I wanted to say something snarky, caustic and clever about the Madonna performance just to show how cool and above it all I am, but it was actually pretty good by Super Bowl halftime show standards.
I have thought the commercials have sucked so far.
DougJarvus Green-Ellis!!
Commercials are all tricks, no inspiration.
Get offa my lawn!
Patriots are Taking Care of Business.
Spaghetti Lee
Even the one with the dog losing weight? I thought that one was cute.
They should just get Prince to do it every year.
I was too lazy to click the url, what lady is sick in the head. From John’s tweet.
eastrivercomment eastriver
Madonna sucked huge ass. Period.
As someone who was never a fan of Madonna (I heard the Lords of the New Church cover like a virgin before I heard her do it) I thought she was pretty good, for what it was.
@Spaghetti Lee:
Yeah, I liked that one and the Chevy Truck/Apocalypse/Twinkie one. And the Clint Eastwood one. But other than that, forgettable.
I’ll just be glad in a few weeks when I don’t have to hear “old Madonna” jokes from aging disc jockeys that are as old or older than her.
I liked the post-apocalyptic car commercial. That was at least clever.
Villago Delenda Est
Sting and Gwen Stefani were pretty good a few years back.
Nothing, however, can top the sheer idiocy of the reaction to the wardrobe malfunction. Good grief, people, stop being such broomstick up the ass until it’s coming out your mouth, already.
Madonna was okay. Commercials, meh. Obviously they haven’t run the real ones yet.
Madonna was awesome. I’ve been forgetting the commercials as soon as they air.
i know it sounds like damning with faint praise, but that was the best halftime show i’ve seen in a long time. mostly cause it had cee-lo innit, but it was noticably short of shlock like the usual halftime show. that was great.
I so wanted her to Tebow during “Like A Prayer”. I remember how the American Taliban raked her over the coals for that video and it would have been such a great Madge fuck you moment. Sadly, she’s gotten too old and wise for such things now. Gotta say, though, she’s my age and I could only hope to look that good.
By the way, Cole, if we have a Pittsburgh BJ meet-up, I sure hope you’d consider driving up for the evening. You can stay at my place if (when) we should tipple a bit too much.
The Chrysler ad was pretty powerful. The only thing it lacked was thank you Mr. President. I put on PBS because I live in a pretty sedentary household and have already scared the pets. Really a Safety and 12 men on the field..Really…
It’s better this way for Mr. Alice (black January cat)and Miss Moxie (scruffy September dog).
@Maude: Pamela Gellar
The VW ad was good if they’d just left it as the dog on a diet. Connecting it to the awesomeness that was the Darth Vader ad from last year was just trying too hard.
Best snark I’ve read from a friend’s FB page:“I thought Lady Gaga looked awful.”
Prince was the best halftime show I can remember. Nothing else comes close.
Southern Beale
Oddly, I tried to post a comment a few seconds ago and got a “bad behavior” error message. How does your blog know me that well?
Anyway, I was going to counter that the Clint Eastwood Detroit ad was amazing, and then saw ABL has already posted it up-thread.
Madonna’s half-time show was awesome, I thought. Maybe that makes me uncool, but damn she can still do it. IMHO.
Calming Influence
Despite the heavy football focus today, I’m going to call an open-thread audible and put this out there:
Fucking dryer balls – how do they work? They seem to have become a ubiquitous feature in household dryers, but really, are they any different than pyramids or crystals?
Does Dryer Ball Science even approach the level of Scrubbing Bubble Science or Creation Science?
Actually, I think Doritos have redeemed themselves over last year’s commercials. I like the dog bribing the man with Doritos after he sees him covering up the cat tags. At least they aren’t creepy like last years. Speaking of creepy, do GoDaddy commercials make anyone as sick as me?
Southern Beale
I thought there were a few really cute ads. The vampires disappering in the Audi LED lights were cute. And me and the hubs were laughing at the Doritos ad where the dog knocked off the cat. We thought it was funny but my Twitter feed tells me we were the only ones. Lighten up, people. It’s fucking Dorito’s.
WereBear (itouch)
While Madonna being in shape is an accomplishment; give me a few million, a year off work, and some personal trainers and I’ll see what I can do.
Southern Beale
@Calming Influence:
Should I ask what a dryer ball is? Of is this something everyone already knows about?
Either this game, whatever it is, (I thought the season ended for all practical purposes, and for every sane right thinking person, when the niners lost) is a mess or the blog is a mess, or both.
Why is the second half thread before the halftime thread?
Is this dumb football game messed up that bad, or is the mighty Balloon Juice experiencing a rare episode of total disorganization and utter confusion?
