Rick Santorum, who wants people to believe that there’s no difference between Obama and Romney but doesn’t want to be caught saying it, said “bullshit” to a dirty liberal New York Times reporter who asked him a question about his latest attempt to call that dog with a whistle. According to the proto-commies at ABC News, here’s what Santorum said in his speech:
During the speech, as he railed against Mitt Romney for his healthcare plan in Massachusetts, Santorum said the former Massachusetts governor was the “worst Republican in the country” to take on President Obama.
“Pick any other Republican in the country. He is the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama,” Santorum said at South Hills Country Club.
No need for clarification there, unless you’re a liberal elitist. Here’s the Santorum campaign’s justification for Rick’s dirty word:
Earlier today, while campaigning in Wisconsin, I criticized Romney and Obama for their outrageous healthcare legislation. Predictably, I was aggressively attacked by a New York Times reporter all too ready to defend the two of them, and all too ready to distort my words. Let me assure you, I didn’t back down, and I didn’t let him bully me. I think it is high time that conservatives find the courage to expose the liberal press for what they are, a defender and enabler of Romney’s and Obama’s liberal agendas.
Again, no chance that Santorum thinks that Romney is as bad as Obama, and if you get that from the last sentence of that statement, your membership certificate for the bicoastal elite is in the mail.
Here’s my question: I realize that the 27% think that “blah blah elite liberal media blah blah” is a great excuse every time a candidate fucks up, and I’m sure that they’d be fine even if Rick repeatedly punched a Times reporter in the face, but isn’t “dirty liberal media” getting into “dog ate homework” territory for the non-27 percent?
I’m confused by all this. Where’s the “bullshit”quote? I just want the money shot.
@Brandon: Click on the first link. Or, if you don’t mind sitting through a 30 second ad, here’s the tape:
Jeffrey Kramer
I said more than a month ago that Santorum’s path to the nomination was: don’t say anything about the economy, don’t say anything about Iran, don’t even say anything about abortion. Just stand up at every speech and cry, cry, cry, “My God, My God, look how the radical homosexuals are persecuting me!” Answer every question at every debate with “My God, My God, look how the media elitists are persecuting me!”
May be too late now, but I swear he would be even with Romney if he had gone all-out for this strategy from the start. Probably wouldn’t be enough to win the presidency, but the nomination, a definite maybe.
I can haz fix for centered text in IE9?
gogol's wife
OT. So seriously, the print is going to be gray? Please explain why this is an improvement over black type.
The whole thing is cluttered, ugly, and impossible to read. When there was all this talk about a “redesign,” I thought it was just going to be adding features for those who care about those things. I didn’t realize the whole graphic look of the blog was going to be completely ruined. This is unutterably depressing. The type reminds me of the old days of dot-matrix printing.
Punching a Times reporter would guarantee Rih obtaining those coveted Gingrich delegates, especially now that N. Leroy is under increasing pressure to spend more time shopping with Calista.
The phrase “liberal media” retains its potency to cow its intended audience: the senior management and board members of the corporate media who dictate reporting standards and practices. Do recall the recent inquiry by the ombudsman of “even the liberal NYTimes” whether its reporters should be “truth vigilantes.”
c u n d gulag
To the 27%ers, that the “liberal media” is “dirty,” is as established a fact as Obama’s coming for their guns, and that he favors black people (aka: Niggra thugs), and that government is the root of all evil. And don’t let government dare touch their Medicare!
Unfortunately, that “bullshit” isn’t exposed, or even countered, by the “dirty liberal media” that they hate, because that “dirty liberal media” is so bent on not being perceived as “liberal,” that they constantly bend over backwards to give these yahoo’s representatives air time.
And, since that “dirty liberal media” doesn’t bother to look for, or expose, the truth, either because they are f*cking lazy, compliant, or even complicit, since it’s corporate-owned (and can’t afford to antagonize their Conservative viewers/listeners/readers), that “bullshit” permeates another 10-24%, and the meme’s become established as fact.
And that’s how Democrats lose, and true Liberals get marginalized.
But the slightest exposure of the right’s lies and mendacity, is further proof that the MSM is Liberal.
Nice little game they got there, eh?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@liberal: It’s not just IE9.
Ben Cisco
Everyone outside the 27 percent already KNEW that; the right and Ferengi Media don’t care.
OT but it’s the first day of the Stephanie Miller Show on current tv.
John of Indiana
“Liberal” media, “Liberal Agenda”… What is it with these people that anything to the left of Pol Pot is “Liberal”?
Just proves how far hard right the GOP has turned when you can characterize a center-right president and Dick Lugar as “Liberal”.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
remember the 27% still have the country at a crossroads. its not that their ideas are an abyssmal failure or anything, its just that the country is at a crossroads.
no stupid shit always works on stupid people. calling the new york times liberal, is just working the refs. sucks for them if the refs tune them out and call them on their bullshits.
i hope robert johnson isn’t wearing a hoodie at the crossroads.
Isn’t everyone else also irritated by the center text alignment? Whose bright idea was that???
And I still think the poster’s name should be right under the title.
Impatient perv.
Commenting at Balloon Juice since 1937
A Republican observed in its native habitat.
Attention: The double underscore we use in blockquotes to separate paragraphs also works for regular posts.
R. Porrofatto
You should be careful using the word “blah” when discussing Santorum. It has an entirely different meaning for him. Much like the word “santorum” has an entirely different meaning for the Intertube.
