This was inevitable- the blogospheric right running to Rush’s defense:
Carly Fiorina is offended by Rush Limbaugh’s comments on Georgetown Law School student Sandra Fluke, who testified before Congress that she wants the American taxpayers to subsidize her sexual proclivities.
We should be insulted with Fluke, but Fiorina is insulted by Limbaugh.
“That language is insulting, in my opinion. It’s incendiary and most of all, it’s a distraction. It’s a distraction from what are very real and important issues,” said Fiorina on CBS’s “This Morning.”
Well of course Rush Limbaugh was being insulting. It is not something I would do and I do think we’re going to now focused on what he said for a while and that it will be a distraction from the central argument, but he was using insult and sarcasm to highlight the absurdity of Sandra Fluke and the left’s position, which in a nut shell is they think you, me, and every other American should pay for them to have sex. And while I understand people being offended, I am offended by many of these same people thinking I should be subsidizing what has, for years, been considered a consensual act.
I can’t be sure if Erick is really stupid enough to honestly believe this debate is about liberals wanting to be paid for having sex (side note- How would that work? What would the pay structure look like? Would masturbation count? What if I get a mild erection watching a back episode of Charmed– would that count, and if so, how much should I get paid?) or if this is the only way he could contort this debate in his head so that he could construct a defense of Rush’s indefensible remarks. And since there is no defense of Rush’s remarks, the only thing they can really do is make things up and attack anyone who speaks out for insufficient loyalty to the tribe.
Ahh, but there is another tactic, and good old counter-top inspector Michelle Malkin is on the job:
Yep. Sandra Fluke’s no “slut.” Call her moocher. Tool. Hypocrite. And budding femme-agogue. Won’t be long before she’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s new press secretary. Screechy McScreeches of a feather…
Who is Sandra Fluke? JWF takes a closer look:
For me the interesting part of the story has the ever evolving “coed”. I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time she was described as a 23 y/o coed. Magically at the same time congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception she appears and is even brought to capitol hill to testify. This morning in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show it was revealed that she is 30 y/o NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.
In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.
You see! She’s an activist so that not only invalidates everything she said in her testimony but also makes it ok to call her a slut! And the Democrats had her in their back pocket all along, just waiting to spring her on the Republicans. Nancy Pelosi has known for years that in 2012 the wingnut Republicans would get themselves embroiled in a political mess over contraception, so she just waited for the perfect moment to break out the Fluke card.
Our current wingnuts are truly some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet. At any rate, I give it a week before some panty-sniffing O’Keefe wannabe is following poor Miss Fluke around 24/7 harassing her. She dared get in the way of Republicans, so now she must be destroyed.
Yes. Yes, he really is. Really.
Justin Morton
I just can’t believe that in 2012 the Republican party wants to debate contraceptives. Who thinks that this is a winning strategy for November?
How is paying for boner pills not paying for sex also? There’s no other reason to take it.
They really get off on that kind of behavior.
Shows you the quality of their character.
Dr. Loveless
Nah, not O’Keefe. It’ll be Malkin herself, breaking into Miss Fluke’s house to check the thread count of the sheets she has filthy, filthy slut sex on.
AP Headline: Limbaugh mocks Obama for call to “slut”
Rush is desperate for attention again.
I think the solution to problems like this is spontaneous human combustion. No muss, no fuss.
Spaghetti Lee
Sluts! Sluts! Sluts, I tell you! Ignore the economy, we want to talk about dirty, filthy sluts!
Your 2012 Republican Party, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember the talking point that this is strictly an issue of religious liberty, not women’s rights? That sound you hear is the sound of a talking point dying a much-deserved death.
Let every male Republican come out and say that they shouldn’t have to pay for women’s birth control. Keep it up! The backlash will be like nothing ever seen.
@Dr. Loveless: Granite countertops.
(Mmmmmm! Granite!)
@Spaghetti Lee: “Beavis and Butthead Go to Washington”
(He said “sluts”, heh heh heh!)
By far the most interesting point here is that they’re not even bothering to mention “freedom of religion” any more. Limbaugh’s comments, and all the right’s follow-up, is straightforwardedly homing in on what’s really frying them: “Coeds” are having “too much sex” that “we’re supposed to pay for” (apparently just as “we pay for” the couple of hundred million who get contraceptive coverage from their secular employers).
I thank them for cutting to the chase of what their issue really is, but I picture the bishops standing bewilderedly on the sidelines waving their hands: “Hey, GOP? Old buddies? Pals and partners in crime? Remember us?”
I think Rush might get forced to apologize on this one. He’s gone too far, finally.
Georgetown U president John DiGioia’s email today:
Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:
@Steve: They’ve always used sex as a Pavlov bell. It’s great that the tactic is finally working against them.
I wouldn’t wish what’s going to happen to Ms. Fluke on anyone. Hopefully the call from the president will help, some.
Did Malkin really call someone else “Screechy McScreeches”?
Cue standard “self-awareness, you haz not it” comment.
@Poopyman: Have you ever had filthy dirty sex on a granite countertop? There’s nothing like it, especially if you can get someone else to pay for it.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I await the results of the countertop investigation the right will conduct in a sandbox to see if the vehicle can actually swerve and run over the lady going to the drug store to buy birth control pills.
Erickkk is and has been a ready, willing and able long time slut for the Republican party.
You Don't Say
Malkin is dull-witted. And by their logic we shouldn’t be paying for pre- and post-natal care either, much less Viagra.
schrodinger's cat
John Cole @ top
Good to see, that you are still with us. Please feed Tunch at the earliest, your fate is in his paws, the blog needs you and so do we.
It’s pretty damn interesting that Obama called her. That should push this onto the nightly news (conflict!) and Obama wouldn’t pick a fight like this if he didn’t think it was a slam-dunk to win.
John Dillinger
When you are weak among the young and women, and the Catholic vote is supposed to be in play, make sure and call a young woman from a prestigious Catholic institution “slut” and other such names when she dares involve herself in a national issue. That way you can wrap up the key demographic of aging white Protestant males who are no longer in “the game,” and thus the upcoming Presidential election. Relitigating the Schiavo case and campaigning on the greatness of George W. Bush may have been more fruitful, but the 20 somethings wouldn’t have found it as interesting.
One thing to remember is that Rush doesn’t understand how birth control pills work. His entire argument is based on the idea that women who have more sex, need more contraception, like this is about buying condoms.
I don’t see why I should pay for other people to have kids. Sex -> kids. So if you want to have sex and have kids, that’s really up to you. Kids should not be covered on employee health plans.
Don’t feel like paying for other people to have sex, kindly.
Xecky Gilchrist
Holy crap! Michelle Malkin still exists?