Only thing interesting about this game is whether Cole enjoyed his heart healthy vegan tacos. I eagerly await the report.
Thank you.
@Southern Beale: They are the same as truck nuts but for your dryer.
Comrade PhysioProf
Madonna was fucken awesome!!!!!!!!
Calming Influence
@Southern Beale: They’re these knobby rubber balls that you throw into the dryer with your wet laundry, and you spend the next hour listening to them beat the shit our of your clothes and the dryer drum. I’m not being snarky when I say you need to Google them – they’re starting to take over the planet like Tribbles.
That crumbum Brady going to erase the Holy Montana’s (pbuh) records? That cannot be.
This game will stink either way. Either the Jersey palookas win, or playboy brady will defile the memory of one of the SF Bay Area’s patron saints.
Soon, we only be able to have shrines to St Francis, Rice, and Garcia.
Madonna gonna play? She looked in better shape than most of players.
@Joy: Nothing is as creepy as that ETrade baby – ugh. But I loved Mr. Quiggly, despite the ugly sneakers they made him sell.
Calming Influence
Kudos; absolutely the best description of dryer balls ever.
Southern Beale
Via the Twitter Tubez I learned that Sean Hannity and Greta Van Susterface hated the Madonna half-time show so I am more convinced than ever that it was awesome.
Was do Eric Burdon and The Animals have to do with that poncer David Beckham, or with David Beckham’s underwear?
WereBear (itouch)
@Southern Beale: It’s just flipped wrong: if the cat had knocked off the dog, or the dog was a chihuahua, it would have worked a lot better.
Death Panel Truck
If you won’t say it, Cole, I will. Madonna sucked.
Violet @20:
Agreed. A friend of mine, at the time, said they should just stop with the halftime acts after that one. Prince kicked everyone’s ass, before and after. Stillbthe best one ever. Madge wasn’t bad, though. And this is from someone who was always more a fan of her attitude than her music.
Southern Beale
@Calming Influence: Speaking of ball, where is the catnip balls themed rotating header for Balloon Juice? I haven’t seen it yet.
Southern Beale
Speaking of truck nutz they are so last year. The new thing is car thongs.
Ok, I liked the nfl evolution ad.
Spaghetti Lee
@Calming Influence:
So, wait, are they for helping dry your clothes? Because otherwise…what? Why? I swear, sometimes I think that pop culture is a giant conspiracy to leave me confused and bewildered.
Calming Influence
Also, dryer balls seem to always come in sets of two. It makes you wonder what goes through a woman’s mind when she throws them in and set the drying temp. to HIGH.
Southern Beale
Dude you lost me at David Beckham’s underwear. Hubbedeh hubbedeh hubbedeh …..
I thought Madonna was great, but every SB halftime show pales in comparison to U2’s show. Ten years ago
Hard to fucking believe.
Southern Beale
@Calming Influence:
Probably thinking of some asshole like Ron Paul and his search for “honest rape.”
The first two Coke polar bear commercials were pretty good. the GE ones sucked, both because they were boring and their blatant lies about jobs in America (how many thousands have they shipped overseas or to Mexico in the past decade?).
Worst one so far? The Old Navy “corporado” clothing – even as a Poe it sucked.
Mark S.
All right, that Jack in the Box commercial made me laugh. Nothing else has.
pythagoras frog
did anyone else notice that the second rapper (i think it might have been MIA) flipped off the camera at the end of her verse?
Southern Beale
Okay I don’t know what a dryer ball is but I would guess if I were a dryer ball I’d be used to keep clothing fluffed as it goes through the dryer cycle, especially things like quilts.
I would love to fluff my down comforter in the dryer but was told to put tennis balls in with it for that reason. But tennis balls smell, and I don’t want my comforter smelling like a fresh can of tennis balls.
I thought Madonna herself was competent (she fell once, anyone else see that?), but the staging was awesome. The Vogue covers all over the field were muy cool.
Prince was indeed the best.
Villago Delenda Est
Yeah, but the Rams helmet was anachronistic. The Rams’ horns didn’t go to yellow until the late 70’s, and that scene was supposed to be from the 60’s.
Amazing interception. Almost an amazing pass
Stat of the game…
NYG have held the ball for almost 30 minutes…
But are still trailing by 2.
Southern Beale
We noticed the Coke polar bear commercials seem to be following the action on the field and wonder if they had two sets of ads prepared, depending on how the teams were doing in the game. Anyone else notice that?
@Southern Beale: If that’s the best he’s got…
Southern Beale
I’m sure no one cares but a Nashville-based lighting company handled all of the LED and laser lighting for the Madonna half-time show.
