I would be remiss not to highlight today’s fundraising appeal for Warren’s campaign. From the website:
Scott Brown is celebrating the two-year anniversary of his election today — and we’re fighting back by launching a money bomb to stand up and show the power of Elizabeth’s grassroots support.
Elizabeth’s campaign has lots of grassroots momentum — but Scott Brown still has a two-to-one cash-on-hand advantage, with millions of dollars more from Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS, the Chamber of Commerce, and other Wall Street interests waiting in the wings…
Balloon Juice also has an ActBlue page for Warren, though I don’t know whether contributions there will be credited towards today’s money bomb.
Who’s up for the opposite of a drinking game for tonight’s GOP debate? Maybe hit the tip button every time Newton blows his dogwhistle, or Willard describes himself as ‘trustworthy’, ‘faithful’, or ‘happily married for 25 years’? (Even at a buck a hit, that should get us past the million-dollar mark by around 8:45pm…. )
Are we to invest rent money into this venture?
Give ’til it hurts, indeed!
I plan on donating a few bucks a month to Obama and the Senate. Is it better to donate here or donate directly?
opie jeanne
There’s ANOTHER debate tonight?
Kill me now.
schrodinger's cat
@opie jeanne: Who’s left? Mitt, Newt, Santorum and Paul. I have managed not to see any of the debates, so far.
think Newt will get any questions about wanting an open marriage?
@opie jeanne:
You may get your wish. Snow may last through the night now.
“Newt will get any questions about wanting an open marriage?”
If Newt can choke himself up and blubber a little bit with sincere regret, he will be home free with a lot of the Xtianists and teabaggers.
Mark S.
El LardAssBo, on Newt:
That’s a hero, in my book.
opie jeanne
@schrodinger’s cat: Me too.
I’ve avoided the debates like the plague, but I wish they’d end.
Egg Berry
Wait, wasn’t he doing both?
@Yutsano: Does that mean your going to miss a few freeze-thaw-freeze cycles? That can’t hurt, unless you’ve got nothing else to do but admire the glittery iced coating.
and, in re: (8) did he ask permission before or after the de facto open marriage? Pedants would be amused.
opie jeanne
@Yutsano: Argh!
We have gone for a walk every day since Monday, so we don’t go nuts indoors. We’re doing a movie marathon, Horatio Hornblower, and have gotten through the first three episodes, about to watch part 4.
Are you ok? Some of the neighbors have been out driving in this stuff, on the compacted snow over ice. My daughter lives on Phinney Ridge and it took her 2.5 hours on the bus to get to West Seattle for work this morning, and that included the co-worker who picked her up so she didn’t have to walk the last 1.5 miles. It’s becoming brutal.
@scav: Right now it’s pure deep freeze. And the weather guys are hedging again. But at this rate I get a free week off! :)
@opie jeanne:
You couldn’t pay me to watch them but I wish there was one every night of the week! They are cementing the image of the GOP as a bag of wingnuts, morons and douche bags. The more exposure these bozo’s get the more the low-information voters have their minds made up to vote D
opie jeanne
@Yutsano: It’s 25 here. We would have to dig our car out to get it down the driveway. I’m eyeing the toilet paper and hoping we have enough.
The Moar You Know
@Mark S.: Herman Cain sits at home and forlornly asks himself “where’s the love?”
opie jeanne
@Schlemizel: They are eating their own, too. I read something earlier today where the comments were just people screaming about how much Newt/Santorum/Mittens sucks, and no one actually promoting their own candidate much.
RE: Elizabeth Warren
New England is populated largely by descendants of East Anglia. These are most surely the dumbest Northern Europeans, outside of the Irish.
@Egg Berry: The way I read it, Callista had been Newt’s mistress for SIX YEARS before the Amphibious One told Marianne about the affair/asked her for a divorce/open marriage. I may have the chronology a bit off, though, as I find it increasingly difficult to keep track of which Republican candidate is banging/cheating on/marrying/divorcing whom.
Benjamin Franklin
Digby says
Comparing Newt’s 3 wives and “open marriages” to this and laugh along with me at the thought of Newt going up against Obama. Check out pictures #1 and #9 to see what I’m talking about.
Inside Barack Obama’s World</a
Now smile along with me.
@opie jeanne: The Federal Building got shut down pretty late this morning, but fortunately before I left for work. I got stocked up when my friend visited, I have power and heat, and I have zero need to go anywhere right now. So I’m good.
@Yutsano: Sucking at the public teatsicle?
General Stuck
I like the one with Obama’s feets propped up on the desk with a cup of coffee and a big honkin’ grin that says “I’m the president, bitches”
I will dollar match the first $250 on this thread to the ActBlue link.
