Here’s Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona asking President Obama for his birth certificate and drivers license when he arrived in Arizona yesterday afternoon. Just kidding: What really happened was that Brewer asked Obama for a meeting and Obama pointed out that after the last meeting in the Oval Office, Brewer lied about it in her book.
Is there any state that’s had its reputation more tarnished by asinine teabagging than Arizona, and is there a governor in the nation who’s done more, single-handedly, to hurt the reputation of their state than Jan Brewer?
Johnny B
The sad thing about racism in American politics is that it allows idiots (who also are racist) to be elected to high office. I challenge anyone to watch and read what Governor Brewer has said over her term in office, and explain how else she was elected her state’s chief executive. Without racism, she’s an angry hostess at a Best Western.
dr. bloor
Pretty impressive, considering her competition includes Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Rick Scott and Chris Christie.
Alabama and Georgia are pretty much right there in terms of codifying both stupid and hateful.
Woo hoo! Edit button is back.
Gin & Tonic
I don’t know how accurately I heard this, because I was in the kitchen and the TV is on the other room, but on ‘Today’ a few minutes ago they reported that she said she “felt threatened by his attitude.” I don’t speak Arizonan, but that sounds like “uppity” to me.
Arizona is good, but it’s still hard to out-stupid Kansas.
Betty Cracker
I submit for your consideration Governor Rick Scott of Florida, who combines the charm of Voldemort with the charity of pre-visitation Ebenezer Scrooge and the honest brokerage of Bernie Madoff.
Cripes! If that isn’t a whistle, bears use stadium bathrooms.
Sooner or later, he’s going to have to stop trying to reason with these people.
These people simply lack a cutoff switch. It is remarkable to me that someone in public life fails so utterly at protocol, and that people vote for this.
Perry & Texas.
Although to be fair we probably had a pretty crappy reputation to begin with after inflicting Bush Jr on the country.
biff diggerence
In some cultures, pointing a finger in someone’s face is usually an invitation to have it broken.
So the President of the United States dissed a racist prune.
More of this, please.
Gin & Tonic
@WereBear: Kay posted downstairs that the gov is known by the local press corps to be a lush. So maybe he just interrupted cocktail hour.
Chyron HR
“Damn, you guys. When I asked where the white women at, I was being ironic.”
A couple of comments on Brewer’s competition:
Rick Scott: That’s a good one, but I think Brewer has gotten more national attention and her brown hating is more fierce.
Rick Perry: He mostly hurt his own reputation, not Texas.
Cat Lady
This will get her Veep consideration – Gingrich/Brewer 2012!
Florida, Rick “MEDICARE FRAUD” Scott.
What state elects a known crook to its high office?! Has Texas or Louisiana ever done that? I think not…
Warren Terra
Ironically, on the issue of the birth certificate, I seem to recall that she vetoed some especially stupid and embarrassing Birther law the legislature passed. So bad as she is, she’s actually an improvement not only on her base but also on her party’s legislative majority.
@Gin & Tonic: that explains the “haggish” look =)
also, too, he called her out on the facts, something you just don’t do to teabaggers
@Cat Lady: “Please, please, please…”
Even I could talk my RW relations out of that ticket.
And they’re hardcore.
Ask me about Dinosaur Steve Beshear sometime.
No and no. Especially since the people of Arizona apparently still love her.
Special Patrol Group
Wow, she sure put that Barry Soetoro Hussein Obamuslin in his place, much like Speaker Gingrich did that Juan Williams.
Gingrich-Brewer 2012: Restoring America (if you know what I mean…)
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@PaulW: As for Texas, not in the 21st century.
Caption: President Recoils From Drunk Woman’s Breath
(Seriously. Look at the expression on his face. He looks like he’s thinking, “Jesus, lady, your breath stinks like a stinky-ass brewery.”)
@RosiesDad…NO. All the people DON’T love her. They put up with her, because to recall her sorry ass would be too much trouble.This pathetic stunt has the fingerprints of Brewer’s new BFF, Sarah Palin all over it. It always has to be about Jan. She’s arrogant, clueless and unprofessional. Did I say racist?Yes she is.
Since NBC decided they would give this POS a platform to spew her garbage and sell her sophomoric, fact deprived book, I suggest you give them a call. I did.
I was struck by the contrast of two very different AZ women yesterday. One, full of dignity, grace, and honor….in Gabby Giffords.
The other, a self centered,arrogant,embarrassment dressed up as a governor.
Lousiana: “Vote for the crook, it’s important“, though in fairness the crook in question was running against David Duke.
She’s a ridiculous woman and good on Obama for calling her out and refusing to meet with her. More of this, please. Much more.
