Dana Loesch is brain-deficient.
Dana Loesch, who is valiantly trying (and failing) to carry Breitbart’s torch, has done some digging into Sandra Fluke’s personal life because of course she has.
Loesch, after discovering that Fluke’s boyfriend is the son of an “entrenched Democrat,” and that Fluke and her boyfriend are currently on vacation in California, concludes that Fluke’s boyfriend should be paying for Fluke’s contraception. After all, it’s unfathomable that Fluke can’t fund her own sluttiness when she has a “Democrat” boyfriend and enough money to make the harrowing journey from one coast to the other.
Yes, really. Dana Loesch is that stupid.
Why is Dana Loesch on CNN? Her idiocy is much better suited for Fox News. Why doesn’t CNN bid her adieu? For an organization that is supposed to be a news network [insert derisive snort], CNN is not doing itself any favors by continuing to allow such a mental incompetent and pathological liar to further pollute its brand (such as it is.)
From Digby:
Maybe Fluke’s boyfriend, the son of entrenched Democrat William Mutterperl, can pay for her contraception. His father donates heavily to Democrat candidates. The couple is currently enjoying spring break in California, which poses the question of how Fluke can afford a trip across the country when she can’t afford birth control pills.
I assume that CNN knows that Fluke wasn’t testifying about herself and they know that she wasn’t talking about her own sex life, her boyfriend or indeed, anything about her personal life. Rush Limbaugh and his band of misogynist media puppets all pretended like she did and spent days calling her a slut, saying that she had so much sex, “It’s amazing she can even walk” but the fact remains that she never said she could not afford birth control.
[Here is what Sandra Fluke said], in case CNN thinks its lovely “contributor” might have even the slightest bit of journalistic integrity:On a daily basis, I hear from yet another woman…who has suffered financial, emotional, and medical burdens because of this lack of contraceptive coverage….
Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy.One told us of how embarrassed and powerless she felt when she was standing at the pharmacy counter, learning for the first time that contraception wasn’t covered, and had to walk away because she couldn’t afford it. Women like her have no choice but to go without contraception. Just last week, a married female student told me she had to stop using contraception because she couldn’t afford it any longer. Women employed in low wage jobs without contraceptive coverage face the same choice.
As Digby goes on to point out, Loesch, and Limbaugh, and every single idiot at Fox News is lying. They’re lying about Fluke’s testimony, they’re lying about the manner in which birth control will be covered under President Obama’s plan, and they’re lying about the so-called incursion on religious liberties. Nothing these lying freaks have said bears any resemblance to the truth. Indeed, they are lying so hard their noses have shot out from their faces and are currently circling the globe at warp speed:
Not that it matters. Even if Fluke had testified that she personally couldn’t afford birth control, it would still not be Dana Loesch’s business whether her boyfriend’s father has money not is it a license for her to question whether Fluke could afford a trip. (That particular gambit was perfected by another lovely right winger, Michele Malkin who stalked the Frost family and determined that they had no right to health care subsidies for their two sick kids because they had granite countertops in their kitchen.)
Dana, sweetie? Stick to peeing on corpses. That’s really all you’re good for.
And CNN? What the fuck?!
No seriously — what the fuck?!
[via Hullabaloo]
- Stop Rush Wiki Project Tracker (by Shoq and dvnix)
- Fox Nation Perpetuates Lies About Sandra Fluke [updated]
- #StopRush: Oink Limbaugh Scrubs Sexist Rant Against Sandra Fluke From Website (but I have screenshots!)
- I, Too, Will Accept Rush Limbaugh’s Apology
- Rush (the band) asks Rush (the human swine) to stop using their music (by eclectablog)
- Radio Stations Begin Dropping Rush Limbaugh
- Advertisers Pulling Out of Limbaugh
- Patricia Heaton is a Coward (w/ screenshots)
- Issa’s False Equivalence on Limbaugh’s Misogyny
- Oink Limbaugh’s Rant Against Sandra Fluke
- Georgetown Law Student Sandra Fluke Responds to Oink Limbaugh
- Oink Limbaugh Demands that Sandra Fluke Post Sex Tapes Online
- The Contraception/Slut Prophecy
John Cole
WTF is an entrenched Democrat? Do we actually have a front line and I didn’t know about it?
Is Dana Loesch the disgusting person who spoke of how happy she’d be to ‘drop trou’ the better to urinate on dead Aghanis–a pornographic idea truly worthy of our warmongering wingnuts.
Because Erik Erickson has a crush on her?
Southern Beale
Once again:
Jesus fucking Christ get OVER your fucking fetish about who’s paying for this shit. Rush fucking LIED about what Fluke said and you are eating it whole and making a total ass of yourself.
