Sandra Fluke and her boyfriend are getting the full Graeme Frost, and it turns out that not only is her boyfriend a Democrat, but a socialist Jew. Yes. The right-wing nuts really went there.
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[…] and John have already hit this one hard, but, having dealt with the mouth puke that comes from reading the […]
DougJarvus Green-Ellis
Have fun with the spam filter.
Davis X. Machina
Extremism in the defense of extremism is no vice.
Well, they hadn’t explicitly alienated the “wrong” sort of Jews yet, had they? Everyone else has been targeted, why go down without a complete set?
Egg Berry
It’s the wingnut protocols of the elders of zion.
And I’m supposed to be surprised by this why???
You know who else hung around with Jews?
Southern Beale
Heh. I just posted about this.
Sue, Sandra, sue. Sue and win.
did he work on a kibbutz or something?
The Dangerman
Next up, circumcision check.
Robert M
All of the hideous anti-semitism aside, it does amaze me that feminist women are so consistently attracted to spineless beta males.
Monkey Business
Yes! The Tea Party has finally fulfilled Poe’s Law, where their actual rhetoric has become absolutely indistinguishable from satire.
This means they have to disband, right?
Egg Berry
@BGinCHI: Sammy Davis Jr.?
@Egg Berry:
Any reason to think they don’t embrace the original?
I thought WAR meant “Wins Above Replacement.”
Poor Bill Buckley. He tried to purge the antiSemites. He failed.
Seriously, that’s fking it. If we don’t win in November, I’m going to get the hell out of the country. Being on their enemies list due to political views is one thing, but as soon as they start busting out the ethnic adjectives it’s time to dust off the passport.
Yeah, I know they’ve been screaming blackity, black, black, black for decades now.
Jewish Steel
Have Mercy! Why can’t they stick to their own kind?
@BGinCHI: Grandpa?
@Egg Berry: Nailed it.
ETA: Judges have indicated that they would also have accepted Barbara Streisand.
Egg Berry
@trollhattan: Good point. Looking into it, i had no idea Henry Ford paid to have copies of it printed (per wikipedia)
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@EconWatcher: You can’t purge a hate group and keep the others.
Gin & Tonic
@EconWatcher: Asshole got the legacy he deserves.
What is this right wing obsession with “beta males”? I see that shit mentioned all the time on Hot Air. If you go read Brooks Bayne’s personal info on his site, he comes across as a fucking Renaissance man with a foot long vibrating dick of pure gold.
@Robert M: That comment inspires me to actually click on the link to crazy, which I was going to skip. I was planning just to mention that my atheist Jewish husband is awesome.
‘…the typical Jewish variant of soshalism’. So, like… he’s a Trotskyite? Is that a problem?
Even moar from the Republican War on Women(tm) (R) .
Roger Moore
The original is too believable and lacks sufficient crazy to get the Tealiban really excited.
They really are just awful awful people.
@Bnut: Cuz they’re all Alpha Males, of course, looking down at all of us wussy liberals from their towering mountains of macho Conservatism.
New Yorker
Fascists have always been obsessed with “effete” men, as well as Jews and “mud” races, so this shouldn’t be a surprise. The masks have completely fallen off the right. We should have seen this with the way the right applauded “The Passion of the Christ”, product of that noted sadomasochistic Jew-and-minority-hater Mel Gibson.
I breathlessly await Jennifer Rubin explaining to us how Sandra Fluke is the real anti-semite.
@Trinity: Needs more awful.
I don’t think it’s her counter-tops they’re gonna be inspectacatin’, if you know what I’m sayin’.
If I call them Fucking Fascists will Sully faint?
Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican Party anthem.
New Yorker
That’s not to say that their fantasies about “beta males” have any basis in reality. They just want to prance around in leather with bullwhips.
The last month has seen the bloggy right turn into some weird mix of George Wallace, Charles Coughlin, and General Jack Ripper from “Dr. Strangelove”.
I think my favorite part was “Jewish boyfriend’s grandfather’s purse factory was the target of a union organizing effort by Samuel Gompers, therefore Sarah Palin is automatically president and Obama has to live in a doghouse with the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa”.
@Robert M: So now I’m back, having skimmed both pieces (read most of the LG&M piece with the handy block quote). What does this kid have to do with men being spineless and beta? What did I miss?
As an added bonus re: my awesome Jewish husband, he’s also pro-Palestinian. We are careful not to discuss Israel at various gatherings, particularly those filled with elderly relatives.
@Bnut: Maybe they feel all emboldened and manly by their fevered visions of someday standing up to their mom and her incessant demands that they “look for a job” and “quit eating all the cheetos” and “maybe pay some rent or buy some damn groceries for a change.”
There are only so many Moore Awards to go around. But giving Andy a case of the vapahs is always a worthy goal.
Comrade Javamanphil
Much like being a non-conformist, if you have to tell someone you are an alpha male, you’re not.
Tonal Crow
Ah, another day in the Republican War on Women, the Republican War on Privacy, and the Republican War on Jews.
@Robert M: You can always pay someone, if they just refuse to acknowledge your awesome spiny alphaness. Or I for one am not going to give you any grief about cardboard cutouts, if that’s more your thing.
@Monkey Business:
They practically put me out of business.
@Robert M: They’re probably educated and observant enough to notice that alpha is often found at the front of asshole and beta of better.
