Stay classy, homophobes:
The leading opponents of same-sex marriage planned to defeat campaigns for gay marriage by “fanning the hostility” between black voters from gay voters and by casting President Obama as a radical foe of marriage, according to confidential documents made public in a Maine court today.
The documents, circulated by the gay rights group Human Rights Campaign, are marked “confidential” and detail the internal strategy of the National Organization for Marriage.
“The strategic goal of this project is to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies,” says an internal report on 2008 and 2009 campaigns, in a section titled the “Not A Civil Right Project.”
“Find, equip, energize and connect African American spokespeople for marriage, develop a media campaign around their objections to gay marriage as a civil right; provoke the gay marriage base into responding by denouncing these spokesmen and women as bigots,” advises the document, which is a road map to the successful campaign against same-sex marriage in California.
The document also targets Hispanic voters, whom conservatives have long hoped would join the backlash against gay rights.
They literally will do everything they can, including having this entire country at each other’s throats, just to keep bigotry alive and to follow bizarre interpretations of a 2,000 year old piece of fiction.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
Those rats won’t fuck themselves.
apparently NOM missed the very special episode of Law & Order SVU which explained the concept of “the down low”.
Just Some Fuckhead
FYI, Kay already covered this today over at Balloon Juice.
Patricia Kayden
But isn’t it up to Blacks, gays and Hispanics not to be tools of these bigots? No one can turn me against someone else for his/her own agenda.
it aint fiction cole.
Jesus was an alien.
they can down otta the sky in a “fiery chariot” and impregnated the virgin mary with that satellite thing in cartman’s ass.
David Koch
Ironically, leading proponents of gay marriage like Aravosis have stoopidly done the same thing, trying to cast President Obama as a radical foe of marriage, which is obviously self defeating as it drives away supporters Aravosis will eventually need.
@ant: God, I miss Ancient Aliens now that they moved it to a channel I don’t have.
Now, now. Let’s not misrepresent something that provides faith & guidance to millions of people. It’s not a 2000 year old piece of fiction.
It’s a 6000 year old piece of fiction with more & more distortion twisted by the vagaries of keepers of the code. 1700 years ago, they added a new volume.
Hungry Joe
That’s their top-secret, eyes-only, now-I-have-to-kill-you plan — “drive a wedge between gays and blacks”? Boy, it’s a good thing it came to light. Close call there.
More than half of the blustering homophobic wingnuts that I know personally are…
wait for it…
wait for it…
Here’s a novel idea, wingnuts: if you want to honor marriage, try a little harder to not suck at it.
This reminds me of some cartoon or comedy flick where the villains come up with some ultra complicated master plan, only to be laughed out of town by the rubes who were supposed to be taken in by the thing.
And has been noted before, conservative weasels seem to presume that all gays are white and that no gays are black.
Southern Beale
Yes but don’t forget: Liberals are the ones who are race-baiting over Trayvon Martin!
head —> desk —-> REPEAT
Less Popular Tim
. Always subtly introduced, e.g.:
1. Ice-T makes a casual reference: “He must have been on the down low [with emphasis not really fitting the off-hand comment]
2. A less hip detective, quizzically: “The down-low??”
3. Ice-T exposits: “Yeah, y’know, the down-low, where a brother &c….”
My favorite part of any episode, next to when the detectives interview a potential witness who doesn’t stop doing their gritty NY job while talking to the po-po.
Amanda in the South Bay
Non-white LGBT people are an invention of liberal university professors in the past 40 years.Its ontologically impossible for black or Hispanic LGBT people to exist, as per St. Thomas Aquinas. Its the progressive, white queers who are the real dividers.
@Less Popular Tim: You know, I sometimes sit back in wonder at the insanity swirling seemingly everywhere and say to myself, “Self, this is now a world where Ice-T plays a cop on TV and Ice Cube is the star of many successful family movies”.
What a country!
Minor corrections, John: the levitical laws are closer to 2500+ years old, and aren’t technically “fiction”, but I’m just being pedantic.
They have heard of Ricky Martin, right?