I was just over at Roy Edroso’s place, reading this piece he linked to:
…and it got me thinking about the contrast between the portrayal of white female anger (acceptable for GOPers if done by Jan Brewer) and the projection of BLACK FEMALE ANGER! that they constantly try to put on the First Lady.
I know and agree with Roy that the comments sections of blogs are not exactly scientific distillations of public attitudes, but still…fucking A, read through the argle-bargle on Walter Russell Mead’s blog and contrast it with the WaPo article that Mead links to. You can’t help hide from the fact that these are the people that the Jan Brewers of the world appeal to and foster and encourage.
Can they all just go ahead and secede (again) and just go make their own country somewhere else? Because I like living under the Constitution we have. You know, the one where we all have equal protection under the law.
Brian R.
Hell, when Edwin Edwards ran for re-election against David Duke, he not only had already been indicted and tried on bribery charges, but his supporters had bumper stickers made up that said “Vote for the Crook.”
Oh, and David Vitter? Re-elected to the Senate after admitting to banging whores in Louisiana and D.C.
Your move, America.
Davis X. Machina
It’s an Arizona tradition. See “Evan Mecham” — and conservatives are all about the tradition.
I remember Fyfe Symington and the MLK day bullshit so by the time I get to Arizona’s reputation I’m wondering what the fuck is wrong with so many people in Wisconsin that they’d vote for Walker. I thought more highly of the people of Wisconsin before they elected him.
Villago Delenda Est
If anyone had done that to the deserting coward, the howls of the wingtards could be heard in the Rigel system.
OK, admittedly it would take a while for the howls to travel there, but they’d still be heard. Even through the vacuum of space.
Brian R.
I’m impressed that Jan Brewer could actually remember what she wanted to say to the president.
brewer is the true reflection of racist, ignorant, illiterate, mealy-mouthed americana. The obama presidency has exposed to the world the shameful real amerikkka.
Not if they get to keep any nuclear warheads.
Before you know it, South Carolina will be pointing nukes at NYC & DC and Jan Brewer will be pointing them at LA and San Francisco.
You need to understand that Barack avoids certain self-esteem issues by surrounding himself, only when necessary, by white males like Jay Carney and Tim Geithner. But in this physically small female Arizona governor, Barack felt that he could assert his inner dictator.
And she would have none of it.
You go girl.
You would be hard pressed to find a single photograph that better encapsulates the relationship between President Obama and Republicans over the past four years.
By Fyfe Symington I meant Evan Mecham, of course. They all look the same so you’ll understand my confusion.
Villago Delenda Est
Misplaced the score card? Understandable. Keeping them all straight is difficult, but you’re making the effort.
Unlike a certain little racist bitch of a governor in Arizona.
@BO_Bill: yeah, why surround yourself with smart peeps when you can have the scores of uneducated louts that are running around the country.
Keith G
Let’s celebrate an awesome good instead of focusing on a predictable and silly conservative pol. The last picture in this story needs to be front paged.
@BO_Bill: Its only January, but this might qualify as post of the year! Racist and crazy.
Southern Beale
Saw Brewer on the news this morning, just so proud of herself for putting the uppity Ne-CLANG in his place. She was smiling and everything. This is exactly the kind of aggressive disrespectful behavior the Teanuts adore. Wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t calling for her to run for president now.
What a horrid, wretched little snake of a woman. Also, isn’t she senile? Isn’t this the same woman who forgot her own policies, mid-sentence? Like, pulled a Rick Perry who had THREE departments he’d abolish but forgot one of them?
One of the things that sooooooooooo impressed me about President Obama is how he genuinely likes women as people and as intellectual beings. He appoints women, he is advised by women, and in private life, he is surrounded by women.
And, loving it.
A state with a DEC so incompetent that it puts up Alex Sink as its nominee, then lets PUMA dead-enders run what passed for her “campaign.”
Common Sense
“It was [as] though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee,” she wrote, according to Capitol Media Services. “He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me.”
What kind of person wags their finger in the President’s face and bitches about getting lectured by him? Looks like she’d prefer to be the lecturer.
Though we’re not quite a state we are more than a city: thus I’d like to nominate former Mayor Marion Barry for the “most harm to a state reputation” department.
Granted he’s got a certain charm about him, so maybe he can’t really compete with the likes of Brewer, Scott or Walker….I withdraw the nomination with apologies to Barry.
Bo_Bill, your shtick proves the point of my last post perfectly. Thanks. Now, please go die in a fire.
Has anyone read her book? What did she say in it?
Linda Featheringill
@biff diggerence: #11
I was searching for an accurate name for her. Thank you!
Villago Delenda Est
Haven’t read it, but the point of contention is her account of a meeting she had with Obama that had, according to Obama, nothing to do with what actually happened.
I’ll go with Obama on this one. He’s got a better track record on these sorts of things than Brewer does.
