I’ve got this Pretenders song in my head where the chorus goes “every day, every day”, then some other stuff, kind of midtempo and cheerful. What’s it called? Last night, the google let me down.
Update. Thanks to Boots Day …now I try to be amused, it is this song.
Unrelated update. Does anyone know anything about the War on Women marches?
Every day I write the book?
Boots Day
“Mystery Achievement.”
Take your pick:
...now I try to be amused
I’ve heard Elvis Costello do that song, but not the Pretenders.
The only Pretenders song I can think of with “every day” in it is “Mystery Achievement”, but that’s not a cheerful song.
Everyday is Like Sunday?
Have you seen The Isle of View? Amazing acoustic show.
DougJ, Head of Infidelity
@Boots Day:
Betty Cracker
Yep, my bet is Mystery Achievement too. It’s not cheerful, but the chorus kinda sounds like it.
Southern Beale
Ugh. Last night I got a “Crazy Uncle” e-mail, you know, one of those things some idiot’s crazy uncle sent to their entire address book. I don’t even know the guy who sent it to me and about 50 gazillion other people. But basically it was a racist rant about a horrible murder in Knoxville several years ago, quite a notorious incident. Snopes has a copy of the e-mail up here, I guess it’s making the rounds. The upshot is, “where’s the NAACP! Where’s Rev. Al Sharpton’s outrage! Oh right … the victims were WHITE.”
Ugh. As I do when I get these things — which is rare — I send a rebuttal as a reply to all. This is why I don’t get these things, because no one wants their entire address book knowing they’re idiots. And I pointed out that the kids who committed this crime were arrested, charged, tried and convicted. None of which could be said about George Zimmerman, who is walking around a free man with his gun. And that is why people are upset.
So the guy — I found out he’s a neighbor — replied this morning. He said Zimmerman should have “fired a warning shot.”
Yes, let’s fire warning shots at everyone we don’t know in our neighborhood. Oy.
I am trying to figure out the details for the April 28th March against the War on Women here in DC. But I haven’t been able to find any. The site doesn’t seem very informative any suggestions?
Hmmm. I guess I’m not on the same schedule as most people when the first thread I see when I get up is titled “Mid-morning.”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Southern Beale: It never occur to these clowns it could have just easly as been a white kid? Not to claim any kind of reverse racism but is Zimmerman decided to take his shit on a white he wouldn’t even have public shaming to deal with thanks those these reptilian hind brain thinking idiots like your neighbor.
Literary the Zimmerman’s thing was like a reptile; “younger, healthier male in my territory! He’s after my women! Must kill!”
@Redshift: Since I logged in 5 hours ago I guess you are right!
Also, I know we’re well past the “requests about the new design” phase, but it’s taken me this long to realize that I’d really like to have the “next thread” link back at the bottom of the page. The “go to top” is very nice, but the actual use case is that if I’m commenting, I spend most of my time at the bottom of the thread, so that’s where I need to be able to see that there’s a new one so I don’t get left behind.
@Valdivia: You mean the National Protest Against the War on Women
@Raven: I always remember the thing my mom said to me once years ago: “Some day you’re going to have a job where you have to dress nice and get to work on time.” I answered “Not if I can help it!”
@Redshift: I’ve worked from home for 8 1/2 years. Saved my fucking life. I get up at 5, walk at 6:30, swim at 10:45 and logout at 4:30.
@Anya: Also, too, here’s the press release
exactly! but since I am one of those people who is not in the Book of Faces wondered if there were more specific details about meeting places etc rather then 9 to 6 in DC. I have female friends coming from nyc and delware for it and want to make sure I know where to go for the gathering. I am also taking my mom who is very excited to participate in her first protest ever in her life :)
ETA and thanks for the links I was just wondering if there is something on FB that is more detailed that I am not seeing since I don’t have a page there.
I heard about one time when W was a young boy & the other kids at his wealthy academy were making fun of him.
The other kids, “You bet your ass we’ll be sorry”
As it was written, so it was done
Egg Berry
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Kind of reminds me of that scene from “A Time to Kill.”
@Schlemizel: Snicker. It’s be funnier if it wasn’t so sad.
Is the link for War on Women marches supposed to be a self link?
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
The news feed here at work said that humans have been using fire for a million years. So, we started using fire 994,000 years before we were created.
@Valdivia: The second link should give you more information. Click on the forum and it gives more details about transportation, volunteers and other details. Check this page
There aren’t a lot of details but if you contact your local women’s groups they’ll have more information. If I receive more info on the book of face, I will pass it on.
Paul Rabin
It’s called Mystery Achievement.
Great tune and quite the ear worm.
@Lee: I’ll be in moderation if I put too many links in the same post, so it was an addendum.
Mr B
Hilarious: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/04/04/opinion/borger-washington-fail/index.html
She’s a frikking CNN journalist who apparently has managed to not watch the news in the past three years.
deeply grateful!
I am really very excited about it and want to make sure I go to the right place.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent): I saw that story on Google News with a link to FoxNews, and I was all like – Dissonance! How does it work?!
@Valdivia: I am thinking of joining the DC march. My brother and his family live in Northern Virginia so I can visit. We’ll see if hubby can get away.
I saw The Pretenders touring behind that record. I am old.
My fave is still Message of Love. Wonderful song.
We are all of us in the gutter. But some of us are looking at the stars.
Comrade Javamanphil
@Mr B: Glad you posted this as I was about to. CNN (and the entire village) can’t be burninated fast enough for me.
and thank you Doug for featuring my question at the top, much appreciated.
do let me know if you are in town for it, in case you want to join us. I am getting together with a group of women who are usually not political but feel this is important.
Bristol Palin, promoter of abstinence, has a new reality show about living with her boyfriend and the kid.
NH March
Because IOKIYAR. That should be a hit.
Donald Trump:
Because Donald Trump is all about the dignity.
@Valdivia: For sure. I’ll let you know.
@JGabriel: God, I hate that guy. What’s so facinatimg about that vulgarian? I don’t get why he’s so prominent?
@RossInDetroit: As did I. They were incredible live.
The only time that my kids pay any attention to what I say about music is when I tell them about the concerts I saw in high school and college (about 1977 – 1984). I finally just bought them the Talking Heads “Stop Making Sense” DVD and narrated it from my memory of that tour. Can still remember Byrne walking out with his boom box on the stage at the Berkeley Greek theater.
So I am old too.
A semi-related Pretenders note: One of the main reasons I first grew to hate Limbaugh was his theft of “My City Was Gone” as his intro. A great song about the destruction of community by sellout suburban governments (Way to go, Ohio!)turned into a support for the blowhard’s blowhard is too much to take.
Flag under cult of civility.
Senior students were “rude” to bigots at attendance they were forced to attend.
Remember all those nice things we were saying about JCPenney last month. Huge layoffs this morning.
Anyone in the Dallas/Ft worth area need a strong Java/.NET solutions architect? ;-)
dj spellchecka
“mystery achievement” was some sort of extra score in the old arcade game “space invaders”….there’s an instrumental with that name of the first side of the album…
one of the greatest debut albums ever
James Hulsey
@RossInDetroit: Message of Love is my favorite Pretenders song, too.
That said, their debut album is one of the best rock albums, ever. I saw them in ’98 (sadly minus the late Farnden and Honeyman-Scott, of course). Hynde did a little cheerleader-style dance during the drum intro to Mystery Achievement. It was awesome.
Why radio stations can’t get past the big three (Brass in Pocket, Middle of the Road, and Back in the Chain Gang) I’ll never know.