Karen Santorum insisted her husband will do “nothing” on the issue of contraception.
Not true.
Rick Santorum, like each and every GOP candidate, has vowed to end funding for Title X.
Title X provides access to birth control for 5 million people. Now. Today. Title X has been in place since 1970. Each and every GOP candidate has (now) promised to gut the program. Republicans have supported Title X in the past. Now they don’t. That’s a substantive, radical change in position, and one they should have to explain. I know, I know, it’s LOW INCOME people, so they’re invisible and it doesn’t really matter, but 5 million people is a lot of people. President Obama and Democrats in Congress support Title X. Romney and Santorum and Republicans in Congress don’t. That’s a choice Republicans made, and it’s not a rhetorical or political difference. It’s 5 million people, access to birth control. They have it now, and they will lose it if any Republican wins.
Title X is the only Federal grant program dedicated solely to providing individuals with comprehensive family planning and related preventive health services. The Title X program is designed to provide access to contraceptive services, supplies and information to all who want and need them. By law, priority is given to persons from low-income families.
Nearly 100 Title X grantees provide family planning services to more than five million women and men through a network of over 4,500 community-based clinics that include State and local health departments, tribal organizations, hospitals, university health centers, independent clinics, community health centers, faith-based organizations, and other public and private nonprofit agencies. In approximately 75% of U.S. counties, there is at least one clinic that receives Title X funds and provides services as required under the Title X statute.
Indeed, after Santorum mega-donor Foster Friess “humorously” suggested that women practice birth control by putting an aspirin between their legs, Santorum defended himself by invoking Title X.
“It’s funny that I’ve been criticized by Governor Romney and by Ron Paul for having voted for something called Title X, which is actually federal funding of contraception,” Santorum told CBS’s Charlie Rose. “My public policy beliefs are that contraception should be available. Again, I’ve supported Title X funding.”Excellent. Except, here is Santorum, five days later, at the Arizona presidential debate:
“As Congressman Paul knows, I opposed Title X funding. I’ve always opposed Title X funding, but it’s included in a large appropriation bill that includes a whole host of other things,” Santorum said.
“What I did, because Title X was always pushed through . . . I said, well, if you’re going to have Title X funding, then we’re going to create something called Title XX, which is going to provide funding for abstinence-based programs.”
Maybe Karen Santorum thinks 5 million people are “nothing”, but I don’t agree with her. Do conservatives like Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney plan to end the federal support for family planning that has been in place since 1970? Because that’s what they say they’ll do.
Maybe? I’d say assuredly.
Karen Santorum – more proof that America is not ready for a white First Lady.
I find it sort of amusing that she’s basically saying: “Please trust my husband to be lying every time he opens his mouth.”
Joey Maloney
It really is impossible to take anything these idiots say seriously any more. Their speech centers have turned into some kind of bizarre floating pinball machine, bouncing randomly from one trope to another, with no connection to facts or even likelihood.
When you have Newt demanding Robert DeNiro apologize for pointing out that his wife is white, we truly have gone over the fucking rainbow.
And, of course, her husband has been creaming all over the Blunt Amendment.
So it’s come to this. The “I’m the only one who stands by my moral principles” candidate sends his wife out to plead with the ladies of America, “He doesn’t mean it, girls.” I cannot believe how pathetic Karen Santorum is. That constant look of anxiety she wears is well earned–with her collusion.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
Hey, she got her cake and got to eat it, too, so fuck all y’all.
Ben Franklin
I thought she was the quiet, submissive rib of her Adam. No fruit for her?
Its 5 million something, but I wouldnt call them people. Theyre the poor, afterall.
Betty Cracker
Even if Santorum had vowed to “do nothing” about contraception and had never said anything to contradict that, I can’t trust some lunatic who thinks the Pill is the pharmaceutical of Satan.
In my personal opinion, based on watching and listening to him, Rick Santorum really does have a problem with women.
I would not want to work with or for him. There’s a dismissiveness there and a patronizing yet arrogant quality that just sets me on edge, gut-level.
Mark S.
@Joey Maloney:
I missed that one. What was that about?
ETA: Never mind: It’s “Trending” over at memeorandum.
@kay: Agree completely. Patronizing yet arrogant, often with barely concealed scorn. McCain is much the same way.
This could mean that he will let conservative governors in the states do all the dirty work.
