NH Republican Jeanine Notter asserted that the pill causes cancer. Prostate cancer. In men. You do the math:
Is it possible that maybe the public is just punking us all by electing these morons for entertainment purposes?
This post is in: #notintendedtobeafactualstatement, Teabagger Stupidity
NH Republican Jeanine Notter asserted that the pill causes cancer. Prostate cancer. In men. You do the math:
Is it possible that maybe the public is just punking us all by electing these morons for entertainment purposes?
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[…] However, it is not true there were no women’s voices heard today. NH Republican Jeanine Notter spoke up to let the panel know that birth control pills cause prostate cancer. […]
David Koch
This is a guy who obviously has never had sex with a woman.
Is the whole page centered for everyone or just me?
Comrade Mary
There’s a joke floating out in the ether right now involving “prostate”, “prostrate”, and “supine”, but my gob is so thoroughly smacked that I won’t even attempt it.
Headache. I need something for it.
General Stuck
Eggsactly, And the main reason I decided to stop taking it.
Mr. Wizzzzzzzzard!!
Comrade Javamanphil
Oh sure, laugh all you want but never underestimate the power of cooties.
Centered here on Firefox.
New Hampshire’s new motto:
Live Stupid and Die (young)
Yes, We’ve turned radically centrist just for a bit. No doubt we’ll swing back hard left in a sec.
ETA: and no, none of that right justification shit for us either.
Paul in KY
The mechanics of that must be somewhat convoluted. I have an idea, but I will refrain from writing it down at the moment.
Villago Delenda Est
Um, I’m not as stupid as this guy…I know that my potential to make a baby does not involve ovulating. So why would I ever take a birth control pill that is designed to prevent ovulating?
Help me out here, guys, this is causing my haid to hurt.
Oh, a woman suggested this? Ok, now I’m even more confused, and concerned that this lady has not read the fracking manual for her plumbing…
Betty Cracker
@Raven: Centered on Chrome too.
General Stuck
It’s all the stoopid throwing the earth into a wobbly orbit. It will get better, or it won’t.
Villago Delenda Est
Centered for me on Chrome. I think John fat fingered something when posting.
on edit: ah, back to normal, problem found, fixed, happy happy joy joy!
Comrade Mary
Oh! John has given us centered alignment! Haiku, anyone?
Hard decisions now
Risk squalling red-faced infant, or
Take another pill
Comrade Mary
And now he’s shoved us all to the left. The world is Cole’s Overton Window.
John Cole
For god’s sakes, you ninnies. I didn’t close a bracket. It’s fixed now.
fer fuck’s sake.
You beat me to it, John.
This is how Republicans use data and statistics.
There’s no link between greenhouse gasses and global warming, but oral contraceptives used by women cause prostate cancer in men.
Side note–this is the same NH Representative who suggested that cancer victims didn’t need the new health care law because they could cover all of their costs in this manner:
Presumably car washes and bake sales.
I loved David Koch’s comment, especially considering NH Republican Jeanine Notter is a woman, not a man. Maybe actually watch the video…?
Words fail.
David Koch
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any more original than the aspirin comment…
The Dangerman
If the man is shoving the pill up his ass, have him READ THE FUCKING DIRECTIONS AGAIN.
Villago Delenda Est
@John Cole:
Well, you fixed the problem, as I indicated.
You must be aware that we notice these small things, ya know.
Thank you for your prompt attention!
Don’t forget the pickle jar on the convenience store counter.
Villago Delenda Est
@The Dangerman:
Objection, your honor! Assumption that the witness can read!
I’m dumbfounded that such a substantial faction within the GOP thinks attacking birth control is a productively winning tactic with the general electorate. Most people, women included don’t personally plan to have abortions, and so as long as the focus was on this issue, it didn’t have as much resonance outside those for whom anti-abortion is of single-issue importance. However, most people (especially the vast majority of women who aren’t on-board with the anti-birth control jihad) DO have a strong personal investment in convenient, comfortable access to birth control, irrespective of whether it potentially might to prevent implantation of fertilized eggs comprised of a small number of divided cells. The argument that this is killing a human being simply doesn’t have any resonance with most people, including women, outside the circles of anti-abortion fanatics. How can this possibly not prove to be a strongly counterproductive political strategy (at least I hope so)?
@The Dangerman: LOLZ!! Thanks, I needed to laugh. Monitor spewed with tea but I feel a little better.
personally, I was just enjoying snarking about something that wasn’t likely to involve actual human death or disease for a small momentary change.
If you clamp an aspirin between your knees while shoving a pill up your ass, reproduction might not yet be impossible, but it would be getting close.
Bruce S
FYI – this kook is a state rep. Not part of today’s hearings in Congress. Small favors, and all that.
Cole says Ffffrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!
So, is NH changing their state motto to “Live stupid or die?”
Southern Beale
OMG I was just coming over here to give you the link. Can you IMAGINE? Birth control causes prostate cancer in men, and the HPV vaccine causes mental retardation. This is Republican science.
Good lord. Someone save us from these morons.
Paul in KY
@cmorenc: They damned well better ensure their wimmens all get an absentee ballot that they get to fill out (except in Oregon, where that kind of thing can never, ever happen).
Gin & Tonic
@Paul in KY:
“I have discovered a wonderful proof which the margin is too small to contain.”
To be sure, the one man known to have mistaken Birth Control pills for a suppository did develop prostate cancer, but further studies will be necessary to establish causation.
