I’ve already posted this twice, and everywhere I comment on blogs, but so what I’m gonna post his where ever I can, cause when Fox News getsh PWNED by the freakin’ Muppets it should be seen by every one!
Please watch the video. It will make you smile if not laugh out loud like I did.
@lamh35: BTW, do yourselves a favor and check out the Muppets press conference from the UK premiere of The Muppets Movie. It is the cutest and best things ever.
The whole press conference will warm your muppet loving hearts…lol
I actually watched all 15 videos they were so cute!
Hill Dweller
Why, during the WH press briefing, did a reporter ask about the First Lady allegedly buying lingerie?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Ok, when did the “Mutually Beneficial Relationships – Click here for: College Girls; Single Moms” ad start running with the nude woman bending over in front the roadster start?
I’m afraid to click on it, especially at work.
We have a thick, overgrown stand of lilac in front of the farmhouse and somebody we’ll get around to taming it, maybe. In the meantime, the younger golden found himself a pheasant hiding in the lilacs over the weekend – I believe Beauregard was more freaked than the pheasant.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Hill Dweller: There was some story about Michelle Obama buying $50,000 worth of Agent Provocateur lingerie I heard on Bill Press early this morning.
the press corp are no better than tabloid trash. So GOPolitco picks up some Brit tabloid story that FLOTUS spent $50,000 on lingerie, which the WH says is 100% false BTW, and some idiot journo ask Press Sec Carney a question today about the “$50,000 lingerie story”.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: There’s been a lot of discussion about that today. I’m sure it’s hard not to find out what you could bring to the table for this mutually beneficial relationship, but yes, I’d probably avoid clicking the link at work. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it has something to do with money.
Hill Dweller
I suspect we’ll hear a lot more of this stuff in an attempt to drive down the First Lady’s popularity.
“Newsbusters” has a hard on because POLITICO’s Evan Thomas said this:
Yeah, I agree with all of it. It was a disheartening speech. It was a pathetic speech, really. I mean, here he’s got, the President of the United States needs a mandate for rebuilding the infrastructure, for getting control of the deficit, for tax reform. So what does he talk about? Raising taxes on millionaires, which I guess you have to do, but it is a tiny problem compared to all the others. And so he is running on sort of cheap pandering. And I’m sure the speech was well written, and it was sort of vaguely moving at the end when he talked about the military, but it was overall a pathetic speech.
Thomas would’ve been more impressed if Obama had stuck it to the middle class. I’ll never understand why Villagers believe “shared sacrifice” means “fuck tha poor.”
@lamh35: They never even use a remotely plausible number. Honestly, you just really can’t buy $50k in lingerie, unless you also bought another closet to put it all in. And no one who looks like Michelle needs a thousand articles of lingerie.
@Cap’n Swag: Making the tax code more progressive is, of course, completely unrelated to deficit reduction, tax reform, or infrastructure investment. It’s just one of those itty bitty little things, like switchgrass.
Did you know that there are different types of sugar daddy relationships? It’s true and not all of them are completely the same. For instance, you might have a sugar daddy that you see occasionally and buys you expensive gifts and take you shopping. Maybe he’s only around once a month or so, but when he is, he calls you and the two of you get together. It’s nothing big, nothing major, but big payout for you.
Then, there is the type of sugar daddy relationship where you get cash gifts. This comes sort of in the form of a monthly allowance. You might find that you spend a little more time with your sugar daddy, but when you choose the right one, you’ll find this is more fun than you ever thought possible.
Of course, there is also the type of sugar daddy relationship where you get to go to the nicest places and travel. You really have to like your sugar daddy for this type of relationship, but you would be so surprised how many rich, successful men love to take their sugar babes out to everything from a casual dinner with associates to business travel. For this, you’ll likely want to be up on your manners and have some interesting conversation on hand, but this is a wonderful way to do a little networking on your own.
No matter what type of sugar daddy relationship you’re seeking, you’ll find someone to meet all these needs when you visit ArrangementFinders.com. You’ll find sugar daddies that you really find attractive and fun and get the dating arrangement you’re really looking for. It’s a win-win situation, you get the type of sugar daddy relationship you’re seeking.
Ya know, I’m really happy for the family that the daughter is doing better, but if there was a better reason to GET OUT of the campaign then this is it.
I’m sorry, but if I had a child as sick as Santorum’s daughther is, then the last thing I’d be doing is running for President….PERIOD.
I honestly just don’t understand this “pro-family values” crowd and their “I put my family first…that is until I run for office” mentality. It seems hypocritical, IMHO.
Just my 2cents.
And what if she did? Rich peoples’ personal spending is now a political issue? Since when? I guess since whenever Ms. Obam has been a) Black and b)a member of the Democratic Party. Can’t we just shoot these motherfuckers?
Moving right along to happier topics, how does Max manage to look majesic and goofy at the same time?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Remember when Obama slipped below 50% approval and it was big news?
