Anybody old enough to have played with the actual toy would agree that an Etch-A-Sketch isn’t a bad metaphor for the neverending Romney campaign: Hours of tedious calibration along rigid horizontal/vertical axes gave you a jaggety graphical image roughly caricaturing the subject you intended to draw, and after a few weeks’ use the ghosted outlines of previous sketches would obscure the newest image until you gave up and shoved the thing down to the bottom of the toybox. But this year’s True Republican Conservatives(tm) no longer have the luxury of switching to a new and less frustrating plaything, so they’ve decided to proclaim that getting stuck with The Candidate Nobody Wanted is somehow a proof that they’re #winning. Erick “Voice of the GOP Gated Community” Erickson, the man whose primary vote went to Rick Perry even though Perry had long since retired from the race, squares his beefy shoulders and sticks out his manly chins for “The Nominee“:
…[A]s Romney piles up more and more wins and neither the Gingrich nor Paul campaigns remain factors, let alone have pulses, the inevitable will set in. Conservatives may not really like Mitt Romney, but they do not want a fractured party too divided to beat Barack Obama. There will be no white knight, no dark horse, and no brokered convention. We have our nominee.
If, come November, Mitt Romney wins, he will owe it to a lot of Republicans who put their reputation on the line and it will be payback time. If Mitt Romney loses, party leaders will undoubtedly try to blame conservatives as they always do, but it will be really hard to cast blame when Romney’s supporters have billed him as Mr. Electable since shortly after they they billed Harriet Miers as a genius conservative pick for the Supreme Court.
Either way, conservatives have and no doubt will continue to make it very clear that Mitt Romney may be the standard bearer of the Republican Party, but he most definitely is not the standard bearer of the conservative movement. The disentangling of the movement from the party will continue. So too will our shared effort to oust Barack Obama from the White House.
Such we-are-Sparta displays & proclamations gave Jeb!, aka “The Smart Brother”, a reason to slither out from the parched remnants of the Florida swamplands he’s done so much to sell off to his corporate backers. As Dave Weigel nicely phrases it:
Noted “Stand Your Ground” Legislation Supporter Endorses Mitt Romney
Jeb Bush could have picked any week to endorse Mitt Romney. This week? Sub-optimal. The reason, though it might get ignored, is contained in this 2005 piece about the “Stand Your Ground” legislation thatFlorida Gov. Jeb Bush has signed a bill giving residents the right to shoot in self-defense anywhere they feel threatened by would-be assailants.
The bill was signed as the National Rifle Association’s lobbyist, Marion Hammer, looked over Bush’s shoulder.…
Doghouse Riley isn’t impressed, either:
… Listen, you don’t have to tell me that “conservative” has no actual meaning in contemporary American politics, but if you’re obliged to use it anyway, could you do so with some consistency? When people say “Romney will have trouble with conservatives” they mean the red meat, gun-totin’, Jebus-spouting neo-Confederates who make up a third of the party, not “self-described conservative” members of the “conservative” party. This exchanges something approximating “reality” for the more comforting one in which people like John Dickerson don’t have to call those people “nuts”….
[H]e’s Mitt Romney, nobody’s sweetheart, and no liberal except to the knuckle-draggers of his own party. Fifty-one percent, or something approximating that, have repudiated them, at least as regards selection of a national candidate. The same thing happened last time, except last time the “real” “conservatives” had only tax-raisin’ Mike Huckabee to carry the banner; this time they’ve had a half-dozen to chose from, all duds. It’s time to acknowledge that Mitt Romney is the face of the national Republican party, or the face it wishes to show the rest of the country, neatly coiffed, tone-deaf, and vacant behind the eyes, rather than the ravening Bronze Age thinkers who represent 40% of its voters and most of it Congressional representatives. It’s the party which now admits that addled oligarchy, however unpopular, has to run things because that’s preferable to the alternative. Time for the rest of y’all to say so, too.
So, Willard “Mitt” Romney is every conservative’s moderate and every moderate’s conservative — just as Julius Caesar was every women’s husband and every man’s wife. As a Stoic in the classical sense, I am forced to agree with Mr. Charles P. Pierce:
I don’t know about the “Republican establishment” — I’m still not sure there is one — but, apparently, every smart pundit out there is of the opinion that it consists of the Bush family and their assorted hangers-on. This is, of course, despite the fact that, by 2008, C-Plus Augustus had turned the family brand into the political equivalent of a fast-food restaurant called Long John Salmonella. And let’s not forget the fine work that Jebby did as governor of Florida, meddling in the death of Terri Schiavo and developing such a warm relationship with the state’s various minority communities that they were sitting in at his office by his second year as governor.
