***I know Cole covered this, but I wanted to drive it home. My best friend from law school is friends with Fluke’s boyfriend. They went to high school together. These assholes are anti-semitic and shameless.
The mini-Breitbarts are ass-deep in the Fluke Countertops Inspection Extravaganza and it’s not going so well. Nary a granite countertop has been found, but never fear! The idiot bloggers at The Graph have uncovered mind-bottling skullduggery: Ms. Fluke’s boyfriend’s countertops are Jewish.
The hell you say?!
Yes. JEWISH. And socialist. And radical. And Democrat… I mean Demonrat. But mostly Jewish.
These brave bloggers scoured Facebook for pictures of Sandra Fluke’s Jewish boyfriend and her Jewish boyfriend’s Jewish parents and slapped them up on a blog for all the world to see. DO YOU SEE? This is what radical Jewish Zionist socialist radicals who graduated from Jew University aka Brandeis look like. DO YOU SEE?
The caption that Adam added to one of the Barcelona pics, “Pretty drunk”. Is this the part where I’m supposed to pay for your condoms, Adam? You know, because traveling between L.A., D.C., and New York, and vacationing in Barcelona, Italy, etc., is pretty darned expensive. I get it. Did you piss off your uber-wealthy parents to get cut off from your trust fund? You and Sandra must need some government subsidies. Idea: mock hearing. Brilliant!
[…]Anyway, on to Adam’s “typical Democrat family”. The term BIll O’Reilly used to describe Bill Mutterperl is “Democratic stalwart”. However, as soon as I heard his name in a story about Sandra Fluke, I almost choked, due to my sudden epiphany. Why? Because anyone familiar with Boston and New York political history knows about the wealthy Mutterperl family’s long tradition of supporting the typical Jewish variant of socialism. Bill Mutterperl’s family are much more than Democratic stalwarts.
I’ll let Woody Allen give you the basic overview:
(Transcript of the video clip: “What’s your name… Allison… You’re like New York Jewish, left-wing, intellectual, Central Park West, Brandeis University, socialist summer camps and the father with the Ben Shahn drawings, really strike-oriented. Stop me before I make a complete imbecile of myself… No, that was wonderful! I love being reduced to a cultural stereotype.”)
Allen’s description probably describes Adam’s childhood, right down to the Ben Shahn drawings. I wonder if Adam has ever been to a kibbutz.
The Mutterperl family, via Adam’s great grandfather Sol’s handbag fortune, established the “Mutterperl Scholarship Endowment Fund” in 1951 for Brandeis University. This school, as some people call it, is named for Louis Brandeis, a secular Jew, Zionist, and United States Supreme Court Justice appointed by Woodrow Wilson. Brandeis was a self-proclaimed socialist. Herbert Marcuse, the famous Frankfurt School Marxist, came to Brandeis in 1954, three years after the Mutterperl fund was created. Brandeis University is one of the nation’s leading petri dishes for anti-American and neo-Marxist thought.
Stay-at-home mom, indeed. You know, typical, bi-coastal, “stalwarty” kind of stuff in the Mutterperl family. I wonder if Adam lives with mom here in Beverly Hills. From the looks of Adam’s audition video above, it’s safe to assume that mom imparted some of the “art history” stuff that she enjoyed in college, unto her son.
In summary (with bold for emphatic inflection): Sandra Fluke is a 30 year old leftist activist, attending Georgetown University, whom the Dems tried to inject, via non-sequitur, into Issa’s hearing about Obamacare’s encroachment upon religious freedoms, protected by the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment. Her boyfriend, Adam Mutterperl, is the son of one of the most well-connected leftist Jewish families on the East Coast (add the West Coast to that, apparently), with ties to neo-Marxist Brandeis University as decades old donors… and whose father, Bill Mutterperl, worked directly for Paul Volcker, one of Obama’s pals, advisors, and Keynesian “stimulus” bill architects. Yet, we’re supposed to believe that this just boils down to a poor girl needing us to “subsidize” her birth control. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!
Whew! It’s like six degrees of Oh My God What’s Wrong With You.
