Indiana’s own Doghouse Riley provides a news update from the field:
Perhaps you heard, in one of those “Pig Ignorant News Roundup” or “Signs the Coming Apocalypse is Wholly Justified” segments, about Indiana State Representative Bob Morris, who explained in an email to his Republican colleagues that he didn’t join in a resolution honoring the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts because “a small amount of web-based research” had proven to his satisfaction that the Girl Scouts’ real mission was turning America’s self-identified girls into Satanic, pro-abortion, Sapphic analinguettes, using instructional materials thoughtfully provided by Planned Parenthood. The apparently contradiction–that turning girls into lesbians would interfere with Planned Parenthood’s mission of giving every teenager in America an abortion before age 16–can probably be resolved by doing a slightly larger amount of web-based research…
Anyway, tacked onto whatever news coverage you may’ve seen was the quick action of House Speaker Brian “Jesus is my Tambourine Man” Bosma, who spent the day passing out Thin Mints. You know you’ve gone round a big, and possibly un-retraceable, bend when Brian Bosma goes out of his way to call you nuts. This, of course, proved to our newscasters’ satisfaction that Republicans aren’t some religiously-mazed gang of anti-sex weirdos who’ll fall for any piece of urban legend that touches them in their secret hot spots. Just a lone nut.
My personal favorite, though, you probably missed, unless you too are subjected to local Indianapolis teevee: Democrats, faced with a golden opportunity to simply point at the sheer mouth-foaming insanity on the other side of the aisle, instead dug up a picture of Ronald Reagan surrounded by Girl Scouts! Take that, single crackpot Representative his own party had already pummeled half to death!
What’s on tonight’s agenda that isn’t a Klown Kar full of paid-up He-Man Wimmen Haters Club members?
Conference paper due. Brain turning to jello.
Cat in a box.
I just ate a box of tagalongs. They suck.
@Raven: Getting any lesbian feelings or inclinations?
@Raven: I’d be happy to take any remaining Tagalongs off your hands.
In other news, I’m about to try to exercise for the first time since I wrenched my back earlier this week. See y’all in about 40 minutes or when my back seizes up, whichever comes first.
@BGinCHI: Not any more than usual.
@khead: That was cute, thanks. I almost did not look at the links on off chance you meant cat in a litter box.
In all fairness, these people are not actually following Jesus.
Amir Khalid
I’ve been watching YouTube videos on how to polish shoes. I learned that spit-shining is (1) extremely tedious because it has to be done over and over each time, but your boots will shine like a damn mirror when you’re done, and your sergeant will be satisfied; and (2) called “bulling” in Blighty.
@Amir Khalid: Wow. Slow day at work?
@ornery_curmudgeon: This is the understatement of the year, by a mile.
@BGinCHI: Doesn’t sound like that is part of Girl Scouts’ secret lesbian agenda. Must be part of their floozy agenda.
I read about the great Girl Scout conspiracy. Something wrong with these people. Seriously. How may of these people are pedophiles? If they are not cynical fools, or insane, that is a possibility.
Imagine if the Girls Scouts went camping in the woods. I tell you there is wild uncontrolled sex violence and scatology going on, IN PUBLIC, out in the woods, that’s what.
What are the Girl Scouts’ real agendas in taking innocent little girls out camping the woods, huh?
I did a small amount of web-based research, and I learned that Hitler was very upset that his XBox live account was cancelled.
My blog is down! I am bereft. Constructive measures to kick in at midnight, I understand from my hosting support. I think it’s a comment onslaught by those damned dirty spammers. Ack.
Heh. Thanks for looking. Hadn’t though of it that way.
For some reason, Gracie goes up to that coffee box and smacks it until it falls over. Then she climbs in…
Amir Khalid
Work? What work? It is the weekend. Besides, I am medically retired.
@MaxxLange: Yeah, dammit, the anti gravity beams from their flying saucers messed up their XBox’s and portable time travel machines, and their long bows. That’s why they last.
And they pissed of their space alien advisers.
Weekly World News, one of the premier research sites on the internets, covers it in depth. With footnotes.
after playing guitar with my 7-year old daughter, it has been Fresh Beat Band (dvr) marathon, interspersed with some Mario Party 8 (Mario Party 9 comes out in two weeks). Suffer the children was not meant as an instruction along the lines of be fruitful and multiply.
Amir Khalid
You’ve been eating Filipinos? Cannibal.
@Amir Khalid:
Cole is going to want details.
Failed out after 2 miles. Sigh.