Suffern ACE
It’s not. But it is a good way to get Foster Fleiss’ money. Just like no one really wants to end social security, but that’s a good way to get Pete Petersen’s money. See how that works?
Here’s the “link” Notter’s talking about. It’s a statistical correlation for which there’s no explanation. The authors of the study offer some conjecture, but also stress that women shouldn’t stop taking oral contraceptives.
O/T, and quite possibly mentioned elsewhere, but it appears that the Mittster
is running scared in the opposite direction fromhas chosen not to participate in the Georgia CNN debate before Super Tuesday.Hahahahahahaha.
Underwear Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab just got himself a one-way ticket to scenic Florence, Colorado.
Two years and 1.5 months from crime to LWOP sentence. And those assholes on the other side still think that military commissions are the right way to deal with most terrorists. This WTF moment brought to you by the fully functional American Justice System.
Ahahahahaha! (takes a moment to breathe)
Oh my God, this is just getting better and better!
Exactly. And there’s no telling what birth control might be doing to the chicken that’s used to pay for it. More research must be done!
So at what point does Phoenix Wright object to these court proceedings?
Southern Beale
Here’s something of interest:
Suffern ACE
@Southern Beale:
Well, no. But it’s the facts that are dispensed from preachers all over the country every Sunday and on Pat Robertson’s show.
Who the hell is this Dr. (sounds like) Bernstein she is quoting, someone with a doctorate from Evangelical Creationism U.?
In my day, men avoided prostate cancer by keeping an aspirin between their knees.
@General Stuck:
I had to stop taking it because my wife kept complaining that it was costing us twice as much.
Of course if Ann Coulter is on birth control, it could have that effect on her and her adam’s apple.
Um, like she said…Republican science.
Paul in KY
@Gin & Tonic: Since you asked: The evil estrogen goes up the man’s urethra while he is presenting her with the gift of life & then evilly lodges in his prostrate, evicting the good prostatites & starting cancer.
See, science is easy peasy.
Well, that’s true, but he’s using the information utterly incorreclty http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45296370/ns/health-cancer/t/prostate-cancer-may-be-tied-pill-water-supply/
So the GOP is going all in with the crusade against birth control? Wow. That is like the Democratic party getting so liberal they started campaigning against eating meat in an election year.
@General Stuck:
Fine post, wish I had made it. Later I will claim that I did.
Villago Delenda Est
I don’t think OvenMitt understands that the Sir Robin approach will get you a team of minstrels who will mock you incessantly.
@cmorenc: You should have heard fuckin Mika this morning. “these are just Santorum’s personal beliefs, nothing to do with policy positions”.
Well in my day, men avoided prostate cancer by getting eaten by Raptors.
Take that, Frosty Freeze!
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
Shorter reax: those women are giving us ass cancer with all their pissing and slutting around.
She’s regurgitating a speculative analysis from a few months back showing an association between high rates of oral contraceptive use (aggregated at the national level) and elevated rates of prostate cancer.
Terrible confusion of causation and correlation, but in addition Notter clearly hasn’t the first clue about what the study was actually doing or saying. She actually implies that a particular woman taking the pill could somehow transmit prostate cancer to a male partner. Christ the stupid on this one is overwhelming.
Rafer Janders
“Americans are generous people, they’ve been known to be generous people, and I think that when – maybe you’ll agree with me – that when someone in their community has cancer and no insurance, they’re going to rally, they’re going to fundraise, and they’re going to get the treatment that person needs.”
This is, indeed, true. Recently one of the neighbors developed a rare form of ovarian cancer, and one block party, a car wash, and three bake sales later, we’d raised over $700,000 to cover the costs of her chemo, surgeries, and long-term hospitalization.
Unfortunately, now it turns out another neighbor has also developed cancer. Given that we blew almost three-quarters of a mil last year, we’re all kind of tapped out, so this other neighbor is just going to have to suck up and die.
Hmmm…so, we could either work to improve our water quality or get rid of the entirety of medical science.
You can drink clean water or use antibiotics but you can’t do both.
I just went to the link and read the article. Nowhere is anything mentioned about all th e hormones going into animal feed or given to animals in other ways…which is probably the real problem.
From the link:
That’s it. That’s the “proof” (sic.)
Men in NA and Europe also watch more television, spend more time driving, mow more ‘yard-miles’ per year, and spend more time on blogs than their counterparts in, say, Tibet.
@rb: I heard that the elevated rates of tweeting might somehow play a role. Piracy is up, too, also.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
to be fair, if you just choked the chicken in the first place, you could avoid all these cascading consequences.
It seems highly implausible that birth control pills would cause prostate cancer, but I’m going to stop taking them anyway just in case.
Clean water and antibiotics? A soshulist outrage for which we will all pay dearly. To the ramparts, chuzzlewits!
Yes, I know. That’s why I posted the link – to show that the study doesn’t say what Notter thinks it says.
Villago Delenda Est
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick:
Um, you’re not supposed to mention that.
“White Eye” was a common malady toward the end of any deployment when I was in the Army. All that backed up bodily fluid with no outlet, ya know…
@Rafer Janders: Not right. You should all put your houses and cars up for auction to support your other neighbor. She deserves a first chance as well. Now if your first cancer-stricken neighbor relapses, well, she’s screwed and rightfully so.
Unless she puts an aspirin between her knees. I hear that cures lots of things.
