Is anyone surprised that Francis Fukuyama, noted neocon and Bush supporter (he recanted both positions after the war went bust), Reagan advisor and Stanford professor, likes to build surveillance drones as his hobby? (via)
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I admit to some surprise that the jackass has the skill and coordination to put together a peanut butter sandwich, much less a goddam surveillance drone.
The money quote:
patrick II
I am only surprised in that, apparently, it is unarmed.
Culture of Truth
Comrade Mary
I am envisioning that a scene like this turned him from piloting to drones.
Davis X. Machina
@Culture of Truth:
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” J. M. Keynes.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I want to build one just so that I can sell google maps some updates. I also wanted to buy a toy plane for one of my kids for Christmas that has a mounted camera, he didn’t want it though.
Well, every boy needs a hobby; but what does he DO with them after building? Are the neighbors complaining yet?
Culture of Truth
Those weren’t the drones I was looking for
can we get the stanford tree to tackle this jackhole on the quad?
Culture of Truth
A real necon would have kept the faith. You don’t see Vlad Cheney worrying about a few broken eggs do you?
Culture of Truth
Have drone manufacturers spread the world that Obama wants to make them illegal? They’d be crazy not to.
The Dangerman
Put me squarely in the “ok, whatever” column; it’s an RC craft with a camera. Calling it a drone is rather misleading.
OT, is Santorum really making a run at being a viable not-Romney? Can the Republicans be that stupid (kinda rhetorical question; we know they are stupid, but are they THAT stupid). I guess I’m still in the it’s either Romney or Brokered camp.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Culture of Truth: They should mount guns on them first, that way they’re a protected species.
Francis “The End of History” Fukuyama? The one who Jacques Derrida slaughtered here:
That Francis Fukuyama? Fuck him. He’s an idiot. Hopefully, he’ll be as incompetent at this as he is at discerning the end of ideology and the triumph of capitalism and neoconservatism. And that he’ll take himself out with one of his drones.
@geg6: Those have to be the most coherent Derridian sentences I’ve ever read.
Jim Pharo
Isn’t the scary thing that the DOD requested authority to use drones within the continental US?
Well, that and Fukiyama is still able to work as a professor…but certainly not of history, since that’s over, right?
Culture of Truth
second comment at his site
rocket scientists there
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
I had an old classmate tell me the other day that Obama is the worst spender ever because the debt is larger under his watch than at any time in US history. When pressed, his argument was based on absolute dollars, not spending that occurred under Obama.
The argument you are highlighting seems the same thing: There are now 7billion people on the earth. As much as I don’t want anyone to die from wars or starvation, which we are capable of preventing, to argue that we are worse now than in any other time of history is bogus.
Unless he is confessing that he is using them for upskirts videos or something, this is an un story.
@The Dangerman:
Wat would you consider a drone then? I mean, that’s what a surveillance drone is: an RC flyer with a camera.
Not that I really disagree that this isn’t a big deal, but it’s worth a sardonic chuckle. At least until every pervert and busybody on your block has one of these, and it stops being so funny.
I’ve long thought that anyone shameless enough to commit to paper such triumphalist, Villager-flattering bullshit as ‘The End of History’ can pretty much be written off as a pandering hack, and this does not change my mind.
Maybe this will become a new neocon hobby, they can call them ‘Freedom Eyes’ watching down on us. Rick (with the silent P) Santorum can build one designed for peering though bedroom windows and slut-shaming at the pharmacy counter.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@Jrod: And you can buy those at Target.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): Hey, it’s Derrida. You’re lucky to understand the argument. Count your blessings.
@geg6: Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel…
@Jrod: What’s funny is that *Frank* calls it a “drone”, when it’s really a RC toy. That’s the neocon in him coming out.
I think he really wanted to make sure that he got his point across.
So, word on the street is that the big Romney Super PAC campaign against Santorum begins tomorrow. It will be a vicious, brutal, unmerciful hammering the likes of which have never been seen before in any Presidential campaign in terms of size and scale. We’re talking a MASSIVE campaign funded by MILLIONS in unlimited corporate cash. By the end of this negative ad campaign, with its MASSIVE multi-state ad buys, web sites, direct mail campaigns, even a DVD documentary, Santorum is going to be (metaphorically) laying on his back in a bloody pool, howling and wailing that he wished he never won those caucuses.
