Yesterday, Ed Morrissey blatantly lied about Sandra Fluke, claiming the following: “However, let’s keep in mind that it was Fluke who made her sexual activity a matter of national political debate…”
This is a lie, and there is no other way to put it. Nowhere in her testimony did she mention her sex life or her sexual activities. She just didn’t. Read the transcript for yourself, and then tell me whether she is gay or straight, celibate, a virgin, in a current relationship, or even the most basic details of her sexual life and activities. You can’t, because she didn’t discuss that at all. Ed Morrissey is simply lying.
So I called him on it. I generously offered to write a check to the RNC for $1000.00 if Ed would show me where in the testimony Miss Fluke discussed her sexual activites. This is his failure of a response:
Speaking of obtuse, one lib blogger and his followers have been polluting my twitter timeline with a stupid “bet” challenge (shades of Mitt Romney!) saying that Fluke didn’t discuss her sex life with Congress. Here’s the testimony Fluke gave, in which she offered story after story about how her friends couldn’t afford contraception despite having decided to go to a law school run by Jesuits that costs tens of thousands of dollars each year, and which concluded with this passage in demanding that government force insurers, employers and her Catholic law school provide contraception for free:
“In the media lately, some conservative Catholic organizations have been asking what did we expect when we enroll in a Catholic school?
“We can only answer that we expected women to be treated equally, to not have our school create untenable burdens that impede our academic success.
“We expected that our schools would live up to the Jesuit creed of ‘cura personalis‘ – to care for the whole person – by meeting all of our medical needs.
“We expected that when we told our universities of the problem this policy created for us as students, they would help us.
“We expected that when 94% of students oppose the policy the university would respect our choices regarding insurance students pay for – completely unsubsidized by the university.=
“We did not expect that women would be told in the national media that we should have gone to school elsewhere.
“And even if that meant going to a less prestigious university, we refuse to pick between a quality education and our health. And we resent that in the 21st century, anyone think it’s acceptable to ask us to make this choice simply because we are women.[“]In case they missed this in English class, we is a self-inclusive pronoun. Otherwise, the correct pronoun would have been they. And in the real world, contraception involves sexual activity. No one was talking about the sex life of Georgetown law school students until Fluke made it an issue and claimed to represent the group, including herself.
This is what liars look like when they are confronted with the truth. First the condescending bluster- I’m just “one lib blogger.” I’m beneath him. Why, he is Ed Morrissey of the Hot Air network. Ed Morrissey has known me by name for ten years. We used to link to each other frequently, and I was a commenter on his blog. But caught in a lie, he needs to bluster his way through it. Second, this was not a bet like Mitt Romney. I don’t want his money. I’m offering to donate to a cause of his liking if he will just back up his rhetoric. I feel pretty safe with my money, btw, because Ed cannot back up his lie.
The rest of it is just incomprehensible gibberish, followed with some more condescension, and then the magical decision that any discussion of contraception involves a discussion of your sex life and therefore we can conclude someone is a slut and it is their fault because they mentioned birth control. Got it? By Ed’s logic, any anti-abortion activist who testifies in front of congress has opened up a public debate on their sex life, because abortion involves sex at some point. He can’t possibly be this stupid.
He’s still lying. Why? I don’t know. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
*** Update ***
From the comments:
So the bishops, priests, and other men who testified about birth control are sluts? And their sex life is fair game for discussion?
Guess so, if we apply the Special Ed illogic.
Are you beginning to understand why Republicans dumped Perry in part because he thought it was a good idea to vaccinate young women?
And never mind that these medications are used for more than one complaint, and don’t have a damned thing to do with birth control or fking or wev. Idiots.
Abo gato
Because these douchbags cannot admit they are wrong. It messes with their world view, dontcha know?
Billy Beane
Yawn, Not Republican Cole informs us yet again that water is wet and some Faux windbag is a lying piece of shit. Heck of a job Sherlock Cole.
grandpa john
Why is he still lying,I would suspect because it is in the makeup of his character, that is ,his lack of integrity or honor or principles so he just can’t help himself from lying.
Cluttered Mind
Are you quite certain of that?
Uh, has it occurred to you that he, like (probably) all rightwing blowhards, is constitutionally incapable of admitting he was wrong? How many (still) rightwingers can you name that have?