@Mark S.: DeNiro made a joke referring to Callista Gingrich, Karen Santorum and Ann Romney: “Is America ready for a white first lady?” Newt rushed to denounce his “racism.”
@kay: Long before I had any political awakening, this quality which you accurately describe
in every Young Republican male I met as a teenager and twenty-something put my teeth on edge and made it harder for me to deny that no, really, it’s all women, including me…
I am always amazed by how much he hates Obamacare. How is it that something like Obamacare is the greatest threat to civilization since the plague? I sat in a Paul Broun town meeting and he and the rest of the audience agree. Obamacare will be the death of freedom in America. I just do not understand that.
@kay: THIS. I want someone to ask him one question, plainly: Do you support women’s rights, and would you have women in your cabinet?
Because I”d bet the answer is no and no.
Slightly OT, am I the only one who wants to backhand the oldest Santorum daughter — the one Rih now refers to as a “strong woman in [his] life” in what I am sure he believes is an effective way to win over the dubious female voters of America– every time she’s standing next to her dad on the stage, mugging and nodding?
That girl has had my hackles up ever since she told a reporter that many of her “gay friends” agree with her father on “his stance on marriage and family.” As Dan Savage immediately demanded, “Who are these fa**ots? Names and phone numbers!”
So Title XX is abstinence funding. Huh. Can we assume Title XXX is pretty much the opposite of that?
I think that’s code for a TMI moment implying that the Rickster still rides bareback and its up to her to handle those icky details.
@Punchy: Yes, but he wants to kill that as well. Quick! Download everything you can find!
@Nina: Look, Barack Obama simply must apologize for Robert DeNiro saying that Callista Gingrich and Karen Santorum are white. He must also apologize for Mr. DeNiro’s decision to make Analyze This. Anything less would be an OUTRAGE.
@Ben Franklin: What do you mean? She said what he told her to say.
Beating a dead horse I know but who in the mainstream media even tried to point this out after her interview?
One of my sisters saw it, and she’s right. She watched an interview with Santorum and his wife, and she said it was incredible. He stepped all over her. She said he won’t let her speak. If the question was addressed to her, he answers.
The funniest part, to her, is she said Mrs. Santorum is way more appealing than Mr. Santorum. Her feeling was he resents the attention she was getting.
@Mark S.: Rush called Fluke a slut and prostitute. De Niro insulted Newt by calling his white wife white. Both sides do it!
@Punchy: I see what you did there.
Comrade Dread
In all fairness to her, her husband, much like Newt and Romney has to constantly change and shift their positions on a moment by moment basis to please the base.
“”‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.'”
dr. bloor
@piratedan: Oof. Some of us are reading this over lunch, kthxbye.
Ash Can
At first I wondered just who the fucking hell Karen Santorum thinks she’s fooling, but it occurred to me that the people she’s trying to fool are Republican women, who have all been lying to themselves and burying their heads in the sand all along. So, upon reflection, it makes perfect sense for her to say this — the people she’s saying it to already believe that down is up, night is day, and none of that nasty misogynistic talk applies to them.
Well duh, because it has the word Obama in it. If Obama invented a pill that cured the common cold, and it was as a result called the Obamapill, it would be the bitterest pill we were ever forced to swallow, in the history of bitterness and pills and being forced to swallow things.
@flukebucket: Because Hands Off My Healthcare!! Or something.
@dr. bloor: sorry Doc, mea culpa
Ben Franklin
That’s my point. Eve was independent. Mrs Santorum, not so much.
In fairness to Karen, it can’t be easy to be married to a man who spends his entire waking (and almost certainly sleeping) life thinking obsessively about what is happening inside the uteri of other women and inside the rectums of all men.
peach flavored shampoo
Newt was offended at De Niro b/c he didnt specify which wife of Newt’s he was referring to. Also could be a problem with the Mormon in the race.
she’s a liar.
I know that her hubby wants in my womb and yours.
Not true.
Definitely, but it’s something a lot of Republican women want to hear. Now they have an excuse for ignoring the obvious – Santorum wants to prohibit contraception.
I’m not sure that this is true, or even if it is that important. Even if Santorum had absolutely no problem with women, he would still be a religious fanatic hung up on the issue of contraception.
This is fairly simple. He hates Obamacare because, like many Republicans, he does not believe that providing health insurance, or even regulating health insurance, is the government’s business.
But there is also this. Obamacare would prevent churches and religious nut employer’s from exercising control over people’s sex lives. Obamacare interferes with Santorum’s dreams of a Real American Theocracy.