@Less Popular Tim: legendary character actor Ice-T. he used to be the only fake cop who recorded a track about killing cops until ice cube got a gig as the police commissioner on 21 jump st after recording a song telling the police be on the receiving end of fornication.
lol re: potential witnesses and gritty ny jobs. it’s funny cause it’s true.
@redshirt: darn you and so on. you beat me to it.
@Heliopause: Said laws themselves may not qualify as fiction, but the narrative in which they’re embedded is, at best, a work of historical fiction–with its historicity open to varying levels of debate.
Or to put it another way: just because HBO’s Rome was based on actual historical events doesn’t make it any less a work of dramatized historical fiction, even though it may faithfully reproduce some specific recorded events or dialogue.
Jesus is just the excuse for homophobes, sexual anxiety is the real driver here, I think. Not that I’m telling you something you don’t already know.
Why is it that people get anxious about *other people’s* sex lives? Isn’t anxiety about one’s own enough?!?! (This is separate, I guess, from the anxiety some homophobes have about being gay themselves.)
The Crafty Trilobite
Notice how this Cunning Plan (TM) relies on the assumption that teh gayz will assume Obama agrees with all prominent black people. Because libruls are all racist, see.
Two separate otherwise-sane conservatives told me in the last 2 weeks that a black VP nominee on the R ticket would sew this thing up, because so many liberals voted for Obama just to assuage their white guilt. No clue. None at all.
@Amanda in the South Bay:
Ah, this explains why Rick Santorum is opposed to college. He believes that librul professors will turn white Christians into black gays and lesbians.
You do realize that by pointing out the plan to pit the niggras against the fags, you’re oppressing Christians everywhere. Why do you hate freedom of religion?
Isn’t that following the word of Jesus (as they understand it):
Give unto God what is God’s and slit the throat of every fithy Roman you can find.
Or somethin’ like that.
The part that struck me as the most pathetic was how they were also proposing to find children of gay couples who’d go on record complaining about the damage that gay marriage had done to them personally.
Pathetic not just because they assumed such children exist to be enlisted in their cause…as unlikely as it seems…but also because it highlights how utterly empty their campaign is. Who exactly is harmed by gay marriage? At some level of their stunted souls, they must realize they don’t have an answer to that most basic of questions.
I’m disgusted at hydrophobes. Goddammit toluene! Play nice with the water or so help me……
@kindness: I think that was actually a line in the last episode of Spartacus.
Linda Featheringill
Does Kay ever get pissed off at you, John? I wonder why.
The real takeaway is that they are manipulating the media for their own ends. And the media lets them. How many groups have used the same method to achieve their own agendas?
This is why I watch no cable or national or local TV news, with the exception of MSNBC occasionally at night. Now that Kudlow is not on CNBC in the AM I watch it a bit though I usually can’t stand more than a few minutes. The Weather Channel does some brief neutral news updates in the AM.
I get my news from liberal blogs and the local newspaper. It keeps one’s blood pressure a lot lower.
The only way to hit any of these effers is in the pocketbook. Just turn the crap off.
John O
Maggie makes me hope Maggie is right in that she’ll get to meet Jesus, or at least a high-ranking representative, sooner or later.
What an awful organization.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@ThatLeftTurnInABQ: How can you expect wignuts to remain married in the face of the constant temptation of hot and sweaty gay sex?
@Linda Featheringill: I don’t grok this whole notion that it’s somehow undesirable for more than one FPer to put up a post with their own take on the same issue–especially if they’re separated by hours. People who didn’t get in on the first thread before it died might have something interesting to say.
Roger Moore
No, no. They aren’t divorced because they suck at marriage, their marriages were destroyed by teh ghey. And they weren’t unfaithful to their wives, they were lured astray by those evil temptresses. Also, too, they aren’t personal failure, they lost their rightful positions to minorities who were only promoted because of affirmative action. Wingnuts succeed on their own, but their failure is always, always, always somebody else’s fault.
@Amanda in the South Bay: .Sweet FSM!? What happened to two thirds of my actors?????
Roger Moore
Obviously, you just need a nice surfactant so that the hydrophiles and hydrophobes can all get along.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of compassion
Ya know what else, right along with homosex, that the Bible calls an abomination?