Rush and his defenders have just opened an attack on Catholic university students.
President Obama was brilliant to tell Ms. Fluke her parents should be proud of her.
Maybe David Gregory can have a bunch of males on Sunday to discuss it.
Since no one else has pointed it out yet, how silly is it to think it is even possible that someone like her went to Georgetown primarily to be an activist. It is a good expensive law school and she is putting out a serious chunk of change and has devoted a good amount of time in her life to get herself there. If she just wanted to set up a Catholic institution to complain about there conception coverage it would have been a whole lot easier to wait until a housekeeping position opened up at a Catholic hospital (which likely happens daily) and apply for it.
Sluts! Snobs! Strapping young bucks! Terrorists!
Monsters, John!
Monsters from the id!
It is beyond me why women still vote Republican…
No spawn of Rush. Four wives.
He might be shooting blanks and not need to know about contraception.
Erick Erickson:
Erick Erickson, the same guy who called Supreme Court Justice David Souter a goat-fucking child molester, wants us to believe he’s above calling someone a slut?
Yeah, right.
The Ancient Randonneur
@MBunge: He must be confusing them with the little blue pills he takes when he’s having sex with underage Dominician prostitutes.
WereBear (itouch)
4 @gwangung: Birth control pills have medical uses besides contraception. But what other medical usage is the male go boom pills? Can think of only one; which is to “test the mechanism” after surgery in the area; when the man is understandably feeling a bit off. This happens far fewer times than PCOS or endometriosis. Both of which, by the way, also threaten a women’s fertility if not controlled.
But sense never has been one of their selling points.
There are several jaw-dropping moments in this whole fiasco. Firstly, apparently neither 4-wives Limbaugh nor Ericksonsonsonson has ever bothered to ask any adult female how birth control medication is taken; if you’re on the Pill, you take it at regular intervals, and it doesn’t matter whether you have sex once a year or once every ten minutes.
Secondly, Sandra Fluke’s testimony was about a friend who needed birth-control medication for a non-birth-control medical issue. That’s a need which is completely orthogonal to one’s sexual behavior; Ms. Fluke’s friend could have been the Virgin Mary and she still would have needed the Pill.
Thirdly, has nobody ever explained to these nitwits the concept of cutting their losses? You’d think that they’d have been smart enough to just drop the issue, but instead, they’ve hit rock bottom, have started to dig, and are looking into heavy-duty mining equipment.
Are we subsidizing sex by handing out deductions for kids on our tax forms yearly! The Horrors ! ! !
Mike Goetz
The GOP plan to appeal to elderly, rich, Christian, white men – and nobody else – is being executed flawlessly.
Let’s just get out of the way and watch maestros at work.
Surreal American
Well, Malkin is the foremost authority on Screechy McScreeches.
@MBunge: He knows how birth control pills work. He also knows how the minds of his (mostly male, almost universally loser) listeners work, and how they cream their pants at the prospect of beating up on sexually confident women.
I’ve long been convinced that Rush is fueled by the pain that resulted from his rejection by some young feminist years ago.
This applies to a lot of the conservative males of a certain age.
“The sluts will sleep with the hippies and not with me.”
This IS his topic.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Do Republicans not realize that everyone who would take their side in this argument is and always was going to be on their side? All it does is further erode their support among women, especially women 50 and younger.
And it was brilliant of the President to call the young woman because there is no way Limbaugh could resist upping his attack and carrying this story right on through the weekend. Bill Maher will talk about it length tonight, the Sunday shows will be all over it and by Monday its going to be a severe hangover for the Republicans.
It’s like the entire party is coming apart at the seams. If you thought shit was bad after Obama won the first time, just wait until November. I think the Republicans have crossed the point of no return and their extremist rhetoric has hoisted them on their own petards.
@MBunge: Wait, Rush has been married four times, he must know how contraception works. And he uses lots of viagara, so he must be having sex. And he was caught at the Dominican Republic with a boatload of the viagara, so he must have been anticipating a lot of sexual activity. And unless the people he was going to have sex didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant…
IWBANTS (It would be absurd not to speculate)
Bigger question here: How does this woman receiving birth control through her employment-based insurancebecome, in the minds of these nutbags, taxpayers paying for it? It makes zero sense.
so in addition to being a slutty slut slut, she’s also a snobby elitist.
To be fair, an obsession with the idea that the taxpayer is the “owner” and gets to enjoy punishing and controlling those who receive taxes (even if the entire thing is a fantasy) is their religion. You see it in the eternal spate of stories in which they again combine sex and tax fetishism by masturbating to the idea of punishing welfare and food stamp recipients with more arcane rules and restrictions (no lap dances paid for with food stamps! No cel phones for welfare recipients! ritual humiliation for all EBT users!)
This is a big part of the GOP’s problem. The grifting entertainers have taken over the party, and there is no penalty for their bad behavior. If anything it works the other way around, if you are GOP office holder and you really fuckup there is always a job waiting for you at Fox. The GOP now works for Fox, et al, rather than the other way around. I imagine that Richard Nixon is spinning in his grave about now (to which I say Bwaahaaahaaa!), because the Frankenstein monster that he and Roger Ailes created, and which was intended to terrorize the Village, is now ransacking its master’s castle, tearing people’s limbs off and wrecking the laboratory equipment. And this has happened in large part because of a complete leadership vacumn at the top of the party. There is nobody really in charge any more.
Craig Pennington
Erick von Erick:
Firstly, setting minimum standards on compensation is not a taxpayer subsidy. You can’t pay employees in store credits either. And secondly, Ms. Fluke’s testimony was about someone who needed the pills for health reasons unrelated to sex. Good God conservatives are stupid ior* disingenuous.
*ior = inclusive or.
I don’t want to pay for diabetes medication, like insulin, either.
I don’t want to pay people to eat chocolate cake. They can do that on their own damn time.
Or lung cancer. Fuck smokers.
@WereBear (itouch):
The little blue pills can help with some heart conditions, believe it or not. In pets and humans. Vascular activity.
No, not pay for sex. Socially subsidize birth control. So everybody has access to it.
If it’s against your religious beliefs, don’t fucking use it.
If it’s about what the government should spend money on, there is a whole lot more than birth control we can talk about when it comes to moral objections.
Birth control makes sense. It SAVES us money.
@Senyordave: having sex with Rush Limbaugh ought to be considered torture under the Geneva Conventions.
@Seebach: I saw today one of the most obnoxious bumper stickers I’ve seen in a while:
“Offended by my smoking? Then stop breathing.”
Offended by my shitting in your mouth? Then don’t swallow.
Jay C
On a political level, isn’t that basically what the Republicans seem on the verge of doing every day now?
schrodinger's cat
@gnomedad: You forgot liberal elitists, immigrants and gays.