Not even TPM, where I found this number, has this on their front page, even though they flogged the bad numbers pretty hard. In fairness, especially given the source, I think this is a fluke, but BHO’s numbers have been on the rise, and its not getting anything like the coverage his slip did, even from ‘liberal’ sources.
Not long ago my (cat) Bianca caught herself a squirrel. She was so proud of herself, she brought it home just to show me. Do dogs do that after a successful hunting expedition?
Also, too, saw the Muppet vid via Pierce. Boy, when you’ve lost Miss Piggie….
I love that dog.
Ughh. Enough with this kinda BS. Slavery happened! You can’t just sugarcoat over and soften the language in textbooks. Whatever happened to IDK teaching your kids the truth about history.
News reports here say he’s back on the trail as of today. But that was on the local morning news, so it may be wrong. But this is the biggest news station in Rih’s hometown and one that had an exclusive interview with him last week, so I believed it since he, obviously, has good relations with them.
Meanwhile, I really liked the argument in this post. It pretty much says everything I think about the emo-progs and the both sides suck people infesting too much of our political discourse.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: As a hetero male, I have to admit that I find the topic of women along the line of the first lady and lingerie a topic of inherent interest.
However, I cannot imagine I would pursue it at a WH press conference.
Anyone know what inane rag or nutwork produced this question?
I don’t see the story on Yahoo news. At least it is not risen above the story about a survey that found most US workers use the phone when they are on the john at work.
Much less use her as rationale for why we can’t possibly have a healthcare mandate. I’ve come to expect anything from those who thrive on using their kids as political props (see also, too, Palin, Sarah), much less somebody sho thinks it’s a fine idea to bring home a dead preemie baby for the siblings to share some quality time.
Mere mental illness does not explain Herr Santorum.
Why, during the WH press briefing, did a reporter ask about the First Lady allegedly buying lingerie?
It’s part of the GOP smear campaign. The lie is that Obama only pretends to care about the country, while “letting” his wife spend $50,000 on lingerie. This “sends the wrong message” to all the Americans who have been hurt by the economy.
Strangely enough, I heard some fool on the radio this morning say that Romney looks like he wears very expensive suits, but this is OK because Romney is rich.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jl: I looked at HuffPo, which is as close t o drudge as I’m willing to go. They haven’t got it.
Amir Khalid
I’m a cheapskate about my duds, but it seems to me like US$50,000 worth of outer clothing, let alone underwear, is more than most Americans would have in their wardrobe at any one time.
Conservatives know their policies are inextricably linked to slavery, so they attempt to whitewash that period. This quote in particular was disgusting:
“Slavery is of course portrayed in the textbooks nowadays I’m sure as a totally negative thing. Had there not been slavery in the South, the economy would’ve fallen,” Rieck said.
Jason Segel, who co-wrote and co-starred in The Muppets, said he started crying when he was first introduced to Kermit. And, man, I don’t think I can blame him.
Oh, you could totally blow $50K at Agent Provacateur, especially if you have them custom-make things for you.
But, really, is the story supposed to make us think worse of the POTUS and First Lady? Oh noes, happily married people having fun sex with each other! What shall we tell the children!?
@Amir Khalid: Well, yes. This would be like Imelda Marcos level spending. If she were prone to doing that, I kind of think we’d know about it by now. Unless she’s decided to drop the whole Gap-off-the-rack persona and head into more of a Oprah-with-early-onset-Alzheimer’s type vibe.
Where is John?
Benjamin Franklin
This occurred about the time Barry Commoner wrote the Politics of Energy…
The documentary “A Road Not Taken” chronicles the story of the 32 solar panels that President Jimmy Carter installed on the roof of the White House in 1979, the same solar panels President Ronald Reagan unceremoniously removed.
@Mnemosyne: Never been there, but I’m just not seeing it. It’s a very round number, very big number, with not the slightest tinge of authenticity to it, categorically denied. I don’t think if someone had a receipt for $50k signed by Michelle Obama that the WH would categorically deny the whole thing.
Since the Bo link got me wandering around the WH Flikr page, I came across this and decided the caption needs some added snark: “While Barbara Bush wandered off, intent on counting the silverware.”
@lamh35: During the ’92 campaign, Bush the elder kept trying to avoid debating Clinton. The Clinton campaign sent a guy in a chicken suit to every public appearance Bush made. Finally pissed off at being mocked at every stop, Bush addressed the chicken from the stage.
Carville was the one to say, “when you’re fighting with a chicken, you’ve already lost.”[1]
I believe West Wing did an ep based on it.
Fox should learn that when they’re fighting a pig and a frog, they’ve already lost.
[1] Not an actual quote, but the jist of it. I can’t find my notes from that election at the moment.
