… this got in my brain like a worm in my ear, and now I can’t bring myself to turn out the light.
[ETA: Warning: The image that follows after the jump is incredibly puerile and may scar you for life.]
From here.
by Sarah, Proud and Tall| 38 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Assholes
… this got in my brain like a worm in my ear, and now I can’t bring myself to turn out the light.
[ETA: Warning: The image that follows after the jump is incredibly puerile and may scar you for life.]
From here.
Comments are closed.
Omnes Omnibus
I’ll never sleep again.
It’s the eyebrows that make it.
I don’t get it. Every time I see him he looks like that. Not you guys?
Call the nice little orderly who’s fond of Lady Gaga and tight shorts and get yourself a pill hon. There’s no need to torture yourself like this. He knows the dosage to use.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Yeah, that works for her. What do I do? I have enough scotch, but I have things to do tomorrow.
@Omnes Omnibus: Suffer. It’s not like you didn’t survive OCS or anything. :)
BTW I’m really good at developing mental blocks.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: But I don’t want to suffer. Oh well, I guess this is what I deserve for being what Corner Stone called “quite the asshole lately.”
ETA: OCS was easier than Basic. I got to use my brain and not just do what I was told.
Just so you know Mrs Sarah, I am getting on the next plane to Oregon so that I can barf all over YOUR bed. kthxbai.
grabbed a hot pan handle and have been cool watering my hand for 2 hours. maxed out my ibuprofen dose and wondering when the pain will subside long enough to fall asleep.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Cornered Stone said that? That’s like Speaker John No-Boner accusing someone of being “quite the blubbering orange drunk lately.”
Y’all are hopeless. I’m going to bed.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Yeah, he is rather sharp at picking what would bother someone. Of course, when one figures that out about him, it is less effective. Sleep well.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’d say go ahead and overload on the scotch. Tomorrow is Sunday. No human should have any obligations on Sunday.
As far as the CS insult, I’d call it a badge of honor. He admitted to me he just argues for the sake of it anyway. I don’t take him seriously.
Rick’s super, thanks for asking.
@Joel: Ow. I’ve done that. Started doing what someone here suggested after my last lapse. As soon as the pan comes out of the oven I put an oven mitt over the handle.
Mom texted me tonight with her cooking catastrophe. Sliced her hand while targeting an onion. Last time this happened she bled for two days due to being on plavix. Didn’t wait this time, hit the ER and got it superglued. While she went to hospital, I swooped in and finished chopping her onion and fixed her dinner which was ready when she got home.
Omnes Omnibus
@Yutsano: Divorce hearing Monday morning. Job interview on Tuesday. Can’t over-overload on Scotch. Also too, I need to run tomorrow; I need to get at least four days this week.
Jack Canuck
Great thread title, love that song – it’s a fantastic album opener.
Edited to add: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blusgorx1JA
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: You did wash away the blood first, right?
@Omnes Omnibus: You always need to salt onions anyway, so why bother?
Omnes Omnibus
@MikeJ: Good point.
Rita R.
That image is just… so wrong.
Between this and the Dave Albo video, it’s almost like the front pagers are conspiring to make the straight women and gay men of this blog never want to have sex again. Meanwhile, those who prefer the ladies get Angelina Jolie in lingerie with a come hither look.
I made the foolish mistake of having super hot pad Thai, and taking my first tanning session in 25 years. I am on fire inside and out.
So happy I put this site on my elderly (72) cool liberal mom’s bookmarks. God. Actually, I’m going to remove BJ when I get a chance because of this. No offense, it’s funny in a lame-ish way, it’s just kind of disgusting and pornographic and could have been “below the fold” as they say.
I realize I sound like a humorless dick here. But I’ll put it this way, Rick Santorum has ten thousand other insane ideas to put him where he belongs. And as a gay man, I am personally offended and digusted at Dan Savage and his snide, smug crusade to make sure everyone knows gay sex is a “frothy” mix of shit and semen and lube and is absolutely disgusting. So preeningly proud of attaching that to Rick Santorum. Rachel (who I love) giggling about it every chance she gets, his Google problem.
Did you know? Not all gay men have anal sex! It’s fucking true. I have no idea why Dan Savage has appointed himself leader of the gay rights movement, I find him an egostistical creep dealing with “letters” from diaper-fetishist freaks and the like. Oh god, spare me, I stpped reading his sex column many years ago, it was so repulsive.
