After reading ABL’s post on the new front in the Global War Against Women and Zandar’s post on the sad-sack establishment pearl-clutching over the Evil of leaking a few documents from a right-wing propaganda outfit, I feel compelled to come out with something that’s been on my mind for a while: I view the American right in more or less exactly the same way that the American right views (or viewed, they probably have new Hitlers by now) “the Islamofascists”.
I don’t mean everyone on the right here. I don’t mean Mitt Romney but I do mean Rick Santorum. I don’t mean Kathleen Parker but I do mean Charles Krauthammer. I don’t mean Matt Welch but I do mean Charles Murray.
In my professional opinion, a certain segment of the right hates us for our freedoms, and would round all of us up and send us to re-education camps (or worse), given the chance. And, yes, the way the right views the decadent left in its enclaves on the coasts as the nation’s fifth columnists, I view tote-baggers as the left’s fifth columnists.
I’m not suggesting that the left adopt the tactics the American right favors in its struggles — no bombing, no torture, no wire-tapping, please. But leaking a few documents from the Heartland Institute? ‘Bagger, please.
c u n d gulag
They would gladly torture and kill every last Liberal and Democrat.
But I think that they realize that after they’ve done that, they’d have no one to turn on but one another.
“You’re not sufficiently Jesusy/Conservative enough – off with your head!”
And their entire reason for existence as a movement is based on pissing off the Liberals – to be adjusted daily, or as needed.
So, we’re worth more to them alive than dead – at least right now…
R Johnston
I’d go slightly further: It’s a moral imperative to “leak a few documents from the Heartland Institute” given the chance to do so, and lying to the Heartland Institute in order to obtain such documents is a very good thing.
Breaking and entering and compensated fraud may be out of bounds, but merely lying in order to expose significant evil certainly isn’t.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hear fucking hear. As Charles Pierce said yesterday, if Democrats fought like Republicans, ALEC would be as big a tire around the neck of the right as ACORN was for the left. What Pierce didn’t say was that Establishment media chases every ball thrown by the right like that golden retriever in UP! It would not surprise me a bit if Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd and David “Class Warfare” Gregory did not know what ALEC is, and I would comfortably bet a hundred bucks that Luke Russert would say “you mean that guy who lived in the frat house junior year and puked on the cop that time? That was awesome.”
AA+ Bonds
Dear President Obama:
Boy, you’re really jonesing for that Moore Award, aren’t you!
Doc Sportello
I’m counting down till Godwin’s Law becomes breeched as this thread will certainly get there.
El Tiburon
I see what you did there.
@c u n d gulag:
This only slightly hyperbole. Joe Liebermann and Heath Shuler they would keep around.
Suffice it to say, the Rank and File would not put up much of a fight if the Hannitys and the O’Reillys had their way and were all moved to “Liberal Reeducation Camps” for our own safety.
I applaud Gleick, we need more like him. If he had done this to Acorn no one would even bat an eye.
Joseph Nobles
Girl Scout cookie bombing is the new glitter bombing. 50% more gay conversions. Pass it on.
El Tiburon
The breech occurred in the original post, no?
Comrade Javamanphil
How uncivil. It’s not like the right issues liberal hunting permits with no limits, right?
Samara Morgan
Do you honestly think this makes any difference, MasterTroll?
membah the wedge statregy doc that got leaked from the Discovery Institute?
conservatives are less intelligent on the average than liberals.
that is what neuropolitics and red/blue genetics are all about.
as long as the horserace media and “fine gentlemen” like Cole give equal weight to bad, wrong, stupid, and ill-formed memes from the Right, it wont change.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
@R Johnston:
This is something that we can’t yell loudly enough. I would go so far as to say that the kind of people who wail about how awful it is to lie to get this stuff out in the open are the kind of people who would have been horrified by the thought of hidning Jews from the nazis:
I mean, well, yes, maybe the nazis are a little uncouth, and we don’t like everything they do, and certainly, slaughtering Jews is a little extreme, but that family in Holland, why they hid that Frank family, and they lied to the officials! They told them there were no Jews there! None at all! Not a one! They lied to their faces! How can you respect somebody who would do that? How can you trust somebody who would do that? The nazis are doing what they think is right, what they truly and sincerely believe is right, and that family in Holland, and thousands of others like them, why they just don’t know how to play this game. I mean, I might not believe what the nazis do about Jews, but, really, going so far as to hide Jews and lie to the authorities just makes it look like this whole Jew-killing thing is all the nazis do. You don’t do things like that. It’s uncivil. It takes attention away from how great the nazis have been in cutting those corrupt union thugs down to size, and that’s more important that this whole “holocaust” thing in the big scheme anyway. We need a Jew-hider ethics panel.