Right about this time last year we already had six inches of snow on the ground and were getting ready for an ice storm that paralyzed the area for three days. Three inches of ice on the driveway, and using a hair dryer to thaw out the door lock on my sister in law’s Toyota FJ was a stroke of genius if I say so myself. Today it is 57 degrees and feels like April. God/Allah/Cthulhu is setting up Super Bowl out-of-towners for a friggin’ blizzard starting Friday, no doubt.
The Moar You Know
I LIKE the new pron ads! Little T&A sprinkled about the place won’t hurt this fine site at all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I honestly wondered if that visit was a one-last-time kind of thing
@Mnemosyne: You could tell the children you just spent their College tuition.
Of course they want to slander Michelle (and Barack). Is there any other reason to write anything in their minds (or announce it on NPR)?
Isn’t that just “Jackie Kennedy’s sable underwear” updated for the 21st century?
@J.: I saw that. I gotta admit as a child of the 80’s I smiled as I watched it. But I’d have to say that my younger sister a child of the 90s/00s would NOT be impressed…lol.
Besides I love Matthew Broderick…even if he is married to SJP.
Very possible. I know he’s not been very healthy in quite awhile. To be honest, while I was never a fan I’ve never disliked HW, either. He and Ford comprise my short list of decent Republican presidents since I became aware of what a president was.
gogol's wife
I wuv Max.
Yeah, the ad caught my attention as well. I guess we know what the ‘premium’ in premium blog ads refers to.
As to the lingere bit, remember that the Matt Santos character on West Wing was based on Obama:
“AP has a photograph of something that happened in Cleveland in your hotel bed? Is there anything you’d like to tell me?”
Santos seems to give in and begins his sincere confession, “His name is Bruce. He’s a flight attendant…. At first it was longs walks…. And Josh breaks out laughing. Then Santos remembers something and says more urgently, “Wait a minute. Cleveland?”
It turns out that on one of the rare occasions when the Congressman and his wife were in the same hotel room for a night they “demolished” a bed. After Santos tells Josh what happened, Josh is left to explain it to his senior staff in anticipation of the release of the photo.
“It was an old wooden bed, slats, hand cranks, whatever….”
Then one of the team brings in the photo just as it is released and says, “The hotel proprietor claims the bed was steel-reinforced.”
Who knows how well researched that character might have been, but Obama doesn’t strike me as a guy that has any reason to have a stray eye. And what, the GOP is now envious of Obama’s, er, wealth?
@Hill Dweller: I have to admire the thoroughness, if not the morals, who ever made up the story. The store the purchase is claimed to be from is British with a French name[1], so you can’t even argue that it would be helping the US economy. Their stuff also happens to be on the sluttier end of the spectrum too (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Fewer flowing, 30’s era movie star dresing gowns and more things with “crotchless” in the description.
[1] I’ve always wondered why it wasn’t agente provocatrice though.
Let’s not forget it was some British rightwing ass-rag that pushed the Obama is spending 5 trillion dollars a minute with his million man entourage in Pakistan.
It’s just another in the endless war against Michelle Obama.
Effing shameless right wing nuts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I can’t remember what old cold warrior, discussing WWII and fascism, called Mussolini the monkey that let the tiger (Hitler) out of its cage. With apologies to Godwin, that’s always how I felt about HW and his son’s administration. He thought he could demagogue his way into the WH (Willie Horton, ‘card-carrying member of the ACLU’) and then govern like the David Souter Republican he probably was. I do think he’s paid a price by watching what his idiot son did to the country.
@Martin: Ha ha, haven’t seen that one.
“We reimbursed the hotel for the cost of the bed, and it was worth every penny” seems like how I’d go with that one.
How is John is what concerns me. He seemed a little down the last time he posted.
The Moar You Know
HW’s looking not too well.
@trollhattan: He is 87. And he’s at least managing to smile and dress just fine. The wheelchair is disturbing, but it’s not one of those “I live in this” kind of wheelchairs – looks to be a temporary.
He looks better than I would, if my firstborn drove the nation into the ground the way his did.
I am imagining that the three of them are sitting there, planning a drone strike on Karl Rove.
With a bust of Martin Luther King (?) over his shoulder.
The guy who put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.
I always kind of liked GHWBush, but for the last. (Never voted for him, of course, but he was more decent and, dare say, patriotic, than the Republicans that followed him.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
still on GHWB: Wasn’t his 1980 campaign the last time a major Republican presidential candidate was pro-choice?
Because it seems so completely true I choose to believe the story that HW and Bar were flabbergasted about which son became preznit. And I’ll further bet they quietly cluck to one another about the damage W has done to the family name. It’s what bluebloods do.
But, really, is the story supposed to make us think worse of the POTUS and First Lady? Oh noes, happily married people having fun sex with each other! What shall we tell the children!?