And that will be just foreplay compared to what’s coming for Obambi.
The Dangerman
Not sure, but him posting that he built a drone is a weak attempt in a dick measuring contest.
I suppose if I took a shot at a drone definition, it would be something with a real security/military component, not a hobby shop toy.
@Veritas: Yawn. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
Most of what people call drones are autonomous. Also, military drones have a range of tens of thousands of miles. It’s difficult to fly homemade RC planes beyond line of sight. I can be done if you have a live video downlink and a strong transmitter.
Well, you know me. Always a shrinking violet. ;-)
@Jim Pharo: Much as I’d prefer all this watching not go on at all, if government agents are going to watch us, then it’s only approrpiate that we watch them. I’m all for an equalizing of resources in this sense.
I’m beginning to think that you just want Romney to fuck you. Literally.
The Dangerman
Speaking of a weak attempt in a dick measuring contest…
Well after all, those ivory tower professors who style themselves after the German Idealists, especially of the Hegelian variety, they do tend to drone on and on and on… They just Kant help themselves.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@mistermix: I haven’t read Derrida before. It sounds like I’ve been lucky.
You’re more entertaining when you’re engaging in psychotic rants about Catholics.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: You’ve made your Marx here, now just Leibniz it alone.
I see John Robb noticed this also.
Comrade Mary
Boom-chicka. Boom-chicka wow-wow. Now with 27% more rape imagery!
And Santorum may have his multi-millionaire, but Romney has Goldman Sachs and the Koch Brothers. Who do you think wins?
Benjamin Franklin
Then, just Hume-r them…
The Dangerman
If Romney does a MASSIVE faceplant in Michigan, you think Veritas will treat us all to a GBCW post?
It will be interesting to see the marketing campaign. If someone really wants to get the American people to accept the presence of drones, all they have to do is create an incident where a drone saves a puppy or a kid in a runaway hot air balloon or something like that. If they really want to go the whole way, all they have to do is make the claim that a drone caught a child molesting occupy wall street protester and dumped him into the county jail with the tip of a wing.
Once the general public gets a whiff of “safety from the watchful eye above,” it’ll creep into use. Cop cameras on street corners is how many degrees of difference from a drone anyway, right?
You can have my drone when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
@Comrade Mary:
@Comrade Mary:
That number really does get around, doesn’t it?
And “word on the street”? What does Veritas think this is, some cheesy 90’s era cop TV series?
kind of a conspicous way of doing it if he were
Jay S
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Sorry, current FAA regulations do not permit the use of drones for commercial purposes. They can only be used as for non commercial hobbyist purposes (ETA or some government uses). They are supposedly considering new licensing rules.
Bruce S
This comment:
The Dangerman
Sacks and Cocks?
Egg Berry
@The Dangerman:
FSM doesn’t love you that much.
@Veritas: Nobody cares if you’ve got some sick fantasy about Romney’s massive whatever leaving you in a bloody pool on the floor. All we ask is that you stop sharing.
@The Dangerman:
Balloon Juice: Your internet home for middle school toilet humor since 2002.
Amir Khalid
@The Dangerman:
Alas, we have not lived virtuous enough lives …
@The Dangerman: That implies any Repuglican is capable of admitting they were wrong. To be a Repuglican by definition is to deny reality, so, no. Doubt it.
More likely, Veritas will re-brand himself and become the top super happy awesome Rih Santorum supporter.
hmmm, the campaign of UNLIMITED BOLDING has shown up to its usual afternoon of light entertainment and Desperation Ice Follies revue.
@The Dangerman:
Yeah, no kidding. There’s even an app for that.
@Jim Pharo:
Uh, no. They not only have authority to fly fully nuke-armed bombers within the continental US, but they do so as a matter of policy. The point of having drone authority over the US is so that they can train and test.
R-C/veritas is like a U of Michigan fan taunting Ohio state fans because the Michigan offense (in his opinion) is beating up on the Michigan defense in an intrasquad game.
Now go sit down before you hurt yourself.