Needless to say, the burnt-out stars of Big Journalism couldn’t resist tweeting this post as payback for the shellacking doled out by Soledad O’Brien to Joel Pollak. Apparently, because “leftists” were reading Dana Loesch’s husband’s twitter stream (Dana Loesch’s husband of the “Can I call you nigger” CPAC rap), the mini-Breitbarts decided to scour the internet for pictures of Ms. Fluke’s boyfriend and her boyfriend’s family. (They’re Jewwy Jews, if you hadn’t figured it out by now.)
It’s fair, you see. The Loesches are public figures and CPAC mainstays. Fluke’s boyfriend’s parents are… not. They’re just people who happen to have a son who happens to date a woman who stood up for women’s health. And now they’re both savaged by savages.
I wouldn’t recommend getting out of the boat, but if you do, make sure you wear a helmet. As TBogg notes, there’s a lot of WAR talk, that is to say — I think — “White Aryan Resistance” talk. Like this:
I WIN. #war
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 15, 2012
Really, Dana? You win at what? Fail? You sure do, sister.
I may be wrong about the meaning of “WAR,” but still — these are not people you want to have cocktails with, unless you enjoy conspiracy theories concocted in addled meth-fueled minds.
Ah, anti-semitism. Ain’t it grand?
As my friend Shoq says, the GOP thanks you for showing the world what hateful anti-semitic douchebags conservatives are. When is the GOP going to take responsibility for this kind of vitriol? Oh yeah — never because Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a c#nt once.
[cross-posted at ABLC]
This is the ugliest blog post I have ever seen.
Patricia Kayden
Do Fluke’s boyfriend and parents have a viable invasion of privacy lawsuit? Righties think they can scare everyone into silence. They’re wrong and I’m glad that Ms. Fluke is standing strong.
It’s their nature.
When my son was in second grade some kid tried to exclude him from playing kickball at recess because he was Jewish. The child was forced to write a note of apology. We were disappointed that it read, “I’m sorry I called you a Jew.”
My second grader understood that that was no real apology, but we honestly think that this kid and his parents were too dumb to understand the renewed insult. Sigh
They’re now implying that an association with Paul Volcker makes you LEFT WING?
Nice push to the Overton Window, that.
This is good news. I keep seeing that picture of Issa’s Cocky Committee and noticing the schmuck with the kippa, so I’m glad that this Adam Jewstein fellow is giving back to the community. Jewish men = smart enough to fall for women like Fluke.
(Also, isn’t ‘injecting via non sequitur’ a pretty good description of the right’s panty-sniffing policies?)
@ReflectedSky: No, that’s just double-Jewy.
Seriously, it just burns me up that these a$$wholes can pretend that they are protecting religious freedom by opposing contraceptive coverage mandates and then they turn around and start yelling Jewy Jew Jew. How can people be so dumb that this blatant inconsistency doesn’t tip them off that none of this has anything to do with religious freedom. It’s a fracking War on Women!
I don’t know what you are hyperventilating about ABL Vista SP1.
Their 15 minutes are almost up and we probably won’t be hearing much about them after that.
c u n d gulag
I’m not surprised by the “6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon” that they use to try to tie this all together – after all, bacon’s not kosher, so by doing this, it’s is another way of rubbing their ‘big, honking, Jewish noses’ in it.
And to think, we won’t even see this years Peak Wingnut until late summer, early fall!
There is, of course, no such thing as True Peak Wingnut, so you have to find the peaks every few months – there are never any large valleys – just waxing and waning peaks.
I’m not sure alienating women and Jewish people is the best way to regain power in DC, Conservatives – but, this is, after all, a free county, so have fun!
Davis X. Machina
@Guster: Double-jew-Tee-Eff?
¡No me Guster!
@kerFuFFler: It is going to morph into a war on any non-Christian religions. Sad and ugly.
Julia Grey
I love how the guy lays so much emphasis — to the extent of BOLDING the font — on the “gemological expert” angle with the mother’s jewelry business.
He’s saying: Don’t forget The International Jew dominates the diamond business, too!
To think that these
peopleself-congratulatory entities walk around among us every day, pretending to be human….Comrade Dread
Wait, so they’re saying he’s Jewish?
It’s the sort of bullshit that gets posted on Stormfront.
Times like this when I see, sometimes I want to un-see.