Ben Franklin
He’s losing advertisers
Companies include Quicken Loans, based in Detroit; Century 21 Real Estate LLC, based in Parsippany, N.J.; ProFlower;, Sleep Train Mattress Center, based in North Highlands, Calif.; and eHarmony, based in Pasadena, Calif.
@aimai: Oh, absolutely, no argument there, but they’ve lost the script here. This was supposed to be about Obama oppressing the religious, and oops! Here we are putting the real point of rage out there.
@Elizabelle: #winning
@shortstop: I LOLed, then stopped mid-chortle when it occurred to me that I didn’t know whether you meant someone else was paying for the granite, or the sex.
Exactly. It is almost as if these people think that birth control pills make a woman horny.
I wish more republocans women had used birth control about 40-60 years ago.
@Ben Franklin: cue the rightards screaming about dirty liberals who are suppressing free speech.
I believe that’s what it was originally developed for. The other use was originally a side effect.
Chyron HR
It’s only March. It’ll take a few more months before the GOP just comes out and admits that what they really object to is employers having to compensate their serfs in any way, shape or form.
And with so much attention being paid to the slut comment, you hardly hear about Rush’s followup of “if you get birth control, we should get to see the sex tape” comment, which is even more crass, IMO.
” How is paying for boner pills not paying for sex also? There’s no other reason to take it. ”
Viagra is also used (under another name) for pulmonary hypertension. And good for motion sickness, or is it altitude sickness. And there are other off label uses, that I can’t remember now. And heard a news report about other uses.
Don’t let that info get out, otherwise the old geezers will target Viagra too, since part of there stupid and dangerous plan is damage health care reform.
Viagra was not developed for hypertension.
So, this is all going nicely for them. They wanted to hit three birds with one stone: rile up the base with anti sex hysteria, go after moderates with ‘big government’ scare, damage health care reform, and increase power of employers.
Now they got Rush calling a college student who gave very serious and credible testimony about the harms of the ‘your boss runs your health care’ bill a slut. And very good and sympathetic appearances of said college student all over. national TV.
And the GOP vows to press on. Good news for the general election, though would be obviously be better if they were sane and ethical and not have gone this way at all, but I might was will say it would be better if we lived in big rock candy mountain in the garden of gumdrops and rainbows.
@schrodinger’s cat:
So hard to keep up. This would be a great country except for most of its citizens.
Are married women who want their insurance to provide a subsidy for birth control pills sluts too?
Gasp! THUNK.
[Citizen_X did not make it to the fainting couch.]
Held between the knees?
That’s kinda their point.
This is about the ACA.
@Poopyman: Both, really. As a solidly Democratic voter, do you think I paid for my own granite countertops? How could I do that with my unwillingness to get a job or do anything for myself? All my time in the afternoons (after I arise at noon and fail to take a shower, much less shave my legs) is spent looking for my next handout. Well, during the commercials.
Linda Featheringill
@WereBear (itouch):
The active ingredient of the blue pill is used to fight pulmonary hypertension associated with chronic heart failure. Increased circulation is increased circulation. The gender of the patient in this instance isn’t important.
How could I forget and spell B 0 3 hN * r pllzzz in my comment. Repost for moderation problems.
” How is paying for boner pills not paying for sex also? There’s no other reason to take it. ”
V * a G r * is also used (under another name) for pulmonary hypertension. And good for motion sickness, or is it altitude sickness. And there are other off label uses, that I can’t remember now. And heard a news report about other uses.
Don’t let that info get out, otherwise the old Senate geezers will target V**g*a too, since part of their stupid and dangerous plan is to damage health care reform.
It was not developed for hypertension.
So, this is all going nicely for them. They wanted to hit fiour birds with one stone: rile up the base with anti sex hysteria, go after moderates with ‘big government’ scare, damage health care reform, and increase power of employers.
Now they got Rush calling a college student who gave very serious and credible testimony about the harms of the ‘your boss runs your health care’ bill a slut. And very good and sympathetic appearances of said college student all over. national TV.
And the GOP vows to press on. Good news for the general election, though would be obviously be better if they were sane and ethical and not have gone this way at all, but I might was will say it would be better if we lived in big rock candy mountain in the garden of gumdrops and rainbows.
@flukebucket: Well, they indirectly do, since there’s no aphrodisiac like knowing you’re not going to be pregnant if you don’t want to be.
Washington Post: Georgetown president defends Sandra Fluke, blasts Rush Limbaugh
Note that she’s called an “activist” on Today show graphic. What’s wrong with law student?
David Frum might have tried to do that a time or two, but he was immediately drowned out by a chorus of angry, spittle-flecked teatards and bloggers for daring to question right-wing dogma.
I hope they never stop digging. Shoosh.
Comrade Dread
Because no conservative has ever gone out of their way to challenge an institution’s policy.
Nope. Never.
Tonal Crow
Please remember, Limbaugh didn’t confine himself to “slut”. He went all the way to “prostitute”. I think it’s more effective to point out the latter.
Also too, ROTFLMFAO at how wingnuts dig their political grave faster as they see their prospects failing.
Meep-meep! Meep-meep! MEEP-MEEP!
@jl: Actually, I believe it *was* originally intended for hypertension… but then the drug company, or doctors, conducting a study on it noticed the curious side effect it had.
And thus Viagra was born.
More, Rush, MOAR. Don’t stop at shooting yourself in the foot. Cut off the whole damn leg.
@dmsilev: They can’t stop because any kind of introspection is dangerous. So they keep going until either a new shiny object comes along, or there’s a way to play the victim card and give a wink-wink, fingers-crossed didn’t-mean-it apology.
Hilariously, there’s a serious argument among redstate commenters about whether Limbaugh’s use of the term “slut” helps or hurts the conservative cause. “Helps” seems to be winning.
I just think as has been said upstring, they have moved this from a (false) so called religious freedom issue to calling a student from a Catholic University a slut for speaking about using birth control pills for a non contraceptive purpose…
Oh Pleez, no one stop them! As dmsilev stated upstring, they have hit rock bottom and are going for the heavy mining equipment… Woo hoo! As was said in The Art of War, never interfere when your enemy is destroying himself…
So, has anyone asked Mitt Romney about what he thinks of Rush’s comments? Better, several people should ask Mitt Romney about Rush so we can build up a probability distribution of likely answers.
Eventhough any rational person (which wouldn’t include the pathetic media) knows that this has zilch to do with religious freedom. The same people that claim to be upset about their lost religious freedom are the very same people who wanted to stop the so called Mosque from being built in Manhattan. Religious freedom – what a joke! Go cry your crocodile tears somewhere else.
I’m sorry, that phrase doesn’t compute in English.