Hmm, so Guv Jan Brewer is not going to attend the dinner hosted by POTUS and FLOTUS for the Governor’s Association because it is a “social” event and she only there to discuss “policy”…
Methinks that Guv Brewer don’t wanna look POTUS/FLOTUS in the eye after the airport BS incident. Either that or she just doesn’t want to shake POTUS hands at the receiving line.
It will be okay. The blog will be fixed and you can think nasty thoughts toward the spammers.
Also, I hate all the assholes who walk in the running lanes and run in the walking lanes. You’d think college students would be able to read lane markers, but no.
I get to see a movie I’ve heard about for years tonight for free on campus: “Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom”.
Ms. Zagloba has indicated that she has no desire to attend.
Amir Khalid
I have congestive heart failure, and I’m not well enough to work. It’s no biggie, but I’ve mentioned this here before.
Suffern ACE
Wondering if there is a shoe polish video playlist so you don’t have to wade through the thousands of irrelevant videos about the footwear industry in Krakow.
I’ve never even HEARD the word ‘analinguette’, and I thought i was pretty debauched!
@Amir Khalid: Didn’t know. Sorry for being insensitive.
@TooManyJens: Make sure you don’t always run in the same direction. Stress fractures are a bitch.
I’m sorry, adopted fellow Canadians,but Girl Guide cookies do not hold a candle to the crack that is the Girl Scout cookie. Thank God for my family sending me up a shipment of Thin Mints and Samoas. Caramel and coconut…mmmmmmm!
Suffern ACE
@raven- I don’t know. Some of my worst falls have come trying to run my route sideways.
Oooh, Fair Trade kittens!!
@Zagloba: hard to believe she said no….
Try another three or four boxes before you pass judgement.
Felinious Wench
From this former Scout, Fuck you, Morris, no cookies for you!
Amir Khalid
@Suffern ACE:
What surprises me is that every single military spit-shining video I’ve seen so far (from the US, Canada, and Britain) uses the exact same polish: Kiwi black. About half also use Kiwi Parade Gloss on the boot; the rest say Kiwi black alone is enough.
Amir Khalid
No offense taken. Don’t worry about it.
I am currently taking care of two cats while their real mom is in India for three weeks. Before she left she ordered about $40 worth of GS cookies (she’s not from here, so these are all new flavors to her). I delivered them to her apartment yesterday when I went to feed the moggies, and, unasked, put all the Thin Mints in her freezer. She can thank me later.
Went to see Act of Valor today. I liked it very much, though it doesn’t flow as well as I would have liked. Watching SEAL tactics and a couple of real-life events depicted on the big screen was a treat for me.
@Raven: Yeah, they alternate what direction traffic is allowed to go on the track, presumably for that reason. Today is a clockwise day.
Now that the sun has set over most of North America, take a look in the southwest sky at the dance the Moon and Venus are doing.
And speaking of Thin Mints, I scored my first box yesterday from -a gang of family hating lesbians- some Girl Scouts and their mothers in front of the grocery store. I know some of you folks prefer to order them from the neighbors, but nothing beats the taste of wild Thin Mints you brought down yourself out in the open air.
WereBear (itouch)
@Zagloba: My experience is that it is the most boring display of debauchery ever.
That’s so funny, some of my Canadian colleagues refused to buy GS cookies because they thought GG cookies just had to be infinitely superior.
Hey BJ techies, have ya’ll seen this? I’m not really sure what to think about them. What say you fellow techies?
Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses by Year’s End
watching matrix. baked: 3lbs of cherry almond granola with dark chocolate nibs, 20 pieces of southwestern tomato foccacia, 10 coconut mango cupcakes. Also made: slow roasted pot roast, horseradish cream cheese sauce, vegetable soup in red wine roasted chicken broth. Usually, I only intend to “whip up a little something”. I have no idea how it takes up the whole day.
I’m so glad I don’t watch a lot of television lately. I live in Michigan, BTW. Found a new moniker for evil Mr. Rogers – Sick Rant-orum. Little clunky though.
Also getting direct mail, which is a laugh (happen to live in the red part of a blue state). Sick Rant had quotes from Malkin, Beck and Limbaugh on his campaign mailers. Amazing.
Oh, if the Girl Scouts sell cookies, what do the Boy Scouts do to raise funds?
@ruemara: Had to read that twice. I thought you were watching The Matrix while baked, and couldn’t figure out what the shopping list was doing in there as well.
Wow, the combination of cowardice and arrogance of that woman is simply breathtaking!
Do you have a link for that story? I’m just thunderstruck that she could be so appallingly rude.
@SiubhanDuinne: They are awful, it’s not like this is the first time I ever had GSC. They have zero taste.
@FuriousPhil: Pancake breakfasts, at least when and where I was one.
To this damn day, if I detect dry instant pancake mix, I lose my appetite. I had to process too much of that stuff back in the day.
