A little schadenfreude to counteract the holiday sweetness. The GOP scorpions are feeling bottled in, and reacting as scorpions in a bottle will. Eric Cantor can’t resist the wiles of a winsome young lad…
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor went into damage control mode Friday following the revelation that he contributed $25,000 to a super PAC devoted to defeating incumbent House members — including numerous Republicans.
The news of Cantor’s contribution to the Campaign for Primary Accountability, first reported by Roll Call Friday afternoon and confirmed by a spokesman for the super PAC, was said to have taken party leaders by surprise. House Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, knowledgeable aides said, had not received advance word that the contribution had been made…
Cantor’s contribution came during last month’s heated incumbent vs. incumbent primary between GOP Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Don Manzullo, a contest where Manzullo was targeted with more than $200,000 in CPA spending. The super PAC had been running TV ads against Manzullo, a 20-year-incumbent who had been drawn into the same district as the freshman Kinzinger, whom Cantor was openly supporting…
Ray Allen, Cantor’s political consultant, said in a written statement that Cantor’s donation to CPA had been earmarked expressly for use in the Illinois race and not in any other contests. Allen also said that Cantor had made the contribution after being approached by Rep. Aaron Schock, an Illinois Republican who also supported Kinzinger and who had asked Cantor to donate to CPA…
That would be this Aaron Schock. Cantor’s always had an eye for the ‘young guns’, as per the name of his personal PAC…
But CPA is challenging that version of events. Appearing on CNN Friday evening, Leo Linbeck, a Houston construction magnate who is one of the super PAC’s primary funders, said he was not aware that Cantor’s donation had been earmarked specifically to target Manzullo…Linbeck also framed the Cantor donation in terms that are sure to roil the House Republican Conference.
“We are delighted that the House leadership of the GOP shares our vision of creating real competition for entrenched incumbents,” Linbeck said. “I mean, that’s so forward-thinking of them. This idea that committee chairs and House leadership ought to actually compete for the support of their district, we applaud their foresight.”
[via NYMag]
And while a sobbing John Boehner drunk-dialed Nancy Pelosi, the National Weasel Federation has quietly contacted their legal representatives to quash media comparisons of Eric Cantor to any of the better-known Mustelidae family. Meanwhile, Pastor Huckabee might not have been able to beat John McCain in 2008, but he figures he can do better on the radio than that other bitter old man:
On Monday, former Arkansas governor and one-time Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will launch a three-hour radio program on almost 200 stations across the country, going voice-to-voice with Limbaugh in the noon-to-3 p.m. time slot, Monday through Friday.
Cumulus Media, which owns and operates the new program, is already pitching Huckabee to listeners and advertisers as the “safe alternative” to a man who has recently found himself under weeks of intense fire – not for the first time – and who some believe could be vulnerable to a challenge from someone offering a kinder, gentler conservative voice.
“Our tagline is, ‘More conversation, less confrontation’,” Huckabee told POLITICO. “I’m going to treat every guest with respect and civility. Nobody is going to come on and get into a shouting match with me. That’s just not my style.”
Making a direct comparison with Limbaugh, John Dickey, the co-COO of Cumulus Media, adds, “This is going to be safer from a commercial standpoint, and more respectful from a listener’s perspective. I think that environment has been sorely lacking in talk radio.”…
Meanwhile, Leader (Perhaps) of the Civilising Forces, Newt Gingrich, tells Fox News that he’s ready for a kinder, gentler relationship with his fellow alpha Republican:
Newt Gingrich acknowledged Sunday that his campaign is “operating on a shoestring,” as he signaled he is preparing to transition from candidate to surrogate in anticipation of Mitt Romney winning the nomination…
Gingrich spoke openly about his campaign’s money troubles. He said the campaign has had to dip into personal funds — “a little bit, but not dramatically” — and that the campaign is “slightly less” than $4.5 million in debt.
“We owe much more than we wanted to,” Gingrich said. He explained that the Florida primary in late January “got to be a real brawl” and that his campaign “tried to match Romney.”…
Though Gingrich and Romney throughout January engaged in some of the most personal attacks of the presidential primary campaign, Gingrich said Sunday that the two are at peace with one another.