Well it was only a matter of time before Malkin spoke up. What kind of countertops does Ms. Fluke have, I wonder?
It was
notdeveloped for hypertension.Mark S.
Is Georgetown Law’s student health care paid for by the Federal government? Are our taxes going to go up if Georgetown starts offering the pill to their students? Jesus, this talking point makes even less sense than the religious freedom one, and I didn’t think that was possible.
And yes, health care for babies is paying people for sex, if we’re going to use this stupid logic.
@Elizabelle : I laughed!
Here is a list of advertisers on Rush’s show:
Quicken Loans
Century 21 Real Estate LLC
Sleep Number Bed Select Comfort Corporation (withdrew ads)
Oreck Upright Vacuum Cleaners
Mid-West Life Insurance Company of Tennessee
AutoZone Inc.
Citrix Online
American Forces Network
Mission Pharmacal Company
Life Quotes, Inc
I don’t use any of those advertiser’s products anyway. This list is short because the Kochs subsidize his show. It otherwise loses money.
This is why Andrew Breitbart had to be snuffed. He was about to blow the lid on the Slut Patrol. Or some other conspiratorial BS.
ETA: Any slams to the memory of the late Mr Breitbart are entirely intentional.
@wrb: Well, I was aiming for satire. But even PRIVATE insurance has insurance pools. That’s what fucking insurance is.
As far as I know no, but I think the whole reason Obama made the call was to push the story to the front of the news so that the press feels compelled to ask him. Almost no matter what he says it is going to end up to be a win for Obama.
Tonal Crow
Rush, you’re such a lib’ral RINO! Why won’t you tell us the TRUTH about “feminists”, eh? What? Nancy Pelosi got yer tongue?
@r€nato: You are correct. I made a typo. The active ingredient in V & * 6 Wa is very good at relaxing blood vessels and increasing circulation, so a lot of research is being done on medical uses unrelated to straightening out old Johnson Rods.
Excuse me Mr. Romney, just few more questions please. No, we aren’t trying to badger you, or destroy your campaign. This is for science. We think we are close to discovering the Higgs boson of Bullshit, and just need a little bit more experimental data.
Oh, and if you don’t mind, could you please ask Mrs. Romney to put down that fire extinguisher. Thank you.
A couple of advertisers pulled out from advertising on his show since this happened. But his total list of advertisers is quite short. The Koch brothers are his biggest supporter. His show actually loses money, but the dividends for the Kochs are huge, I guess.
Speaking of defendering, Sarah(tm) is firing the first salvo in the “Game Change” war with HBO. This be sounding like the Sarah we all know and mock.
[Mmm, Julianne Moore.]
Heh, “Democrat Party,” that really drives the libs crazy. Heh.
Apologies for a Politico link.
BTW, for once I completely agree with Cole’s bright ideas. I think the idea of someone (the government of course, silly) paying liberals to have sex is brilliant.
” How would that work? What would the pay structure look like? Would masturbation count? What if I get a mild erection watching a back episode of Charmed- would that count, and if so, how much should I get paid? ”
All these questions deserve careful study, and I hope Cole keeps us updated, at least until Tunch eats him for dinner.
It shouldn’t matter if v1agra has other uses as a medical treatment. So does the pill.
Whoa. Kathleen Parker went there.
@Elizabelle: wow. I totally saw what she did there.
Rusty took the gloves off first. He better not complain now if the truth about his college days comes out.
DougJarvus Green-Ellis
Let me know when Kevin Drum links to McMegan’s thoughtful defense of Rush.
I think Rush and company have been doing a fine job in galvanizing the younger voters by highlighting an issue in which they are personally invested. Although I don’t think that was the intent.
@Jay C:
I know they are a bunch of empty suits, but they are still talking, so they are still there.
They are out of control and I don’t see how the party survives. Of course, it can’t be soon enough that the Repubs go down in flames. (In keeping with my theme of the day.)
It’s apocryphal that Yamamoto said after the Pearl Harbor attack, “I fear we have wakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve” – but it’s a great quote anyway.
American women have been that sleeping giant for twenty years now – I keep hearing from young women who can’t BELIEVE what the right is talking about and trying to do these days. They thought that was settled before they were born; they thought there was no going back. I think this will be the wakeup call that will drive them away from the GOP and conservatism for a long time.
I remember the Anita Hill hearings. What I remember most about them is how they turned my 70-something mother from a Republican (and she’d been a Republican all her life) into a Democrat, and a committed, active and money-contributing Democrat, for the rest of her life. She was visiting me during those hearings and I’m come home from work and she’d have been watching the hearings all day and be mad enough to spit! “Did you HEAR what they said today? Did you HEAR what THOSE MEN said?!”
She saw an intelligent, highly educated, accomplished and gracious woman being treated like a crazy, lying slut, and it radicalized her. And she stayed radicalized.
Anita Hill, meet Sandra Fluke.
DougJarvus Green-Ellis
A lot of people don’t like Parker, but she’s awesome sometimes.
Linda Featheringill
Redstate won’t let me on the site. I keep getting this:
601 Database redigestation error.
What the hey?
@trollhattan: it doesn’t drive this liberal crazy.
it merely marks the speaker as a right-wing brainwashed douchebag propagandist whose every word should be considered suspect and lacking in credibility.
While I have no doubt Rush Limbaugh is an expert on sluts and prostitutes, he got it wrong on Sandra Fluke. She would never have sex with him, for free or if he paid her.
@Ben Franklin: As I said in a previous post, hit the local Rush affiliate’s local advertisers. Send the advertiser a letter with a copy to the station and the FCC. Rush and Premire don’t give a shit, the local stations do. Raise hell with the stations on a local level, they have to, by law, keep your letter in the Public File. And the Public File is about the only thing the FCC inspects anymore.
Take away the local advertising money!
@DougJarvus Green-Ellis:
“Reasonable people can disagree…”
Since this comment is in moderation I will say it without names. It shouldn’t matter that the man pill is used for other medical reasons. So is the pill.
@Elizabelle: Ouch. I’m no fan of Parker, but that was a knife thrust in the gut and very skillfully twisted.
@Elizabelle: Maybe David Gregory can have a bunch of males on Sunday to discuss it.
I lol’d.
@Jager: But that would mean having to listen to his show. Sorry, but no way.
Why would you say that? Maybe he’s just assumed his wives would take care of it, because that’s their problem.
That said, yeah, he probably knows and is just using this lie to whip up hatred against feminists, women, and liberals.
Yup. It’s all they have left some days, this puerile bunch.
” It shouldn’t matter if v1agra has other uses as a medical treatment. So does the pill. ”
That is true. But I think still important to bring up that similarity between b o n 3 r pllzz and birth control pills, because this is teaching moment for our friends and family susceptible to the GOP BS, namely:
they are dishonest
they are ignorant
they are dangerous (to our health)
they are cruel
they are ruthless
they will come after anyone in the same way, who gets in their way.