I think my favorite part, upon reflection, is the idea that some Jews in America don’t have leftist soshoylist actually-non-hyperbolic-pinkos in the family tree. Welcome to the yidderhood, goyfriend.
I don’t think you are, but I think a lot of these folks are just repeating it without realizing its meaning. The Loesches and baby-Breitbarts of the intersphere are probably just adopting popular hashtags they see floating by without realizing where they originated.
@Davis X. Machina: Don’t bite off more than you can Jew.
david mizner
Well, this Jewish socialist doesn’t know what the Jewish variant of socialism is. Is it, like, socialism with a hook nose and tight wallet?”
Crusty Dem
Coming up next from the Breitbartians:
“I’m not anti-semetic. I LOVE Israel.”
Per Santorum the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Northern Baptists and non-Southern Methodists are not real Christians in any case. How much longer before the whore-of-Babylonians get thrown out of Christendom again?
comrade scott's agenda of rage
The bright side in all of this is it shows these assholes are more inclined to peel back the curtain and let everybody see them for what they are and have been for my entire life.
Of course this will go nowhere because the Villagers won’t report it.
“Wait, so they’re saying he’s Jewish?” nice one.
I’m really digging this new Republican strategy. Piss Off Everyone Who Isn’t Male, White, and Over-55. What could possibly go wrong?
Mandatory Chastity Belts hafta be just around the corner…
Jewish Steel
♪♪She loves Jew! Yeah, yeah, yeah!♪♪
So Bill Mutterperl owned a factory that PRESUMABLY opposed Samuel Gompers when he tried to Unionize it and we still have to say that Mutterperl is a socialist — and his grandson?
Complete word salad of villains’ names makes the grandson
liable for the past.
Gob-smacked, I am.
“the Jewwiest Jew that Ever Did Jew”
Wasn’t that what Romney said about himself in his AIPAC speech?
@david mizner: I always pictured it as Socialism with better jokes, and Saturdays off
pacem appellant
Can we have a moratorium on riight-wing conspiracy theories being posted to the front page? My brain hurts from trying to un-understand this and it’s killing my (elitist) coffee buzz.
I get that we need to see this, so we know how crazy they are, but what the fuck I am supposed to do about it?!?! I can’t watch any less than zero seconds of CNN.
I still don’t see how any of this forced Rush Limbaugh to act like a psychotic freak for three days straight. Or do socia*ist Jews from New York also have evil mind powers?
I still don’t see how any of this forced Rush Limbaugh to act like a psychotic freak for three days straight. Or do socia1ist Jews from New York also have evil mind powers?
Cheap Jim
This guy’s grandfather was a factory owner? Wouldn’t that mean he belongs the upper class?
We must grab them by their horns.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@pacem appellant: Make sure every person you know that could vote Democrat knows exactly what’s going on. We have to bury the Republicans.
given that (no so) Brightbart liked reposting old Nazi cartoons* this isn’t that surprising.
* as in published in Germany in the late 1930s actual officially Nazi.
@pacem appellant:
Get ready to march! There are pro-woman marches being planned for April 28th and September 16th.
If these scumbags actually take power watch how fast they drop the ‘Judeo-‘ from their fucking ‘Judeo-Christian’ propaganda.
I’ll bet she hugged him!
Roy Edroso used the term “Breitbrats,” and I heartily endorse this as more colorful and evocative than “mini-Breitbarts.”
You know, brats. Small, emotionally immature people who run around flinging poo, causing scenes, and trying to destroy everything they can until they get their way. And then continuing anyway because they can. Like Bart Simpson without the soul.
I’ve diagrammed all the sordid connections here.
‘To bad Marcuse got out of Germany before the Nazis got him’. How far away from that sentiment is this revolting piece of garbage?
He secretly yearns to be a Catholic bishop?
I wonder if these horrible bigots think that Volcker is Jewish? Probably. Volcker certainly, at least at one time was a DemocRAT, and was part of the notorious Carter/Reagan socialist international Jewish conspiracy ring.
This stuff is very ugly, and very stupid. And very dangerous. I trust these smears will hasten this group’s demise.
On other hand, this bunch survived, even prospered, after the Sherrod and sex boat debacles. So, anything is possible.