El Tiburon
@AA+ Bonds:
Uh, oh. Boy oh boy are you ever gonna get it!
Can we have a new Law, similar to Godwin’s, call it the
“El Tiburon Law”: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of an off-topic attack on President Obama grows to 1, thereby inflicting spittle, personal attacks and Hamsher-level Hatred from the Balloon Juice Commentariat.
I left some interesting links for you on your Sufi blog regarding conservatism.
@Comrade Javamanphil:
They think they need PERMITS to hunt liberals? Yechhhh. Fuck those soshulists. Actually, HUNT THEM!!
Betty Cracker
I agree. Though I’m not sure there’s any useful distinction to be made between someone like Romney and Santorum or Parker and Krauthammer if Romney / Parker are willing to mouth the Santorum / Krauthammer line to gain power / cling to a media perch.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Glad to help.
We are in a political struggle, not a polite discussion.
When I organize a rally or protest, there are always a few totebagger types who want their sign to be abot a hundred words of well reasoned argument, with, gawd only knows, citations and references.
Its like they think that if you could only sit down with wingers and reason with them, they might slap their forehead and exclaim “OH, I see now! That chart clearly shows that the average wealth of middle quintile of Americans has actually declined, while the top quintile has expanded!”
The Right understands where political movement comes from- they understand how the “American Street” works, and they are working it like nobody’s business.
This is why Occupy was so successful- it didn’t get bogged down into arcane econo-babble or wonkishness; it was a gut punch to Middle America showing them how fucked up and corrupt the system is.
So the Lard Lady and her daughters are going skiing in Aspen. It’s their 16th vacation in three years.
Worst recession in living memory and the fat bitch can’t forgo even one luxury vacation. Why can’t she stay at the White House or (GASP!) just go to Camp David once in a while?
I luvs the OT interwebs, the mere thought of Pickles promoting the Big Lunch as a means of community building works on so many freaking levels that I’m collapsed in a heap and can’t wait for the next Now Show. Unleash Brigstocke. It’s not just the US tossing its neurons to the soundless void.
Samara Morgan
well…..okthen….but can we adopt disinformation, expertise-for-pay, and Super-Pacs?
Well, between El Tib, who should be a parody, and Veritas, who is, this thread’s now useless. Onward and upward.
Putting Liberals to death or in FEMA camps is ridiculous. The reasonable approach would be to make them wear identifying marks so we can keep an eye on them.
Samara Morgan
@Veritas: you dont get Aspen.
it has the greatest slope-style in the western world.
better than san moritz.
Michelle is promoting America.
that is what frosts conservitards chaps.
Michelle O is the new Jackie K.
Culture of Truth
I don’t think Occupy actually showed how fucked up and corrupt the system is.
I think they did show Wall Street that there are people who fully grasp how fucked up and corrupt the system is, and did cause others, including middle america, to say, hey I wonder if those protestors who say the system is fucked up and corrupt have a point there.
@Samara Morgan:
Yes, yes, we know you love pie.
We all need an alarm clock that featured Gil Scott-Heron every morning.
I understand your point. I’m sometimes guilty of this. On the other hand, if I’m going to go into the swamp, I want a safety line to dry land.
Villago Delenda Est
OK, can we permaban this Nazi fuckwit now?
@Villago Delenda Est:
U mad bro?
Romney hasn’t worked a single day in the last three years.
Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water
@Villago Delenda Est: agreed – he’s just begging to be banned now
Sad Iron
Doug– Just say it; they’re nazis. They simply live in a different era. These are people who, living in 1930’s Germany, are completely on board with exterminating those they don’t like. Period. All while wrapped in the flag.
Heh heh. Great post title. Shouldn’t there be a ripped-up picture of the Pope to go along with it?
Look Villago I’ll I’m saying is Michelle needs to lay off the pork ribs and stop flashing her wealth around like she’s in some rap video in the middle of the worst recession in living memory. It’s trashy and gaudy.
@Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water:
Veritas is clearly a chick. Who else could get all sloppy about Mitt the Romulan?
Judas Escargot, Your Postmodern Neighbor
Here’s my framing: We’re currently in a war to see if we get to keep the Enlightenment or not. This war has two fronts. On the one hand, we have foreign actors such as the Islamofascists. Domestically, we have the extreme right-wing Christianists. I frankly don’t distinguish between these two groups, and never have, since to me they are functionally the same (ie they both have the ultimate goal of enslaving all mankind to live under their particular set of superstitions). Given my own belief system, I don’t even really distinguish much between Christianity and Islam at all (IMO, Islam’s just another Christian heresy from the medieval period that managed to survive into modern times).
The only thing holding the domestic theofascists back is their current control of the dialog and political process. As others here have pointed out many times, once they lose that (and, inevitably, they will), they might begin to get violent.