Right about the time during my morning gym routine that I’m getting to the hardest slog on the stairmaster, the regular platoon of oldsters comes in for their treadmill strolls, and they all punch up Fox News as fast as their arthritic fingers allow. A repeat of O’Really’s giant head – frequently with a segment including Dennis Miller’s fat face – segues into “Fox and Fiends.” The terrible troika was especially foamy over this Brewer-Obama flap, and the Fox watchers were all giddy over the hag’s finger wagging.
The height of the stairmaster gives me a really good bead on the treadmills, which are in a row about ten feet away. My question is this: would it be churlish of me to chuck my water bottle so as to brain one of the Fox watchers to keep at least one screen in front of me off? I’d make sure to do it before they started up the treadmill. I wouldn’t want anyone falling and breaking a hip.
@Common Sense: Exactly. When the teatards talk, anything they accuse someone else of is what they’re actually doing. Projection, it’s all projection.
@BGK: Why why why are oldsters so in love with Fox?
I keep thinking undiagnosed brain damage… because the two people in my family who have dementia just love it madly.
She’s one of very few governors who does not have a college education. The numerous reversals of her executive actions prove she desperately needs schooling in the constitutional process of her own state, as well as in federal constitutional law. People in her state openly question whether she has a drinking problem or possibly dementia. Everything she writes has to be edited–probably by a high-schooler (from just about any other state than AZ which ranks–or at least did in the past few years–50th out of 50 in education) who would be better able to construct literate sentences than this governor. She is unstable aunt we all try to avoid at family gatherings. No wonder he didn’t accept her invite.
The best response to this whack-a-doodle is to ignore her.
Be patient a month, and you’ll be able to pick it up in the $1 bargain bin bookstores have out front as a last try for books they’d otherwise have to put in the dumpster to get rid of. You could of course check out a copy for free at your public library, but you’d be upping the check-out count of winger books, making it more likely the library would be purchasing more winger books, not less.
I have left diners and bars that have FOX News on. And I certainly wouldn’t pay for a gym membership that forces me to watch that crap.
I can’t believe this horrid loser is my governor now.
The ONLY reason she vetoed any of those bills is that the business community has threatened to stop supporting her because her racist nonsense has hurt commerce in the state. Period. You won’t be surprised to know that money talks for Jan.
And she is well known to be a serious lush. C’mon Jan, go ahead and pickle those remaining 5 neurons — it’s not like they fire in synchrony anymore.
@Senyordave: He could have done so much better. It’s missing the paragraph talking about the relative attractiveness of Jan vs. other women because of this.
Bill dude, you’re slipping.
Not at all. Just make sure you bring an extra water bottle so you can keep yourself hydrated.
You’re talking about a state that sent both “Fighting Bob” LaFollette and Joe McCarthy to the United States Senate. The schizophrenia of that particular electorate should be expected.
Having experienced her reign of wingnuttery firsthand, I can say without hesitation…
Jan Brewer is white trash.
How could you call that woman a girl? Hag, maybe but girl?
If President Obama has to meet with this tea-despots he should inform here and tape the meeting- actually he should wear a wire.
Does each machine have its own individual TV set, or else are there a couple of banks of TV sets common to the room (e.g. with five different TVs in each bank), and if you want the sound to any particular one you tune in on a particular AM or FM band on your iPod radio receiver? If it’s a bank of TVs, I would make sure the channel on the TV closest in front of be is set to something bearably watchable, and then object like Hell if one of the later-coming geezers wants it changed. Tough shit lady, there are four other TVs in front of you set to Faux. If OTOH each machine has its own separate TV screen with individually settable channel choice, you can’t stop someone from idiotic channel choice.
I’m not really forced. It’s one of the few gyms in the area with individual teevees on the equipment, and they have a DirecTV package with quite a selection of channels (no MSNBC, but that’s no great loss as it would just be Hamface Joe Scarborough at the time I go anyway). Just bad timing and bad positioning.
I don’t get the attraction of Fox for old people. I guess the world is getting so weird and scary for them, and Fox tells them it’s the world that’s wrong, not them, that they find it soothing. Wasn’t there a discussion here a few months back about it being “Spongebob” for the senile set? Once again my 73-year-old mother does me proud: never a conservative, she’s becoming more shrill (in the Krugman sense) daily, gets volcanically angry at the abuse she sees hurled at the president, and would rather throw her teevee in the pool than watch Fox News.
GED Jan also showed us what a real “death panel” looks like…
In the name of austerity cuts, she ended funding for seven types of organ transplants from the state Medicaid program to save 1.4 million dollars.
After six people died, the state was shamed into replacing the funding.
This is a woman who’s literally willing to let people die in the name of ideology. She’s vile to her withered old core.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
Governor Corbett may make a run at the title.