Ah, but…
admitting you’re wrong -> admitting you’re weak
admitting you’re weak -> admitting your masculinity may be in doubt
admitting your masculinity may be in doubt -> questions about your sex life
questions about your sex life -> you may have a sex life
you may have a sex life -> you may have used contraception
you may have used contraception -> you’re a slut
Simple, actually.
Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!
You know, if Ed quoted that segment of Sandra Fluke’s testimony thinking he was somehow proving a point—!!!— it is actually pretty funny…
His blather about “self-inclusive pronouns” reminds me of the big pushback to cover up George Bush’s SOTU WMD lies by calling them “sixteen words”.
Poor dear can’t kick his larditudeinous god who failed him in the crunch so he’s kicking the wall and random kittens.
Rafer Janders
He can’t possibly be this stupid.
That’s a filthy lie!
R. Porrofatto
When are they not lying?
Betty Cracker
Thank you for calling out Special Ed as the liar he is once again. David Axelrod called out Limbaugh for continuing to lie in his “apology” this morning on ABC. This is what we have to do to the liars who want to make public policy based on their own paranoia and perversity: confront them and don’t back down.
Cole doesn’t understand. Sandra Fluke was a woman in public. That is sufficient reason to make her sexual activity a matter for discussion.
I’d even go one step farther than Poopyman. It’s not about admitting you’re wrong. Morrisey will never acknowledge that he is wrong, because he doesn’t believe he is wrong. He’s somehow managed to convince himself that black is white, up is down, and ovarian cysts are the same thing as gangbangs. And that will never change.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for that apology, John.
How old is this guy? Can you be too old to understand that birth control pills are used for other things beside avoiding pregnancy?
Having watched TV commercials for DirectTV of late, one could logically conclude that Mr. Morrissey has a side job writing their (Direct TV) commercials
Short Bus Bully
It makes me happy to come to this blog and see JC calling motherfuckers to the carpet in this fashion. I know my personal happiness is not a critical issue around here, but good one you John, keep the pressure on that “lying sack of shit”!
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
They can’t apologize when they’re not wrong, and that includes Morrisey (the fuck). They know they’re right. Opinions differ. Never mind that one opinion (oddly, not theirs) conforms to demonstrable empirical evidence. They *know* they’re right. Period; the end.
Also, being liars and that stupid are not mutually exclusive.
If ’employers are free to decide,’ then its not a private affair, dickhead.
And in the real world, men don’t have to deal with ovarian cysts, or endometriosis so severe it causes anemia, or narrowminded interpretations of contraception.
Gaia, what a dickhead. I’m betting he’s single.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): And shut up, that’s why.
Villago Delenda Est
Ed Morrissey is an honorless cur.
I said that yesterday, and I’m saying it again.
Too perfect!
By Ed’s logic, he just made his sex life a part of the national conversation by writing that response. How many rentboys has he ever hired??
Ben Cisco (mobile)
Of course he’s going to keep lying, obfuscating, distorting, etc. It’s all he, and they, have.
Keep riding them, Cole. Ride them like the coin operated toys they are. You’ve proven that this one is full of crap, and the more he jabbers the worse he’ll look. Ride his silly ass right into the ground.
I like how the part he quotes undermines his own argument that she’s asking other people to pay for her birth control.
“…regarding insurance students pay for – completely unsubsidized by the university…”
Claiming that taxpayers are paying for her sex life is like saying that taxpayers are paying to allow people to eat cheeseburgers because insurance pays for cholesterol meds.
@cathyx: Well, The Pill clearly isn’t needed for housework or laundry, and those activities plus sex are all woman are good for in their minds (judging from the evidence).
Even in the testimony Special Ed highlights not once does the word sex come up. Or sexuality. Ms Fluke wisely reiterates that it is a health issue, yet this flies over Special Ed’s head. That’s not ignorance. That’s willful denial of the facts.
Jay C
Sandra Fluke:
So unless Ms. Fluke is just pulling that 94% figure out of her ass (doubtful, in front of Congresspeople?), one can assume that the “we” Capt. Ed is so exercised about comprises not only herself, but an overwhelming majority of [Georgetown students?][Georgetown female students?] – and she was not speaking solely on her personal behalf. But that somehow that justifies vicious, public attacks on her, personally? Or is he trying to say that Sandra’s inclusive-pronoun-usage means that ALL [Georgetown students?][Georgetown female students?] are “sluts”?