Should that very unfortunate turn of events occur, they will have to be dealt with accordingly.
@Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water:
So now we know the ONE offence that gets you banned from BJ–dare to insult the Dear Leader’s wife.
Elena Ceaușescu would be proud.
@Shit for brains:
Michelle needs to lay off the pork ribs
If there was ever any doubt this clown is nothing more than a racist fuckwit…
For those of you joining us late, you now know all you need to know about Veritas.
AND jealous of Michelle’s sexy curves.
RAAAAAACIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSM! Yeah, that doesn’t make you look hysterical or anything. Pork=racism now, apparently.
You got me there Mmmmmm nothing sexier than muffin top and stretch marks.
Jewish Steel
@shortstop: @Martin:
Guys! Wait! Don’t leave me here!
On to Benen’s house for me. His old website loaded more easily. I think that Maddow Blog is a little code rich.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Pope Sixtus Broder VII? Or His Holiness Roundiface Russert XII?
I’m too tired and busy to be the asshole who bitches about Nazi references again today.
Plus, there’s just no way I can top the trolls already in this thread.
Benjamin Franklin
@Judas Escargot, Your Postmodern Neighbor:
Indeed. The Domestic variety of Twelvers have their own Mahdi.’s the MOOOOOOOOSLIMS….
Let’s face it. Can’t we call the right wing for what it is: an anti-American radical fringe bent on destroying this country. Going deeper into their psyche, you can see the destructive nihilism that pervade their souls. Most of what they say and do reflect a deep-seated hatred of most everything.
Totally uncalled for, asshole. Republican women may be dumb but that has everything to do with their Republicanness and nothing to do with their womanness.
Just look at Billy Grahm’s son today saying Newt & Sanitorum are good Christians but Obama is probably Muslim on Morning Joe. Damn dude, he might was well have said ‘Obama fascist Muslim blackity black black black. Did I mention he was black?’
Alex S.
Some say that heaven is hell, some say that hell is heaven.
Amir Khalid
Lard Lady? You need a new pair of glasses, methinks.
This is not hyperbole.
They literally, explicitly, and openly hate many of our freedoms: a woman’s right to control her own body, the freedom to marry the person you love, and the freedom to have an unapproved religion, to name just a few. They say so outright. They campaign on the promise to deny or outlaw those freedoms. They run television ads attacking those freedoms.
Right-wing Republicanism has long since crossed the line into fascism. For a long time the only thing holding it back has been an awareness of limits, of lines you can’t cross–of what they could reasonably get away with. Those lines continue to vanish one by one.
So yes, it is absolutely literally true to say that the right wing hates us for our freedoms.
As a wise man once said: “Don’t appeal to a man’s better nature. He may not have one. Invoking his self-interest gives you more leverage.”
This is what the GOP is these days, people. This is what it stands for. It doesn’t have a better nature.
Benjamin Franklin
It’s feeding time at the Zoo.
They hate us for our freedom from their freaked out terror of gays, women’s right to choose, voting rights, non-white people, unions, sharia law, you name it. If you are not pooping your pants in hysterical fear, you are a threat to them.
Plus, many are making a damn good living at fomenting wide-spread panic among the gullible.
opie jeanne
Saw this yesterday.
@Amir Khalid:
Classic case of projection. Veritas is clearly a fat sack of crap.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I saw those headlines, didn’t realize that the idiot son of a cultural relic from the seventies, which son has a fairly long and recent history of ignorant racist blather, was for some reason being passing understanding was being invited to offer opinions on our “liberal” network. What possible fucking justification is there for giving that idiot a plaform?
c u n d gulag
Good to see you haven’t changed one bit since being banned from LG&M.
I was afraid some rational or empathetic thoughts might penetrate that steel-reinforced concrete cranium of yours.
But, like most of your breed, you’re still stuck in your angry and petulant teenage “say and do whatever pisses-off the grown-ups” mode.
I hope John kicks you out of this house, too.
I would site, not your stupidity, ignorance, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, or homophobia – but your complete lack of originality.
In other words – YOU’RE A F*CKING BORE!
El Cid
This isn’t a new or controversial opinion. The right in this country has held exactly the views regarding authority and freedom you accuse them of having.
Where they would disagree is in making it sound so, well, negative, and associating these views with bad people rather than with good people who are boldly, proudly, and on occasion — when it would look good — sadly willing to protect us from bad people.
If you view society as continually vulnerable to the savage and destructive liberal ungodly whatever beasts which live within it, and so far good people have been prevented from practicing the proper eugenic and ideologic purifications which might help, then, there’s no alternative but to step up and enforce things upon people who are unfit to govern themselves.