They are stupid. Only a stupid person would trot out this age old, very tired though still very dangerous, antisemitism. Unless they know something ugly about the course this country has taken that we do not.
Canadian Shoggoth
@Emdee: :Breitbrats makes think more of a sausage casing full of shit, grilled and served hot to the public.
I guess they’re saying it’s ok to say J-E-W-S is a reason to dislike someone, because they’re “MARXIST zionists”.
the jewish people as a whole are just placeholders until jesus comes back, sillies. individual jewish people may as well be mooooooslime(using the winger spelling).
gocart mozart
Derrick Bell’s short story,”Space Traders”, starred Robert Guillaume, Guillaume starred in Benson which also starred James Noble who was in Airplane II.
Rip Torn also was in Airplane II and Dodgeball starring Vince Vaughn who had his big hit Swingers which starred Jon Favreau.
Do I have to spell it out for you people? Obama practically hugged that rapist on the New Haven Green.
Fluke was wonderful on Lawrence O’Donnell last night.
@kerFuFFler: You could be right! I never thought of that,
Bullshit. If Dana Loesch is using WAR hashtags she needs to be shitcanned by CNN ASAP.
I used to fall into the trap of assuming the best in a person to avoid conflict, but I’m past that shit.
AA+ Bonds
Well, it will play among the Ron Paulers; it’s pretty wretched to see Greenwald scraping before the pogroms-in-waiting
Then again, it’s a “point” that the Nazis were “to the left” of the Social Democrats on industrial coordination
When my son was in second grade some kid tried to exclude him from playing kickball at recess because he was Jewish. The child was forced to write a note of apology. We were disappointed that it read, “I’m sorry I called you a Jew.”
Cartman: All those times I called you a big dumb Jew, I didn’t mean it. You’re not a Jew.
Kyle: Yes, I am! I am a Jew, Cartman!
Cartman: No, no, Kyle. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
Studly Pantload, the emotionally unavailable unicorn
I thank the FSM for you loons to crack me up about this crap. Otherwise, I’d be stuck here grinding my gears with my outrage-fatigue (outratigue?) dial at 11.
Arm The Homeless
For what it’s worth, Ripoff Report has an entry for this guy. It’s pure conjecture at this point. But it’s irresponsible not to speculate, right?
Roger Moore
Are you suggesting we throw the Mutterperls down the well so our country can be free?
@Roger Moore:
I support your war of terror!
Roger Moore
May George Bush drink the blood of every man, woman, and child in Iraq!
I don’t get this either. Not I think being a socialist is a terrible sin (even if wrong), but do they (who do apparently think it’s a sin) have evidence that the boyfriend himself is socialist?
Linda Featheringill
From the linked article, Samuel Gompers and Daniel De Leon are said to have organized in the hometown of the family business. Hence soshulishm.
Samuel Gompers was indeed a labor organizer but his politics were probably to the right of the Meany brothers.
Daniel De Leon was definitely Marxist. The real deal. Not even almost or sort-of. [cool dude]
The other thing about this is that I thought there was something in labor history about Gompers being relatively un-left-wing. (Don’t recall the details; maybe it was craft vs industry, and/or him really hating unionists on the far left.)
Of course, at that point, we’re talking real nuance that the right-wingers would never get.
@Dave: did you never read The Iron Dream?
Get with the program, dumb***. It’s only antisemitism if you complain about Israel murdering Arabs and Muslims.
ETA: I see @21 beat me to it.
Why doesn’t he just have sex with her through a hole in the sheet which is the only surefire acceptable way to successfully avoid the consequences of his actions?
@Guster: That made me laugh. “Double Jewy” sounds yummy.
Hack Wilson
I can’t hate the presidnet because he’s black and I can’t call a tramp a tramp because she dates a Jewish guy? Rush scares you liberals so much, it is high-larious.
Just wait until Bill Maher calls Palin a c word, then you can laugh as hard as we do now. Idiots.
didn’t the teapeople accuse OWS of antisemitism? their selective outrage machine is set in reverse.
Omnes Omnibus
All of this brings a question to my mind: So. Fucking. What. If. He. Is. Jewish? Seriously, this still matters to some people?
