Dubya has a sad that the Bush Tax Cuts(tm) are referred to as the “Bush Tax Cuts(tm)”.
Talk amongst yourselves.
by Zandar| 90 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads, Republican Crime Syndicate - aka the Bush Admin.
Dubya has a sad that the Bush Tax Cuts(tm) are referred to as the “Bush Tax Cuts(tm)”.
Talk amongst yourselves.
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well, the world has a sad that there’s an assemblage of molecules called Bush II.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
As political would say; mostly true. Those were really Freedom Tax Cuts.
Maybe if we lower the tax penalty on the producers and up the tax penitently on the poor people might stop choosing to be poor, am I right?
Jewish Steel
He would prefer Bush Society Wreckers?
Bush Civilization Strainers?
Bush Buddy Backslappers?
forked tongue
So this means you’ll call out Mitt Romney for his incessant lies about him, right? Right?
Never mind.
But its ok to call it ObamaCare? I think Bush Tax Cuts is perfect – between the two, their respective signature legislations perfectly encapsulate the stark difference between the two Presidents – and the two political parties –
1. Bush – tax cuts for the rich
2. Obama – extending health insurance to the uninsured
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
Then I’ll start referring to them as “Those Fuckin’ Bush Tax Cuts.”
Glad to have this because a friend sent me this video from Boing Boing about a kid in LA who set up an arcade in his dad’s auto shop build completely out of card board. This kid is really awesome.
It was a great pick-me-up. AND it had nothing to do with politics at all.
And every Who down in Whoville cries boo-hoo…
Nancy Pelosi just tweeted that in 2009 1470 people who made more than 1 million paid 0 in federal taxes
c u n d gulag
“Baby Doc” Bush has a sad… ;'(
He’s still the Platinum Standard Wanker he always was.
“Miss him yet?”
I wish he were never born, that pig-ignorant, sociopathic f*ck.
Mark S.
Damn it, I just gave myself a papercut.
I decided that I’m just going to let go of my white guilt.
Why is he walking away from that? I thought Taxcuts == Jesus to these people. Or maybe he’s feeling a little guilty about something. What could that be about?
Seriously, what idjit thought it made sense to ask W if he missed having a job, even one as onerous as sitting on Cheney’s lap and remembering to flutter his lips without sound. (Seriously, his current handlers are doing a much better job of keeping him away from public spaces, bright lights, fake doors, and sharp/pretzel-shaped objects.)
Random crazifaction factor evidence: check out the ‘Too Lenient’ survey response percentages across the map in http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/post/_/id/7795181/ozzie-guillen-penalty
Comrade Dread
Too bad.
He fought for them. He and the whole Randian bullshit artists who pushed them. Said because the government is running a surplus, we need to cut taxes so we don’t repay our debts too quickly and destroy the bond market.
Yeah, same stupid bullshit artists that today claim we have to put grandma on a cat food diet for the good of the nation and get our health care from the Christian Scientists so we can make the bond market happy and pay back our debts.
Fuck them all.
Shorter Dubya: I wish my name wasn’t lethally toxic to anything it touches.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@ET: You would have to be stupid not to go for the fun pass.
Ash Can
Dear George W. Bush:
Thank you for, in general, sitting the goddamned hell down and shutting the goddamned hell up since you left D.C. Now kindly go back to eating shit and barking at the moon.
Yours Truly,
The United States of America
I’ve seen them now referred to as the Obama Tax cuts. I know, circular firing squad types will say that. What else do you expect from lying rightwingnutz or Hillary supporters? (in all truth though, I would have voted for Hillary had she been the nominee)
As much as I disliked Bush II as president, I have to give him points for his behavior since January 20, 2009. He has pretty much kept his mouth shut when he could have been interfering with Obama from the get-go.
I just spent half an hour of a one-hour phone meeting explaining to a senior manager at a publicly traded, Fortune 1000 company how to calculate a percentage.
He seriously didn’t understand the “divide this thing by that thing” concept.
I knew it was bad out there, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
“If they’re called some other body’s tax cuts, they’re probably less likely to be raised.”
I, for one, only care what taxes are called, not what they do.
Everybody, read the article. The punchline is priceless:
He’s not sad because he’s ashamed of them, he’s sad because having his name on them makes them more likely to be repealed.
Bush: The boy king who kicked the hornets’ nest.
He still makes me want to puke.
Snarki, child of Loki
Well, to clarify things all around, there should be some taxes applied to Brazilian Waxing procedures.
AKA: Bush Cut Taxes.
The senior manager will get a promotion soon.
The limelight told you to kindly fuck off.
@Moik: Yeah, I was rather wondering if the other technically eligible for high office members of the clan were going to give him big sloppy wet ones for blurting out that brand-toxicity admission in public.
@Snarki, child of Loki:
Remind me again, is a Brazilian more or less than a Trillion?
@Maude: Probably. Which seems apropos on a thread at least partially about GWB: the poster boy for Failing Upward.
@Moik: I’m actually impressed he has that much self awareness.
The Bush tax cuts were the most disastrous event of 2001, though admittedly not the most violent. The economic damage that Bush and the GOP cohort (special added bonus–Blue Dogs!) did harmed this country in more lasting ways than anything accomplished by the mass murdering evil tyrant Bin Laden.
Al Queda is a smoking ruin, Bin Laden is dead, and the Bush tax cuts are still threatening the health and prosperity of millions of Americans, both now and into the future.
Edited for grammar.
Zandar @ Top:
But not because Clusterfuck regrets being personally associated with them — oh no, he’s just afraid that they’re more likely not to be renewed with the Bush label attached:
What would George prefer they be called? The Republican Tax Cuts? The Holy Jesus and Baby Reagan Tax Cuts? The I Got Mine, Jack, Fuck Off And Die, Loser, Tax Cuts?
@efgoldman: the never trickled down tax cuts.
protip for bush the younger: you have to wait longer than 3 years for people to forget/the press to whitewash (pun intended) your legacy. even nixon was favorably remembered, eventually.
Roger Moore
Sorry, I can’t help you; gastritis broke my calculator.
Even Obama admits he won’t be able to keep up with the horde of unlimited cash about the drop from Karl Rove and the Koch Bros.
Suffern ACE
@R-Jud: At my job, that’s often refered to as “that magic you do.” That’s what I am really. The kind of magician who divides two numbers and changes the formatting in excel to put the “%”, which is really the mark I developed to ward off the evil eye around here.
Oh noez! What if he gets gastritis?!
@efgoldman: the people who thought he never did anything wrong haz the butthurt that they get shouted down when they try to paint bush the younger as the best prez evar! HE KEPT US SAFE!
they need the village to do the heavy lifting so they can crow.
Breaking silence at last, and he’s doing it for this…
What a bastard. I suspect he really does consider the Bush tax cuts the crowning achievement of his eight years in office – it is, after all, largely the reason his corporate buddies invested all that money into his election. Now he has a sad because if the cuts go, so does his legacy.
@Roger Moore:
Oops, you got there first!
Once President Romeny gets in, the taxes will go even lower than Bush levels.
Dear Mr. Bush the Lesser,
Please cloister yourself in a monastery and take a vow of perpetual silence.
The Republican Party
I wonder if Romney can. He doesn’t seem like a bright bulb to me. I also question how smart the hedge fund managers, banksters and “job creators” actually are no matter how they are revered by most conservatives.
Roger Moore
You have to move pretty fast to be the first with an inside joke around here.
Culture of Truth
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@efgoldman: My oldest son has just gotten through Nixon in US history. “I hate that man” were the words that came out of his mouth.
I have always believed that Ford offered Nixon his pardon with one condition attached: that the Trickster could not pardon any of his accomplices prior to resigning the presidency. Of course, Nixon immediately accepted (and likely remarked, “That’s it?”). A semblance of justice had been served, in spite of the fact Slippery Dick walked free.
Not so with Bush. And he’s wise not to antagonize Obama. 44 is the best friend 43 has ever had.
Culture of Truth
hey Stupid, imagine how Jeb Bush feels!
Culture of Truth
Do the tax cuts taint the Bush name? Or does the Bush name ruin the tax cuts? I sense a great dorm room debate.
Still not a peep around here about the WaPo Poll today that show Obama slaughtering Romney.
Guess just not enough dark lining to those silver clouds for the gloom porn addicts around here.
But one jobs report that can be easily spun negative and you gloom porn addicts are all over it like Zimmerman on Trayvon.
@Culture of Truth: bush and taint are not far apart, anatomically speaking.
Mobile Grumpy Code Monkey
Culture of Truth
@Mickey: Obama only leads Romney on who would do a better job protecting the middle class, handling international affairs and terrorism, dealing with health-care policy, who is best to create jobs, and among women by 19 points. Pheh.
@Belafon (formerly anonevent):
Wait till he gets to Reagan. Then Gingrich. Then Bush. He’ll be legitimately missing Nixon by the time class is done.
Belafon (formerly anonevent)
@efgoldman: It’s not that old, I think in the last year. McMegan wrote this article where her calculations were horrid. She blamed her calculator and being sick. So it started as a meme here. “Gastritis broke my calculator” is a rotating tag line.
patrick II
Talk about a two-way street.
Clearly this guy is a parody.
Forum Transmitted Disease
Boy, he must be having a shit attack about the legacy of the wars he started.
Oh, he isn’t?
Never mind.
Since the Democrats extended them in 2010, they now own them just as much as Bush does.
Calling Will Ferrell:
FERRELL AS BUSH: “Good to see you, Mitt. Hey let’s get a photo of this; it’ll really help your campaign out. Now let me do this: I, George W. Bush, endorse Mitt Romney with all my heart…”
(ROMNEY tries to drift out of frame but is pulled back by BUSH)
FERRELL AS BUSH (cont’d): “Mitt was there for me ninety percent of the time over my eight years. When you think of Mitt Romney, think of me, George W. Bush. Think of this face. When you’re in the voting booth, before you vote – picture this face right here. A vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for George W. Bush.(to ROMNEY) You’re welcome. So, I want to be there you, Mitt for the next eight years.”
@Chris: “Now he has a sad because if the cuts go, so does his legacy.”
I wish. Those debts will last decades.
Also there are probably a lot of angry Iraqis who will grow up and be even madder in twenty or thirty years and have some grudge — and we’ll know why.
Chyron HR
Thus proving that it is the Democrats who are just like Republicans. Somehow.
Forum Transmitted Disease
The fact that President Daddy’s Fuckup isn’t being pursued through the streets by mobs howling for his blood ought to be enough to keep Georgie happy.
Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. He wants vindication.
I don’t give him the slightest credit for that. I think that if he thought there was some political benefit in attacking Obama, he’d cheerfully do it and would be stumping for Romney. This is not a man for whom empathy or basic courtesy hold any value.
The only reason the country has been blessedly lacking in the Shrub’s sonorous voice since he left office is because he and the Republican PTB understand on some level just how toxic the Bush name really is. How often do you hear Republicans appealing to the glory of the Bush years or singing his praises? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
@Culture of Truth: Seriously, the causality on this is fucked. I’m pretty sure the tax cuts’ innately shitty effect on the economy is part of what tarnished Bush’s name, but Bush’s name definitely had so much awful crap rightly attributed to it that by 2008, we definitely could just smell the shit on anything he touched.
Seems like there’s some bidirectional causation going on here. Bush, like always, misses it.
I has a sad that Iraqis haven’t tracked him down and wiped out both the Bush and Cheney clans with hilarious footage of said extermination to live on youtube forever.
Culture of Truth
The Bush Tax Cuts
The Bush Recession
The Bush Destruction of the World Trade Center
The Bush failed capture of bin Laden
The Bush failed invasion of Afghanistan
The Bush failed invasion of Iraq
The Bush failure in New Orleans
The Bush Tortures
The Bush Wiretaps
The Bush Bailouts
The Bush Depression
the Conster (f/k/a Cat Lady)
I also enjoyed the Politico article whereby Chris “helicopter then limousine to the other side of the soccer field” Christie calls out other people for being lazy. Fucking self-awareness – how does it work?
@TenguPhule: Revenge is best served cold. I suspect Bush kids or grandkids will be targetted for that treatement.
Folks in other places appear to have longer memories than US citizens. War of Northern Aggression related topics excluded.
Culture of Truth
Washington Post: Rick Santorum is about to make an announcement in Gettysburg that he is quitting the race.
Because his daughter is ill I will say nothing more except I wish his family the best.
@Culture of Truth:
Time for the Gingrich juggernaut…
@3am: For the record, in Merle Miller’s ”Plain Speaking,” President Truman, reflecting on Castro’s rise to power, is quoted as saying, ”…if I’d been President, I’d have picked up the phone and called him direct in Havana. I wouldn’t have gone through protocol or anything like that. I’d have called him up, and I’d have said, ‘Fidel, this is Harry Truman in Washington, and I’d like to have you come up here and have a little talk.’
I guess if Guillen wanted to express admiration for a political figure with baseball connections (Castro was once a prospect, in, I believe, the Red Sox system) he should have picked played it safe and picked George Bush.