In the same way, the business class always agrees with Marx’s analysis of capitalism and capitalists, except for the tone and conclusion bits of it which make it sound bad.
slim's tuna provider
i think more realistically they want to be able to run their territory (we all know where that is)and opress their lower classes without any interference from us, and they want the media to coddle them and tell them they’re the real america. when it is suggested that we won’t let them do this, they get very aggro. this is less of a totalitarian agenda (which is what the islamists who want to resurrect the caliphate want) and more of a Frondist agenda (local chieftains who want to keep their fiefs in line and do not want outsiders stirring up trouble, as well as wanting independence from the national center, whether it be king or national government.) both are quite violent, but they are different.
hasn’t it been this way since the civil war?
I vote Veritas be exempt from the no-violence portion of tactics.
@c u n d gulag:
What? I’m not transphobic and fatphobic, too? How disappointing. Clearly you need another course in Transracial Gender Critical Marxist Babble Theory.
I know this is O/T and I deeply apologize but have any Verizon customers lost their wifi service this week, especially since last night? We did, just before midnight. I’m not at an internet cafe and cannot wait around for an open thread to open up.
Benjamin Franklin
@El Cid:
They take Hegel’s Dialectic over Marx’s. That’s the fundamental disagreement.
Oh, and I could still go over to LG&M if I wanted.
But Loomis has made that site really, really reaaallyyyy boring.
Villago Delenda Est
@opie jeanne:
That is one very powerful post. Everyone, follow Opie Jeanne’s link. It amounts to a devastating attack on Rih Santorum. It demonstrates that all his bloviating about life is total bullshit.
Southern Beale
Here’s something that’s been on my mind for a while. As crazy as the Republican Party has become, I think if you really want old-fashioned “divided government,” where two sides of the aisle come together, canceling out each other’s fringe and arriving at a reasonable “middle,” you need to just basically vote straight-ticket Democrat.
Because the Republicans are now 100% batshit crazy, and that has made them irrelevant. Meanwhile, the Democrats have their conserva-Dems — the Joe Manchins and Ben Nelsons and Bart Stupaks. And we also have our Bernie Sanders’ types in our caucus. Unlike the Republicans, where their moderates just zip their lips and let the Tea Party run things, the ConservaDems are not shy about speaking up and throwing hissy fits. So all of that across the aisle negotiating that used to happen in the Congress between Republicans and Democrats now happens inside the Democratic Party.
Yes, I realize a few of the names I mentioned are retiring. But you get the point.
Samara Morgan
who is that DougJ? Douthat or Brooks?
Sully or Kain?
you dont get it, MasterTroll.
Parker = Krauthamer. Santorum = Romney.
Palin == McMegan.
all the same, all isomorphic.
you speak math, right?
its fractals all the way down.
DFH no.6
Don’t know if it’s happened yet, but I’ll oblige.
Modern movement conservatism is fascism, pure and simple.
How anyone could think otherwise escapes me.
1) It’s not a small minority of conservatives. It’s all of them. They may not partake/ fantasize of said torture and murder, but none of them have the cojones to stop it, if that were to actually happen. They are weak willed, hate filled piles of shit who or enablers of such people. I have no use for either groups.
2) It would never happen. They are cowards as well and their cowardice overpowers their hate. Try it. Confront a winger next time they are spouting their bullshit and what you’ll get is a silent glare or volume turned down to mumble as you wait for their response. They have no courage.
@Villago Delenda Est:
And for those who don’t read it all, the two best paragraphs:
c u n d gulag
Chyron HR
So who do you hate more, the “Warmists” or the “Spellingists”?
@El Tiburon:
As to Heath Shuler, the irrefutable answer is that NO, they wouldn’t keep Heath around; the GOP-controlled NC legislature deliberately gerrymandered Shuler’s 11th congressional district specifically to make it difficult for him to hold that seat if he ran for re-election in 2012. And they succeeded: not long after the new district lines were made public, Shuler has announced that he is retiring from Congress, and will not seek re-election.
The only reason the GOP wouldn’t gladly stick a shiv into Lieberman’s chest is because they can’t: a) he is a Senator from a solidly blue state (hence not subject to being rendered nonviable via redistricting); b) Lieberman decided not to run for reelection in 2012; c) precisely because he correctly realized his chances for winning reelection to the Senate from Connecticut in 2012 are slim to nil; he has too many traitorously moderate tendencies to win a GOP primary from an electorate limited to assholes; he’s too much of a traitorous asshole to win in a general election from the majority of the sane electorate of independents and democrats in Connecticut.
I am so loving the desperate flailing for attention of Veritas_Chex_Mix. His hunt for love and affection is symptomatic in a direction that is encouraging, all in all. I really wish I was more into S&M.
ETA: tap, tap on the barometer of panic, dear heart.
I admit it, I almost always click through troll links looking for comedy gold.