There is the whole fracking problem, where we have to pre-emptively compete with no one to give away natural resources and not even force the extractors to pay the environmental costs. You know, the if you can’t cross your legs, cross your fingers method? this is of course to say nothing of the whole issue of hydrofracking safety in the first place, because what can you say about a concern that has never been shown in the first place?
then you have is attention to a run of the mill state employees used for political purposes scandal he fully investigated with much manpower, leaving one trooper on the case of jerry sandusky. considering how many of of the now governor then atty general’s donors and long time gop supporters were involved in sandusky’s second mile, and the interconnectivity among them, oops!
this is going to be the nastiest election in any of our lifetimes. The Republicans are going completely crazy with their hatred and anger.
Remember this?
I don’t believe anything she says, including her account of the subject of this discussion.
On the top of the hour news recap on the Today Show they said she “felt threatened by the President’s attitude.” Threatened? WTF? Talk about a dog whistle for “That n____ got uppity with me!” What a rotten person she is. An embarrassment to Arizona.
Down here in South Carolina, the 1-2 punch of Mark Sanford followed by Nikki Haley puts us in the running. We manage to simultaneously HATE our Republican governors (both had/have truly awful approval numbers) while electing them All.The.Time.
I wonder if we are collectively just a bunch of serial masochists down here.
Arrrgh, edit timeout…
Also, too, she has a cute kitty monster.
@Common Sense:
This. That was my first reaction when I saw the photo. Can you imagine anyone shoving their finger up in Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton’s face?
Villago Delenda Est
The ultimate in incomprehensible to hairless apes feline comfort!
Maybe it was just the liquor talking, but when Governor “Headless bodies in the desert” Brewer said that President Obama was “thin-skinned” in their tarmac encounter, I think she meant to say “dark-skinned.”
Meet the Republican candidate for Vice President.
I saw this picture this morning and said it will become as iconic for the right wingers as the famous Tianamen square photo is for normal people.
Paul in KY
@Zandar: I don’t think Gov. Beshear is in the same league as the Brewer lady.
He hasn’t governed very ‘Democratically’ IMO, but he’s not a loony tune like her.
As I said, I just leave FOX establishments, but I’ve only had one confrontation with a real live Teatard, and it was a doozy. A couple of years ago I had surgery, and after being sedated, but before the anesthesiologist put me out, he struck up a conversation. “I see you’re a government teacher. What do you think of Barack Obama?” I slurred, that I liked him very much. Thus, began the “liar”, “birther” , “Muslim” litany as I was losing consciousness. After surgery, a nurse acquaintance came into my room, and I told her what happened and how pissed I was that if I hadn’t come to, the last words I would have heard would have been from that slimeball. Her eyes lit up. He does it all the time with patients and staff. Would I be willing to complain to the Hospital Administrator? I said , of course. Ten minutes later she was in my room, and ten minutes after that he was forced to come in and apologize. I don’t pay much attention to the Jan Brewers, and the racist internet commenter because there is nothing I can do to stop it. But when these assholes pedal that stuff to my face, I have no problem making them uncomfortable and letting their bosses know about it.
One of them might just be B_O bill. I say give it a try. In fact, keep trying until he’s gone.
I’m pretty sure the President knew exactly what he was doing with the Governor., and exactly how she would react, I’m also pretty confident that he is glad that she’s back in the spotlight for awhile. You know Republicans aren’t the only ones with a “base”. The Latino vote is critical and Jan Brewer is toxic to that demographic. Keep her out there as long as possible, Barack.
Judas Escargot
Caption: Has anyone ever told you that you look just like the late Kitty Foxx?
Isn’t Arizona the state that sold its government buildings and then bought them back?
calliope jane
@desertflower “I was struck by the contrast of two very different AZ women yesterday. One, full of dignity, grace, and honor….in Gabby Giffords.
The other, a self centered,arrogant,embarrassment dressed up as a governor.”
This. So much this. Especially since brewer is the one who kept bringing Palin to this state — miss gunsights-on-the-map herself. Blech. Hasn’t she done anything to get herself impeached? AZ tends to do that to their governors, yes?
And can I just say how great it is to see that there are more people in AZ that read BJ than I thought! :)
as awful as Gov. Skeletor and our wingnut-dominated Legislature are, I am pretty sure Oklahoma gives us a run for our money. At least AZ hasn’t passed laws banning sharia law and using fetii in food for human consumption.
So, the lady in the picture is not Harriet Christian?
Listening to rw talk radio today you can already see the bizarro world filter being applied to this. Obama is “unpresidential” for having provoked that righteous reaction from the nice white lady. He’s the president, but he can’t be above the fray and keeps sinking to a “street” level, etc.
@BO_Bill: Eat me, Bill. Inner dictator? You silly fuck.