In her defense, a study has found that countries with high usage of birth control pills corresponds with higher incidents of prostate cancer. The hypothesis is that women pee out all those girlie hormones and then we drinks it and gets the cancers. It’s just a correlation, though. Those areas also have higher usage of things like pesticides and electricity and an unusually high readership of Balloon Juice.
God, I knew she was a frigging idiot, but …. Geezus.
@John Cole: Bwa ha ha. Was what I was thinking.
Say, did this chick say “prostrate”? Kinda sounded that way.
@Soonergrunt: Don’t forget spaghetti dinners… It may take 20 or 30 years but that medical bill for $100,000 will eventually be paid. /snark
@Southern Beale:
everybody sing
Weird Science
Villago Delenda Est
For example, you might have a child who is a screaming ninny, like Mika.
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick: but if life begins at erection, wouldn’t masturbating be a pre-first trimester abortion? every knuckle child is sacred.
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick:
Good point. A good choke of the chicken is the archetypical small government solution.
ETA Will someone refresh my memory? Who was the chicken lady? Californian? Didn’t win her election maybe? I don’t recall.
@slag: Tasty.
@jpeg: The countries correspond?
So, people should stop drinking women pee…
I want to know how the Obama campaign is making these people say all this stupid, hilarious, and outrageous shit. Who’s the ratfucker? (And does the rat have an aspirin between its legs?)
Commenting at Balloon Juice Since 1937
I thought contraceptive pills caused cancer in fish.
There may well be some environmental effects from the increased release of estrogen and other hormones through urine because of increased use of the pill/Depo-Provera/Nuva and/or increased hormone use with livestock.
With that admitted to, there are definitely well documented environmental effects from a rapidly increasing population, and no documented link between the pill and prostate cancer.
I linked to your comment so people could do a track back.
@PurpleGirl: You can get oncological treatment for $100K where you live? I need to move to your neighborhood and get me some of that cut-price healthcare.
Bad news for the Nutter
Gender Equity on Science Faculties Might Have to Wait a Century, Study Finds
@Commenting at Balloon Juice Since 1937:
Yeah. Try getting a fish to hold an aspirin between its knees.
@ Rafer Janders
Why isn’t there a Like button on this thing? [looks around vainly on page, randomly pressing areas]
O! what would I give if I could only find a correlation between elevated rates of contraceptives in water and increased global temperatures . . . . .
Oh sure, you say that now but who’ll be talking when he uses his Super Powers and flies right outta da joint, huh?
@Soonergrunt: As long as the car washes, bake sales, and pickle jars don’t say “for the cure.” That’s trademarked, you know.
@slag: Sue Lowden, Nevada. gotta love the silver state.
also, too, there was a chicken lady on kids in the hall. preferable to sue lowden.
Can we finally admit that “the woah” has never ended and give them their own country? I’ll cede them Texas, Louisiana, Mississipi, Alabama, and Georgia. Raven, I have 23 acres; you are welcome to build a house on my place.
We will need to build a big wall/fence to keep out their economic refugees.
Shawn in ShowMe
Calling the Prez’s special gifts 11-dimensional chess is actually selling him short. This is beyond the power of the Vulcan race. Surely we’re dealing with a member of the Q-continuum in the White House.
Sue Lowden, Senate candidate in Nevada. Arguably the saner of the two Republicans in that primary, which is kind of scary to put it mildly.
@Peej01: ah, yes. You beat me to making this point. Feed animals get all kinds of biomedical junk these days and it is causing problems in the food chain.
@trex: You’ve seen the bake-sale cancer funding approach yourself, haven’t you, where your parents live in deep red country?
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
Am I the only one that’s getting a wee bit concerned? It’s getting like Night of the Living Stupid, and I’m afraid that whatever contagion is eating these conservatives’ brains is soon going to break out into the general population (there being so relatively little conservative brains to consume, and whatnot).
Justify left!
Justify right!
Stand up! Sit down!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
@Nancy: I’ll come help you FINISH THE DANGED FENCE! (Cue creepy smile with yellowed teeth.)
@Villago Delenda Est: She is alleging that you “catch it” from female sexual partners. The chemicals (hormones) in The Pill float through our bodies and into yours.
@scav: Piracy is up, too, also.
Ha! I bought the mug a few years back. Still one of my favorites.
@pragmatism: Ah yes. The newsmodel. Thanks for the memories! And it seems appropriate to honor Colbert at this moment: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/308061/april-26-2010/indecision-2010-midterm-elections—sue-lowden .
Oh, okay. Sorry for my misunderstanding!
Linda Featheringill
Chicken lady. Nevada, I think. Pay your medical bills with a chicken.
No. That person didn’t win.
Name? Oh, gee. I don’t know.
@Quarks: Hey Quarks! Well said. Science trumps stupid until stupid silences science.
Villago Delenda Est
I can foresee the need for a moat inhabited by sharks with frickin’ laser beams on their heads, myself.
@Nancy: Shit, give em the Dakotas and Nebraska.
@slag: Sharon Angle — Nevada.
OK, 30 years a pharmacist and I can tell you there is some concern that estrogenic mimicking compounds that have polluted our water supply may play a role in increased incidences of prostate cancer. But to single out one ingredient in hormonal contraceptives to make the point is just data cherry picking that would make Dick Phuckin Cheney blush.
How about if this moran is worried, she suggest we get rid of bis-phenol A and other plastics used to package our foods first.
I don’t usually get my information regarding prescription products from Jezebel, but this article pretty much covers the issue.
Shawn in ShowMe
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
These crazy people have always been there. They used to split between both parties or in some cases, didn’t vote at all, thereby diluting their effect. What you have witnessed since the Reagan Revolution is a concentration of the crazy.