This is how FOX defines a vacation-
That’s nothing! I took at least 52 vacations last year.
don’t forget the watermelon and fried chicken.
@Chyron HR:
OhhoOOOoooh! Someone found a typo! On the INTERNET no less!
Wow, we cower before your clearly superior intellect.
Shorter Veritas: I know where you live and I can pee on your doorstep any time I want! Hahahahaha!
Chyron HR
You can do better than that. Surely your Messiah Santorum has a Bible verse that justifies typing like a drunken chimp.
Shorter gnomedad: Any criticism of Michelle Obama is RAACIISSSSSMMMM! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 1 1 1 1
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Well, you know, now that Uncle Pat’s gone. . .
Chyron HR
You tell ’em, RC. Every true Republican knows it’s not racist if you pretend you were talking about lynching “knickers”.
@Chyron HR:
How are pork ribs racist?
Everything is racist to you morons. Even Bill and Hillary Clinton were “racists” for a few months in 2008 according to you.
Maybe ABL’s psychotic persecution complex is just rubbing off on everyone on this site.
@Chyron HR:
hey now, i was merely referring to the fact that old-school knickerbockers are best dried hanging from tree branches in the sun. you must have misheard.
fear and hatred of the other, that is all that modern us conservatism is. their economic ‘ideas’ have all been proven false, their foreign policy empirically disasterous, and environmentally they are radical rather than conservative. all they have left are wedge issues, and that’s where the pushback from the left (and center) needs to be focused. we hold that rampart, and the gop is a rumor and a myth within twenty years.
Can the Totebaggers let me know how they felt about Daniel Ellsberg? Was he too uncivil for their tastes too?
Sack up, liberals. This shit matters and it’s time to do away with the Queensbury Rules and fight like it matters.
Villago Delenda Est
Obviously, a “good” Christian is one who wears it on his or her sleeve, and shoves it in your face. It’s not illustrated by actions, but by yelling.
Franklin Graham is so busy telling us that he, and others like him, are “good” “Christians” that he has no time to show us.
We need arenas with lions in them, stat, for the likes of Franklin Graham.
@Cassidy: Problem is is that they are not conservatives in any sense of the word. They are destructive hating radicals.
what do you mean, ‘that picture you forwarded me of the WH lawn as a watermelon patch was racist’? are you honestly arguing that barack obama has never eaten a piece of watermelon in his entire life? you libtards are a real piece of work.
@opie jeanne:
Wow. Powerful. I hope this story gets frontpaged here and gets more attention.
I’m guessing the very curvy FLOTUS is in much better shape than your pasty, little ass. Tell us again how you’re making 6 figures and trolling the internet all day?
Romney must still be losing Michigan. That expplains Veritas shitting everywhere. And my lower half is numb! WHEE!!
@Villago Delenda Est: and no residual worries for the lions, feeding them such high-fat snacks that won’t even provide them with a workout chasing them down. This is not the time for idle sentiment. (we’ll encourage them to run it off later.) Oh, and tap tap chex_mix.
So Michelle Obama, who usually wears $30 dresses from Target and the Gap is trashy and gaudy, but say, Nancy Reagan, with her $65,000 gown for the second inaugural, was the salt of the earth, right?
But nice work with the “pork ribs and rap video” references. Very subtle.
@Samara Morgan:
Congrats, MC. This is the most meaningless and incorrect use of a technical term in your long history of meaningless and incorrect usage of technical terms. Fancy sounding words do not actually make your very conventional and overly simplistic opinions any smarter. Do you remember when businesses discovered the word ‘synergy’? That is what you sound like.
Do you realize how hysterical the left’s shrieks of RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIIIISSSM! at just about everything look to the average American?
Chyron HR
Yes, it’s terrible the way you Fiscal Conservatives who’ve been Taxed Enough Already can’t say the President is the recipient of “Ape-Firmative Action” without being accused of RACISM!
He is just another example of a son who is a cheap knock off of the father. Not that I have a great regard for Bush Sr, George Romney or Rev Billy but they at least were more adept at playing the public personna image game.
Then again, it’s a different time, the most extremist image is all the rage.
1. Seize the GOP fundraising and voter lists.
2. Mass Executions.
3. Victory!
“Tote-Bagger” needs to be added to the BJ lexicon.
Mark S.
Might this little speech Ricky gave in 2008 come back and haunt him?
And as an NBA fan (which he attacks later in the speech), fuck you Rick. NBA players aren’t any better or worse than football, baseball, or hockey players, or the population at large for that matter. It’s just that the NBA has a lot of large, muscular black men with tattoos. Almost any time a conservative complains about the NBA, that’s what they’re complaining about.
(I’m not saying anyone who doesn’t like the NBA is racist, just complaints about how they are all a bunch of thugs.)