Somewhere Newt Gingrich smiled, a tear slid down his face, and he said “Rick, you growns up and you growns up”
@JGabriel: I concur with both of you.
Comrade Mary
OK, the text centering is happening in IE8 as well as IE9, but not in Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.
Guys, no one made a deliberate choice to center align, and the paragraph spacing issue is new, because we didn’t have this issue right after the upgrade on Saturday. I think there’s a game of CSS whack-a-mole going on (which I know all too well from some of my own adventures in site rollouts — do not ask me about making a complex social media site work in IE6 last year).
John will probably put up another site update thread soon, we’ll all yell at each other, and the site will get fixed. Remember what a rumpus there was during the last re-design?
General Stuck (Bravo Nope Zero)
My guess is, like most of the way to pure of image and word, that behind the scene, and bedroom doors, lurks some kinky shit in the Santorum house hold.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, long as no laws are broken. But the piety meter for Rick is off the charts, and there could even be livestock involved.
Omnes Omnibus
As long as we are muttering about the redesign, can someone tell me if there will be a new mobile site. I am getting the regular one on my phone. It is not all that phone friendly.
gogol's wife
@Comrade Mary:
Do you happen to know if there will be any rethinking of the faint type?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@JGabriel: @Omnes Omnibus: Someone should email Cole.
@Comrade Mary:
That’s obvious. What’s not obvious to me is why it wasn’t tested in the most commonly used browsers before it was put into production mode.
(NB: I despise Microsoft, am not in love with IE, blah blah blah. But it’s hardly like IE9 isn’t a commonly used browser.)
J.D. Rhoades
What’s most striking to me in that video is not Rih’s use of the word “bullshit”, it’s that he sounds like a whiny pre-teenager. Which makes him the perfect candidate for the Butthurt Generation.
Ash Can
OK, so Rih says something silly in a speech, gets it quoted back to him, and swears at the person doing the quoting for…doing the quoting. Got it.
I wish reporters would ask Santo why he thinks ending pre-existing condition exclusions and expanding healthcare to everyone is bad.
Comrade Mary
@gogol’s wife: @liberal: I’m not on the design team, I’m just watching from outside.
John wants the dates closer to names, so that’s going to happen. The darker text is something a lot of people are asking for. And the text centering problem in IE wasn’t complained about immediately on Saturday, so that problem may be a legacy of CSS whack-a-mole (which also messed up line spacing and the spaces between paragraphs).
(Just checked: the first complaint about centered text was around 5:30 Sunday afternoon, shortly before the line spacing went kerblooie, too. Fucking moles.)
J.D. Rhoades
Because SOSHULISM, that’s why!
such a place does not exist
Rafer Janders
Yep. Also annoyed by that. I find this impossible to read.
Also, too, the block quoting no longer works.
Amir Khalid
I have seen a clip which shows a brief excerpt where, in his speech, Mr Frothy calls Mitt the worst candidate to run against Obama — but doesn’t qualify that assertion with any reference to Mitt and Massachusetts healthcare. So unless Mr Frothy made that connection elsewhere in the speech, he’s the one who’s bullshitting Zeleny.
I don’t know if this is a conincidence or a reasult of the site change, but this newsite is much easier for me to get to. It used to take two or three atempts for me to get the old site up on my computer screen. Now it comes right up, no problem, except for the centered text which is disconcerting.
@Ash Can: Thank Tebow that Sarah Palin redefined journalism by making, “What newspapers do you read?” a hard-hitting, “gotcha” question from the liberal media.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Wow this new format is hard to read.
But tsk, tsk Ricky blows playing The Pure One yet again. Cursing in public. He’s getting near to his echo o sketch moment.
For everyone complaining about the new site – there was a thread last night where John talked about the changes he’s wanting, and asked for more suggestions. If you would like to bitch productively, how about complaining/giving your suggestions there, where it is possible the re-designers will read it? If, on the other hand, all you want to do is bitch, regardless of its effectiveness, then carry on!
@Amir Khalid: But he didn’t because all journalists r ebil and SHUT UP THAT’S WHY!!
Bruce S
Frankly, trying to find consistency, accuracy or analytic competence among these GOP candidates is a fool’s errand. Because it’s all…uh, you know…bullshit.
Smedley the uncertain
Ummm, who authored this post?
Redesign seems to add a bit of clutter, e.g. the little yellow box “This entry was posted blah blah blah…” But no indication of author.
Black type is an improvement.
lovable liberal
Bullshit is the best thing Sanctorum has ever said. Too bad he didn’t apply it to himself. With a cow chip that big on his shoulder, though, he might have a chance to appeal to the blameless neo-Confederate victims of northern aggression.
According to the Huffington Post, the reporter said to Santorum:
“You said Mitt Romney is the worst Republican in the country,” said Zeleny. “Is that true?”
But that’s not what Rick Santorum said at all. So yeah, Republicans attacking the media all the time is stupid. But in some cases, it can be understood and justified.
I agree with Santorum that nominating Romney is stupid if the goal is to make Obamacare a campaign issue, which the GOP spent the last 2 years getting prepared to do. A Romney candidacy takes Obamacare off the table, because voters don’t want to drill down to figure out if there are any big differences with Romneycare. Our elections are not about scrutinizing specific policies, for most voters. For wonks yes, but everyone else, not so much.
Bruce S
Rick Santorum has apparently put his chips on mental illness rescuing his campaign – which looks to be promoting a level of extreme paranoia that is pathological: