Fact is, I don’t use it enough:
Wisconsin will use a chunk of its $140 million share of a national settlement over foreclosure and mortgage-servicing abuses to help the state budget rather than assist troubled homeowners, Gov. Scott Walker and state Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said Thursday.
Walker and Van Hollen said the majority of the settlement amount earmarked to Wisconsin under a $25 billion proposed nationwide agreement announced Thursday still would go to aid consumers in Milwaukee and other communities struggling with the specter of home foreclosure.
This guy is a clear asshole. There’s just no other word to adequately describe him.
I’m so glad Russ Feingold, who could beat him in the recall, has decided to sit out the race and focus on more important issues- like whining about Obama using SuperPacs. STFU, Feingold.
Same shit Pawlenty pulled in MN with tobacco settlement money.
Is Feingold not the very picture of a purity troll?
If it’s money that’s supposed to be theirs, but it goes to the budget instead, then isn’t that in principle a huge tax?
You know people would listen to you and Krugman more if you would just be more polite.
ditch digger
The C-bomb is probably more appropriate.
Um, why the fuck did the Feds leave this up to state governors? Rick Scott is probably talking to his architect in St Barts right now about his addition.
Earmark that shit!
Don’t speak ill of St. Feingold.
WI has a “recently revealed budget shortfall” and has lost something like 35,000 jobs in the last 6 months. Way to go, Walker. Walker voters, what are you thinking now?
I miss Feingold! Really I do. I want him back in government where he can stir shit up from a good, shit-stirring place. Not from Huffpo. That’s a waste of his talent.
I was just having the same thought yesterday re: Feingold. Does he really think that spouting off as a private citizen is worth nearly as much as holding a powerful position and doing stuff about it? It would be one thing if he was burnt out by politics, but clearly that isn’t the case.
I still respect you, Russ, but if you’re not part of the solution…
But…but…but Feingold is supposed to replace Obama on the ticket along with Grayson because they are the only true progressives.
David Koch
Is this the same Feingold who voted against closing GITMO and went to the White House before the midterms and begged them not to raise taxes on the rich?
Also, I tend to think this could have an impact on Walker’s recall campaign. Maybe the Dems could turn the “it’s your money, and you should keep it” line against the GOP. Wouldn’t that be an irony?
@ditch digger:
Hey, you don’t get to push Walker’s assholishness off on women by comparing him to women’s anatomy. He belongs to you men, fair and square, and you get to keep him.
The Ghost of Ralph Nader has invested poor Feingold’s soul. Someone needs to slap him, then tell him to get over himself and start governing again. I swear to god, why are the pretty ones always so dumb?
David Koch
Feingold is such a loser. Voted for Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, and John Roberts. Voted against Dodd-Frank. Repeatedly refused to sign PCCC’s petition for…. gulp…. the Public Option. Voted against closing GITMO and vehemently opposed raising taxes on the rich. He said he would support sending troops back to Iraq, if civil war broke out and supported Bush domestic spy program.
18 years in the Senate and the only piece of legislation he passe (McCain-Feingold) was overturned by his buddy, John Roberts.
And yet some self described members of the reality based community think this twice divorced puzzy is a progressive.
@bemused: It’s even better. This asshole (and his defenders) have been shouting how his “principled stance” against the evil unions allowed him to balance the budget where his Democratic predecessor had failed. Then suddenly, when people start looking closer at their numbers, this “recently revealed budget shortfall” shows up. Funny how that works out. Lying fucking scumbag. I so hope we kick his and his wingnut lt. governor’s asses to the curb in a few months.
Don’t complain. You get what you vote for.
Comrade Mary
“Asshole” isn’t sufficient. I think the term you’re looking for is “festering pustule”.
(“Asshole” wasn’t in my Firefox spellcheck, but “arsehole” was. Go, cunning little British dictionary!)
Feingold! What a complete idiot. He apparently has a big hate on for Obama. Not there when it counts. Complete prima donna. But I would take him in a heartbeat if it meant beating the número UNO asshole Walker.
Feingold! What a complete idiot. He apparently has a big hate on for Obama. Not there when it counts. Complete prima donna. But I would take him in a heartbeat if it meant beating the número UNO asshole Walker.
IANAL, but I’m guessing it has something to do with the settlement being the outcome of the lawsuit brought against the banks not by the Federal DOJ, but by various US state attorney generals on behalf of their states.
ETA: just for once, can we stop raging against the
People’s Front of JudeaRuss Feingold, and concentrate on the real enemy here?BGinCHI
Feingold is no Sherrod Brown.
Can we please have him for Prez next?
Thanks for your tweet last evening with gonna need more lions. I laughed myself silly.
Gov. Nixon in MO has already said he will use 40 million of MO’s money for higher ed. I think this will happen in many states.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Details, details. I thought Obama was a badass Chi criminal who cracked heads and got shit done.
I’m waiting for him to atomic wedgie Walker and take his fucking dough back.
Surprised they just didn’t convert the settlement money directly to Walkers Campaign fund. And yes, Asshole doesn’t begin to cover it.
@Soprano2: To fund courses titled “Why you should not take out a risky loan during a housing bubble.”
