Wingnuts quickly settled on a meme in the wake of the Komen Kinda Kave: The Pink Peeps fell prey to leftist gangsterism! According to the squealing pusscakes on the right, an innocent, nonpartisan charity was mau-maued by hairy-legged, Birkenstock-shod lesbian bullies who demand government funds to forcibly dismember precious snowflake babies, probably for some satanic blood ritual that occurs in an Oregon forest within a circle of Subaru Outbacks.
K-Lo’s Kornerites were busily honing this meme shortly after the news broke, blustering about the depravity of dragging filthy politics into the realm of philanthropy. But, as usual, Sister Inviolatta herself was unclear on the concept and dropped this nugget into the Korner Katbox:
K-Lo’s colleagues must have caught up with her in the break room and explained that she was fucking up the narrative, because she performed a partial scoop a bit later:
John is right: We know who the real gangsters, bullies, liars and hypocrites are, and there is no reasoning with them. There is only their defeat and our victory.
[X-POSTED at Rumproast]
“Sister Inviolatta”? Very good! Kinda mean, but very good.
so true.
Not even interested in hearing their case.
This is what you get when you give “editorial” positions to just anyone who walks in off the street and can type at more than 20 wpm.
And “Sister Inviolatta” has just the right tinge of mean to it to be the perfect cut.
I’d like to think that their defeat would happen in my life time but if 8 years of Boy Blunder didn’t kill them for all time Jason could take resurrection lessons from them.
c u n d gulag
My favorite bullshit point by the right (I wish I could remember who it was), was the person who asked why a private charity can’t donate it’s money wherever it wants?
This is the level of ‘fucking-stupid’ that permeates the rightie brains.
Hey, Dumbass, if Komen wants to donate it’s money to a program designed for the rich to learn how to properly deep-fry the children of the poor, but that doesn’t mean that I have to, want to, or ever will jog, walk, or wear pink shit on its behalf.
Or that corporations who want actual sentient people to buy their products have to support it.
I hope Komen is goin’, goin’, gone!
Cat Lady
Lesbians wear Keens.
Cool! I’d had already planned on being in Oregon Monday or Tuesday. I should bring some tarps.
@c u n d gulag:
That’s what all my butthurt rightie FB peeps were yellin’.
It’s like they actually believe they are the majority or something. What is it about 27% that the wingnut branch of the right fails to comprehend?
I’m sure there will be an ugly rightwing backlash over this including smears, lies and outright bullying. It’s just so gratifying to see that even moderate Republicans are fed up with the excessive influence of the (minority) American morality police. I just hope the Komen thing is a true turning point and not just a ‘one off’ for defenders of reason.
it is just too delicious that, in the end, PP not only got the $600,000 from Komen after all, but also raised $3 million from pissed off donors! tee to the hee
@c u n d gulag: crap, it took me years to break down and buy the pink t-shirt, and that was only because it was right there in the grocery store and it was a good price – about 3 years after my surgery, i mean, i wore the thing just a couple of times this year! hmm, wonder if i should just start using it to clean the furniture now.
West of the Cascades
@MikeJ: No tarps — it’s important that the blood flow directly onto the Earth-Mother.
You could bring some beer, though – one of the fucking wiccans always promises to pick up a case and always forgets. It’s not strictly necessary for the blood ritual but it’s fun to have when everyone’s sitting around afterward.
I must remember to share this with my young co-worker who is newly arrived from Oregon and drives…you guessed it.
@West of the Cascades: Honestly I was thinking more “blue tarp camper”, but I can see how it could cause confusion. Tarps are just dead handy to have around anyway.
Linda Featheringill
Save the T-shirt as a collectible.
Amir Khalid
I guess the motive was to have a narrative where the left was the big meanie and a poor widdle RW-friendly charity was the victim. Only, of course, the facts are widely known and they say otherwise.
It’s pretty annoying to watch the media coverage after the Komen “apology”. Far too many saying Komen “reversed” their decision with no context. Andrea Mitchell putting a happy face on it.
I just visited Up With Chris Hayes site. They put a vid up of a excellent interview Chris did with Charmaine Yoest, CEO of Americans United for Life in Oct., The Attack on Planned Parenthood, with the panel chiming in with questions for Yoest too. Wow. Now that is how journalism is supposed to work.
Davis X. Machina
Swing by the yurt… I’ll be ready, just honk the horn.
Rafer Janders
@c u n d gulag:
My favorite bullshit point by the right (I wish I could remember who it was), was the person who asked why a private charity can’t donate it’s money wherever it wants?
