nuclear terrorism – the one term governor lacks any background in the military or foreign policy. (Jonathan Martin, “McCain hits Romney on Bin Laden comment.” 4/28/07)
The Romney Book is going to be the gift that keeps on giving for months and months….
Erick Erickovich also called for Perry to drop out and endorse …Newt:
The comment section is a gold mine for fans of schadenfreude.
I thought Hayekian Modesty was the new Foreign Policy experience. Plus, GOP Presidents don’t need experience, they just follow the orders of their financial backers.
@BGinCHI: I can see Russia from your comment.
Well, now we know that when Laura Ingraham says “I like X“, that’s wingerese for “X is dumber than a 2×4.”
I can’t believe that CNN pays this idiot.
@gaz: Snowbilly Princess has Kardashian Modesty.
That’s different, and sparklier.
In defense of Romney (WTF?), I don’t think one has to have foreign policy experience to be President, although obviously it’s helpful. One does have to have an INTEREST in foreign policy and therefore have a clue what’s going on in the big, wide world. Cain, Perry and Palin didn’t and apparently still don’t. I disagree with Romney on Iran and the Middle East and he’s said some dumb stuff on China. Whether he’s as clueless as Perry & Co….not enough info yet.
Romney lies all the time. That can come in handy with the darker arts of secret and shady foreign diplomacy initiatives.
(copyright jl, Jan 18, 2012)
See, Good News for Republicans.
It Romney’s team sees this comment, they might make it into a campaign ad, and then I can sue them for stealing the idea and make money. For, I admire Romney and try to emulate him in all ways. Except dog transport. And lying all the time. And smearing people. And I try not to say weird things to people when I make conversation. And I try to avoid flip flopping at will in order the pander to whatever constituency I need in order to win whatever political struggle I am in at the moment. But other than those things, I emulate Romney in all ways.
Great minds think a like. I was just reading this at Time
President Obama: Romney Foreign Policy Attacks Will Wither in ‘Serious Debate’
Are Repubs so delusional that they think Obama will just sit and take it from Romney in the general debates???
I know, I know…SATSQ but still!
“She said, don’t I know you from the cinematographer’s party?/ I said, who am I to blow against the… uh… I forget the third thing.”
Tone In DC
Willard vs. POTUS better not end up in the hands of this Supreme Court, like back in 2000. That would be ugly indeed. Hideous, even (Tammy Faye would look alluring next to that).
McCain may have just made up for inflicting Sarah Palin on the rest of us.
May have.
@lamh35: We should hope that the GOPpers believe their own punchlines.
I think it’s hilarious that McCain’s book on Romney made an issue of his homes and how much they cost. Oh, irony…
That “bless him” reminds me of one of the meanings conveyed in the Southern phrase, “bless his heart.”
Perry is dumber than a sack of hammers. Unfortunately, that sack could break your toe if it fell on your foot. And Perry’s foreign policy ignorance is dangerous.
Can we give that book out free to all Kindle users, its good stuff.
Here’s a money line: “In 2004, Bain & Co. received a multi-million dollar contract from the National Iranian Oil Company”
That would be an interesting piece of information to play with…
Jay in Oregon
RedState lives in a fascinating parallel world.
I’m curious why some of them are convinced that Rick Perry is the only one of the GOP candidates who can beat Obama? (And of course, that’s why “the Dems” are trying to kick Perry out of the race. Curse those evil Dems!)
Yes, RedState. Please, please do not run Rick Perry for the GOP candidate, because we hate seeing complete blowouts at the polls…
@Brachiator: I dunno. I kinda want to have beer with him.
In defense of Romney’s foreign policy experience, he does speak French. I suppose he could be called upon to recite passages from the Book of Mormon in French if need be.
@Urza: Anybody with a facebook account can download that copy that’s up on scribd. If anyone does, please reup it somewhere like rapidshare or mediafire.
If Romney’s foes really want to bruise him you’d think they’d run with this, but I suspect they all are doing it too, especially “$500,000 Tiffany’s Credit Newt”
Romney Parks Millions in Offshore Tax Haven
Does anyone know how McCain’s book on Romney got released? Is McCain trying to rehab his legacy after the Palin disaster?