Awww….the Herewego ad was great! Funny and a plug for rescue dogs!
@Southern Beale: I hadn’t noticed that, but you’re right. Very clever.
Mark S.
Geez, Giants, you might want those TO’s at the end.
I thought Madonna seemed unexpectedly small on the stage, like she couldn’t fill the space. I’ve always thought of her as being larger than life, so it surprised me she seemed so insignificant. I wonder why they added LMFAO, Niki Minaj, Cee Lo, etc. They haven’t done that for other performers. Prince didn’t need or get help. So I think she did a good job and she looks great, especially for her age, but I was somewhat underwhelmed.
Man, the game seems to be full of injuries at the moment.
Mark S.
That should’ve been pass interference.
@Villago Delenda Est: Well, if you insist technical accuracy…
Southern Beale
Yeah I noticed that too but Madonna is a very small person. She’s like 5’4″ and while she was wearing some heels, she wasn’t going GaGa on the footwear, since she had to move around the stage. That’s a lot of space for one little person to fill.
With Aerosmith they added N’Sync, Brittney Spears, and Nelly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Southern Beale: Prince is a tiny dude. Just sayin’.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Gold, then white, then back to gold. See 1949 for a real shock.
Southern Beale
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s true, he is tiny, even in his platforms.
I don’t think they added anyone for the Rolling Stones, did they? Or Springsteen? They definitely didn’t for Prince.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have more than one performer. Something for everyone that way. Just interesting when they do it.
Southern Beale
Funny how many super famous people are really little, wonder if there’s something to that.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m a lifelong Ram fan. The helmets got me into them back when I was a wee lad. STILL the coolest helmets in the NFL.
BTW, that was pass interference. The Bart Simponesque “I didn’t do it” sealed the deal.
@Death Panel Truck: Ha ! Totally agree. But M.I.A. managed to get away with flipping someone (or everyone ? ) off, so there’s that…
The Darkness…cool commercial. Samsung phones are still crap.
Jay C
Guess I agree with the general assessments here: ads suck (except for Clint Eastwood) Madonna was OK: I’ve seen better SB shows, but this was as good as one could expect.
@Southern Beale:
True: Madonna is pretty short and slight: I bumped into her (literally) once in a crowded Broadway theater: if she hadn’t been braced on the other side by Rosie O’Donnell, I’d have probably floored her…
BD of MN
We can all agree that wherever Madonna ranks in the halftime show pantheon, her show was the best of the previous three years, right? In case you’ve blocked it out of your memory, last year was the Black Eyed Peas and the year before was four old guys who may have been The Who…
The game has been one of the more entertaining but the worst commercials in 30 years of Super Bowls.
Lets not talk about Grandma Gaga, the halftime has never been worth watching. It was better when they just had the local U marching band strut their stuff.
@BD of MN:
The Black Eyed Peas were probably the most disappointing, as the other two are both considered past their peak as performers.
@Schlemizel: If the Giants win, I hope it’s by more than 2 because although the safety might have been within the rules, it had not been called all season. Just my opinion..
Villago Delenda Est
Wow, that is a great site. 1963, huh? Well, I have an excuse, I was six, and also, we didn’t get a color TV until ’68 (during the Democratic National Convention…Baby Blue Helmets ftw!)
Those 1949 helms are something else entirely!
Hell of a catch by Manningham!
Spaghetti Lee
I’ve actually liked this slate of commercials more than any other in the last 5 years or so. Lots of cute animals, some funny concepts, not much mean-spiritedness or winking self-awareness (at least from my perspective).
@BD of MN:
Oh, wow. The Who. I’d totally forgotten about that disaster. Sheesh. Yes, she was way better than that.
@Southern Beale:
I don’t think it was Madonna’s size that made her seem small on the stage. Somehow her act or persona or something couldn’t fill it even with all those guys dancing and writing around her. When the other performers showed up she seemed to perk up a bit.
I forgot to mention, I really liked the guy on the tightrope wire during the early part of the show. That was pretty cool
@madmommy: Note to Giants: do NOT score too fast. Otherwise that beautiful gain will be for naught.
PS I think they’re exploiting a chink in the Pats’ armour. Interesting.
Score a damn TD Giants.
If Brady wants to join Joe Cool, make him drive the field like Joe had to against Cincy.
Mark S.
Man, that drop by Welker is going to be the play of the game.
@Cacti: The feat has been completed. Now they just need to stop Tom Brady et al for 57 more seconds.
Looks like Eli has got a plan and is burning clock.
That score was…interesting.
Can’t believe they haven’t found Peyton somewhere in the stadium and put a camera on him.