Hey, some people think 1) sex is dirty and nasty and don’t want anything to do with it. Others 2) think sex is dirty and nasty and fuckin’ fantastic and would do it 24/7 if they had the time and energy. Then there are those 3) who think sex is dirty and nasty, then lie about it and/or develop bizarre fetishes (One wetsuit or two?) and 4) who think sex is dirty and nasty and is only for procreation. Lotta Republicans in category 3, judging by news reports. If the Obamas fall into category 2, good on ’em, much better and healthier than category 1, and much much better and healthier than categories 3 and 4.
Let’s see – I’m betting Newt (god bless his black flabby heart) falls into category 3, with lies and fetishes. Anybody who could go for that hair helmet has got some serious kink. Little Ricky definitely into category 4, and Mittens…well, I don’t think there is a category for him. Possibly his kids were produced by cloning. Maybe someone could arrange for him to meet Shakira – that woman could turn a Southern Baptist into a Buddhist, and she might even make him look like a human being on stage instead of a statue of Mitt Romney.
Okay, where’s my brain bleach. I do not want to have to think about any politician’s naughty bits, thankyouverymuchly.
Kay Shawn
I detest HW—particularly because he sold out his true “moderate” Repub values to Lee Atwater’s gang, thus cementing that brand of politics lingua franca from then until now and beyond. When he lost in Iowa, he ran over to NH, suddenly dressed in a plaid shirt, driving a truck and eating pork rinds. Didn’t have to guts to defend his “voodoo economics” comment. And there’s more! After prudently keeping out of Baghdad, he then reversed it on us by siccing W on the country. Only redeeming act: David Souter.
Djoo guys see this? Check out the “Who understands average Americans?” section.
That is a beautiful dog. What kind of stone structure is he close to in those woods? It looks like you have stumbled across some Mayan ruins :-) It does look like beautiful country and the sky is magnificent.
Ugh. Just read that Missouri is about to become a right-to-work state, too.
@shortstop: If they polled below-average Americans, things would be looking good for the GOP.
@Southern Beale: Does this mean I have to get my dog a limo?
@flukebucket: Thanks! It is part of the property an old ludicrously overbuilt mansion near Highland Park in Pittsburgh. Turrets and stone walls made out of huge blocks of field stone are just sort of falling into a gully. The park around there is very old world in the way that you stumble across tumbled artifacts of civilization. Some guy bought the mansion years ago for a couple of hundred k and spent that again fixing it up by hand, so there is that.
Youtube with the President in about five minutes plus.
I love the handsome Max, but this thread needs more kittehs (and less wing nut hatefulness) — so here are my new adopted pals: Blinkie and Robyn
I fell for Robyn after she “picked” me by caterwauling when I walked by (and I love orange tabbys). When I came back the next day she was playing with her friend Blinkie, so now we all live together in my RV.
Not long ago my (cat) Bianca caught herself a squirrel. She was so proud of herself, she brought it home just to show me.
Yeah, I know some people say cats do that “to teach their beloved monkey owners how to hunt”, but I say it’s just bragging! Our cats are indoor-only occupants, since a very busy road runs in front of our house. But our late Maine Coon Kishkan, who came to us as an adult indoor/outdoor cat, had a genius for getting out when we let the dogs out into the back yard. She killed an unknown number of baby bunnies, squirrels, voles & other wildlife during the 9 years she lived with us, some of which I knew about because she left the bodies, or just the heads, on the back steps. (None of our dogs ever touched those corpses; they are spoilt little house dogs, and besides, nobody wanted to get on Kishkan’s bad side!) Once, and only once, Kishkan started making the most ungodly yowling noises just outside the back door… and when I charged out, sure she’d been fatally injured, she was sitting proudly next to a dead chipmunk. Chipmunks are hard to catch, and I think Kish was genuinely disappointed when I thanked her & discretly disposed of the body, instead of having it mounted for a trophy!
Yeah, I know some people say cats do that “to teach their beloved monkey owners how to hunt”, but I say it’s just bragging!
I think ours do it because they want to reciprocate for the food gifts. As in, “Look, guys, I got YOU dinner tonight for a change! It’s a mouse, sure, but you could stretch it out in a stew.”
I work at home, and over time you get used to the things you miss out on when you work in an office. The three cats who lived here a few years back (down to two now and only one original) used to bring their prey in through a cat door all the time. Walk into the kitchen for lunch one day, and find the eighteen pounder who resembles Tunch with long fur lying in a pile of bloody feathers with the look of the just on his face…the just plain satisfied. Then there was the day the female tabby came up to the office while I was totally focused, just caught her out of the corner of my eye. Then she made a noise to get my attention and I see that she’s caught a baby rabbit, somehow removed a strip of fur all the way around its middle and brought it in the house and upstairs (still alive, paralyzed with fear) to show me. Then the late great Greg the Oriental Shorthair…one day I’m working away and I hear a noise, can’t figure it out though I knew I’d heard it before. Then I realize that it’s something to do with venetian blinds…go downstairs and find out the silly ass has caught a bird, brought it in still alive and let it escape. The bird is bouncing off the walls and blinds, the cat is making insane leaps trying to catch it…I’m thinking “do you realize I have a deadline?”.
some of which I knew about because she left the bodies, or just the heads, on the back steps
Supposedly the head is the best part, which is why my ex-boyfriend’s mother (who lived in a farmhouse) would find headless mice left on her bed by the cats.