Either way, this is lame suckitude of the first order: even for a rightie blogger.
Ed’s confused because for right wingers, birth control is only about one thing: TEH SEKHS!!!1! So when she mentioned access to birth control through her student health plan, she might has well have just showed a bunch of slides of her hoo-ha to everybody. That’s pretty much what Limbaugh was saying as well.
So chalk this one up as a gaffe, as in accidentally saying what you really think. This is, and has never been, about health care policy, insurance, or religious freedom. It has been from the get go about one thing and one thing only: controlling female sexuality. Full stop. They simply cannot abide the idea of women doing what they want with their own bodies. It absolutely drives them to distraction.
@scav: Don’t say that too loudly, it’s the excuse I’ve been using to get someone else doing those things.
Jay C
Even simpler:
Admitting you’re wrong -> You’re a slut.
Rightwing logic! Simple concepts for simple minds!
Off topic, but peripheral to the subject, another company, Pro Flowers, has just dropped their sponsorship of the Rush Limbaugh show.
I am not sure I understand, John.
How you can still not understand, after reading Ed’s response, that clearly, no matter how you parse Ms. Fluke’s testimony, it clearly indicates that Obama killed Andrew Breitbart!
Just how dense can you libtard bloggers be??
I mean, really!
Wha? Doesn’t his quoted passage prove only that Sandra Fluke knows that at least one eoman, besides herself, goes to Georgetown law school?
@Soonergrunt: Hmm, too late. For me their slogan will now forever be: Pro Flowers, for that special slut in your life.
Um, “woman,” not “eoman.”
I still think the funniest thing about this whole kerfuffle is the fact that a thrice (or is it four times?) married Rush Limbaugh has no clue how birth control works (or does but assumes his audience does not). More sex = more pills. Perhaps in his boner pill swallowing world it does but in the real world not so much. Of course it could also be that Mrs. Limbaugh uses the “oh I would love to honey but I am out of pills again” excuse on him on a regular basis.
@Soonergrunt: Hot damn!!! A number if people have been hammering them on twitter for waffling
Nice analogy! (Golf clap)
@Litlebritdifrnt: What he is counting on is that the fucking morons that listen to him have no clue.
Don’t these wingnut morons understand that even though Limbaugh gave a half-assed apology, he still gave it?
They are now doubling down on something that Limbaugh admitted half-heartedly was wrong yet they still keep running for the cliff.
I do think this may be peak wingnut and the King Humpty Dumpty has fallen and he can’t get up.
Watch Limbaugh now because his pic-nic is over. We know he’s a pretty weak willed and thin skinned guy who needs his ego stroked at all times by fawning ditto-heads. It is just a matter of time before this multi-millionaire finally says: I don’t need to take this shit anymore, I’m going home.
Mark my words, this is the beginning of the end for him.
Enjoy watching him unravel.
samara morgan
im enjoying the heck out of this.
betcha AllahP is mad embarassed over his co-blogger.
could you get the goddess ABL to make a chirpstory out of your twitter war?
pretty please?
@cathyx: ooops, sorry, unsaid, my bad.
Good the more the merrier.
Well, admitting he’s wrong about Fluke would make it that much harder to deny the GOP position on contraception coverage is completely fucking bankrupt. It’s one of the many downsides of advocating for something in bad faith: since you know that your argument is wrong to begin with, any admission of fault could make the whole thing unravel.
forked tongue
Hooray! Undoubtedly, it was my eloquent call to them that compelled them to this decision.
The real question is whether ED has stopped having sex with goats.
Cap'n Swag
I’d make jokes, but the territory we’ve reached with regards to this debate is frightening. Republicans are letting their demented id run all over the place and frankly, fundamentally, it makes me want to throw up.
So the bishops, priests, and other men who testified about birth control are sluts? And their sex life is fair game for discussion?
Fine with me. And although (as you point out) we don’t know anything about Fluke’s sex life, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t involve serial pedophilia and hush money.
samara morgan
@cathyx: hes old, white and has conservative multichin and MPB.