Giants: OK!
More like, Giants – oops! I don’t buy that NE just let him score though either, nobody was just standing around.
Mark S.
That was all quite ridiculous.
Wow, this is turning into quite a finish!
Southern Beale
So apparently MIA flipped America the bird during the half time show. WTF was that about? You do NOT try to steal the show from Madonna!
Comrade Mary
OK, Madonna’s up on YouTube, for the moment (Hee! In addition to Nashville, Montreal represent!)
@Violet: That was a BIG sack right there.
And…the Giants get a dumb penalty.
@Southern Beale:
Maybe he wanted to join Janet Jacksons tit in the halftime hall of who gives a shit
Justin Tuck’s face mask is a bit of overkill. How have I never noticed it before?
Today, I learned that when Prohibition ended, everyone received a Budweiser.
Fluke bucket
Hell of a ball game
@Southern Beale: My daughter cloth diapers so we use dryer balls made of 100% wool. You can make your own easy-peasy out of a couple of skeins of wool yarn or a recycled wool sweater. We don’t use any fabric softener or dryer sheets because the chemicals interfere with the absorbency of the cloth diapers. If you use 4 or more of them they will cut your dryer time down by about 25% and the wool ones don’t make as much of a racket in the dryer as the ones that you buy in the store (which are usually made of nasty petro-chemical crap). And they don’t smell bad, in fact you can scent them with essential oil if you want or go unscented.
either way, best finish for a Stupor Bowl game ever
Villago Delenda Est
The Hail Mary gets batted around in the endzone, and this one is in the history books.
Wow, that was quite an end to the game!
Well, at least it was a good game.
Suffern ACE
Hmmm. I believe this is karma at work. One can have a supermodel wife or win superbowl rings, but not both at the same time.
No, Tom Brady.
You are no Joe Montana.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yeah, it’s a cool site, I didn’t know my 49ers wore silver/grey instead of gold at various times in the 40s, 50s and 60s, until I found that.
Woo-hoo, Eli has more rings than Peyton! I’m also happy to see Tom Coughlin get another ring.
Villago Delenda Est
That’s one of those badass superstud lineman masks.
Believe me, that’s lineman heaven, having one of those.
So there was some good in keeping prohibition.
Mark S.
Eli deserves the MVP, but the Giants secondary played a hell of a game. Brady had a lot of time most of the game but had nowhere to throw.
Well, OK.
Villago Delenda Est
Great, now Eli Manning is going to Disney World.
And he’s 2-0 against Tom Brady in the big game.
Whereas Peyton was Brady’s biatch most of the time in the AFC playoffs.
Cris (without an H)
@Cacti: Tonight, you’re not even John Elway.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mark S.:
Agreed, great work by the Jints secondary.
@Mark S.:
I sort of liked that JPP guy but then I have a soft spot for D players
Well NOLA is happy it’s not the Saints, but hey, it’s a “Saints-in-law”!!!
@Cacti: I guess the Bay Area neighborhood saloon shrines can stay up.
I don’t know what happened. I was reading the gardening post.
Mario. Manningham. Hail to the victors etc.
Where was Peyton during this game? If he was in the stadium he was hiding.
@lamh35: Yeah you right
Pretty good game, and the underdog won. That’s enough for me, since my team couldn’t spell Super Bowl at this point.
I smile thinking about the fake smile that Peyton will have to put on as everyone celebrates his brother winning in HIS stadium. I’ve missed hating Peyton and his stupid face that he makes after he loses this past season, but this makes up for it.
These guys slobbering all over the trophy is kind of creepy.
@Southern Beale:
Opposite of schwetty balls, I think.
congrats to giants fans and their buddy, Joe Lieberman. Pats couldn’t get off the field. They need to use their 2 firsts and 2 seconds this April for some Defense.
It’s hard to swallow this loss. The place i work at will be brutal tomorrow, the next day, and forever after. Fuck.
James E. Powell
All props to the Giants. The Patriots two biggest stars on offense, Brady and Welker, had key screwups that probably cost them the game. I agree the Pats need players on defense, but they could also use a bona fide wide receiver.
Peyton is a very competitive guy, and I am not a fan of his going back to the days when the Vols regularly whooped up on the Tide when he was QB. But he has always been vocally supportive of his little brother, and repeatedly stated how proud he is of him and that he loves him. He might be BSing but I don’t think so.
Cris (without an H)
@Villago Delenda Est: For the record, they were “robin egg blue”.
Cuz when the robin comes bobbin along.