Which is also why the right has been busily pressuring Komen for so long to defund Planned Parenthood. Because a private charity should be able to donate its money wherever it wants, except when wherever it wants is to a place that the right doesn’t want it to.
Inalienable rights: for me, but not for thee.
West of the Cascades
@MikeJ: Good point – and it is kinda nice to have something to rig up to drink beer under. The ritual itself has to be out in the rain, though.
Are they using the phrase”the powerful Planned Parenthood lobby” yet?
I believe their brain function is so profound that they have trouble grasping that anyone really doesn’t think the way they do, so people who do not think in the same dysfunctional way they do must be both crazy and rare!
Also, too: Wingnut Bubble. When the only news you watch is Fox, and all your friends and relatives that you associate with think the way you do, and you denigrate and bully anyone who doesn’t… you don’t get a dose of Reality until it is big enough to choke you.
schrodinger's cat
@gelfling545: I know many men, who drove a Subaru. It is great car to have in winter, always starts no matter what. I have owned two Subarus myself (woman but not lesbian), where did this Subaru=Lesbian meme start.
Felinious Wench
Guess what? The Left DID lead the evisceration of Komen. And they deserved it. And to the Right, I say “Yep, we sure did. And now you know what we can and will do. You’re on notice, assholes.”
I’ll gladly repost this (from an earlier thread). It’s Michael New posting at National Review Online yesterday on how outraged he is at people bullying women’s health non-profits:
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: And I know straight men who drive Miatas but still…
@Danny: calling him a “douche-nozzle” would be an insult to Summer’s Eve
@schrodinger’s cat: Perhaps it's more of an Oregon/Portlandia thing.
@Danny: They really are confusing overt volume with popularity there, aren’t they? And because they can’t imagine anyone thinking differently than they (certainly not without demonic and evil intent) they also assume they are in the majority. Complete lack of imagination, complete lack of observation, or complete lack of empathy, your choice. Here’s to a complete comeuppance, and soon.
For all the bluster about free markets, they really, fundamentally don’t get it.
People withdrawing support for Komen and donating to PP is the freest of free market responses.
They’re such asshats they can’t even get that.
@schrodinger’s cat: Subaru is the New Volvo.
@Felinious Wench:
Let the choking begin.
@Amir Khalid: they always have to have a fake narrative to combat the truth – i know i sound like an old fart here, but younger people seem to be able to see through some of this – the old messaging systems of the powerful are beginning to fail, it appears – they have a different type of intelligence that i don’t completely understand but can respect because of my exposure, probably considered quite limited compared to the young ones, to the internets and to computer machines and such
@schrodinger’s cat: Drove a Suburu myself when they first came out. (It wasn’t ready for prime time then). I’ll pass the quote on t her because she is used to Oregon being seen as a center of new age hippyish alternative whatever & has commented on it. She says areas of it are actually quite conservative.
ETA she drove that damned car across the country to work with the homeless. That’s all I know about her or need to know to think she’s wonderful.
How dare the people who have had their brand damaged respond to those doing the damage by counter damaging the brand of those doing the damaging.
Omnes Omnibus
@GregB: The outrage of a bully when someone hits back.
My brother bought the only Legacy sedan and I bought the only fwd (NOT 4wd) subaru station wagon.
Not welcome at the wiccan ceremony, i presume.
Well, we need to be constantly on guard. The Komen thing may not be over with the weasel-word “apology” only really saying they will allow PP to reapply. What needs doing is a management “root-canal” to get rid of Brinker and Handel. That is the only cure for the rot at Komen.
Betty Cracker
@Danny: That’s an excellent example both of their core hypocrisy and of the bubble in which they dwell. Why on earth would it be “unthinkable” for an organization run by rich Republicans, Bush administration cast-offs and forced-birth zealots to cut ties to Planned Parenthood?
In fact, now that the Komen rock has been overturned and we’ve had a gander at the creepy-crawlies beneath it, the only thing that surprises me is that the organization didn’t somehow squirm out of funding PP to begin with. I guess the fact that PP is the only provider of women’s health services in many areas painted them into a corner.
New is whistling past the graveyard if he wants to call the Komen debacle a win. It’s rare to see a PR cock-up on such a grand scale, and the Komen people at least realize that.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: No, you are fine, but you will have to park by the road with the Volvos, Priuses, and Saabs.
@SteveinSC: They can’t really get rid of Brinker. She is the founder.
All the cows and sheep are republican. The places where people vote go dem.
@Betty Cracker: The most bizarre element here is that they truly believe themselves to be far less hypocritical than they actually appear.