That’s pretty much like any Southern lady saying, “Bless her heart.” It’s a stab in the back. Et tu Laura?
Edit: I see Brachiator got there first.
The problem with Cain’s “Uzbeckibeckibeckistanstan” comment isn’t that he didn’t know who the president of Uzbekistan was, it’s that he was dismissing it as a meaningless factoid which, since it wasn’t in his supposed area of expertise (“jobs,” but I’ll believe that when I see it), it was obviously beneath him to know, learn or care about.
Palin similarly wore her ignorance proudly and on her sleeve, as does a metric fuckton of their voter base.
Amir Khalid
I know what I know, and I’ll sing what I said. We come and we go, that’s a thing that I keep in the back of my head.
Hill Dweller
@Svensker: During the START debate in 2010, Romney wrote an op-ed in the WaPo.
Here is Fred Kaplan’s take:
This was an op-ed, not an off-the-cuff remark.
I need some help from the BJ crowd here. Does anyone remember in the GOP primary last time around when Mitt Romney’s campaign published a graphic that was like a child’s placemat of what foreign policy would look like? I remember it vividly but can’t find it online because the 2012 cycle is taking up all my search results.
It was red and white and amounted to lecturing European Countries on what “Freedom” means, and intervening in countries with “less freedom” to give them “more freedom”. It was ridiculously simplistic, and made Herman Cain’s foreign policy graphic from this year look like it was designed by Madeline Albright.
The Moar You Know
Another shoe drops: Romney cut the Mormon Church in on that sweet, sweet Bain job-cutting profit.
This is going to be such an unholy mess for both Romney and Bain. Haha, I made a lame church joke. Enjoy. I’ll be here all week.
The subhead to the article at BuzzFeed says they ‘found’ the document online. Did the McCain peeps just leave it layin’ on the coffee table? Just curious if anyone has any more info since I am waaay too lazy to do any Googles right now.
@Dave- if that nugget is indicative of the rest of the contents, this could be some fun. I’m gonna go flip through a few pages and see what I can see.
I bet more than a few GOP operative are starting to think Fred Thompson looks good against this field.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I’ve been monitoring Redneckstate for months now and mining tons of that there gold you mention. Normally you have to dig for it but that shit is literally scattered all over the place, out in the open for the taking. If that site is any indication of the condition of the R party, get the hearses ready for the funeral this fall.
It’s been a mosh pit of fail that is only getting deeper. Most FP posts there get very few comments but a few of them bring out the lunatics, racists, misogynists, religious zealots, Paulbots, Romulans and other assorted nuts, all at each others throats.
While some are mouthing the ‘whoever it is this fall, I’m voting R to take down Obama’, many are saying that they are voting third party or not at all.
There’s a disturbance in the farce and it is strong.
@BGinCHI: Or the exhumed corpse of Ronald Reagan. Hey, at least he’d be gaffe-free!
General Stuck
All Perry needs to do for getting up to snuff on foreign affairs is read My Pet Goat. It is obvious that he has failed to do so, and really should drop out so Santorum can win and bomb Iran, like Laura wants, or Mitt can buy up all the Muslim countries and then fire everybody, or at least send a bill cause he can.
Amir Khalid
I saw that video where he speaks French: he says “Bonjour, je m’appelle Mitt Romney.” (Hello, my name is Mitt Romney.) Lesson one in any language course, and for a guy who spent two years there he doesn’t sound very fluent.
Nevermind, I found it. Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy Placemat aka “Iz make soh othrz can haz freedom! Chek bocks!”
Villago Delenda Est
It’s true, he does, and he’s been to France.
I wonder if he visited the Place de la Concorde during his stay in Paris? Or the big plaza where the Bastille once stood?
@dmsilev: 50/50 on that one.
The Moar You Know
@dmsilev: Oh, the lamentations. How sweet the tears of butthurt conservatives are.
@Villago Delenda Est: RE: In defense of Romney’s foreign policy experience, he does speak French.
Mitt is reminding me a bit of a minor character, Chatsworth Osborne, Jr, from the old TV show, The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.
Roger Moore
Yes. SATRQ (Straight Answer To Rhetorical Question). I think they’re so far into their own little world that they think Obama will be dumbfounded by the attacks Romney has been making for a year and not have a response ready. They really believe their own propaganda that he’s too stupid to say anything without a teleprompter.