@General Stuck: they are all pretty good pics, but #1 & 9 are just so apropos for all the “family values” crowd who are loving on 2x mistress marrying newt
John O
I’m out for that game. I already donated, lost my job since, and I’m +2.
@srv: I donated to her directly but you can match the $50.00 I gave to Warren.
General Stuck
@Benjamin Franklin:
And she’s a dem moderate in ways, but is clear eyed about the basic and massive unfairness of the system these days. And can superbly articulate it with moderate sounding rhetoric. That’s like water for chocolate to an anxious nation starved for an explanation they can easily understand, and without the dogma to turn them off. No wonder the plutocrats hate and fear her.
John O
Newt scares me (on several levels, for the record) as a general candidate. He’s what stupid people think is smart.
I’d rather run against Romney. He’s clueless and can’t help reveal it. Newt is clueless too but knows how to mask it.
@John O:
Now that is an awesome phrase.
So sorry about your job loss.
Benjamin Franklin
@General Stuck:
She is tough, but seems vulnerable. My protective instincts rally when people attack her appearance.
@JPL: ok, the match will be for contributions to her or the ActBlue site today. People will need to list them. I’m embarrassed the ActBlue is so low.
Triassic Sands
I’d suggest a drink every time one of the Clowns lies, but that would result in mass alcohol poisoning and probably more than a few deaths.
@John O:
There’s no telling what Newt would do if he got the nomination. Being that close to ultimate power might bring out the worst in Gingrich. (Laughter.)
@srv: Thanks for the match. I just sent some money Elizabeth’s way
Mark S.
@John O:
I’d much prefer Newt to Mitt. Newt’s got such a sleazy vibe, and he’s really good at sticking his foot in his mouth. He has no appeal with women, minorities, etc., just old asshole guys who listen to Rush Limbaugh.
@floridafrog: how much?
(I will check the thread late PM)
Villago Delenda Est
I think that whatever ethnic group you claim would have to be the dumbest. As you display every time you post.
John O
@Mark S.:
I get it, I really do. And I sure hope you’re right.
They’re just two different kinds of snake-oil salesman.
It sure is going to delicious if Obama wins big, period, but I just can’t see it.
The Other Chuck
Newt asked Callista for an open marriage so he could FUCK ALL 300 MILLION OF US.
The Other Chuck
Why is that racist piece of shit BO_Bill still not permabanned? (edit so this gets properly filtered)
General Stuck
Just heard on Hardball, what sounded like Rick Perry absolving Newt Gingrinch of his sins and let us know that GOD does to. I guess that does it, Newt is golden and good to go, with his spanky new halo. At least on Planet Wingnut
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mark S.:
As soon as he got caught, he asked for permission. Character, my friends, character. I used to do the same thing with cookies when I was six.
What are the odds that “friend’ is a high-ranking Republican of some kind.
General Stuck
@John O:
I agree with you. both have huge flaws as a candidate, but only Newt has real bonafides with the right wing, and potentially could get them excited enough to work for him. Or, maybe they’ll just go out and get some extra marital nooky.
@srv: Sorry, you had asked in advance – $25.00
@Villago Delenda Est: Wouldn’t the dumbest ethic group be the one that claimed him instead of the other way round?
Linda Featheringill
Being a Democrat in South Carolina must be very frustrating.
@Linda Featheringill:
Villago Delenda Est
Point taken. I can’t imagine any ethnic group claiming him, however. Not even the Pakleds. They’re stupid, but not that stupid.
@Anne Laurie
Bet you ten thousand bucks you can’t afford it
Cat Lady
Newt just wanted an open marriage because he loves this country too much.
OT, but i wish someone would do a post about these women like Callista and Karen Santorum who enable these assholes, and also how incredibly hypocritical they are. women don’t deserve a free pass just because they are women. you are a human being, first and foremost. they degrade women, and humanity, in general by what they are doing anyway, imo.
(the Karen Santorum story, you just absolutely cannot make this shit up)
John O
@General Stuck:
Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing. My only hope is that Newt gets such a big boner with the nomination he heads right, right, and righter since he seems like the kind of guy who would be happy with minority worship instead of majority support, and thus freaks most of us out.
But Newt is much better at playing the fiddle than Romney is. It isn’t close. So I worry.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Lord in Heaven, there’s another debate tonight? That’s, what, the third just this week? I swear I read there was at least one other already this week. We must be up to 287 debates by now.
@Mark S.:
Jeez, I wonder what he’d have to say if Obama or some other Democrat had asked his wife for an open marriage. What a titanic asshole.
@General Stuck:
it always works unless you’re a Democrat
The Other Chuck
@Villago Delenda Est:
“The country won’t go. We’ll make it go.”
@The Other Chuck:
Because he’s such a transparent parody troll it’s not even worth it.
Mark S.