Sandra Fluke will pay for her own goddamned birth control.
Goddammit all to hell can these people not READ something before they open their fat gobs and start yapping about it???
Tone In DC
@John Cole:
I was wondering about that, myself. The war metaphors these idjits come up with are too much sometimes. And as for the complete and utter mendacity coming from Loesch, Limbaugh and the rest of the peanut gallery… my outrage fatigue is beyond the nominal limit.
Dana Loesch is a non entity, but she’s an illustration of just how low CNN has fallen. This must kill Ted Turner.
I’ve never even heard of this Mutterperl dude and I’ve been an entrenched Democrat for the last 36 years.
We’re gonna need a countertop inspection on this boyfriend of hers. If he’s got granite ones, and I’m sensing he does, then he damn well can pay for her birth control pills.
Count me third in wondering what ‘entrenched Democrat’ means. And how that is relevant to what his son believes?
I guess it is like being the son of a Kulak, and therefore, logically, also a class traitor which is inherited, also too.
@John Cole: Maybe they mean he’s an establishment democrat, but they want to make it sound more sinister.
Hunter Gathers
Dana Loesch is an entrenched idiot.
Lizzy L
An entrenched Democrat is evidently something akin to a card-carrying Communist.
An entrenched Democrat is someone who digs a long hole in the earth, cares about his/her fellow human being, is curious about the world, and isn’t a racist.
I think that’s right.
Let’s just get this out of the way: what about Fluke’s countertops?
@Southern Beale: No. No they will not read, because the actual truth would get in the way of all of the fun they’re having portraying Sandra Fluke as a tramp. By doing this, they’re then able to completely dismiss all of the actual points she was trying to make.
ABL, glad you keep on banging the drum on this – it’s really just stupid, disgusting, viciousness, that shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near ‘respectable’ media. Of course, that hasn’t been the case since the Lewinsky hearings, if not before, but still, glad you are fighting the insanity.
Entrenched Democrat is our version of a severe conservative.
Am I a bad person for wishing that Fluke were a lesbian, just to hear what the right would say?
It sounds like Dana Loesh isn’t so much brain-deficient as she is ready, willing and able to repeat back a set of partisan talking points handed to her by the GOP (and Rush Limbaugh’s defenders). That’s calculated as opposed to stupid.
All this stuff about the partisan affiliation of Fluke’s boyfriend, his income, etc. started circulating this past weekend. And it shows that the GOP is in damage control mode.
Clearly, the GOP is hoping that the media will do exactly what Loesch is doing now – letting the media carry their water, and counterspin story off in new directions, and distract the public into forgetting the original outrage(Rush Limbaugh being a complete swine). Plus, the GOP is doubling down on the original lie (about Fluke wanting other people to pay for her birth control … so she is a slut and a left-wing grifter)!
Loesch knows perfectly well what she is doing. Whether that is due to a lack of integrity on her part, or whether it is based on some convenient moral blind about “reporting on the controversy” (while drumming up ratings), it is not clear. Maybe it is both.
Anyone know where there is a rundown of which of our miserable worthless corporate oligarch networks are running supposed news and analysis with which lies about Fluke’s testimony, and the issue.
People need to start contacting them and their advertisers to complain about bad or non reporting of substance (which is not that difficult, since the Fluke testimony is readily available, a person could even send a link to it with their complaints).
Name the names and list the lies, and ask the networks and the advertisers why they are allowing lies and insane and ignorant partisan spin to go out to the country under the name of ‘news’ and ‘analysis’.
That’s not Vamp Willow?
"Fair and Balanced" Dave
That’s her. See TBogg’s terrific takedown
Nancy Mitford’s Uncle Matthew kept a wartime entrenching tool on a chimneypiece that still had an enemy’s hair and brain parts on it. No word on the state of its rust.
Next thing you know, Dana’s going to be tracking down Fluke’s boyfriend and urinating on him. Only a matter of time. He should invest in some Scotch-Gard.
“Bored now.”
@John Cole:
We do, but it’s along the French/Belgium border.
Fluke could be a 90 year old spinster virgin who lives on re used tea bags, toast and celery sticks, goes to church every Sunday, who gives every penny to hungry orphans and as a hobby, rescues small children and cute pets who fall down abandoned wells, and the GOP would churn out smears until they find one that sticks.
A few points:
1) Loesch should always be referred to as “Breitbart Attack Muppet, Dana Loesch”
2) Eddie Munster would be proud of that hairline (see top photo)
3) WTF is in the drinking water in St. Louis? Between Dumbest Guy on the Internets Jim Hoft™ and Breitbart Attack Muppet Dana Loesch, St. Louis is now the gravitational center for stoopid in the United States.