Surly Duff
Don’t try to shove your Obamapill down my throat!.
I know Republicans aren’t fond of Occam’s Razor (see, e.g., conspiracy to bury the Whitey Tape), but, with the possible exception of meteors headed towards Earth, just as a matter of general political campaigning, the press won’t get a month’s worth of ink out of a topic that the candidate promises to do nothing about. Candidates do not typically go around on stump speeches and appear at debates to detail all the different things they plan not to do.
That is definintely a big part of it. 90% of the audience was obviously of social security / medicare age. The other 10% worked for either the local, state or federal government. I went in just for kicks and giggles but damn it got scary. A group of old people yammering about Scott Brown up in Massachusetts who was getting 100 people from Ireland to take America’s jobs and something about the President declaring martial law and making it impossible to vote. It even turned in to a brief celebration of the life of Andrew Breitbart and the work of James O’Keefe. The only thing that scared them as much as Obamacare was ACORN. In all honesty The Greatest Generation scares the shit out of me.
I feel sorry for Mrs. Santorum. She had a long affair with a much-older, very charming and wordly man during her 20’s, but he didn’t want children. She very much did. I can relate – having children was very important to me, and as my 20’s passed, I was very worried I wouldn’t get my heart’s desire. Then Rick comes along, says he’s longing for a family, and she can have what she wants if she goes with him. I’m thinking she was well into it before it dawned on her the bargain she’d made. She got the children she so badly wanted, but the man involved was not so great. Hard to run once you have several kids.
I have a hard-core Catholic niece, who’s into natural family planning and would be a big fan of Santorum. My kids suspect her husband is an unadmitted gay, as many have said of Santorum. Saying that non-procreative sex is wrong is one way of getting out of doing that icky thing too often.
Kids are wonderful, life with no sex not so much. But you don’t always get to see the entire bargain you’re making ahead of time.
Mark S.
Here are some charts showing that the United States probably spends way too fucking much on defense.
@shortstop: “gay friends” = Log Cabin Republicans.
It’s my personal feeling he’d rather live with a professional wrestler. It would explain so much.
Reaganism. More than 50 years of propaganda insisting that better health care access will lead to a socia1ist dictatorship, including this AMA financed missive from 1961: Ronald Reagan – Medicare Will Bring A Socia1ist Dictatorship.
I notice that a lot with the wingers, that they’ll make a big deal out of the fact that their wife has a different, softer view on the issues than they do. As if this would somehow make a difference.
“Sure, I would make all victims marry their rapist, the way the lord wants it, but my wife thinks that they should only be required to go steady for a few years, so, taken together, OUR opinion isn’t as extreme as your making it out to be. Good thing I never listen to the bitch.”
All right, I can’t edit. All I meant, at Comment #46, was that being deep deep deep in the closet can create such a conflicted, angry, prudish, and annoying person.
But I could be wrong; because what Republican treats any women the way I’d want to be treated? Can’t think of any!
She had an affair with the obstretrician who delivered her. A guy who had a thing for younger women.
I don’t know. Charming and wordly, or kind of creepy, depending on your frame of reference.
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: That was funny.
@PurpleGirl: Maybe, but I don’t even know any Log Cabin Republicans who aver that they absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Most of them just hem and haw about how that day will come, all in good time, blah blah (with someone else doing all the heavy lifting for them).
@Brachiator: Um, well, it’s important because there are many other issues affecting women’s lives besides contraception, and he’s on the wrong side of all of them, too. Bigotry does very often have an effect on the way legislators legislate and executives govern.
gocart mozart
That’s not true. Most of the time he is thinking about gay sex.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
@Mark S.: Leave it to a libtard. There are still Negroes in Florida that present a clear and present danger to fat wannabe mall-cop rejects. What price can you put on your family’s right to be safe? That’s what I thought. Game, set, match. Just make the check out to “Lockheed/Martin” and be sure to include your apology.
I read the story in today’s Kaplan Daily (the WaPo) about Santorium and his missus. Her parents seem to have been as bad as Rickie.
I said, well, if you’re going to have Title X funding, then we’re going to create something called Title XX, which is going to provide funding for abstinence-based programs.”
He does realize that many of the people who use family planning are married, doesn’t he? Abstinence-based training for married people? good luck with that.