And Dan Savage is repulsive, a total famewhore so pleased with himself about attaching this “frothy” thing to Santorum.. he’s pretty disgusting himself. And he’s done the gay community no fucking favors at attaching his own idea of how disgusting gay sex is to Santorum’s name.
Santorum’s a theocratic loon who will self-destruct on his own. Dan Savage is a loudmouthed famewhore out to prove that gay men really are narcissistic, juvenile, emotionally retarded perverts. With disgusting sex practices and nasty personalities. Way to go, Dan Savage. You don’t speak for me.
(Someone’s gonna bring up “It Gets Better” as to why Dan Savage deserves a Nobel prize or something. Get over yourselves. He’s also the one gossiping that gay male sex is all fucking disgusting, shit and lube everywhere, everyone has a hard cynical laugh, but he’s the fucking worst advocate for gay rights I could imagine. He presumes authority to say that all gay men are just fucking animals- “deal with it!”.
Sorrry for going on, but yeah, as a gay man I hate the idea of someone as snide and sarcastic as Dan Savage ever speaking for me. He can’t , fuck him, and the glee he evinces at joining RicK Santorum to gay sex is just so stupid and juvenile and fuck him.
Omnes Omnibus
@Arundel: Savage joined the term to anal sex. Anal sex is not a gay only thing.
Chill, lad. Chill.
ETA: I am having a bad night too. Don’t lose perspective.
@Omnes Omnibus:
This. And I also cannot stand savage.
Irish PM Michael Higgins roasts the teabagger nuts.
Am I missing something here? Cole just posted:
Yet this post is beyond the pale (it’s supposed to be a family friendly blog, after all) and has everything to do with what a famewhore Dan Savage is?
I thought the problem with Santorum wasn’t that he practices nasty, disgusting vaginal sex with his wife, but that he has decided it’s ok to call others freaks based on his opinion of their sexual predilections.
I need to email Cole, because it’s quite obvious I’m not receiving all the memos….
Best headline ever!
Sarah Proud and Tall
I’ve moved the picture to after the jump.
Santorum is being subjected to no less than mockery that he deserves.
As others have pointed out, “santorum” is not an exclusively gay phenomenon, and I think the idea that Savage (of all people) is somehow promoting the idea that gay sex is disgusting is simply absurd.
Savage’s column is (almost entirely – he’s not perfect, and I don’t think he’s ever claimed to be) helpful, respectful and positive towards all kinds of sex and love.
Savage might have a liking for self promotion, but he has probably done more to exorcise ignorance and shame and bad manners from the sexual arena than almost anyone else writing today.
I’ve met two diaper fetishists in my life – they were both charming, together people who just happened to have a harmless kink.
Your thoughtless characterization of them as “freaks”, and the extraordinary language you used about Savage in the remainder of your post (which I am not even going to dignify by quoting), says, I suspect, much more about you than it does about any of them.
gocart mozart
You defenitely should have gone to bed
Beautiful, but there’s a little voice telling me that this man is perhaps too dangerous to laugh at: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2012/02/25/rick-santorum-doubles-down-on-claim-that-colleges-indoctrinate-students-calls-president-obama-a-snob-video/
gocart mozart
I love that man.*
*in a completely heterosexual way of course
@Omnes Omnibus: Been there Dude, hang in there. Running helps too.
Away for a while and this is one of the things I should have missed. This is one of those images that make you want to pluck out your own eyes….
Sometimes a cigar is just an ice-cream cone…or maybe not.
Amir Khalid
The headline writer tried to think of something punchy, factual, and innuendo-free, but in the end it just wasn’t possible with that name in there. So they gave up. And who could possibly blame them, when the result is so delightful?
Rawk Chawk
Seriously though, Sarah, Rick does give great head.
Nice, tight ass too.
@Joel: Use colder water, I put ice cubes in it, and coat the burned parts with the contents of Vitamin E gel caps before you put the injured hand into the cold water.
I grabbed the handle of a cast iron skillet full of just-baked cornbread years ago to keep it from falling to the (very dirty) kitchen floor. It was nearly 500 degrees, and seared a brand across my palm.
I did as described above (it really causes a lot of phantom pain when you put your hand in the cold water) and the next morning the mark was gone, my hand didn’t hurt. Not medical advice, as I am not a Dr, just an old wives’ tale. But it works against kitchen burns.
@Arundel: It was below the fold. How did you miss that?