(Tom Toles via GoComics.com)
For those of us who can no longer bring ourselves to care about the point spread in a meaningless sub-semi-final. Somebody let me know if Santorum either drops out or throws his greasy foul-smelling endorsement to either of the two “serious” candidates, because Ron Paul ain’t going away before August.
Meanwhile, what’s on the agenda out in the Reality-Based Community known as the world?
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Random, open question: Which single weapon has been the deadliest in human history?
The sharpened stone?
The sword?
The gun?
The bomb?
The Word?
Santorum is running for VP. He’s just released an ad targeting Gingrich and Paul, but not one word about Romney.
BTW, Did Romney’s completely dishonest speech just make anyone as mad as it made me? Seriously, I’m from NOLA and I’ve got voodoo on my mind.
Dishonest fuck!
As much fun as the GOP steel cage death match has been, with all the news and blogging about it, I find it’s easy to forget that this is all about the Republican world and not the majority of America, most of whom are several months away from paying attention to the election.
I would add, the “idea” to your list
And my answer is: the idea — which is made of thoughts put in words but not necessarily checked down for rationality, sanity, or anything good..
@redshirt: You forgot the snark.
Southern Beale
I posted this downthread, but reposting cuz I’m PISSED OFF:
Take Your Pink Ribbon And Shove It
I can’t imagine what they were thinking hiring this idiot woman. Now she shit the bed BIG TIME. They have generated so much controversy by politicizing something that never, ever should have been politicized.
I am SO OVER this shit. OVER IT. What, how do we fight back? Do we all need to incorporate our uteruses or something? I mean, Jesus.
No, I think he’ll throw them some santorum and let them hold the baby-in-jar talisman.
Nope. Frothy just said he’s going on the road to fight against “Obamacare”.
I guess he’s in it to win it. He is now slamming (in order) President Obama, Newt, Romney.
Apparently Ron Paul scares him. Not a word about that freakish garden gnome.
@redshirt: the word
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh35: At 44 I have no personal memory of Nixon as a pol, so I have no problem saying Romney is the most dishonest major presidential candidate I have ever seen. There have been some loonies, but I’ve never seen anyone so (I believe) consciously and willfully demagogue on everything from climate change to abortion to gay rights to health care to foreign policy. The only thing that surprises me about Romney is that he hasn’t ditched his religion to make it easier to get to the Big Chair.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Romney’s religion and his love of money seem to be the only two constants in his political life.
@redshirt: You forgot the republican penis. It’s a shame that those sub-humans are allowed to breed.
@redshirt: @redshirt: the word
Obama, and his Anger Translator Luther:
From Key & Peele via AV Club.
Southern Beale
Totally love Obama’s Anger Translator Luther.
Southern Beale
So-called “fiscally responsible Republicans” who spend millions to indulge their own ego fantasies on an obviously failed presidential run need to STFU right now.
General Stuck
Newt is calling for “a people’s campaign”. No shit. Newt Gingrinch, man a duh peeps. irony is on life support
@lamh35: somehow i don’t see an all northeast ticket. Romney needs a hillbilly running mate. Huckabee? Haley B.?
Omnes Omnibus
@JGabriel: That was funny, and I wonder how closely it matches his inner monologue.
S. cerevisiae
“Romney nails Newt, Santorum follows”
Girding my loins to drive from D.C. to Atlanta tomorrow: 600 miles, estimated time 11 hours. I’m actually looking forward to it. I haven’t done a long road trip in years. I like to drive, I like to zone out (in an alert-driver kind of way) and think deep thoughts, and I’ve got CDs and Sirius for the soundtrack. And I’m looking forward to spending four or five days with some really good friends. And Mexican food! Jalisco, Nuevo Laredo, El Torero, El Jinete, etc. I might not eat anything but Mexican while I’m down there.
But tonight I am going through my usual mild pre-trip panic, which never revolves around useful things like packing but always seems to get into unrelated things like spring-cleaning a closet or sorting my heirloom lunchbox collection. Weird.
It’s Tuesday, but who’s counting?
p.s. Toles does nice art.
I don’t get it. Isn’t this Romney’s only significant win so far? How does this mean everyone else is done for?
MondayTuesday Evening Open Thread, perhaps?Omnes Omnibus
@Hal: Not that many delegates.
Villago Delenda Est
Pointed sticks.
Or a banana.
Is it Tuesday already? I can never tell, the Days of Primaries all seem to run together …
@Hal: You taking the high road or the low road?
Somebody upthread mentioned Nixon and it got me to thinking about the similarity of Nixon and Romney. It’s not just the lying. Old Tricky was such a sleazy little shit you knew he was lying just by looking at him and I find Mitt the same. The ones that scare me are like Reagan all smiling and sincere looking while they rob you blind.
Mr Stagger Lee
Well at least Newt had two racial minorities in the background, compared to Romney’s zero.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: The first one. Rock, stick, jawbone of an ass. Once the thought was out there….
@Villago Delenda Est: We done fresh fruit for the last nine weeks. Can’t we do something else for a change?
Tweety just ripped the shit outta Mittens
@Southern Beale: Thank you so much SB. I had no idea this was going on. Time to spread the word
The Dangerman
Too bad Newt won’t win the nomination; I was so looking forward to seven 3-hour debates. Of course, I was expecting Obama to clean Newt’s clock, to the shock of all the Right who’ve bought into the teleprompter shit.
Obama kicking the shit out of Romney in the debates just won’t be as much fun.
Oh puhleeze!!! Ron Paul gets to talk too!
BTW, Tweety REALLY doesn’t like Mittens!
