Todd Palin’s Alleged Prostitute Releases “Tell All” book.
Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is the true story of how Shailey Tripp (Wait, what?), a young single mother of two special needs children became sexually involved with Todd Palin, husband of former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.
This book explains the many factors that culminated in Shailey becoming not only the mistress of ” Alaska’s First Dude” but also a prostitute working for him which ultimately resulted in Shailey being arrested in March of 2010.
The end is officially fucking nigh.
I mean it. We, the human race, deserve to die a fiery, pulverized death if so much as one tree is killed for this abomination.
Also too, open thread.
You mean this isn’t The Onion?
I can never read the Onion. Real life is so much weirder.
Commenting at Balloon Juice Since 1937
A total of three special needs children? Todd, get it snipped already.
David Koch
All that Jesus and abstinence talk and the family can’t keep their pants on with Palin Nail’n Grant Rice, her affair with Tahd’s business partner, and their high school drop out who got knocked-up.
While I despise this sort of thing I’m begrudgingly glad to see the ‘Hyena Media’ – developed into a fine art by Fundie/Cons – going after Fundie/Cons. Especially since my “F–k Off and DIE” button doesn’t seem to work.
Paraphrasing a comment over at Wonkette:
The world’s oldest profession should file suit for sullying its good name.
Benjamin Franklin
It’s getting there…
c u n d gulag
If I’m him, I’m movin’ out da house – NOW!
I bet “The Whore of Babblin’ On” swings a cast-iron pan as hard as Barry Bonds does a bat.
And she’ll put his head in McCovey Cove, or the Bering Strait – depending on which one’s closer when she finds out.
From First Dude to new DOA in one swing!
Well, it looks like the “publisher” is a print-on-demand vanity press, so we may be saved.
Oh god, Sully’s gonna freak out. Five’ll getcha ten he’ll decide Tripp was actually named for this woman, and that means she’s his real mother.
Worst tabloid family ever.
Tone In DC
Damn. These Alaska arseholes talking abstinence are worse than Gingrich.
So you’d be OK if this came out on Kindle?
This. For sure, this.
And as for my reaction? It was pretty much covered by David Koch:
Amir Khalid
We? There’s no need to wipe out the entire human race. I for one am definitely not keen on dying for Todd Palin’s sins, alleged or actual. One SUV-sized asteroid landing on la Maison des Palins while they’re at home should be adequate.
I know it’s too much to ask, but any relation to Linda Tripp?
Do As I Say 101 – A Study In Republican Morality
Tone In DC
@Amir Khalid:
Actually, I kinda feel bad for Bristol. She seems less heinous than her parents (few folks are so reprehensible).
Linda Featheringill
Not as sexy as the original topic but . . .
and at
Cool Planet Energy Systems is producing gasoline from one of those tall grasses. Apparently they can produce quite a bit. The State of California is going to use their gasoline in their state fleet of cars in order to test it. We may actually be talking about an alternate fuel bridge to whatever is in the future.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well good to Mrs Palin’s family is such a haven of domestic bliss that it entitles her to criticized others like she does.
@JoyfulA: I was wondering the exact same thing.
That would be too good to be true.
Benjamin Franklin
Blocking out the Sun? Pick your poison…
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
@c u n d gulag:
Todd’s perfectly safe. I watched her stupid reality show, it was perfectly obvious that she’d never shot a gun in her life and that she was afraid of them.
Meanwhile, Sarah Serendipity was nominated for a Worst Actress Razzie for her starring role in The Undefeated:
Why, Sully must absolutely have “the vapahs.”
Benjamin Franklin
@Linda Featheringill:
I dunno. Water is one of Calif’s most pressing challenges. Build some solar arrays to handle desalination plants, then we can talk.
Roger Moore
@Linda Featheringill:
Wow. They’re claiming under $0.60/gallon for feedstock plus energy. Unless their process is outrageously expensive for some other reason, that ought to make it competitive as a fuel- assuming they can scale it up.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
@Linda Featheringill: Take that announcement with a huge grain of salt. Cellulosic ethanol is the holy grail of biofuel. So far nobody has come close to a process where you can get more fuel out of it than you use in making it.
That they are referring to it as “gasoline” makes me doubly suspicious.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Seesh, google her name. She’s sort of short and pudgy. Why in heck would some guy cheat on his wife and risk his family over someone so ordinary looking as her? No wonder Todd Palin getting a pass from Sarah Palin on this,.. The guy can’t even cheat on her properly.
Canuckistani Tom
@Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity:
AKA Grassoline ;-)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
At the risk of making this “Pick on Ahnold” day, maybe he got the idea from Ahnold. His housekeeper-mistress is no day at the beach.
They’re probably both good listeners.
@Tone In DC:
You’re wrong there. She’s a piece of work. If you can’t get your fellow DWTS contestants to like you, that’s a sign you’re not a nice person.
I feel bad she got dragged onto stage as a pregnant sixteen year old to act as a prop for her mother’s political aspirations, but she ran with it and the rest is up to her, chin implants and all.
Pheww, I thought the Palin movie itself won the Oscar for Best Documentary yesterday, but that it a completely unrelated movie called Undefeated not The Undefeated.
@28: Some guys will cheat ‘cos they’re horny and there’s a woman handy, and they aren’t too picky about how the woman looks.
Republican Jack Ryan got tired of fucking Jeri Ryan, so he got other men to. Can’t explain that.
@Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity:
I know a lot of engineers can’t write but I can’t help but notice the punctuation errors on their “About” page.
It would be swell if it proved viable. Corn to fuel is folly on so many levels I run out of fingers, counting.
Linda Featheringill
@Canuckistani Tom:
I like the term “grassoline”. :-)
I sent an email to the editors at The Oil Barrel asking for their take on it. I trust the guys there to tell the truth as they see it. They might be mistaken occasionally but they probably won’t lie about it. And they probably aren’t mistaken as often as I am.
Linda Featheringill
They say on the company website that this stuff is “carbon negative”. As I understand it, the process produces sequestered carbon in amounts higher than the CO2 released by burning the grassoline. This solid carbon “waste” can be used to improve soil for farming. The grass itself of course takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
Oh, how exciting! Max Blumenthal can add chapters to Republican Gomorrah every year for the next decade. But, seriously, I don’t really know what it would take to make these people feel any shame after Ryan Dobson’s d-i-v-o-r-c-e, David Vitter’s prostitute, Larry Craig’s glory-holing, Ted Haggard’s blow & rent-boy, etc.
There is a limerick from my childhood in the upper midwest.
“When the weathers hot ‘n sticky that’s no time to dip your dicky, when the frost is on the punkin, that’s the time for dicky dunkin”
Since the frost is on the pumpkin most of the time in Alaska, who can blame ‘ol Todd.
@slightly-peeved: No, he TRIED to get her to go along with that. She didn’t. Remember that the court documents were covered extensively in the 2004 Senate campaign in Illinois.
@Soonergrunt: Yes. 7 of 9 saved our planet by refusing to play along with Jack Ryan’s Dangerous Sex Games.
Didn’t Tom Clancy write about this?
@redshirt: No, and considering the quality of Tom Clancy’s “writing,” that’s a good thing.
If I were to ever publish a fictitious memoir about how I was abused and prostituted by a media figure, I’d at least have the good taste to pick someone other than Todd Palin.
“It’s not a turn-on if you cry.”
And yet the guy was probably still flabbergasted when she served him with divorce papers.
@Mnemosyne: I know. I kind of watched that whole thing because I am a Trekkie and also because it was like watching a political car wreck in slow motion (and who doesn’t love those?) and I was thoroughly grossed out. And the thing about Jack Ryan’s attitude was that he was more upset about this coming out during the election than he was about the fact that his wife didn’t appreciate his perversions.
Tone In DC
Well, I did say “not as heinous”. Didn’t say “free from all heinousness”.
Chin implants, though? WTF?
@Tone In DC:
Yeah, I’m just not sure who’s worse, Bristol or her parents. They’re all awful.
As for the chin implants, it’s really noticeable. Here’s an E!Online discussion on it. Those pics they have as before and after (really after, then before), aren’t as dramatic as some. She looks like a very different person. Her face is a completely different shape.
Like George Lucas, there’s a guy who desperately needs an editor to operate. I thought his first couple of books were pretty readable in a military-wonky sort of way. Then he must have had the power to tell his editor to cram it and things went downhill, and then he turned full wingnut and got totally ridiculous.
@Tone In DC:
Here’s another link, this one from Us Magazine, that has better before/after photos, including profile shots. She looks completely different. No way it’s just diet and a few years.
Less fun than Palin gossip, but since this is an open thread here’s the latest on the rule of law in America. Compare and contrast these two stories: Senator and K Street lobbyist commits same crime as homeless woman. Guess which one got jail time?
Roger Moore
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Maybe she’s willing to do things in bed that his wife doesn’t approve of. ISTR there was some incident about her throwing out house guests because she saw petroleum jelly on their nightstand, assumed they were using it for unapproved sexual practices, and refused to let that happen under her roof. If Todd has a hankering for something kinkier than missionary, he may not be able to get it within his marriage.
Wow; never thought about it that way. FSM works in mysterious ways. Attention James Burke.
Rawk Chawk
Wait and see, tools…odds are both Trig and/or Tripp are Todd Palin’s kids or some other equally bizarre reality will eventually be exposed. And no, I don’t read Sullivan.
It’s just always been painfully obvious that the official Trig pregnancy and labor story especially is bullshit. Never have understood why so called libs and progs refuse to call it out publicly, especially when Sarah the freak was running for vice president. But then, Al Gore handed the white house to Bush II without a fight, so there is no underestimating the Democratic will to lose.
As for why the delicate flowers here don’t want the truth behind the clearly bogus Trigg gestation/labor/birth story dug into, I have no idea.
Probably related to the reason DougJ is considered a relevant front pager by the same suspects.
And of course, by this point he’s not even the one writing most of the books under his own name.
Jay in Oregon
To quote Sterling Archer: “I don’t recall ever seeing a ‘Welcome’ mat at your back door.”