Yes, the bereaved sister is raking in a half mill a year; the board of a charity gets paid too (such duties are often donated as a charity move,) and the corporations sell stuff they otherwise might not by donating a tiny fraction of the profit.
It’s making tons of money with smoke and mirrors, laughing at the rubes, and trickling down little drops of the money they make by doing so. This is how right wingers Do Charity.
It’s simply a reflection of everything they do.
@schrodinger’s cat: In Vermont just about everyone drives a Subaru. Even a lot of the so-called rednecks drive them because they’ve come to realize there’s nothing cool about sliding off the road.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You mean she owns it?
Omnes Omnibus
@SteveinSC: No, I mean it would be difficult for an organization to fire the person who founded it and named it after her dead sister.
Looking at KLo makes me realize that this is the last person in the world who should be expounding on issues of sexuality and reproduction.
Rafer Janders
So as you point out, yesterday Michael New at NRO wrote that
“In recent years pro-lifers have done a good job damaging the credibility and reputation of Planned Parenthood. This work has to continue. Just a short while ago, it would have been unthinkable for a group like the Komen foundation to sever its ties with Planned Parenthood. However, the fact that Planned Parenthood may no longer receive any future grants from such a popular charity is evidence of pro-life progress.”
So: damaging reputation and credibility of a private charity to effect political change is good. But meanwhile, also at NRO yesterday, another of their writers was outraged — outraged! — that anyone would dare to damage the credibility and reputation of a private charity:
In the NROHQ kitchen just now, Charlie Cooke wondered aloud, and here I paraphrase: “Does anyone on the Left even ask the basic question of whether a private charitable organization has the right to dispose of its money as it sees fit?” But in fact, that anyone thinks there is a question here is a sign we’ve already lost.
My sister! My daughter! My sister! My daughter!
@Omnes Omnibus: The only way this organization can be saved is if Brinker and the entire board of directors leave to spend more time with their families and are replaced by Hillary Clinton and some like-minded board members.
I am deadly serious about this.
Omnes Omnibus
@beltane: I don’t disagree; I just think that, given Brinker’s connection to the organization, they can’t ease her out. As a result, SGK is toast.
SteveinSC, even if they could fire the founder, getting rid of Brinker and Handel doesn’t magically fix the problem. Jane Abraham is also on the board. Ari Fleischer has been advising them. Reports are now that Komen quietly lobbied against the PPACA and won’t give grants to researchers studying the effects of environmental toxins on BC. As you know, they also won’t fund stem-cell research. All evidence is that the right-wing agenda is thoroughly entrenched throughout the org. Would a couple of high-level resignations really restore your trust?
@shortstop: In light of these revelations, why would anyone who cares about this issue want them to continue? They are not a charity so much as they are a mechanism for sucking up dollars that could have gone to better research.
Exactly, WereBear. I don’t mind hearing so many people calling for Handel’s and Brinker’s heads, but I hate to think that if that call were to succeed, people would then get in line behind this fully corrupt organization.
@shortstop: Actually they have given grants to people studying environmental factors, even though they deny any link between most chemicals and breast cancer on their web site.
@MikeJ: The urge to assert they’re hoping to blame cancer on the continued existence of the spotted owl is pretty near overwhelming and I just succumbed.
Thanks for that link, MikeJ. That is a profoundly disturbing article.
schrodinger's cat
@beltane: Same in Maine, almost every other person had a Subaru.
@schrodinger’s cat: Because Subarus are associated in the RW mind with everything leftie, and if you are a single woman driving a subaru, you MUST, therefore be a leftie, and that means that you MUST, therefore, be a daughter of Lesbos.
@Danny: Is that Michael New, the guy who dishonored his uniform for a political point?
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Miata, that’s my dream car, when I has elebenty munnies.
schrodinger's cat
@Soonergrunt: I will have to tell that to the burly guys who worked in shop of the Physics Dept and drove Subarus, that they are lesbians!
I appreciate the sentiment, but as in all my wars, I want to know what our victory would look like. Specifically.
@SteveinSC: This is actually not true. The founder of a nonprofit is not its owner. I’m the founder of a nonprofit org and my role is no more sacred or protected than any other board member or employee. A simple majority vote of the board or membership and I’m gone. Nonprofits do not have ‘owner’s and, in fact, are required to designate an organization or trust to which assets can be transferred should the nonprofit be dissolved. The idea is that these are organizations granted special tax privileges because they operate for the public good and no individuals are supposed to be benefiting excessively from involvement in them.
