From commentor MadamZorba:
I’ve seen your pet rescue posts and I was wondering if you could help this one. She’s an English bull dog mix and is currently in the Memphis Animal Emergency Center. Someone picked her up as a stray and when she came in she had been so neglected that they thought she must be a senior dog. But when they examined her, she appears to be about 2 years old.
I don’t know what it is about this dog that touches me so much, maybe it’s the resignation in her eyes that seem to say that she doesn’t expect much help from humans. Or maybe it’s the gentleness that keeps her tail wagging in spite of having been so neglected by those that should have taken care of her. But what ever it is, it seems so important to save her. She is heart worm positive, so if she goes to the shelter, there is absolutely no chance that she will be adopted. I would love to take her, but my lease specifies that I can’t have any pets over 20 pounds. I hope that someone out there is willing to give her a second chance.
Time is of the essence, since the AEC is not a shelter and can only keep her for a limited number of days. If anyone in the Memphis, or surrounding area can help, please call the Animal Emergency Center at 901-323-4563.
gogol's wife
This is heart-breaking. I pray you find someone who can take her.
Not much more sadness I can take today.
Madam Zorba, are you in the area?
This link:
Seems locally sensitive, but you could put her there. They take mixes.
I wish I could help that poor baby. I hope someone gives her a forever home.
People here know about me and dogs; I’d love to take him, especially today, but I can’t.
One of mine died this morning. Two and a half years old, Aussie mix, my partner found her as a feral four-month-old and she was beloved of my heart. Yesterday she was racing around the back yard and my partner heard a loud thump; she came in shaking her head, apparently a little dizzy. She’d obviously had her bell rung pretty good. We thought she’d run into a tree while chasing a squirrel or a bird. We also thought she’d be fine in the morning.
This morning when we got up, she was semiconscious and incontinent. Before we could get her to the vet, she took a deep, rattling breath, and then she was gone. We buried her in the woods, in the middle of a circle of thorn trees, and used old flat stones from a dry-stacked wall to raise a cairn. Her name was Bramble; I thought the thorn trees were a nice touch.
Hillary Rettig
Elmo, I’m so sorry. I’m sure Bramble knew she was beloved.
@elmo: How tragic. I am so sorry.
Libby's person
If money to help pay for her vet care would help, please let us know where to send it. I’d like to help. I found out that my Libby was heartworm-positive after I adopted her, and so I know how expensive the treatment is, as well as how well it works.
Libby's person
@elmo: I am so sorry to hear about Bramble! What a terrible thing to happen, especially to such a young dog.
Thanks, everybody. REally, it does help.
With respect to heartworm treatment: depending on the stage, it may be perfectly treatable with ivormectin – the active ingredient in heartworm preventative. In fact, there is a severe shortage of the more effective drugs that they use to treat Stage II or III infestations, so they are actually using ivormectin to treat even Stage II, which they never used to do.
The most important thing with a HW+ dog is to keep it still. The dog has to be crated, extremely limited exercise, no excitement, etc. Essentially keep the heart rate low and steady as much as you can. If you do that, with a regimen of ivormectin, most HW+ dogs will be fine.
One last point – if you’re at all comfortable with titration, and measuring dosages for weight, do NOT buy ivormectin in commercial preparations like Heartguard. You can buy liquid ivormectin at any equine supply store for pennies compared to what you’ll pay for dog-chewable pills.
@elmo: I’m so sorry. It’s one of the worst ways to lose one; thinking she would be fine.
But she had no hope… and you gave her more than two happy years. So many don’t get even that.
@elmo: Oh, Elmo. I am deeply sorry for your loss. And for the shock of it. So sorry.
Please, please, someone take this dog. I can help with money, too, if that makes a difference. Either for treatment or for transportation if there’s a home far away.
Thanks Werebear, I’m forwarding that info to the AEC. I really hope someone can take her. It killing me that I can’t.
@ elmo: I am so sorry for your loss. Something so sudden like that is so heartbreaking.
mai naem
@elmo: Elmo,
sorry about Bramble(cute name). You gave her a good life.
Annie – you need to do an update the lexicon thread. There’s no Frothy,Santorum,Etch A sketch, Car elevator or Shamus the Romney-Dog-Riding-On-The-Car in the Lexicon.
Also too, I never realized that you guys were using soshulism because of the filer. Lol, I thought it was a cutesy snarkilistic spelling.
TaMara (BHF)
@elmo: So sorry. You’ve come to the right place for big hugs.
@MadamZorba: I’m on board for helping financially. Just keep us updated, I can’t give much, but we know when everyone here gives $5 or $10, suddenly you have more than enough.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@elmo: I’m so sorry. Bramble had a lovely life at your home that was too short.
And I want to help the doggie. I wish I could take her, but we can’t just now. I’ll kick in though. Both of ours are rescues, as was the queen of the pack. The best dogs ever.
Shadow's Mom
I can kick in too, if it will help. Will check in later
I did a quick google and there are lots of dog rescues in Tennessee. I suggest that you get on the phone and the email and start contacting if you haven’t done so already. Heart worm treatment is expensive but i’m pretty sure this commuity would kick in money to help a rescue save this little girl.