I don’t know anything about her except the miscarriage story.
@John O:
they can only go so much further right until they have to start turning left to stay in earth’s orbit
@John O:
i can’t see the general electorate or independents embracing the blatant racism and hypocrisy, but i’m sure my fellow humans will prove me wrong
Jim, Foolish Literalist
?? I didn’t know there was anything remotely interesting about her, other than the fact that she married a case of sexual repression with legs and, judging by the number of offspring, a functioning dick. I don’t know what ain’t right with that boy, but I know that boy ain’t right.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): When Sarah Palin– who looks a little nervous these days as it gets harder and harder to get anyone to pay attention– said we need more debates, I literally laughed out loud.
It is irresponsible to root for Newt. Newt would be more dangerous to the country than Mitt as president.
Obama would win easily against Newt, but even at the off chance that, say, a small asteroid hits earth, and wipes out Obama and Biden, leaving Newt an outside chance against the replacements, it is just too risky.
I hope Newt, being a world historical and self presumed godlike figure, is driven mad by the gods, and does as much insane damage to the GOP as possible before his last meteor like streak of disintegration flares across the sky.
John O
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And here I laughed hardest at her remark about Obama not being “vetted.”
Sarah learned a new word this week!
John O
45% is built right in, baked in the cake, a fait accompli. It’s a nightmare, and Exhibit A of why the country has become ungovernable.
@jl: That’s how I feel about all of them. Mitt will be so concerned about being reelected by the religious right that he’d appoint James Dobson to a post.
Dee Loralei
Wish I had the money to donate to Elizabeth today. I love that woman. She’s my favorite Okie I’m not related to, who doesn’t play football for the Sooners.
There’s a twitter party tonight from 8-9 EST @ #righttovote, it’s being put on by The Advancement Project and other voting rights groups to showcase all the heinous laws that Reps in various states have passed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jl: I can’t imagine TPTB on the right would ever allow Newt to actually be the nominee. If Mitt actually imploded over, say, the Cayman stuff– which I still don’t quite understand, maybe I’m not rich enough– I think you’d see a draft of Daniels or Thune or someone like that. Even Jebbie.
Linda Featheringill
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Yeah, that’s my take, too.
Cat Lady
I can’t decide if this gooper passion play of titanic egos meeting wingnut fever dreams all (hopefully) ending badly would be worthy of Shakespeare or Becket or Stoppard or O’Neill or Miller, or whether you just could never make it up. Life in gooperville is much much stranger than any fiction – I mean who could ever conjure up Herman Cain? WTF Republicans?
I gave $25 to her, but I did it directly on her site since this thread was not up yet. It was my first donation to her. I’m sure there will be many more over the next nine months. She is everything I could dream for in a senator.
Southern Beale
Thanks for the heads-up, just sent some turkee her way. If we can’t get a freaking progressive elected in Massachusetts there really is no hope for us.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Well, I don’t know. My feeling–and I hope I’m wrong–is that if any Republican wins this year, we’re done as a country. The thing is, if Romney wins, it’ll be another ten, long, slow, horrifying, tortutous years before it’s all over. If Gingrich wins (or Santorum wins–or if Bachmann or Perry had won), at least it would be over fast. If we’re going into the toilet for good, I’d sooner it be a quick flush into oblivion.
John O
Warren will win big. She’s a dreamy candidate for the times.
@Cat Lady: Would make an interesting play. I am thinking something more along the lines of Ionesco or Pinter.
Sometimes I think Aristophanes already wrote the play (The Knights, as I recall) and all we have to do it update it.
But, the depths the GOP is reaching would present a challenge to even all those great writers.
@Mark S.:
Before Karen met Santorum, she was living with a gyneacologist who was 40 years her senior and had actually delivered her.
For some reason I’m thinking this should be Warren’s campaign song.
Mark S.
That’s not creepy at all.
@srv: Sweet! I just went in with $100.
Thanks, Anne Laurie, for not making us wait to see what Newt’s wife might say about it before putting this post up. I was starting to get concerned that’s what the delay was.
just saw the match offer – you’ve already hit the 250, I’m sure, but I’m in for 25 (I’m a little under-employed, these days – hopefully be able to do more by the general election) –
opie jeanne
Saw a wonderful comment by a person online tonight:
Gingrich’s moral compass points to his pe..nis.
These matched:
John ? guessed $25
JPL $50
floridafrog $25
Lolis $25
slag $100
reality-based $25
Funny, the ActBlue thermometer is set to “$1000” and it looks embarrassingly pathetic (not even registering), but the actual cash donations are $3585. Guess it broke.
opie jeanne
Trying again because I’m awaiting moderation for using the “p” word.
Saw a wonderful comment online tonight:
Gingrich’s moral compass points to his pe. .nis.