@lamh35: My own tweets at them was to ask them to please change their special discount code for Limbaugh fans to “for my slut” because that was just as classy as they were going to get.
@Cap’n Swag: Just avoid presidents, it’ll only make things worse.
Seeing as most of them are old white folk they probably forgot about birth control a long time ago.
admitting you’re wrong -> admitting you’re weak
admitting you’re weak -> admitting your masculinity may be in doubt
admitting your masculinity may be in doubt -> questions about your sex life
questions about your sex life -> you may have a sex life
you may have a sex life -> you may have used contraception
you may have used contraception -> you’re a slut
Yep, well played. This is a fun game. What other ways can we play “12 degrees to slut-dom”?
@Litlebritdifrnt: easy with that!
OT, because the “O” can be either “On” or “Off”, and this one is On:
Read the whole thing. Morrissey and the rest of the Republican Boy’s Choir want the status quo, and opposition must be destroyed.
This is an example of the way people of a certain mindset argue – nothing is relevant unless they say it is relevant and anything they declare as relevant is relevant in just the way that they say it is.
In other words they lie.
Jay C
Beg to differ, Ms.brit; I’m sure Rush Limbaugh knows exactly how birth-control meds work – never mind that the latest Mrs. L. does, too, I’m certain – his “point”, as ever with these talk-radio blowhards, is to simply try to stir up his audience to frothing outrage over whatever ginned-up “issue” he feels like rabble-rousing the dittoheads with that day. Sadly, most of the time it works; this time, he went a little too far. I would really like to agree with GregB: but I think it’s a bit too soon to celebrate El Rushbo’s departure from the airwaves. Even sadder.
forked tongue
Oops, the statement on Pro Flowers’ Facebook page merely says they are “suspending” advertisements on the Anal Cyst’s show. Insist they terminate!
Ben Cisco (mobile)
Reply GregB@ 40: Dangit, you’re getting my hopes up. Man, if you’re right..
@Litlebritdifrnt: Nope! Post-menopausal hormone control.
Rightwingers can never be wrong, only wronged.
Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!
Of course he’s going to keep lying, obfuscating, distorting, etc. It’s all he, and they, have.
Yup, and speaking of lying: calling someone a “prostitute” when they are not actually a prostitute is lying, too.
I’m sure Special Ed would be thrilled to have his wife, daughter or mother be called a “prostitute” on national media.
John, I hope you will press him on that point, too.
I hope Sandra Fluke’s law studies are giving her a good background in “libel” and “slander”… I’ve got a really good idea for her first case, as soon as she graduates!
@Ben Cisco (mobile): May the Prophets guide us to this blessed result Emissary.
I love the all-purpose picture TBogg used to post of Morrissey. We need Mr. Bogg now.
J.W. Hamner
I know people bring this up all the time, but when are conservatives going to address the fact that we’ve all been “paying for birth control” for over a decade? And if your conscience really forbids you from allowing your tax dollars to be used for this purpose: what are you proposing? A ban on birth control coverage in all health insurance plans everywhere?
Mark S.
That’s some Gateway Pundit-grade stupid.
samara morgan
run by jesuits?
paging georgetown law school.
Vixen Strangely
Sheesh, if he has to give up the strong rhetorical device of namecalling in the face of facts and reason, the other broads might get uppity ideas about exprressing their so-called opinions, too.
samara morgan
@Litlebritdifrnt: Raven isnt old…….hes seasoned.
There’s a wonderful side note to this post, however.
Cole has known Morrissey for ten years and Morrissey can’t bring himself to acknowledge him by name?
Now THAT is some serious frickin’ denial.
@Ken: I am afraid you don’t understand wingnut logic. This rule only applies to women of childbearing age. That’s why only men and menopausal women can talk about birth control.
samara morgan
@WJS: AllahP and i were great friends ………..he wont let me comment at hotair anymore since i turned liberal. NRO linked me, and now i cant comment there. Conservatism is all about suppressing dissent.
I should have mentioned that I am in the “old white folk” category :)
I dont know who Ed is. If he is a reptard/con, this is expected behavior. They are incabale of thinking.