@slag: i know her campaign manager. i do not ever bring the pollo for pediatric idea and execution up when i speak with him, though. they did harry reid a huge favor. so glad i don’t live in NV any more.
Wanna hurl?
Newt’s Faith Posse
@shortstop: Having no idea of the real prices involved, I did pull $100,000 out of the ether.
Jeanine is a man? (I can’t watch video because of workplace restrictions, etc)
I read that Issa says the hearing is really about religious liberty.
Religious liberty for corporations who don’t want to pay for health insurance? Well, they ARE people. And people have morals.
Gad, the GOP is pulling out all the stops on the crazy today. Can they keep this up until the general election? I hope so.
Wasn’t there a self appointed minister of a self created religion who handed out divinity degrees so guys could get out the draft during the Vietnam war? Isn’t that the same thing as what Issa says he is talking about?
Also, too, need to get some Congresscritter to hold hearings on the potential immorality of Boehner p 1 l ! z.
Edit: I note that some brave anonymous commenter laid down his sanity to coin ‘Boehner p ! 1 / s’ earlier today. Don’t remember who it was. Please keep this brave commenter in your thoughts today.
I was away from the blog for a few hours; what is this business about “holding an aspirin between your knees”?
Thanks, in advance for the answer.
@Raven: I saw that. It’s a sad frackin’ comment about Morning Blo when Mike Barnicle and Willie Geist are the show’s voices of reason.
@Commenting at Balloon Juice Since 1937: That, too.
Villago Delenda Est
This seems to be (and pardon my graphic language here) pretty much not what I learned in basic sex ed 101 back in 7th grade, which covered the biological aspects of human reproduction while simultaneously leaving out how exactly the pen1s found its way into the vag1na in the first place, that is, the entire social aspect of human reproduction.
That is, the male injects fluids into the female that contains the little swimming Marines that hit the beach and try to break through the defenses of Fort Ovum and then do a little happy dance with the chromosomes inside and the result is, if all goes well, a screaming little tax deduction and mobile fertilizer dispenser nine months later who eventually turns into someone you bail out of jail for driving a hot rod Lincoln 135mph down the Grapevine.
pseudonymous in nc
Yeah, because people don’t get tired of shelling out for $10 fundraiser cupcakes every other day.
@Ken: Hey, indeed. That’s a line in the running for an internets award.
Villago Delenda Est
No, it’s a woman.
A not very bright woman, who is displaying Santorum level stupidity.
@Marcellus Shale, Public Dick:
You see the Bishops frown upon this too. They prefer alterboys.
pseudonymous in nc
@Bruce S:
You could register dumbshitastatelegislatorsays.tumblr.com and have material every day. Seriously, these idiots have a lot of fucking power and most Americans don’t even know who they are when they vote for them.
Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water
Someone failed their stats course – obviously never heard of the difference between correlation and causation
@Villago Delenda Est:
You expected them to *teach* you about wine coolers?
I’m sure she’s also concerned about the public health impact of antibiotic abuse. Oh, wait, untreatable gonorrhea is a good thing ’cause it’s a deterrent to whoopie. Never mind.
I have indeed, many times. And while it effectively helps tie the community together, creates a market for locally crafted goods, puts some money in the pocket of an individual without health insurance, and provides a cheap meal on a Saturday night – one thing it does not do is come anywhere close to covering the costs of ongoing treatment, surgeries, or hospitalization that are ordinarily paid for by having a health insurance policy.
And yet, the individuals involved continue to vote Republican and fight greater access to health care.
I think the dynamic boils down to something like this: they’d rather think of themselves as good, suffering Christian people who are as self-reliant as possible even if means some of them go bankrupt and get sick and die than give into a system of soshulizm that would provide them affordable health care and not bankrupt them at the expense of their American identity and their good, suffering Christian souls.
My god. Yes, there are real and rather scary environmental problems with hormones and other metabolized medications etc entering our waters – but that argues we should look at better ways of treating sewage, not jump on a ban-contraceptives bandwagon.
These people are lunatics.
Villago Delenda Est
Well, admittedly, there was that entire non-curriculum-approved casual, ad hoc class in the locker room in which the wine coolers part was explained by those who had been there and done that to those of us who had not been there and done that, while Suffragette City and Let’s Spend The Night Together blared in the background.
28 Percent
@jpeg: Birth Control Pills Not a Major Source of Estrogen in Water Supply
Apparently, tofu still is a major contributor, so it can still be all the fault of DFH’s.
Davis X. Machina
@kindness: Why in God’s name would you choke an altar boy?
Love KITH, but Chicken Lady still gives me nightmares.
I’m 100th to mention that correlation does not imply causation, but it needs to be repeated. Basic statistical analysis should be taught in high school.
This is actually extremely clever. In order to frighten liberals about the terror of “government-run” health care, they’re trotting out the idiots they’d put in charge of it, given the opportunity.
When it comes to health care, wingnuts are the only thing scarier than insurance companies.