Faux News is a cult, period
No, they aren’t, and there’s a flip side to every purely self-interested drama politicians create (like this one) but for some reason all we’ll hear about is the risk to Obama.
Political media start with the assumption that the GOP base is “the country” and the Democratic base is “the fringe”.
It might end up working in our favor. If conservatives believe their own press, they’ll over-reach. I would argue it HAS been working in our favor here lately. They can keep saying something is “true”, in this case that Brewer’s opinions represent the majority, but if that isn’t in fact true, she loses on this political tactic.
Edroso is, I believe, taking over for Benen at WaMo.
As for asshole governors, I have a hard time hating on anyone’s more than my own, Tom Corbett.
He may not make the national headlines like some others, but he’s just as bad, if not worse, than any other out there. He is second to none in his hatred of poor people and he is selling the entire state (without creating any jobs for native PAers and the state allows the gas companies to drill even on private property where the landowner has refused to sign a contract). And his involvement in the Sandusky case is just the icing on the cake.
Brian R.
What an unbelievable asshole. Good for you for calling him out on that kind of unprofessional bullshit.
Brian R.
Nope. Ed Kilgore. Off to a nice start, too.
Phil Perspective
@Gin & Tonic: So she was pissed that PBO didn’t bring The Weeper of the House with him?
Villago Delenda Est
Man, I’m privileged. I live in a state where the governor is an ER doctor who wears blue jeans to the office, and makes health care plans for all his priority #1.
We had a shot at a potential asshat governor in 2010, but we put Kitz in again for a third term (not consecutive with his previous two…two in a row max).
Monkey Business
@PaulW: Um, Louisiana and Illinois basically ONLY do that.
Monkey Business
So, if Appalachian conservatives are hillbillies, and Alaskan conservatives are snowbillies, does that make Southwest conservatives sandbillies? What about Midwestern conservatives? Rustbillies? And what about Southern conservatives? Are they just billies?
Is there any way we can provoke the knuckleheads at The Weekly Standard or some other outfit to clamor for Brewer to be another late-entry, savior, presidential candidate for 2012?
Benjamin Franklin
It really doesn’t matter what the truth behind the ‘wag’ is. Once the image hit public consumption, an immediate impression was made that is nearly impossible to reverse or correct.
These people understand ‘perception’ as a powerful weapon, just like the Weasel Zipper/Fox Nation photo of Obama’s teleprompter showing the last few words
“He needs a teleprompter” they shriek.
It’s all in a day’s work for Rat Fuckers.
Brian R.
@Benjamin Franklin:
This one always slays me. Yes, Obama uses a teleprompter. Just like Dubya, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan ….
They might as well be bitching that he has his own presidential retreat. “Camp David? Oooh-la-la, Mister Fancypants!”
Jan Brewer is probably the only woman other than La Palin who deserves to be the fourth Mrs Gingrich. Her repulsive carapace will however outweigh her blend of ignorance, cowardice, laziness and greed, even in the Eye of Newt. Anyone else remember this:
Of course they do, and lots of scared Democrats seem to go along with it. Maybe the President can get Tancredo, Palin, and O’Donnell back in the game again, too. I used to think that Bill Clinton was lucky in his enemies, but no politician has been as lucky as Barack Obama in terms of his political antagonists. You know people are who they claim to be. I remember seeing some editorial board interview the President had in 08 where he was questioned about being too “Nice.” He was very clear that he was a counterpuncher. Republicans should have listened to that. They should have tried to force him to throw the first punch, but they didn’t. I don’t know what will happen in this election, but I do know that, if Obama loses, it won’t be because of people like Jan Brewer.
Villago Delenda Est
@Monkey Business:
@Donut: Yea, the Ga legislature has elected a bunch of far right crazies in the last couple of years, but we’ve yet to elect a governor like Jan Brewer. There’s still a sizeable GOP element that isn’t insane;that’s probably because there are NO Dems left in power except in a few urban and mostly AA counties and cities, so the GOP is more moderate than one might otherwise believe.
Also after the last election, the few elected white Dems left in office in the state legislature were persuaded to switch parties. One of them received significant help and monies from the local Obama organization to get elected (as a Democrat) in the first place in 2008 in a quite poor county with a significant AA population, albeit not a majority one.
The reporting at the time proffered that perhaps the sane segment of the state GOP wanted to bolster its ranks and power versus the insane parts and went after the few Dems who remained in elected legislative positions.
@Monkey Business: Sagebillies
The reason Jan is wagging her finger in Obama’s face is because she had expressly ordered onions in her vodka martini. He brought her olives.
@Brian R.:
Get them started on Obama’s usage of Air Force One sometime. They lose their shit over THAT ONE daring to use the gubmint money to fly around presidentin’ and vacationin’ and stuff. DISRESPECT TO THE OFFICE! OBAMA IS AN ELITISH CHICAGO THUG! REZKO!!
