It has occurred to me that my current home state of Kentucky is responsible for more than its fair share of absolute douchebaggery at a national level. For this I apologize. Also, Old-age Mutant Nimrod Turtle and The Amazing Rando!(tm) both can suck it.
Open thread.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Oh, lord> Tweety is hosting still another discussion of birth control featuring three dicks, his own, EJ Dionne’s, and Andrew Sullivan’s. Sully to his credit points out that Benny The Roman Rat With The Fabulous Hat is interested in nothing more than controlling other people’s sex lives. His words.
Q: Why doesn’t Indiana float into Lake Michigan?
A: Because Kentucky sucks.
Egg Berry
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sullivan? WTF does he need birth control for?
@Egg Berry: Power over others. Same as the other bullies.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s a pretty sad day for MSNBC when Andrew Sullivan is the only one advocating for women’s human rights on a 3 man panel where the other two men are the supposed liberals. EJ Dionne is truly pathetic. As the bishops take an ever more radical stance, Dionne contorts himself even harder to craft excuses for them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@beltane: and EJ still has concerns, I’m sure they are very grave concerns, that the White House just doesn’t get how Catholics feel about his issue. I can never look at him the same way again.
Deb T
Yeah well I’m from Missouri – home of Senator Roy Blunt, the douchebag who wants to simply remove all contraception from healthcare at the employer’s request. There’s a brain trust for you.
Of course we have a long legacy of idiot politicians. Even our Democratic Senator, Claire McCaskill, is kind of a light blue dog.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sometimes people make mistakes. It’s the ones who won’t back down from idiocy who worry me.
Great link about an impressive photo taken with a humble cell phone camera (iPhone User Apologizes For “Cell Pics,” Snaps One Of Finest Photographs Ever).
Nice pics of doggies and people, too.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: EJ Dionne should consider the possibility that he is the one who doesn’t get how Catholics feel about this issue. In this instance, it is Andrew Sullivan who seems more in tune with how non-wingnut Catholics feel.
also too, the colonel.
I hated the Colonel. With his wee beady eyes. And that look on his face. “You’re gonna buy my chicken, Oh!”
Dad, how can you hate the Colonel?
He puts addictive chemicals in chicken, making you crave it fortnightly, smart-ass!
Felinious Wench
I’m Texan. No apologies ever necessary from anywhere but Alabama or Mississippi.
@pragmatism: Don’t forget the Pentaverate.
Which included Col Sanders before he went Tets Up.
@BGinCHI: i love the first 2/3 of that movie. ending, not so much.
Nearly every mainstream ‘liberal’ pundit seems to feel obligated to periodically demonstrate that he isn’t in lockstep with liberals or Democrats. Thus Dionne, way out in front of the vast majority of actual Catholics. Odd that mainstream conservative pundits show no such compunction.
@pragmatism: Couldn’t agree more. Nearly a classic. Like the first 45 minutes of Blow Out, before de Palma fucking ruined it.
@BGinCHI: de face palma. *rimshot* whew, lucky i dodged that gigantic hook that came at me from offstage.
as a failed screenwriter i can attest to the difficulties of act III.
@pragmatism: The third baseman is related to the late Colonel. All of that’s bad enough, but not a dime of that pollo fortune came to us.
@BGinCHI: (muttering) It’s a good opening. It’s a good opening.
@shortstop: i’m waiting for some of that california pizza kitchen money myself.
@Felinious Wench: “90% of Texans give the other 10% a bad name.”- Doc Holliday (by Maria Doria Russell)
But Zandar- a pig fucker and a Dukie? That’s an almost impossible combination to overcome.
@shortstop: I love that movie right up until the romance starts. Then….pfffft.
Suffern ACE
Ive been at the wkc today. My breed royalty has now shifted to mastiffs from bloodhounds this evening.
Not to mention Bunning and Calipari.
Yup, Kentucky has a lot to answer for.
@BGinCHI: What about the romance in the phone booth? Huh? Huh?
@Suffern ACE: Take it back! Hounds rule!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I suspect that the White House gets, in ways that EJ obviously doesn’t, that the USCCB is way, way out of step with the faithful on this issue.
I need a bumper sticker that says “The Bishops don’t speak for me.”
Simpsons quote selector sez–
George Washington: “We had quitters in the Revolution too. We called them Kentuckians.”
@shortstop: Give me something I can use.
@burnspbesq: Joey Bishop’s family had those suppressed. Very popular in the mid-60s.
@burnspbesq: Hunter Thompson, Johnny Depp and Muhammad Ali tip the scales a bit in the other direction, though. And Dwight Yoakum, from beautiful Pikeville.
@honus: Bill Monroe.
@honus: And the horses.
@Mino: Yeah, but the best of them all, Secretariat, was from Virginia.
@Suffern ACE: (#23)
Cosmic injustice once again as the supreme breed of dog in the Known Universe (Pembroke Welsh Corgis, obviously!) was stiffed by corrupt and feeble Westminster judges. Of course, I’ve come to understand that the show’s sponsors demand that other, lesser breeds be given a chance.
Some tiny measure of comfort is offered by the fact that no damned Poodle will win this year. But if it’s that nuclear-experiment mutation known as Pekingese, well then, the Mayans were right!
Zandar – I am from New Orleans, my dad is from Mississippi, and I went to college in Tuscaloosa so you have nothing to be ashamed about.
Comrade Javamanphil
Please tell me this is sarcasm. I lived a year in Pikeville and the only thing beautiful about it was leaving…and the Taco Bell which was the only non-smoking establishment in town. Got a lot of great stories out of that year though.
Relax, man. I’m a Virginian. ‘Nuff said. We can’t help where we grew up.
Hey, did Cole enter Lily in Westminster and not tell us?
Mark S.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I would be really surprised if any of these deeply offended Catholics planned on voting for Obama regardless. It would be a little odd if they were that concerned about birth control but didn’t mind that Obama is pretty unabashedly pro-choice.
That invites a Wynnona Judd joke, but I’m not going there.
Ruh-roh. Jeremy Lin is getting lit up by Jose Calderon. Guess the honeymoon is over.
Lily is cuter.
@Comrade Javamanphil:You just don’t like Pikeville because you’ve never been there on Hillbilly Day.
Not Sure
OTOH, the Cardinals gave Syracuse a pretty good game last night.
Love the soundtrack to So I Married an Axe Murderer. It was playing in my car most of my high school years, rotated with the Reality Bites one.
Comrade Nimrod Humperdink
Hate the Mutant Nimrod Turtle. He’s brought shame to mah name..
Paul in KY
@BGinCHI: Hadn’t heard that one. Pretty good.
Paul in KY
@burnspbesq: Coach Cal is going to harsh your buzz here in a month, barrister :-)
Paul in KY
@honus: Man O’War was born in Kentucky.