This week, to motivate you, exclusive footage of my own gym workout.
What have you been up to this week?
by Sarah, Proud and Tall| 102 Comments
This post is in: Don't Mourn, Organize
This week, to motivate you, exclusive footage of my own gym workout.
What have you been up to this week?
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Shoveled two loads of crushed brick into my truck then screened it and wheeled it downhill to the garden. Spread in on existing paths and patio. Hit the pool and got cramps in both feets!
debating punching people, but I suppose I can redirect that energy to some pilates.
Comrade Mary
My sprained foot is healing fast and I was back on my bike by Wednesday, even though I still have foot soreness when I walk and need to keep icing it. Now I just have to find time to ride my bike when it isn’t ridiculously hot.
Really, it’s still winter, and we’re over 20s for a 2 week period in Toronto and we’re getting thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow.
c u n d gulag
For a fictional 90+ year-old, you look pretty damn good!
How ’bout you and me come up with something for the rest of the rubes to talk about NEXT weekend?
Hint, hint… Say no more… ;-)
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
ok… i made it 30 seconds into the video, and i noticed something i never noticed before.
clearly the model/actor/hardbodies in the video know a lot more about working out than the director. seriously, their bodies would not get to where they are, using technique as poor as what is on display.
Southern Beale
I’ve been hitting the gym AND yesterday I ran for the first time in, gosh, months because of my tendonitis. I really miss running, used to do marathons and 10Ks and haven’t been able to because of this thing in my hip.
chrome agnomen
windier than a brokered republican convention, in northeast wyoming. i walked a few miles of fence in a remote section of the ranch, fixing wire and replacing posts. saw no sign of human occupation save derelict fence. a good day. needing to micturate, looked for cheney’s grave, but he must still be in an undisclosed location.
Oh, don’t be silly. He’s still alive.
Look for the graves of the child victims that keep him alive.
Oblivious Neutron Bomb and Jon Revolting!
chrome agnomen
i thought he might sleep by day there.
turbofire 4x this week and starting a hybrid double workout of p90x and turbofire. at this moment, sitting on my ass eating feijoada and watching basketball.
ETA: Celebrating the successful defense of my dissertation proposal.
I’m 62yo about to turn 63 in a month and a half, and:
TODAY I was center referee for a very fast, physical boy’s U18 competitive-level soccer match and assistant referee for two more. Since this particular league plays 40-minute halves, it was like doing intermittent wind sprints for 240 minutes all afternoon, with more rest breaks with the ball in the other half when I was assistant referee than when I was center referee and had to chase these jackrabbits all over the field. Best part: I’ll get paid $90 for this refereeing workout.
I felt tired and beat toward the end of the second and third matches, but I’ve had my shower and feel great right now, watching the second half of the UNC v Creighton basketball game.
Ran the rock n roll half marathon in dc yesterday. Great time, personal record time. My wife who is 12 weeks pregnant beat me by 30 mins. Shameful.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@cmorenc: Showoff.
Define “alive”.
Steve in DC
Meh I spent my day posting on KOS… I’ve gone from “probably won’t vote for Obama because of NDAA and other issues” to, “fuck these people they are worse than my crazy right wing uncle let’s vote Obama out because they are evil”…
Note to self, don’t read KOS
Thanks for that, Sarah. The definitive proof that the 80’s was the Narcissism Decade.
I just ate six Thin Mints. I’m told those are weightloss cookies.
Exercising my mind by playing Madden 11 franchise with the Patriots. We’re playing the Steelers this week and it’s 35-0 Pats at the half. Roelithsberger has thrown 3 picks and Brady’s thrown 3 TDs. It’s raining and the Heinz Field crowd is already demoralized.
I bought a new bicycle this week (picked it up on thursday) and have ridden 3 times. Went to the gym today for the first time in months. Trying to eat well, mostly succeeding.
Running on local mountain bike trails. Thin, twisty, and steep. At least the ice and mud is gone. 75f is HOT!