@Culture of Truth:
Bush thinks they’d all be considered successes today if “some other body” would just take the credit for them. Except for Cheney. That would just make things worse.
Bubblegum Tate
One wingnut I know gets unbelievably pissed off at the phrase “Bush tax cuts.” Her objection? They should be called the “Bush tax RATE cuts,” but the damn filthy MSM won’t call them that.
She’s, uh, not the most stable person you’ll come across.
Now that he’s safely away from the steering wheel, I find I just can’t get exercised by him any more. He’d probably be a nice enough guy if he hadn’t risen so far above his talents.
As someone once said, without the family connections, he would have been maybe regional sales manager for a paper-supply company. “You know old George. Maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed, but the customers love him, and he wields a mean 9-iron.”
@Chyron HR: I’m not agreeing with anything except objective reality. The Democrats extended the Bush tax cuts in 2010. Therefore, they are just as much the Democrats’ tax cuts now.
I figured it was so he could finally sit in his La-Z-Boy, watch baseball, and get comfortably shitfaced 24/7/365 without anybody ragging his ass about signing this or doing a speech about that. And everyone around is happy to oblige him.
patrick II
The Bush Tax Cuts: They really worked
The Bush Recession: Bill Clinton.
The Bush Destruction of the World Trade Center: Bill Clinton.
The Bush failed capture of bin Laden: I don’t care — he’s just in a cave somewhere.
The Bush failed invasion of Afghanistan: The military, I just followed their advice.
The Bush failed invasion of Iraq: CIA’S poor intelligence
The Bush failure in New Orleans: Actually, Brownie did a fine job.
The Bush Tortures: Osama bin Laden (he made us do it)
The Bush Wiretaps: Osama bin Laden
The Bush Bailouts: Barack Obama
The Bush Depression: Barack Obama (for making it worse)
@Culture of Truth: lol…I guess the fact that you just found a way to spin it negatively and focused on that like a laser proves my point.
Way to go gloom porn addict. You must feel right at home around here.
Roger Moore
The usual story is that he was in the Senators organization- which makes baseball sense as well as heightening the irony- but it’s an urban legend.
Amir Khalid
@Bubblegum Tate:
Did your friend happen to explain the difference? Because this kinda reminds me of the time I described some corporate dude as a “chief executive” in a news story, and his PR manager called my editor to complain: “Tan Sri* So-and-So is not our Chief Executive, he is our Chief Executive <emOfficer.”
(*”Tan Sri” is a Malaysian title for a high-ranking Federal life peer.)
Culture of Truth
@Mickey: Are you really that humor-impaired?
Me loves me the Tricky Dick!
About to be drafted at #7 when he dumped the draft.
Bubblegum Tate
@Amir Khalid:
Well, her rationale is quite garbled, as you would expect from somebody who would become foaming-at-the-mouth angry over such a thing, but it’s along the lines of “the phrase ‘tax cuts’ implies that everybody just paid less taxes, but ‘tax RATE cuts’ mean the rates went down, but payments went up because of supply-side magic!”
David Koch
Watch, Shrub won’t attend the Tampa convention. I’m sure the “excuse” will be priceless.
David Koch
“The Bush Institute”
I guess that’s where he’s been instituted.
@honus: @honus:
Oh, I’m with you. I was just referring to this crazifaction factor: http://kfmonkey.blogspot.com/2005/10/lunch-discussions-145-crazification.html
If you notice on the map, all the states pluralities are in ‘too much’ or ‘just right’ (including Florida). But across the board, you see a 25-30% of the population that says ‘too lenient’.
I mean, who cares what a renowned (or maybe even ‘the renowned’) loudmouth manager in baseball says off the cuff about Fidel Castro? Cuba is barely relevant anymore, and is really on a path to rapprochement… but it remains a conservative bugaboo.
@honus: @honus:
Oh, I’m with you. I was just referring to this crazifaction factor: http://kfmonkey.blogspot.com/2005/10/lunch-discussions-145-crazification.html
If you notice on the map, all the states pluralities are in ‘too much’ or ‘just right’ (including Florida). But across the board, you see a 25-30% of the population that says ‘too lenient’.
I mean, who cares what a renowned (or maybe even ‘the renowned’) loudmouth manager in baseball says off the cuff about Fidel Castro? Cuba is barely relevant anymore, and is really on a path to rapprochement… but it remains a conservative bugaboo.