CT Voter
Feingold can sit on the sidelines and revel in his purity. And he’ll also have a base of totebaggers longing for him to primary Obama. The fact that reality is just a tiny bit inconvenient for this reverie is irrelevant.
asshole. There’s just no other word to adequately describe him.
maybe, but you could embellish a little without being over the topwith something like: loathsome, indecent asshole.
Which means he has a stellar political future. You’re looking at the next Ronald Reagan right there.
Voters are like women. The more the guy abuses ’em, the more they love him.
I fervently hope you do too. Living next door in MN, we are very much relieved Dayton won over Emmer, a Walker double. With our Republican controlled legislature, MN is being assaulted badly too but what Walker and the R legislature is doing to WI is not lost on Minnesotans with any sense.
I badly want Walker and the Republicans to get their asses kicked.
The Other Chuck
Nader’s not dead, just his reputation.
I would go with “sanctimonious prick,” but Holy Joe Lieberman already has that one locked up.
how about disgusting, loathsome, indecent asshole? accurate and succinct.
Hill Dweller
In one of the articles I read on the settlement yesterday, the Obama administration was worried about this kind of thing.
The same thing happened when they gave states money from the stimulus.
Villago Delenda Est
Nope. No use for Feingold anymore. Fuck him. Sideways. With his obvious buddy, Scott Walker.
I am struggling to understand how this is legal.
Midnight Marauder
Russ Feingold may not be the enemy, but he sure is fuck isn’t part of the solution.
If he was, he would still be in the Senate, attempting to do something substantive.
Fuck Russ Feingold.
OT, but for those curious, here is link to pic of Newt’s conservative Dream Team:
Newt’s ‘Dream Team’ Suddenly Very Quiet About Their Leader
Benjy Sarlin & Evan McMorris-Santoro- February 10, 2012
As a Dem, I find the title of the TPM post encouraging.
But, not sure I recognize half the people in the pic. From the text, I guess that the sad sack nondescript looking dude on the right is Michael Reagan.
Are the two women Coulter and Palin? Who is the black guy to the right?
Edit: article says next pic will include Oliver North.
Benjamin Franklin
@Villago Delenda Est:
That’s not a fair comparison…
The Moar You Know
@taylormattd: Let’s nail him to a cross and find out just how holy he is.
Wasn’t the whole MIRSA fraud established to avoid paying the counties for registering deeds? That is who got ripped off, the counties.
@Mino: Talk about Freudian slip.
From left to right:
Chuck Norris
JC Watts (former Congressman from OK)
Kellyanne Conway (no idea who she is)
Fred Thompson
Rich Perry
Herman Cain
Michael Reagan
Linda Upmeyer, the Iowa House Majority Leader
No Palin or Coulter to be found.
thank you, COLE.
why is this allowed? Second,
Is it just me or is John’s position –“shut up you whiner, oh, by the way, why don’t you run for governor” — a bit bizarre?
@TBogg: Now where could you have heard a twisted idea like that? Hmmm…
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: “ETA: just for once, can we stop raging against the People’s Front of Judea Russ Feingold, and concentrate on the real enemy here?”
No, we cant
If Feingold were the candidate in the recall, he would fuck up the campaign and Walker would win
Tim I
Amen John, Feingold is also an asshole.
Billy Beane
Speaking of assholes, how is your buddy, former NM GOV (let’s get rid of civil and child labor laws) Johnson doing?
How the fuck can anyone respect your opinion Wrong Way Cole when you like a guy like that and think he would make a great Prez because he said war was bad once and Greenwald swooned.
The stupid it burns.
gooper pollster/mouthpiece
Long time lurker from the middle of Wisconsin. Just want to say maybe that Obama team decided to let the governors use this $$ to their discretion so that they might be tempted to use it this way? Kind of like a mini-mini stimulus? Knowing all these states might continue to have budget shortfalls,this might keep them from having to cut some existing programs (and the jobs that go along with them) more than they already have…just a thought? Oh, and they are already running anti-Tammy Baldwin ads on the Fox Channel in Appleton/Green Bay. Someone must have plenty of $$ to waste on that ad placement.
The Fat Kate Middleton
I’m not going to say something like “What an utter shit you are.” I will only suggest that a statement like this does not prove your goodness as a human being.
Comrade carter
I”m a socialist.
The only person who could get me to vote for Scott Walker is Russ Feingold.
Let’s have Tom Barret.
Billy Beane
@Heliopause: Not Republican Cole doesn’t realize that he can’t change his stripes all that easy.
It also kinda depends on what Greenwald tells him to think from day to day. Which is why he has this curious love hate relationship with Obama and says the darnedest things sometimes like how libertarians have some pretty good ideas because they mumble that war is bad on occasion……in between their calls to abolish civil rights and child labor laws.
Janeane The Acerbic Goblin
@David Koch:
Ouch. You’re right, forgot about that.
Bipartisanship always works out so well.
what women do you know?
I’m so happy that you think women deserve their abuse.
I’d love to know what you think about women who are raped.
You have the compassion of a dead gnat. And the IQ of an amoeba.
@The Fat Kate Middleton:
Understatement of the millennium.