See, I never get (or got) that. Reagan always struck me as so patently and laughably insincere that I could never understand why he was called the “Teflon President” or why so, so, many people bought his act.
Even at the time, I thought the guy was always lying — 8 words out of every 5.
@The Dangerman:
I loved it when Newt said this. It reminds me of being in college and finding out one of your assignments is a 15 page research paper for a class you thought would be a breeze. It just amazed me Newt thought anyone would find this appealing.
Speaking of the OvenMitt, does anyone else think it’s amazingly pathetic for him to sing America the Beautiful in Tampa? I mean, really Mitt, not a fucking original thought in your head huh? Like Wonkette says:
gogol's wife
Luther sounds like me around the house when I look at the NYTimes! Love him!
@Steeplejack: Steep, we’ve got some really nice weather going on here at the moment. Hope it lasts for you. Safe travels and have fun in ‘Lanna.
As of right now, Romney has 6.6% of registered Florida voters, Newt has 4.5% of registered Florida voters. With 81% reporting.
Just to put the primary vote into context…
@Martin: Thanks. I was wondering just now about that. Pretty pathetic showing both by the voters and the candies.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Roxie: Did you miss John’s rant a few posts back.
I just love how Noot is throwing the kitchen sink at Mittens.
Come fall, this will by a devastating line of attack in Florida’s Jewish communities.
@lamh35: @Jenny: Whoa! I’d call that flat-out contempt, but Matthews sounds like even that’s too good for the likes of Romney.
@Southern Beale, @Omnes Omnibus, @gogol’s wife: Thanks, I figured Luther would go over pretty well with this crowd. Heh.
@lamh35: (#2)
Burdened by little wit, Rih Santorum may well believe that a Mittens/Man on Dog ticket would be a winning combination. Perhaps he imagines that those evangelicals Protestants who may hesitate to cast their ballots for a Mormon president could be cajoled if the vice presidential candidate were a Roman Catholic. Such febrile judgments have been a hallmark of Rih’s years of public service.
In the inescapable nightmare of a Mittens administration, however, Frothy would likely be selected as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Consider that horror for a moment.
Villago Delenda Est
The thing is, Tweety was the guy who gushed about Romney’s 737 landing strip shoulders four years ago.
@amk: Well, just being primaries, you’re carving ⅔ of the registered voters out of process, and then the low turnouts of primaries just adds to that.
But there were 1.9 million votes cast in the 2008 GOP primary in Florida. They’re on track to come in closer to 1.8 million this year. That really speaks to a low enthusiasm by GOP voters. If they really wanted Obama out of the WH, they should be turning out in droves as Dems did in 2008. They’re actually fading, not rallying.
@Villago Delenda Est: So what? The two opinions aren’t mutually exclusive. Romney hasn’t gotten any less handsome, we’ve just gotten to know him better.
@Villago Delenda Est: Tweety has the attention span of a mayfly and no filter between brain and mouth. A bad combination.
From time-to-time we get all huffy about the south here and, even though I’m from Chicago, I point out that Chicago is the most segregated city in the country. . . .still is.
cause literally everyone in his administration was indicted except for him.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):Yes I did. Thanks for the heads up. My friend is giving me the rundown about Susan G Komen and Pinkwashing
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@realbtl: I really think the parallels between Nixon and Romney are striking, and kinda scary, most of all the relentlessness, the willingness to endure the long and humiliating slog, pandering and effectively begging people they despise (for opposite reasons, given their opposite backgrounds) to get The Ring. Swap out Nixon’s five-o’clock-shadow sweat for Romney’s never-a-hair-out-of-place, unflinching gameshow host smile, Nixon’s obsession with the international chessboard for Romney’s exclusive interest in a Randian system of tax cuts and deregulation. Twin sons of very different parents.
@Southern Beale:
I don’t know. I do what I can–vote, donate and volunteer for pro-choice candidates–but God, I’m almost 60 years old, and I’m so tired. So tired of this shit. And it just keeps getting worse.
@Martin: Not only that, but the GOP has the field to themselves — they don’t have to compete for attention and air time with the Democrats like they did 4 years ago.
Bill Burton mentioned earlier that combined spending in Florida was twice the amount this year than 4 years ago.
And yet with the spotlight solely and intensely on them, voters are replying with a resounding — Meh.
Yeah, I checked the forecast, and it looks good. Maybe a little rain tomorrow, but then clear and unseasonably warm for the next week. Probably come back next Tuesday.
I thought about proposing a meet-up with the ATL crew, but I haven’t been down there in over five years and will be booked solid. Maybe next time.
ETA: I’ve got this song running through my head.
I’m hanging out in my drafty RV with my two new kittehs- both of whom are attacking the keyboard. Blinks and Robyn
The orange one is a massive scamp.
@Villago Delenda Est: Given that tweety somewhat accurately acts like a weathervane, blowing with whatever he sees as the latest wind. It is still interesting.
Uh, which is which?
Suffern ACE
I’m dealing with a very poor web launch. I can now follow my data provider on Twitter and friend it on Facebook and give it access to my linkedin profile. I cannot, unfortunately, log in to my account as the designer decided that the customers wouldn’t actually want to do that.
@Steeplejack: Robyn is the orange tabby. I originally went to adopt her but they were such pals I couldn’t separate them.
Certainly making my place more lively!
Cool. Always good to put the names with the faces.
@JGabriel: Loved the Angry Translator, Luther! The one time I thought Luther was over the top and took it too far, “Obama” reeled him in. I loved that, too.
That was laugh out loud fun.
@Villago Delenda Est: I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Matthews. I think it was Roger Simon or some other fungible dildonic pundit.
Benjamin Franklin