With a surname of ‘Mutterperl’, I hope mimi-breitbarts didn’t have to dig too far to figure that out. Also, too, WTF does it have to do with anything; oh wait..
jesuschristalmighty, these right-wingers go further around the bend.
Hack Wilson
The Tea Party is the only ones saving this country, pragmatism. You should join one and see what a real patriot looks like. Come to one of our rallies, there’s no raping. OWS was jsut a distraction for Obama and Soros. Don’t be a fool and believe it was grassroots like the Tea Party.
David Koch
Well, the Joos did kill Jesus.
So is Rasputin’s cock circumcised or not? That’s what will prove everything.
New troll or new name?
David Koch
Ever notice how you never see Obama and Saul Alinsky in the same room?
It all fits! It was Saul Alinsky who set the trap for Limbaugh.
What more proof do you need that Obama is in reality Saul Alinsky!
samara morgan
@Hack Wilson: coming soon to a voting both near you….Occupy the electorate 2012.
ABL 2.0
wtf is a presidnet?
Nethead Jay
Wow. It’s as if they’ve dug a hole so deep it’s now at bedrock. And now they’re reaching for the jackhammer…
ABL, you and Cole make a great tag team.
@Hack Wilson:
Yes, Rush scares me…but only because the blind leading the blind has the tendency to sweep *everybody* over the edge of the cliff.
Come now, everyone knows that the Jews are only in existence so they can be slaughtered in Israel for the good of all Christendom right? Commit suicide for Jesus!
The Dominionists LOVE Israel. But you notice. They never EVER say anything good about Jews.
But something is confuzzling me. Aren’t a lot of the neocons Jewish? Like Bill Kristol?
And by the way, not that it matters but being Jewish is a religion and a culture. Not a race.
Looks like someone is impersonating me on liberal website comment sections again! To whoever keeps posting the link to my blog, THANK YOU for the added traffic!
@Omnes Omnibus:
It matters because in their eyes, Jews are animals. But then they consider black people to be animals too so I’m in great company.
That’s just the weirdest blog post I’ve ever read. How mainstream is this bullshit? Is this the 21st century equivalent of a Bircher tract?
You make amoebas seem like geniuses.
@David Koch: Wait a minute…Why would an accomplished writer like Alinsky need Bill Ayers to ghost write his autobiography?
@Hack Wilson: You’re a disgrace to a great hitter. And even better drunk from my understanding.
Hack Wilson is the rare troll that names himself accurately. At least the hack part. The last time I felt this way was after I watched the movie House of D.
Hack Wilson
To whoever is impersonating me, kiss the barrel of my gun. To all of the idiot liberals who think MIchelle Obama is NOT the worst first lady in history, thanks for ruining my country and visiting my blog. You want a debate, come and get me, hippies.
Hack Wilson
Clever, lib. The only troll around here is Michele Obama. You’re just an idiot.
I might be wrong, but I almost see this lunacy as good news. If this is being offered by a mainstream conservative site, all thinking people have to believe it’s flat out crazy. We all know that 27% will accept it as gospel, but this logic cannot possibly be followed by sentient beings.
@Hack Wilson: She’s around here? Cool. Mediocre spoof troll.
Omnes Omnibus
@Karen: At one level, I know that, but, at another, I just cannot believe that there are people who are still that fucking idiotic. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with them?
@Hack Wilson:
You’re not a very good troll. You’re only barely entertaining! Step up your game or stop wasting our time.
Internet tough guy troll is boring.
And I’d wonder how one actually rates First frigging Ladies, but I don’t really give a shit.
@Hack Wilson:
“I’m the real Hack Wilson. He’s an impersonator! Shoot him!”
“No, I’m the real Hack WIlson! He’s the impersonator. Shoot him!”
The answer, of course, is to shoot them both.
gil mann
No, one of them’s supposed to say the only answer is to shoot them both, then you shoot the other guy.
C’mon, this is Dealing With Clones/Dopplegangers/Mirror Universes 101
The Nazis, they are always with us. That’s what the 21nd amendment is for, so they can’t just round us all up late one night without suffering for it.
They’re arguing that Obamacare violates the Establishment Clause? That’s one I haven’t heard before.
@Dave: In what way? That part about Breitbart’s little underlings? If so, I agree. Otherwise… uh… what?