@cmorenc: I actually hide the winger books behind other books in the New Arrivals section. Do it all the time.
Wingers love stuff like that though. That picture is probably going to be some on a bunch of desktop backgrounds and avatar’s at Free republic.
Personally I always thought AZ was some kind of western version of Florida, you would always hear weird and horrible stories from there, and it was filled with the elderly. Now they just vote Republican with more enthusiasm.
Jay in Oregon
@Brian R.:
Did you miss the whole thing where Cokie Roberts decided that Obama’s 2008 vacation in Hawaii was “exotic”?
The Fat Kate Middleton
From the Phoenix Examiner:
Very Real Housewives of Phoenix there, Jan. Classy.
@TK-421: Same here in one state over, albeit that the transition to total GOP domination of the state happened rather rapidly since 2002. I posit that what’s happened in the region is the wholesale success of Fox and conservative talk radio in turning “liberal” and “Democrat” into dirty words, coupled with the underlying vestiges of racism. This is one reason I am so enjoying the apparent crack in heretofore GOP solidarity.
The Other Bob
Too bad she didn’t make contact with Obama and saw that finger shot off by the secret service.
I have been told that Arizona is the South Carolina of the West by some folks I know who live out there. And being originally from South Carolina they are very proud of that fact.
@Monkey Business:
Southeastern biblebillies and southwestern brushbillies.
Ben Cisco
@Monkey Business:
@BGK: But that’s the best thing about Fox. The whole enterprise has an expiration date. It’s entirely predicated on credulous old people who trust what The News tells them. Soon enough their dinosaur audience is going to die off. It’s going to be so nice when that happens.
@Brian R.:
The “LOL, sucker can’t talk without a teleprompter!” meme dates back to the George W. Bush years, when experience demonstrated that unless the clown had a machine right in front of him feeding him every word of the script, he was completely incapable of giving you the time of day.
Wingnuts remember that, it hurt their fee-fees at the time, so they’re throwing the same thing at Obama and hoping it sticks. Tit for tat.
reposting from previous thread with one addition: also, Jan Brewer, from one old bat to another sweetie, your “badass” photo op is NOT AT ALL flattering – you just look like a bitter old crone fish-wife harpy shrew who doesn’t have the CLASS to show respect for the Office of the Presidency. i don’t really care how sexist that sounds because your are a skanky redneck ALCOHOLIC bitch. anyway, sweetheart, that plastic surgery that has your eyelids pulled back to the back of your head was a waste of money – with a profile and an attitude like that, darling! just sayin’ i’ll have my saucer of milk, now
Gin & Tonic
@maya: Then it would be a Gibson and not a Martini.
He looks like he’s suppressing a laugh. That’s the same look I feel myself making when a drunk crazy starts carrying on next to me on a barstool.
@Villago Delenda Est: And thank g-d for that. I don’t think I could have handled even one minute of Duds tossing up bricks as governor too.
28 Percent
Jonathan Chait’s take on this is that it’s actually some pretty solid strategy. Obama’s team is looking at Arizona as a state that might be put back into play in the next election, depending on how energized the Latino vote gets in his favor, and Brewer’s favorable rating with Latinos is in the negative 40’s range, so there’s a lot to gain from getting a pic and a story of her going apeshit and him walking off leaving her fuming.
I read some of the winger sites Pierce linked to that had this up and I really feel sorry for them. Here’s their avatar, and she loses control, isn’t going to get the trip to the border and the coverage from that that she really wants, and she doesn’t even get to fight this out to any kind of resolution because she’s not important enough to him for him to care whether they work anything out. This is a humiliating defeat for her, complete with a picture that makes her look small, angry and out of control, but the wingers love it. I swear, sometimes I think they’d willingly go to hell in a handbasket as long as they could scream epithets at liberals all the way down.
John T
I feel kind of sorry for the (apocryphal?) small minority of reasonable people who live in that air-conditioned fascist strip mall called Arizona. Why haven’t you guys dropped a house on Jan Brewer yet?
@28 Percent:
That more or less describes the Average Conservative Voter for the last forty years at least.
With all the press that surrounds Obama, the thing that strikes me is that we don’t hear stories of him going ape shit in private on a regular basis. The only thing I can recall is when Cantor needed to be sent to the corner during the debt limit negotiations. Otherwise, he’s a total zen master and takes all of the repub’s antics with a smile, letting them stew in their anger.
@Gin & Tonic:
Thats the MO for whipping up rage with these hillbillies: “He thought he was better than me!!”
@John T: well there are a lotta folks that you have to get into that same footprint, Brewer, Sheriff Joe, Pearce, Kyl, McCain, Flake, Quayle and a whole slew of folks at the local level who are just as dense, bigoted and spiteful. So you’re gonna need a really big ass house….
dance around in your bones
Jan Brewers picture should be in the dictionary to illustrate ‘vapid’.