AA+ Bonds
have you seen the all-out war, top headlines and everything, on FoxNews.com against Media Matters
They go through this nervous breakdown over David Brock on some sort of organization-wide level, to please Murdoch or Ailes or some VP, every now and then but they don’t have ammo right now and it’s really weird stuff even for them
Like, the first subhead story on the FRONT PAGE of their website is about how David Brock needs an armed bodyguard because of right-wing psychopaths but ALSO took a grant from a gun control organization – GOTCHA YOU FILTHY FUCKING F*****T
That is pretty shoddy work even for them and it is one of those stories where something came from the top down, “Do a David Brock hit and do it yesterday”,
but at least everyone who bothers to glance at Fox News for a few seconds a day (hopefully everyone on the left) knows that they are inordinately bothered by him, probably because he can back up his analysis of the right with a massive body of proof
Gin & Tonic
@PurpleGirl: Santorum’s money man said that back in his days, the gals would hold an aspirin between their knees as a contraceptive measure.
Yes, seriously.
Any list of states that are going to be given to start the New Confederacy/Jesusland/the live implementation of Idiocracy should always start with South Carolina.
@Villago Delenda Est: She’s also displaying an apparently unconscious bias toward men in her healthcare concerns. What a surprise.
Now I remember. Reverend Kirby J. Hensley!
Universal Life Church.
Tell you kids Rep. Issa says it is OK for them not to register with the draft, because of religious liberty.
Do not be alarmed. Relativistic time distortion effects are to be expected as we approach the wingularity.
See the previous thread: “Friess’s Frame”. Then check your calendar to make sure it isn’t April 1st.
ULC has lots of famous ministers.
From Mel Blanc and Milton Berle to John Waters and Mae West.
The obnoxious little twit that is leading the charge against Media Matters Vince Coglianese, is a graduate of my local RWNJ radio station. He was obnoxious when he was hosting “Youth Points” and I knew he would be even more obnoxious once he was hired by The Daily Caller. Lockwood Phillips, the station owner, was about pissing himself with pride that his little protege was appearing all over Fox News.
Villago Delenda Est
David Brock is an apostate of the right. These guys are more serious than Mullahs about apostates.
Who knew that Peak Wingnut would arrive?
With an aspirin between its knees.
@trex: you are not THE trex are you?
AA+ Bonds
The prostate thing is from a really basic and likely intentionally provocative study that was described by its head researcher like this in USA Today:
Amanda in the South Bay
Well, HRT for trans women definitely lowers the risk of prostate cancer, and an orchiectomy is one treatment for prostate cancer. So, I’d say her logic is ass backwards.
This is why I never drink water.
@RD: yeah, creepy. i saw their live tour in denver back in the early 2000’s. epic. just another reason to love canadia.
AA+ Bonds
That Caller story is something else, it ends on the accusation that two employees once fucked in the Media Matters office, according to an anonymous other employee, and that is the brutal revelation that is just supposed to sum up how David Brock is insane
AA+ Bonds
The funny thing is that if we can get this to blow up, get a lot of people on the Right to repeat this line, Republicans will take a hit fundraising with pharmaceutical companies and that is a lot of dough
Because the mangled concept is that pharmaceuticals are causing measurable and fatal harm to people through environmental contamination
And that is one of the biggest fires that those companies’ executives are trying to put out right now through information management and an explosion of this story will blow a hole through years and millions of dollars worth of work
Maybe he meant the little blue pill.
the stupid burns so hard, it’s blinding
@The Dangerman:
I don’t even know how to wrap my head around this. Or anyone’s head, even a moron’s head.
What? The pill has such powerful cooties that they crawl up the man’s urethra and attack his prostate, somehow? Where the fuck do they get these stupid fucking ideas?
@AA+ Bonds: roger ailes (the bad one) has all sorts of bodyguards, bullet proof glass, etc. to protect him from teh gayz. i feel the same about both ailes and brock. i don’t care how crazy they are. i care about how crazy or accurate their output is.
I have long resisted coming around to the scornful view so many others seem to have of Mika, which is that despite being the daughter of a very intelligent man (Zbignew Brezinski), the real reason Joe Scarborough has her around on the show is to have an attractive blonde woman clearly less intelligent than himself, just not so outright stupid as to too easily provoke too many “dumb blonde” jokes. However, I have finally been worn down by far too much accumulated evidence, of which the above episode is the final straw, to any longer resist adopting this viewpoint myself.
What basis can she possibly cite why Santorum won’t pursue his personal beliefs as his policy positions, to the the fullest extent he will have practical ability, as President, to get them enacted into law, to affect their enforcement by choice of cabinet officials, to change fundamental law by choice of judiciary appointments, etc? What has Santorum ever said or done that makes her think he doesn’t intend to impose his views on the entire country, especially to change the political balance of power in this country such that those of similar views can grab the reigns of power? The reason he wants decisions over contraception and abortion to be shifted entirely to state level is that he thinks the anti-contraception and anti-abortion forces are more likely to win in more places at that level of government than at the federal level. Is she really so thick as to not see that? I have to conclude, following her remark, that yes she is indeed that thick.
From AA+ Bonds’ link:
‘ Prostate cancer expert Anthony D’Amico, chief of radiation oncology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said that “it’s hard to know if this is true. This is a study of association, not cause-and-effect. Even the hypothesis it’s based on is questionable.”
In fact, for a man to get micrograms of estrogen into the blood, he would have to ingest milligrams of estrogen. “You would have to have a lot in the water to believe this,” D’Amico said.
D’Amico also said that small amounts of estrogen raise the risk for a heart attack. “If you have enough to cause prostate cancer, you also have enough to cause a heart attack — so it’s hard to accept.”
Based on these speculative findings, “men should not be concerned,” D’Amico said. ‘
That’s enough for me, I am terrified. Then damn gals and their
aspirinsbirth control pills.I’m off the water for good. Where can I discounts on Everclear?