I’m easing back into running after being a slug most of the winter. Last week I rode to work every day and had my first flat of the season. Tonight I have to see if I can find my rain gear, since it looks like showers this week. I am determined to ride every single day until October, no matter what the weather. I guess we’ll see if I stick with it.
Lots of Pushups, pullups and situps. About to eat some Girl Scout cookies.
Four days in a row of snowboarding. No need to look, but since it’s out there on youTube, here I am at Breckenridge on a black diamond run, a couple days ago.
Do I look like a 46-year old who weighs in at +250? I don’t feel like it (at least on snow…)
[and the only reason it’s on youTube is because my friend shot this on his phone and it was the easiest way for me to access it. Didn’t think of BJ till 30 seconds ago]
tour guide, host, drinking pal and finger workout on new ipad. Breck+Keystone this weekend.
Threw the new Frisbee with the hubby for about twenty minutes. I kept hooking the damn thing. No after-work obligations this week, so I’ll be getting the bike out.
I guess I do look kinda out of shape when I sit down, panting from exertion at +11,000 feet. I live the other 355 or so days a year 600 feet above sea level.
Oh, and there’s three more days of snowboarding before I have to fly home late Wed. To 80 degree Minnesota…in March. Weird. Guess I’ll have to get the bike fixed asap.
I want to start a fatness club for the swapping of indulgent recipes. What can I say? I’m a foodie.
Hoping to get back into the exercise groove this week after a month’s disruption. Was out of town for three weeks in February, then mostly away from March 8 to a couple of days ago. Excuses, excuses. Back to (alternating) kettlebell and swimming tomorrow.
@wobblybits: Thata way!
Charlie Dodgson
Dick Cheney looks alive. He moves. He breathes. But, thanks to the ventricular implant which effectively replaced his disfunctional heart, he has no pulse.
Live or undead? You make the call…
Watching the Gators roll over Norfolk State and hoping we can finish it out. Assuming we win, I don’t see us getting past Marquette, but the Sweet 16 is nice!
@Southern Beale:
What’s going on with your hip? I did something to mine a couple weeks ago (pain radiating from the left glute around front all the way down the quad into the knee) and saw a chiropractor used by most of the folks in our local running group. He did some kind of adjustment thingie to my hip and two days later, I hit my goaltime for a very hilly half marathon in Columbia, SC.
Hope your problem has an equally satisfactory resolution. Running keeps me sane as well as relieving the need to hurt people. Which is why I bought this shirt at the expo:
I just saw 21 Jump Street and it was actually really funny. 3 of the five original cast made cameos (the 2 missing were Dustin Nguyen and Richard Grieco) It had some real laugh out loud moments and some great “oh shit” moments and dare I say some great comedic acting, who knew Channing Tatum could be both hot and funny?
The added bonus for me, as I was looking at the movie I kept seeing these landmarks that I seemed to recognize, then half way through, I realized it was New Orleans. I was way too excited to realize that the action sequences were all in NOLA. I know, sad right.
@lamh35: Saint Joseph’s Day tomorrow. Hey now. . .
Steve in DC
If anybody here is in the DC area trying to get fit, I’ll help you out.
Pro tad of advice, eat it like cheese, this is good for you. Being strong is not a competition with others, it’s a fight with yourself.
Get into martial arts, the rest is for idiots. Fights are good for you and fun, learn it,love it, run a few miles after.
Southern Beale
We saw “Friends With Kids” yesterday and really liked it, too.
I’m not a runner but if I can wear a shirt like that I might just take it up.
Steve in DC
running without a goal serves no purpose, take up fighting. You’ll be amazed how clear things become, and how good you feel. It’s better than sex, it’s fucking amazing. Then run it off after.
You don’t know you’re alive till you throw it all to the wind and try to tear the head off a friend.
Boxing, judo, shotokan karate, anything GOOD, fuck that TKD nonsense. Join a real gym, and work out to make yourself hard. It’s a blast, and if you have friends even better.