@Rawk Chawk:
Because even if it’s true, there’s no fucking upside and a whole lot of downsides. It has no value other than being vindictive to a pig-ignorant woman who, while richly deserving of the mockery and come-uppance, becomes more irrelevant with every passing day. There is no political gain to be had from making an issue of it, and it makes us look as much like crotch-sniffing busybodies as a Santorum or Bachmann.
But by all means, fly your douche flag at half-mast for the lost opportunity if it makes you feel better. Clearly you were into being progressive before it was cool.
@Rawk Chawk:
Who’s statistically more likely to give birth to a child with Down Syndrome, a woman in her late 40s or a 16-year-old?
Until you and Sully can manage to get that factoid into your heads, you will continue to look like the completely ignorant idiots that you are, continuously asking us to believe something that is vanishingly statistically unlikely is the real answer.
Sully’s inability to accept the truth comes from his total ignorance of how human reproduction works and his inability to understand that even public God-botherers like Palin will seriously consider abortion if faced with a trisomy defect in their fetus. What’s your excuse?
Rawk Chawk
The fact that you think it a non-issue that a vice presidential candidate is a crazy woman who would fake a pregnancy or if actually pregnant, would put herself and the child at risk in the batshit insane way she allegedly did, explains a lot about why the Democratic party is always the Republicans’ willing victim.
You don’t think much of the American public would hesitate to vote for such a crazy ass woman candidate? And you don’t see it as the opposition’s job to let them know about such a thing?
If it’s not an issue that Palin, who was up for first in line to the white house, is a crazy-ass prego faker or a crazy-ass reckless psycho; then why in the hell was it an issue that John Edwards knocked up a piece on the side like thousands of other men do every year?
It’s ok to have an insane woman in the white house but not a man who had consensual sex outside marriage?
Your standards are as nuts as Palin.
Rawk Chawk
So what? It does happen. For the millionth time, I don’t know the truth because no media or political entities will look into it, and you don’t know the truth either. But I do know that the story as told is transparently bogus. For some reason I gratefully cannot fathom, you are ok with not knowing the truth about this, even though the woman ran for vp and may later run for Prez. Why not discredit the dumbass using her own bullshit?
If the child IS hers, then she put herself and it in grave danger in a reckless way by taking a flight across country while leaking amnio and in early labor. If the child is a big fat liar, then that’s reason enough to expose her.
Either way, the official story is not the real story, and I, unlike you, would like to know the real story; not because Palin has a vajayjay, but because she wanted to be next in line to the presidency and I happen to think insane liars and batshit reckless risk takers shouldn’t be in such a position. AND I don’t want right wingers there anyway, and am totally OK with doing what it takes to keep them out.
You, on the other hand, are ok with taking what you think is the high road but is just the road of self-defeating self righteousness. This is why Dems lose even when they win. Codependent.
@Rawk Chawk:
I think she told us the truth: she tried to do what my people call an “Irish abortion” so she could have an “accidentally” stillborn child, and it didn’t work.
The fact that you want some convoluted conspiracy theory that, like, totally proves that Bristol is the real mother only muddies the fact that Palin tried to kill her unborn child. Continually bringing the Bristol conspiracy into what is otherwise a crystal-clear story is actually giving cover to Palin’s bullshit.
Yes, when I point out that pushing the Bristol conspiracy allows Palin to cover up her actual actions, that’s me taking the high road. You should be working for messaging genius Mark Penn with that kind of strategic genius.
@Rawk Chawk:
I AM ok with not knowing.
Its covered by at least two of the most elementary rules in politics:
1. Never punch below your weight class;(Palin can be defeated in so many ways that hitting her on that issue looks like puppy-kicking)
2. Never interrupt your opponent while they are self-destructing; (Palin is fading away and mocked even by conservative stalwarts).
Let it go.
Or at least play for the other team.
Rawk Chawk, your misogyny is leaking. Better plug that up.
Rawk Chawk
What is wrong with you, seriously? You continually attribute statements to other commenters that they, I, never made. I don’t give a fuck what the real story is; I don’t care if it’s Bristol’s kid or whatever; I just want the fucking facts. Can you understand that? If psycho Palin tried to kill her unborn child, then that needs to be out there.
Seriously, you are a loon. Or a ratfucker who wants this shut down.
Rawk Chawk
Of course. The weakest sauce of all makes its appearance. Fuck off.
Paul in KY
@Jager: Nice rhyme, but I don’t think it is technically a limerick.
Not unless Linda Tripp is a Cajun with deep family roots in Louisiana. Don’t assume Shailey Tripp is still in Alaska. She’s probably taking on a new identity to avoid the Palin Mafia when the official Amazon release of the book debuts March 4th.
With “clever” wording of the question, a Palinbot can send the discussion off into a dead end tangent.
However, when one asks the question, “Which overall group of women is more likely to bear the most Down Syndrome children, younger women or older women?”, the answer is obviously “younger women” — because there more of them, and they bear an overwhelmingly greater number of children.
In other words, counting percentages doesn’t give you a number of actual head-count DS offspring. But looking at the raw data used in calculating the percentages does. And that raw data says there are more actual head-count DS offspring born of younger women than there are born of older women.
Trig Palin is one of those born of a young woman.