I am the (infamous) trex from Washington Monthly not the (famous) Trex, Scion of the Internets. Though people often confuse us on account of our similar hair and paleontological profile.
Villago Delenda Est
@AA+ Bonds:
ZOMG, employees doing the nasty in the office! That’s unheard of in the private sector! Never happens!
When I was stationed in Honduras for six months of TDY, I had the honor of my cot being located where, three months before I got there, two captains (one male and one female, stop thinking those thoughts, you perverts!) did the nasty and got caught doing it. So my hoochmates and I put together a plaque to commemorate this epic event and placed it above the hooch to memorialize it for all time, or until the hooch was bulldozed.
Apparently, according to the lieutenant who led the signal platoon responsible for the satellite uplink back to CONUS, they were caught getting it on in one of the perimeter bunkers as well by the roving patrol. He was kind enough to show me where this was.
For the record, and to keep this comment as on topic as possible, I do not know if she gave him prostate cancer in the process.
Well, thank God this doof clearly only fucks blow up dolls. No cancer for him!
Stupid…it’s what for dinner.
Seriously folks…get your asses to a voting booth. There is no way that this should be allowed to put on a suit and mouth breath into a microphone.
@cmorenc: From what I have seen, everything on the show has to fit within Mornin’ Joe’s comfort parameters, which are narrow and rigid. Otherwise he starts acting out, and gets pissy and boorish.
I just love that she went off-message.
She’s not supposed to talk about birth control at the birth control hearing!
Well, the wingnuts are doing something right:
New CNN poll shows 44% approve of Obama’s contraception compromise, while 50% disapprove.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Okay, I admit it. I’m a geek and found this waaaaay too funny.
Ah yes. Another benefit of the aspirin model. Reusable and therefore less likely to end up in our drinking water. The Republican ecological case against birth control pills is getting more and more persuasive by the minute. I, for one, am looking forward to hearing about how Al Gore being fat factors into the debate.
AA+ Bonds
I disapprove of it because it caved to the bishops and I’d imagine there are enough Catholics out there who feel the same way
Up your bum. Don’t use Alka Seltzer.
AA+ Bonds
To be clear, I am seriously suggesting that if you moved the people who disapprove of Obama’s compromise because they don’t like the bishops into the “approve” column then “approve” would probably beat “disapprove” by 2-to-1 in every poll
Villago Delenda Est
OK, what exactly does this mean?
A lot of people who didn’t “approve” of the ACA didn’t “approve” because they didn’t think it went far enough.
This is an example of shitty polling questions that only raise more questions, and are designed solely to get you to watch the “analysis” to make sense of them.
But then, I expect nothing but shitty polling questions from the vermin of the Village, of which everyone at CNN is a proud member.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
@jl: And not-so-famous. I was ordained almost a decade ago. I’ve done weddings and shit. It’s kinda cool.
@AA+ Bonds:
Nah, they couldn’t possibly care less about that. What really sends them around the bend in regard to David Brock is that he used to be one of them (hello, Troopergate ring any bells?). Then he did a John Cole in 1997 (which proves that he’s at least more sane than Cole is) and they’ve hated him with the intensity of the heat of the sun’s surface ever since.
@AA+ Bonds:
CNN broadened the question so it came out less favorable.
Their argument for doing that, which other pollsters didn’t do, seems to be “if we confuse voters enough, they’ll disapprove of this policy”.
Something really interesting has happened in “news”. They now expect the candidate or party or President to “inform”, which, ya know, is technically their job :)
It works with their business model, too, because the candidate or Party or President then has to BUY ADS to inform, so it’s a win/win for them.
AA+ Bonds
Well yes, I know, I’ve given more copies of his book as gifts than probably any single gift item
If you’ve ever wondered what fuels my posts on BJ, repeated readings of Blinded by the Right is probably about 33-50% of it
It redefined how I perceived politics in this country and I don’t think the press has even begun to catch up
It’s also hard to smear somebody who wrote that book which is pretty much a hair shirt where Brock lists off all the absolutely wretched things he did for a place in right-wing media
@PurpleGirl: No ether for you! I object to woozy-making on moral grounds, so it won’t be covered.
Yeah…that was snark. I’m a nurse, and get science pretty well.
For realz, though, the only water I drink is in coffee and beer.
Okay, so they’re concerned that the Pill can be correlated with slightly higher rates of certain kinds of cancers. How can we possibly protect these people from themselves?
WAIT! I’ve GOT it!
Let’s make it a prescription drug! That way, we know that women will have to consult with their doctor before taking it!
[Guinness Guy Voice] BRILLIANT!
Well, I would have preferred it if he had told them to cram it (if only to give Catholics the vapors) so I guess in a way, I could be put in both camps
@Villago Delenda Est:
see, you get the girl-icky all over your pee-pee and it has the pill stuff init and your prostate is down there, you know, unnerstand?
AA+ Bonds
I just think it’s a basic failure to appreciate that there are a number of Democrats who STRONGLY disapprove of this compromise, from the left, and will NEVER vote Republican
This poll would seem to contradict CNN’s. I believe there is a FOXNews poll that backs up the CBS/NYT, but I’m not gonna link it because I don’t want to go to the FOX site and get cooties.
I hear the pill gives you hairy palms, or makes you go blind, or somethin’ or other. Either way, the pill gives the baby Jeebus the croup…
Rafer Janders
@Davis X. Machina:
Because the little bastard was going to talk, damn it! He was going to tell everyone!