Now, cub scouts, we had some den mothers (wuz that their names) who helped us make from scratch. A complete mess ensued but they were good pancakes. And we made stupid hookey woodcraft knicknacks.
Which brings to mind, what is the sinister agenda of he Cub Scouts? Feminizing boys by forcing them to make pancakes from scratch? Or sex with older women? (that would be a good GOP rant to hear).
They sell Girl Scouts. Haven’t you been following the news?
You know, that comment is going to uncovered in some ‘research’ done by the wingnuts and we’ll be listening some GOP lunatic ranting about it in a few weeks. You know that, right?
They saw it on the internet so it must be true.
@TooManyJens: The inside leg takes a good bit more stress. When I developed mine it took a while to figure out what caused it. Nothing but water for me anymore. How big a track, 400?
My Girl Scout cookies haven’t been delivered yet. I blame Planned Parenthood.
gogol's wife
I adore Tagalongs!
Okay, I missed the punctuation clues on first reading, and read
gogol's wife
I love the look in her eyes.
Wow. Hey Mom, I think I’m going to be a citation!!
Grapes of Wrath is on. I wish they had made “In Dubious Battle”.
The Moar You Know
This rep’s not the only one. The whole Lesbian Abortion Scout thing has been making the rounds of the Insane Conservative Forwarded Email circuit in the last few weeks.
I bought three times the normal amount due to this horseshit, so in addition to the many other things I loathe right wingers for, now I can also claim in all fairness that they’re making me gain weight.
Then I have to ask, why did you eat a whole box?
(I’ve never had Tagalongs and never will; I don’t let myself get close to anything with peanuts or peanut butter. So I have to take your word for it.)
Jan Brewer To Skip Governors Dinner At White House On Sunday
@SiubhanDuinne: Cuz it was there.
@lamh35: Fuck her and the horse she road in on.
@SiubhanDuinne: Don’t be silly. They merely rent them out.That way they can do it repeatedly.
And to address the question: Around here the Boy Scouts sell various flavors of popcorn. Yuck. I usually just drop a $5 on them and make them promise not to force their damned popcorn on me.
@lamh35: @22 What, she’s giving up another opportunity to shake a finger in their faces?
@Raven: About 320; it’s indoors.
The Moar You Know
@lamh35: I’ll take “drinking” for $1000, Alex.
Her problem is well known.
Roger Moore
You’re not going to hear any right wing complaints about the Boy Scouts because they’re a wholly owned subsidiary of big wingnut. They’re more than happy to throw out any damn gay, transgender, atheist, or what have you who fails to live up to their standards.
@TooManyJens: The Armory?
Brother Shotgun of Sweet Reason
@FuriousPhil: Cub Scouts sell popcorn. My Scout troop collected newspapers, which the local troop also does. Can’t imagine it’s bringing in much money any more.
Roger Moore
She needs to stop off and collect her wingnut welfare check.
Worse than Fellini’s Casanova?
@Roger Moore: The Boy Scout borg has absorbed the Cub Scouts? Oh noes!
I’m an old fogey from before all that stuff.
Why you damn kids, I remember back in the day when the Scouts was DFHs, running around with wild animals out in the woods!
Has anyone seen “Safe House” yet? If so what did ya’ll think? I’ll admit, they had me at two words “Denzel” and “Washington”, but I haven’t had a chance yet to see it.
Just wondering what people thought.
@Amir Khalid: I was in the US Army prior to “Fluff and Buff”. Kiwi black is required, cotton balls, a small amount of water,preferably from the tap in the latrine of WW2 era barracks. Sit your ass down on your footlocker and go to work. Start with plenty of polish on the entire boot (I suggest doing them 4-5 times and buffing the hell out them with brush and use a buffing rag on the parts you need to spit shine) when you finish that, take a break, smoke em if you got em, put a layer of Kiwi on the toe and the heel area. Take a piss, bullshit with your buddys and come back to your boots in a hour. Wet a cotton ball and get to work, nice tight circles will do it. Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Also, don’t ever think of wearing them on a forced march, the range, KP, etc. these babies are for inspections, parades and for sucking up to the Platoon Sgt, only. At ease, trooper.
@Jager: That’s if you don’t have Corcoran’s.
All of my advice works the best if you are working in your underwear and shower shoes. As you were.
Riddle me This, Riddle me Dee. While abortions are not be be permitted even to save the life of the mother, this too is coming down the line. There’s a bill in MN that sharply expands the circumstances under which people can use deadly force when they feel threatened. Don’t worry, it’s been opposed by the vast majority of the 300-plus members of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, but whadjaknow, the Repubs are still pushing it. The Minnesota County Attorneys Association aren’t fond of all of it either. But hey, the repubs want to make it clear that self-protection is a-ok, so let’s not get all het up about the fiddling practical details of the legislation. Brave Governor Mark Dayton (D) is still mum on if he’ll sign or no.