You feel SO GOOD after it all, a few hours of bliss. The better you get, the better it gets.
I still love tossing in the mouth guard and just going for it. Calms the head, heals the mind, and then we go for beers!
@Steve in DC: Got much of an opinion on this?
Who the hell is that? Oh, right, Max Born’s grandkid.
@Southern Beale: I’ve heard good things about “Friends With Kids”, but I hate going to the movies alone, so I gotta find someone to go with me.
Steve in DC
Nah I’m a bit of a fitness freak at times. I also dabble in MMA off and on. I started as a kid to help deal with ADD. It’s great stuff and fun times.
I ran my first marathon as part of a gym. I still love it.
To each their own honestly, but I greatly advise all interested to take up some form of martial arts and run with it. It’s great fun, great people, and a solid workout.
I boxed in the Navy, good times, fun stuff.
I don’t agree with “workouts” shit always fails. Tear their fucking head off and shit down their neck, always fucking works. Join a good gym or club, and the rest will happen on it’s own.
Fitness is bullshit. Being strong is not. Take up something that makes you stronger each day not “more fit” and chasing some dream.
White on white translucent black capes, back on the rack
John O
Successfully turned 53 yesterday (yep, it’s a great day to be born) and unsuccessfully golfed today in continued spectacular weather.
I used to be good and now my mental golf-wiring is a mess and I suck. The only potential solution is more golf.
Egg Berry
@Steve in DC:
Yeah, I’m calling bullshit here.
Played a little soccer with daughter then did a lot of cooking (and the weekly shop).
@Steve in DC: What a total fucking crock of shit.
Where do you live? Rochester here.
Steve in DC
Try working out hard, and seriously. It’s amazing, and it’s addictive. You’ll ove it.
Just got home from a four-hour rogaine in Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve in Antioch, CA. A rogaine (as opposed to Rogaine(r)), is a long distance orienteering event where you try to maximize your score within a set time. The control points give you different point values depending on their distance, difficulty of access, and navigational challenge. I think I may have been last. My goal was to make a reasonable plan that I could accomplish in the allotted time, stick to the plan, and finish without going overtime (which gets you points deducted.)
Oh, and the name rogaine comes from Rod, Gail, and Neil, three Australian orienteers who invented the sport.
So much for the strength and conditioning workouts that professional fighters use, right?
@Origuy: If you are not boxing it’s a total waste of your time. There is one, and only one, way for everyone in the world to do anything.
@Steve in DC:
Different people have different goals, dumbass.
30 minutes of brisk walking daily lowers morbidity and mortality from almost all causes. (though I agree in theory about the superiority of strength training, your jack-assert forces me to call your bluster)
Steve in DC
You are that dumb aren’t you? They are working out to be a better fighter, and that’s why it works.
You have to have a goal other than “I just want to run and pump iron” or you will fail. Top end fighters want to fight better,this isn’t hard.
@chrome agnomen:
walking a few miles of fence in ne wyoming, no sign of homo unsapiens, kinda sounds like THE good day to me, especially if antelope ever entered the picture.
@Steve in DC: You’re making shit up. I call bullshit. You dabble in MMA the same way i dabble in stocks by watching the ticker at the bottom of the news.
@Steve in DC: You get stupider with every response.
Makato Chan makes more sense than this dope.
Steve in DC
This is truly comical. Here we have a group of people saying having a higher goal that you value is less important than valuing a method… lmao
@Steve in DC: No dickhead, we are saying YOU are full of shit.
I was supposed to run 8 miles today (half-marathon training) and simply couldn’t make it. It took me 83 minutes to run/walk 6.9 miles. I don’t know if it’s the hot weather or allergies or what, but my runs have been terrible the last week or so. I just can’t breathe.
ETA: Congrats, wobblybits!
Steve in DC
PROVE IT! I call you all bullshit ass liars and fools, so prove it.
@Steve in DC: You’ve already proved it you fucking moron.
Steve in DC
no way anybody could do that, and you are a liar… join Raven.