The one thing that Jeb Bush’s endorsement does do is fairly well put to bed the lunatic speculation that he might mount a bid of his own. Was the country really prepared to take another chance on the Bush family? Even on The Smart One? Now, though, it has become plain that, by electing Willard Romney, the country will be electing something of a Bush manque — the third term of the Avignon Presidency. (I know. The link is to the blazing heart of Wingnuttia, but who are you going to believe on a story like this one?) Is it possible that there burns in the souls of the former Bush administration flunkies the desire to avenge their boss’s memory through the use of Mitt Romney to defeat the man who was elected in 2008 as the living embodiment of the country’s revulsion at the previous eight years, whether he was comfortable in that role or not? Remember, the entire campaign of George W. Bush was in some measure an act of revenge against the administration that had turned Poppy out in 1992. I put nothing past these people.
Doghouse Riley and Charlie Pierce, two daily must reads after Balloon Juice.
Apparently someone needs to introduce Willard to the magic of video tape.
“Listen, Willard, you know all that crazy stupid shit you are saying? Well there is this magical invention that allows people to save that and show it to people later”
“No, shut up Willard this is not magic like your undies this really works and apparently has been around for like 40 years so that shit you said before can be compared to the shit you are saying now – and by extension the shit you plan on saying in September”
George W. Bush as Long John Salmonella.
Thank you, Mr. Pierce.
Davis X. Machina
Now, though, it has become plain that, by electing Willard Romney, the country will be electing something of a Bush manque — the third term of the Avignon Presidency.
It would be the fourth term, because, as I am constantly reminded, we are presently living through the third term.
I’ll give you one guess what percentage of people in NH favor repealing their gay marriage law.
crazification factor strikes again…
Bill Maher and Jon Stewart have reason to love the modern Republican party. I don’t.
jim pharo
These guys are big on keeping score and getting even. I can think of a bunch of examples where revenge was their primary motive. I look at Clinton’s impeachment as revenge for Nixon. And they are still extracting their pound of flesh for John Tower and Robert Bork…
I put nothing past these people.
Every Democrat needs to keep this in mind every single day.
As expressed by Rachel Maddow on last night’s show, it gets even more surreal; Ohio Arts got bought and made to export its excellent local jobs and high quality toys to China; with the usual poor results. And you only get one guess which famous venture capital firm did it.
That’s right! Mitt Romney’s beloved Bain Capital.
On a personal note, I have started a fund drive for the cat blog, which has exploded into worldwide popularity, with associated server costs, far ahead of the point where advertisers think I’m worth bothering with. (Any advice on negotiating such rocky shoals gratefully appreciated.)
If you are moved for say, the cost of a latte (a nice big one with foam on top) you can see my appeal here.
For the kitties!
@Davis X. Machina:
If I didn’t have to live through it with them I would wish a Romney presidency upon those who say shit like that.
Bruce S
Noted “Stand Your Ground” Legislation Supporter Endorses Mitt Romney: Best headline of the week! Good for Dave Weigel. That is the perfect frame at the (tragically) perfect time.
Maddow’s commentary was pretty much the final thing that needed to be said about Romney. Unfortunately we’re (apparently) going to continue to get news about this particular avatar of Hell again and again, at least until early November. And that’s the positive alternative. I’m not happy about this.
I am always Deeply Flattered when GOP spokesdroids steal their talking points directly from my archives
The Republic of Stupidity
I always thought that an awful lot of what motivated the C-Plus Augustus was a burning desire to avenge the wrongs heaped on Grandfather Prescott, who had his assets confiscated by the Fed for his dealings w/ the 3rd Reich…
Put up a link about the Etch a Sketch company outsourcing on the Maddow thread. That leapt out at me too. Here’s info:
My bad. Bain connection is that Bain Capital owns Toys R Us, a major Etch a Sketch buyer.