@eemom: OOH! OOH! Can I tell him cash does not equal votes this time? Huh? Can I? PLEEEEEEASE??
You are never entertaining at all, ever.
Though that may change next November, after Obamazilla meets Rombambi. Stomp. The End.
@Bruce S:
My mom has her husband use one to chase the rabbits out of her garden. It was my win/win solution to her plinking them with a bb gun. The rabbits live, and her husband gets to play with more toys.
The Dangerman
Posting “Obambi” is so much more mature.
Fuck off.
We need to get DougJ a better job. This is some weak-ass Vertias trolling here.
@The Dangerman:
OoooooOOOOOoooh! Is the little liberal getting…mad?
@Martin: He can only do so much with the material at hand. It’s not like Willard is this huge inspiring figure or anything.
@Veritas: Angry?
Nah, just mocking you derisively. You’re too dense to notice the subtlety.
@Yutsano: I hope he’s at least getting paid for this. After all, those OCEANS OF CORPORATE CASH have to be spent on something, and it’d truly be a pity if he were doing this for free.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Derrida? Bogus? Mais non!
Kinda ironic (in a very cheap giggle sort of way) too in that, to make his material even superficially more plausible, r_c always reaches for the make it blacker button. Near is the new convincing.
The truth about Romney is out, and there’s nothing you can do to put it back in the bottle
Oy! Why this slam on Derrida? Some of us really like his writings and the way he is able to uncover the hidden political ramifications of stuff that everybody had taken for granted. Hegel is very hard to read, too, so much so that Fukuyama couldn’t manage basic comprehension in his “End of History” bullshit, but no one bothers to slam Hegel for being so difficult!
Re Fukuyama, recently he reviewed Tony Judt’s posthumous book in NYTimes Sunday review–damning with faint praise. Except there was this priclesss passage in the review:
Heh! He and Judith Miller–honestly wrong!! Fail on so many levels.
I am giddy with hope that you are right, here. I would just love to see the GOP hopefuls batter each other. The more brutal, the better. And the more it helps the Democrats.
Drones are primitive and inefficient. They are the last thing that privacy freaks need to worry about.
@Amir Khalid:
“Alas, we have not lived virtuous enough lives …”
There’s still time to change your ways.
@burnspbesq: burnsy, been wondering how you feel about Suarez blanking Evra in the handshake line….
hope all is well.
The Dangerman
Um, no … but nice try. Really.
He’s a little chickenshit, and he’ll be gone at the end of the season. Standard Chartered is pissed, and you don’t fuck with a global brand.
Rafer Janders
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Plus I hate those away unis. What the fuck is Liverpool doing wearing Carolina blue?
Another Halocene Human
Fukuyama renounced his former positions after some delusional fascist trolls used them as a blueprint for American foreign policy? Oh, how convenient for them.
I’ve always wondered how FF didn’t get laughed out of the room for both the title and the thesis, but apparently there are just that many rich, influential members of the chattering classes with a need to believe idiotic horseshit.
But it’s nice he can admit his little experiment was wrong, after the disastrous impact in lives and treasure.
Somehow, I don’t think we’ve heard the last of him.
In fact, I smell a “Iraq war led to Arab Spring”-style rationalization readying. Kind of how Reagan ended the cold war by wrecking the budget spending on defense contractor balloon juice.
@The Dangerman:
Yeah, that’s why you typed “Fuck off” in response to me.
The widdle wiberal is maaaaaad.
Here, go cry to Obambi..
@burnspbesq: it was like watching a car wreck. i was yelling at the TV “don’t do it Suarez!” i am seriously underinformed on racism in uruguay.
I’ve read his latest 2011 book The Origins of Political Order and I thought it quite good with only slight taints of right wing ideology, as opposed to swimming in it as one might think.
Though good, he punts on the question of how the noble class arose – as I recall he gave some hand waving about more qualified people assuming leadership position.
He failed to mention the protection racket scenario progression:
1) Heavily armed bands of raiders make a living by attacking and plundering small communities.
2) The raiders and communities reach an agreement where tribute is paid to prevent attacks.
3) The raiders move into the communities as a hereditary noble class that do no work other than leading the fighting of the community.