@28 Percent:
Well, I’m glad Chait agrees with me, In the long run this is good for the POTUS and the Democratic party. I expect that the President’s team is going to spend some money and effort in Arizona. It might not produce a win this time, but the state’s electoral votes are going to flip in the not so distant future. Democrats will be able to send Obama there for years to come. Hell, even crankpants McCain said the state might be in play this year, and if not it won’t be long. He said Texas is going to get competitive as well. You could see the onset of trouble for long-term Republican prospects and the cohesiveness of the GOP when Rove, W, and McCain couldn’t get anywhere on immigration reform. Rove knew there would be no permanent Republican majority if they couldn’t keep a respectable share of the Latino vote.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So exactly what is Brewer’s thinking waving her finger at a man a foot taller than her? She wants to go one one with him?
And I do love Obama’s suppressed ironic smile as he gazes upon that finger. You can almost hear him thinking “Can not get angry with the kids”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dance around in your bones:
I was wondering how many internet hippies it takes to make a Santorumesque google meme for Governor Brainfreeze, but Governor Vapid works too.
@FlipYrWhig: (#117)
Would that were so, but sadly it’s not only geriatrics in attendance at Conservative Political Action Conferences or Values Voter Summits. The ideology, much like the arteries, of those young and middle-aged reactionaries, will only harden with time, propagating the breed of dinosaurs for Fox Noise and its ilk.
@Gin & Tonic: (#120)
Written from experience I trust, as your “nym” would suggest. (My own preference in that regard is Bombay Sapphire, with a twist.)
Fuck the fuck off.
@BO_Bill: You sir, are an idiot.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I have no personal experience of this, but I suspect that a black man in America doesn’t rise as high as Obama has without dealing with tons and tons and TONS of crap, the kind that gives you the opportunity to develop elephant-thick skin.
He’s probably looking at that finger and remembering his days in middle school, you know, back when obnoxious assholes like her actually seemed impressive.
Bruce S
“Is there any state that’s had its reputation more tarnished by asinine teabagging than Arizona, and is there a governor in the nation who’s done more, single-handedly, to hurt the reputation of their state than Jan Brewer?”
Hopefully that’s a rhetorical question, because I’m just not up to the task of digging in the sewage and muck to actually figure out which of the too numerous crackpot, mendacious GOP governors is actually the worst. FWIW I think Brewer has some serious competitors here. Beyond that observation, you’re on your own.
@Gin & Tonic: Close, but not quite. This is the separate but related “menacing black man” whistle.
@Chris: Eugene Robinson nailed it during the 2008 campaign: “To get elected [by frequently skittish and defensive white people], Obama has to seem like the least aggrieved black man in America.”
@shortstop: @shortstop:
Hide your white women and children. Yep, that dogwhistle is loud and clear.
Ben Cisco
Annnnd right on cue, here comes the Ferengi media with their usual cowardly approach:
I’m beginning to hate them almost as much as the NeoConfederates.
@Violet: Yes, the MBM whistle is popular on its own — a few generations away from the bush, superpredators, blablabla — but it’s an especially big hit with the base when a white woman is in alleged danger from a black man.
Did I just witness a large strapping negro stud talking back to a nice considerate elderly white lady?
Whats that high pitched sound I can barely hear? Hmmm…
Way too easy to pose that profile side by side with a silhouette of a witch (nose, chin and pointy finger figuring prominently) for this to be a well-thought out powerfully staged photo opportunity. Drop a little green tint into the pink flesh tones, quick lasso and drop of a pointy hat. . . No, dear, don’t think you quite thought this through all the way although you’re tying hard. What proof is it you’ve got in that cauldron of yours?
ETA: That is not exactly the image of womanhood that promotes starbursts either.
Suffern ACE
In a state that is filled with failed subdivisions and assisted living facilities built out in the desert in the hopes that people would retire there, you’re asking us to fund yet one more giant residential property? I don’t think empty houses should be that hard to find.
Otoh, wouldn’t it have been cool if Brewer and Arpaio had been stupid enough to try and arrest the POTUS over this birther shit and had been confronted by heavily armed SS agents and taken into custody themselves?
@Suffern ACE: well if it’s gonna be used to be dropped on those people, yes, I’m sure we can find the funding…..
He was right. Looking back, I still find it a mini-miracle that he got elected at all.
Judging from the photo, she’s lost it and he’s a bit amused about it.
Citizen Alan
Well, it’s obviously very early in his administration and “tarnishing the image” of Mississippi is a herculean task, but I’m confident that Phil Bryant will be so awful that he’ll make national headlines in a year or so. Before the polls even closed during the last election, he declared that everyone who disagreed with him on fetal personhood (about 60% of the state) was in league with Satan.