The fact that these people are human is just incidental. They just never evolved.
like george costanza says, it isn’t lying if you believe it.
samara morgan
i was watching Fareed this morning and Reihan was on there.
i cant tell you how proud i am to have “ruined” blogging for him and driven him off of TAS and into the sanctuary of NRO, where i cant comment.
samara morgan
@Ajay: oh they evolved.
we just evolved past them.
Is this guy a real moron? I am not into all this but even I know that they also give this to women to regulate periods etc. (Apology if used wrong words).
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Soonergrunt: Really? They were holding pretty firm on the “we don’t endorse the views displayed in all the media where we advertise” line as of late yesterday. Big win!
samara morgan
wallah…..that morrissey thread has 1600 comments…..but they seem to have lost track of what they were talking about.
do you know what we usta call Ed Morrissey, on his old blog Captains Quarters?
Captain Stupid.
@Billy Beane:
What have you done for us lately, asshole?
Bubblegum Tate
It would be irresponsible not to speculate!
forked tongue
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
No, no, it’s not! They’re merely “suspending” ads, probably until Mother’s Day rolls around. Cut them no slack.
@burnspbesq: Why are you interacting with the sad sack day trader Canadian who licks Harper’s boots every chance he gets?
Subject to their exercising their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination (which would be interesting on multiple levels), why the heck not?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@samara morgan: Back off, cupcake.
@forked tongue: I figured something like that. Staying on it, in that event.
@burnspbesq: Indeed. And any invocation of 5th Amendment privileges would surely provide multidimensional fascination, as you note.
Slow day, and I’m in need of mild amusement.
Felinious Wench
I had to go on birth control pills at 13 because of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I was not having sex at 13. But I WAS dealing with cysts bursting that put me in the hospital twice..and my future fertility at risk.
I have my two sons because birth control SAVED my ability to have children.
I’m so far past done with these assholes.
samara morgan
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): haha, wanna battle for him, twilight?
@burnspbesq: Carry on then. I just like rubbing it in his face that he bitches about our politics but seems to do nothing about fixing his own country’s mishegas.
I’m a menopausal woman, and I’d be more than happy to talk about birth control – after all, I’ve been married to the same man for 32 years, have had an active sex life with him for 34 years (and counting!), and have exactly two children.
So don’t count us out… as far as the rightbloggers are concerned, I’m as big a slut as Sandra Fluke. Bigger, even, since unlike her, I’m more than happy to “own up” to having had pre-marital sex – not to mention a LOT of non-procreative sex. It’s f***ing NORMAL (pun intended).
samara morgan
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): since you’re “hip hop” an’ all.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@samara morgan: You really don’t get the reference in the nym, do you? I stole it from a comment Sarah P and T made. And Bella was a 3 year old TBX I finished and sold – she came with the name. Nothing to do with sparkling vampires or an actual claim to a musical genre.
Cap'n Swag
@Felinious Wench:
Great anecdote. These people are going to hell.
@Ajay: At one time Catholic doctors even prescribed the pill to women with irregular menstruation cycles so they could become regular and thereby be able to use the church-approved rhythm method of birth control. My first Ob/Gyn was one such good Catholic doctor.
I’ve always kind of felt sorry for Morrissey. I’ve always gotten the feeling that he’s smarter and more reasonable than he has to play on the Internet to keep his audience happy. He’s chosen, though, to follow the money and chase the hits, whatever that may entail. Like, in this case, lying. He knows damn well his response is nonsense, and that it will get 600 approving comments.
Re: MattF’s logical stream of thought:
Do I have to admit I’m wrong to become a slut? Because, FSM knows, I could use the action. But I can’t think of anything I’ve been wrong about – lately. (Well, there was that thing about writing in Harold Stassen in the Michigan Rethug primary, but outside of that …)
Every Senator who voted for the Blunt Amendment should be forced to publicly answer whether they have non-procreative sex.
If the answer is yes, the next question should be whether they or their partner are covered by a federal employee insurance plan, and if said insurance is used to pay for contraception.
If so, they are forcing catholics to violate their conscience via tax dollars and are shameless, dirty sluts.