@burnspbesq: yeah doesn’t look right. i did like Sir Alex trolling man citeh by reinforcing that Pool is ManU’s main derby. Veritas, that’s how you troll. Take a lesson.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Erickkk, Son of Erickkk, has a post up at Redstate that is f’ing hilarious. It seems that the college kidz at CPAC are drinking, partying and having sex too much. Or something. Erickkk describes the ladies at CPAC: “too many of whom were even more scantily clad than some of Fox News hosts” and in the post he puts up this funny regarding his first visit to CPAC as a blogger:
It’s funny how the boys are only being boys but the girls are acting shamefully by helping the boys be boys. I think that Erickkk should be celebrating that young, virile Republican males are chasing that sweet (wretch) young Republican tail and possibly mating, thus increasing the size of their shrinking flock.
If they don’t abort it or use any contraception. Details, details…
Mark S.
Geg6 has a very good reason for hating the Catholic church.
Fuck off and die.
I sometimes think the Onion writes the football pages of every major newspaper. Did you see that Argentina has named its first division after the warship that was sunk by the Royal Navy during the Falklands war?
Yup, the Admiral Belrgrano Liga Primera.
Bruce S
I’ll see “Veritas” Obambi, and up him one Mittens:
Nobody loves a weasel…
@Mark S.:
Pissed, Mark?
Cap'n Magic
He has a link in his article for an Airbus A380 RC, with takeooff and landing. Way cool.
They won’t be for long. The technology around them is advancing very quickly.
“i did like Sir Alex trolling man city by reinforcing that Pool is ManU’s main derby”
Inspired by the Cameron Crazies, who chant “Not Our Rival” every time we kick Maryland’s ass at home.
Amir Khalid
I hope he feels as I do: it was most unsportsmanlike and an embarrassment to Liverpool FC. It suggests that the support the club gave him in the wake of Patrice Evra’s initial accusation mey have been misplaced. However good he is, he shouldn’t get to leave his manners behind in the dressing room.
Liverpool’s shirt sponsors, Standard Chartered Bank, were unhappy enough to complain to club management. I don’t think this is serious enough that StanChart need to consider dropping their sponsorship, but they were right to make their displeasure clear to the club. I also think the club should have reacted faster to this, instead of letting it look like they were tolerating Suarez’s bad public behavior.
I guess I have to get back to my home-built SAM hobby. Eat that, Fukuyama, I’ve got your asymmetry right here!
@burnspbesq: did not see that. those argie bargies are crazy. why not just troll the world and name it after one of the nazis (yes yes, godwin i know) that found a home there?
@Veritas: know your meme. U mad bro?
@Odie Hugh Manatee: You’re assuming of course, that the young Republican men are chasing after the young Republican women. It’s entirely possible, probable even, that a good-sized chunk of the young Republican men are chasing each other.
@Brachiator: Drones are primitive and inefficient.
Really? That sounds nuts and stupid to me all at once.
The signals collection package on a drone is really quite impressive. Look up some of the newer ones.
Apoel is alive. Only lost the away leg 1-0.
@Amir Khalid: king kenny isn’t doing himself any favors with this either. i saw today that LFC said that Suarez’ apology wasn’t forced by Standard Chartered, but by the club. i don’t really believe that.
The Dangerman
Actually, just a friendly suggestion on how you could use your time more productively; since you rejected my first suggestion, perhaps you can go jack off to a picture of Mitt to keep yourself occupied?
@The Dangerman: He’s a slow learner eh? Poor Veritas.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: Erickson’s post is a classic in the genre, a masterful example of how a backcountry hick who felt up girls in the back seat of his Dodge Duster has now grown up to be a country club Republican who is deathly afraid someone will feel up a daughter of his (or someone he pretends to pray in church with) in the back seat of a (shudder) Scion.
They are terrified someone is having sex. Absolutely terrified. They are Puritans without the wardrobe, and to them no one in America should be having any fun anywhere forever.
It is somehow fitting that a neocon like Fukuyama would have drone building as a hobby, because it is a perfect hobby for somebody like himself who, although he is one of the more sane and rational neocons, has no moral or ethical qualms about anything he does. Drone building to him is a cool thing to do, and the idea that using them for surveillance, either by the government or by a private individual like himself, might be ethically wrong never occurs to him. He still doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.