I’m a Gator fan, and I have also hated Peyton since his Tennessee days, and as a Jaguar fan that hate has continued. I’ll admit to feeling bad about his injury and the current situation he’s in with the Colts. I don’t want his career to be ended by injury, but want him to play on to lose more playoff games so I can point and laugh as he walks off the field sulking. Suffice to say, my grudge is irrational, so take my words for what they are.
Aw, nuts. Maybe Tommy and Bill are just never going to win as many Super Bowls as Terry and Chuck. That would really break my heart.
Can someone explain to me how the Patriots cannot count and had 12 dudes on the field AGAIN?! I mean, I realize that pro footballers aren’t renowned for their intellects, but one would think they could at least count to twelve.
We had a great party, wonderful folks, great food and a good game. Fuck baseball.
@suzanne: Well, the Giants managed the same trick at the end of the game, so…
@RinaX: As a Jacksonville native, there are very few reasons to like the Jaguars. Watching the Giants win a Superbowl (again) reminds me of another erason why I can’t stand them.
@suzanne: It gets worse: it’s the coach’s job to ensure the correct number of players are on the field. So someone on the Patriots sideline chose a very bad night to be off.
@RinaX: Yes, and now the entire Manning family has as
many rings as Brady.
I don’t know about the wool ones mentioned above, but the bumpy dryer nuts that you throw inare supposed to decrease wrinkles and/or decrease drying time. However, I’ve read a few different sources that basically called them out as a marketing gimmick that just plain do not work. I can’t remember if it was a Parents mag or Good Housekeeping that did a study on two different types and both were proven, along with tennis balls, to do absolutely nothing more for your drying laundry than drying clothes without them does.
A damp towel in your drying cycle does help with wrinkles if put in when clothes are half dry, though.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Violet: The Super Bowl bet on the over/under on the TV showing Peyton was three. Looks like the number was zero. Now prepare for the ball slobbering on ESPN for the NEW YORK GIANTS for the rest of the week and Mike Greenberg will bitch about his New York Jets.
I’ve gotten through Jaguar games over the past few seasons with the power of laughter, and the fact that I’d pretty much become dead inside as far as feeling any emotion about them winning or losing. Some of that lethargy did lift when they FINALLY fired Jack Del Rio. I am interested to see how things will shake out in the Khan Moustache era. Seriously, that’s all I can focus on when I see him.
@different-church-lady My hate only extends to Peyton. I have no beef with Eli. And he plays for Tom Coughlin, so hey, whatever.
@Cris (without an H): Skins, who actually beat the Giants twice this season. They lost to just about everybody else, though.
NBC should always have the Super Bowl broadcast rights. Michaels and Collinsworth are orders of magnitude better than Fox and CBS’ top announcers, and the production was pretty much flawless.
Best commercial? King Elton or the Doritos bribery dog?
I can’t stand Peyton as a player, but the guy is really funny. He did well hosting SNL, and the commercials he’s doen have been good. Either he is very good at taking direction or he has talent outside of a football field.
Just in case anyone was counting…
Genius Bellycheat/Tom Lady postseason record since Spygate: 4-4 overall, 0-2 in the Super Bowl
Before Spygate: 10-1 overall, 3-0 in the Super Bowl
I haven’t seen the show because I was driving back from Tahoe, but my sister and brother-in-law were in the halftime crew. I’ll have to watch it because I think they might have shown him.
Yeah, he is funny, I’ll give him that. Aaron Roger’s Discount Double-check commercials weren’t a good substitute. I was glad to see him return in the Papa John commercials so I could feel the familiar “Hahahafunnybutstilladouche” feeling. Like I said, irrational. But I do completely let it go once football season’s over, so I can focus on hating Kobe Bryant.
Mark S.
I agree. Collinsworth is a thousand times better than Aikman and Avogadro’s number times better than Sims. He was actually analyzing the blocking schemes; I thought color commentators were just supposed to tell you how nice Eli and Brady are off the field.
Kudos to Bud Light for supporting animal rescue. Wego is one cool-ass puppeh.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
I think that’s partially due to the fact that he’s got a photographic memory, so he doesn’t really worry about flubbing the line. I’ve heard stories about obscure, low-round draft picks coming to camp, and Peyton just snaps off the stats- and everything else that’s on their bio sheets- without having the bios in hand.
The entrance was straight out of Liz Taylor and the movie Cleopatra. Which if you have never seen, do so. The first half is magnificent. The second, you just want to run a sword through whining Mark Anthony and be done with him.
I kept waiting for Madonna to have her clothes ripped off.
At one point half way through, when the dancers crowded around her, I thought it was about to happen.
And then for the closing number, she is covered from top to bottom in a choir robe. It looked like she should have also had her head covered, burqa style.
I was so disappointed.