Edit: and, they are inconsistent and incoherent, and they are hypocrites, and they want to take away our (especially women’s) civil rights. And much more but will not mention due to limitations of time and space.
I assume if you’re a student at Georgetown, the health insurance plan is something you get as part of your tuition, yes? So how on earth did anyone get the idea that someone is paying for it other than the tuition-paying student?
@cathyx: NO! Only slutty slut sluts use the Pill! And as a true, red-blooded conservative, it makes me angry that hot young women who would never so much as look me in the eye when I was young are having hot, hot sex (maybe even with each other!) that they wouldn’t let me have with them!
@Elizabelle: Oh no she didn’t!
Oh Kathleen, I didn’t know you had it in you.
@Linda Featheringill:
“Redigestation error”! Tunch got there first!
@Jager: well, our local station will never cease programming hate radio shows so long as their are advertisers willing to buy air time in order to sell gold, get-rich-quick-schemes, and Gold Bond powder.
personally, I’m thrilled that right-wing radio listeners are giving their money to con men rather than the GOP. I’m thrilled they are throwing their savings down the drain buying overpriced gold coins from shyster gold dealers.
Someone should get ahold of Rush’s pre-nups. Because buried in their rolls of flab will be something like an order that the wives agree to use birth control. There’s no way that Rush was going to go into any marriage, with any woman, whether they are mere “beards” or not, without protecting himself from unwanted children. And you know children were unwanted because he’s had four wives and never had children. He either couldn’t and wouldn’t go for IVF, or he didn’t want them. in any event if ever a man reeked of suspicion and fear of women’s natural fertility its Rush. There’s a [smoking] [gun] and a wilted gun subsitute buried somewhere in his paperwork. I’m rooting for an anonymous hack of his lawyer’s office.
@r€nato: Probably in their worlds, once they got married, the wife said no more sex. Hence, no need for birth control. So to them it is only singles who do it.
@DougJarvus Green-Ellis:
Right, because she’s usually double-plus unawesome.
Right, she was this time.
…good old counter-top inspector Michelle Malkin is on the job…
Well, at least she’s not stalking a kid this time. Well, at least for the time being.
@r€nato: It’s really more fun when the speaker isn’t trying to drive libs crazy and honestly has no idea that it’s the Democratic Party…because he or she is never exposed to anything but Fox, right-wing radio and chain emails. When you explain this to them, their bewilderment is adorable.
@cathyx: in right-wing bizarro world, the only appropriate kinds of sex are:
a) missionary position sex with your wife for the purpose of procreation…but don’t enjoy it too much.
b) shame-filled gay sex on the down-low with anonymous partners in bathroom stalls.
Jezebel gets letters on the topic. And posts them.
Yeah, us dirty liberals should have to pay for our own sex, just like every conservative has to.
I personally like the theory that Rmoney can be represented as the chi quantum wave function that describes the random distribution of Rmoney political stances. Skewed heavily right of zero, of course.
The goopers just can’t help themselves with the dirty slut and scary brown people talk. It’s like an addition: I think a lot of them know it’s not good for you but just one more hit, baby.
@shortstop: yeah right, have you ever tried to explain to a rightard the difference between “Democrat” and “Democratic”? Good luck. That requires something above an 8th-grade education or mentality.
c) Self-sex involving wetsuits and dildos
Since my mortgage is through Quicken Loans, and I’m in the process of refinancing, I checked to see if they are still advertising on Limbaugh’s show. Less than an hour ago, they posted the following on their Facebook page:
It has 391 “Likes” already.
On another subject, the little blue pills can be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, the original purpose for them. They can also be used to treat altitude sickness.
J.W. Hamner
This is just so bizarre… I really can’t understand what the exact demographic this “culture war” is supposed to appeal to… I mean, Republicans have mothers/daughters/granddaughters who don’t always want to be popping out babies too, right? Why on earth would they not want it covered by health insurance? Did they all become instant Planned Parenthood fans or something?
I don’t think this is going the way they wanted . . . just me?
@r€nato: I actually had one tell me indignantly, “You wish it was called the Democratic Party, but you don’t get to change the name midstream just because you’re embarrassed about how it sounds like DemoRAT.” I mentioned that the party has had this name since 1828. He hotly denied this. I sent him off to look it up. Never saw him again.
@cathyx: Guess you’re really not interested in whacking him, are you?
@aimai: There’s another possibility altogether. Rush isn’t into having sex with women, but he likes the way he looks with a nice beard.
ETA: Or I could actually read everything you wrote. Sorry!
Sildenafil (Limpballs little blue pal) was clinically tested to improve cardiac contractility in the context of systolic heart failure (big flabby hearts) — one of the first intracellular approaches. Great idea. As the story goes, it didn’t do much to directly improve cardiac muscle function, but the guys in the study (who all likely had significant vascular disease and thus varying degrees of erectile dysfunction) — didn’t want to give their extra pills back at the end of the trial — because of the uh, vascular benefits.
A drug “star” was born.
And Limbaugh is simply beneath contempt — I think this time he may have held on to the third rail a little too long.
Does that about capture it?
I have news for Malkin.
The religious leaders who testified are activists, too.
Fluke is a law student and activist and they are religious leaders and activists, although no media organization will ever, ever state that simple truth.
I do think it’s absolutely amazing that conservatives attacked the single ordinary woman who spoke out on this.
There was one. They went after her.
Cap'n Swag
I want to start a blog called “Blue State” and change my name to “Zack Zackary.”
@Jager: Listening to his show is like jumping into icey water in the winter or eating cilantro. I just can’t do it.
So if Rush gets really, really high, he takes the little blue pill?
@trollhattan: Mmmm, 2:37 a.m. Something tells me Dr. Michael Doubek of Great Falls, Montana is going to regret drinking and emailing.
I don’t know about you — but at this point, NOTHING they say or do amazes me. It’s like a permanent state of incredulity . Followed by nausea.
Yeah, he and his judge buddy have some commiserating sessions ahead.
“Stupid email is stupid!”
@DougJarvus Green-Ellis: Parker has her moments, but I don’t think this was one of them. Her whole column was basically about how Republicans are right on the merits of this issue and Democrats are wrong and oh Rush Limbaugh really sucks for being rude and distracting attention from the fact that the Republicans and the bishops are right. I mean, yawn.
Have you noticed wingers starting to embrace Rules for Radicals whole-heartedly? I thought Alinksy was the right wing shibboleth for attacking progressives as radicals??? All the below are drawn from comments to the Erickson post John linked above:
It’s a Corey Robin bonanza up in there.