This blog is turning me so more, I dunno “conservative” you guys are worse than the evangelicals.
@Steve in DC: Are you high?
@Origuy: Went and looked up the wiki. That actually looks pretty cool. I always use the hand rail technique when I would do land nav in the Army. I wonder how effective that would be?
Steve in DC
No I’m being honest here, are you on crack? You are aware fuck wits like you that ignore reality are the reason poor fucks in Kansas are helping themselves by voting R. Because at least the R’s aren’t bold faced liars.
@Steve in DC: A weekly thread that is devoted to people exchanging ideas about fitness and you come here with this dogmatic, pushy, judgmental shit about something YOU believe and you call other people “worse than evangelicals”. You took too many head shots.
@TooManyJens: Time for beddy bye, you try to talk him down.
Steve in DC
Doesn’t detract from the fact that you are a bold faced liar and talking shit. Seriously, if you are part of “the left” bring on Palin, she’s less full of shit than you are.
I’ll start a “vote R take a look at what a progressive says” and I’ll use you as the model!
You’re being pushy and judgemental, I’m just telling you how it is.
@Steve in DC:
Jesus, you’re dumb.
30 minutes of daily exercise improves health.
@Steve in DC: Notice all the other people here lining up with you.
@Cassidy: Handrails are usually pretty useful on beginning to intermediate level orienteering courses (which rogaines usually are.) At the advanced level, the courses tend to be designed so that a handrail is not an option, or only for a portion of a leg. The technique that is emphasized then is the use of an attack point, a feature near the destination control that is more distinct than the control feature itself. Once you are at the attack point, you should be able to navigate quickly to the control.
@Raven: Good night! No chance in hell I can talk this guy down, though.
Am being kind to my back as a disc is threatening to bulge if I’m not. Pilates (yes, yes, one should pay attention to one’s core when nothing is hurting, but…), slow walking with good shoes, and lots of stretching. Tomorrow it’s the deep end, no impact end of the pool for aquasize.
AND….i got my new CEP compression socks! They’re fuschia, a most unathletic colour. I can’t wait to try them out, as I have a bad Achilles tendon and they’re supposed to be great for that.
@Origuy very cool. I really wish I had more time to do some of the activities that are showing up in these threads. I’ve always wanted to do an endurance challenge and this sounds pretty awesome also. I’m glad you posted about it. I’d never heard of this before.
Yes, yes they are.
Everyone has a bad run now and then. Sounds to me like you did a good job sticking it out. Where’s the half? I’m still mulling over my next one.
Minneapolis is home.
Walking barefoot every day for 30 minutes (concrete). Hoping to run a barefoot half marathon in the fall (crushed limestone substrate)
Too bad. Always looking for a workout partner. Look for me on FB if you are a member.
ETA: I board at welch during REAL winters.
Comrade Mary
Just because the few women you lure into bed are deeply disappointed, kick the shit out of you, then run away, doesn’t mean that it’s true for everyone else.
@Origuy: Are there any events coming up in Oergon?
@Comrade Mary:
Mnemosyne (iTouch)
Once again, Steve in DC’s total lack of self-awareness makes me LOL. The people saying that there are multiple ways to be fit are being “pushy and judgmental” but the guy saying that there is only ONE way to do things is the open minded one.
@JohnK: There are two clubs in Oregon, Columbia River Orienteering Club and Oregon Cascades Orienteering. CROC is in Portland and ORCA is based in Corvallis. They are both pretty active and co-ordinate schedules. There’s a six-hour event near Bend that should be worth traveling to; I’ve been to a US Champs at Mt Bachelor that was great.
@merrinc: Thanks. This is the half:
Steve in DC
Oh comarade, personal attacks are not a valid counter, please try again.
Or you won’t, and you’ll double down, cause that’s all you have.
And yes, physical work is better than sex. You release so many endorphins, so good, so nice, so fast. I’m sorry that you’re to frigid to get this, but it does work. Though I guess sex is good enough for you since guys tap the ass and ride the wave? Must be nice!