“I hit him as hard as I could, he hit me as hard as he could — turned out he had more things to hit with than I did,” Gingrich said. “That’s part of the business.”
Gingrich said that if Romney wins 1,144 delegates and clinches the nomination, he will do “everything I can” to support him going into November.
“We are absolutely committed to defeating Barack Obama,” he said. “I will work as hard for (Romney) as I would for myself.”
Shorter Newt: C’mon, Mitt, you’re the only reason I’m not lead dog this season! You owe me a paid consultant spot… Callista’s Tiffany jones is a lot more burdensome than Ann’s horsey dressage toys when you don’t have a quarter-billion in Bain-fed Swiss bank accounts to support it. Hey, it’s not like YOU enjoy standing in front of the media lights defending the indefensible…
So, apart from natural history narratives, what’s on the agenda for a Sunday evening?
Corner Stone
Talk about getting bigfooted.
this is just funny
Corner Stone
I have a ton of work to do tomorrow. But I plan to go to the driving range before work in the morning.
And there’s nothing any of you can do to stop me.
Not our best Easter — father-in-law was taken to the hospital earlier today because he was too weak to walk. Turns out that he’s running a fever from an infection (he’s on chemotherapy so his immune system is already low). They’re putting him on IV antibiotics and keeping him overnight at a minimum. He’s apparently conscious and coherent, but very cranky.
This is one of those times when it’s extra stressful to live 1800 miles away from the in-laws since we’ve been sitting around getting updates via text and phone all day.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
So, he’ll start off with an apology for his notorious comments comparing same-sex relationships with pedophilia and beastiality?
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Mnemosyne: Sorry to hear that, Mnymosyne! Sending good thoughts & prayers.
Scamp Dog
@Mnemosyne: I hope all goes well with your f-i-l. The long distance aspect is a worry for me, too. My Mom is now 80, and she lives in Michigan, while I’m in Colorado and my brother is in California. No major health issues on her end, yet, but the odds will catch up with her before too many years go by.
That’s tough. You just feel so much in control when you’re there. Big sympathies.
We just found out that a dear friend who was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago and was told she had 8-12 months… Well, they meant 8-12 weeks. She just went into hospice. And literally a month ago we drove to a party together and she was making plans for her spring planting. Can’t wrap my head around this.
So the establishment is going to try to take out Limbaugh.
Mike in NC
Newt: I will be your bitch but there’s a price to be met.
It is hard not to get too confident about our chances in November but anything can happen so I’m not taking things for granted.
That Public Service Announcement out of the way, the speed and hilarity with which the Republican Party is self-destructing is nothing short of amazing.
I am beginning to think that a small but growing number of Americans have are beginning to realize that this group has played them for major league suckers for a long; long time. I can only hope we can still salvage some remnant of the American middle-class before it is too late or “Hunger Games” may really happen before too long.
As I have said previously, our local RWNJ radio station has been announcing for weeks that it is making “a big change” because they have been “listening to our advertisers and listeners” the “big change” is taking place on April 16 at noon. I am guessing that we are going to be getting Huckabee in place of Limbaugh. If that is not the case I will be very surprised, as several callers have said that they will not listen to Limbaugh any more after his Sandra Fluck rant “because I have daughters”. Limbaugh didn’t just piss off women with that rant, he pissed off the husbands and fathers as well.
Some Guy
One could see this as scorpions. A less enjoyable take is that the right has moved everything so far right that a radio show with less shouting is now the practical center of dialogue. Republicans dominate politics in ways not matched by adherence their ever-shifting, made up beliefs.
Nah, nothing new. Just good old fashioned sociopaths.
Hang on. I’m told by endless Republican mouthpieces that all money is fungible, and therefore (for example) the 2 or 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s spending that goes towards abortion has by association irredeemably tainted all other dollars going to PP.
Eric Cantor is funding advertisements against a whole slew of House Republicans. Even if he did earmark his donation, well, money is fungible…
Linda Featheringill
A scandal featuring Cantor? Ooooooh! Love the very idea of it!
[BTW, Mr. Schock is a pretty boy, isn’t he?]