She looks like she’s saying, “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”
@Violet: You are the second person to think that’s code for “uppity”. I think it’s worse than that. In her story, she is the nice white lady and he’s the scary black man who might hurt her, or worse.
@Montysano: First thing I thought of was her trying to do that to Mitt Romney. He would absolutely lose it if she tried to do that to him now, let alone if he were president.
I think the look on Barack’s face says “what an ignorant fool this woman is”. I would like to be a fly on the wall in their bedroom when Michelle gets mad about how utterly disrespectful this woman was to
the president of the united statesher husband.harlana
i think Gabby Giffords could teach Jan a thing or two about CLASS.
While the President may not be playing 11th dimension chess, he’s at least playing three-dimensional chess while his opponents can’t seemingly handle one dimension.
The demographics in the Southwest are changing fast. If the Republicans can’t get more than 35-40% of the Hispanic vote, it’s game over for them there. As mentioned before, Karl Rove, Bush II, McCain and Jeb Bush clearly predicted this happening if the GOP didn’t build a much better relationship with the Hispanic community. We’ve seen how well that idea went over in the GOP, which is pretty damn close to explicitly being a white nativist party.
And this was an excellent way to remind Hispanics (but lots of other ethnic minorities too) what we’re really talking about here. The teabaggers who love Brewer don’t love her because she’s got good policy implementation ideas about immigration.
By the way, if the Southwest goes Democratic, it’s unlikely that the GOP will have any chance at the Presidency for at least decades to come. There are simply not enough electoral votes in the Southeast and Plains States to even formulate a route to victory.
Mike in NC
If we can get “Romney/Brewer 2012!” I might decide to start going to church again.
The Brewer-Obama photo receives the Mrs. Polly treatment.
From your lips to God’s ears.
The photo makes me think of this
@Common Sense: Well,maybe she could learn from him, especially about courtesy and appropriate behavior, but probably it’s hopeless.
Watch out Dorothy! She’s coming to get you and your little dog too!
Bitch is lucky her finger is still connected and not shoved up her nose.
John Weiss
@John T: Oh, thank you! First good laugh of the day!
Actually, the book is supposed to clear the name of the witch in Hansel and Gretel. Apparently, they were illegal immigrants that came to her house and squatted.
You know, you should go see a doctor about shit coming out of your mouth. It is supposed to be the other end.
In the interest of time, I’m posting the same comment here that I did on the PA blog @ the Washington Monthly:
Two quick points about this foolishness:
1. Do pay attention to the dog whistle embedded in Gov. Brewer’s explanation that, despite what we can see w/ our lying eyes, she is the aggrieved party b/c she “felt a little threatened by President Obama” because he had the NERVE to walk away from her while she was still speaking.
2. Please take note that “Gov Brewer’s book sales are up 150,000% on over the past 24 hours.
Isn’t supposed to be
“Lady, your breath smells like ass!”
@MJ: Remember though that dog whistles don’t exactly create dogs: they are pretty much rearranging pre-existing dogs at the pound. Furthermore, pre-existing dogs are probably probably behind the surge in sales. FInally, given the size of the jump, I bet the stats are working off a small starting number. Breathe.
Chandler W.
I have actually asked that FOX News channel be changed if I eat in a diner. It embarrasses the heck out of my son, but too bad.
Jan Brewer and Rick Lazio are two Republicans who class up a joint.
What, everyone forgot Rick Lazio thrusting that unread paper in Hillary’s face, demanding she sign it?
Triassic Sands
I’d say “yes.” Walker in Wisconsin. After all, the Cheeseheads had a reputation once upon a time. Arizona has been a conservative hell-hole for a long, long time, long before Brewer took office.
I love this so much that I want to open-marry it.
@Triassic Sands: Yes, but approximately 50 percent of Wisconsin is fighting back hard and everybody in the country knows it. The proportion of sane Arizonans pushing back against Brewer, Arpaio, McCain, Kyl and the other wackaloons of that state is far smaller. (No offense to those of you who are among them; that’s sympathy on my part.)
i see what you did dere.
@ Villago Delenda Est:
Does Obama record his Oval Office meetings like his predecessors did? If so, they could release the tape and show her to be the lying liar she is.
OH, SHIT! She’s back!
If Brewer were any more of a piece of trash, she’d be talking to Fraggles.
@TTT: Ha ha! You win. That is awesome.
@FlipYrWhig: It’s not going to be soon enough.
@Monkey Business: Dustbillies perhaps? (for the SW)
@Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal: @geg6:
Thanks for saving me the trouble of trying to explain Corbett. If more people were paying attention, he’d have embarrassed us as much, but so far, similar damage, less press. Sigh.