Mark S.
Not as pissed as you’ll be when Ricky’s your nominee. Maybe he’ll let Mitt be his running mate.
Amir Khalid
Neither do I. It shouldn’t have taken the club two days to figure out that Suarez made them look very bad. Kenny should have made him apologize right after the match — personally to Evra, if possible, as well as to the public.
Ditto that. In fact there is more than a little bit of liberal ideology in it (and not the economic neo-liberal kind either), which sort of surprised me. IIRC by about Chapter 2 he’s already compared today’s Libertarians with Marxists (“people hankering after a stateless utopia”) and just up and tells them to move to Somalia if they can’t stomach the modern Euro-American welfare state.
Rafer Janders
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
Umm, why aren’t the boys shaming their parents?
I know if they were my boys, I’d be ashamed.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Good point. Erickkk is decrying the fact that these young men are the future leaders of the party.
If that’s the case, you just might be right. :)
@Rafer Janders:
That’s what my wife wanted to know. I’m sure Erickkk can explain it in a way that makes sense…
to conservatives.
So are counter measures. Again, much ado about nothing compared to more simply and easily deployed tricks.
@WJS: RE: Drones are primitive and inefficient.
Yeah, whatever.
Some Balloon Juicers have an absolute fetish about the supposed danger of drones, and yet there is more threat from the info most of you freely give up every second of every day from your cell phones, your FaceBook postings and all your social media activity. Who needs a freakin’ drone when the authorities could simply dip into “Where’s WJS” on an Android or iOS device?
Odie Hugh Manatee
Erickkk owning a Dodge Duster and in the back seat? Naah, more like a ’61 International pickup and in the rusty bed of it.
I’m sure that Erickkk went through his own sowing of oats (sans livestock) as a young man, probably groping a few things in the dark when he could. Now he is afraid someone else will do the same thing, maybe with his kid, and learn to enjoy it.
Unlike him.
As I recall he also blasts Enlightenment thinkers and many such as Libertarians who hold the individual primary and that society and politics arises from them agreeing to band together for mutual interests. Humanity from our monkey ancestors on has always consisted of social groups and social progress to a large extent consists of weakening ties to smaller groups while strengthening ties to larger groups.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Nutpicking some gems from Erickkk’s CPAC SEX! thread:
A response by a member to someone complaining about Erickkk using a double standard:
Another “gem’ about appropriate dressing:
You damned women and your sexy clothes!! Oh, and your damned raging hormones!!
Someone makes an actual funny:
Neither Erickkk nor Moe have denied it so it must be true!
@Brachiator: Yeah, whatever.
It’s not a fetish. Passive collection from drones is databased and stored and searched; it’s a great tool. But there is no guarantee that the information collected and disseminated from the collection platform is handled in an ethical way because, well, it’s a form of data mining. This is where it becomes a legitimate privacy concern–who’s watching the watchers and where is the oversight? Now you want to put that in the hands of a local law enforcement department? Or the state police in all 50 states? I think it is prudent to question what’s happening.
And your “social media” profile is no where near as interesting as your bank account.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: I can’t see Erickson owning a pickup because that would make him legitimately cool or genuinely interesting.
He would have to have something incredibly lame that his daddy let him have to make it work. I should have gone with the Pacer or the Dodge Dart or maybe even the Trans Am, but when you make Trans Am jokes, you have the potential to offend a lot of people who have recovered from their illness and have entered society after making peace with their issues. I’m not going to do that unless I can really get a cheap laugh.
@Bruce S:
That had me giggling out loud.
Odie Hugh Manatee
You have a point, maybe it was a ’65 Olds Vista Cruiser station wagon he had in high school.
Now that’s uncool.
I had a ’67 Plymouth Barracuda in high school. My back seat was a busy place. ;)
@Odie Hugh Manatee: He could have been forced to borrow his Grandma’s car on a regular basis. But we’re assuming there were women of loose morals in his life at that time; perhaps he found that clutching his bible and worshipping Barry Goldwater left him alone and isolated, unable to relate to the hellions of his youth.