I already saw about 10 people commenting that is Obama doing election year politics
@kay: it’s almost as if the Democrats knew exactly what their opponents were going to do…
@shortstop: Since you will never, ever get a rightard to admit that their Fox News brainwashing is factually incorrect, I think we can count that as a win.
I’m repeating myself (and others), but the sheer unmitigated stupidity and ignorance of the whole argument is what blows me away. Every part of the “argument” is completely and farcically wrong about how both birth control pills and insurance work–how many voters do they think are just flat stupid enough to be swayed by this shit, even apart from the raging misogyny and bullying?
@JCT: Luckily (?) I’ve moved past nausea to numbness.
Coupla data points:
And thank dog for that. Now I have to go see to involuntarily euthanizing old Dutch people and ensuring that 100 percent of college students lose their faith.
Brave, resolute men, who we want leading our country.
If some one has the guts, those Rushbaugh’s rantings and clips of those sleazy politicians put together in a montage would make a good attack ad.
Maybe Rmoney ‘walked right by’ because the political fearpiss was about to leak through to the front of his pants.
They’re not paying very much attention, are they?
After the 2010 election, I think it is safe to say that most voters are easily swayed and gullible. Two years after our economy’s collapse and they wanted the same people who ruined the economy back in charge. Astonishing!
Or how about Romney’s money negative ads. He was losing in Florida until he started with negative ads on TV. That was all that was needed to give him a big victory in Florida. Most voters are not all that informed and are easily swayed.
Obviously the wingers are huge hypocrites on the issue of civility, but even having said that, it’s amazing how it is Rush and only Rush for whom “he was intentionally trying to be offensive” is considered a valid defense.
now this is 11th dimensional chess, but it also happens to be the right thing to do!
Obama Backs GOP Into Limbaugh-Shaped Corner
“He’s in a very different business than I am.”
That is not true. They work in different genres. Kind of like pro wrestler saying that roller derby is a different business.
Now, a relatively higher class sport like destruction derby is a different business, but not Rih and Rushbaugh.
@jl: It wasn’t my quote, jl.
Rush’s show appears on the Clear Channel Network, which owns a number of radio stations. These advertisers also support the Stephanie Miller Show, which for example appears on the Clear Channel station KTLK in the Los Angeles market (Rush appears on KFI).
pseudonymous in nc
re Malkin, it’s a mystery how someone can be filled with that much hate and not explode.
Exactly! Just like Obama’s mother, grandmother, doctors,etc.. forged his birth certificate cause they all knew that he’d be running for Prez in 2008. Amazing the prescience all these damn liberals have.
Malkin, man, oh man. What a bottomless pit of bile. At least Limbaugh has a nano-second of humor every now and then.
Bubblegum Tate
And his dumbfuck audience has gotten that message loud and clear. Here’s some good nutpicking:
PS: The person who wrote that post is an insane birther. She’s also a female who insists that women who get abortions must never be called “women,” but rather should be called “gestational creatures” because no woman would ever get an abortion for any reason.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have a significant percentage of the population that’s bugfuck nuts?
@shortstop: Sorry. How did that happen? I meant
WaPost (Ok, Chris Cilizza): Is Rush Limbaugh hurting Republicans?
ETA: and nice try here:
“The issue is a distraction for sure,” said former Bush White House political director Sara Fagen of Limbaugh’s comments. “But, I don’t think there’s any confusion about the fact that Rush Limbaugh speaks for himself, not the party as a whole.”
Wow, did any of you link over and read the comments at Michelle Malkin’s site? I’d be hard pressed to believe that conservatives can be so brain dead. I know I shouldn’t be surprised but I am.
I’m getting sick of this “we’re paying them to have sex” BULLshit.
Let’s take that to its logical extreme. When someone takes the child tax credit, oh no, WE’VE PAID THEM TO HAVE SEX!
I can’t believe Limbaugh is actually married. How can his wife live with herself?
Ahh, a vision of Babs Bush and the tasteful pearl and twinset set across the gated communities of America defending Rush Limbaugh’s campaign against state subsidized sex. The Million Matron Tuttery Against Sluttery.
@dmsilev: From ThinkProgress:
Well, well yet another brave , brave Sir Robin moment for the Mittster.
Fucking loser.
It is rather comical. To look at the broader picture; they don’t mind other people paying for their stupid war in Iraq, they don’t mind the blue states subsidizing the red states etc etc. They are so selfish. We can pay for their stuff, but they be damned if they have to pay one penny for our stuff.
These people claim they are Christian, but as Gandhi once said ““I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
I browsed the Redstate comments and noted that they also are having their tactical discussion.
As in, maximalist triumph-or-death or incrementalist winning-hearts-and-minds.
Just worth noting that emo handwringing and circular firing squads aren’t limited to liberals anyhmore.
@scav: Do that “Slut ‘n’ Tut”! It’s an old dance tune popular among many right thinking people in these great United States.
@Elizabelle: Can you spell “beards”?
minor victory
That Malkin, uh, “scoop” is mind-numbingly dumb.
NEWSFLASH: Person called to testify on reproductive rights issues is… *GASP* interested in reproductive rights! OMG NO WAI.
lol, ‘paid to have sex.’ and if insurance covers insulin it means you’re getting ‘paid to overeat’.
stop this fucking planet, i want off.
Villago Delenda Est
Amongst the 27%, I’m sure it’s helping. The problem is that the 73% are repelled by it.
They don’t seem to get that no matter how much they wish it were so, they are not the majority.
Tonal Crow
Do they also argue that his use of the term “prostitute” helps the Republican cause? If not, please suggest it to them.
Villago Delenda Est
Eric Idle should be going after him for plagiarism.
Comrade Javamanphil
I’m stuck at my parents where Fox News runs on a 24/7 feed and my mom insists she’s not pressuring you to eat but she will not be happy if she has to put food away tonight! so I have been negligent in my Balloonjuice commenting but this:
is the single greatest thing ever written in the history of the human experience. And, yes, I am including Beowulf and Hop in Pop.
El Cid
It’d be funny if right wing bloggers started losing readers because internet spam filters and porn / foul language censors started blocking their content, what with all the “slut” accusations flying around.
Are there really many who wouldn’t favor govt cash in reward for for increased sluttiness?
Maybe Dems should run with it.
“Elect us and the government will pay every woman $50 each time she has sex.”
Should be popular with women and men.
Villago Delenda Est
Ms. Fagan is wishing away the fact that Limbaugh sets the agenda of the Rethuglican Party.
He’s your albatross. Enjoy him around your neck.
Fax Paladin
@gnomedad: Dammit, where’s that “like” button… ?