Or the rot has advanced so far that excessive gas is emitting from our resident troll as he has a sads over Romney blowing the biggest money gap ever seen to a internet joke.
Mary Jane
@Veritas: Wow. I’ve never witnessed a complete mental breakdown in real time. You have some serious shit going on up in there, V. Get help.
You think you speak for average Americans? Aw, that’s adorable.
Good luck this fall when the Republican Party goes down in flames. It’s really going to hurt like a motherfucker for you.
@Veritas: too many times the question is not asked, is our troll learning? today i proudly say yes. way to know your meme.
Actually, there’s a bit of subtlety here. Lead with some plausibly deniable (allegedly) racism as a distraction and then follow with the genuine article. “Fried chicken” wouldn’t have worked as well. And I don’t start off assuming that referring to Michelle as fat is racist, just unhinged.
Alternatively, it could be the release of the January FEC numbers. Based on spending vs. fundraising both for the Romney campaign and his SuperPAC, it looks like the OCEANS OF CORPORATE CASH is actually the Aral Sea.
Bobby Thomson
@cmorenc: Not to mention that Lieberman (CFL-Aetna) is neither liberal nor a Democrat.
tell us more completely non-racist stuff about michelle’s ‘ghetto booty’. does it fill up the whole front seat of a welfare cadillac? does it look good sitting next to a big bucket of popeyes and a watermelon that she bought with food stamps?
Uh-oh. It’s incoherently babbling now. The talking point supply must be running low! MOAR RUSH STAT!!
@Samara Morgan:
Like it took a government study to prove that.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
Then the left will lose.
When did I ever say anything about a “ghetto booty”, “fried chicken”, or “ape-firmative action”?
I said she can stand to lose a few pounds and needs to lay off the pork ribs, and quit going on so many damn vacations when a lot of Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Somehow, that’s RAAAAAAAAACISM!
Robot to release tax plan:
Can’t wait.
@jurassicpork: Ours has been fine all last week and today. Not sure about the weekend because we lent the place to some friends and went to Yuma. The friends using this cabin were told not to use the elderly computer and I left the password info so they could bring their own laptop, but I know they turned it on because it was still on when we returned last night. Not too slick.
Jesus, this comment section is almost as stupid as the trolls. Why do you all feed? You’re arguing with a Romney-backer, for Christ’s sake. It’s like fighting with your cat.
No, what’s racism is when you said the First Lady of the United States looks like she’s in a rap video.
You can mock us all you want, but you’re the one who looks like the clueless asshole. And yes, like a racist.
Go fuck yourself.
I vote spoof. This is lower than even “veritas” would sink to.
In any case, the post requires deletion.
Seriously. That woman is the hottest FLOTUS since Jackie Kennedy.
Sigh; I’m as bad as anyone.
Villago Delenda Est
Kudlow’s preview:
More tax cuts for parasitical vermin like Romney and Kudlow.
Haven’t even started building the arena, and it needs to be expanded.
how about we only engage our troll if he’s on topic? i’m definitely guilty of threadjack enabling but allowing him to pivot to FLOTUS doesn’t serve anyone.
@rb: You don’t quite get laser pointers do you. this bit isn’t serious.
I would strongly enjoy reading more about this. Do you have a link?
let me axe you a question (see, that’s how they talk, they use the word ‘axe’ instead of ‘ask’). how much, exactly, does michelle obama weigh? i mean, you’re obviously obsessed with her weight, so you should know.
@Veritas: To the average American, they see a trim, healthy, gorgeous First Lady, who has a great reputation, being catcalled and insulted by conservatives. They are mystified about the “fat” comments with a woman who can pull off a look like this. And calling a woman who looks like this fat, pretty damn strange. In the end, they think you say shit like that because you hate having a Black First Lady and refuse to give her the respect she is due as a woman who represents the country. More shame to you than her.
Villago Delenda Est
28 Percent
What I don’t get is why we’re fighting them so hard to be allowed to fund them. Conservatives want to stop “Big Government” from giving “entitlement” blah blah, whatever. We all know that blue states with their job-killing soc1al1ist policies have more money, better economies and shell out an enormous amount to prop up red state nutteriness.
So stop. Go all states-rightsy financially. Let Taxachussetts flourish while Nebraska shrivels. Let the dying red states die already, it’s the only way to end the whining. Accelerate the brain drain.
Just make sure we get switching to a parliamentary setup as part of the deal, otherwise it’s kind of Idiocracy, here we come.
There aren’t any white rappers? I think Eminem may disagree.
In fact isn’t it a little racist to assume rap is “black music”?
@Violet: I was hoping someone would read it.