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
@Scamp Dog:
Thanks, all. He’s actually been doing amazingly well for someone with a glioblastoma (ie inoperable brain tumor) in his head. They had to change his chemotherapy a few months ago because the Avastin stopped working and there was some tumor growth, and he’s having a lot more side effects from the new drugs than he did with Avastin. At this point, the side effects are much worse than the effect from the actual tumor.
Svensker, sorry to hear about your friend.
I think my favorite part of this weasel roundup is the sentence about sobbing John Boehner drunk dialing Nancy Pelosi. Hee.
I tried to buy replacement smoke detectors at Lowes today but they didn’t have the ones I needed to meet current code in stock. That was kinda frustrating. Now I’m regrouping and trying to figure out where I can get the ones I need.
what’s next, dicing on the floor of the chambers of Congress for leadership positions?
The ‘Campaign for Primary Accountability’ sounds a lot like Act Blue to me. Disdaining blue dogs as I do, their reason for being is one I endorse.
That thar is a real Bible believing church. As per Matthew 21:28-32
” But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard.
He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.
And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not.
Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. ”
But then I keep hearing on the teevee, from various preachermen and paid corporate hacks is that real religion is believing random absurd things, and cracking down lesser people who do not.
Not sure which to believe.
@jl: You gonna listen to some long hair hippie talking about love or a man of god?
Linda Featheringill
I can’t resist the urge to crow:
I had greens from my winter garden as part of our Easter feast.
Linda Featheringill
@MikeJ: #27
LOL! That is just precious!
I see where Dante at GOS referenced JC’s tire rims and anthrax analogy again. That thing is gradually becoming an Internet Tradition.
” Gingrich said Sunday that the two are at peace with one another. ”
One assumes Newt got his piece, for wrapping things up asap, more quick fast like a bunnie than Rih.
What is the wait, Rih? I guess Rih thinks letting the air out of his failing home state PA effort slowly will look more ‘dignified’, but will start sounding like a whoopie cushion soon.
And Newt got in first to bargain for the best scraps at Mitt’s sumptuous banquet, which will NOT be shared with as many of every description who can be found on the highways and the intersections. No especially, not them.
Huckabee is one of those people that makes me feel far outside mainstream opinion on “appealing”.
I don’t find him at all likeable.
I get that he can speak extemporaneously, and he’s good at that, but he has mean eyes and there’s something really cold underneath all that “folksy”.
He’s a talented politician, and most of them can seem hard, in flashes, but I get “mean” from Huckabee, where I never got that from, say, Bill Clinton, who had, at least superficially, a similiar
almost regional style, first term at least.
I thought Clinton was a very tough individual and much more analytical than emotional, but I never thought he was fundamentally mean-spirited, and I think Huckabee is, or can be.
I’m glad he’s making so much money as a media personality, because maybe that’ll keep him out of government.
Steve in DC
I’d worry about Huck. Huck is friendly and sells well. Plus he’s not a Plutocrat by any stretch of the imagination, he’s more progressive on economics than most democrats. And after both Clinton and Obama with our current “social liberalism economic conservatism” i’ll risk Roe v Wade and all other social issues for an economic populist. Fuck those rich enough to care about social issues, if they feel the pain, they’ve had it coming since Clinton.
Yes, by all means, get rid of the people who have learned how to actually get things done. I applaud that as well.
@Steve in DC:
That’s really big of you, Steve in DC.
People who talk about Huckster being progressive are idiots or lying.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@kay: I’m with you totally – I never could understand how the media had all decided what a “nice” guy he was. This is the guy who wanted everyone with HIV to be imprisoned (the euphemism he used was “isolated), and this was long past the time when we knew AIDS wasn’t spread by casual contact.
Like slapping the “maverick” title on McCain, the media seem to convince themselves of Huckabee’s “niceness” through sheer repetition of the claim.
Steve in DC
he’s progressive on economic issues. The democrats are economic darwinists that win on social issues. Time to stick it to the rich socially liberal elites. let’s make them HURT. Maybe then they will go back to economic populism. But till they do, I’ve given up all my social values and say bring the pain and bring it hard.
I’d vote for Huck in a nano second just to watch the heads spin and the tears come, and all of them would have earned it.