And what evidence has led you to this counterintuitive conclusion, pray tell? If I came to that conclusion, mine head a-splode.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
This is it. Does anybody recall that clip from last year where some Texas reporter was asking Rick Perry about abstinence as the way to lower out of wedlock pregnancies? He said that the abstinence policies didn’t work, and asked why Perry was still pushing them. Perry answered that it does work. And then the guy read off a list of statistics that showed that it didn’t work, and Perry just kept saying the same thing over and over, that it does work. It didn’t matter if it didn’t work; it works anyway.
Somebody–I think it might have been Josh Marshall–wrote about this, saying that it shows how American conservatives just don’t think or reason the way we do. Most of us here, I would guess, aren’t for what conservatives sneeringly call “big government” for its own sake. I don’t think anybody is. But liberals on the whole are willing to have a big government if it brings about the outcomes we’re looking for. I can’t speak for anybody else, but if somebody could show me–conclusively–that we could, say, drastically lessen poverty in some way that didn’t use the government, then, if that claim were persuasive enough, I would be happy to try it, even if it brought about a far smaller government.
Conservatives don’t think that way. To them, to go on with my example, a small government is the outcome they want. They believe that this is the end, not the means, and that somehow, all kinds of good things will magically happen if we shrink the government: poverty will drop, crime will drop, we’ll all become more moral and God-fearing, and on and on. So it means nothing to them that there would be more poor people if we got rid of social security and medicare, because there won’t be more poor people; there will be fewer. And you can trot out all kinds of papers and studies and who knows what all else, but that won’t help anything, since they just won’t believe it. They know what’s true, and it isn’t all that pointy-headed shit in the study you’ve shown them, it’s what’s in their hearts.
And likewise, for Perry, abstinence isn’t a means to lower rates of teenaged pregnancies; it’s the end in itself. It’ll lower pregnancy rates even if it doesn’t. And if there are more teenaged, unwed mothers under his policy than there are in other states that do something else, then it still means nothing, since there aren’t more teenaged mothers in Texas, even if there are.
And likewise with this guy. It doesn’t matter what Fluke said. She was talking about her sex life. She brought this on herself. Even if she didn’t, she still did. You could go through her testimony line by line, word by word. You could analyze each sentence, each clause, even her intonations and gestures, and any normal, sane person would see that she said nothing about her own sex life. But this turd wouldn’t care. It would mean nothing to him. She talked about her sex life at length–at length–in that hearing, even if she didn’t. They don’t care what happened; they know what she said. And you’ll never bring them around. I don’t think there’s any reaching them. They’ll go to their grave knowing they were right about everything. And if, when they get to Heaven, and they stand face to face with the God they so deeply believe in, He tells them they’ve been 180 degrees turned around on every last thing throughout their whole lives, they’ll just stand there stunned, wondering how in the hell the liberal elites could have be so fiendishly clever that they even got God in on the scam.
Betty Cracker
@Felinious Wench: Me too. I had endometriosis, and my doc said it would almost certainly result in infertility if I didn’t treat it with the pill, which was covered under my health plan. The world would be minus one excellent young softball player if not for the pill and my access to it.
@SFAW: When he was running Captain’s Quarters, his former home, he was getting into trouble with his audience for his wishy-washy (read: not angry and vindictive enough) posts. He ditched that right quick when Hot Air started up. Note, I’m not saying there’s any intelligence in the things he writes now — we both seem to be in agreement on that. Is your head really going to a-splode because I think he’s a dishonest a-hole, rather than just a genuinely stupid one?
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): This.
At this point, the only hope against these mofos is legal action. Mocking and shaming just don’t work when your head is buried hip-deep in the sand.
Ms. Fluke should sue for slander & libel. And make sure Dana Loesch is a target, along with Rush.
I haven’t read the comments so sorry if this has been mentioned but Georgetown has insurance for faculty and staff that covers birth control. Ed is full of sh…………..t
Donald G
Your memory matches mine from the period I was a regular Captain’s Quarters reader. I always thought his decision to take Michelle Malkin’s shilling and move over to Hot Air would compromise his credibility a “reasonable” conservative.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
That’s not quite it. Perry couldn’t accept the anti-abstinance stats because they were irrelevant. It wasn’t a small government argument – it was a moral argument.