Some of the comments under it are really depressing, especially this one:
“I read and re-read this title several times and really think that this is really biased and unreasonable. Your hypethetically accusing Santorum of murder. I have a nephew who died of this very condition and this procedure was never done to my sister. She was healthy and under 35 so they don’t require it than. I really think you should be counting your blessings instead of trying to twist your good fortune into something it wasn’t. I’m sure my sister would gladly pay $2000 dollars or more to have her first child back. If a doctor told me I had to have a life saving procedure whether it was covered or not I get it done and worry about the payment later. My sister subsequently had two kids, she had to have blood transfusions for most of her pregnacies.”
28 Percent
@ruemara: ZOMG the last time I saw something that looked like that it was sculpted in marble.
Look at her from the side sometime. Her ass is the size of Texas.
hey, some white people buy fried chicken and watermelon with food stamps! what’s this ‘racist’ shit?
some guy
Michelle is going on vacation to Colorado, doing her small bit to stimulate the economy? awesome.
plus, they are going skiing? double plus good awesome. I wonder why the unemployed racist troll is so jealous?
Chyron HR
Bear in mind that Michelle and the rest of the black race were cursed by the almighty Space God Moromi.
Or at least that’s what Mitt Romney says, and I’m sure you wouldn’t disagree with him, would you?
Villago Delenda Est
That comment utterly misses the point. Which is typical of your average Rethuglican.
Oops; fixed.
some guy
Romney’s plan is to give tax cuts to the folks who destroyed the economy? how brave.
Mark S.
@Villago Delenda Est:
I always love when they break down these Republican tax plans by income and it shows the top 0.1% will get a half million dollar tax cut and the bottom 50% will get their taxes increased. Even Huntsman’s plan did this. I sincerely doubt Mitt’s will be any different.
Can’t wit for the next GOP presidential trial that is the swimsuit parade walk of the First Ladies in Contention. Will there be mandatory plasticicty checks or will that count in their favor? (Newt’s entire candidacy needs to know.) Tests of fecundity and longitudinal verification of nothing but procreative whoopie?
@Villago Delenda Est:
lol. a new, totes creative tax plan that’s…trickle-down. that’s never been done before.
@Veritas: Then Texas is tiny. Nothing you posted counters what I said, ergo, you are fine with being a bigot.
some guy
I still find it hilarious that Veritas believes that oil grows on rocks.
@scav: Make that sanctified, single-owner procreative whoopie. FYWP
V admitted it was really boring for him/her at LG&M, ie, BJ is more fun. V can feed his addiction/illness or whatever his/her problem is here. Responding is like being the neighborhood pusher.
your mistake is separating the good from the bad. I’m sorry, but their ‘ good’ won’t call out the shyt on their ‘ bad’, so, fuck ’em, the ‘ good’ is now lumped in with the bad. they will not call them on their sociopathy, so what good are they?
28 Percent
@Veritas: you say that like it’s a bad thing.
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes, it wasn’t a very subtle reference.
That said, seriously folks: please don’t feed.
No, the subject matter at LG&M has become extremely boring since the third-rate Hamburger University professor known as Erik Loomis started posting.
Slim’s Tuna Provider,
There’s a certain segment who are just the local chieftains (Frondists) who want their respective ponds to be smaller so they can look like bigger fish. But that’s a comparatively small rural segment, and doesn’t really closely apply to the big Southern metros where the Republicans rack up huge numbers of votes.
And, their most important (i.e. wealthiest) supporters are members of a global elite which certainly does have national (and global) aims. Letting Alabama leave the Union is entirely irrelevant (and probably even counterproductive) to this, more important, segment – the vast majority of whom do not reside in Frondist territories.
some guy
Hamburger University professors? Who do you think grades the work your kids, Mickie and Minnie, submit? too funny.
tell us again how oil grows on rocks, Veritas.
Heh, libruls are very good in fighting …. among themselves.
@some guy:
I never said it did. It was just an easy troll for the peak oil/industrial collapse porn fuck.
@Cassidy: You’re so right! After reading a long, pedantic,conservative screed of a comment on one of my friend’s Facebook posts, I responded with a short argument showing how he was being wrong-headed about religious freedom and the contraception issue. Since he could not reject my response on the merits, he responded that he was not “there” (on FB) to debate and that maybe one day I would “get it” (why we should let Churches choose our insurance without contraception). He subsequently removed his response cuz I guess he suddenly noticed how pissy and inadequate it made him look.
Yup. It’s pretty classic projection. They bitch about their “freedoms”* being taken away, while they work as hard as they can to take away the liberties of which they disapprove. They shriek about their religious freedom being infringed upon, while they do their best to silence other faiths. They holler about small government, while they insert themselves into private medical decisions between women and their doctors.
The hypocrisy is just absolutely breathtaking.
They can’t admit, even to themselves, that their party has dived over the cliff.