@Steve in DC:
Can you provide an example of how Huck is more progressive on economic issues than most Democrats, please?
Anne Laurie
Yeah, I wouldn’t trust him alone with a ten-dollar bill or a naive teenager of either sex, but that’s why I’m looking forward to seeing how Rush responds to the “challenge”. Huckabee will find a way to rile the old gasbag, and when Limbaugh goes full froth, “Pastor Mike” can work the humble-sarvint-how-the-worldly-mock-me bafflegab to keep the rubes — i.e., the Politico-media idiots — fascinated with the loud noises & flailing egos. I just hope President Obama’s re-election team has the smarts to keep pointing out that Rush & Huckebee are both the Voice of the Republican(t) party!
Corner Stone
@Steve in DC:
Normally I just ignore your too transparent hot mess of a comment, but this is truly fucking inspired.
Corner Stone
@Steve in DC:
@Citizen_X: If it’s a matter of powerful blue dogs within the democratic party being challenged for nomination to office, I believe it to be just that– a good idea. It could also be the only hope the democratic rank-and-file have of regaining control of their own party.
@Svensker: Sorry to hear that. One terrible shock after another is hard to deal with. Be well.
@Mnemosyne: I hope all goes well for your in-laws.
Radio stations can pimp his show thusly:
Mike Huckabee: for when you want to listen to a fat bastard on the radio, but don’t want people to think you are absolute scum.
Steve in DC
Inspired as what? I grew up in 1% VA solidly Democratic. I know how these fuckers work, income equality, sure for women and minorities with masters degrees, don’t have one, you should rot, maids are too expensive.
If you don’t get that the Democrats are just as bad and trying to hide it on economics as the Republicans, who only show up crazy when a Dem is in office, you’ve lost your fucking mind. And they win off “but abortions will be banned”. We are not going to get economic liberals until we vote soley on that. Anybody that votes on social issues at all, is voting for Wall Street and the 1% and not a friend of the workers.
I’m fine now, I “got mine”, but honestly if I wanted “go go social liberalism, go go economic conservatism” I’d go libertarian. Till fuckers like my kid sister, who never met a tax break she didn’t like, donates like crazy, runs a law firm, and wants to throttle the middle class are thrown out of the Democratic party economic issues won’t improve. But it’s OK, she’s pro choice, so common in, and buy another local pro choice, fuck the poor politico.
We are being eaten alive economically from within, and nobody cares to stop it, because “social issues”, hence why I say let them all burn.
@efgoldman: Yes, but I’m looking online and they don’t stock what I need either – a hardwired combination smoke/CO with a photoelectric sensor. They only have co/smoke with an ionization sensor at the nearest store. I can order one online easy enough but it doesn’t make sense that they don’t have what I need in stock. Lowes even had a summary of the code posted right next to the fire alarms. Nonetheless, FAIL.
I’m going to try the local HW store whenever they are open next (tommorrow?). Maybe they know how to order stuff properly.
Some Guy
@Steve in DC:
Male privilege? What a big sacrifice of you.
By the way, can you explain how Huckabee is more progressive on economics than most Democrats?
Some Guy
@Steve in DC:
Huckabee. Evidence. Please.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
I think media people admire skill at that craft, “politics” and Huckabee is a good politician. I honestly don’t think they give a rat’s ass about “character” or “policy”. I think those things only come up when the skill at that craft fails, and the politician is weakened, or perceived to be weakened.
We could have an absolute monster in there, and as long as his numbers held up and his Party didn’t flee, they’d be saying “he’s likeable!”
@Anne Laurie:
I heard him on the radio talking about gay people and I just immediately turn into a surly teen. Ugh. That regretful fake-kind rejection of them, all of us who aren’t like him, really, just makes me want to scream.
He’d LIKE to accept people, but, sadly, he cannot.
What an ego. Like we’re all waiting for his seal of approval.
@Some Guy: Huckabee made some compassionate conservative noises during the 2008 primaries but has cut that out since joining Faux News.