Kittehs! I’m always a sucker for bathtime — everyone always looks so content.
Our poor Annie is a kitty social dork, and we think it’s because she doesn’t reciprocate baths, which the other two cats think is RUDE RUDE RUDE. (And from a cat’s perspective, it probably is.)
I’ve already posted this twice, and everywhere I comment on blogs, but so what I’m gonna post his where ever I can, cause when Fox News getsh PWNED by the freakin’ Muppets it should be seen by every one!
Miss Piggy: Fox News Is Not News
Please watch the video. It will make you smile if not laugh out loud like I did.
@lamh35: BTW, do yourselves a favor and check out the Muppets press conference from the UK premiere of The Muppets Movie. It is the cutest and best things ever.
The whole press conference will warm your muppet loving hearts…lol
Muppets Press Conference
I actually watched all 15 videos they were so cute!
Hill Dweller
Why, during the WH press briefing, did a reporter ask about the First Lady allegedly buying lingerie?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Ok, when did the “Mutually Beneficial Relationships – Click here for: College Girls; Single Moms” ad start running with the nude woman bending over in front the roadster start?
I’m afraid to click on it, especially at work.
We have a thick, overgrown stand of lilac in front of the farmhouse and somebody we’ll get around to taming it, maybe. In the meantime, the younger golden found himself a pheasant hiding in the lilacs over the weekend – I believe Beauregard was more freaked than the pheasant.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Hill Dweller: There was some story about Michelle Obama buying $50,000 worth of Agent Provocateur lingerie I heard on Bill Press early this morning.
@Hill Dweller:
the press corp are no better than tabloid trash. So GOPolitco picks up some Brit tabloid story that FLOTUS spent $50,000 on lingerie, which the WH says is 100% false BTW, and some idiot journo ask Press Sec Carney a question today about the “$50,000 lingerie story”.
The whole press corps should be embaresssed!
Hill Dweller
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: WTF? Was it a right wing paper/blog?
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: There’s been a lot of discussion about that today. I’m sure it’s hard not to find out what you could bring to the table for this mutually beneficial relationship, but yes, I’d probably avoid clicking the link at work. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it has something to do with money.
Hill Dweller
I suspect we’ll hear a lot more of this stuff in an attempt to drive down the First Lady’s popularity.
Cap'n Swag
“Newsbusters” has a hard on because POLITICO’s Evan Thomas said this:
Thomas would’ve been more impressed if Obama had stuck it to the middle class. I’ll never understand why Villagers believe “shared sacrifice” means “fuck tha poor.”
@lamh35: They never even use a remotely plausible number. Honestly, you just really can’t buy $50k in lingerie, unless you also bought another closet to put it all in. And no one who looks like Michelle needs a thousand articles of lingerie.
@Cap’n Swag: Making the tax code more progressive is, of course, completely unrelated to deficit reduction, tax reform, or infrastructure investment. It’s just one of those itty bitty little things, like switchgrass.
It is kind of amazing. From the link:
Not procuring?
David Axelrod bringing the funny on twitter:
How loving owners transport their dogs
then this pic: http://www.flickr.com/photos/whitehouse/6599476371/sizes/l/in/photostream/
So according to reports, Rick Santorum’s 3-Year-Old Daughter Nearly Died This Weekend and yet another report said that Santorum will be back on the trail Thursday I believe.
Ya know, I’m really happy for the family that the daughter is doing better, but if there was a better reason to GET OUT of the campaign then this is it.
I’m sorry, but if I had a child as sick as Santorum’s daughther is, then the last thing I’d be doing is running for President….PERIOD.
I honestly just don’t understand this “pro-family values” crowd and their “I put my family first…that is until I run for office” mentality. It seems hypocritical, IMHO.
Just my 2cents.
And what if she did? Rich peoples’ personal spending is now a political issue? Since when? I guess since whenever Ms. Obam has been a) Black and b)a member of the Democratic Party. Can’t we just shoot these motherfuckers?
Moving right along to happier topics, how does Max manage to look majesic and goofy at the same time?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Remember when Obama slipped below 50% approval and it was big news?
Not even TPM, where I found this number, has this on their front page, even though they flogged the bad numbers pretty hard. In fairness, especially given the source, I think this is a fluke, but BHO’s numbers have been on the rise, and its not getting anything like the coverage his slip did, even from ‘liberal’ sources.
@wrb: I’m shocked, shocked!