These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness [that] speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6: 17-19, KJV (emphasis added)
Not really, nothing in the Bible is properly “fiction” — myth is a much more accurate term — but I understand that John was speaking colloquially and I was just making a pedantic point.
Here in California, we’ve already had a taste of this political strategy. Big money from the Mormon, Catholic, and NOM types trickled down to black and Latino churches to get the vote out against gay marriage. It worked.
Cluttered Mind
@Roger Moore: If only Sandra Fluke were unable to acquire birth control, all those conservative marriages would still be intact.
Jeff Spender
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of compassion:
So…in other words, the Lord despises his own flock. I think the Lord is a masochist.
I think ‘Miserable Little Fucks’ sums it up nicely.
Like I mentioned before, divide and conquer is the entire point behind the “Abortion = Black Genocide” campaign.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of compassion
@Jeff Spender: What, the crucifixion didn’t leave you with that impression already?
@Brachiator: Well, yes, but you see they have never actually spoken to anyone who wasn’t white so it’s hard for them to tell.
According to Webster’s Classy means
having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior
and you expect the others to behave accordingly….hahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahaha
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@redshirt: They were my two favorite rappers in college. It’s never six a.m., it’s “Six in the morning”.
Mahi with pineapple salsa, baked avocado and black beans and rice!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): No better line than “we just sittin here philosophizin bout the sun and moon and bitches and shit’!
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): “six in the morn”… what I use to call the end of a good night
@Raven: hmmm…did you feel the earth move. According to the news there was a small quake near Athens.
@JPL: “A loud boom people heard around Athens Tuesday afternoon apparently was the sound of explosives at a rock quarry — not an airplane’s sonic boom or an earthquake.”
From the voice of the Klan, the Athens Banner Herald.
eta But I do loves me some Carole King.
@The Crafty Trilobite:
did he just totally miss how well that strategy worked with Caribou Barbie and all of the racists white wimmenz?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@The Crafty Trilobite: they only understand the world through their eyes. They can never see Obama as anything other than BLACK, or Rachel Maddow as anything other than LESBIAN. And as long as Obama’s in office, or Maddow sits in that chair, they will keep saying out loud what they’ve had in their hearts.
Four more years!
Roger Moore
FTFY. I’m sure they’ve spoken to non-whites, you know, when they tell them what to do in the garden or other ordering servants around kind of stuff. It’s listening to what the others have to say where they have a big problem.
ETA: And FYWP with the broken strikethrough and editing plugin.
FETA:And no breaks between paragraphs.
Bubblegum Tate
@Roger Moore:
That’s when they weren’t being lured astray by patriotism. (Hi, Newt!)
@Patricia Kayden: Yup. And marketing/advertising never works. Nor does propaganda. Excellent point. In fact, I see nothing wrong with this memo now, because personal responsibility and stuff.
Roger Moore
@Bubblegum Tate:
The list of these things is endless. They didn’t say something offensive, people were offended by their comments. That picture of Obama as a witch doctor wasn’t racist, liberals can’t take a joke. They didn’t sin, they were tempted by Satan. They didn’t lose the election, it was stolen by ACORN. They didn’t say something stupid, their words are being twisted by the Liberal Media. Their businesses aren’t failing because of bad management, they’re being choked by endless red tape. They aren’t out of touch, the voters aren’t ready for their message. Etc, etc, etc.
The cotton field of homopohbia…
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Exactly. The temptation to tap toes and have a wide stance are far too great!
Two weeks ago, after thirteen years together, my guy and I went to Iowa and got legally hitched. I’ve been wiggling my nose, crossing my arms and blinking, and dramatically pointing my finger to no effect.
Obviously, I gay married wrong.
We even touched our rings and exclaimed, “Wonder twins power to destroy traditional marriage” but that did not work either.
Rabble Arouser
@Punchy: I’m gonna take a flyer here, but if you are close enough to curse toluene, you may also be close enough to toluene to breathe it in. Which may, of course, necessitate cursing the toluene. Just sayin’, is all.
protected static
@Delk: Mazel tov!