” I, for one, am looking forward to hearing about how Al Gore being fat factors into the debate. ”
How about
‘ Flash Siren Alert Developing: The run off from Al Gore’s man boobs causes prostate cancer! ‘
Actually, I remember (Edit: from reading some health article I did not quite understand) that fat men have more estrogen. So we could do
‘ Flash Siren Alert Developing: Fat man pee causes prostate cancer! ‘
There never is a poll response of “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about and so won’t opine at length on it”, not that our fellow loons would use it if it did exist.
AA+ Bonds
For what it is worth I would DEFINITELY put “disapprove” for that poll question and the reason why is, I think the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is a gang of criminals and compromise with the bishops evidences a severe misunderstanding of their philosophy
Suffice it to say that they are fully self-assured that their plans in this regard trump the Constitution and they are utterly unconcerned with that document as an authority
@Lojasmo: And excellent snark it was, IMHO.
@Rafer Janders: I was thinking the same thing but couldn’t think of a tasteful way to say it. Not that your way was that tasteful, but mine would have been worse.
In my (druggie) day a little blue pill meant a 10 mg val1um. (Who knew that was a spam filter word? BJ should publish them all so we know which ones to mimic)
I was just watching a few videos at the National Geographic site, procrastinating on a project I don’t feel like doing, and spotted this headline: “Even Your Evian Was Pee at Some Point.” I felt I needed to share that.
Tone In DC
@Southern Beale:
He was hanging out with Lindsey Graham, Breitbart and Ralph Reed.
Tweety, playing the Friesi clip – wow, first time i’ve seen that! At least Andrew Mitchell had the decency and self-awareness to be speechless. that was priceless.
Patricia Kayden
Well, people keep voting for these idiots, so shrug. Nothing Repubs say can shock me anymore.
Suffern ACE
@AA+ Bonds: Yeah. I guess Tucker Carlson spilled the beans that reporters, especially at MSNBC use Media Matters reporters. And of Course Breitburt challenged Media Matters to a drug test. Not that those reports are inaccurate. So no it is all out war on Media Matters to get MSNBC brass to cut a hole in the connection between liberal pundits and reports from Media Matters.
AA+ Bonds
@Suffern ACE:
Not a bad theory
Tone In DC
@Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn:
Wake me up when Ron Paul’s ‘base’ expands somewhat further than 4chan and Stormfront.
Suffern ACE
@kay: What it seems to indicate is that when you call something “Obama Policy”, you loose the republicans (big surprise) even if they agree to it. Kind of like some health care reform, where, say, people like ending recisisions,coverage of pre-exisiting conditions, and minimum health insurance standards until you put his name by it.
@cmorenc: She’s a puritanical scold that just loves dressing like a two-dollar hooker in all the Mornin Joe ads. Spiked heels, lots of leg and then rant and rave about all the oversexualization of girls.
@RD: you wonder how any of these people would survive with all regulatory agencies stripped away, defenseless. yes, they have technology on their side, but what about basic resources, what about poisoned food, what about basic protection, security and safety? i don’t care if they have guns, these people are not safe with guns.
how the hell is the average person going to fend for him/herself without the few remaining protections we have against corporate influence/money/domination? they don’t have an answer for that. i want an answer to that from the Ron Paul people.
@AA+ Bonds:
I think it’s horserace stuff. Obama has to “get his message out”! WARNING!
They love that shit. It’s their bread and butter.
I went to lunch today with Ethan, who is the extremely tall and young and dead-serious Obama2012 organizer who will be working here. They are investing heavily in Ohio, even compared to 2008, which was the biggest organization effort I had ever seen. We may be able to speak with each Ohio voter personally :)
As you know, they take this hippy-dippy organizing stuff seriously, unlike Mitt Romney, who has one field office in Michigan. One.
@Raven: Not that this is relevant, but I’m always distracted by her Marine-sized neck. It’s as wide as her head.
@kay: That is good news. Maybe we’ll come over there and help y’all instead of going to Wisconsin or Iowa.
@Suffern ACE:
Yeah. The pollster compares it to health care reform.
I don’t know why they’re bragging that people are horribly misinformed on the health care law, though. If I were CNN, a news agency, that would embarrass me, but what do I know. The President has a responsibility to inform, and maybe he’s failed at that, but surely they have a responsibility too, and it’s their business.
Rafer Janders
This is what I’m here for. To clean up your act.
It is good. He’s a former union organizer who worked in south Florida, although he is from, wait for it… SCRANTON! He’s really young so he couldn’t have worked anywhere long, unless he was working in junior high.
You know that Scranton PA is vital to pundit understanding of Real America, so I’m sure he’ll do fine. He has that SCRANTON MAGIC :)
Suffern ACE
@kay: Yes. The public is misinformed. Although I would note that the president announced that they were deliberating on policy months ago, and announced the policy last month and no one really covered all that much until the other side started running around like lunatics. People don’t know because it is a non-story, or people don’t know because there are lunatics.
I am going to guess that people don’t know what the bishops are backing and probably think it is just exemptions for catholic hospitals. Perhaps someone should poll the alternative policy.
I need an aspirin.
Ya know, my daughter’s Venturing troop has trouble making enough money for frickin summer camp via these methods. Chemo? No. Way.
Willfully obtuse idiot.
eta: the next 2 paragraphs should have been blockquoted too. I’d say FYWP, but I’m pretty sure it was my fault.
Surely you meant to write “If CNN were a news agency”?