@Tonal Crow:
My older asshole bigoted relatives call this “laying my cards on the table.” Usually after that they look very pleased with themselves, like a two-year-old who did a particularly large shit in the toilet and would like you to see.
My parents are both being paid to have their blood circulate since they’re cashing in on all that sweet, sweet plavix money.
I once got paid for hiking when I contracted a tick borne disease and wound up with a white count over 20k.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Dear Leader Streiff of Redstate opines on Sandra Fluke:
What’s funny is that his sig line is: “What keeps me here is the reek of beer, the ladies and the craic”
I’m sure this asshole considers himself quite the ladies man as most male conservatives believe themselves, yet I can’t help but feel that they are really abject failures with the opposite sex specifically because of their opinions on women. This makes them jealous of men who know how to treat a lady and actually get somewhere with them.
Their ‘solution’ is to make having sex riskier for those women as punishment for denying them their God-given right to access any vagina that’s handy.
Yeah, we want him to do shit for the “slam-dunk” political win instead of out of principle.
In this case, I think Obama gets a twofer so I can forgive whatever craven political calculation entered into the decision to call.
You a fan of the Chills?
Quicken’s fb page now has over 800 likes. A little democracy in action here, folks.
Villago Delenda Est
@Odie Hugh Manatee:
I would also wager that if they are lucky enough to score, they never get a return engagement, because they’re so busy worrying about busting their nut (or getting a stiffy) that they have no time at all to attend to their partner’s needs.
Tom Tomorrow addresses this very failing of these assholes this week. “It takes too long” to get the female partner to orgasm, and when she does, you don’t have an obvious physical signal for the addled by testosterone type.
Maybe Rush was just following liberals lead in their reaction to Paula Jones or Monica Lewinsky?
Villago Delenda Est
I nominate this for the incredibly stupid (and fallacious) comment of the thread.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Maybe you just don’t understand it.
TwitterVerse is bringing the heat.
@ProFlowers clearly yanked the intern and brought in the agency to give their gobbly gook replies about we “don’t endorse his views” and assuring us they’re relaying the Tweet’s message to the “show’s producers”. (Who are probably thrilled to hear of the unhappiness they caused “sluts” everywhere.)
Women are tweeting ProFlowers saying they’ll return the bouquets if the company keeps supporting Rush’s War on Women.
Can’t hurt to join the throngs. If you’re on Twitter, pick your target, let them know how you feel. (Including thanking @QuickenLoans)
Say wut? Could you express that in English? I can’t understand Logorrhea.
Vraiment? So you are saying that both Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky were testifying to Congress and as result of that very testimony they were called sluts by the Democrats. Good grief! You should your history and facts right before you try to debate someone.
You can’t see the difference between this 3rd year law student who testified before Congress vs Jones/Lewinsky who both had affairs with a married man? You people on the extreme right are so out touch on this issue that you are now grasping for straws. As evidenced by your post.
@WereBear (itouch): Believe it or not, man boom pills have another purpose
My 80 yr old (female) neighbour has Reynaud’s syndrome, which is a circulatory problem causing intense pain in extremities. I’d not seen her in a few months, and when I did see her the other day, after she’d walked up the stairs into our village library in amazing time, I asked her how she did it. She had a wicked twinkle in her eye when she said she’d been prescribed Viagra.
Hmm, maybe that’s Rush’s reason too – painful tingling in the extremities, like those last remaining brain synapses…
Nice parsing skills. Even if I were to grant you the differences as having merit, I think perhaps you just don’t know who Paula Jones is.
Oh who am I kidding? Women who cross progressives have it coming! amirite?
@WyldPirate: Obama is a politician. The first and foremost objective of every politician is to get (re)elected.
Anytime you can get a politician to do something that enhances their prospect of being (re)elected *and* it happens to be the right thing to do…it’s cause to be glad, not grumble that politicians aren’t ivory tower ethicists.
Nice parsing skills? Is that all you got?
You mean you can’t show any link to where Paula Jones testified before Congress and as a result Democrats called her a slut because of that testimony.
Your hero Rush could have chosen to criticize this student on the merit of the argument. Instead he shows he can’t. His got nothing. All he has is name calling and just creepy comments about her. Do you really think that’s a good way to argue and debate a case?
Paula Jones on the other hand is a different story. If you are going to have an affair with a married man, you kind of are asking to be criticized. I thought all of you pretend Christians on the far right believed in marriage and all that. Apparently not when it comes to having an affair with a Democratic President.
Anyway, this is pointless. In a way it is good that the hypocritical Rush did this. Your side has lost.
Good night!
Oh, bullshit, makewi.
ONE witness for the defense.
ONE. She wasn’t even permitted at the hearing.
She was polite. She was civil. She was truthful.
That so fucking terrifies you cowards that you have to set your paid hacks on her.
Why don’t you tell us the rules.
Tell us what, exactly, would be acceptable to conservatives other than total silent assent to everything you say and do?
You don’t want a debate. You want total compliance.
Screw you. She’s ALLOWED to speak.
When the only tool you have is being a dick, every problem looks like a vagina.
Calling Limbaugh a shitstain is an insult to fecal matter.
It’s infuriating to see so much misogyny on proud display. I’d like to box up the lot of them and strand them forever somewhere with no women, none at all. Then let them die out.
(And, yes, I have seen comments supposedly from women agreeing with Limbaugh in particular and with the misogyny in general. But I don’t want to ship them out to the same remote exile, because I don’t want the bastards to be able to breed at all.)
Of course she’s allowed to speak kay. And so is Rush, even if he’s cracking jokes in extremely poor taste. I just want you to know that I’m not fooled that you all are on fainting couches because a big bad man said something to a poor little woman.
The other truth is you are overjoyed that Rush made this comment, because it allows you to change the subject to how mean the GOP is. Because honestly the argument that this woman has the right to make other people pay for her sex is more than a little offensive.
And the meta pie strikes again.
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
I think they will just run around screaming and assume it makes sense. They are not far from that now. It isn’t even Spring and they are hysterically against contraception. Just because! And the contempt for women, for their thoughts, their lives, their health … anything. What is wrong with these people?
makewi brings being a sanctimonious unintelligent meme-spouting microsoul to sheer perfection. And to think I have to subsidize her bullshit temple with tax-dollars. Because that is one non-prophet gold-plated crossed-beam chunk of wood she’s got smashed in her eyeballs while tut-tuttering about others. The more you talk o! thou pure of soul, the more I wonder about God because of the company he apparently keeps.
Odie Hugh Manatee
@Villago Delenda Est:
Yup, they think that once they are satisfied then the deed is done. I’ve known and know some of those very types of men. They think they are God’s answer to women, if only women would agree with everything they say and everything they do.