We’ve been there and done that with access of data cached from smartphones. And very recently the Path photo sharing app had to be slapped for how it uploaded user’s entire address book by default without permission.
Various nations are demanding that access hooks be granted for various apps and products. Even the nice nations.
Who needs drones when the best survelliance tool is the one in your pocket? And it is designed to accumulate and aggregate data. And all athe government has to do is get someone to flip a switch.
I think the man who is facing a death penalty for Twitter blashemy would disagree with you.
So let’s see. What, the drone is gonna follow you around, take some pictures and videos, and the authorities are going to have to figure out who the people you talk to are. Or the cops take a leisurely look at your FaceBook timeline, get your entire biography and already tagged and sorted photos of everybody connected to you, and use facial recognition to ID everybody.
And there’s stuff like this:
Cyber data is worth more to all kinds of people, including law enforcement, than passive drone observations. And it is far more easily obtained.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: And one primarily fed up with the war-and-corporate-welfare state should _________?
Samara Morgan
Fukuyama is wrong.
its not the end of history, just the end of American centric history.
oh, and alsotoo
the nam-shub propagates.
Either move to a nation that has no imperial pretensions, or lobby the one you’re currently in to tone it down via a mainstream political ideology that isn’t hopelessly infected with utopian anti-statist ideas.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: Seriously, what is so inherently “utopian” about anti-statism?
I don’t look particularly kindly on people. I actually think they tend towards being assholes. Yet that doesn’t lead me to “we need the state to protect us from assholes”, it prompts a question as to just what the hell prevents assholes in a society with a force monopoly from obtaining control of it & entrenching themselves as a ruling class. To me it’s utopian to sanction concentrations of power under the idea that they’ll be held by people who care about anyone other than themselves.
Fukuyama is universally reviled in my Department. The whole idea that liberal capitalism has brought us to the ultimate level of awesome, so much so that there will be No More History ™, no more emancipatory dreams. All that’s left is infinite tinkering with the total badassery that is neo-liberalism. I hear he has a new book out. I’m out of toilet paper anyway.
As an aeromodeler for 60 years it is also my hobby. Waddaya gonna make of it.
In a healthy state you need a well tuned balance of power between various independent and respected institutions and social groups so that if one starts behaving badly the others can act to correct it. Unions used to be a major player however they have been demonized and much destroyed. Organized crime also used to be quite influential but they have little clout these days. Bored middle class housewives who had nothing to do in the 1800s (because they had servants) became do-gooders involved in charities and were the major force in the abolitionist movement.
The “state” is not only made up of the various branches of government but also all the groups and institutions that reside within it and in some sense are part of it and help balance or unbalance it.
The right wing strategy for a long time in the US has been to exclude groups, such as women or Negros, from really being part of the state or to work to actively eliminate institutions such as unions.
It is nonsensical to be “anti-statist” because a state will always exist even if it is just a state of pure anarchy. What you really object to is the current right-wing definition of a state as just Capitalism led by big business (largely white males) with some role for small businesses and the mostly white employees who have been convinced that this setup is the best.
Fukuyama had one valid point in his “end of history” argument. So far the history of the world has been mostly about wars. However since establishment of “liberal democratic states” there have been no fighting wars between them, in part caused by globalism which makes them economically interdependent. If one assumes the rest of the world will come into the fold as equal players (unlike today where the rest are essentially colonies to the globalists) then there will be no more armed wars and no more history defined as a chronology of wars.
I think this vision of Fukuyama will eventually happen on the Earth if things go well. Maybe in 100 years, but then again if global warming makes things nasty I could see many country governments reverting to dictatorships in order to occupy and exclude others from the new good places to live.
I didn’t follow Fukuyama’s embrace by the neo-Cons so I have nothing to say about why and how he reciprocated. However I doubt that all of the people in this thread who have expressed their dislike for him have ever read a word he has written and base their dislike from hearing that some neo-Cons really liked him.
Is this a guy in Alabama? If not, then who cares? Drones collect information passively, including information sent over cell phones. We don’t need them in the air, round the clock, giving Johnny Law more information than he actually needs. The potential for abuse is far too great.
Wow, leftists really are some extremely ignorant toolbags.