What is weird, to me, is her salary situation. I believe in paying people well to get quality performance and nonprofits really benefit from strong leadership. But I think it’s hard to justify how ‘well’ Ms. Brinker is paid, since apparently so doesn’t provide much actual leadership and turfs the work out to highly paid consultants. It appears she is being paid primarily to be the ‘figurehead’ of the org and that role is basically honorary and shouldn’t be compensated to the degree Komen compensates her. I may be wrong and she is actually involved in day-to-day activities, but their 990 form shows an awful lot of money (hundreds of milliions) going to business consultants and advisers which really shouldn’t be necessary if she’s the business wiz she claims to be. I think Tom Levenson made this point well in one of his recent posts. If you want to know if a charity is acting like a piggy bank for individuals, look at how much they direct to consulting fees. Sometimes these fees are explainable, like charities that have no paid staff and rely solely on consultants when they have administrative needs. But Komen is well staffed, so this is an eyebrow raiser.
Also, there is a difference between ‘nonprofit’ and ‘tax-exempt,’ that most people are not aware of. Nonprofit is a corporate designation filed with the state your group incorporates in and your corporate obligation is to state law. Tax-exempt is a federal tax designation (501c3 is just one of many types) and paperwork is filed with the IRS. Most states–in fact, I believe all of them–do not allow board members of nonprofits to be compensated. I don’t know if Brinker sits on the board, in addition to being a paid employee, but it sounds like they have an unusual corporate structure for a nonprof that is awfully favorable to the founder.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Subaru hired Martina Navratilova as their spokesperson in the early 2000s; that seems to be when it got started.
The Google has answers:
slightly OT, but when subaru’s were introduced to the chicago market in the early 80s, the TV ads had an on-camera spokeswoman just had to be the client’s/producer’s/director’s wife/mistress/something. she had a severe speech problem with the letter “R” and her pitch came out as “so twy the new subawu. they’re weawwy woomy.”
i’ve had a hard time taking them seriously ever since.
(also, too, i live in the lakeview area of chicago (heavy gay population) and on the corner of belmont and halsted there used to be a subaru billboard featuring an outback with license plates that said “XENALVR.”)
Hey! Cowperations are people too!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Schlemizel: How ya feeling? You’ve been in my thoughts.
K-Lo is a fool, but We all knew this. Sister Inviolatta is perfect.
c fleming
damm. that playoff loss is all my fault-don’t tell john. I got a damm pink towell I bought for my wife–I could not be more sorry
Mac from Oregon
@MikeJ: No need for tarps, weather should be dandy for Monday and Tuesday.
Villago Delenda Est
I’ve actually witnessed one of these in the Willamette National Forest. Didn’t work, because we only used the blood of an Oregon Republican (and most of them are borderline blue dog Dems to begin with), and not the blood of a true authentic sacrifice victim, like, say, oh, I don’t know…K-Lo.
Use her, and we get her master’s prompt attention, for sure.
Pardon my ignorance, but I am missing something implied about the edit in K-Lo’s post. She evidently deleted the comment “Note to all Livestrong bracelet wearers.”
Is there something particular to Livestrong that is relevant, or is it just that it’s unseemly to suggest they’d resort to strongarm tactics (the suggestion being that Livestrong bracelet wearers should stop donating to Livestrong)?
Thanks in advance for clearing this up.
Livestrong isn’t much better as a charity than Komen. Moral of the story: Be wary of awareness charities.
pseudonymous in nc
You can understand that attitude towards disbursement at National Review, because it has its parallel 501(c)(3) wingnut welfare operation.
opie jeanne
@Xoebe: I think it’s the blind irony of her bitching about the politicization of a charity and then going on to politicize another charity.
Fucen Pneumatic Fuck Wrench Tarmal
i read a victim piece on red state(twitter can be a harsh mistress) and it was decrying the all mighty leftie meanies who demand that planned parenthood can never be defunded ever. how planned parent hood was to be blamed for the holdup in the budget deal, and how we almost shut down the government for planned parenthood, lots of victiming, and arbitrary shout out to military families, et al. oh yeah planned parenthood is a bunch of parasites.
fuck those people
…to forcibly dismember precious snowflake babies, probably for some satanic blood ritual that occurs in an Oregon forest within a circle of Subaru Outbacks.
I’ve been away from Cole’s blog for awhile (computer down since December), so I wanted to let you know, BC, that statements like that are why I am utterly pleased that Cole added you to the BJ roster. If I may butter you up even more, I’ve been a fan since the “it’s a casserole, silly” days. A belated welcome to the “mix” and keep the funny coming…
Betty Cracker
Thank you kindly, Rihilism.