Amir Khalid
Not long ago my (cat) Bianca caught herself a squirrel. She was so proud of herself, she brought it home just to show me. Do dogs do that after a successful hunting expedition?
Oh, snap! (Dang, Bo got BIG.)
Also, too, saw the Muppet vid via Pierce. Boy, when you’ve lost Miss Piggie….
I love that dog.
Ughh. Enough with this kinda BS. Slavery happened! You can’t just sugarcoat over and soften the language in textbooks. Whatever happened to IDK teaching your kids the truth about history.
“Tea Party Group Wants To Soften Slavery in textbooks.”
News reports here say he’s back on the trail as of today. But that was on the local morning news, so it may be wrong. But this is the biggest news station in Rih’s hometown and one that had an exclusive interview with him last week, so I believed it since he, obviously, has good relations with them.
Meanwhile, I really liked the argument in this post. It pretty much says everything I think about the emo-progs and the both sides suck people infesting too much of our political discourse.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford: As a hetero male, I have to admit that I find the topic of women along the line of the first lady and lingerie a topic of inherent interest.
However, I cannot imagine I would pursue it at a WH press conference.
Anyone know what inane rag or nutwork produced this question?
I don’t see the story on Yahoo news. At least it is not risen above the story about a survey that found most US workers use the phone when they are on the john at work.
Much less use her as rationale for why we can’t possibly have a healthcare mandate. I’ve come to expect anything from those who thrive on using their kids as political props (see also, too, Palin, Sarah), much less somebody sho thinks it’s a fine idea to bring home a dead preemie baby for the siblings to share some quality time.
Mere mental illness does not explain Herr Santorum.
Cap'n Swag
POLITICO’s lead story right now is lamenting the death of the grown-ups hammering out deals. What a fascinating, earth-shattering bit of reporting.
Southern Beale
David Axelrod just Tweeted this photo, with the caption: how loving dog owners transport their pets.
Oh, my!
@Hill Dweller:
It’s part of the GOP smear campaign. The lie is that Obama only pretends to care about the country, while “letting” his wife spend $50,000 on lingerie. This “sends the wrong message” to all the Americans who have been hurt by the economy.
Strangely enough, I heard some fool on the radio this morning say that Romney looks like he wears very expensive suits, but this is OK because Romney is rich.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@jl: I looked at HuffPo, which is as close t o drudge as I’m willing to go. They haven’t got it.
Amir Khalid
I’m a cheapskate about my duds, but it seems to me like US$50,000 worth of outer clothing, let alone underwear, is more than most Americans would have in their wardrobe at any one time.
Cap'n Swag
Conservatives know their policies are inextricably linked to slavery, so they attempt to whitewash that period. This quote in particular was disgusting:
Jason Segel, who co-wrote and co-starred in The Muppets, said he started crying when he was first introduced to Kermit. And, man, I don’t think I can blame him.
Oh, you could totally blow $50K at Agent Provacateur, especially if you have them custom-make things for you.
But, really, is the story supposed to make us think worse of the POTUS and First Lady? Oh noes, happily married people having fun sex with each other! What shall we tell the children!?
@Amir Khalid: Well, yes. This would be like Imelda Marcos level spending. If she were prone to doing that, I kind of think we’d know about it by now. Unless she’s decided to drop the whole Gap-off-the-rack persona and head into more of a Oprah-with-early-onset-Alzheimer’s type vibe.
Where is John?
Benjamin Franklin
This occurred about the time Barry Commoner wrote the Politics of Energy…
The documentary “A Road Not Taken” chronicles the story of the 32 solar panels that President Jimmy Carter installed on the roof of the White House in 1979, the same solar panels President Ronald Reagan unceremoniously removed.
@Mnemosyne: Never been there, but I’m just not seeing it. It’s a very round number, very big number, with not the slightest tinge of authenticity to it, categorically denied. I don’t think if someone had a receipt for $50k signed by Michelle Obama that the WH would categorically deny the whole thing.
Since the Bo link got me wandering around the WH Flikr page, I came across this and decided the caption needs some added snark: “While Barbara Bush wandered off, intent on counting the silverware.”
HW’s looking not too well.
@lamh35: During the ’92 campaign, Bush the elder kept trying to avoid debating Clinton. The Clinton campaign sent a guy in a chicken suit to every public appearance Bush made. Finally pissed off at being mocked at every stop, Bush addressed the chicken from the stage.
Carville was the one to say, “when you’re fighting with a chicken, you’ve already lost.”[1]
I believe West Wing did an ep based on it.
Fox should learn that when they’re fighting a pig and a frog, they’ve already lost.
[1] Not an actual quote, but the jist of it. I can’t find my notes from that election at the moment.