I could produce scads of statistics that would show that soylent green would not only dramatically lower the cost of Medicare and Social Security but also reduce the cost of food stamps. But we’d never accept those stats because they’re irrelevant to our objection to why old people shouldn’t be turned into food.
The reporter needs to turn the question sideways: “Which is more amoral – safe premarital sex, or 16 and pregnant or 16 and with AIDS?” There’s a moral choice here that the statistics backs up, and the Republicans aren’t forced to defend their answer because nobody asks the right question. Instead, because the wrong questions keep getting asked, they can skirt the issue. To Democrats, Republicans are being evasive by avoiding the question. To Republicans, the media fails to understand the moral issue by avoiding asking about it.
Emrventures –
It’s not your conclusion what would cause the ‘splosion.
By this standard, every politician who mentions their spouse or kids or shows them in a campaign ad has made their sex life a matter of public discussion. What a goddamn genius Ed is.
@TooManyJens: Although John reads the comments, you might want to send him your comment anyway. Mention that Georgetown, that great Catholic inst. provides insurance for faculty and staff that covers birth control..
Gus diZerega
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): Very well put. I wonder whether the many decades od deliberately letting “faith” and sincerity trump reason and evidence in the religion of so many of them is a major contributing factor. Grown-up thought has to be learned and practices, and these people seem in many cases to be at the level of three year olds regarding openness to reason.
The problem is that people with such attitudes are largely incapable of handling a democratic society that includes people much different from themselves. They are essentially tribalists incapable if sustaining the society they benefit from. It is an ironic twist on Ayn Rand that her political allies are the primitives..
Gus diZerega
@Martin: Yes. Also well said. So much involves framing the debate and most liberals are hesitant to turn the moral argument against the nihilists who abuse it.
Good poll numbers in Ohio, for Obama
Republicans are dropping in voter identification, which is really interesting. The entire increase in independents is Republicans being unwilling to self-identify as Republicans.
There’s been no decrease in self-identified Democrats, in fact, they’re up a point.
Who is EM and why should I care that he is a mendacious piece of turd? There is way too much time and energy spent on minor noisemakers who have small audiences. How about screaming about the really powerful and effective liars: Sen. McConnell; Reps. Boehner, Issa and Cantor?
It’s really very simple…
It’s Morrissey. So what else is new.
there’s a reason why he’s known as “Special Ed.”
samara morgan
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): fuck me.
we are from the same tribe.
horse people.
Brian R.
Oh, yes, he can. I’ve read enough of him over the years to know this kind of mouth-breathing mongoloid tardism is right in his wheelhouse. And I’m sure you know that too.
We all know he’s a fucking idiot. It’s who he is. Why bother calling him on it? He won’t listen, but even if he would, it would only do us a disservice.
Let him continue in the brilliant Republican plan to drive everyone away from the party who isn’t, well … who isn’t just like Special Ed — a fat, old, straight, entitled white Christian male with a tiny little dick and an enormous persecution complex.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): I like your discussion, but on the specific matter of Rick Perry, he was doing one of those things that Republicans enjoy, like saying “it’s not a democracy, it’s a republic” or “it doesn’t actually say ‘the separation of church and state’ in the Constitution.” The questioner was asking about abstinence-only education; Perry was answering by referring to just not having sex. I think he thought he was being funny.
Hart Williams
If nobody, no matter how twisted (and you gotta be pretty twisted to remain a GOPper these daze) will ever fuck YOU, of COURSE you get pissy when a young woman maybe might kinda possibly imply that someone might have had sex with HER.
Ed’s balls are so blue and swollen you can almost see them without a microscope.
The answer as to why Ed Morrissey continues to lie is that just like Limbaugh, Morrissey is not a respectable man. He is much closer to an the abusive drunk type. He enjoys heaping lies, misery and suffering on women because to him the abuse is entertainment and sport.
Kathy Kattenburg
What an awesome post, John. I was one of those people Ed mentioned who “polluted” his Twitter timeline about that quote of his. He didn’t reply. I’m so glad you devoted an entire post to it, and I didn’t know you and Ed had this personal history that you knew each other so well, so that makes it even stronger coming from you, I think.
Anyway, thanks for writing this. You do it for everyone who is so outraged about the lies coming from the right about Sandra Fluke’s testimony.