Rick Thisaintyourwomb has been very vocal about the right of states to make contraception illegal. Very vocal. It’s pretty clear he feels that is the mechanism by which to roll back the “grave moral wrong” that is contraception in his view. So yeah, I think Karen is practicing a little time-honored Catholic mental reservation here as she lies about his intentions concerning this issue: he’s simply planning on using another party to do the dirty work while she tries to hornswaggle female voters.
And her statement serves as a bit of misdirection as well, because females have PLENTY to wear from Santorquemada on other issues. He perceives a decline in the social fabric of the country and attributes it to single moms who are “breeding criminals,” and he ominously thinks government should address this issue. He wants to deny women the right to abortion – period, no exceptions. If a women is raped he wants her to rejoice in “God’s gift” to her by forcing her to carry the child to term under penalty of law. And if a woman is a female OB/GYN he wants her jailed for participating in legal abortions.
Contrary to his wife’s assertions, women have an awful lot to fear from him.
There were a lot of debates. A LOT of ’em. One could say Santorum debated a lot to a lot of folks. One could say he’s a pretty good mass debator.
@g: they do seem to overlook the married people using contraception thing, don’t they? That’s why I think the closeted gay man who can’t admit it enters into the story. It’s not that they don’t like sex with girls, it’s that non-procreative sex is wrong, so much as they’d like to, they can’t have sex with their wives once they’re through having kids. I just wish they didn’t feel the need to impose their hangups on the rest of us.
Karen Santorum insisted her husband will do “nothing” on the issue of contraception.
So what’s worse, Santorum out on the stump promising to get rid of Title X and being serious about it?
Or Santorum out on the stump promising the rubes he’ll get rid of Title X and lying?
Linda Featheringill
What is your gender? Are you female?
@trex: Excellent points. And let’s remember his strong reservations about working mothers, particularly women who are seeking to advance in their organizations or be paid the same as male counterparts.
AA+ Bonds
Is this like how Rand Paul has no problem with black people but he thinks Woolworth’s should have been able to sic dogs on them
Whatever. Mrs. Frothy Mixture got to terminate HER pregnancy when it threatened her life. So, what the fuck? What’s a naked lie when it means that she might possibly becoming First Lady, Mrs. Frothy Mixture?
the fugitive uterus
i wonder how many times Karen Santorum put an aspirin between her knees when she was living with the much older abortion doctor? no kids from that union, as far as we know, but her former bf had some mad skills in that departmen. just saying
AA+ Bonds
Lord save us from people who have no problem with folks but just want them to be harmed substantially for no good reason
Villago Delenda Est
Noot Gingrich, seriously, needs to fuck off and die.
@Legalize: I’d like to be a fly on the wall when the healthcare professionals who looked after her during that incident are talking amongst themselves. The Santorums deny that labor was induced, and privacy laws (rightly) prevent anyone who was there from publicly contradicting them, but I do wonder what the real story was.
mai name
This whole fukcing country has gonna whacko when Rick fukcing Santorum is considered a serious candidate for the fukcing president of the United States. Like, seriously???????????? And the GOP, I don’t even know WTF to say about the GOP when I’m not sure if they could fight their way out of a paper bag.
Log Cabin Republicans = the gays that will open the train doors and clean up after the delousing showers at the reeducation camps the GOP envisions.
Gerade machen frei
Yeah, I went there – where is my Moore award?
Villago Delenda Est
I should have had one years ago, when I suggested that Andy Sullivan was eager to be a Kapo in Pat Robertson’s Vernichtungslager for fags.
Rick Santorum thinks of the children:
Sign that you’ve gone too far: Glenn Beck couldn’t swallow this bullshit; his Web site notes that Oaxaca isn’t under a travel warning.
the fugitive uterus
@kay: i must agree with a commenter from a little while back that the way the daughter looks at dad is a bit creepy – it’s very familiar with the same look i have seen on female cult members gazing adoringly at their leaders;
there is some sick twisted stuff underneath. some day, cognitive dissonance will bubble up and then blow like a volcano, for Bachmann too at some point, and they’ll go on some sort of rampage. God knows what they’ll do when they snap.
@Schlemizel: A little harsh, but the Log Cabin Republicans seem perfectly fine with someone else doing the heavy lifting. Not to mention that they have no problem with the overt racist tone of the GOP.
the fugitive uterus
@Schlemizel: i’m sorry, but they don’t deserve any more respect than the average straight voter who has everything to lose by voting republican but does it anyway, and every time.
Santorum could love women, have no “problem” with them at all, and he would still be on the wrong side.