Steve in DC
You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. Things are so much more clear since I got back. It’s a certain ability to just view things as they are, a clarity that gives you focus. I’m more focused and better than I ever was. And far more self aware.
Comrade Mary
@Steve in DC: Pretty weak, bucko.
Look, you came in here with a lot of bluster and bravado. Even someone like me, who has friends who train in the martial arts, and who definitely believes that people can get a hell of a lot of physical, mental and emotional benefits from them, found you weak. My friends would laugh their powerful asses off at you. Then they would shit down your neck (kind of difficult when you have lost your ass, true, but their dojos turn out some people who can do amazing things).
I could have tried a patient rebuttal, but you didn’t respond to anyone else who tried the same. I didn’t waste my time trying to persuade you because you’re too stupid to listen. And taking less than a minute to mock you wasn’t going to make me lose any cred with anyone else reading this, because you’re ridiculous.
You’ve lost. You’ve lost big. Anyone here who would be open to martial arts certainly isn’t going to be persuaded by anything else you could say.
So hey, anyone out there who isn’t Steve from DC and has some experience in martial arts, please feel free to step up and make a case for your discipline.
Steve in DC
Pretty sure four paragraphs took enough time to be a patient rebut!
Also, is this another never served liberal shitting on a veteran, aka another reason Kansas voting R isn’t stupid for them, yep bingo.
Mnemosyne (iTouch)
Okay, I hope you have someone in your life who is monitoring your moods, because you sound like you’re in the throes of a manic episode. It’s not uncommon for ADHD to be comorbid with bipolar disorder.
You had me at flat and fast course. I am leaning towards the New River half.
@merrinc: That looks gorgeous.
Knowing a few BBJers, the last thing they’d want anyone to describe grappling as is ‘better than sex’. Generally, sex is the last thing on their minds in those circumstances. For a more realistic discussion of what you can get out of martial arts, what ones suit, and what ones are of use in a self-defence situation, I’d go to a site like
BJJers, sorry :) (brazillian Jiu Jitsu, for those who don’t know)
@TooManyJens: I ran a half marathon today and really struggled (blaming heat and virus). My last 2 race times have sucked, and I’m fighting hard not to get down on myself. I still struggle with that after 26 years of running. And when my running sucks, I feel my life sucks. Wah.
@TooManyJens: If you come back to check this, is it possible you’re been overtraining? Maybe a few days off will do some good.
If anyone is interested, one of the most fun cardio workouts is boxing/ kickboxing. If you can learn to go 10 rounds with a heavy bag you’ll have a good cardio session to work into your routine. If your more grappling oriented then BJJ or regular Jiu Jitsu will work you once you start “rolling”. BJJ (Gracie to be exact) was used to design Army Combatives and when we’d roll it would be nonstop, round robin anf you’d be compeltely smoked afterwards. If you’re looking for self defense, I’d suggest Krav Maga. They don’t make you buy uniforms and all that shit, you get a hellacious workout, and you learn to fight. That’s the distinction. You don’t learn an *”art” that is useful in fighting, but instead you learn how to fight, should the need arise to defend yourself. Krav Maga in the US has been built with the normal person in mind to walk in off the street and learn how to defend themselves, especially women. Be warned though, you’ll get punched. lol
The downside is that MMA gyms and martial arts isn’t cheap. You’ll pay less than going to a Crossfit gym, but still a pretty penny.
*Not intended to insult or denigrate anyone’s martial art. Just noting the difference between learning stances and forms vs. trying to jab your fingers in someones eye.
Disc golf is my main thing at age 64. I highly recommend it for fun, camaraderie, sustainability, and exercise.
This weekend, though I dug 180′ of drainage ditch on my private course, broke up the clay below about 40 daylily clumps, and cloned and planted 50 willows on another course. My muscles’ muscles are crying in pain. Rode the bike 5.5 miles to work this morning, too. Going to be a strong spring and summer!