Yeah, but we’re Democrats, remember. Our trenches don’t network. Especially if he has a West Coast trench and we’re entrenched back East. Who wants to trench through flyover country, after all?
Now, now let us be fair. Fluke also showed up to the hearing wearing actual clothes. So, clearly, she has piles of money to spare, whatever any of you might remember about undergrad/grad/law school being a financially precarious time of life.
Also, everybody KNOWS that when you talk about the needs of other people, you’re just talking about yourself. For instance, when I talk about the need for improved sanitary conditions in Third World countries, I’m really talking about my need for one of those fabulous shower/bath combination deals with lots of waterspouts, which just makes me a greedy, greedy bitch. See how this works?
Also, too: my fondest hope is that when Fluke is finished suing Limbaugh, she’ll go on and sue every motherfucking rightwing cobag who parroted his lies.
Might also be time to start pressuring CNN’s advertisers. If they’re going to turn the network over to the likes of Erickson and Breitbart Attack Muppet Dana Loesch, it might as well be Rush Limbaugh, since they repeat pretty much whatever he says.
Cluttered Mind
My favorite part is how she tries to loop Obama into this “indirectly” with Anita Dunn’s PR firm. Washington is such an insider’s place with everyone having direct or indirect ties to everyone else that it would be possible for her to make that claim no matter what was happening. Try the Kevin Bacon game using Ralph Reed, Grover Norquist, or Jack Abramoff instead of Kevin Bacon if you want to get an idea of how easy it would be to tie any Republican to any other Republican. It’s a silly thing to do, but that never stops the right wing media or their audiences from lapping it up.
Warren Terra
Must be a different trench.
(Or, what Poopyman said).
On the other hand, with everything the Repulsicans are doign to scare off Latinos, Women, Blacks, Gays, Jews, Atheists, the Educated, Workers, the Poor, The Sick, The Halt, The Lame, and Anyone With A Brain Generally: we’re gonna need a bigger trench.
@Poopyman: On reflection, think ‘entrenched’ was used for ‘committed’ or ‘loyal’.
But ‘entrenched’ is better since it has connotations of warfare against deadly fifth column in the heart of America, and parasites that entrench themselves deep in the Guts of the Heartland, encasing themselves in cysts which are difficult to detect.
These Democrats are tricky, but they give themselves, in their hypocrisy, away to those who can read the signs, like the fact the Fluke did not show up dressed in rags and starving.
Culture of Truth
Forget the granite countertops. You’re all ignoring the real issue here. Sandra Fluke was groomed since childhood to become interested in political issues, then women’s rights, then contraception, then become an activist, then apply to law school, turn 30, become photogenic and well-spoken, talk to her friends about the birth control, get invited to testify, jedi-mind trick Issa into not letting her testify, then speak publicly, all in an devious long-term plan to make Republicans look utterly ridiculous.
Does Dana ask her boyfriend to pay for the 2-liter bottles of soda she seems to drink like I breathe?
Cause that would only be fair.
@Jennifer: Who is the audience for CNN? Both sides hate it. It plays in waiting rooms.
No. For a variety of reasons, not the least of which is shaming an organization that deserves it, Dana Loesch should always be referred to as “CNN’s Dana Loesch.”
And yet … according to the Washington Post, President Obama’s poll numbers are sagging again. According to them, Obama is polling even with Mitt Romney (and three points ahead of Santorum).
Because of rising gas prices.
Take THAT, all you people who thought the GOP was on the ropes after the terrible several weeks that they have just gone through! Nope … not according to the Washington Post. Nope nope nope.
Culture of Truth
@Sly: in addition, CNN should be referred to as “Dana Loesch’s CNN.”
Entrenched and Trenchant, reporting for duty!
Seeing as how Loesch will clearly say anything as long her corporate clients keep paying her to, it begs the question: Exactly who is the prostitute here?
@Culture of Truth: That one has already been run up the flagpole. Fox and allies been putting out that Fluke was going to challenge Georgetown’s health insurance coverage policy when she applied (Who knows, maybe true?) and, (Edit: the following is the ??? part that I am filling in) she used her communist Muslin mind powers to foresee that the GOP would push insane, ignorant, hateful and dishonest policies and legislation at just about the same time.
So, that more than cancels out the fact that GOP policies are, in fact, insane, ignorant, hateful and dishonest, and the GOP has a grievance, but unfairly, they have no thug union shop steward to bully the corporate liberal media for them.
The GOP is the victim.
I think a lot of these reactionary hacks are on bad speed, IMHO. Otherwise, how could they come up with this junk?
@Jennifer: I just went over to CNN site to contact them, and on the left side of the page they have “editor’s choice”. One of these is about how it is un-American to silence Rush Limbaugh. He starts out saying, Yes, yes, he is a naughty boy, but now everyone wants to take Clear Channel’s license away, and that should be chilling to all of us!