Right about this time last year we already had six inches of snow on the ground and were getting ready for an ice storm that paralyzed the area for three days. Three inches of ice on the driveway, and using a hair dryer to thaw out the door lock on my sister in law’s Toyota FJ was a stroke of genius if I say so myself. Today it is 57 degrees and feels like April. God/Allah/Cthulhu is setting up Super Bowl out-of-towners for a friggin’ blizzard starting Friday, no doubt.
The Moar You Know
I LIKE the new pron ads! Little T&A sprinkled about the place won’t hurt this fine site at all.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I honestly wondered if that visit was a one-last-time kind of thing
@Mnemosyne: You could tell the children you just spent their College tuition.
Of course they want to slander Michelle (and Barack). Is there any other reason to write anything in their minds (or announce it on NPR)?
And for those who haven’t seen Matthew Broderick’s Day Off, Honda’s 2012 Super Bowl ad…. Anyone…? Anyone…?
Isn’t that just “Jackie Kennedy’s sable underwear” updated for the 21st century?
@J.: I saw that. I gotta admit as a child of the 80’s I smiled as I watched it. But I’d have to say that my younger sister a child of the 90s/00s would NOT be impressed…lol.
Besides I love Matthew Broderick…even if he is married to SJP.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Very possible. I know he’s not been very healthy in quite awhile. To be honest, while I was never a fan I’ve never disliked HW, either. He and Ford comprise my short list of decent Republican presidents since I became aware of what a president was.
gogol's wife
I wuv Max.
Yeah, the ad caught my attention as well. I guess we know what the ‘premium’ in premium blog ads refers to.
As to the lingere bit, remember that the Matt Santos character on West Wing was based on Obama:
Who knows how well researched that character might have been, but Obama doesn’t strike me as a guy that has any reason to have a stray eye. And what, the GOP is now envious of Obama’s, er, wealth?
@Hill Dweller: I have to admire the thoroughness, if not the morals, who ever made up the story. The store the purchase is claimed to be from is British with a French name[1], so you can’t even argue that it would be helping the US economy. Their stuff also happens to be on the sluttier end of the spectrum too (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Fewer flowing, 30’s era movie star dresing gowns and more things with “crotchless” in the description.
[1] I’ve always wondered why it wasn’t agente provocatrice though.
Let’s not forget it was some British rightwing ass-rag that pushed the Obama is spending 5 trillion dollars a minute with his million man entourage in Pakistan.
It’s just another in the endless war against Michelle Obama.
Effing shameless right wing nuts.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: I can’t remember what old cold warrior, discussing WWII and fascism, called Mussolini the monkey that let the tiger (Hitler) out of its cage. With apologies to Godwin, that’s always how I felt about HW and his son’s administration. He thought he could demagogue his way into the WH (Willie Horton, ‘card-carrying member of the ACLU’) and then govern like the David Souter Republican he probably was. I do think he’s paid a price by watching what his idiot son did to the country.
@Martin: Ha ha, haven’t seen that one.
“We reimbursed the hotel for the cost of the bed, and it was worth every penny” seems like how I’d go with that one.
How is John is what concerns me. He seemed a little down the last time he posted.
The Moar You Know
@trollhattan: He is 87. And he’s at least managing to smile and dress just fine. The wheelchair is disturbing, but it’s not one of those “I live in this” kind of wheelchairs – looks to be a temporary.
He looks better than I would, if my firstborn drove the nation into the ground the way his did.
I am imagining that the three of them are sitting there, planning a drone strike on Karl Rove.
Interesting photo.
GHWBush in a wheelchair.
With a bust of Martin Luther King (?) over his shoulder.
The guy who put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court.
I always kind of liked GHWBush, but for the last. (Never voted for him, of course, but he was more decent and, dare say, patriotic, than the Republicans that followed him.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
still on GHWB: Wasn’t his 1980 campaign the last time a major Republican presidential candidate was pro-choice?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @The Moar You Know:
Because it seems so completely true I choose to believe the story that HW and Bar were flabbergasted about which son became preznit. And I’ll further bet they quietly cluck to one another about the damage W has done to the family name. It’s what bluebloods do.
Hey, some people think 1) sex is dirty and nasty and don’t want anything to do with it. Others 2) think sex is dirty and nasty and fuckin’ fantastic and would do it 24/7 if they had the time and energy. Then there are those 3) who think sex is dirty and nasty, then lie about it and/or develop bizarre fetishes (One wetsuit or two?) and 4) who think sex is dirty and nasty and is only for procreation. Lotta Republicans in category 3, judging by news reports. If the Obamas fall into category 2, good on ’em, much better and healthier than category 1, and much much better and healthier than categories 3 and 4.
Let’s see – I’m betting Newt (god bless his black flabby heart) falls into category 3, with lies and fetishes. Anybody who could go for that hair helmet has got some serious kink. Little Ricky definitely into category 4, and Mittens…well, I don’t think there is a category for him. Possibly his kids were produced by cloning. Maybe someone could arrange for him to meet Shakira – that woman could turn a Southern Baptist into a Buddhist, and she might even make him look like a human being on stage instead of a statue of Mitt Romney.