Sarah Proud and Tall
I agree with everything you said. It was a dumb attack when it was made on Obama because it is clear he is not incurious the way Palin, Perry et al. are.
I just love the fact that we get to use Mr Grumpypants’ research against the candidate he just endorsed…
@ Freelancer:
That chart is a pantsload of fail. Even worse was the number on top
Imagine, 132,288 people stupid enough to “like” a chart that looks like my 6 year old granddaughters civics project.
@Amir Khalid:
Hey, he got him name right. Give him a break.
I took the charitable interpretation that those “likes” are for the Gawker article pointing out how retarded the graphic is.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: The funniest part of the parallel universe is that those threatening to take their ball home are doing so because the R candidates other than their chosen one are all insufficiently conservative. Staggering and sad, but funny all the same.
Republican voters trying to rally behind Romney: “there’s something about you that really reminds me of money.”
Also, we should take up a collection to bribe David Gregory or Jim Lehrer or whomever to ask a debate question in the generals revolving around ability to legislate and persuade others. Some mention of our highly polarized atmosphere, blah, blah, blah, then get right to it: “Governor Romney, you did a Mormon mission in France. How many people were you able to convert to the Church of Latter Day Saints during your two years of living there?” All kinds of reverse dog whistles wrapped in a totally innocuous package.
Arm The Homeless
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I try to keep up on the GOP thought-process as well, but I take a bit more cynical view of RedneckState. I really do believe that a not-insignificant portion of the whiners over there are simply trolls, very persistent concern trolls.
You can always tell when one of the ‘real’ trikeforce is typin’ because they are usually sucking the FP’s balls and trying to get as many “dittos” in as possible.
Linda Featheringill
@MattF: #4
Yup. That’s what you say just before sticking the knife in. Sort of like saying grace before a meal.
Comrade Dread
We can easily upgrade the R0M-N3Y protocol droid with all of the foreign policy knowledge it needs via the USB port at the base of its skull.
The droid can also be upgraded so that it is fluent in 6 million forms of communication.
The only upgrade that appeared to fail was the emotions processing chip. Damn thing nearly blew the entire droid to hell.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
So much comedy, and it’s only January. The Romney Book will indeed keep on giving. OT, but tangentially related – I haz a new blog, and I’d love comments. It’s really new.
Speaking of Romney and foreign policy, I saw somewhere today that Romney promised that if Obama was re-elected, Iran would get the bomb, and that if he won, Iran wouldn’t. Now, Halperin and Morning Joke and Greggers will tell you that Romney is talking tough here – rattling the sabre and putting pressure on Obama; but it actually shows weakness on Willard’s part. Willard will say anything to get elected, but he’s always careful not to say something that he can’t flip-flop on. Romney is basing his foreign policy attack against Obama on Iran, so this pledge will loom large in the debate. Even though it plays pretty well with General William Kristol and Colonel “Hot Wheels” Krauthammer and Republican Debate audiences, another Republican peddling war in the middle east over wmd’s ain’t gonna play in Peoria. I think Mitt is getting desperate.
But can he use contractions?
Omnes Omnibus
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Blog whore.
Paul Simon would like to have his line back. Without it, his dating efforts are blowing even more against the wind than usual.
Triassic Sands
Yeah, identifying Turkey as being run by a bunch of radical Islamic terrorists is just a “little” goof. Nothing serious really. Nobody in Turkey even noticed.
Egemon Bagis, Turkey’s European Affairs Minister quoting a famous philosopher concerning Rick Perry’s idiotic comments about Turkey.
Perry, making matters worse, then stood by his comments. In true Republican style he apparently believes that the more you repeat a lie the truer it becomes.
Ola! Balloonjuice,
Maybe a little off topic, however, If you believe that election promotional items are the most up-to-date development, you would be stunned to learn that as far back as the 1800s, presidential nominees utilised eight-foot-tall flaming torches in their political rallies. Some political wannabes even went as far as supplementing their titles to juice extract cans! Even tobacco loads, nylon stockings, women’s paint brushes, stitching cartons, and parasols were not freed as crusade giveaways.
Catch you again soon!