The dog I’ve loved most in my life was a feral, tangled mess I met on the street, who had the same behaviors as this girl. We had five great years together. I live in Oregon, or I’d be on my way. Count me in for the financial support- let us know what is needed and how to get it to you/her.
I’m certainly in for a donation to help with the HW treatment if we can find someone to adopt.
Elmo, my condolences. You gave her such blessings.
CT Voter
I’d be happy to kick in some $ to help this gentle beastie out.
Elmo, so sorry about Bramble. But Werebear is right, you gave her 2 years of love she may never have gotten otherwise. And she was able to be with her beloveds at the end, which she would have wanted.
I’ll forward to our rescue here in MI but we’re full up and the dog co-ordinator has already had to turn away others. I would call and email all the local rescues as well, they may be able to squeeze her in with all the pledges of support from here. And of course I’ll kick in too.
Good luck, keep us posted.
I also would be able to help out financially. I’m in Vancouver, BC and could find her a home here but thinking bringing her up here would be too difficult or not possible.
if you could post in the comments if something can be done, I’ll send my e mail address/contact information to Anne.
Thanks for taking interest in the dog, MadamZorba.
@elmo: I am so sorry.
@MadamZorba I can help with $$ as well.
@elmo: So sorry. Losing my first a year ago was as tough a thing as I have ever gone through being so sudden. My heart goes out to you.
@elmo: I am so sorry.
Libby's person
Hopefully, Anne Laurie will get back to us tomorrow with information about whether or not money will be of use, and if so where to send it to. I hope we can help!
We appreciate everyone’s offer to help raise funds for her treatment. The problem right now is that the AEC can’t keep for very long due to limited space and we’re trying to find someone to adopt or foster her. If not, in a few days they will have to give her up to the local shelter and she’ll be euthanized. If we can find someone to adopt or foster her, then we can do a fund raiser to help. We are trying desperately to find a home for her.
@elmo: I’m so sorry. A hug from me and a couple of nose-pokes from my 2 are winging your way.
MadamZorba – thanks for looking out the pup. It’s times like this I wish I didn’t have a limit of 2 where I live! I hope someone comes forward.
Anne Laurie – could you repost this a couple of times over the next few days, so folks just tuning in would see her?
Oh gosh! I hope you can find another shelter they can move her temporarily to so that she has a fighting chance. Poor thing. I’m in for 5-10 bucks.
Everybody, thank you. Sorry to hijack a worthy thread with my grief. I still have rescue contacts in Tennessee, and I’ve reached out to them; the problem is that TN rescues are horribly overburdened as it is.
I also have some national rescue and transport contacts, so I’m forwarding to then as well.
Thank you so much Elmo. You are absolutely right about Tennessee rescues being over burdened. If anyone within driving distance is interested, I’m sure we could arrange transportation. I’ll keep everyone updated as soon as I have anymore info.
What if we were to raise to have her in a kennel which would give us more time to find a home. As well, if the dog could somehow makes its way to Vancouver, I know I could find a home for her. Anyone know how that would work?
Again, if any of the above might be helpful including helping out with $$ I will forward my e mail address to Anne and can then get a hold of me.
I am hell and gone from Memphis and the US, but I want to help. My husband and I can donate some money for transport and/or treatment. Please let us know how to help.
Michele C
@Elmo: Please don’t apologize for very justifiable grief. Losing my 11-year-old dog to sudden-onset liver cancer still hurts two years later; losing a young dog to an accident, well, hugs and tears is all I have to offer.
Also, thank you so much for working your contacts. The best I have is a cat rescue place in New York City, which is about as helpful as nothing.
I, of course, would chip in if she makes it to a foster home, but I don’t know how to make the foster home happen. The closest friend I have to her is in Charlotte, NC.
Please let her be okay.
We have someone who volunteered to foster her. They’ll pick her up this weekend. I’m not sure how to raise money for her treatment. All I have is a personal paypal account. If anyone is interested in donating for her heartworm treatment, you can contact me @ [email protected] and I’ll send you the info for the paypal account. I’ll send pics as soon as I have some. Thanks everyone for your support. You guys are pretty awesome.
Hooray! Emailing you now.
I’m in, emailing you now. She looks like the little sister of my three-legged old boy.
email sent
@MadamZorba: So glad you found a foster home! Between the pup maybe running gout of time and elmo losing his beloved dog, this thread has been a real heartbreaker.
I”m not crazy about donating to an individual paypal account. Why don’t you see if Cole could post a special thread and say that all donations to his paypal account over the next 48 hours (or whatever) will go to the dog.
Cole did something like that when we were donating to send Kay to NetRoots last year. Then he just wrote her one check.
I bet lots of us would chip in if Cole did something like that. I definitely would.
@ Watergirl. OK, My bad. I have never done anything like this before. I’ll check and see with what you suggested. Thanks.
@MadamZorba: If you write Cole and he doesn’t answer you, try Anne Laurie. :-)