If someone can’t tell when a woman is having an orgasm then either they are deaf and dumb or they haven’t found the ‘on’ switches yet. A woman is kind of like a high performance engine; you need to pre-oil her prior to firing her up, prime the manifold, set the throttle, give her some choke, spin her up and hit the ignition. Once she fires up you need to feather the choke, which smooths the idle until the engine is hot and ready to stomp on.
Then you let ‘er rip! Just remember though that you’re at the 24 Hours at LeMans, not an eighth mile dragstrip.
Now watch some conservative take my advice and end up choking some woman to death.
And the best part, malewki?
You got it WRONG.
NONE of you listened to her. You’re innacurate, and talking out your ass, because you don’t listen.
It makes me laugh that conservatives are always whining about how they’re being silenced because conservatives listen to nothing.
Mitt Romney can’t even answer a question because he’s planning his response after the first word.
He’s not stupid. He’s a poor listener.
Mike Lamb
@makewi: Other than idiots like you, who has made the argument that anyone is being asked to subsidize sex? No one here has made that argument. And even if that’s accurate, why can’t I (as others have mentioned before) say the same thing for child tax credits? Oh, and what happened to religious freedom? Where were you when states mandated contraception coverage?
Which part did I get wrong kay? Was it the part where she chose Georgetown having researched the fact they didn’t provide contraception coverage? That she made the choice to attend that university knowing their policy?
Mike Lamb
@makewi: And that matters how exactly?
@Mike Lamb:
So deep into the “it’s about women’s health care mythology” that you can’t see that forcing others to pay for your contraceptive costs is subsidizing the cost of sex.
@Mike Lamb:
That was my first thought too. So what?
Felanius Kootea
@makewi: Keep digging. Women are a larger proportion of the electorate than the GOP seems to realize. There’s enough time between now and November to alienate every single one. Including Republican women. I don’t know if you realize that Kathleen Parker’s op-ed is damning for Rush, even though it conveniently glosses over the fact that Fluke’s point is that in addition to birth control, the pill is used for polycsytic ovary syndrome, and other conditions (uterine fibroids, etc.). Keep digging I beg of you, and Obama won’t even need to campaign.
@Felanius Kootea:
Not only alienate more and more women, but the men who love them.
YOU are offended? Goodness, the gall of you people on the far right.
Do you think I was offended when my taxpayer money was spent on the most idiotic war in my lifetime, Iraq? Almost a trillion dollars!
And you are offended by a small amount of dollars on women’s health!
Yes, women’s health. If you had bothered to listen to the woman’s testimony you would have known this. Instead, you were listening to somebody who couldn’t care less about facts.
@Felanius Kootea:
Sure, the argument is about the outliers. It’s not about forcing those fucking Catholics to bend to the well of the progressive hive mind. Pull the other one.
It isn’t even about taxpayer money. Idiot.
Try to keep up for fucks sake.
Then why the hell do you care? It is not your fricking money.
By the way, “idiot”? What is it with you on the far right and name calling? You call women sluts and me idiot. I said it before and say it again; when you have no arguments you resort to name calling. Just like you and Rush did.
We are done.
Rush isn’t running for election anymore than the rapey OWS crew is. So there you go.
Mike Lamb
@makewi: Once again, how are we not already “subsidizing the cost of sex” with a child tax credit? How about we catalogue the offensive (to me) items that are currently subsidized by the federal gov’t? You can’t possibly think this is even close to a winning argument.
Mike Lamb
So which is it dopey? Subsidizing the cost of sex (which makes it about tax payer money) or the BS religious argument that you made when states mandated contraception coverage? Wait…you didn’t make that argument? How can that be?
@Mike Lamb:
Once again, the Catholic church is not the federal government. You cannot simply substitute one for the other. If the Federal government wants to pay for contraception for everyone with taxpayer funds that will be a different argument.
You are right about the idiot comment. It was uncalled for and I apologize.
Mike Lamb
@makewi: Huh? The Church isn’t paying for anything. The employees are.
@Mike Lamb:
I say this with all the love I can muster, you simply have no idea what you are talking about. Do a little research and get back to me once you have a better grasp of the facts.
Wow. It took 6 comments for makewi to go from outrage that ” forcing others to pay for your contraceptive costs is subsidizing the cost of sex” to “It isn’t even about taxpayer money. Idiot.” The pivot’s so sharp I might have to take a little blue pill for motion sickness. And isn’t it fun when they say “go do your research?” No, sorry, I’m not going to go read your talking points on the conservative web sites. You’re going to have to articulate them yourself.
Ben Cisco
A Steel Pulse reference, perhaps?–9G-9RQ
How can we live in a sane land
Don’t want to live in a sane land
American Jihad
True theocracy
OUR God, OUR Aim, OUR Destiny!
Have a nice weekend. Sluts.
Accepted. Things can get said in the heat of argument. You are a bigger man than Rush.
Take care.
…see, here’s the difference. When a random anonymous blogger calls people s/he doesn’t know sluts, we all point and laugh at him. When a modern-day Father Coughlin does it… well, that needs to be challenged and brought to heel. And then we point and laugh at him, too.
Felanius Kootea
@makewi: Care to guess how many Republican women use the pill to prevent pregnancy? I think you’ll find out come voting time in November. Don’t fail to explain why it is *imperative* that a woman’s employer gets to decide whether or not she can have access to birth control. Every woman likes to think her employer is the best person to make these kinds of decisions.
I used to be annoyed with you for trolling, but you’re doing God’s work on earth with this issue. Keep it up!
Mike in NC
Hey, Breitbart would already be there, except he’s FUCKIN’ DEAD.
So know we know
“[Limbaugh] works for an entity called Premiere Radio Networks. That entity is owned by Clear Channel Media & Entertainment. By the way, Premiere also owns the Glenn Beck Radio Program. But what’s most interesting about this are the owners of Clear Channel; Thomas H. Lee Partners LP and…Bain Capital Partners, LLC.”
more at
Common Sense Progressive Politics
Wile E. Quixote
@pseudonymous in nc: @makewi:
Dude, you’re slipping in your old age, you forgot to mention Mary Jo Kopechne.
@shortstop: what an utter moron.
The genesis of the whole, “Democrat not Democratic” meme was the idea that “Democratic” sounds good and wholesome and American, while “Democrat” sounds partisan.
I am fairly certain that the toupee’d tub o’ lard named Frank Luntz came up with that one.
It was likely the dark underbelly of the right-wing blogosphere that came up with, “DemoRAT”, as only those who possess the secret decoder ring really give a shit about talking that way.
@Mike in NC: and the crowd rejoiced.
John we all know how the rwnj’s would react to such abominations. How about focusing on how to retaliate against these thugs instead of wasting time and energy over what they say and do ?