@Linda Featheringill:
And this is important to this particular discussion, how?
@AA+ Bonds:
This is like how some Balloon Juicers like to try to reduce vile public policies to issues of a person’s personal psychology.
@Mark S.: DeNiro made a joke referring to Callista Gingrich, Karen Santorum and Ann Romney: “Is America ready for a white first lady?” Newt rushed to denounce his “racism.”
Are you F*cking Kidding Me? /rhetorical.
The standard bearer of the party that routinely uses Dog whistles, strike that, Air Raid Sirens to stoke the racist, homophobic and misogynistic lizard brains of their base every damn day of the week and Thrice on Sunday. HighFreakingLarious.
I’ll bet that DeNiro won’t give Newt the satisfaction.
@Linda Featheringill: He’s male. But his well-established history of tone deafness and reflexive contrarianism here means he could be female and be exactly as tone deaf and reflexively contrary on this topic. ;)
@Provider_UNE: It’ll play well with the base, which not only earnestly argues that any reference to race — no matter the content or context — constitutes “racism,” but also makes a cult out of white victimhood.
You misunderstand me. I don’t want nor need Santorum’s “love”.
He’s auditioning for a role in government. He can’t have a problem with women, because he has to work with women, and maybe more importantly, they have to work with him.
I don’t care about his personal issues, likes, dislikes etc. I’m talking about a workplace, not his home.
@shortstop: The faint expectant aura of having ended all discussion after the pronouncement of arm-swinging wisdom skews male as well. not proof either, merely another pebble added to the heap.
7.6 Quake in Oaxaca, pretty much between Acapulco and Oaxaca but more toward the coast.
@shortstop: It’ll play well with the base, which not only earnestly argues that any reference to race—no matter the content or context—constitutes “racism,” but also makes a cult out of white victimhood.
Of course it will, they’ll eat it up like a pack of snarling half starved hounds will a piece of rotted meat.
And to think where they might go given that we are still about 8 months out Persecution complex, check. I mean the White male American is under an historicall unprecedented assault. Projection like an Imax, check. “uh huh, your’e the real racists.”
i don’t think there is a barrel whose bottom will remain unscraped by July, at which point they will dig through the bottom of the barrel and keep diggingg.
The Other Chuck
I can’t say entirely what’s going through Rand Paul’s head, or Mitt’s or Newt’s (though I’ll wager it’s “Win! Win! Win!” for the first and “Me! Me! Me!” for the other) but when it comes to Rick Santorum, we’ve got years and years of his own public airings of his creepy obsessions to go on. Rick is pretty much nothing *but* his twisted psychology.
@scav: Damn it, another Obama coverup.
@scav: Oh dear….
pseudonymous in nc
@scav: As if Santorum needed any more reasons to believe that he has a hotline to the almighty.
We misunderstand each other. I don’t care whether Santorum has a specific problem with women. He is a religious fanatic who would impose theocracy on the country. The worst fanatics always believe that they are acting for some greater good.
You have consistently been one of the best writers here on the issue of contraception. Surely you realize that Santorum does not make any distinction between workplace and home, public and private.
That Santorum may have a problem with women may make him extra despicable, but the fundamental problem is his beliefs and policy posititions, period.
Conservatives cannot stand the fact the Obama’s are perceived as good parents, or that Obama is a “family man”.
It was only a matter of time before one of them started to pontificate on their superior child-raising abilities. What I love is how dishonest he is. He’s too cowardly to attack them as parents directly, so he has to make this bullshit, lying tie-in to US policy.
pseudonymous in nc
@The Other Chuck:
Exactly. If you look at him, or Palin, or Bachmann, there’s so little “there” there that what “policy” emanates from them is just a manifestation of their psychology.
@gocart mozart: Exactly. Like I said, he spends his time obsessing over what is going on in ladies’ uteri and in men’s recta. Probably more of the latter than the former, but I can’t speak to that with certainty.
They’re losing on this issue, so the Missus must be trotted out to soothe the nervous GOP women who are giving Ricky the side eye. I don’t think it’ll work, though, because he simply cannot help himself.
Fuck all these motherfuckers and their Stepford wives with my very rusty pitchfork™.
@The Other Chuck:
No, he is pretty much nothing but his twisted theology.
El Cid
Perhaps it’s “do nothing” in the sense of “cause nothingness, to eliminate existence, to return all to the void and darkness.”