@194: Except that the goal of the bishops was to not have to cover people’s contraception. Now, because the insurance companies have to offer it themselves, the bishops don’t get any choice.
i’m sure Obama’s happy to have it called a compromise, but ‘swindle’ is a far more accurate term. And why i approve of it.
If estrogens in the water supply are the cause of an increase in prostate cancer in men, it seems more likely that the wholesale feeding of hormone-riddled food to livestock would be the biggest part of the problem – they feed a metric shit-ton of that stuff to chickens because people prefer breast meat and estrogen makes chickens (and other creatures) grow bigger breastesses.
@Jennifer: Which is one of the reasons I stopped eating meat a couple of years ago. Too much nasty stuff in it that doesn’t belong there, and too much work to find the safe versions.
However, let’s not assume the good representative above is singling out this prostate cancer concern and showing no interest in the other toxins coming to us from all directions. I’m sure that regardless of the political interests of the companies involved, she’s made fighting for a safer water and food supply the centerpiece of her…oh, hell, I can’t even finish.
@Rafer Janders: You best get a little more focused. All kinds of stuff is falling through the cracks.
@Suffern ACE:
I rage at Democrats constantly for being bad at “messaging” but I don’t have a comparison here.
The health care law is huge. It’s the biggest piece of domestic legislation in decades. I don’t have anything to compare it to.
I know conservatives sued on Social Security, and Medicaid/Medicare and launched elaborate bullshit campaigns, but I wasn’t around, so I don’t know if “effective messaging” from liberals or Democrats changed that, or just reality versus their bullshit plus the passage of time.
I guess he just keeps plugging away, but, boy, it gets exhausting, even to watch. The cycle of policy then freak out and the calculated whipsawing of the public borders on some kind horrible inevitability where no one has the balls or spine to JUST STOP IT.
I am no longer confident that “effective messaging” can end this. Too many people are relying on it to make a living.
We are *not* amused!
So men didn’t get prostate cancer before the pill?
Statistics – I don’t think they mean what conservatives think they do.
gocart mozart
correlation is not causation. Majority Muslim countries tend to have a warmer than average climate, but that does not mean that Islam causes global warming.
General Stuck
Thankfully, my NF movie came in today. Killer Elites. A shoot em up with Deniro, Clive, and some other dude. All this vagina outrage stuff has caused a dip in the old testosterone, added to that, the cootie inspired estrogen invasion, makes a little braindead macho in order.
Fucking wingnuts caused all of this. Real men don’t sniff around Eve’s medicine cabinet. They bring back dino meat, or a bucket of Colonel Sanders.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Southern Beale:
Someone already hit his wiki page:
Teh internets iz fast! Maybe he wasn’t lucky in hitting on someone at the bar so he decided to hit a car. What I want to know is if he rear-ended it.
Conservatives are weird.
Got the snark.
Otherwise would have to ask, why shouldn’t we consider her a complete idiot? The evidence is conclusive to this point.
This could be true while still independent of the pill. Certain diseases are ‘Rich country’ diseases, such as heart disease, and I’d wager that access to the pill is correlated to GDP as well. The pill arrived around the time of a lot of medical and societal shifts. Before the pill early childhood deaths were more prevalent than they are today. Diagnosis probably improved as well.
@gocart mozart:
Now, see, I think it does. That would also explain the jihadist training camps in South America. Wouldn’t it?
Darnell From LA
Ah, the lamentable consequences of ‘prostate-on-snizz’ sexual contact, while taking the pill. Happens all the time.
Have we finally reached “peak wingnut?”
Darnell From LA
@General Stuck:
“Hey honey, you taking the pill?”
“Why yes, I am.”
“I thought so. My prostate is the size of a honey dew! Better call Santorum!”
@gocart mozart:
Right. And folks like Ms. Notter either don’t understand that or figure that their voters don’t understand that.
@gocart mozart:
No dude, it means hot sweaty climates cause early onset of mooslum terrorism killing hot flashes!
Nancy nuliform Beckwith
…wish i believed these people were as stupid as they act..but i don’t….they want everyone to Think they are so they can keep getting away with the horrendous crap they been getting away with…works like a charm if people think they just don’t know any better…but, honestly…think about it..just like the smarter criminals go for the insanity plea..and these people are indeed criminals of the Highest order. As for whats in your water…All medications Everyone takes are in that water, can not be filtered out (without Great cost to them that they will not spend on just us grunts)along with urine and a multitude of other toxins n pollutants, and all with Gov blessing….they know..they know what they do..and they do NOT care what happens to us….as long as the masses keep dismissing them they have no need to care
I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an aspirin to the knee.
I’m sorry to spoil y’all’s innocence, but this estrogen poisoning situation has nothing to do with the water supply.
It’s just that all the straight men in America have developed a powerful interest in cunnilingus– typically for several hours every day. Sadly they don’t realize what this selfless act is doing to their body chemistry.
@trex: Trex.
If she’s so “antichemical”, she ought to stop hitting the crack pipe.
You know, I heard the old “aspirin between the knees” joke all my life, until the past 30 years. It never once occurred to me that it was a real joke. What it is, is a man saying that contraception is easy – meaning a woman just doen’t have sex. How “easy” that is, is conflated with the ease with which one can hold a pill between one’s knees, which is in fact pretty easy.
The point is that it is easy for a woman not to get pregnant. So, if she does, it’s her fault and not the man’s. After all, it was she who failed to simply keep those knees together.
It reflects the mindset of someone you do not want to be married to.