@Robert M: Gosh, sorry we liberals aren’t all as manly and studlike as Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Grover Norquist, and Ben Shapiro.
@New Yorker:
I’m almost sure you’re making a funny, but as predictions go this is a pretty solid one. Sadly.
@Robert M:
That IS hard to believe.
I’m going to find out if a neck-punching booth is a possibility at this year’s state fair. You’ve got a good starting lineup, right there.
We’ll break all attendance records!
@trollhattan:We could flood the zone with nominees. Sort of the blogospheric version of a denial of service attack.
@trollhattan: By using birth control, she is not adding more Jewish babies to the world. Why does she hate Jewish babies?
Gin & Tonic
@Comrade Javamanphil: Precisely. Some of the calmest and least “alpha-like” guys I know are ex-Special Forces. Knowing you can walk into a room and kill anyone there with your bare hands conveys a certain serenity.
Oh, you’re good. Promise to never use this power for evil.
Which also, too, reminds me of David Brooks yesterday, concern-trolling a global “fertility-implosion.”
WTF? Is this where the war on contraception is headed?
New Yorker
Apparently we to shoot past 7 billion people at an exponential rate so we can fight more viciously over ever-dwindling resources.
Christ almighty, did Brooks for a second think that maybe a drop in human population might alleviate things like global warming or desertification or ever cause the price of oil to drop?
@Robert M: ಠ_ಠ
@New Yorker:
None of that crossed his evidently thick pate. He seems most concerned the wrong kind of people are the onlyiest ones making the babies.
To which I respond, now does supporting public education seem like a good idea?
Gawker is mocking the heck out of this vile stuff.
This whole thing over women’s hoohas is really turning into a Pap Smear.
Dangit. Got moderated. Just wanted to point out that the Gawker is having big fun mocking this idiocy. It is gradually leaking out into other media sources.
The new(?) winger obsession: stamping out Thoughtcrime. They are less worried about Fluke being influential as with her having heretical views. She must be crushed.
Has she ever been in the same county as Bill Ayres? Inquiring minds…
I’ve diagrammed all the sordid connections here.
@Bnut: “What is this right wing obsession with “beta males”? ”
Freudian projection. Which explains all of right-wing propaganda.
Well, that’s not quite accurate. How about “Fascists Who Can’t Get Laid”?
they played the ‘Jew’ card….
uh uh uh
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
breitbart is still dead.
AA+ Bonds
Well, it will play among the Ron Paulers; it’s pretty wretched to see Greenwald scraping before the pogroms-in-waiting
Then again, it’s a “point” that the Nazis were “to the left” of the Social Democrats on industrial coordination
AA+ Bonds
Narcissistic supply fed to them by New Age swindler gurus; it has a lot to do with how right-wingers believe they can instantly be a scientist by reading half of a webpage
AA+ Bonds
Barry has correctly identified the source: castration anxiety, which becomes ever stronger in the presence of a supremely potent father image built from today’s total awareness of the information flows that build society and that no individual human can even begin to grasp
You will see among them the drive to reveal the fictional simplicity that they wish to will into reality, that’s why the gold standard, that’s why Jewish Trilateral conspiracies, etc., they wish to kill their father but their father can never die
Ozymandias, King of Ants
Bullshit. The man was a f**king bigot and a classist. He was responsible–either jointly or singly–for more damage to this country than most other people. Just because his vocabulary was pompous and his syntax was tortuous does not make him a good writer. And I have no fucking idea where he got that completely unplaceable accent but it only served to underline the fact that he was nothing more than a poseur.
In other words: everyone needs to stop fellating his goddamn corpse NOW.
There. I feel much better now.
Villago Delenda Est
OK, Godwin’s Law is now dead as a doornail.
@Bnut: Do we know if Ms. Fluke is Jewish? If she isn’t Jewish herself, according to tradition, the children aren’t Jewish. The Jewish descent thing is matrilineal.
David Koch
Saul Alinsky was behind this.
@New Yorker:
@trollhattan: I’m not about to read Brooks, but is this just a thinly veiled “demographic winter” whine — i.e., white people worrying that brown people are outbreeding them?
Bless his li’l lubrul heart, he takes the global perspective:
I don’t believe “other extreme” means what he thinks it does.
@23: What is this right wing obsession with “beta males”? I see that shit mentioned all the time on Hot Air.
Conservatives and the “Pick-Up Artist” community have enormous overlap zones in their sociopathy.
Both groups love slut-shaming. Both groups REALLY love Social Darwinism and any pseudo-Darwinist justification that can be made for the “naturalness” and “rightness” of inequality, crime, and racism. And above all, both groups love to fantasize about punishing – often violently – anyone in their designated inferior groups who fails to show them the proper homage and subservience.
The PUA community in its very brief (yet far, far too long) existence has already produced at least two renowned psychopathic violent criminals. I personally prefer “Gunwitch,” the PUA charmer who shot a woman in the face when she wouldn’t respond to his peacocking parlor tricks with the blowjob he was rightfully owed.
That poor chicken is gonna die from all the relentless wingnut fucking it’s getting.
I mean, seriously guys, at least give the chicken a five minute break every couple of hours. Let the damn thing drink some water and smoke a cigarette.
@Tonal Crow:
When there’s fixin’ to be done, fixin’ will be done.