Okay, where’s my brain bleach. I do not want to have to think about any politician’s naughty bits, thankyouverymuchly.
Kay Shawn
I detest HW—particularly because he sold out his true “moderate” Repub values to Lee Atwater’s gang, thus cementing that brand of politics lingua franca from then until now and beyond. When he lost in Iowa, he ran over to NH, suddenly dressed in a plaid shirt, driving a truck and eating pork rinds. Didn’t have to guts to defend his “voodoo economics” comment. And there’s more! After prudently keeping out of Baghdad, he then reversed it on us by siccing W on the country. Only redeeming act: David Souter.
Djoo guys see this? Check out the “Who understands average Americans?” section.
That is a beautiful dog. What kind of stone structure is he close to in those woods? It looks like you have stumbled across some Mayan ruins :-) It does look like beautiful country and the sky is magnificent.
Ugh. Just read that Missouri is about to become a right-to-work state, too.
@shortstop: If they polled below-average Americans, things would be looking good for the GOP.
@Southern Beale: Does this mean I have to get my dog a limo?
Tim F.
@flukebucket: Thanks! It is part of the property an old ludicrously overbuilt mansion near Highland Park in Pittsburgh. Turrets and stone walls made out of huge blocks of field stone are just sort of falling into a gully. The park around there is very old world in the way that you stumble across tumbled artifacts of civilization. Some guy bought the mansion years ago for a couple of hundred k and spent that again fixing it up by hand, so there is that.
Youtube with the President in about five minutes plus.
I love the handsome Max, but this thread needs more kittehs (and less wing nut hatefulness) — so here are my new adopted pals: Blinkie and Robyn
I fell for Robyn after she “picked” me by caterwauling when I walked by (and I love orange tabbys). When I came back the next day she was playing with her friend Blinkie, so now we all live together in my RV.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid:
Yeah, I know some people say cats do that “to teach their beloved monkey owners how to hunt”, but I say it’s just bragging! Our cats are indoor-only occupants, since a very busy road runs in front of our house. But our late Maine Coon Kishkan, who came to us as an adult indoor/outdoor cat, had a genius for getting out when we let the dogs out into the back yard. She killed an unknown number of baby bunnies, squirrels, voles & other wildlife during the 9 years she lived with us, some of which I knew about because she left the bodies, or just the heads, on the back steps. (None of our dogs ever touched those corpses; they are spoilt little house dogs, and besides, nobody wanted to get on Kishkan’s bad side!) Once, and only once, Kishkan started making the most ungodly yowling noises just outside the back door… and when I charged out, sure she’d been fatally injured, she was sitting proudly next to a dead chipmunk. Chipmunks are hard to catch, and I think Kish was genuinely disappointed when I thanked her & discretly disposed of the body, instead of having it mounted for a trophy!
@Anne Laurie:
I think ours do it because they want to reciprocate for the food gifts. As in, “Look, guys, I got YOU dinner tonight for a change! It’s a mouse, sure, but you could stretch it out in a stew.”
@Anne Laurie:
I work at home, and over time you get used to the things you miss out on when you work in an office. The three cats who lived here a few years back (down to two now and only one original) used to bring their prey in through a cat door all the time. Walk into the kitchen for lunch one day, and find the eighteen pounder who resembles Tunch with long fur lying in a pile of bloody feathers with the look of the just on his face…the just plain satisfied. Then there was the day the female tabby came up to the office while I was totally focused, just caught her out of the corner of my eye. Then she made a noise to get my attention and I see that she’s caught a baby rabbit, somehow removed a strip of fur all the way around its middle and brought it in the house and upstairs (still alive, paralyzed with fear) to show me. Then the late great Greg the Oriental Shorthair…one day I’m working away and I hear a noise, can’t figure it out though I knew I’d heard it before. Then I realize that it’s something to do with venetian blinds…go downstairs and find out the silly ass has caught a bird, brought it in still alive and let it escape. The bird is bouncing off the walls and blinds, the cat is making insane leaps trying to catch it…I’m thinking “do you realize I have a deadline?”.
@Anne Laurie:
Supposedly the head is the best part, which is why my ex-boyfriend’s mother (who lived in a farmhouse) would find headless mice left on her bed by the cats.
Kittehs! I’m always a sucker for bathtime — everyone always looks so content.
Our poor Annie is a kitty social dork, and we think it’s because she doesn’t reciprocate baths, which the other two cats think is RUDE RUDE RUDE. (And from a cat’s perspective, it probably is.)
I’m old enough, so i’ll list Ike, Ford, and HW.
@The Moar You Know:
I honestly hadn’t noticed the wheelchair until you mentioned it.
General Stuck
I loves me so Max!!