The Other Chuck
The point I am trying to make is that there simply isn’t any separating the two when it comes to Mullah Rick.
The wife of fiercely pro-life presidential hopeful Rick Santorum had a six-year love affair with an abortion doctor, 40 years her senior – who, incredibly, delivered her as a baby – it has emerged.
Karen Santorum, 51, who, like her husband, opposes abortion even in cases of rape and doesn’t believe in using birth control, lived with Pittsburgh abortion pioneer Dr Thomas E. Allen for most of her 20s in the 1980s.
Twice in one day I get to click a link because not because i didn’t believe the assertion, simply that I had to see it for myself
I follow politics very closly, and had heard a little bit about this story, and as it was in the youthful past, and really none of my business, I was all meh. However, I was unaware of the age difference (again not a real problem as far as I am concerned), but the fact that he actually delivered her? Did not know that (again not really my business).
The reason I bring it up is only for one of those How many days would you have heard about all of these details if we were talking about Michelle Obama, How many months would be spent airing that laundry?
Answer, youd’ve had to be hanging out in the room next to Bradly Manning to not have heard of the story.
Reminds me of Codit/Levy. Only 6 months later did I learn that there was an actual dead body of a staffer found in Scarboroughs office. And i only caught wind of that from the outer burbs of the Blogistan.
Bubblegum Tate
Way O/T, but relevant to John: Hines Ward has retired.
@El Cid:
Good point. It is a colloquialism originating on the playing fields of the academy for young Dark Lords.
Linda Featheringill
Sorry for the nonresponse. I got busy here. They think I should actually work at my job:-)
I probably should just butt out. Carry on.
[The question of gender arose because you didn’t see that Santorum was anti-female.]
Laura Bush killed a guy…
Just heard a funny thing – Ricky Sanctorum’s Secret Service code name is “Steamer” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Do you suppose they add ‘Cleveland’ when he is not around.
@El Cid:
Or perhaps it’s “do nothing” as in nothing will change as far as I’m concerned, or in other words: when my husband is President and I’m the First Lady, all you ladies will enjoy the same access to contraception as I do now. So what is all the fuss about?.
Oh, God, don’t bring it up. They went completely insane over a birth certificate, both media and conservatives, and a birth record is a boring and mundane state process. I can’t imagine if we start bringing old boyfriends into it.
I was honestly expecting someone or other to insist on paternity testing re: Obama’s parentage, as the logical end result of the THREE YEAR frenzy over the birth record.
The gates of hell will open if we go down this road :)
Turn back, before it’s too late!
Oh no. The Cleveland Steamer, The Rusty Trombone, The Dirty Sanchez…..I am going to have to stop googling this stuff.
@Linda Featheringill:
I detest Santorum. Of course, he is anti-female, but I think it is reductive to say that it is because he has a problem with women. He is one of those people who would save women from themselves, as part of his larger mission to save society from sin. There is much of what Santorum says and believes that is standard issue Catholic theology.
He reminds me of every twisted fundamentalist zealot itching for the Rapture. Many of these people would swear that they love women, and see their desperate desire to bind them down as protective and redemptive. But I also think that after he “fixed” women, he would go after men as well. You see this in his recent condemnations about pornography. People like Santorum look at the world and see nothing but sin and corruption in men and women.
The Other Chuck
The MN hockey team (2012 National Champs!!!) used to have a woman on the team whos last name was Sanchez. We were at a game when some fans chanted “dirty sanchez” (this is waaaaay out of character for the womens game where even ‘suck’ is frowned upon, a word heard at least every 38 seconds at a mens college game).
I had no clue but made the mistake of asking my daughter – I don’t know which was worse, that she told me or that she knew.
Laura Bush killed a guy…
Oh yeah, i know, though i think I picked that up from the mainstream media even though that story was down the memory hole in a minute, and it was when she was a teenager at the time.
Oh, God, don’t bring it up.
Kay, i was only bringing it up as yet another example to keep in mind everytime I hear a winger screech about how in the bag for Obama the MSM is. I’ve got no interest in propagation per such,
My other point being that I had never heard of that particular detail.
As I have said here today and elswhere, The crazy has already been unleshed with the fury of a thousand suns, and I am certain that they plan on doubling down.
@Joey Maloney:
The story I saw, late this afternoon (CNN?) said Newt was demanding that Obama apologize for what DeNiro said. Over the fucking rainbow and headlong into the open latrine on the other side.