Just remember, in their world, you can’t do anything about feeling threatened, let alone actually being threatened, by anyone if they’re inside you. Those threats to life you roll over and die for.
@Raven: He is in boot camp, when he gets out of AIT, he can take the next step. Its been over 40 years, did I miss anything?
@Raven: No, the remodeled (and renamed) IMPE. I did run a few high school track meets at the Armory, back in the day.
My flu seems a little better today. I was able to get up and shower (though I had to rest for about 20 minutes afterward) and sitting up on the couch isn’t a major effort like it was yesterday. I even got some knitting done, which was too much work yesterday.
It helped that I made G buy me some Robitussin Night on his way home last night. We have NyQuil on hand from his bout with a nasty cold, but NyQuil keeps me awake for some reason. Robitussin puts me right to sleep.
(And it’s not all psychomilogical like G suspected — I checked the ingredients and they’re different.)
@Jager: Missed the boot camp part I guess. I’ve been out since 69.
@TooManyJens: When I got there they were still building IMPE. Course when I was born I live caty-corner in Stadium Terrace.
Chuck Butcher
Since your cite give no specifics or details it is rather difficult to take a position on the bill. A further problem is that the cite doesn’t explain what is being replaced.
As for Police Chiefs and DAs, their opinions are about as suspect as it gets – that’s a lot like asking a General what the troops want.
Going to see Martin Zellar play in Des Moines. So excited I can hardly hide the hard-on.
@jl: Don’t be silly, they have no sinister agenda – they are part of the God-Fearing, Real American coalition being oppressed by evil, godless hippies. No GOPer is gonna be demonizing them. Only all things Feminazi draw their ire.
Furnace conked out.
Winter so far in NJ is pretty mild and I generally like it on the chilly side at home, so it’s not a serious emergency yet.
Just bummed about having to cough up some extra cash for repairs.
@gene108: Some pretty good info here, maybe it’s something you could deal with?
@Chuck Butcher: First time I’d ever heard of this exact bill in MN I must admit, so I can’t help with details. But I had similar thoughts after FL passed or modified its gun laws some years back. Just always seemed odd some would entirely back and justify killing a grown-up person that posed a perceived threat while forbidding killing a parasitic person that posed an actual threat. Also got me wondering if maybe one self-aborted with a firearm it would then be ok in their eyes. Yes, I’ve got a weird imagination in many ways.
I so beyond expecting legislation to make any sense at the moment. I will point at the spectacle and laugh when I can manage it.
Chuck Butcher
“all i can say is it involves a funnel.”
Felanius Kootea
@Raven: Thin Mints. That’s where it’s at.
Cliff in NH
@Amir Khalid: yeh, did this in college in ROTC, not my choice and quit shortly. It works but is truly pointless. Also only works for certain kinds of shoes.
chrome agnomen
watched that about 3 months ago. fairly hard to take. it was pretty offensive, and while i wasn’t personally offended, i found little of merit in it. if there was an allegory, it escaped me, but i’m not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Anne Laurie
According to the “jokes” from my younger brothers’ BSA days, blackmail the pedophile scoutmasters caught pleasuring themselves while peeping into the latrines. This was 40 years ago, in case anyone still believes stuff like that was invented by degenerate progressives during the Clinton Administration.
In actual fact, the parish troops in the 1960s/70s hit up local business for “donations” to demonstrate their customer-pleasing community instincts. And a lot of the most egregiously authoritarian Scoutmasters & district leaders were dedicated little Babbitts who loved nothing so much as getting together and throwing ‘fund raising’ dinners trying to one-up each other, so that worked fairly well. The modern BSA is turning into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mormon, I mean, LDS church, which I guess is taking the community concept national.
chrome agnomen
do the girl scouts still make gauchos? those were my weakness.
Anne Laurie
Somewhere in Miss Manners’ first book is a section, complete with line-engraved illustration, demonstrating the polite way to turn down a Presidential dinner invitation because the date conflicts with one’s bowling night. If only someone on Brewer’s staff had a sense of humor…
I have a far more interesting life according to you lot. I don’t even know where one would buy the pot.
Re your furnace — it’s possible replacement or major repairs are covered under your homeowner’s insurance. My in-laws discovered this and ended up getting a new furnace installed for free. It was a nice surprise.
@Applejinx: analinguette – this word must go everywheres!!!! Must become as popular as Santorum!!! But for different reasons (which I’ll think of later…)