It would be if anyone were actually saying that, I’ve not noticed it though.
73% of the population has better things to do with their lives than sit around doing nothing with the TV on. The 27% who have no life (or brains, but that’s another discussion) comprise most of the audience, most of the time, for cable news. Since ad rates are sold by how many eyeballs the show attracts it becomes obvious why programming geared for 27% of the population is run 98% of the time.
ETA: which is a long winded way of saying: follow the money and you’ll find the Why.
Ed Drone
@Southern Beale:
What’s that saying about not understanding something when your paycheck depends on not understanding?
Of course those people COULD read, but they get paid to talk, not think, so….
No, they can’t.
Looks like Breitbart removed the post.
Dana Loesch is brain deficient and soul deficient and heart deficient.
Bill Maher has his faults, but he defined the tactic of Limbaugh, Loesch, Hannity, etc some years ago while speaking to Ann Coulter.
You just make shit up.
Culture of Truth
I don’t know who watches CNN. Fox is at least interesting, no doubt if you’re conservative. Likewise, MSNBC has a good lineup of talkers, even morning joe is car-wreck fascintaing. Maybe during a natural disaster I’d check out CNN.
And here I thought “entrenched” was an obscure tribute to the recently deceased Peter Bergman of Firesign Theater. As in “don’t eat with you hands son, use your entrenching tool”.
Tony J
Ah, now, I looked at that shot and thought “Eddie Munster grew his hair out”, but yeah, she’s totally rocking that Doppelgangerland chic.
As to the ‘substance’ of Loesch’s BS, I’d like to say that this is just Example#515.04 in the long death march of modern ‘Conservatism’ from “trendy alternative to dominant political culture” through “conventional wisdom for the establishment” to “crazy shit my racist/sexist/teabagging grandpa says”.
The old tactics of personal destruction enabled the strategic goal of snatching ultimate power back in 1999, didn’t they? If they don’t seem to work quite so well in the new millenium, surely the answer is to double down and really cut loose with the bile?
I’d like to say that, but chances are that in a few months CNN will be reporting the “Fluke was talking about herself” meme as conventional wisdom, and Politifact will rate their coverage as “Mostly True”. Anything else would be a display of Liberal bias in an election season.
Keith G
oh howdy, RedKitten. How are you and SamKitten getting along?
First, Entrenched Democrat
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Our water is fine dammit! We just have an overabundance of moronic right wing nutjobs. One jackass wrote a book on Zen Conservatism. Loesch isn’t even the craziest right wing woman who is a radio show host with Gina Loudon in town.
Oh, and we have the Exec Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens as well as the asshole who runs Jew Watch.
I think it’s the air.
It means “A Democrat that had the audacity of winning an election more than once”. Let’s never forget that this fight is about winning an election. If we start focusing on public policy we might actually fuck up and do something right.
@Zifnab: You might notice she’s not talking about an elected official.
Fax Paladin
“Entrenched Democrat” is the name of my new band.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
What is this son of Ann Coulter time with all the conservative women talking like tough guys? This some kind of bizarre pandering to male fantasies?
Goes beyond that. BURN THE WITCH!!
AA+ Bonds
I’ve seen some entrenched Democrats, it’s usually right after they get off their fixed-gears
@Southern Beale:
Next question?
I hereby declare myself a proud Entunched Democrat.
” … the son of entrenched Democrat William Mutterperl …”
Sippenhaft! God damn it. Sippenhaft!
It’s ok, we don’t need to listen to Loesch because I just found out that her second cousin’s roomate’s best-friend’s mother’s egg donor gave $4.67 to the Republican party in 1972, clearly unmasking Loesch as just another partisan hack.
/Am I doing this right?
You seem to be operating under the impression that CNN still cares about its integrity.
Is anyone starting a campaign targeting CNN, telling them that this lying idiot shouldn’t be on their channel? (hint hint)
No, but the link above doesn’t work. If you go to Big Journalism, you’ll see the story ABL screen-capped on the front page. Yes, I got out of the boat just to make sure. Now I have to shower with bleach.
She kinda looks like she’s sexually active, I wonder if she takes the pill?
@Southern Beale:
They’re Republicans, they’ve taken the learned behavior of shooting off their yaps without finding out what the hell they are knee-jerking about, and turned it into a honed reflex.
In the 1980s, Doonesbury was describing this behavior, talking utter bullshit off the top of his head, as the “special talent” of Ronald Reagan. (Who did it all the time, though the Alzheimer’s was probably the reason.) Ronald Reagan is their hero, so it’s no wonder they’ve all trained themselves to be just as stupid.