@some guy:
Veritas: oil doesn’t grow on rocks. it grows on michelle obama’s couch! cause of the Jeri Curl! oh, so now i’m a ‘racist’, psh.
Hi, RK, I was meaning to ask one of our Great White Northern Juicers for a reference or two for keeping up with Canadian politics, about which I am appallingly ignorant. Any suggestions? Especially something that would serve as a “beginner’s guide”? Thanks!
some guy
Veritas claimed that oil grows on rocks this weekend. Provided a link to Wiki and everuything. He can try to wiggle out of it all he wants, but besides being a racist that fucker is one pretty fucking stupid liar.
some guy
Oil Grows on Rocks
Michelle is fat
Mittens will destroy Obambi
are we noticing a trend here in the claims Veritas makes?
So cole, how long is your rope for the racist troll here ? Fuck, you get pissed off at Tunch and yet allow this turd here to spread his stench for ever?
Wake the fuck up, cole and pull the fucking lever.
@c u n d gulag:
See, this is the kind of talk that bothers me.
Then they are the enemy and we should be shooting at them, not running against them in elections.
It should bother you. That’s what they want in their secret, fevered fantasies. Will they ever do it? Who knows. But it doesn’t take much to push people like that into action. Maybe some crosshairs and violent rhetoric….
@opie_jeanne: I read the article too and found it impressive. That one commenter was very annoying with her defending Santorum and putting down the author. I wanted to keeping smacking her face.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@Villago Delenda Est: Could some enterprising IT person just, oh, I don’t know… leak the fucker’s address or something?
I’d love to have this discussion with him face to face.
Then declare war on them, shoot them, arrest them.
We can’t fuck around with these types of comments and not be willing to do something about it.
“Oh be scared, the right wing will take away your rights” that’s nice, then shouldn’t we be preemptively making sure that doesn’t happen?
HuffPo has a Canadian edition which is quite good. “The Pulse” section of it gives a good overview as to what is going on. i had put a link in, but landed in mod hell over it for some reason.
Some Loser
Is it me, or is Veritas being exceptionally annoying this day? Hell, I haven’t seen him type “Obambi”, yet. I’m worried, guys.
I’ll find it. Thanks!
“I view tote-baggers as the left’s fifth columnists”
Could I task someone to define “tote-baggers” for the lexicon?…I looked it up and didn’t find it, and am having some trouble grasping what it means exactly (caricature of liberal?, a liberal in name only? a fifth columnist…really?)
@some guy:
You missed some:
Willard will win SC
-Willard will win all three-
er -two of the three-
er -Colorado, you can take that to the bank-
What I don’t understand is why people here respond to it at all. It has never shown itself to add anything of value & threads get clogged up with responses & its childish name calling
Krauthammer is a Straussian–like the rest of the neocons. That means that it’s perfectly OK for elites lie to accomplish benevolent policy ends. (how do you know who the elites are? To paraphrase Python, they’re the ones without s–t all over them.). Not only is lying permitted, it’s necessary. See, e.g., Iraq.
New tag: we are all straussians now.
@Schlemizel: You left out mitt
wonstole Maine.dead existentialist
@28 Percent: Hey don’t hate on Nebraska. We got enough corporate cash to buy and sell at least 35 states.
Suggestion …
When one expects the Fundie-Cons to hate and/or fear The Other and to process data and information only in terms of The Self in an overall Cognitive Psychology of ressentiment what they do and say, what they will do and say, becomes crystal clear.
ETA: see @this for an example.
Shorter conservatives:
“We got nothin, so we will fixate on Michelle Obama’s body which in no way makes us sound like bitchy tweens who got rejected from the cheer squad.”
I miss the old wingnuts with their macho he-man act. This one is just tiresome.
We can’t “adopt their tactics” because the corporate media simply doesn’t give a shit. We’re not going to get any PR or free airtime from them to repeat our “talking points”.
gil mann
I felt like such a weenie signing up for that WNYC speed-dating event, but I’m gonna take this to heart and strut into Hudson Terrace like a fuckin’ badass.
Your bizarre and misplaced hatred for public radio listeners’ll get me laid yet, DougJ!
@PurpleGirl: Barbara Joann? I wanted to smack her too.
Someone called her out as a paid operative/troll.
Samara Morgan
@Frankensteinbeck: pardon, that was intended for the mastertroll.
i know you dont speak math.
Fractals are infinitely self-similar iterated detailed patterns– like conservative ideology. DougJ tries to differentiate between “good” and “bad” conservatives, eg. Parker and Krauthammer, but that is wrong.
My point is that ideological isomorphism means all conservative pundits have a high degree of ideological self-similiarity…rendering them fractal in nature.
In layman’s terms, they can be differentiated by size, but not by shape.