Am I the only one who thinks that music they play between picks sounds like “Will I See You In September?” Is that a play on the fact that the regular season starts in September, so we’ll see this draftees then, or am I overthinking this?
NFL draft notes
by DougJ| 9 Comments
This post is in: Readership Capture, Sports, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
Wait…do you mean the song by The Tempos?– or something else?
In any event, the Patriots kicked ass in the 1st round.
Seahawks fans must be sobbing.
DougJ, Head of Infidelity
It’s what they play when Peter Rozel comes up to the stand.
Don’t know the comish’s actual name.
Since I have never watched the draft (I know, never got assimilated into your football traditions, I am soccer girl all the way) and tonight I was watching WhiteChapel on demand I can’t contribute to this conversation.
Probably off to read and make it an early night.
David Koch
that must be a hologram as Rozelle has been dead for 20 years
@David Koch: Rozelle’s Hail Mary is awesome though.
@DougJ, Head of Infidelity: I guess the radio stream had different audio, just a LOT of talking
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
i would prefer to think the nfl is making fun of the notion that the fans who watch the draft would do anything else in september but watch the nfl.