Every few weeks Steve in DC starts pushing his new favorite economic populist savior. Curiously, they’re all Republicans…
Some Guy
Of course they’re Republicans. No offense, but the ladies and people of color can keep their social issues. We need a strong white male to tell us about economics.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Rick Warren also – another one that the Village bubble-boys adore.
@jl: I find it interesting that the supoosed idea that if only one of Newt or Gingrich was viable, he would “get all the votes of the other and that would be a majority opposed to Mitt”, never seemed to pan out.
I will also note that whoever said that Huck is the GOP establishment stepping on Rush L, is forgetting that the 2008 candidate that the money establishment of the GOP hated most was Huck. I think, though, that Huck is suitable for them as a side show, just not with any power.
@Tara the Antisocial Social Worker:
He’s another one. I’m missing the charm.
He believes in caring for the poor but he’d like to make it clear he doesn’t believe “everyone should make the same amount of money”.
Like anyone ever said that, Obama or anyone else, that they think “everyone should make the same amount of money”.
It’s complete bullshit.
He’s misrepresenting what they said. That’s called “lying”, Pastor Warren, what you just did there.
Why bother interviewing this person? He makes up positions, and then disagrees with the position he just invented. It’s a complete waste of time for the listener. He’s talking to himself.
I love reading those church signs. My all-time favorite message (no snark): “Fear creeps in where love is absent.” It explains so much.
@Steve in DC:
Yeah, look at this rich, privileged bitch in Texas whining about social issues:
I mean, really, fuck her, right, Steve? Why are we supposed to give a shit about someone who’s rich and privileged enough to rely on Planned Parenthood for her healthcare because she doesn’t have any other insurance? If she was really poor, she wouldn’t even be able to afford the free services she used to get at PP.
@Some Guy:
Hey, if thousands of poor women have to suffer and die so Steve can finally prove to Mommy and Daddy that he’s better than his sister, that’s a sacrifice that Steve is willing to make. I mean, it’s not like those women matter when you compare them to Steve’s deep-seated sibling rivalry issues.
Wile E. Quixote
@Steve in DC:
I wouldn’t worry about the Huckster, that dogfucker’s career was killed with the four cops killed by Maurice Clemmons. Admittedly if there were any justice in this world, which there isn’t, the Huckster’s political career would have died with the revelations about his role in the pardon of Wayne DuMond But DuMond was white. But a record that includes pardoning a scary looking black man who killed four white cops. Yeah, try selling that to the teatards during a primary season.
Wile E. Quixote
The fact that Eric Cantor has $25k lying around to donate to a super PAC says to me that it’s time to cut salaries for members of the House.
I’m not surprised anymore when Democrats are surprised by the internal backstabbing within the Republican party operatives.
Where do you folks think they practice/hone their skills? They do death cage matches over being president of the college Republicans. They summarily stop primary/caucus counts when they don’t like what’s happening.
And this is why Democrats should really be better armed for all negotiations with all Republicans at all times: Republicans are more afraid of their colleagues than they are of you. Fact. Full stop.
Unless you are prepared to provide an alternative that’s worse for non-cooperation than their colleagues will provide for their cooperation with you, there is no negotiation happening except in your own mind. See Health care, stimulus, etc. This has been true for a very long time. At least since Jerry ‘Nice Guy’ Ford knifed Halleck back in 1964. Reagan didn’t engage in it so much, but both Bushes knew how to do it (2000 SC primary anyone?). Also, too Tom ‘The Hammer’ DeLay and Medicare prescription vote. These guys are professional assassins.
So if this is how they treat their own, what’s their motivation for dealing with ‘the other?’ None that I can tell.
Our city council election last week provided several upsets of incumbents voted out. One in particular was striking – she’s been on the council forever, and is a mover and shaker in the city, but she’s a Republican. A friend who canvassed for her reported that voters were interested in that, despite being assured that the city council is non-partisan. I live in a purple-to-red district. I’m wondering if that has portents for November. Unfortunately, our Tea-Party congressman doesn’t yet have a challenger, despite the fact that the seat was held by a Blue Dog for 10 years before his election. I hope this is a predictor of November.
El Cid
Shorter Newt: I do this and you give me cash.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
And were is the LUZ in that? Huckabee needs to join an adult party if he wants to behave like one.