Rachel says Ohio Art Company said they felt bad about moving production overseas, but “their hand was forced by price pressure from their major buyers.” Such as Toys R Us. (about 2:00 in video)
Found the NYTimes article Rachel referenced on Etch A Sketch’s move to China.
Here’s link, Ruse in Toyland.
And where have we heard this before?
Wage rates for union US workers, in 2000: $9.00/hour, plus benefits (the soaring healthcare costs)
wage rate for Chinese workers, 2003: 24 cents per hour, and Chinese minimum wage was 33 cents/hour
JD Rhoades
Apparently someone needs to introduce Willard to the magic of video tape.
These guys don’t get that we don’t live in an Etch a Sketch world any more.
JD Rhoades
These guys are big on keeping score and getting even. I can think of a bunch of examples where revenge was their primary motive.
Which is why I have my doubts that Santorum and Gingrich followers are going to “unify behind the candidate.” These people hate, they hate deeply, and they bear LONG grudges.
Getting interesting: from the NYTimes: calls grow for Nancy Brinker, founder of the Susan G Komen Foundation, to step down.
You might try contacting smaller cat product companies directly, sign up with every ad network you can, and also look at other pet blogs – who’s advertising there? Contact those companies as well. And have solid traffic numbers and a quick sales pitch to offer them.
Just some thoughts.
Another reason I hope Mitt is like an Etch-Sketch: Though a lot of people think they are cool at first, everyone quickly realizes how stupid, frustrating, and un-fun they are and they quickly find their way to the bottom of the toy box beneath the Slinky, Crayons, Pokey&Gumby Dolls, and GI Joe Tiger Safari set.
Another reason I hope Mitt is like an Etch-Sketch: Though a lot of people think they are cool at first, everyone quickly realizes how stupid, frustrating, and un-fun they are and they quickly find their way to the bottom of the toy box beneath the Slinky, Crayons, Pokey&Gumby Dolls, and GI Joe Tiger Safari set.
Kudos, driftglass. August 2010, on strategic forgettery and etch a sketch minds.
Makes you wonder if Fehrnstrom saw your idea at some point (or heard about it), and it resonated with him, then came out wrong. (Unless that was a wave to “moderates and independents”.)
@Elizabelle: Thank you for correction… I was falling asleep and being informed by Mr WereBear’s indignant outbursts.
@arguingwithsignposts: Thank you… I have been trying that, because there are products I use and recommend. Put together a nice little pitch… and got back dead silence.
But hey, I am trying again… with the new numbers, it may make a difference!
One thing that continues to throw me, and I have yet to come across an explanation from my hosting company, or anyone else, is that my Google stats did not go up that much… but it’s slow and steady growth, and one spike can spill the beans, it seems.
If it’s your analytics, you may not have the google analytic bug on all your individual pages. If you have the tracker on the main page, but not all the individual pages, the stats will be off. Also, different trackers give different stats. Statcounter, Sitemeter and Google Analytics all come up with different numbers. You might try using two of them so you can get an idea if one is off. You might try seeing where you rank site-wise with ranking services like Alexa, as well.
Good luck.
I LOL’d.
I always knew they had a persecution complex the size of a gas giant, but the way they all turned and pointed the finger at mysterious “Republican party elites” who were secretly in league with liberals or just like liberals and torpedoed Sarah Palin before she could save America because they hate conservatives… or whatever… might be the single biggest Whiny Little Bitch moment I’ve seen in politics to date. Those people are truly the most pathetic losers I’ve ever met.
Southern Beale
Let’s remember that we’re coming up on the second anniversary of the BP Oil Spill. And now as the crap is making its way into the food chain, I thought I’d tell people why I’m not eating Gulf shrimp.
Using multiple trackers increases DNS lookups, making your page slower.
Fixed for accuracy.
As I mentioned in another thread, there’s more at play here than the acknowledgment of Mitt’s dishonesty. No one who actually believed in such a thing as a “liberal media” would brag to that selfsame media that Mitt could simply erase all the wingnuttery he’s been spouting from the public record.
Instead, Mitt’s guy spoke as someone confident enough to expect that the so-called “liberal media” would help Mitt “reset,” thus showing that the decades-long branding effort is nothing more than a cynical — and successful — ploy to work the refs and achieve deniability for inconvenient facts.
@bago: Yep, dropped down to just the Google Analytics; because now their “real time” ticker is in beta.
Thanks all!